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student magazine . feb 08 . issue two

PACE page 7

Flash Factsr
Look out fo r ou
interesting fa issue!
College Record Breakers throughout

at Graduation. page 6

HMIE Inspection? What’s it all about?

All the facts page 11. fusion 1
President’s Letter

Student Union Members

Who we are -
Adele McLay
SU Secretary

Christopher Miller
LGBT Officer

David Harley
Sports & Rec Officer

Helen McHugh
PR & Events

James Marshall
Executive Officer

Kat Rowbottom
SU Treasurer

Welfare Officer – Clackmannan Campus & Stirling Campus
Entertainment Officer – Clackmannan Campus & Stirling Campus Kayleigh Forbes
NUS Officer
Student Union at Raploch
Hi, I will be in Raploch on Thursday mornings if you want to come
and see me - Caroline Hogg, Student Liaison Officer
Ross Stevenson
Find out more about the Student Union Executive by logging onto Equalities & Diversity Officer

fusion 2
We put the ‘fun’ into fundraising! Santa’s Little
It was a busy week of fun in November for staff and students taking part in various fundraising
activities for Children in Need.
Staff and students from departments at all the campuses enjoyed taking part in activities
ranging from the strange sport of Bouncy Boxing to a Sponsored Head Shave. Also, some of The Christmas spirit was alive and well in the
the students coloured the sky with balloons as they took part in a Balloon Release. To add to Falkirk Campus. Santa’s little helpers on the
the week of amusement, some staff members and students decided to wear fancy dress. Workstart course were raising money for Cancer
A good time was had by all and the college managed to raise over £1000. The cheque Research and for students on the Young People
was presented at the BBC Studios in Glasgow by representatives from the Student Union, course to attend a residential trip.
Department of Care, Social Sciences and Early Education and the Department of Access & The students organised and successfully ran
Progression. a Christmas stall in the Falkirk main building
Well done and thank you to everyone for taking part. assisted by a rather dodgy accordion player! As
you can see the Student Union President even
wanted a shot at playing!
On the stall they sold cakes, tablet (made by
Mrs Ritchie, cheers!), candles, wrapping paper
and gift tags.
The students managed to raise a fantastic
£147.44 over the two hours. Thanks to everyone
who contributed to this successful event.

Anyone Can Entertain!

X-factor and Britain’s Got Talent are so last year, the big name on everybody’s lips this year is
ACE! Anyone Can Entertain (ACE) is a new and exciting talent contest solely for students and
staff of Forth Valley College. A group of students are organising the event that gives anyone
the opportunity to take to the stage and strut their stuff!
The organisers came up with the idea to raise as much money as possible for students
Shoebox Appeal
taking part in residential trips. The Access and Progression department organise residential HNC Administration and I nfor mation
opportunities for all of their students. There is usually a cost implication for the student, and Technology day-release students put out an
for some students this can prevent them from participating in these fantastic development appeal for shoe boxes filled with small new
opportunities. items such as toiletries, stationery, clothing
If you can juggle, sing or even tell some jokes, now is your time to shine! So dust down the etc to send to Blytheswood Care for them to
flares, break out the hot pants and get practising for your chance to be the main event! distribute to people in Eastern Europe and
The ACE event will take place in the Middlefield conference room
on Thursday the 6th of March from 6 o’clock till 9 o’clock. The class had a goal of filling 50 shoeboxes;
Tickets will be available from the Access and Progression they received 150, which was fantastic.
workroom and will cost £3.50 for over 18’s and £2.50 for HNC student Sarah Lane said: “Seeing the faces
under 18’s – contact Stewart Ritchie Ext 3289. of those who received the boxes reminded us
of what Christmas is all about – it’s the giving
And remember Anyone Can Entertain - ACE! that is rewarding, not the receiving.”

