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Dear Sponsors , Colleagues and Stakeholders,

I hope that this note finds you very well.

This e mail has several purposes and messages: (1) to share the new
M-OSRP business model and IBM proposal for
cost effective compute access, processing and optimization ; (2) to
invite input for /participation in the pilot project lead by Scott Morton of
Hess Corp. for the IBM iCloud HPC proposal ;(3) discuss the
ConocoPhillips speedup of the ISS internal multiple attenuator,
reducing a 3D runtime by a factor 1000 , e.g. reducing a 3D run from
three years to one day, without compromising effectiveness; (4) to
describe the upcoming M-OSRP next set of stand-alone game-changing
deliveries and how they relate to specific technical challenges and
priorities in the current industry downturn, and will benefit from the
IBM iCloud HPC proposal, and (5) invitation to the M-OSRP Annual
Technical Review and Meeting , Wednesday and Thursday June 8, 9,
2016 at the UH Hilton, and (6) the note below has distinct and separate
positive messages for both sponsors and non-sponsors.
The new M-OSRP business model
The new M-OSRP business model and IBM proposal recognize and
respond to the current petroleum industry downturn, with , e.g., cost
cutting, reduced capital expenditure, selling assets, challenges with
replacing reserves, achieving improved ROI. And within that difficult
environment to deliver the stand alone capability to make currently
inaccessible assets accessible, and accessible prospects better defined
and delineated. That will result in enhanced exploration and more
effective appraisal analysis and development opportunities - thereby
contributing to new discoveries and increased production and
improved reserve replacement.
The IBM i Cloud HPC proposal
The IBM iCloud HPC proposal provides a pay-as-you-go plan and
strategy for the compute access, seismic processing and optimization
of the current M-OSRP stand-alone capable codes ( that are often
compute demanding) and the next generation of necessary and yet
more effective M-OSRP deliverables ( that have a commensurate
greater compute demand and requirement) in a cutting costs reduced
capital expenditure environment . Among projects and deliverables are
: removing ground roll without damaging reflection data, internal
multiple elimination, and a new and first migration method that is
equally effective at all frequencies at the target and reservoir. What MOSRP will do will not change; what M-OSRP will deliver to our sponsors
and the petroleum industry will change.
In the link below, please find videos of the presentations from the Dec.

17, 2015 IBM meeting at M-OSRP/UH: a IBM iCloud HPC proposal and
new M-OSRP business model
The pilot project
Scott Morton of Hess Corp. is leading a pilot project to examine,
analyze and report on the IBM iCloud proposal using M-OSRP delivered
multiple attenuation codes with a Hess data set. For M-OSRP sponsors:
please feel free to contact Scott on any issues you would like to see
examined in this iCloud pilot test. Scott Morton can be reached at
For non-sponsors
For non-sponsors who might be interested in this pilot, and the new MOSRP business model and IBM proposal, please feel free to contact me
at aweglein@Central.UH.EDU.
The new M-OSRP Business Model and the IBM iCloud HPC proposal
The cost-effective processing access will influence and benefit drilling
decisions that are optimally informed with reduced dry hole drilling and
to optimize field development wells, for offshore and on-shore
conventional and unconventional plays. M-OSRP has been and remains
committed to research that identifies the most serious and significant
impediments to that effectiveness and addresses and delivers the most
capable and effective response to the significant challenges to E&P
goals and objectives.
The new business model maintains that high impact research
commitment and what we will do, but changes what we will deliver.
The new M-OSRP business model has a cost-effective IBM iCloud HPC
pay-as-you-go proposal for access, processing and optimization that
provides a new benefit and ROI to our sponsors.
For non-sponsors : Many oil and service companies (that even under
better industry circumstances) do not have a business model that
depends on support of directed fundamental high impact research
programs, could be interested in the pay-as-you-go access, in a cost
and capital expenditure reduced environment, to achieve high end
processing capability.
For sponsors and non-sponsors: This will be the new M-OSRP business

