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Issue 17

Editor: Sara Hadfield

Editor-In-Chief: Elizabeth Simos
Produced in USSU,
University of Surrey,
Est. 2008

Elections Candidates Go
Head - To - Head Chancellors played host to the University of Surrey
In this issue: Students’ Union’s very own Election Question Time earlier
this month as candidates for next year’s sabbatical
positions had the opportunity to discuss their policies and
Win tickets to Charlie answer questions from the audience. The event continued
past midnight and was largely a success as students were
and the Chocolate able to find out more about those hoping to secure vital
Factory Flirt only in
The Stag! Recognition has to be owed to Alan Roy, the Membership
Services Director of the Students’ Union, for anchoring the
entire night and ensuring proceedings ran smoothly. Equal
credit is owed to MAD TV and Stage Crew for recording
Read the candidate the event and taking care of the technical aspects, and
manifestos for the Ben McCauley, the Commercial Services Director of the
Students’ Union, for maintaining a strong social media
sabbatical elections following throughout the evening.

and make the right First to confront the audience were candidates for VP Sports
& Recreation and the majority of questions focused on the
choice! new Sports Park and membership fees. Alan Monkhouse
highlighted the need to increase ‘performance sports’ to
attract funding from companies interested in sponsorship
Check out the NEW and “spreading the cost” of membership to the Sports
Park “between two terms if it can’t be reduced”.
Society of the
Fortnight! When asked how VP Sports will influence the Sports
Park management, despite not having any control over
operations, candidate Gurkamaldeep Parmar suggested
he will “work out what’s hurting them right now and see
Check out our where I can actually add value to them”.
Technology section - Continued Page 3...
the newest section of
Sabbatical Elections:
The Stag!
Technology Comes of Age
The sabbatical elections this year have been unlike any
Interview with Jade other election I have experienced in my two years here at
the University. The Union has embraced new technology,
Johnson! the candidates have engaged in the online process and
students have been voting using the new digital technology
launched this year. Surrey has embraced the 21st Century.
All your regular And it’s about time too.

features! The digital age presents those of us who engage

in democracy with some exciting challenges and
opportunities. Harnessing ‘new media’, getting to grip
And much more.... with the tools of the web and making campaigns relevant,
all provide huge challenges that any potential sabbatical,
executive and NUS delegate nominee will face.

Recycle However we shouldn’t be intimidated. Online campaigning

is fun. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Wordpress are
Your Stag! becoming compulsory components of any campaign.

Continued Page 3...

Issue 17 I 22nd March 2010 I
Editor’s Letter
Hi Everyone,
As this term comes to an end it’s still
as busy as ever. For those of you that
are already enduring exams, good luck In this issue...
and I hope they’re going well!

Thank you for all of you who submit-

ted articles for this edition! We had so News Pages 3 - 5
many articles for this edition so if we
haven’t managed to include your arti-
cle in this edition please let me know
and I will ensure that you are reserved Features Pages 7 - 39
a space for the next edition.
Manifesto Special! Pages 21 - 36
Our editions after Easter will be jam
packed so if you’d like to ensure you
Fashion I Page 11
have a space please start reserving for
either issue by contacting the relevant
Science I Pages 14
section editors, or contact me at: ussu.
Health I Page 19
NEW Technology I Page 37
So, what’s going on in this edition of The Stag?

We have a competition running until Friday – We have 10 golden tickets available for
grabs for the end of term Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Flirt! All you have to do Societies Page 41
is find one of our substitute tickets in an edition of The Stag. If you’re a lucky winner
contact us on to arrange a time to collect your ticket.
Good luck!
Arts Pages 43 - 50
Don’t forget to vote! You are still able to vote for your sabbatical team for 2010 until
Friday 26th March. Read candidate manifestos in this edition of The Stag and make Music I Pages 43 - 44
the right choice!
Dance & Theatre I Pages 45 - 46
There’s still time to nominate for the Annual Student Union Awards 2010 so make
sure you get your nominations in by Friday 26th March.
Film I Pages 47 - 48
If you’d like to be a part of The Stag team next year, we’ll be posting our AGM date in
Literature I Pages 48 - 50
the issues after Easter so make sure you check back with us then!

Sara x
I hope you all have a great time on Friday and enjoy your Easter break! Sports Pages 51 - 55
Enjoy the issue!

Editor I Sara Hadfield :

Deputy Editor (Design) I Position Currently Available :
Deputy Editor (Marketing) I Jack McWaters :
News I Ben Pook :
Features I Mariam Nasir :
Science I David Pugh :
Technology I Ankur Banerjee :
Societies I Bakita Kasadha :
Music I Mark Allen :
Dance & Theatre I Rachel Gildea :
Literature I Eunice Njagi :
Film I Ollie Sim :
Sports I David Holt :
Copy Editor I Ankur Banerjee

The Stag is an editorially independent newspaper and is published by

the University of Surrey Students’ Union.

The views expressed in the paper are those of individual authors and do not necessarily
represent the views of the editorial team, the Students’ Union or the University of Surrey.

Printed by Surrey and Berkshire Media Limited

Stoke Mill House, Woking Road, Guildford, Surrey GU1 1QA

The Stag reserves the right to edit submissions.

Please direct all enquiries to the relevant section editors.
Continued from Page 1... Current Ethics and Equal opportunities officer, Matthew Strange, answered first
with “My experience: I’m the only one who has had experience of a society, a
Current Environment Officer and candidate for VP sports, Trung, highlighted sports club, a welfare amenity and an academic rep.” Alex Chalikiopoulos then
the importance of “student participation”, which he feels will have a direct explained “Overall well-rounded and taking everything from University; that
impact on providing continued funding for the Sports Park. being academic, societies, sports and a professional training year”.

After a short break, candidates campaigning for VP Societies & Individual Arran Stears drew attention to his availability by replying “my telephone, my
Development presented their policies and prepared for questions from the address and all my contact details are on Facebook. And if you call me tonight
audience. A variety of topics was discussed and candidates were forced to I’m happy to help. Expect more” and Malcolm Hunt, current VP for Welfare,
express their personal strengths and their ability to represent every single highlighted his experience “Not only will I be active and student led, but I have
society in the Students’ Union. Asked about whether candidates will be a track record of actually giving results. It’s very easy to say what you’re going
biased towards personal societies, Aris Kazakidis, explained he “will be there to do, but actually doing it is another thing”. The remaining candidate, Jack
to challenge” all relationships in order to stay focused to goals, including the Colby, kept it short and sweet, “I’m down to earth and I’m here for you guys
Dance Music Society, with which he is currently involved. and I want to make a difference”

Tiago ‘Kiko’ Lourenco pointed out his current position as the President of Chancellors provided a well-known environment for candidates to discuss
the Portuguese society and how this will lend itself to getting “the whole important student issues. However, throughout the evening, the audience
Students’ Union involved to create new societies”. And while answering the gradually became a little too comfortable and organisers of the event were
same question about persuading students to join societies, Osama Salih, on forced, on a number of occasions, to ask the audience to quiet down. At
the other hand, offered examples of activities; “this can involve cake baking or times, candidates were unable to hear the questions and some appeared
a food competition, or even arts and crafts” to “develop skills and expand their restless when noise levels were too high.
society”. Meanwhile, when asked about whether amenities should belong to
Societies or Welfare, Rowan Cole made clear his view “that these are groups The impact of social media was a promising success story of the night. Students
that do fantastic work and currently do feed into the VP Welfare with great engaging via Twitter and Facebook were proposing questions to candidates
This year’s sabbatical elections promise to be as interesting as ever and
VP Welfare appears to be a popular position with seven candidates running in Election Question Time provided a fantastic opportunity for students to quiz
the elections. Candidates were first asked about their views on the projected directly those hoping to represent them in the next academic year. Don’t forget
£7 million Multi-Faith Centre and responses were all in agreement, although to vote online at Voting closes on March 26th. You can also
only two of the candidates, Rowan Ling and Georgina Hancock, had actually watch the Election Question Time online at
seen the plans.

