Full Gospel Lighthouse Church, Inc

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Full Gospel Lighthouse Church, Inc.

624 Torringford West St., PO Box 1201, Torrington, CT 06790-1201

Phone: 1-(860)-489-4137
Pastor: Rev. Daniel Bossidy

March 2016

Dear Friend,
Greetings on this beautiful day! We have much to be thankful for! The
Lord has kept us through the storms and through times of peace. He has given us
victories despite the battles. He is ever mindful of the covenants He made with us.
And He has given us many great and precious promises in the Bible so we may be a
partaker of His divine nature. His mercy is everlasting and His love is so vast that
even the mighty oceans combined cannot contain it!
I have a lot to be thankful for personally. It has been 25 years since our first
service in the Torrington area. March 5, 1991 we held our first meeting at the
Harwinton Community Hall and the Lord has continually blessed us and taught us
the way to go. For that I am extremely thankful. Today, we are able to worship the
Lord in a beautiful building in Torrington. To God be all the glory!
This month we will celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was
said of Him by John the Baptist, 'Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the
sin of the world" (John 1:29). His life expressed the image of God's nature to fallen
man. God laid on Jesus the sin and guilt of us all so we may receive forgiveness of
sins and relief from all the guilt and shame we carry within our hearts. The only way
we can overcome evil is through good (says the Bible). But if the Bible tells us,
"...there is none that doeth good, no, not one" (Romans 3:12), how can we be
saved? How can we overcome the evil that is in the world through sin, or
transgressions of the commandments of God? God did not leave us to wallow in
misery. He came among us to live the life that is pleasing to the Father, to die on the
cross for our sins, and to rise again over every hindrance: even death itself! Hatred
cannot be overcome with more hatred. Anger cannot overcome anger. Only love can
cover a multitude of sins. Ignorance cannot be subdued with anything but
understanding. Jesus Christ brought all of God's goodness, peace, love, and
understanding to humanity, that we may be free to serve God with all our hearts for
eternity! The Lamb of God still takes away the sin of the world. Not just individual
sins, but the overall depravity of the human race. And God gave us these benefits as
a gift. There is nothing any of us can do to earn the gift of life because the Lord
Jesus already provided it for us! The gift of His goodness, the gift of His peace that
passes all understanding, the gifts of love and mercy: all of these qualities God gave
humanity as a gift!

I have found over the years that when I come before God I have confidence
because of all that Jesus Christ accomplished for me. I know what I can and cannot
do, but I also know that nothing is too difficult for our God! He is the God of
impossibilities. The great patriarch Abraham could be justified by all he had and all
he did. But the Bible tells us that Abraham put no confidence in self, but in the living
God. He did good things in life, but when it came time to pray and plead with God
for the protection of his family, he depended solely on the characteristic of the mercy
of God. Judgment was coming to Sodom and Gomorah and Abraham's family was
living there. He prayed to the Lord and said, "Behold now, I have taken upon me
to speak unto the Lord, which am but dust and ashes:" (Genesis 18:27). He
didn't tell the Lord how much he did for God, or how famous he was, or how
wealthy he was. He didn't try to persuade God to spare the cities of the plain because
he obeyed the Lord a long time before that. No: Abraham rested his petition upon
the mercy of God. He prayed that the Lord would spare the people if He could find
ten righteous there. But the Lord could not find even five righteous people there. Yet
the Lord waited until Abraham's family came out of those cities. He spared
Abraham's family because Abraham believed in the mercy of God. That's why
Abraham was called the friend of God (James 2:23). Our faith and confidence must
be patterned after Abraham's example. The Lord has answered many of our petitions
because we didn't depend on others: we depended solely on God. If His finger points
the way His hand will provide the means. He is rich enough to meet all our financial
needs, gracious enough to meet all our spiritual needs, and compassionate enough to
meet all our physical needs.
If you are in any need today, our friend, the Lord Jesus, is able to meet you at
the point of your need. He cares for you! He said He would help you if you put your
trust in Him. The Scripture says, "As for God, His way is perfect; the Word of the
Lord is tried: He is a buckler to all them that trust in Him" (II Samuel 22:31).
There is nothing too big for our God! You can trust Him with your whole life. Open
your heart to Him and He will make all the difference in your life! May God bless
I invite you to our church services. We meet at 624 Torringford West Street in
Torrington, CT. Our schedule of services is Sunday at 10 AM and 7 PM, and
Wednesday at 7:30 PM. One Sunday March 27, 2016, we will hold our Easter
Morning service at 8 AM. Come and worship the Lord with us!

Rev. Daniel Bossidy

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