Santa is a high-flyer at College

Blytheswood Care on receiving the boxes
said: “Thank you to everyone for being so
Santa and his reindeer flew over the Falkirk Campus in the run up to the Christmas holidays.
Students, staff and visitors to the campus
were welcomed to the college by a Christmas
animation on the Reception Plasma Screen.
The screen had an animation of Santa Claus
flying over the College on his sleigh with
Rudolph and friends.
Well done to Barrie Macdonald a 2nd year
HND Computer Aided Draughting and Design
student who created the animation and also
delivered a workshop to secondary school
pupils as part of a recent ‘college 4 u event’.

fusion 3
Coach Robert Heads the Football Team LGBT Update
The College Football Team has recruited a new team for the 2nd year running and has secured the I would like to introduce myself; I
services of a new Head Coach for this football season. am Christopher Miller, the new LGBT
In partnership with Wai Mun Lee, from the Department of Leisure Industries, the Student Union has officer within the College.
enlisted the services of Robert Gilmour as Head Coach, David McCord as player/Deputy Coach of the This term promises to be a promising
energetic and enthusiastic football team. one with a new LGBT Society being set
Robert and David are both 19 years old and currently study on the same course, HNC in Sports up, and with gay pride week well on its
Coaching with Development of Sport. They feel an important part of their course is the coaching way, it’s all happening.
placement where they can gain practical coaching experience.
On securing the position Robert said: “I wanted to build up my experience and reputation. Coaching Shortly, Forth Valley College’s LGBT
a team is something I have always wanted to do, so I jumped at the chance.” Society will have its first meeting, so
whether you’re gay, bisexual, lesbian,
The Forth Valley College Football Team has straight, etc feel free to come along.
not let the grass grow under its feet. They Whether it’s just to socialise, find out
have already played a friendly against Glasgow information, or take a more active
College of Commerce and in a competition in approach in LGBT campaigning, all are
Cumbernauld. welcome.
The team is currently training for a match in
March. Coach Robert says: “If you are interested Gay Pride Week is fast approaching,
in joining the team or just want to train or help taking place in late February, early
in any way come along to the Dawson Centre on March, when there will be many
Tuesdays as we train from 4.30pm to 6.00pm.” activities, stalls, information and much
more around the three campuses. Look
So why not take up the offer and support Team out for the posters and information,
Forth Valley College! which will be displayed in the College
and on the website.

Employment and life for a single mother If anyone has any questions or just
wants to have a chat, pop along to the
Student Union where I or any of the
- Written By Laura Gear (NQ Preparation for Care) Executive Officers would be more than
Why is it when a single mum goes out to work the employer expects the job to be her first priority? happy to help. Please check the student
union website for our office hours.
Some won’t even employ you because you need to work around your child. Some people assume
that it’s the woman’s fault for being a single mother as if we would have chosen to be in this position,
when it’s down to a relationship breakdown. Or the man gets cold feet and decides that they are not
ready to become a full-time father. But it’s still the mothers that get the blame.
When you don’t work you’re looked at as being lazy and living off everyone’s taxes and if you do work
some people will say you are neglecting your child. I’m a single mother and I didn’t work for the first
three years of my daughter’s life. It drove me mad sitting in the house most of the time as I enjoy
being out meeting new people. Don’t get me wrong; I also enjoy spending time with my daughter
Stop Smoking?
and being there for her. The aim is to raise awareness of the
health risks associated with smoking,
I went back to work when my daughter was about three and a half, it was the best thing I ever did. which could be mental health issues
My first job was at Greggs in Stafford followed by Greggs in Falkirk, but unfortunately the hours didn’t or being simply sick and tired of
suit. I also worked in a restaurant, the hours suited me but if I was off work with my daughter I felt seeing your hard earned money going
my employer looked down on me as her children were grown up and had their own lives. I thought up in smoke!
that as she had been a mother herself, she would have understood how hard it was to juggle work
and kids. All information collected by Quit&Save
is strictly confidential. However, for
After I left that job I couldn’t find another as I could only work specific hours and only two weekends those of you who are unsure and
a month when my daughter went to stay with her father. perhaps don’t want anyone to know
At times I felt it was really difficult to organise my life and spend time with my daughter who was that you smoke, we can be contacted
affected by me going back to work as she was used to having me at home. My daughter is better in confidence at the following:
now as I am able to spend more time with her. I have always believed that there should always be at margaret-annemacmillan@
least one parent there for the child but it’s not that easy when you’re on your own.
or 01259 727440
The Government has indicated they want single parents to go out and work but don’t give them
the support they need. It’s all well and good that they help to make up the wages with tax credits Forthcoming Event for
but most mothers want to be there at night and in the morning for their kids. To help the situation National No Smoking Day
employers should be more flexible with single parents as we may want to work, but our kids will When - 12th March
always come first. Where - Common Room
Clackmannan Campus
It just seems that no matter what we do it’s never good enough but until the people who think this Time - 10am – 12pm
way are in our shoes, they don’t have a clue. I think we should be shown more respect because it is Offering Free, Fun Interactive
hard bringing up a child when you are with someone, but a lot harder on your own. Workshops
Now I am at college and it is great as I can work around my daughter and the college understands Come along, all students most
that some people have other priorities. This has changed my life for the better. welcome!

