Moral Sentiments Part One The Myth of Capital

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by Bel Suave

2 months ago

Moral Sentiments - part one - The Myth of Capital


In treating of political economy, the science which professes

to display and to teach means of increasing the wealth of a
state, it would seem that the first and most anxious object of
inquiry ought to have been, what wealth is, and from what
sources mankind derive it ; for it appears impossible to discuss
with precision the means of increasing anything, without an
accurate notion of its nature and of its origin,Earl of Lauderdale
[An Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Public Wealth,1804 2nd ed., pp. 112-113.]
Readers Note: It had been my intention to release this segment - part one - simultaneously with its companion
pieces -parts two and three - as they have been written to complement each others interlocking presentation.
Part three, however, having taken much longer in the editing than expected, has held me back from that initial
intent... giving cause to put this segment out whilst completing that process, and in hopes that the reader will
have the chance to digest it fully during the necessary delay. I have also come to realize during this editing process
that the three part series will in fact require a follow up piece in order to incorporate the intended overview of
"Islamic Finance" and the potential applications thereof - which proved impossible to work into the Myth of
Capital series. I hope to start work on that very soon.

When one sets out to answer the question what is capital, and then, further to it, what is capitalism, the
enquirer is quickly and inevitably confronted with the name Adam Smith. No other writer, except perhaps for his
supposed antithesis, Karl Marx, is invoked so regularly as being of such seminal import to the study of those two
terms, as the Scotsman who held forth in the later part of the C18th on the subjects of land, labor, capital, and
the generation of wealth from the employment of their production in trade.


In the introduction/preamble to this series the place these two words capital & capitalism occupy in the

occidental mindset was identified as being that of a mythology reified into a moral principle, defended and
justified by supposed natural laws revealed through the application of reason and science to the study of
mankinds economic life. This veneer of theoretical reasoning which the newly created discipline of political
economy conveniently provided the C19th occidental zeitgeist made the creation and accumulation of capital a
stand in for the production and distribution of wealth the latter being something which all functional societies
require to maintain balance and cohesion. This subtle yet fundamental alteration of the driving force of society
and its institutions has occurred via money; what was once a neutral device designed to facilitate trade &
transaction between peoples became somehow the object of trade itself. In the process, great confusion over the
meaning of capital what it really is, and how it is best employed has been purposely spread.

Adam Smiths legacy as the originator of what would become free market economics is as much a myth as any
other part of the fabricated historical production with which the occidental world has clothed its period of
ascendancy over global civilization. Only now, at the time when that period is into the last stages of its waning
does it even prove possible to investigate and define the many strands of this cloak of deceit for exactly what it is
a suite of myths which have rendered our understanding of the past, and our ability to navigate the present and
future, void of clarity. Much in contrast to the overriding theme of Era of the Enlightenment which infused
Smiths pronouncements on human nature, the imagined progress of history has brought neither greater
freedom to mankind, nor greater nobility of spirit, or even, it would increasingly seem, any greater sense of
meaning or pleasure in the living of our lives. In fact, it is the core argument of these pages that far from being era
of advancement & reason the modern age, looking back, will be seen as an interregnum characterized by
irrational pursuits and a devolution of our self understanding brought about by a concerted effort on the part of
parties who interests are inimical to our survival and well-being.

While mythologies have their place & purpose in our lives - to give meaning to and collective recognition of
otherwise disconnected individual human experience this reification of capital into something supposedly
above, beyond, and superior to the mythological, bears all the telltale signs of an effort to hide truth rather than
to reveal it! Its now time to take a look at the means by which this magic show was brought off, and the persons
who were responsible for its production. By so doing, we will be able to regard figures like Smith, Marx, and the
rest of the cast in this shadow-puppet theatre in a far different and more accurate light than that which they
have been previously seen by.

