Starr Prods. v. Prince Lionheart - Complaint

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Case 1:16-cv-00533 Document 1 Filed 03/03/16 USDC Colorado Page 1 of 10


Civil Action No. ____________
STARR PRODUCTS, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company,
PRINCE LIONHEART, INC., a California corporation, and
BEL-SHORE ENTERPRISES, INC., a Delaware corporation operating in California and doing


COMES NOW Plaintiff, Starr Products, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company,
(hereafter "Starr Products"), by and through its undersigned counsel, for its Complaint against
Prince Lionheart, Inc., a California corporation, (hereafter "Prince Lionheart"), BEL-SHORE
ENTERPRISES, INC., an Delaware corporation operating in California and doing business as
PRO-MOTION DISTRUBUTORS (hereafter "Pro-Motion") , Defendants, states and alleges as
Plaintiff, Starr Products manufactures, markets, and sells a childs travel tray in which it
holds patent and other rights. Recently, it came to Plaintiffs attention that Defendants, produce
and/or sell a similar travel tray product (hereafter the "PL Tray") which infringes upon Plaintiffs
patent rights, trademark rights, trade dress rights and constitutes unfair competition. This action

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is brought to prevent Defendants from continuing to infringe on Plaintiffs rights. Starr Products,
LLC is seeking damages and injunctive relief from Defendants continuing and willful

Plaintiff Starr Products, LLC (Starr) is a Colorado limited liability company

having its principal place of business at 10123 E. 29th Ave., Denver, CO 80238.

Defendant Prince Lionheart is, upon information and belief, a California

corporation, having a principal place of business at 2421 S Westgate Rd., Santa Maria, CA
93455. The name Prince Lionheart appears on product packaging and the URL listed on the
same packaging directs to a website, that is entitled Prince Lionheart.
A search of the California Secretary of State business database produced a record for Prince
Lionheart, Inc. listing an address of 2421 S Westgate Rd, Santa Maria, CA 93455 and the same
address is listed on the website's contacts page.

Defendant Pro-Motion was a Nevada corporation formed on 01/28/1997 as Bel-

Shore Enterprises, Inc. Eugene Inose registered the company registered as a foreign entity in
California on 11/21/2002 having its jurisdiction listed as Nevada and indicating it would do
business as Pro-Motion Distributing in California. At some point, the company's status in
California was updated to "forfeited". On 06/01/2006 documents were filed by Eugene Inose
converting the company out of Nevada to Delaware. A name search on the Delaware
Department of State indicates Bel-Shore Enterprises, Inc. was formed in the state on 06/01/2006
and lists the registered agent as Corporation Service Company having an address of 2711
Centerville Rd, Suite 400, Wilmington, DE 19808. Bel-Shore Enterprises registered the web
domain through indicating its DBA as Pro Motion

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Distributing and listing an address of 883 S Azusa Ave., City of Industry, CA 91748. The website lists a contact address for Pro-Motion of 2388 Peck Rd, City of
Industry, CA 90601 as does contact information provided by through whom ProMotion is selling products including the PL Tray.

This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over these claims pursuant (i) under 28

U.S.C. 1338(a) and 35 U.S.C. 271 in that it involves claims arising under the federal patent
laws of the United States and (ii) under 28 U.S.C. 1338(a) and 15 U.S.C. 1121 in that it
involves claims arising under the federal trademark laws of the United States; supplemental
jurisdiction over related claims pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1367 and/or diversity under 28 U.S.C.
1332 in that there is diversity of citizenship between the parties and the amount in controversy
exceeds $75,000.00.