fusion 4
New Regular Feature - our resident agony aunt Dear Jane is here
to answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to email in
confidence to

Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on having the courage to write in. You shouldn’t feel isolated. Most students, at
some point, find their coursework challenging and need help.
I think you need to speak to a member of the Learning Development Team at the College. They offer a free, friendly and
confidential service that aims to support students with a number of study concerns.
Also, the Team can approach the lecturers on your behalf and help you to find a positive solution to any issues you may
be having in class.

You can contact the Team by phoning 01324 403330 or emailing

Go on, give it a try. Learning Development is here to help.

Adele, at first I will need to establish what you are studying at college and if you are a single parent, as this would help me
state what other streams of funding are available to you.
At College you can access the Hardship Fund that helps meet the costs around Child Care and Rent/Mortgage.
If you are studying an HNC/HND, you may want to consider taking out a Student Loan from the Student Awards Agency for
Scotland. Supplementary Grants are available for Lone Parents and an additional Child Care Grant.
Also Educational Grants are available via council schemes, to be eligible for these funding schemes this would depend on
you meeting the relevant criteria.

If you require any more information please do come and speak to a Learner Adviser at the college.
fusion 5
Forth Valley College Breaks Record at Graduation Success
In November a record breaking 830 College students celebrated
their graduation in three ceremonies held in the Falkirk Town
Hall and Stirling Castle. At our Falkirk Town Hall ceremonies, 730
students were entitled to graduate – one of which was William
Blake the youngest student in Scotland this year to graduate with
an HND. The guest of honour and keynote speaker for the event
was Dennis Canavan, the former Independent MSP for Falkirk

Bruce Crawford MSP was our guest of honour and keynote

speaker at the ceremony at Stirling Castle, where 100 students
were eligible to graduate. We were also privileged to have Dr
Bruce Leslie, the Chancellor of Alamo Community Colleges USA
address the audience. Adele Robertson, Grangemouth was also
presented with an award as the Forth Valley College Student of
the Year as sponsored by the Scottish Qualifications Authority

After the events Linda McKay, Principal of the College, said “On
behalf of Forth Valley College, I would like to congratulate all
the graduates on their achievements and wish them continued
success for the future.”

top rank SHOC success

performance from is celebrated in
army preparation course College
In December the College recently celebrated the success of 12 trainees who have completed Forth Valley College presented awards to
the NQ Army Preparation course. The students were presented with their certificates, medals thirteen students who had taken part in the
and specialist awards at a ceremony held in the Army TA Centre, Cumbernauld in front of ESF funded programme SHOC (Software and
army personnel, invited guests, college staff, family and friends. Hardware Opportunities in Clackmannan).
The project allowed students who had been
Invited guests made keynote speeches and presented certificates, medals and awards to the long-term unemployed to attend college and
trainees. study computing.
During this 13-week course the trainees took part in a number of exciting outdoor pursuits, To acknowledge completion of the course,
studied accident and emergency procedures and worked together to win the Army Camp a small reception was held, where Joanne
Barra Buddin inter college challenge for the 5th time. The trainees also raised £1,000 for McGilivary (Depute Head of Applied Science
Worldwide Wildlife Foundation. This makes the group a hard act to follow..... and Computing) presented students with a
Congratulations must go to Stacey Beveridge, Kenneth Buntain, William Burnett, James package, which included a 215MB External
Carroll, Daniel Crawford, Gordon Hislop, Michaela Lindsay, Michelle Paterson, Stacey Hard drive, a 1GB USB Flash Drive and a PC
Robertson, Gordon Todd and Ashleigh Wright on their success in completing the NQ Army Support Handbook.
Preparation Course. After the presentation one of the participating
students Mark Henry said; “The course was very
good as after being long-term unemployed it
gave me the confidence to do the HNC/HND
and then go to University.”
“The placement opportunity was excellent and
it showed me I could do it. After completing
my degree I would like to work in a Network
Administration role.”