model going forward, near-term and after our industry rebounds and
ConocoPhillips speedup of the ISS internal multiple attenuator : We are
in discussions with ConocoPhillips for implementation cooperation and
also discussing incorporating that advance within the new M-OSRP
business model and IBM i Cloud HPC proposal.
We are also exploring whether/how the ConocoPhillips speedup could
benefit our upcoming deliverables that are needed for currently
inaccessible assets and are more effective, and are specifically
designed to remove multiples that interfere with primaries , without
damaging , for example, the image at the reservoir for structural plays
or amplitude analysis ( for both offshore and on-shore conventional and
unconventional plays). They are more computationally demanding than
the M-OSRP ISS internal multiple attenuator. Those types of
interference can frequently occur in offshore plays and very frequently
occur for conventional and unconventional on-shore plays.
Please see the link below that describes and exemplifies the offshore
and on-shore challenges and open issues and our strategy and
response that addresses it for both marine and on-shore plays.
We think that several different current developments within M-OSRP
that are more capable at removing internal multiples than the ISS
internal multiple attenuator might also benefit from the ConocoPhillips
speedup for the ISS internal multiple attenuator.
Making currently inaccessible assets accessible, and accessible
prospects better delineated and defined
The increased effectiveness that M-OSRP is developing and will deliver
to our sponsors is designed to remove multiples that interfere with
primaries , without damaging , for example, the image at the reservoir
for structural plays or amplitude analysis. Those types of interference
can frequently occur in offshore plays and very frequently occur for
conventional and unconventional on-shore plays.
The current most capable strategy consisting of an ISS internal
multiple attenuator plus adaptive subtraction can and will damage a
target reservoir primary that interferes with a multiple. Damaging a
target primary is an extremely serious matter, and
processors/interpreters will often leave in the interfering multiple on
top of the reservoir rather than risk damaging or destroying a target

One of our next M-OSRP deliverables directly responds to that current

open issue and significant off-shore and on-shore exploration and
development challenge.
When we sometimes hear we are not interested in multiples , we
respond that everyone is interested in the increase of accessible
prospects and plays and advances in effective structural and amplitude
analysis that are currently precluded or impeded-- and where a
significantly more effective multiple removal is absolutely essential to
make those currently inaccessible prospects accessible and able to
contribute to exploration and production successes and reserve
replacement. Thats why more effective multiple removal is interesting.
Speaking of interested and not interested , it is reasonable and
understandable that more oil and service companies would be
interested in availing themselves of the most capable and cost
effective seismic processing , than would be interested in supporting
fundamental directed high impact research for the next and necessary
level of increased seismic effectiveness- thats always been true and
will always remain true- and especially under a difficult downturn. The
new M-OSRP business model and IBM iCloud HPC proposal recognizes
that set of reasonable and understandable interests and responds to
and provides the former, to protect and support the latter.
Please see the video in the link below where that open issue and
current challenge and our response and delivery are described.

Researching and delivering the next generation of seismic migration

for improving structural plays and more effective amplitude analysis
The ability to produce an effective structural map and to apply
amplitude analysis depends on several factors including: (1) the data
acquisition, (2) de-ghosting and (3) the methods employed to deliver
and analyze that data at the target and reservoir. The latter is a weak
link today in the seismic processing chain, and , for example, all
migration methods today, including RTM, and all extensions of the
original RTM idea have high frequency approximations. Hence, they do
not treat the new broad band data with equal effectiveness where it is
relevant and most important, at the target and at the reservoir. MOSRP has developed the first migration method that is equally
effective at all frequencies, and at the place where that broad band

data is needed: at the reservoir.

Please see the link below.
It will be more effective than all current migration methods including in
particular all RTM methods, and it will have a commensurate higher
compute requirement. It has the potential to better assess structural
targets beneath highly absorptive overburdens , and to perform
amplitude analysis , including the variation of amplitude along a
laterally extensive unconventional reservoir. Along with our multiple
removal algorithms it will benefit from and require the IBM iCloud HPC
Please see the link below with a video recording presentation The
first migration method for a heterogeneous medium that is equally
effective at all frequencies : a new and more effective imaging tool box
option for amplitude analysis ( e.g., FWI and AVO)for conventional and
unconventional prospects, and for subsalt and sub-basalt structural
plays , Arthur Weglein, UH, December 14, 2015.
In summary, please see the Executive Summary Video with Delivered
and Documented Added-Value and Impact .
Executive summary video: the M-OSRP delivered added value and
documented E&P impact, March 9, 2015
Below please find the earlier correspondence with Daryl Williams of
IBM, that we previously shared on the IBM i Cloud HPC cost effective ,
reduced capital expenditure processing proposal.
We look forward to staying in touch on the pilot project with Scott
Morton, and seeing you at our Annual Technical Review June 8, 9, 2016
at the UH Hilton.
As always, sending my warmest and very best regards,

Dr. Arthur Benjamin Weglein

Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen Distinguished University Chair in

Director, Mission-Oriented Seismic Research Program
Professor, Dept. of Physics, and Professor, Dept. of Earth and
Atmospheric Sciences
Physics Department , SR1 617
University of Houston
Houston, Texas 77204-5005
Office phone 713-743-3848
Office fax 713-743- 3589

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