Though famous for his treatise The Wealth of Nations, Smith much earlier (1759)authored a book from which I
draw the title for this segment Moral Sentiments. In it he addresses the sacred, which he posited to be a
quality based upon the recognition of and adherence to general rules of human conduct. Doubtless a reflection
of his age that of Reason- Smiths definition of the sacred is humanistic. Though still playing lip service to the
idea of God, the theistic principle is removed from active relationship to the world of mankind. Smiths most
famous book is best known for the invention it contains regarding the manner in which the selfish pursuits of
man make for a cosmic balance and social equilibrium via the mysterious activity of markets what he called the
hidden hand. Via this Deus ex machine any trace of reverence for or even reference to the sublime, the higher
realms of spiritual life, or a Supreme Being became redundant; the affairs of men were governed and
determined by their economic concerns alone. Thus, the transition from the pre-scientific age of gods and
mythological forces was completed by means of reasoning which, rather than negate Higher Powers per se,
would simply leave them out of the equation. When a moral philosopher known for espousing supposedly

Christian values of morality becomes the spokesperson of a cause seeking to advance a system that neutralizes
moral principles it behooves us to look at how and why this paradoxical inversion comes about.

The time in which Smith was writing his books was one in between the two revolutions Englands and then
France best known for their elements of regicide, and the spilling of much blood in the name of liberty. In
their aftermath, when Kings had effectively ceded their powers to civilian governments, many new doctrines
were being articulated, on the Continent and in the Americas, centering on slogans such us justice, equality, and
liberty for all. While commendable in theory, the background from which they sprung was that of a milieu of
societies, mystical systems and magical traditions imported from the East, and a rapid transfer of wealth and
influence out of the hands of the formerly dominant landed classes to newly arisen commercial and industrial
interests eager to see governments responsive to their desires.

Thus, while liberty, equality, and the pursuit of happiness were the public face of this period of transition, the
covert goal of the parties who funded and encouraged such sloganeering was one far different from the
realization of those values. As we have been taught to take at face value the storyline which best conceals the
covert currents of history, we neither look for nor are offered evaluations of that period which could help us
understand what was really going on. As Peter Spufford puts it, in the introduction to his classic study Money and
its Use in Medieval Europe, Since historians have generally found the pursuit of happiness hard to analyse and
chronicle, they have concentrated rather on the other two principal preoccupations of the human race, the
pursuits of power and of wealth. Smith was amongst the first of those to attempt to solve the problem of
happiness by simply conflating its presence in our lives with the pursuit of wealth, and ignoring the activity of
those in pursuit of influence.
Spuffords pithy analysis of the manner in which historians have deliberately truncated the study of human nature
needs be amended in one way; while pursuit of wealth & power have indeed been the focus of orthodox history,
the view of power relations used to conduct such study has been too restrictive to make sense of what has
guided the motives of some of the major actors in that history. The purpose of our small study here is to release
the subject from that restricted gaze, in order to lay bare a fuller understanding of key terms commonly used in
political economy alienation exploitationoppression etc. Inclusion of the full gamut of our human
experience not just the material, but the spiritual dimension of that experience is a vital component of any
political economy because for millennia power relations have been defined not just by what occurred in the
purely economic aspects of our lives, but also in the more hidden, psychic aspects, where theft, expropriation,
manipulation and enslavement have all been going on parallel to the material planes on which those same
themes have been played out.
Its no accident then, that the recurrence of popular interest in vampirism, for example, arrives at the same point
in time where industrialization and financialization of societies creates high levels of oppressive disparity these
physical manifestations of exploitative power relations tend to mimic what takes place on the psychic level of
existence. as overt expressions of a covert process by which energy the root factor in all aspects of our lives
is stolen and/or misused by actors with the power to exert control over others. Much of organized religion is a
screen onto which these covert power dynamics are played, but in a distorted manner, so as to confuse us as to
who and what are really operating the levers of power. The precis of this essay is that the overt exercise of power
which capitalism in action represents is contrary to its advertised message an occultic manifestation of yet

another religion competing for power and influence via the actions of its adherents on the stage of history. The
identity of these actors, and the nature of their religion will not be a part of the discussion for now - that must
be put aside for another time. What matters of the moment is to disclose the presence of their hidden hand and
the motivations for the work which capitalism as a system advances.