fusion 6
Kylie learns at a cutting pace
Forth Valley College student Kylie Fullerton has
completed her 5 core skill units within a very
short space of time. The core skills syllabus is
normally delivered over a year, Kylie completed
her units within 2 months.
Kylie (18) who left school at 14 years of age
with no qualifications has just completed the
components of a Modern Apprenticeship in
Hairdressing. Whilst completing this course
it was highlighted that the Core Skills units
– IT, Numeracy, Communication, Working with
Others and Problem Solving - were missing
from Kylie’s portfolio.
Kylie works at Chaplin’s, a salon in Hallglen, and
attended college on a Wednesday, her day off, to
complete the final section of her MA. Kylie said:
“it was well worth it, I am glad that I did it.”
Kylie also had the fantastic opportunity in July to
go to one of the Vidal Sassoon salons in London,
where she gained an extra certificate. Of the
experience Kylie said: “Amazing, it was good to
see a different training agency working.”
Now that Kylie has completed the components
of an MA she is looking to the future and
later this year will be assessed to see if she
can proceed onto the Degree in Specialist
Colouring. If she achieves the degree then she
will be the youngest person in Britain to achieve
the qualification.

College Science Event is No Turkey

Forth Valley College’s Department of Applied Science and Computing focusing on IP telephony and IP/Radio telephony a new hybrid which
recently delivered ‘Christmas Lectures’ to 160 1st and 2nd year pupils allows you to use the Internet if you only have a radio and no computer.
from 8 secondary schools in the Falkirk Area.
The event encouraged teambuilding within the Department of Applied
The pupils participated in 3 different workshops delivered by college
Science and Computing and encouraged a partnership between the
science students entitled ‘Digesting Christmas Lunch’, ‘Who Kidnapped
lecturers and students.
Santa’ and ‘How can we talk to Santa!’
Feedback from the students on the day included “Good, definitely
For ‘Digesting Christmas Dinner’ the students were able to follow the
different and helped you learn more as you could see the end result”;
travels of a piece of turkey through the digestive system.
“found the blood analysis interesting and very educational”; “it was cool
The workshop ‘Who Kidnapped Santa’ was based on forensic science. a good laugh while being factual.”
There were 3 suspects, which the students, using the evidence available,
had to eliminate down to one.
In the final workshop, ‘How can we talk to Santa?’ students looked at
the different ways that Internet technologies allow us to communicate,

College Science students showing the ‘future scientists’ what they know.

fusion 7
Kayleigh Gets the Vote
At the NUS Scotland conference held in Glasgow on
the 3rd of November 2007, elections were held for the
Scottish delegation in National Council.

I decided that this was the perfect opportunity for me

as I felt the need to be a part of something that allowed
student voices to be heard and be recognised as a whole,
and be the person that represents all Further Education
views. I did not, however, expect to stand up for two
minutes and make a speech!! All I was thinking was,
“Trust it to be the day I speak in front of a conference full
of people to be the day I have a bad hair day!”

Finally, after a nerve wracking round of two serious

questions relating to my views on subjects such as racial
discrimination, and a fun question, the votes were cast.
David Fletcher of Stirling University and James Wilson
of Aberdeen University were elected to represent the
views of all Universities in Scotland, while I was voted as
FE delegate, representing the views of all colleges in the
Scotland region at National Council.

At the moment, one of the main things that NUS Scotland

is campaigning against and pushing for a positive result is
the debt and hardship faced by students.

Watch this space for more information on my role as FE


Kayleigh Forbes
Flash Facts
Student Uncioa n be
mercha n d is e
to sh , sigzet
a p e
suit you ,
and colourders in now!
your or

Students Shred all Evidence

Falkirk and District Community Safety Panel visited the college to raise awareness in relation to Identity Theft and kindly donated a state of the art
shredder, so students can shred their personal documents.