Venue is proper in this District because Starr is a resident of and has its only

operating facility in this judicial district and this court has personal jurisdiction over the
Defendants under Colorados long arm statute C.R.S. 13-1-124, due to the fact that Prince
Lionheart and Pro-Motion have sold products or services in the jurisdiction and/or actively offer
their products for sale within the jurisdiction and therefore transacts business within the

On October 31st, 2003, Alyson Probst (Probst) filed United State Utility Patent

Application # 10/698,776 (776 Application) with the United States Patent and Trademark
Office (USPTO) for a Childs Travel Tray. A design patent application # 29/256,462 ("'462
Application) was filed on March 20, 2006 claiming benefit to the 776 Application. The 462

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application issued on September 11, 2007 as United States Design Patent # D550,477 (Starr

Beginning in or about December of 2005, Starr began to market and sell its Snack

& Play Travel Tray (Starr Tray).


Since beginning sales of the Starr Tray, Starr has identified the Starr Tray as the

SNACK & PLAY Travel Tray and sold the Starr Tray throughout the United States and
worldwide accruing valuable common law trademark rights.

On October 5, 2005, Starr filed an intent to use trademark application with the

United States Patent and Trademark Office for a stylized version of the SNACK & PLAY
trademark. Registration number 3495995 was granted on September 2, 2008 and has been in
continuous and uninterrupted use.

Starr was and still is the lawful owner of unregistered yet valid trade dress in the

Starr Tray. The particular design of the Starr Tray creates an overall impression that consumers
associate with Starr, thus making the trade dress famous. The trade dress is not functional.

On August 17, 2006, the 462 Application and any patents that might issue

therefrom was assigned to Starr. The Assignment was recorded with the USPTO on September
29, 2006.

On information and belief, Defendant Prince Lionheart produces and sells the PL


On information and belief, Defendant Pro-Motion purchases the PL Tray directly


or indirectly from Prince Lionheart and sells them to the public through

Defendants Pro-Motion and Prince Lionheart began selling the PL Tray in the

United States after the Starr Tray was in the market.

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On information and belief, Defendants have knowledge of the existence of the

Starr Patent.

On information and belief, Defendants have knowledge of the existence of both

the SNACK & PLAY registered and common law trademarks.


The packaging for the PL Tray identifies the PL Tray as the Snack & Play ON

THE GO Travel Tray claiming trademark rights in ON THE GO and Travel Tray.

The PL Tray are substantially similar in design to both (i) the tray design claimed

in the Starr Patent and (ii) the Starr Tray.

First Claim for Relief
(Patent Infringement)

Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference each and every allegation

contained in paragraphs 1 through 18 above as though fully set forth herein.


The Defendants have and continue to infringe the claims of the Starr Patent by

making, using and /or selling PL Trays that are substantially similar to those claimed in the Starr

As a direct result of the Defendants actions, Starr has been injured through the

loss of sales of its products, which it would have otherwise have made.

Defendants are liable to Starr for lost profits and/or a reasonable royalty for sales

of the PL Tray.

Defendants willfully and intentionally infringed the Starr Patent entitling Starr to

enhanced damages and other statutory penalties.

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Second Claim for Relief

(Federal Trademark Infringement)

Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference each and every allegation

contained in paragraphs 1 through 23 above as though fully set forth herein.


Defendants have infringed and continue to infringe the federally registered

SNACK & PLAY trademark.


On information and belief, Defendant's infringement is intentional and willful

entitling Starr to enhanced damages and other statutory penalties.


The Snack & Play mark used by Defendants to identify their PL Tray is

confusingly similar to the federally registered SNACK & PLAY trademark and/or is likely to
cause confusion with the federally registered SNACK & PLAY trademark so as to deceive
customers into purchasing the PL Tray believing that it is produced by or associated with Starr.
Third Claim for Relief
(False Designation of Origin Under 43(A) of Lanham Act)

Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference each and every allegation

contained in paragraphs 1 through 27 above as though fully set forth herein.


Defendants have infringed and continue to infringe the trade dress associated with

the famous Starr Tray by producing and selling the PL Tray that is confusingly similar to the
Starr Tray deceiving customers into purchasing the PL Tray believing that it is produced by or
associated with Starr. The Starr Tray trade dress is non-functional.