Since some of the drives most basic to the character of human beings are, as Spufford points out,hard to
analyse its easy to see that analysts of human nature have simply chosen to excise significant portions of their
chosen subject in favor of excusing the inabilities of their chosen techniques of analysis to fully examine the
nature of the subject. Ergo, the social sciences, which pretend to measure quantitative data in a way that can
explain our subjective wishes and define our qualitative lives. That is the stuff of mythology not science. With
Adam Smith and those who would follow in his footsteps, we enter the Era of Fakelore.
Richard Dawson was an American scholar of the mid C20th, whose work centered upon the study of how cultural
tradition became transcribed into what we call folklore, often in the process becoming almost completely
altered from its original context and meaning. It was he who invented the term fakelore, in an article written in
1949. He much later defined that term as the misapplication of sentimentalized and prettified tales and songs for
commercial advantage. It was in such spirit of inquiry that he looked into the myth of Paul Bunyan, a storied
American icon, writing Paul Bunyan in the News for the magazine WESTERN FOLKLORE in 1956.

What stands out in the mythification of Lumberjack Paul Bunyan affords us a glimpse into the wider application of
modern mythmaking as practiced by an army of hidden hands - at work to make culture a province of
commerce, and tradition a victim of capitalist revisionism. The transformation of the original character as created
in the smoky log barracks of Midwestern loggers a trickster figure who often defrauded his mates and made
impossible claims - into an iconic strong man and hero of working class, is a study in how the world of our
ancestors has been changed to best suit the interests of those who regard everything in the public domain
common natural resources, common culture, common values, as a potential source of profit to be privatized
wherever possible. Anthropologist Daniel Hoffman followed up on Dawsons original study, and in making a
thorough review of all the literature, concluded that Paul Bunyan had come to represent a political and economic
philosophy, in fact turned into the mouthpiece of a special pleading economic group.
What Smith and other conscious inventors of the Myth of Capital were up to then bears a remarkable
resemblance to how Hoffman would come to define the term fakelore - The manipulation of the mind through
the use of traditional symbols. There is indeed no better term than fakelore to succinctly describe the manner in
which capitalists have hired writers and thinkers to advance their project of capitalism by creating phony
science out of human tradition. History, economics, sociology, and the rest of the social sciences are all the fields
of endeavor for this work of counterfeiting, and the academics who labor in each of them are the witting or
unwitting accomplices of those who would hide our own culture from us in order to effectively achieve what
Marx would describe as his real goal - "If you can cut people off from their history, they can be easily persuaded."
Sadly, few understand that in seeking to achieve that dubious end, Marx was working on behalf of those

capitalistic forces which we have been trained to believe were his enemies instead of his bankrollers. Such is the
depth of success which the longstanding program of fakelore has enjoyed! Taking traditional values common to
our culture the virtues of hard work, independence, and free trading between people in a setting of markets
and transforming them into an ideology which overtly celebrates them whilst covertly inverting them was the
essence of this transformation. Along the way, our real capital would become conflated with money, and
sequestered into a system which was designed to manipulate that symbolic item into the hands of a chosen few.
From the humanism of Smith to Darwin to nihilism of Marx and Nietzsche is a straight line - via the theorizing
done by each and every one of the social sciences developed in order to pursue this process of myth making we
are continuously taught to believe in stages of development in species, societies, and economies. The same
theorizing -posed as revelations of pure science - also served to disconnect our particular species from any
spiritual meaning or purpose confronting us in its place with a mechanistic and meaningless universe which
would become the prevalent paradigm of the modern age an age in which mankind would be expected to
confront and solve every challenge without the aid of any agency outside its own powers. So bound up in the
mythology of capital and capitalism is this doctrine of progress that it is impossible to review the myths built
around the one without equally regarding those surrounding the other. Only by many torturous reasonings do
these imagined levels of progress even begin to seem plausible, when considered objectively. But such is the
weight of effort applied to bring about their acceptance and inculcation that they have become the prevalent
storyline wherever capitalism is the dominant system.