The impact student media will have on welfare was also discussed among
the candidates, with Diana Fisher explaining how “Student media is a great by Ben Pook
way of getting messages out...I’d work with VP Societies and VP Education
as well, to make sure everybody’s views are expressed”. Meanwhile, when Continued from Page 1...
discussing The Stag, Terry Tsim feels he can “make it well better next year”
and it “definitely needs improvement”. Short YouTube videos are great for catching the electorate’s attention, Facebook
and Twitter are brilliant ways to access a large number of the electorate, and
Candidates were also quizzed about how they would interact with students as blogging can be an excellent way of releasing policies in an interesting way.
VP Welfare, and Zoe Papadopulos pointed out “my main aim is to be there for
you 24 hours a day. My problems are your problems”, while Noemi Iroome- Other University students have been effectively using these mechanisms for
Smith suggested that “just by being here and being approachable is good years now. There has been a proliferation of campaign dedicated Facebook
enough” and Tamsin Maclellan will not be “hassling any people to tell me their groups and dedicated YouTube pages that have allowed candidates to connect
problems.” with hundreds, if not thousands of people. We need to catch up.

Education standards is a crucial topic amid speculation that tuition fees However, this all comes with one disclaimer; let’s not forget the basics. No
will increase to between £5,000 and £7,000. The next VP Education will campaign will be complete without having a detailed manifesto with tangible
be responsible for ensuring the concerns of future students are heard, and policies that eventually victors can be measured against. Getting out on the
candidates for next year’s position were all keen to suggest why they’re suitable doorstep and speaking to students is another fundamental element of any
for such an important role. campaign. Nothing beats speaking to students; listening to concerns and
ideas in order to learn for the future.
Sam Bull, current Union Chairman, highlighted his policy to improve access
to learning “what we do need is academic reps to feed up problems... I So let us welcome the technological innovation. Let us use technology as a
propose bringing academic reps into the Union fold by creating the equivalent way of communicating more effectively with the apathetic and disengaged;
of society standings”. Adam Vernone wants to improve the accountability of helping to bring them into the fold. And let us use technology to change our
the VP for Education “if I’m out there every single week answering questions Students’ Union for the better. We have an opportunity to affect real change
from students, then I reckon I’ll be able to get a much better idea of what the and engender some positive debate. And it’s about time we took it.
student issues are.”
by Oliver Deed
Matthew Rawlings thinks “we should be looking to implement one policy across
the whole University... and then I’d make it as easy as possible to report back
when these targets are not met.”, and while discussing general issues, Stef
Epsom Downs Racecourse
Saturday 15th May

