State Incentives

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Incentives available under J&K State Industrial Policy

Investment subsidy on Plant and N4achinery is available to nevr ssI, l4edium and Large units up to the {imit of
Rs.30.00 lakhs. for the Units not falling in Notified Locations/Backward Blocks
Units falling in prestigious ctegory having Capital investment more than Rs, 25.00 crores are eligible for 15olo Capital
Investment subsidy on plant and mahinery up to Rs. 60'00 lakhs.
Uniis falting in thrust areas, the upper limit of Capital Investment Subsidy @15olo is avaibble on plant and machinery upto
15olo Capitat


Rs.45.00 lakhs.
Units fatling jn preSrigious and thrust area category the Gpital lnvestrnent SLrbsidy @ 150/0 on Plant and machinery shall be
up to Rs. 75.00lakhs.
7!o/d subsidy on construction of a captive tube welLor building a captive water liftinq plant by Ptestigious units in any ofthe
Thrlst areas up to Rs. 22.50 lacs.
100% subsidy on Projed Repofts tlp to P"s. 2.00 lakhs
1oo./o subsidi on puahase/installation of D.G. sets from 10 Kw to 1000 K!v- maximum l:mit Rs. 2s.o0 lakhs.

3% interest:ubsidy on working capitat loan to exlsting and new industrial units for a period of 5 years from the date of
production to the units not falling within Notified locations/ Th rust areas.
100% capital subsidy of Testing Equipment's- maximunr limii Rs. 25.00 lakhs.
Assistance in the shape of subsidy on the expenses lncurred on Brand Promotion
500/0 uo to Fls. 20.00 lakhs first vear'
300/0 up to Rs. 15.00 lakhs for second year'
10o/o up to Rs. 10.00 lakhs for third year'
500/0 Air Freight Subsidy -l4aximum limit Rs. 5'00 lakhs per yeaf per unit.
30% subsidy on Pollution Control Equipment- maximum limil Rs. 20.00 lakhs
5olo intercst subsidy for Technocrats (which are Engineering Gnduate/l1BAs/Postgraduates) on Term loan i.e Land/Building
and Plant and l4achinery.
upto 15% price preference is available on the larided cos! of ihe product to the local ssl units in all Government purchases



Earnest Monev Securiw Deposit.


Stamp Duw

unit.t'all be required to pay only 500/0 ofthe amount of earnest money or Rs-5000/- whichever is lower'
Tender documents shatl als; be supptied to the SSI unic @ 50% ofthe price of documents or Rs.100/_ whichever be


SICOP shall be treated


at par with the SSI units for the purpose ofthe aforementioned provisions

in fauour of the financing institutions required to be signed by the promoter shall be exempted from payment of

stamD dutv,

Exemption of Court fee

Exemption from Court fee for registration of documents relatiag to lease of land will be granted to registered industrial

Research and Development (R&D)

Development (R&D) with maximum limit of Rs. 5'00 lakhs for

i) 50o/d subsidy on Expenditure incurred on Research and
each such Projed.
ii) 25olo sLrbsidy on Non- recurring items with a Maximum limit of Rs. 5.00 lakhs.

Human Resourc Develooment.


tt"^"S human Rsource Devlopmeni (R&D) subject to Rs. 5000/- per trainee and trs. 1.00 lakh
th" .".t
"f for any"funit for; "n
pe od of five years, ln case of women trainees the corresponding figures shall be 75olo, Rs. 7500
pei annum
and Rs.1.50 lakhs respedivelY,


employment of tlaines, 50o/o of the cost of training shall be borne by the

For progGmmes of ski development leading
maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs per unit, In case of women trainees, the
Government on approved
mrrespondinq figures would be 75olo and 7.5lakhs.



VAT Remission up to l4arch 2014.

AdditionalToll tax ExemotLon

jmported from outside State to
On import of raw materials, procurement of plant and machjnery and bulldinq mateials to be
units ) and on Expolt of finished
existing or new tocat smalt iedium and Large Scale industrial r.rnits (including
of five
goods to outside State for a
Exemption of Entry Tax on impot of plant and machinery.

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