To question the myth of progress is in fact to challenge the entire supposition upon which our chosen subjects
are raised up and justified as the ultimate outgrowth of mankinds advance and since that is exactly the purpose
for which this series has been created - reprise of certain more ancient historical periods will form a parallel prcis
to that of this story. Part Three, MIXED SENTIMENTS constructs a timeline and a viewpoint without need for or
belief in either the myths of capital or a myth of progress. To complement that major deviation from the
occidental worldview, the second in this trio of offerings MARKET SENTIMENTS THE RISE OF VOODOO
SCIENCE examines the work of thinkers whose writings challenged & competed with the storyline of
capitalism before its complete victory - in a study of suppressed and forgotten history. In previous stories here,
such as Musings, way that the forces of finance forged their advances via the subsumation of art and artists to
their program has been sketched out. The story of Carl Kellner demonstrated the convergence of industry,
science and the occult in the clearest fashion. In Market Sentiments we will surely pay some attention to how the
fakelore of representative government and democracy were created out of a similar subjugation of the politicojudicial caste to its will, in the aftermath of Adam Smiths era of transition.

It makes some sense, then, to take Adam Smith as waypoint from which to measure the timeline of the myth of
capital as a disguised deification of the occultic in place of other, deposed Higher Powers. Going forwards from
his point in time, we see the quickening pace of the program by which we get to the present moment where
everything real about markets, money, democracy, or even ourselves has been abstracted into a sorry
swamp of derivative values. As Christopher Cole puts it: While it may be natural to conclude that the real
economy is slave to the shadow banking system this is not a correct interpretation ... the higher concept is that
our economy 'is' the shadow banking system the Empire is gone and we are living ignorantly within the

abstraction Modern financial markets are a game of impossible objects. In a world where global central banks
manipulate the cost of risk the mechanics of price discovery have disengaged from reality resulting in paradoxical
expressions of value that should not exist according to efficient market theory. Fear and safety are now
interchangeable in a speculative and high stakes game.( Volatility of an Impossible Object- Artemis Capital
Management Report - 2012)

The careful reader will have already noticed that this trend towards greater and greater abstraction as
embodied and emblemized in the preponderance of financial devices which trade without any actual concrete
presence in the world outside of numbers runs completely parallel yet counter to the supposedly rational basis
of the modern worlds conquest of our material universe via its tool of scientific enquiry! Even as we retreat
from material reality into the virtual world of machined existence, we are inculcated with the notion that we are in
greater touch with the thingness of things via our technological supremacy. It was Baudrillard who pointed out
that perhaps the greatest victory of fakelore has been to dress the technology of information in the cloth of
communication all contents of meaning are absorbed in the only dominant form of the medium. Only the
medium can make an event whatever the contents, whether they are conformist or subversive. A serious
problem for all counterinformation, pirate radios, antimedia, etc. .Thus the media are producers not of
socialization, but of exactly the opposite, of the implosion of the social in the masses. And this is only the
macroscopic extension of the implosion of meaning at the microscopic level of the sign. pg 56 Simulacra and
This is in fact no accident rather, its a reflection of our zeitgeist as a modern world, in which things are upsides
down, backwards, and in serious contradiction but no one pays any heed to the dissonance so created it is
incumbent upon ones participation in that world to carry on in silent acquiescence to an open conspiracy to
remove the real from reality. symbolizing what was once culture with the signs of culture symbolizing what
was once production of goods and services with the signs of goods and services. While this occurs on multiple
levels of our existence, since our focus is on the economic one here, it is there where we will look deeper into the
long term project which Adam Smiths work formed a key part of.

