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Teaching English as Foreign Language Paper


Lecturer: Sucipto, M.Pd. B.I

Disusun oleh:
Endrat Budi Utomo


Devi Anjarsari J.N


Ratri Prananingrum


Debby Febriani


Resmining I




A. Teaching Theory of Writing

Writing, according to JB Heaton (1988) in principle, is an activity in which the
writer poured his ideas, his opinions, his experience and his ideas into
linguistic form by using the rules of writing such content (content), grammar
(structure), mechanics (mechanics), organizing ideas (organization) and
vocabulary (vocabulary) in order to be understood by the reader. Thus, writing
is essentially to convey an idea to the reader with a specific purpose in a
particular social context.
Correspondingly, Sharples said that writing as a process and mental activity
complex that takes planning, thought process analytic and synthetic,
knowledge and mastery, linguistic features, and knowledge of the social
environment and culture as expressed Sharpless (1999: 6).
According Nurgiantoro (1987: 270), the activity of writing is a form of
manifestation of the ability to speak the last master student after listening,
speaking, and reading. Writing is more difficult to master than other skills.
Weigle (2002: 29) says that writing is not merely requiring the cognitive and
linguistic abilities of the author but also to understand the social and cultural
context. This becomes relevant because writing takes place in a social context
which has certain special purpose or in accordance with the needs and
conditions of its readers.
Sperling (1996) in Weigle (2002: 29) says that writing is an activity that
formed the use of language, determined and influenced by the social and
cultural realities and the individual itself has a social purpose.
B. The Nature of Writing
Regarding the nature of writing, Hyland (2003: 9) says that writing is a way to
convey, express feelings and shares the experience of the author to the reader by using
written language.
C. The Essence of Writing
Writing, which is defined as an activity conveying a message (ideas, feelings,
experiences, or information), is a skill that is very important in the life of every
individual. These skills are necessary not only in education but also in work and
community life. Therefore, writing proficiency is one of the prerequisites for
improving the quality of processes and learning output, develop themselves and their
careers, and participate in the development of civilization. By being aware of the
essence, readers should be more motivated to develop writing skills. In the context of
learning, the essences of writing skills are seen from essential activity of noting,
summarizing, or creating reports. Learning can and should be done through verbal
discussion, but everything that is studied only orally tends to be superficial and is
easily forgotten. Therefore, successful learning always helped by writing activities.
Write reinforce ideas and thoughts. By writing, individuals are helped to understand
record, organize, and reflect new concepts to learn and synthesis it with concepts that
have previously been held in the mind. The activities of understanding, recording,

organizing, reflecting, and synthesizing are the main core of each lesson; and writing
is the most effective activities for facilitate that fifth activities.
The importance of writing skills emphasized by Hogan (2005) saying that every
professional judged on writing skills. Someone who is not adept at writing is seen as
less intelligent, educated and competent. Instead, excelling communicate deemed
intelligent, educated and competent. Career Development Services of Salford
University supports this by asserting that written and interpersonal communication
skills are essential to success. Writing skills effectively are a key in the process of
applying for positions that require higher education qualifications.
The essence of writing skills in the development of civilization can be seen from the
fact that writing is the main element forming civilization. Inheritance complex ideas
and thoughts from generation to generation to later be developed by following
generations can only be done effectively through writing. It is no exaggeration when
great thinkers like Carlyle, Kant, and Mirabeau strongly believe that the invention of
writing really is forming the beginnings of civilization. Gelb (1969: 221-222), the
American historian who pioneered research into the writing system, concluding that if
the language distinguishes humans from animals, the article distinguishes civilized
man from the savage man. Writing only contained in civilization, and civilization
would not exist without writing.
The importance of writing skills in the development of civilization is evidenced by the
history reveals that the progress of a country is closely linked to the activity of
reading and writing community. In fact, both of these activities is an indicator of the
progress of civilization of a nation. In other words, the more advanced civilization of
a nation more and more papers are produced and read. World meters (based on data
from UNESCO) and Nielsen Book Services Ltd. exposing the United States ranks
first in terms of number of titles published, (328 259 title in 2010). China is ranked
third by the number of titles 189 295. Indonesia, which in 2009 published 24,000
titles is ranked 19th, while Singapore, with a population of 5.3 million inhabitants, 12
156 books published in 2007, was ranked 34th. From the scientific literature, these
conditions are not much different. Based on data SCimago (2013), the United States
ranks first, with 5,285,514 publications, followed by China in second place, with
2,248,278 publications. Indonesia is ranked 42 with number 12 871 publications. The
position of Indonesia under Singapore (rank 32, with 126 881 publications) and
Malaysia (rank 42, with 75 530 publications). In fact, a small country of Singapore is
in position 32 with 108 522 publications.
D. Process of Writing
According to Jeremy Harmer:
In the real world, this typically involves planning what we are going to write,
drafting it, reviewing and editing what we have written and then producing a final
(and satisfactory) version. Many people have thought that this is a linear process, but
a closer examination of how writers of all different kinds are involve it in the writing
process suggest that we do all of these things again and again, sometimes in a chaotic
order. Thus, we may plan, draft, re-plan, draft, edit, re-edit, re-plan, etc before we
produce our final version.

