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ABInBev values. How do you fit this?

People who dream big (you can use self motivation example), love challenges (problem solving),
result oriented, self motivated, willing to go the extra mile, team players, bright & intelligent (learning
& knowledge sharing). Candidates should have an entrepreneurial spirit (customer focus), be resultoriented and have leadership experience. Describe yourself in 5 adjectives: quick learner (learning
Aspenplus for simulation, slb laboratory), self-motivated (ExxonMobil scholarship, best graduating
student), efficient team player (group project), self confident (coach of University football team),
hardworking (positive feedback in PwC), result oriented (PwC).
Tell us about yourself
Im a chemical engineer who is seeking to build a career in the food & beverage industry. I have
recently completed my MSc studies in Advanced Process Design for Energy at the University of
Manchester. My MSc modules have enabled me develop an understanding of the use of Life Cycle
Assessment studies to determine the environmental footprint of production processes, for example in
the food & beverage industry. My work experiences include an internship in Schlumberger Nigeria
were I worked as a Well Constructions Engineer; I was involved in carrying out simulations of well
conditions and assisted the field engineers in well completions on oil rigs. Most recently, I have
worked as an Associate Consultant in PricewaterhouseCoopers; this role enabled me develop a
business and commercial knowledge of various industries. My self-motivation and drive for
excellence is highlighted by my award of the highly competitive ExxonMobil International
Postgraduate scholarship for my MSc studies. Another strength of mine is my attention to detail; at
PricewaterhouseCoopers I regularly received positive feedback from my bosses for being very
thorough and meeting or exceeding deadlines and goals.
I want to work for ABInBev because I will be able to contribute my skills and experiences to helping
improve the energy efficiency and sustainability of the companys production processes.
Outside of work and school, I play chess; enjoy watching football and Im currently a member of the
International Society at the University of Manchester which has enabled me take part in several trips
around the UK. (1min 30secs)
Why do you want to work for ABInBev?
I have always desired to work for a company in the brewing industry which has its focus on customer
satisfaction and excellence, and ABInBevs profile as a leader in the brewery industry with a focus on
sustainable growth with brewing excellence is in line with my desire. I was particularly impressed by
the companys vision to be the best beer company in a better world and was attracted by its
commitment to environmental sustainability. For example the firm intends to achieve a 99 percent
recycle and reuse rate by 2012. I also want to work for ABInBev because I believe I have the
necessary qualifications and experiences to enable me make a meaningful contribution to the
development and growth of the company. The opportunity to work with like minded people who are
interested in teamwork, quality and efficiency is something that also attracts me.
Tell us about the position you applied for?
I applied for the Global Management Trainee role. This is a 10 month programme which aims to give
the trainee an understanding of the organization from a variety of perspectives. The programme is
expected to give the trainee hands on experience, leading to a junior management position in
ABInBev when completed. The 10 month training period is divided into 5 segments: (a) global &
zone induction; in which the trainee spends a total of 2 weeks in the United States and Leuven,
Belgium. In the United States, the trainee will learn about the companys strategy, structure, mission

and principles as well as meet with senior managers, the CEO, other board members and previous
trainees. In Belgium the trainee will get an introduction to the local market as well as some training on
the brewing process and mgt methods. (b) Field study & assignment supply: this covers brewing,
logistics and packaging. The trainee will get an opportunity to experience firsthand the whole
operation in one location. During this period, the trainee will be assigned either a project or a position
within an operational team at one of ABInBevs plants. The goal of the assignment is to give the
trainee the best coaching and learning opportunity either by leading a project or managing a team. (c)
Zone training: the zone training is 4 weeks; consisting of 2 weeks at the Zone HQ in Leuven, Belgium
where the trainee will discover in detail, how each function works; how they interact and what the key
programs and projects are. The trainee will be given an opportunity to share his experiences during
the supply assignment and sit the official brewery exam. The next 2 weeks will be spent visiting the
business shared services centre in Prague and Budapest, where the key transactional processes are
managed. (d) Field study & assignment commercial; this covers all aspects of sales, marketing and
customer service. This segment is similar to that of the supply role. (e) First position: this is the first
junior management position. It lasts for 12 18 months and will consolidate the trainees
understanding of operations as well as build legitimacy for future positions and decisions.
Why did you apply to this role?
I applied to the global management trainee role in ABInBev because it is a role which will enable me
gain a complete over view of the organization via rotations through various departments. The
rotations through various departments will also allow me build a good understanding of the brewery
industry as well as meet lots of people which will enable me get a strong head start in the firm. The
opportunity to apply to a graduate role in which I would have hands on experience from the start was
something that really interested me, because I look forward to showing my entrepreneurial spirit,
leadership skills and result orientation right from the beginning in ways that will impact positively on
the firm. From listening to interviews with former global management trainees in ABInBev on the
ABInBev website I learnt that I would have interactions with senior managers right from the start of
the programme which I believe will enable me build my leadership skills and give me an
understanding of managements perspective of the business which will be integral to my development
in the firm.

We are looking for recent graduates (who graduate before September 2013) with ideally a
Bachelor or Masters degree (or equivalent) from any of the following disciplines - business,
economics, finance, science, engineering, law or IT. You must have an entrepreneurial spirit, be
results-driven and have undertaken some form of leadership position either inside or outside of

What can you contribute?