If we return to the subject of this mythification of capital with Hoffmans definition in mind -The manipulation of
the mind through the use of traditional symbols, we get a clearer picture of the process of fakeloric substitution
by which capital gradually changes in meaning and in substance. the important aspects of our lives which
anchor us to reality seem to stay the sameyet they have left us, replaced by their symbols, like a made in China
polyester Christmas tree. It is this transition from cultural to fakeloric which catches the attention of the enquirer
into the nature and purpose of capital. In the classical schools of economic thought that would come to treat
Adam Smith as an iconic figure, capital is regarded as being, alongside land and labor, the principal factor of
production by which humans achieve both wealth and a purposeful existence. Under this scheme of things,
common to all modern theorists on the subject, whether left or right, everything outside of those three
qualities would become an intangible- conveniently remote therefore, to what needs be studied in order to
grasp the nature of mans motivations and drives. As such, Smiths actual legacy is that of a bridge from the world
of the ancients, whose constant pre-occupation with discovering the divine laws by which mans conduct was
governed as given forth by the Higher Powers to the world of the desacralized modernity, in which the
laws of science impose themselves onto our lives as general rules just as unquestionable as those of the
Supreme Deity were to men of pre-modernity.

Quite correctly then, Smiths name is commonly counter-posed with that of Marx, because through his
transposition of the rules of conduct from the sacred performance of duties pleasing to God to those imposed
by the hidden hand of market forces this professed Christian theologian and Deist of the C18th becomes the link
to the professed Satanist and chief theoretician of the HegelianDialectical Materialism of the C19th. Creating
new laws governing our economic lives would become therefore the work a new priestly caste who raised
themselves up under the banner of science to be disciples of an academic religion in no way different than
religions of the past funded, indeed, in their pursuit of theoretical laws by the same shadowy financial power
which had worked their magic of debt usury from within the temples of past times!

The work done by Jennifer Lake in herTemples of Science series does much to connect the puzzle pieces by
which this conversion of religion takes place, outlining how personalities common to both banking and finance
show up in the project of militarizing physics, medicine, and finance itself, making of them all potential weapons
of mass destruction. But further dot connecting is still needed in underlining the irrational, religious, and
metaphysical doctrines underpinning all these supposed manifestations of rational technological discovery.


Of course Smith was not alone in this project to redirect social values in a manner favorable to the interests of the
commercial classes a small but emerging part of European society which had designs of its own upon the
power and privilege of the landed gentry. He was but part of a continuum of thinkers which from John Locke
through to Hume, and then the Scottish Enlightenment circle of which he himself was a member, whose
emphasis would be upon the connections between individual liberty, private property and the sanctity of both
work and saving. It was the project of creating a moral justification for the emergence of a market-directed
society that ties these persons together. In his insightful Psychocultural Background of Adam Smiths Theory of
Value Walter Weisskopf drew together these strands of thought to show how the progression from Thomas
Aquinas apologia for debt/interest/usury to the Protestant revolution of Calvin and Luther would create the
conditions whereby those C17th and C18th philosophers would gradually shift the meaning of work from being
for Gods glory, to the sanctified pursuit of gain whereby labor creates value, and needs be rewarded via
accumulation of profits the pursuit of which, becomes, via Smith, the natural inclination of mankind.

The beginnings of this new religion of scientific humanism mere Luciferian Baal worship of the Golden Calf
dressed in new clothingemerge in the C16th European quest for the alchemical Philopsophers Stone. The
transfer of Francis Bacons vision of Novum Organum to the new world colonies had brought about the
conditions for a New Atlantis in which to manifest all these ancient fantasies of power generated a new intensity
of conviction that via the generation of capital in the alchemists forge, the rightful heirs of Babylonian and
Egyptian magical tradition could slip themselves into place as the rulers of society.
They formed secret societies, poured over the records of Hermetic and Kabbalistic tracts in search of the keys to
invoking dark forces, all the while advocating strenuously for a new, materialistic or "humanist" science that