We will need to encourage students to plan, draft and edit in this way, even though
this may be time consuming and may meet, initially, which some resistance on their
part. By doing so, we will help them to be better writers both in exams, for example,
and in their post-class English lives.
E. Writing Sequences
1. Pre-intermediate
This guided writing sequences shows how students at a fairly early level can be
helped to write within a certain genre so that when they do the final writing task,
they have everything they need to do it successfully. For example: post card.
2. Pre-intermediate upwards
This level is where students start to write communicatively.
3. Upper-intermediate
In this levels students write more details and will take some times. As the
sequence progress, student analyze the report genre, look at some language points,
gather information, draft their report and produce a final version (thus immercing
themselves not only in the writing product but in the process of the writing)
F. The Analysis of Writing Activity in the Classroom
Before starting the learning, the teacher gives some instructions to the learners in
order to make sure learners understands.
The teacher begins with cooperative story writing activity in which teacher has
prepared a dice and ask a student to throw the dice once. Number that appears after
the dice throw describes number of the word that will be written in white board. It
was done continuously until the story ends.
The advantages of this method:
It is appropriate for beginner because the method is enjoyable.
Because the learners characters are they like studying and playing, limited
attention, like to saying by their self, enthusiastic high study, full of curiosity,
understand the learning lively.
It is only used to beginner level and it is not suitable to used in larger class.
G. Aspects of Writing
a. Beginning
b. Alphabets
c. Syllable
d. Word
e. Sentence
f. Paragraph
g. Essay
h. Announcement
i. Letter
j. Article



H. The Characteristics of Good Writing

So, what constitutes good writing? Opinions on the matter vary widely. There will be
different traits that make good fiction versus good poetry or good nonfiction.
However, we can cull together a general list of the characteristics of good writing (in
no particular order):
a. Clarity and focus: In good writing, everything makes sense and readers dont get
lost or have to reread passages to figure out whats going on. Focused writing
sticks with the plot or core idea without running off on too many tangents.
b. Organization: A well organized piece of writing is not only clear, its presented in
a way that is logical and aesthetically pleasing. You can tell non-linear stories or
place your thesis at the end of an essay and get away with it as long as your scenes
or ideas are well ordered.
c. Ideas and themes: Is the topic of your paper relevant? Does your story come
complete with themes? Can the reader visualize your poem? For a piece of writing
to be considered well crafted, it has to contain clearly identifiable ideas and
d. Voice: This is what sets you apart from all other writers. Its your unique way of
stringing words together, formulating ideas, and relating scenes or images to the
reader. In any piece of writing, the voice should be consistent and identifiable.
e. Language (word choice): We writers can never underestimate or fail to appreciate
our most valuable tools: words. Good writing includes precise and accurate word
choices and well crafted sentences.
f. Grammar and style: Many writers would wish this one away, but for a piece of
writing to be considered good (let alone great), it has to follow the rules of
grammar (and break those rules only when theres a good reason). Style is also
important in ensuring that a piece of writing is clear and consistent. Make sure
you keep a grammar book and style guide handy.
g. Credibility or believability: Nothing says bad writing like getting the facts wrong
or misrepresenting oneself. In fiction, the story must be believable (even if its
impossible), and in nonfiction, accurate research can make or break a writer.
h. Thought-provoking or emotionally inspiring: Perhaps the most important quality
of good writing is how the reader responds to it. Does she come away with a fresh
perspective and new ideas? Does he close the cover with tears in his eyes or a
sense of victory? How readers react to your work will fully determine your
success as a writer.
I. Problems of Writing
Too much description, not

A common complaint of lecturers is that students in

general tend to describe rather than analyze in their

writing. It is usually not enough simply to outline what you
have read. You need to evaluate the ideas, compare them
with those of other writers, and examine issues and
perspectives critically.

enough analysis

Poor structure

Wrong register (language too


Do not use contractions.

Use academic written, not spoken English.
Avoid slang or colloquial language and idiom.

Ineffective paraphrasing

Avoid 'patchwork paraphrasing'.

Too many quotes

Whilst it is important to refer to other writers in academic

writing, it is also important not to rely too heavily on their
words. Try to paraphrase much more than you quote.

Poor choice of quotes

Only use a direct quote if it is particularly well-expressed

or the ideas are particularly significant. Appropriate
quotes used sparingly can greatly improve your writing,
but using too many quotes, particularly if they are not well
chosen, will detract from your writing.

Insufficient or inadequate

Quantity of your references

Quality of your references

Incorrect referencing

Ensure you understand the style required for the particular



Failure to acknowledge the source of all ideas is a serious

matter. Copying directly from another text without
acknowledgement is even more serious.

linking words
transition sentences
careful paragraphing
'signpost' expressions
consistency between introductions and conclusions

J. Limitation of Teacher in Writing Class

Teachers more play role as facilitator and respondent to students writing. As a
facilitator, teachers give guidance to help students involved in development of
thinking and re-emergence ideas in writing process, but they are prohibited to force
their ideas into students writing. Teachers role are giving feedback in form of
correction or comment.

Harmer, Jeremy. 2010. How to Teach English. Pearson
Education: China diakses pada 24 November 2015 pkl. 16.09
diakses pada 24 November 2015 pkl. 16.04 diakses pada tanggal 24 November 2015
pkl. 16.11 diakses
pada tanggal 24 November 2015 pkl 16.16 diakses pada
tanggal 4 Desember 2015 pkl 15.02

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