Jones highlighted “unpaid placements is an important thing that needs to be

mentioned because it is part of your professional training”.
The President of the Students’ Union is expected to possess a vast range of
organisational skills and candidates were eager to explain why they deserve to
be responsible for the entire Students’ Union. The debate covered a variety of
important topics, although the question that provided an intriguing insight into
the candidates was asked first.
Tickets NOW on sale
from the Activities Office in the Students’ Union
“What separates you from the other candidates?”
Student safety should be a Class Act, Can the University of Surrey use e-learning
to improve the learning experiences of non-
not a Glass Act traditional students?
Friday nights often mean that there are It’s not only bottles being used as The University of Surrey is conducting a research study about how
offers on alcopops or beer in Rubix. As a missiles which are the danger: smashed e-learning can best be used to benefit all students. E-learning is
result of these “three bottles for a fiver” glass on the floors can also be highly learning facilitated or supported through the use of information and
deals, nearly everyone in Rubix drinks out problematic, with girls suffering wounded communications technology. Students can be involved in e-learning in
of a bottle – thus increasing the chance feet as a result of smashed glass getting a number of ways from simple things such as downloading lecture notes
of an alcohol-fuelled student disposing in their footwear. through to forms of ‘blended learning’ which combine traditional face-
of their empty bottle simply by throwing to-face leaning with (for example) collaborative learning using online
it. I happened to be the victim on one Despite the staff being extremely vigilant discussion forums. Some students may even have modules delivered
occasion. when it comes to smashed glass, glass mostly electronically with online materials and videoconferencing.
collectors regularly do sweeps of Rubix
It had got to that time of the year to remove the glass but the dancefloor This study (‘Can the University of Surrey use e-learning to improve
again: when the most popular night the is often so busy it is impossible to move the learning experiences of non-traditional students’), which is
Students’ Union holds brings out the through. Cases of students visiting the being funded by the University of Surrey’s Widening Access Fund and
creative side in Surrey students. You medical room as a result of broken the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, will explore the views of
guessed it: the coveted Fetish Night. bottles are all too common for comfort. students and staff about e-learning generally and also look at whether
And glass isn’t the only problem on there are differences in experiences of e-learning between (for example)
As you may know, this particular theme nights out. Vandalism and security are mature students and younger students. It is hoped that the research
inspires people to dress as either their also hot topics which need to be urgently will improve students’ learning experience and also enable good practice
own or someone else’s fetish. The sheer addressed for the benefit of everyone on guidelines to be produced which will help staff to use e-learning in a
variety of outrageous outfits, coupled a night out. Union supervisor, Constance way which includes, and benefits, all students.
with the appropriately decorated union Gibbs says, “It certainly is an issue that
(this year’s Fetish Night saw Rubix turned needs to be addressed by students”. A sample of students from Nursing, Chemistry and Management
into a dungeon), makes Fetish Night one undergraduate programmes will be invited to participate in focus groups
of the most anticipated Union events The examples I’ve mentioned are not and to take part in an online survey. If you receive an invitation, either
here at Surrey. the only times that students have been to a focus group or to complete a survey, please consider taking part –
struck by bottles and it will certainly not your views really are important. For non-traditional students, who don’t
In hindsight, however, this year’s event be the last. But what can we, as the always have such a visible presence on campus, it’s a great opportunity
was not worth looking forward to in my student body, do? to discuss your views on e-learning. £10 in vouchers will be awarded
case. I was hit in the face with a stray
to those attending focus groups and there will be a prize draw for all
bottle thrown on the dance floor, which As expected when students and alcohol
those completing the online survey. The focus groups are coming soon
led to a stint with the St John Ambulance mix on a Friday night out at Rubix,
and the online survey will be available in June.
team in the union and facial injuries. But events can sometimes get a little bit
it could have been much worse. out of hand. But there is so much that
For further information, please email the Lead Researcher, Mr Mike
us students can all do to help prevent
On the night of 4 December 2009, a O’Driscoll, at m.o’ or the Student Representative,
these sorts of incidents. The Students’
group of friends and I went to the Union Catherine Holman, at Students can also find
Union has already explained to us that it
with expectations of a standard fun out more on the following website:
can’t switch to plastic bottles in Rubix as
Friday night out. Dressed as a ladybird projects/e-learning
prices will have to be increased (plastic is
(not the most conventional fetish outfit, I more expensive), the shelf life of plastic
know), I was having a great night. There by Catherine Holman
bottles is generally very short and with
I was, cutting shapes on the dance floor, long closure periods this is just not really
when suddenly I was struck by a flying applicable. So it is up to the students to
bottle that was thrown from the other be safety conscious, when you are done
side of the room. Initially, I thought with a bottle, recycle it. You can find
that I had been punched, but when I the recycling bins in the Union located
touched my face, I felt a gigantic bump on the dance floor and around the bars.
that had already formed within seconds. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to dispose
I knew I had been bottled. I was taken of your bottle that way, and it’s certainly
to the medical room straight away to be
checked out by the paramedics. Luckily,
safer than leaving them lying around the Nominations open for Annual Student
the injuries were not too serious and I Awards
fortunately escaped with just a black eye Also, if you see someone that looks
and a very swollen face. ‘dodgy’, and perhaps a security risk, Students have begun nominating who they think have made a difference
then mention it to the bouncer. This this year and deserve to win in The Annual Student Awards 2010. Awards
Frances Harrison, another student and could save a lot of potential trouble for are broken down into four categories; Sports Club, Societies, Individual
a friend of mine, sadly experienced both yourself and everyone else who is and Colours, with over 30 separate awards available.
something similar last May during Chav enjoying a good night in Rubix.
Night at Rubix when a fight broke out Nominations close on March 26th and the awards evening will take place
near where both she and her friends were Some friends and I hope to start a at Wates House on May 20th. Entry is invitation only and all shortlisted
dancing. Someone in the sparring group campaign in the near future about nominees will be invited. “Every year, the Students’ Union hosts an
threw a bottle, which hit Frances in the keeping yourself and others safe in the evening of awards which celebrate students who bring the best out of
face, leaving her in A&E with what doctors union, but until then, it’s up to everyone themselves and others. This could be through their commitment to their
feared was a fractured cheekbone. to help make our Students’ Union nights Sports Club or Society, or volunteering in the community, amongst other
out safer and more secure. Let’s hope activities.” explain the Students’ Union.
“It was the most awful night ever,” said we can sort it out. But for now, look out
Frances. “What made it worse was for flying bottles. “The evening is all about recognising the individual students who are
being dressed as a chav for six hours in making huge efforts to improve the experiences of others and develop
hospital! We got some funny looks from by Anna Shipp themselves in the process.” Visit for information
people in the waiting area!” on how to submit your entry.
Why Even Bother?
Each fortnight I find myself inundated with requests to report on how ticket bothered to vote on or discuss with Union representatives? They don’t have
prices are too high at Rubix or why the length of queues at the Bookshop the right. And that’s precisely why more of us should be bothered.
on the day tickets are released appear to have gradually grown over time.
Students obviously care about how much spare change they’ll have in their Some students will decide not to care, despite being aware of the advantages.
pockets on a night out, or how much time they’ll have to waste waiting in line The University has “one of the highest levels of mature students in the UK at
like the rest of us. I don’t confess to knowing the answers to these issues, the University... we’re 9th in the country” explained the Vice-Chancellor in a
neither do I feel compelled to discover the answers. recent interview with The Stag. Mature students understandably have more
responsibilities than students recently out of college or sixth-form.
On the other hand, when observing University and Students’ Union affairs, I
have a personal interest to find out what important decisions are being made Furthermore, international students, who represent a sufficient portion of total
and how these fundamental developments will affect the student community. students at the University, might be unfamiliar with British social norms and
Admittedly, I don’t agree with every decision, but I’m confident both parties could feel more reluctant to delve into the University and Students’ Union
attempt to source opinions from students, and this feedback is taken into affairs. Not every single student is expected to participate.
The quality of content in The Stag newspaper has also been criticised by
But why should we care about the affairs of the University and the Students’ students unaware of how the editorial team manage each edition and the
Union? Why express an interest in the developments of both organisations? availability of compelling articles. Often, editors are not in the position to turn
It seems the majority of students remain unaware of the direct benefits in away content because such a small number of contributors, in relation to
taking part. Interest appears to be at a dangerous low. Approximately 1% of total students, who regularly express an interest to write for The Stag. Again, it
the entire student population at the University of Surrey attended one of the seems students can’t comprehend the benefits of participation.
most important events in the Union’s calendar, the Annual General Meeting,
which took place in February. It’s now the most important time of the year for you to get involved. Candidates
for next year’s sabbatical team are tirelessly campaigning for your votes
We relish the opportunity to complain. I often find myself fed up by the lack and promising changes to issues we complain about every day. Unless we
of talented bands or DJs invited to play at the Union. Although, I’ve attended understand the benefits to student engagement, these issues will never be
nights at Rubix headlined by obscure artists, and found myself partying among resolved because decisions will continuously be made that don’t represent
a pathetic turnout of 40 to 50 students, I can’t entirely blame event organisers what we want.
for deciding not to arrange a night that will appear destined to fail.

Approximately 12,850 students decided not to turn up to the AGM. And until
a suitable proportion of students express a desire to vote on fundamental by Ben Pook
changes, the Union will continue to make decisions that don’t necessarily
reflect the interests of students. It’s our right to complain, but these complaints

will not be taken into consideration unless we participate in Union affairs, find
out who are representatives are and understand exactly how the decision-

& 953"
making process works.

The benefits to taking part are difficult to comprehend. It seems most students
can’t see how participating in Union decision-making will affect their day-to-
day lives on campus, or indeed at home. However, these ‘small things’ are
exactly what will change as a result of more students explaining what they’re
fed up with and what they want improved. The type of coffee on sale, the
quality of food at Chancellors and the availability of parking on campus, as
well as the variety of acts and the price of tickets at Rubix – your engagement
will have an impact on all of these topics.

The level of student involvement in University and Students’ Union affairs has
a direct impact on practically every criticism we direct at those responsible for
our student experience:

Undergraduate Nutrition student, Olafemi, explained “When we chose our

modules this year, especially in the Biomedical Science Department, they
don’t give us enough information on the modules we’re going to choose. Also,
I don’t think there’s enough integration between different nationalities at the

Business Management student, Dov Azagury, suggested a problem with the

library capacity. “I don’t think there are enough private booths in the library.
I can never find a private space to revise.” While final year student, Eamonn
Armstrong explained “Students should have more of a responsibility within the &953"
University. That way, they feel that they’re involvement will have an involvement,
rather than campaigning for nothing.” 3"%*$"-%*4$06/54 $0.1&5*5*0/4"/%4611035'03/64