Independent sources have recognised that students are a vulnerable high-risk group
when it comes to leaking their personal information to others. Information is a valuable

Do not believe the myth that Identity Theft is a new age crime confined to the realms
of computer hackers. All it needs is for someone to pick up a bill with your name and
address on it for major problems to start.

Your personal information can be used and unfortunately you may have to bear the
brunt of any criminal actions. Proving your innocence is not always that easy.

So to avoid the cry of ‘Stop Thief Give me back my Identity’ students should use the
The new shredder and those involved with the initiative
fantastic new shredder, which is situated in the Student Services Centre, Falkirk Campus.

fusion 8
Be Social and Net a Cash Prize
A cash prize of £150 could be yours if can make even more friends at the
you join Forth Valley Student Union’s College! DI
Social Network and are lucky enough to
have your name drawn out of the hat. Join the Student Union’s Social Network CO COU
by Leap Year Friday the 29th of February
FVSU is the Student Union website and you will be in the draw to win a cash
dedicated to delivering relevant and up prize of £150.
to date information to all our College
students. The social network is similar to Visit and sign up today
“Bebo” and “Facebook” but it’s exclusive to be in the draw.
to Forth Valley College Students so you

Learn @ your Library Keyline Builders’ Merchants is one of the largest

Continues to Grow
suppliers of building materials in the UK with
almost 75 branches nationwide.

As a leading supplier to one of the largest

The College’s innovative internet learning partnership is set to expand, with the launch of the UK industries, building and construction,
‘Learn @ the Library’ initiative in the Falkirk area. From February 2008, free online courses will Keyline supplies thousands of product lines to
be available to all those using Falkirk Council Libraries. trade professionals and specialist contractors
The initiative is also currently on offer to all Stirling Council Library users after a successful including general building materials, timber,
launch last year. roofing, landscaping materials and tool hire,
After signing up, you can access a wide range of learning opportunities via the College’s
Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). You can then access the courses from libraries, any Exclusive
college learning centre, home or work. The units are designed to be flexible so you can study Keyline are offering up to a fantastic 50% off
at a time and pace to suit your lifestyle and hopefully be encouraged to take further courses their products exclusive to Forth Valley College
with the College. students, on presentation of your matriculation
card to the Keyline staff member.
Examples of courses on offer include:
• Getting Started with Microsoft Applications Contact details, opening hours for both depots
• Getting Started with Internet and Email
• PC Housekeeping Keyline Opening Hours - Mon - Fri 7.30am till
• Digital Photography 5pm & Sat 8am till 12am
• Working with Digital Images and Photos
• Effective Online Shopping Contact Details
• Getting the Most from Digital Devices – mobiles, MP3 players, cameras Falkirk Branch - Bankside Industrial Estate, Falkirk
• Building a Website Tel no. 01324 638471 Fax no. 01324 611023
• Plus many more beginners to advanced IT courses...
Stirling Branch - Whitehouse Road, Stirling
Once enrolled, you will receive online support across the Internet as required. Tel no. 01786 475454 Fax no. 01786 474927
Initially, you can sign up at the main library in Hope Street, Falkirk or any College Learning
Centre. This initiative is part of the College’s continuing objective to increase accessibility to
learning in the local community.

Learn @ the Library courses are available to everyone –

So why not let your friends and family know? Donald Corbett
Falkirk branch, offering students 10% discount

Offering students 10%

fusion 9
Dynamic Amy
Come fly with me!
On the 29th of January this year students from Access and Progression received a bird’s eye view!
As part of their Wildlife Studies class they invited some friends from the animal kingdom into

Collects Award their class.