My experiences in PricewaterhouseCoopers enabled me develop presentation, project management
and leadership skills as I had the opportunity to give presentations, lead small engagement teams and
liaise with managers of client staff while my experiences as an intern in Schlumberger Nigeria Ltd
enabled me develop teamwork skills as I usually had to work as part of teams to maintain well
equipment tools and to carry out operations at rig sites. I have regularly shown drive and
determination to excel as evidenced by the awards I have received as detailed in my resume. I am
naturally analytic, with excellent oral and writing skill in English, technically competent, a good
communicator and intensely focused on achieving results. In addition, I am very flexible and can
easily learn and adapt to new technologies required to successfully execute projects; I demonstrated
this in learning AspenPlus for my postgraduate studies and applied this knowledge in my thesis which
involved the detailed modelling and simulation of a coal gasification plant and a Selexol

absorption unit.
Have you applied to any other companies?
My job applications have been focused on graduate positions, primarily in the food & beverage
industry, where I will have the opportunity to apply my academic background and work experiences
as well as obtain grounding in management principles. So far only ABInBev and Kraft Foods meet
this requirement.

What do you know about ABInBev?

From the research Ive done on ABInBev, Ive discovered that the company is a leading global brewer
with a portfolio of beer brands that are recognized around the world. I also found out that the
company is one of the top 5 consumer product companies in the world. ABInBev was formed from
the merger of different older breweries on the 18 th of November, 2008. Anheuser-Busch merged with
InBev which itself is a merger of AmBev and Interbrew. Interbrew has its oldest roots in the Den
Hoorn brewery in Leuven, dating back to 1366 while Anheuser & Co brewery was established in 1860
in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
ABInBev has a presence in 23 countries across the world with approximately 114,000 employees. In
2010 the company realized 36.3 billion dollars in revenue. ABInBev has well over 200 brands in its
global portfolio, including 14 1 billion dollar brands brands which have estimated retails sale
values of over 1 billion dollars. The company has 133 beverage plants globally and has no.1 or no.2
market position in 19 countries. Its 10 biggest markets are the US, Canada, Brazil, Argentina,
Belgium, Germany, UK, Russia, Ukraine and China
The company has its global headquarters in Leuven, Belgium and its CEO is Carlos Brito. Claudio
Garcia is the Chief People and Technology Officer and as part of his role oversees the companys
Global Management Trainee Program. In the UK, the companys HQs is located at Porter Tun House,
in Luton.
ABInBevs business is divided into 6 operational zones; North America; Latin America North; Latin
America South; Western Europe, Central & Eastern Europe, and Asia Pacific. Each zone has a
president, and all the zonal presidents are overseen by the CEO.
The vision of the company is to be the best beer company in a better world. This vision is built on
the companys Dream-People-Culture platform. The company sees its people as its most competitive
advantage and to this regard aims to hire and retain the best people worldwide. The company provides
best-in-class training, opportunities and incentives to drive superior performance. The company also
fosters an ownership culture that is highly focused on delivering sustainable growth for the short and
long term. The three long term objectives of ABInBev are to (i) deliver volume growth ahead of
industry growth (ii) grow revenue ahead of volumes (iii) maintain strong financial discipline and
ensure that costs remain below inflation.

The companys business strategy is focused on delivering sustainable growth and increased
shareholder value. The four pillars of the companys strategy are its winning brand portfolio
(prioritizing a small group of focus brands that the company believes will most effectively build deep
connections with consumers), winning at the point of connection, developing world-class efficiency
and targeted external growth (the goal of the companys targeted external growth is to strengthen its
positions in developed markets, and continue to maximize opportunities in high growth markets). This
is supported by innovation (we seek to combine technological know-how, with unparalleled market
understanding, to develop a healthy innovation pipeline), a people culture, and financial discipline.
Some of the challenges that have faced ABInBev and the brewing industry recently relate to
environmental issues. There is an increasing focus on greenhouse gas emissions, water management
and solid waste disposal. Through my knowledge of environmental sustainability I can join the
company in taking steps to address these issues by locating its new breweries in locations where water
supply is not limited. Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption can also be reduced by
making use of land fill gases and waste heat to power combined heat and power plants. Finally Life
Cycle Assessment studies can be carried out on key/major brands to determine the carbon footprint
and water footprint of these products. This will enable the firm determine the carbon emission and
water use hot spots which will help in designing production processes in ways that these footprints
will be reduced.
Another challenge that has faced the brewing industry in 2011 is sourcing quality malted barley. The
reasons for the output decline included heavy rain (that hit production in Germany, Scandinavia and
Eastern Europe), the Russian heatwave that hit production by 50% and led to a barley export ban, US
production declines and a Wet Canadian harvest. Energy costs from malting have also risen compared
to 2009 and malting capacity is not being fully utilised especially in Europe.
One way to cope is to reduce barley content as a percentage of the mass used in brewing, given that
most firms dont use 100% barley in any case.
The companys corporate social responsibility is focused on 4 key areas. Responsible drinking, the
environment, community and people. (i) Responsible drinking. As a leader in the beer industry, the
firms primary responsibility is to provide the highest-quality products and to encourage consumers to
enjoy them responsibly at all times. The firm is adamantly opposed to alcohol abuse in any form,
including drunk driving and underage drinking. (ii) environment: the company aims to be a resourceefficient global brewer, and aims to continually look for ways to incorporate practises that would help
make the most of its raw materials, while also reducing the impact of its packaging and transportation
on the environment. Community (provide jobs, taxes & support local taxes).

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