But how do we know whether the Union are aware of this issues if we aren’t %&."/%*5/080/-:ƒ
getting involved? In other words, what gives the 99% of students who decided
not to attend the AGM the right to complain about issues they couldn’t be XXXOVTPSHVL
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Not Really News: Arriva Buses Run On-Schedule
Punctuality causes massive outrage amongst With the newfound reliability though, many lament the the Japanese, well-known for the reliability of their
students fact that they now have to reschedule their daily routines. super-awesome Shinkansen bullet trains. An activist
Busyu Zer, a final-year ‘Straw Man’ student pulled out of organization even pledged to unleash a phenomenon
Performance statistics on the punctuality of Arriva buses a hat by this reporter for the sake of making an argument, even more befuddling than Pokemon to extract revenge
in Guildford suggest that all of them are running precisely said “I miss being able to get the opportunity to sit for for this perceived insult. Calls for the resignation of the
on time, all the time. While the official reports have not hours in the could at the bus ‘shelter’, hungry and unable Chief Armourer of the bullet train system have already
been compiled yet, these interim reports have proved to to go home. Unreliable buses had become a part of the been made.
be quite controversial. ‘student experience’, and Arriva has unfairly taken that
right away from us.” This sentiment seems to be shared This reporter advises readers not to panic, because all
Arriva buses have often been maligned in the past for by others too – some sabbatical election candidates have of this might just turn out to be untrue. As stated in the
being unreliable, being late, and for having ‘mystery cleverly vowed to get ‘our familiar unreliable bus service’ beginning of the article, these are just interim reports.
buses’ that do not ever show up. Over the years though, back in their election manifestos with the intention of The final, annual report might tell a completely different
it appears that this is what students had come to expect getting votes, with clearly no intention of implementing story.
of the bus service in Guildford and planned their trips this policy once they are voted into power.
accordingly. Many students said that they would turn up by Anon Y Mouse
half-an-hour after the scheduled time for bus arrival, for This development has incited reactions across the world,
that is when a bus would actually come along. in Japan, too where there is widespread irritation among

A Tale of Screwdrivers, Frenchmen and Minnie Mouse

When you think of the typical use for a screwdriver, would with the intention of getting on a ferry as a foot pas- 78 euro each.
you presume it’s a handheld tool which drives screws senger. Reaching Dover, we were dismayed as we came
into walls and shelves….or maybe one that could attach to the realisation that this would not be possible, as Amazingly, overcoming all the obstacles of screwdrivers,
two cars together? This is fundamentally how we got to many teams had been trying throughout the day without strange Frenchmen and a little bit of magic, Team Raggy
Disneyland Paris in Jailbreak 2010. any success. Luck played its part and five minutes later, Doll had reached the Capital of France. With no luck
we had successfully joined with another jailbreak team relying on the SCNF to take us further south and the ser-
Jailbreak was the finale of RAG week, whereby RAG chal- from Kings College, London who had already blagged a endipitous meeting with another jailbreak team (Team
lenged students to raise as much money as possible by lift over the channel. Little did we know the events that Beer Can) a unanimous decision was made to seize the
getting as far away from The University of Surrey as they were soon to follow… day and enjoy being in Parie. The day was dedicated
could in 36 hours. In 2009, Jailbreak raised under £50 to sightseeing, aiming to finish the day at Disneyland
yet, this year’s event is currently totaling over £6, 500 Apparently our lovely ‘chauffeur’ Hugo had bought a Paris!!! Our trek began visiting various landmarks across
- RAG’s biggest fundraiser of the year. The winners got written off Chrysler Crossfire from EBay, he therefore Paris, ranging from the Notre Dame to the exquisite
to Houston, Texas in a mere 36 hours. Our final destina- had to collect this car from Dover and take it back with Eiffel Tower (unfortunately we were unable to find the
tion was Disneyland Paris…but that really is only half of him via the ferry. He consequently had two spare seats Louvre, if you do find it...we would love to have the di-
the story. in the Chrysler Crossfire and 4 in the car he was driving. rections- how you can miss glass pyramids, we’ll never
The problem however was that the tow bar that he had understand). Apparently we caused quite a buzz with our
Outside Channies at unsociable o’clock on a sunny Feb- bought earlier in the day was too big. Thus, he innova- yellow t-shirts at the Eiffel Tower, as we were bombard-
ruary Saturday morning, stood 23 teams of ready-and- tively decided to connect the Chrysler and the tow bar ed with “Bon Anniversaire” before walking up the 1021
raring to go students discussing their feats to ‘break- together via a screwdriver in the tow point of the Chrys- steps from there it was the lift to the summit.
out’ and make it half way round the world in 36 hours. ler, adding some finger tape for security. Two jailbreakers
Goodie bags with survival food, and novelty gifts (e.g. bravely got into the Chrysler whilst the other 3 of us sat Nevertheless the day did not end with us standing at the
Sharpies) had been handed round when the 10 second in the car with Hugo. summit of the Eiffel Tower, we continued on our quest
countdown began. With the sound of the claxon, the to get to the place where dreams come true, slipping
adrenaline kicked in and everyone legged it to Guildford We may have found a way out of the country...but it was through the barriers onto the Metro to Marnes La Vallee
Train Station….a blur of yellow t-shirts focused on one certainly not the way we had expected to leave. Chessy (the home of Disneyland Paris). As 10pm com-
goal! Team Raggy Dolls took the relaxed approach, how- menced, we sat in “Billy Bob’s Country Western Saloon”
ever, strolling down to the station. After a surprisingly uneventful journey across the chan- with one hell of a Minnie Mouse Balloon, eagerly await-
nel and a large packet of Cheese Puffs later, Team Rag- ing the news of where the other teams had got to…Ber-
With the Guildford train manager letting teams travel gy Dolls had officially left the country and successfully lin, Cologne, Edinburgh and Banbury were some of the
to Portsmouth and Waterloo for free, we Dolls followed managed to secure a lift to Lille, heading towards Hugo’s news we got through… It had been one epic weekend.
through on our decision and head for Gatwick airport, home. The exhausted Team arrived in Lille a little after Our jailbreak experience was truly "one-in-a-million". It
hoping that the same would be true for the guard on 2am, facing the decision between hitchhiking onwards sounds cheesy but it really was one of those experienc-
the Redhill and Gatwick train, with the assumption being or finding a hotel to rest up for the small remainder of es you could never really put into words. So many things
that a flight would equal flying miles away. Unfortunately the night- the hotel it was... happened that we couldn’t believe at the time, never
the airlines were unable to help, yet the National Rail mind actually have expected beforehand. It allowed us
Manager at Gatwick happily reminisced about his own At a rather unfriendly, un-student time of quarter to 6 to appreciate the generosity of many people and make
Jailbreak experience offering helpful advice: 1.) Avoid in the morning, the Team walked to Gare Lille Europe friends that we wouldn't have otherwise met. We feel
the Eurostar, 2.) Go to Dover! focusing on leaving Lille and heading south. With only that Jailbreak as a whole really showed the student pop-
the station heaters to keep them warm, the prospects ulation in a better light, using an entire weekend, and
As simple as this might sound, various train companies looked bleak. Fortunately a team of fellow jailbreakers many longer than that, to giving up their time and effort
could not offer their support due to “policy constraints” reminded Team Raggy Dolls of the spontaneity of Jail- to raise a phenomenal amount of money for charity. If
which greatly dampened our spirits. After being rejected break...jump on the train AND face the consequences. we learnt one thing from our experience of jailbreak, we
by the coach driver from London Victoria, we took a long Following this advice, after our failed attempt at speak- learnt of the importance of finger tape…you never know
walk to Charing Cross as opposed to risking the tube. ing French, we jumped on the train to good ol' Parie. when you might need it!!
Luckily, everyone at Charing Cross were extremely sup- One issue remained however; we didn’t have any tickets
portive and we were able to jump on a train to Dover or permission for travelling without one. Luckily, after be- by Rebecca Clark and Kirsty Stubbs
thanks to Zoë on South East Trains…We were finally ing caught out by the train guard Jean-Paul (that’s right,
getting somewhere! you read it correctly...his name was Jean-Paul) and his
magic man (another ticket guard who was amazingly
With our spirits rejuvenated, Team Raggy Doll (amd our good at magic tricks) we were faced with a small 48euro
trusty ‘charity hitchhike’ sign) marched to Dover port fine between us, the price of one ticket, as opposed to
"You Know What
Really Grinds My Can I get a lime and soda?
by Mark Allen
Gears?..” :
Lent is a time when people think about giving up things they think they can live without, with
Being Short classic choices being things such as fast food, chocolate or some lovely habits like smoking. I’m
“You Know What Really Grinds Our not a religious man, but I decided to give up alcohol for the period of Lent in the first two years of
Gears?..” : Facebook Abuse university. Some of you might be thinking I’m bonkers to give up the mega-deals on VK’s or £1.50
vodka and Monster deals for 40 days, so I thought I’d regale you with my experiences, and you
by Bakita Kasadha can see if you think it is something you could do.
This “Grind My Gears” was brought to you by The title of my article is a sentence I said too many times in bar/clubs over the 40 days. Lime and
the whole team at The Stag! This time there
soda is usually a pretty cheap drink, as it is literally just cordial and soda water, but you would be
is a list:
amazed at how much some bars have started charging for them. You start to question yourself
1. Pointless fan pages/ groups: “I hate when your handing over £1.25 for something that costs next to nothing to produce. I found myself
Mondays”. People generally don’t spending a ton of cash just on soft drinks alone, as most of the time I didn’t want to stand there
love them. I, too, am guilty of joining with a glass of tap water in my hand.
pointless ones. I laugh at the name
and then never look at the group again Hitting a club like Rubix completely sober is also an interesting experience, and I’m sure some of
and if it’s the kind of group that likes us have done it. You see everything from the other side, and sometimes you think it’s not so much
to change its status every 5 minutes, fun, as much as you might want it to; watching all your friends drinking the night away. If the club
I hide the group! is particularly crap, then it REALLY makes it difficult to have a ‘reasonable’ time. But that’s not to
say alcohol makes clubs enjoyable, but it can make things seem better than they are (e.g. beer
2. People joining groups only to insult all
of their statuses. goggles being the obvious one).