Plop a barn owl, Dash a harrier hawk and Lift and Shift two European ferrets. The class had a
Amy Davidson (20) was presented with the
fantastic time and the guests behaved themselves really well - almost! The class hope to
HND Biotechnology Award as top student
encourage more birds into the Stirling campus garden by making feeders and have already taken
in Scotland at the prestigious Science
a bird count so that they can see if they make any difference.
at the Parliament Awards Ceremony at
Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh.
Amy also graduated with a double HND
from the college in November. She
collected a double HND at the College’s
recent graduation ceremony. She
received an HND Biotechnology and also
completed extra units to receive her HND
Applied Biological Sciences.
Amy showed great potential and was
snapped up by BioReliance with whom
she is now working as a Lab Technologist.
After receiving her award at the event
Amy said “I wasn’t expecting anything like
this to happen but I am really pleased that
all my hard work has paid off.”

First and second year Hairdressing students recently competed against each other in a department
competition to help them prepare for National Competitions. The competition was split into two
categories - Hair Up and Blow-Dry.

The competition took place in the new state of the art salon in our Raploch Campus with 12
students taking part from both 1st and 2nd year.
Devil’s Kitchen The students had half an hour to complete their look, not only thinking about the hair style but
The staff and students from the department the students also had to make sure their models were dressed inline with the theme of their hair
of Leisure Industries had a roaring success style. The hair styles were marked by 6 judges made up of lecturers from the department, with
with their Devil’s Kitchen event. one winner from each year being presented with an award.
It was an evening of intense competition
The 1st Year winner was Sonya Robertson and the 2nd Year winner was Lauren McGrouther.
between Hospitality Lecturers George
Scott and Scott Dougall. The two award
winning chefs and their students prepared
meals for over 100 guests in a cooking
George Scott took the winner’s trophy,
but everyone who was involved were
triumphant as funds were raised for two
very good causes.

Actors & Ac .
et silent film
for low budg
Call Bre on
07749 38272

fusion 10
HMIE returns to the College!
The jungle drums are beating about the HMIE Review 18-22 February 2008;
here are some pointers to guide you through this experience.

Who Will be Coming to the College? What kind of Questions might I be

• A team of 20 reviewers will be in the College
during the review week, spending time in If you are a learner in a subject, which is being
teaching departments looking at subject areas reviewed, the reviewer might ask about:
and looking at college-wide matters. They • how the learning in your programme takes
will visit all of our campuses and some of our place
community centres.
• what kinds of learning activities you do and
whether they work for you
What will the Reviewers want to • how well you are getting on
know about the Subject Areas? • what kinds of help you get if you can’t get
to grips with any of the subjects or if anything
The reviewers will want to know: else is preventing you from learning
• how effective the learning and teaching • whether you are enjoying your subject
process is
• what you are getting, personally, out of your
• how successful learners are in achieving
their learning goals, for example qualifications,
certificates, subject skills and knowledge,
If you are a class representative in a subject
personal skills.
selected for review you may be invited to a
meeting with other class representatives. It
They will:
would be helpful if you could ask the learners
• interview staff in your class for their views beforehand.
• observe lessons
• hold discussions with learners Reviewers will also have discussions with
• look at learning and teaching material, groups of learners on topics to do with the
learner work, college reports, information on college as a whole. Some of these groups
learner achievement, and other paperwork. will be for class representatives, and some
will be for other learners. Again, if you are
What will the Reviewers want to a class representative, it will be helpful if
you ask learners in your class for their views
know about College-wide Matters?
They will be interested in:
If you are asked and agree to be part of one of
• how well the College is managed
these groups, you will be contacted in advance
• how accessible and inclusive the College is and given some information about the kind of
• the arrangements for guidance and support questions you might be asked.
for learners
• how the College uses its accommodation, Forth Valley College and HMIE thank you in
resources and services to support learners advance for your help!
• staffing
• arrangements for improving the overall Learning Strategy
learner experience.
This strategy helps define what kind of
They will interview staff, hold meetings with learning experience you can enjoy at College.
learners, including the Student Union, and We aim to offer experiences that are engaging,
look at overall College arrangements and inspiring, interactive and accessible so you get
paperwork. the most from learning.

What Should I do if I am involved in the The College puts the learner at the heart of
Review? its operation and a strong student voice is
• Remember - it is the college, not the learner, important to us.
which is being reviewed!
• If you are invited to meet a reviewer as part For a copy of the strategy contact a Learner
of a group, please think in advance about what Adviser.
is good and not so good about your learning
experiences and overall experience of college.

fusion 11
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fusion 12
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