denied the existence of the soul. Most of them were either hacks, as the case of Isaac Newton shows, or mere
necromancers, such as John Dee communicating with spirits while forming fanciful notions of the physical
universe. But such was the power of the already emerging social medias of that age, and the opinion-makers that
already shaped societies thoughts, that these dubious characters were made into legendary pioneers of our
scientific society of modern times. Hiding the true meaning and goals of their cabal behind a smokescreen of
technological advancement which supposedly would bring better times for all of mankind in its wake, these
pathetic yet dangerous dupes would emerge, with the backing of the traditional money power, as arbitrators of
our future and desecrators of our birthrights.
In a universe formed of dead matter in which substance in the form of solid spheres raced about without aim or
significance, and physical death marked the end of all experience, it was easy for these financial powers to go
about their business of gaining control of the public and private economies both. In a world stripped of spiritual
meaning, the pursuits of science would mingle and cojoin with the pursuits of profit, until, in our modern age,
they would become one and the same, in the interlocking directors dictatorship of military-industrial-agropharmaceutical corporo-fascism we deem to politely call western democracy, and regard as the pinnacle of
human achievement!
For most readers, it will be something of a stretch to imagine that Smith, Ricardo, and the others of the classical
school of economics share with Marx and the socialists a continuum of purpose building the mythcapitalism which ultimately manifests in a system which swallows all opposites in its neverending quest to monopolize both
wealth and the human imagination. But behind the veil of illusion which complicit academia and media hirelings
have placed over our history, that is exactly what the evidence points to!
Thanks to the efforts of scholars like Carl Wennerlind, we can trace the mechanics of this conjunction of science,
philosophy, magic, and monopoly finance capitals from the beginnings of the modern era. In his book Casualities
of Credit Wennerlind outlines the exact names and personalities of this financial revolution and how their
disparate interests are brought together via the quest to increase the supply of currency golden visions of
credit based money creation gradually replacing the failed quest of the alchemist to create wealth out of dross
the same social reformers who had pursued alchemical transmutations switched their attention to the
promotion of a generally circulating credit currency, authoring some of the first proposals for such a currency.
The similarity between alchemy and credit was far from lost on them, with one person suggesting that a wellfunctioning bank is: Capable of multiplying the stock of the Nation, for as much as concernes trading in
Infinitum: In breife, it is the Elixir or Philosophers Stone.
Under the smokescreen of political revolutions like that of C17th England then, these financial revolutions would
transform all of Europe from god-fearing Kingdoms into satrapies of a money power driven by the same worship
of dark forces which its antecedents in antiquity had followed. All that changes via Smith and the latter day
apologists of his tradition is that this process of embezzlement is given moral justification and a veneer of social
beneficence with which to disguise the malevolent reality. In contrast to the orthodox storyline of our invented
and fakeloric history, the true story of the Age of Enlightenment involves a cast of characters like Sir Charles
Dashwood, one of the founders of the Hellfire Club, infamous for its satanic masses and pedophilic child abuse
and sacrifice, who was both Englands financial czar as Chancellor of the Exchequer and a friend of a similarlyminded occultist, Ben Franklin, - part of a community of interest which would seek to impose similar occultic
values over the new world of the Americas.