3. People who keep sending you friend The main reasoning for my abstinence from alcohol was to personally see if I could do it (which I
requests after you’ve ignored them. did, on both occasions). It was hard, but quite interesting to see how much of our student culture
Mate, get the hint! surroundings drinking. I also did it to save some money, as I’m sure we all want that £20 we blew
last night, once you take into account the pre-lash, ticket, drinks inside and the inevitable burger
4. People that get really clicker happy and chips on the way home to make any attempt to sober yourself up for tomorrow’s lectures...
and add you even though you have
never met, more than likely never will
and you have no mutual friends… The SPLASH guide to writing POWERFUL essays
5. People who join the group, “A
relationship should be between two Academic essays are… So how can I make MY writing more ACADEMIC?
people not the whole world” but still Precise Use language accurately, be exact with figures, pay attention to detail
insist on including the whole world in
their “lovey dovey” discussions with Objective Be open-minded, fair and unemotional in your approach – avoid I, YOU and WE
their partner in through their posts and
statuses. You do realise if you don’t Well-presented Make sure it looks professional – check your module handbook for guidelines
want us to get involved please stop
Edited / proofread Leave time to read through, re-order, change parts, add ideas, correct grammar
shoving it in our faces there’s always
messaging, texting or even calling? Referenced Ensure all ideas from books / journals have references. Add reference list
Why not try all three?!
Formal Avoid slang / jargon. Use more sophisticated vocabulary. Do not abbreviate
6. People who have attention seeking
status changes, suggesting their life Use caution Do not make over-generalisations. Things are rarely black and white
is about to come to an end very soon Linked Use connecting words / phrases to show your reader how ideas are related
and when you ask what’s wrong they
reply, “Don’t worry, it’s nothing.” Then
please refrain from telling the whole Explicit Always be clear, avoid vague statements and vocabulary

world about it then. The end. Structured Write in paragraphs – one main idea per paragraph – think carefully about order