Defendants have and continue to infringe of the SNACK & PLAY trademark

constituting a false designation of origin confusing and likely confusingly customers deceiving

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them into believing that the PL Tray is the Star Tray and/or is produced by or associated with

The acts of Defendants alleged herein constitute unfair competition in violation of

Section 1125(a) of the Lanham Act.


Unless restrained and enjoined, the acts of trade dress infringement alleged herein

will cause Starr irreparable injury.


As direct and foreseeable results of the infringement alleged herein, Starr has

sustained damages in an amount to be proven at trial.


Starr has incurred and will continue to incur attorneys fees and costs associated

with the acts of Defendants, and accordingly, Starr seeks recovery of these fees and costs.
Fourth Claim for Relief
(Unfair Competition)

Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference each and every allegation

contained in paragraphs 1 through 34 above as though fully set forth herein.


Defendants are unfairly competing with Starr by selling the PL Tray that is

confusingly similar to the trade dress of the Starr Tray.


The unfair competition by Defendants is willful and intentional with knowledge

of the existence of the Starr Tray in the marketplace.


As a direct and proximate result of Defendants actions, Starr has suffered

damages in an amount to be determined at trial.

Fifth Claim for Relief

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Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference each and every allegation

contained in paragraphs 1 through 38 above as though fully set forth herein.


Defendants have manufactured, imported, sold and/or distributed the PL Tray,

which directly infringes the Starr patent, thereby (i) depriving Starr of sales and/or royalties it
would have otherwise made and (ii) unjustly enriching Defendants to the detriment of Starr.
Starr is rightfully entitled to reimbursement from Defendants.

Starr does not know the exact number of infringing PL Trays sold by Defendants

or the amount of revenue and profits realized through these sales.


Starr is entitled to an accounting at the Defendants' expense to determine the

amount of revenues and profits the Defendants have unjustly obtained as a result of its infringing
Fifth Claim for Relief

Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference each and every allegation

contained in paragraphs 1 through 42 above as though fully set forth herein.


Starr has and will continue to suffer irreparable harm as a result of Defendants

improper conduct as alleged above.


Starr has no adequate remedy at law for damages it will suffer should Defendants

be permitted to continue the improper conduct.


Starr is entitled to injunctive relief enjoining Defendants from infringing the Starr

patent and Starrs trade dress.

Sixth Claim for Relief
(Unjust Enrichment)

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Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference each and every allegation

contained in paragraphs 1 through 46 above as though fully set forth herein.


The actions of Defendants and their agents and employees as described above

have resulted in Defendants gaining revenues from customers as a result of selling the PL Tray
that is confusingly similar to the trade dress of the Starr Tray.

Defendants have been unjustly enriched by the receipt of such revenues in

competition with Starr and are liable jointly and severally to Starr for such unjust gain.
WHEREFORE, for all the reasons stated above, Starr respectfully prays for judgment as
(i) That Defendants have infringed the Starr Patent;
(ii) That Defendants have infringed Starrs trade dress in its Starr Tray;
(iii) That Defendants have infringed Starr's federally registered Trademark;
(iv) That Defendants have infringed Starr's common law trademark rights;
(v) That Defendants unfairly competed against Starr;
(vi) That Defendants have been unjustly enriched as to Starr;

That Defendants be permanently enjoined from continued patent,

trademark and trade dress infringement;


That the Court order an accounting of Defendants revenues, profits and

other pertinent financial information pertaining to the PL Tray;

(ix) That Starr be awarded actual damages including lost profits and a reasonable
royalty in an amount to be determined adequate to compensate Starr for

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(x) That Starr be awarded an additional sum as enhanced statutory damages;

(xi) That Starr be awarded reasonable attorney fees and costs

That Starr be awarded interest at the maximum legal rate on all damages

from the date uncured until paid; and

(xiii) That Starr be granted all other legal and equitable relief for which Starr is

Respectfully submitted this 3rd day of March, 2016.

s/ Kurt P. Leyendecker
Kurt P. Leyendecker
Leyendecker & Lemire, LLC
5460 S Quebec Street, Suite 330
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Telephone: 303.768.0123
Fax: 303.672.9200


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