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Shengjie Yan Matrikelnummer 0901460


Research Proposal for Bachelor thesis Class differences in

regards to consumption of Public Transport

1. Introduction and the reason for choosing this topic

As recently, the topics about green environment and CO2 emission have been
extremely drawing peoples attention. I started wondering if people who have higher
income and higher education would be more conscious about our environment. And
hence, would they rather use public transport other than driving cars. What are their
mobility patterns. Therefore, I want to carry out this research in my bachelor thesis.

2. Research Topic
1. Which social class in Vienna is more likely to use public transport?
2. Is upper class in Vienna more environment conscious?

3. Goals
Our market is experiencing a series of moralization, as consumers, we do not only
care about what we can consume, but also how we consume. The awareness of
consuming ecologically has risen. As the world develops, the mobility of people has
increased dramatically. I am very interested in finding out the consumption
differences of Public Transport for different classes in our society in Vienna, since
compare to driving cars, using public transport is an efficient way of reducing CO2
consumption. This paper will not only be for my bachelor thesis, but also for the
society, for raising awareness that we then have an overview about how the current
situation is now in Vienna.
To start with, we will have an overview about the development of Viennas public
transport history; the urbanization of Vienna; the different groups of citizens who use
different mobility methods. In the next step, I will set the data that I collected together,
have a comprehensive view and analyze the data. I could also try to find out the
mobility of citizens from other countries or cities. We could compare, if Vienna is
doing better or worse than this other city. By doing this, we could have a more
sophisticated idea about our own living standard, living patterns. Maybe some of us
will start making some changes in his or her own life.

4. Approach/methodology
Since there are already a lot of data that I could find on the internet, I will be mostly
doing internet research. At the same time I will contact Wiener Linien in order to
obtain professional advices and opinion as well as possibly inside information. In
addition, I would also contact the Vienna University of Technology and Vienna
University of Economics and Business to find out if there were similar study


06.07.2015 20.07.2015: First Phase of research.

21.07.2015 20.08.2015: Reading of the literature and statistics that were
found and write a general structure of the thesis.
21.08.2015 05.09.2015: draft my research proposal
30.09.2015 30.01.2016: write my first draft
20.02.2015: Hand in my first draft
30.03.2015: Talk with my professor about the initial version of my thesis
30. 03.2015: improve my draft
30.03.2015: hand in my final thesis

6. List of contents:

pages estimated

1. Introduction and presentation of the research question

about 2 pages.

2. Public transport

about 6 pages.

2.1. The definition of public transport

2.2. How do people use public transport
2.2.1. Impact on consumers
2.2.2. Impact on the society and environment
3. The history of public transport and the changes

about 8 pages

through time
3.1. The beginning of public transport in Vienna
3.2. The beginning of CO2 emission level
3.3. The prediction of the future CO2 emission trend for the world and Vienna
4. Public transport and consumer groups

about 10 pages

4.1. Students using public transport

4.1.1 How often do students use public transport compare to other groups
4.1.2 Students as a group and the relation of using public transport and
geographic reasons.
4.1.3 Reasons why students drive cars instead of using public transport
4.2. Senior citizens use of public transport

4.3. Work forces use of public transport

5. Public transport and individual mobility behavior

about 20 pages

5.1 Personal factors

5.1.1. Social demographic aspects
5.1.2. Activities of consumers
5.1.3. Attitudinal aspects
5.1.4. Physical constitutions
5.1.5. Accessibility of Transport modes
5.2. External factors
5.2.1. Locations of opportunities/purpose of travelling
5.2.2. Distance/Travel
5.2.3. Natural Environment
5.2.4. Transport policy and planning
5.2.5. Information and communication offers
5.2.6. Transport and mobility offers
5.3. All above key factors in relation with individual mobility behavior
6. Class difference analysis- similar habits and lifestyle choices

about 5 pages

6.1. similar education level

6.2. similar capital level, resources level
7.Public transport and migration background

about 5 pages

7.1. Austrias labor force demand through about the time

7.2. Austrias public transport use from Education level difference
8. Analysis according to Pierre Bourdieus habitus and

about 5 pages

capital theory
8.1. Public transport use in regards to economic capital
8.2. Public transport use in regards to cultural capital
8.3. Public transport use in regards to social capital
8.4. All in relation with symbolic capital of citizens
9. Future perspective

about 5 pages

9.1. Meaning for our todays generation

9.2. Meaning for our future generation
9.1. How should we live more sustainably
9.2. What challenges we still face in the future
9.3. Future possible government measures should be taken
10. Reference and biography

about 2 pages

Total: 56 pages

10. Current biography

Christian Holz-Rau (V.i.S.d.P.) und Bjorn Schwarze( 2008) ,Dortmund: S.2-5,
retrieved from
Dr. Marie Thynell, Dr. Anvita Arora , (2009), Sweden, India: S17-18 retrieved
Heinz Fassmann und Ursula Reeger,(March, 2014), Austria:
Migrationshintergrund und Alltagsmobilitt.
Jakob Lederer, Ulrich Kral, Paul H. Brunner, (10. September 2010 ), Vienna,
Austria: all, Okologischer Fuabdruck der U2 Verlngerung, retrieved from
Mag. Sebastian Seebauer, (May,2011), Graz: Individuelles Mobilittsverhalten
in Grostdten. Erklrungsmodell und Vernderungsmoglichkeiten fur die Nutzung
offentlicher Verkehrsmittel, retrieved from
Kfer A,Steininger K, Axhausen K, et al, (2013) Vienna: Verkehrsprognose
Osterreich 2025+, retrieved from
Dr. Johannes Theissen, Alte Bonner Str. 61, 53229 Bonn, Emotionales
OPNV-Marketing in Frankfurt, retrieved from
Tenea Verlag; Auflage: 1., Aufl. (10. Mai 2005), S26-28: Okologisch
verantwortliches Mobilittsverhalten als pdagogisches Ziel: Muss die gngige
Verkehrserziehung erweitert werden?
Lothar Ebbers (21.04.2009): Landesverband Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V.,
retrieved from
Alicja Grzadkowska, Third Year Paper, Chicago Style Citation: Segregation

and Integration: Changes in the Social Diversity of Torontos Upper Class Suburbs,

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