Maybe I should make a Facebook group about Supported Include examples and evidence - paraphrased, quoted, summarised ideas
this Facebook abuse?
Analytical Break down issues into component parts – show how they are related
We (The Stag committee) swear that we’re
not moany mares all the time; it just really Your own work Be original. NEVER copy someone’s work – student or author – it is plagiarism!
“Grinds our Gears”.
For further advice, come to a drop-in session:
Travel definitely worth it; however, we left Anne
I LOL’d at how boring
this lifestyle has become!
Frank’s house severely depressed. So we
by Tom Goulding
by Elizabeth Pettigrew decided to go to Hard Rock Cafe. We then
decided to waddle back after feeling like Click, pop, patter.  That’s the sound of you refreshing your Facebook
Recently my friends and I decided we fat shits which increased our chances of homepage, receiving a message and replying with a few causal
needed a break. I know everyone feels getting hit by the murder cyclists. Here’s strokes of the keyboard.  Opened next to you will be lecture notes
like that from time to time… we just need a fun fact about Amsterdam - there are you desperately need to read in order to pass tomorrow morning’s
to get away from uni, from work, stress give or take about 1 million bicycles in module assessment, but wait! A Facebook group declaring ‘F**k
or whatever. A few of us had just handed Amsterdam. Everyone is on a bike all the it, 40%!’!  Well as long as that’s the general opinion you laugh
in some coursework and decided it was time. Next to the roads, there are bike wholeheartedly, taking a slurp of tea that you found the motivation
time to blow off some steam. Instead of lanes. And I’m not gonna lie, they are to make three hours ago.  Oh yeah, that’s right. It’s gone cold.
the usual union or maybe London trip, we like 3284738428974 scarier than cars.
decided to be a bit more adventurous, Those people are vicious. They will ring But it’s okay, you’re not the only one.  The online community has
see where we could go that was fairly their bells at you and hit you. On countless wasted more hours ‘becoming fans’ of trivial Facebook groups than
affordable and totally worth it. So, we occasions we were all nearly hit. all the people who have sat through a James Cameron film put
went to Amsterdam. together. As University students, we of course must bear the full brunt
On our last day we decided to go where of the blame, because while the vast majority of Western civilization
Amsterdam is somewhere that everybody everyone goes when they visit this city have the time to join appreciation societies that LOL at cheeky seals
needs to go at some point in their lives. (including my grandmother who went last peeping in the corner of a Polaroid, we’re the Pizzaman devouring,
I would suggest to go whilst you are at year) - THE RED LIGHT DISTRICT. Now, semi-alcoholic minority who have the time to make them.
university and to go with some good this is like no place you’ve ever been to
friends. Anyway, we got to Amsterdam and before. Everything that you picture it might What’s perhaps more bizarre, is no one is quite certain when the
checked into our hotel which by the way be, it’s that but about 3 million times Facebook group craze started.  Some philosophize that its origins can
was an experience in itself.  We stepped more perverted. Did you know that you be traced as far back as the mass Bebo and MySpace emigrations
into Hotel St. Nicholas, a little hotel right in could buy penis extensions? I’m not even of yesteryear, however a more accurate theory may just be that we
the city centre about 5 minutes away from kidding, it’s like a big tip to add to your tip. all got bored of holding mature, and civilized conversations with
the train station. It wasn’t quite what we AND condoms with the shape of the Eiffel each other. Such common codes of formal exchange as “How are
expected. The interior design bore signs of tower on the end or the Statue of Liberty, you?” it seems are obsolete in the notorious era of group orgies. 
having a gothic style influence with a rural in green and everything. Anyway, back Now we have to trick each other into Google searching blue waffle
chic charm. Completely lit by candles with to the nasty part.  We ventured into the (please don’t by the way, I’ll get in trouble) and satirizing Madeline
a blazing fire and the creepiest concierge most shocking place I’ve ever been. Down McCann to see which hysterical Mail-reading characterization we
ever with the exorcist music playing in the two very long streets, are an unlimited can infuriate first.
background was Hotel St. Nicholas...and amount of brothels, sex museums, sex
this is just the beginning. shops and sex shows. Basically SEX The problem here isn’t grotesque genitourinary infections or jokes
everywhere. You know that ending scene about child abduction, we’re not living in the taboo-restricted fascism
The first thing we did was head off to the in the movie perfume where everyone of the Noughties anymore. It’s the belief that since the anti-X Factor
coffee shop. Now this is seriously trippy. joins into a massive orgy? That’s it. So grass roots rage over Christmas, it now seems that every routine
When you first enter Resin, it’s a tiny when your walking the funniest thing to observation, every monotonous controversy and every sarcastic
humble looking café. However there’s a see is the people going into the brothels. remark about obese teenagers trying to express themselves deserves
door at the end that leads to this vast You see these beautiful, effin hot women public attention, that it should receive “the most fans” and therefore
space that can only be described as looking in these windows, posing with glow in the catapult their founder to a boardroom meeting with Simon Cowell
like a jungle. There was this massive tree dark bikinis who smile seductively and lick or Gordon Brown. It’s playground pettiness for the over twenties
thing in the middle with swings around their lips luring you in.  I’m not surprised market, but oh wait no it’s not, because here comes an eight-year-
and different levels with green cushions that many can’t resist, but what was kind old asking what an STI is and if it’s cool to get one. Blimey, when
for chilling. of weird was, as we were passing one of we were their age it was all about Pokemon not prophylactics! I bet
the brothels, we saw a man and women there aren’t any Facebook groups out there trying to gain popularity
The first thing we smelt when we entered for that piece of witty social commentary.  Oh....…
open the door of one and ask ‘do you
the city was weed. No joke. Everywhere
do couples?’ and the hooker added ‘we
you go there’s a café. At first it’s quite Why do we perpetuate what has essentially turned from social
do everything, yes’. WOW. I was like who
shocking. It’s strange to find something networking to becoming fans of nothing for the sheer hell of it? 
brings their girlfriend to a brothel? WOW.
that’s highly illegal in most of the world, Guardian columnist Hadley Freeman recently wrote an interesting
Anyway, who am I to judge and I thought
everywhere. But to Amsterdam, it’s piece on this phenomenon, declaring it as the latest form of political
it was funny. After just leaving a sex show
nothing. protest.  As she remarked however, there’s a fair amount of difference
where we saw two fat old people do doggy
between clicking an icon and being ‘kettled’ at Westminster by riot
Amsterdam is a unique city with a culture on stage, nothing else could shock or
police.  This isn’t technology being used to front a revolutionary
that may appear shocking to some. disturb me. In fact, that will be accurate
ideal, no one is sparking the fuse for parliamentary reform. We’re all
However it is crucial to keep in mind that for the rest of my life.
sitting on our arses, hungover and trying to reinforce some perception
the whole of Amsterdam is not Pot City. A of our own identity by chuckling drily at how easy childbirth is in
Amsterdam is actually a beautiful city full
capital with a little bit more than 1,300 comparison to a hardcore match on Modern Warfare 2.
of canals and rich architecture and history.
bridges is home to the Van Gogh museum
There are plenty of things to do and see
(for those who might not know him, he Maybe it’s time to stop looking at the politicians for answers, and
there. So when you decide you need an
was a famous painter from Groot-Zundert, take stock of our own indifference to the world around us.  Wait a
affordable, highly entertaining holiday,
Holland), the Heineken museum, and minute, that’s given me an amazing idea for a group! Unfortunately
visit Amsterdam, the ultimate Sin City.
Anne Frank’s house. We decided to be you’ll need to click here to see the picture…
cultured and visit these places. It was
There’s a man with an axe standing in the rain. Looked
me straight in my eyes, this is what he had to say...
I had a dream. Not to be confused with I have a opposite and began moving the pieces for a few
dream, I wouldn’t try to start an entry by ripping off seconds before the boy started asking me these
such an important figure as Luther-King. No read- questions. Now up until this point the dream has
ers I am speaking from the past tense and not the taken no particular turns in any awkward direction.
present, I had a dream a couple of nights ago. To But when the boy began asking me questions, well
which I hear you say so what? The notion of some- they were not on topics you’d expect from a 5 or 6
one’s mind presenting them with mental pictures year old boy, presumably because he began with
and stories whilst they slumber is hardly ground- “Where did it all go wrong?”
breaking news. However I must admit I am not
someone who often remembers their dreams, or The way he spoke was striking enough, let alone
ever really. Most in my family would have animat- the harrowing nature of beginning a conversation
ed conversations with the rest about the previous with that question, a question that could not be an-
nights dream where they might have been losing all swered with anything other than questioning what
their teeth, or travelling to a distant exotic location “what” was? To which the boy replied It was then they boy raised his gaze from the table
with a stranger with a limp etc, after which they “Everything” to meet mine, and I saw I was looking at an ex-
would form some ill fashioned guess as to what act replica of myself about fifteen years ago, right
the fates had coming their way. Some may have After this my memory of the majority of the con- down to the bleach blonde hair I used to sport so
those passing memories we get, when in a strange versation becomes patchy, a lot of philosophical well as a child. Unsurprisingly this was the point
moment of déjà vu that seems to occur to us when enquiries along the lines of the dichotomy of good at which my mind chose to throw me back to the
we repeat an action from the dream and a short and evil with references to various parts of my child- reality of the world in my own bed at some god
flashback comes hurtling into the forefront of your hood. I remember being surprised at the maturity forsaken hour of the morning. After a quick glass
peripheral vision. Again not something uncommon of the boy. Normally with a kid this age the conver- of water I was back to sleep but the dream has
but it was the nature of this dream that stayed with sations would have failed to move away from the stuck with me. Maybe because of the tradition of
me. And seeing as Ulearn appears to be down for topic of ‘If you could have any superpower, what the human psyche to latch onto shocking or nega-
the foreseeable future and the rain is coming down would it be?’ followed by hour long conversations tive views and memories.
outside, let me tell you about this dream. discussing (as of course we all have) the costs and
benefits of invisibility, is it worth being able to sneak The point that troubles me still is that if the idea my
It started as most dreams do in a fairly innocu- into the girls changing rooms, would the power to mother and sister share is true and dreams form
ous location of little relevance, the kitchen of my read minds cause a dislike to everyone around you, some kind of premonition of things to come, I’d
grandmother’s house. I was standing by the side how many cars would you crash into before you got hate to consider what lies in my future.
of the kitchen table opposite a small child sat on a handle on super speed and how we could all be
the other side, and there was some form of board superheroes. Still as the conversation reached its I’ll leave it at that for this time guys, for another
game between us that seemed to resemble chess. closure I felt the only question left to ask was fortnight!
Anyway he (it is a boy) had his head down presum- “Why are you telling me all this?”
ably concentrating on the game, and beckoned Campus Boy
for me to sit and play with him. I took the seat “Because you need to hear it”