In part Two, MARKET SENTIMENTS THE RISE OF VOODOO SCIENCE the creation of a phony opposition to the
sequestration of social wealth will be examined, as the next major stage of development in this duplicitous
campaign. The banker-funded communist revolutions and railroad-funded American universities will come into
view as tools by which to eliminate the real opponents of the cabal, and to indoctrinate subsequent generations
in the new foundation-approved general education designed specifically to terminate free-thinking and the
empirical investigation of our world.
Marx saw the stratification of society into continuously warring labor versus capital as a useful tool in the
mobilization of the working classes into a force which would overthrow society. His goal was the destruction of
the western culture, not emancipation of the poor and oppressed. This comes through clearly in his own writings,
prior to his being chosen by Moses Hess to lead a culture war against Christendom. In these writings, he avows
his allegiance to the satanic, to destruction as a value in itself, and seeks vengeance upon God. For all those
reasons, he was a perfect foil for those social forces which sought to turn back the challenge to their burgeoning
power and wealth. On the continent, this challenge came via the writings of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, in the
Americas, from those of Henry George. Both saw the rent-seeking sequestration of land and capital by those
whose wealth was unearned by their labor as the basis of social disharmony and economic disparity. By zeroing
in on this inherent contradiction to the labor theory of value above described purposely overlooked and
avoided by the rest of the economic writers, Proudhon and George were the greatest threats to the moneypower
in the C19th, much more than those supposedly antithetical forces of socialism and communism. This shows
itself as true by the manner in which the hired guns of the voodoo science responded.
Via the bogus theorizing of the dismal science, we have been tricked into believing that economic matters stand
separate from, and even superior to those of culture a deceit which has had the ironic effect of dampening
bothfree enterprise, and the pursuit of happiness - which is an unquantifiable urge that impels human beings and
therefore outside the conception and control of such shallow materialist reasonings. As history proves out, what
the bankrollers of the new voodoo science of economics really sought was to have a free hand in moving the
capital acquired by monopolistic device(such as the East India Company, for instance)into land by means of
which they could become rentiers who profited from the interest thereof completely without effort- eg. labor
of any kind! So completely has the paradigm of debt/interest/usury capitalism been allowed to infect and
deform societies the world over, such that those who labor least are granted the greatest reward. It should go
without saying this a complete inversion of the supposed formula penned by Smith, in which work was supposed
to grant the moral grounds for the privilege of endless accumulation of wealth.
Seen from this viewpoint, the role of Adam Smith in the grand scheme of things one which imagines there to be
more chance in the development of these interlocking theories and social philosophies which spring out of the
European Enlightenment is that of an agent of social change every bit as much as the one credited to the
Jacobin elements stirring up the fires of revolution in France, or the more occultic but equally driven English
gentry with their Hellfire Club, Masonic secret societies, and kabbalistic Rosicrucian mysticisms. Via the false
front faade of reason and science enablers such as Smith pave the way for conquest by completely irrational
and magical currents of the mainstream of European culture, which will drive the course of western and
therefore, global civilization increasingly towards the rocks of its doom. Whereas, in 1760, it is still necessary in
beginning the activation of these currents to appeal to moral sentiments, in the aftermath of the bloody

revolutionary putsch in France it becomes more and more possible to drop the mask of morality, and with the
work of Bentham and other more utilitarian minds, proceed towards the unveiling of the new era of self-created
Nietzschean superman supplanting all forms of Deity and morality.
As the story of Karl Marx himself bears out, the coup of the Age of Enlightenment was not against religion per
se rather it was it was the removal of one form of religious sentiment(the Abrahamic one)and its replacement by
another(the Satanic, or Luciferian one). Behind the smokescreen of supposedly secular-driven modern values of
humanism was an archaic, magic-based system of worship, entirely anti-human in essence, being placed so
gradually over the ruins of the god-fearing nations of the occident as to be entirely invisible to its intended
victims. Even the advent of the inverted morality of Aleister Crowley in the early C20th failed to provoke much
notice, let alone protest paving the path for the ultimate and overt predation and degradation of Aquino,
Dutrux, and the mind-controlling child rapists subsidized and supported by the secret security organs of all the
major western powers by the later part of that same century.
The role of moral philosophers such as Adam Smith in this occultic campaign has never been properly
considered. This story may go some small way towards correcting the record, whilst ripping off the mask of
rationalistic science which covers over the true face of our occultic and irrational modern age, with its
necromantic symbols and sigils by which the world has been hypnotized into a compliant acceptance. As another
famous moral philosopher said long, long ago, "Signs and symbols control the world, not phrases and laws,"
Confucius (551-479 BC).

Marx And Satan : Richard Wurmbrand : Free Download & Streaming ...
Nov 16, 2012 ... This is an interesting book. For all aspiring political students, no matter your
background...Christians should read it to learn more about both ...


Karl Marx - the hidden helper of the 'hidden hand' - signs & symbols of capitalism in action!
Release\ June 24 2015

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