Radio 1 Gets To Greet The Meat

Deep within the giving extensive coverage to the Sab elections. I
bowels of Radio know you are all sick of the gimmicky and socially
1’s central towers awkward ego trip campaigning that often goes
lie their state of with these elections, but we actually sat them
the art studios. down in the studio and made them debate real

There they are daily issues with each other. This was the only stop on
broadcasting to the campaign trail where they could take each
millions of people across the land and providing a other on head to head and some manifesto
platform for entertainment and information. Then promises got torn to bit. Not a poster, Facebook
they let GU2 Radio in. group or hat in sight, this was just about how

Sullied now are the desks, petrified are the touch

good the candidates would actually be as your
representatives. Some came out as shining
Tickets to Beach
screens and even Greg James couldn’t stomach
staying in the same room as us. Why? Well, once
diamonds, others sounded like polished turds and
no amount of novelty campaigning can cover that. Break Live...
we had settled within the studio one of our young
males decided that it would be appropriate and Also, if anyone at Surrey feels like singing a Only in the next edi-
sociably acceptable to display his man-pouch couple of good songs on air then there are a
within their walls. Then he lunged. I wanted to couple of shows with live music slots and if you’re ton of The Stag out
vom-vom. We caught it on camera and because I good then we’d love to let you on. Contact ASM@
know that some people like seeing genital bulges I
include the photograph. about it. after Easter!
GU2 Radio is your student station and we
Among other things, GU2 Radio has also been broadcast 24/7 on 1350am and
Hi! We’re back with our fourth issue and with Easter just around
the corner, we’re well into Spring which means we can enjoy
sensational spring/summer fashions!
H&M: Flower Power
In this issue we bring you an update on the dazzling gowns from H&M provide pure romance and Spring simplicity at its best with yet another
the Oscar awards! H&M are getting ready to debut a beautiful, perfect collection...
romantic Spring collection entitled ‘The Garden Collection’. Get H&M seems to be going from strength to strength recently becoming one of the top
your first look here where we give you fun information about the high street retailers in the UK with quality clothing at reasonable prices. After debuting
collection and pictures of our favourite pieces! exclusive designer collections from the likes of Jimmy Choo and Sonia Rykiel, H&M
Finally we bring you our usual ‘Student Buy of the Week’ which are gearing up to the release of their appropriately titled ‘Garden Collection’. The
is an on trend studded shoulder jumper, perfect for the ‘Garden Collection epitomises an idyllic Spring wardrobe from bold flower printed
transition from Winter to Spring and our ‘Top Looks of the skirts that can be teamed with basic tank tops to romantic ruffle details and tranquil
Week’ for both day and evening wear. We hope you enjoy Spring pastel colours. Many of the pieces have a hippie chic twist to them by use of
reading this issue and have a fabulous Easter! vibrant colours to make the classic floral patterns more vivid and unique. Prices range
from a mere £1.99 for accessories, to £7.99 for basic items, £12.99 for gorgeous
Love Nisha and Christie xxx dresses and up to £39.99 for more intricate, detailed pieces.

If you would like to make any comments or have any views on But the fabulous spring designs are not even the best bit about the collection. All
this issue please contact us by e – mail. We would also really items of clothing within the collection have been made with organic and recyclable
appreciate any suggestions for future issues. Thank you Nisha materials all of which are sustainable! Examples of materials used are organic cotton/
and Christie xx linen, recycled polyester and tencel. Who said you can’t be fashionable and
environmentally friendly at the same time!
With beautiful, lust worthy designs at great prices and the fact that the collection is
Student Fashion Tip: Free Benefit lip gloss/ environmentally friendly, what’s not to like about this collection? There’s no better way
to rejuvenate your dull winter wardrobe than with the ‘Garden Collection’ which hits
lipstick in association with Cadbury’s Flake
stores on March 25th, so head to a local store soon so you don’t miss out! If you want
Cosmetic giant ‘Benefit’ have teamed up with Cadbury’s Flake to view the entire collection or want more information you can visit
for the chance to win one of one million free lip glosses and http://www.hmthegarden
lipsticks in selected shades. For a chance to win, simply
purchase any Flake chocolate bar (single, multipack) to receive
Here are just a few of
a free code inside the wrapper. Enter your code on the Flake
our favourite items:
website ( to see if you have won!

Chocolate and a free lip gloss? Now there’s a combination All pictures courtesy of
that’s hard to beat! The promotion runs from 11th February to http://www.hmthegarden
31st October 2010.Good Luck!

The Oscars 2010 ... Best Dressed

The Oscar Awards are perhaps the award show that fashion fans look forward to the most. Months before the event celebrities start planning what to wear to this magical event and this
year, with an array of stunning gowns, we were not disappointed! The awards held on Sunday 7th March brought out the best of the best in all their finery! Strapless gowns in neutral
colours seemed to be the trend of the night and are always an elegant and poised look. Several celebrities took risks in off-beat and printed gowns much to our delight as we get to see
something different! Below are some of our favourite looks from the night:
KatyPerryͲ ZuhairMuradSpring2010/JenniferLopezͲ  Rachel McAdams- Elie Saab couture
‘The Notebook’ actress Rachel McAdams is one celebrity who

Katy Perry is pictured at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party looking tried something different on the red carpet with her couture
absolutely sensational in this Zuhair Murad dress. The gown by red carpet ‘go- to-designer’ Elie Saab. Rachel made the

combination of red and nude flatters her skin tone whilst perfect choice of a conventional strapless, cascading gown but
the dress itself really shows off her knock – out figure. Katy took a risk with the unusual watercolour print. However she pulls
 chosen to keep her make-up toned down and kept her
has it off as the pale colours are romantic and ideal for Spring!
jewellery to a minimum this maintains the focus on that Rachel let the dress speak with minimal jewellery, make up and

fabulous dress. Another beautiful and dramatic dress was swept back hair. From the crossed material on the bodice to the
this pale pink Armani Privé gown, worn by the gorgeous empire waistline to the gorgeous print Rachel picked a definite

Jennifer Lopez; the shimmering Swarovski crystals, curved stand- out dress!
 detail and side train really made her stand out on
the red carpet!

Top Looks of the Week! We’re Loving...

Day wear: Kourtney Kardashian Evening Wear- Sandra Bullock- Marchesa
 This mint studded shoulder jumper is the perfect
Reality TV star Kourtney Kardashian’s Stunning actress Sandra Bullock was clearly one of student buy; the pastel colour is very fashionable

ensemble is the epitome of a cool and the best dressed at the Oscars. Once again our firm coming into the spring season and the studded
casual spring day outfit. Her H&M military favourites Marchesa have created yet another shoulder adds a cute twist! This jumper can be
bought at Topshop for just £34.20 (with 10%

inspired blouse hits high in the fashion ranks fabulous look that fits Sandra like a glove. This gown
student discount).
in terms of style and colour. Military inspired is completely Oscar appropriate and the perfect
clothing is all the rage lately and Kourtney choice for the ‘Best Actress’ winner! Sandra’s look is

makes a double style hit with the ‘it’ colour elegant and a throwback to unbeatable Old
this season: khaki/olive green. She teams Hollywood glamour, from her sleek hair, swept over
her blouse with casual but stylish distressed one shoulder to her crimson lipstick. The exquisite
boyfriend jeans and a brown belt to tie the embroidery on the bodice and shimmering colour
look together. The great thing about this gives a luxurious, vintage feel which is synonymous
look is the pop of colour Kourtney adds with with Old Hollywood.
her gorgeous, bold blue Chanel bag- making
this outfit anything but boring! With this Sandra’s recent looks at award ceremonies are
great outfit, it’s clear that Kourtney has her some of her best yet, and she proves that age truly
finger firmly on the fashion pulse! doesn’t matter by embodying the famous YSL quote
that ’style is eternal’...
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Protected logo for use in colour posters
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Science of Spring
by David Pugh Keep the stem pointing in the same direction but move the apple to
the other side of the table. Now the stem points away from the candle,
With Easter just round the corner, and the shops full of cream eggs and and it’s winter on the top half of the fruit. The very top of the apple,
other exciting treats, I thought I’d take a look at spring, from a scientific representing the North Pole, is in total darkness 24 hours a day, during
point of view. that season.
Every year, spring arrives on a different date - usually between March At winter solstice, the sun arcs low across the Northern Hemisphere
19-21 – for two reasons: our year is not exactly an even number of
sky for those of us below the Arctic Circle, and the stretch of daylight
days, and Earth has a slightly noncircular orbit, plus the gravitational tug
of the other planets, constantly changes our planet’s position relative to is at its shortest. By the time of the spring equinox, days have grown
the sun from year to year. quite a bit longer. At the summer solstice, the sun gets as high in our
sky as it can go, giving us the longest day of the year in the Northern
This year spring began on Saturday 20th March that is when the vernal
equinox occurs. Equinoxes (which mark the onset of spring and autumn) So we have longer days, nicer weather and lambs, lots of baby lambs.
and solstices (which mark when summer and winter begin) are points in There are over 200 breeds of sheep in the world, many of these come
time and space that mark a transition in our planet’s annual adventure from New Zealand (where there are almost 10 times as many sheep
around the sun. as there are people), South America and Wales. They eat largely grass,
which they chew into a mass called a bolus, which is digested in their
At each equinox, the sun crosses the Earth’s equator, making night and
38 litre gut. A sheep’s main export is wool, chances are you’re wearing
day of approximately equal length on most of the planet. At the equator,
something right now that once kept a sheep nice and warm.

Daffodils have long been considered one of the heralds of spring and
every year over 5 million of them pop up across the UK. Planted in
autumn, they spend several months developing roots before the flowers
burst forth in spring. They can be divided into 13 divisions, based
mainly on flower form, and these divisions are often referred to in bulb
catalogues. Some divisions are known particularly for their fragrance, or
for their ability to naturalise in grass. Daffodils can be troubled by slugs,
snails, viral diseases, and Narcissus bulb rot. Other problems include
various rots and fungal diseases. Unfortunately, sometimes daffodils
can fail to flower or produce unusually small, pale flowers. This is known
as daffodil blindness, and has a number of causes, none of which I
know about.

I do hope this article has put a spring in your step. See what I did there?
It was funny, yeh...? Well fine, but spring is here, which means goodbye
rain, hello Easter eggs. Enjoy your month; sorry if you have to spend it
frantically writing up your dissertation.

the sun is directly overhead at noon on either equinox.

Earth’s multiple motions — spinning on its axis and orbiting the sun —
are behind everything from day and night to the changing seasons

The sun comes up each day because Earth rotates once on its axis
every 24 hours. Seasons are due to the Earth being tilted 23.5 degrees
on its spin axis and the planet’s 365-day orbit around the sun.

At the North Pole, the sun rises only once a year — at the start of spring.
It gets higher in the sky each day until the summer solstice, then sinks
but does not truly set until late September, at the autumn equinox.

To fully grasp this concept I need you to imagine Earth as an apple

sitting on one side of a table, with the stem being the North Pole. Tilt
the apple 23.5 degrees so the stem points toward a candle (the sun) at
the centre of the table. That’s summer for the top half of the apple.
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This Week in Welfare Elections...
I’m going to take a break from my normal role is a paid full time job and is responsible for as well as liaising with the University on
Welfare related rantings this week. Instead I’m overseeing the strategic direction of the Union issues affecting sports e.g. the Sports
going to tell you a bit more about what’s been as well as day to day projects within their remit. Park.
happening this fortnight on the election front.
This year candidates were given a £130 budget
So you’ve probably been walking around campus cap to campaign for their chosen position. It’s With such a broad remit it’s vital that the
wondering what’s with all these flashy banners, t up to each candidate to get the word out about elected positions are filled with high quality
shirts and flyers strewn about the place. The lucky their candidacy in whatever way they see fit. candidates. But what makes a high quality
ones among you may have even been handed candidate? Well that’s for you to decide!
a cake or bumped into a superhero. It’s all But what are the positions?
because of this year’s Students’ Union Sabbatical Voting for this year’s Sabbatical Elections is online
elections. Voting is open and the candidates - President: The big cheese – responsible at ‘’. You’ll be able to check out all
are out. But what exactly are you voting for? for overseeing the running of the whole the candidates’ manifestos there before you vote.
Union. If you log on to Facebook you can also check out
Well you’ve all probably seen the Students’ Union the Students’ Union fan page ‘Election 2010’ tab.
in your time at Surrey. If you’re in first year you’ll - VP Welfare: Tasked with ensuring the There you’ll find links to all the candidates Facebook
most likely still remember being moved in by a University is looking after all its students pages as well as the candidate hustings video.
team of ‘fresher’s angels’ who unpacked your car as well as heading up the Union’s Welfare
(the record was 6 seconds) and took your stuff to support team. Voting closes on Friday 26th and results
your room. You’ll probably also remember Fresher’s are announced in Chancellors that night
fair – a Students’ Union run event to introduce you - VP Education: Works with the University to at 8pm. Get voting before it’s too late!
to all the excellent goodies University life has to ensure the highest standard of Education
offer. The Students’ Union also runs Chancellors for all students and runs the Union’s Back to my regular ‘Week in Welfare’ article next
and Rubix as well as all your sports clubs and Education support team. issue!
societies and a whole host of other things.
- VP Societies: Responsible for all societies Until then...
and the rules and procedures that govern
Each year the student body elects 5 student
them. Malcolm Hunt
officers to take on the responsibility of running
the Union. These student offers take the positions VP Welfare
- VP Sports: In charge of all sports teams
of President and four Vice Presidents. Each officer

Time Goes On Spoof One-Liner Horoscopes

Okay, right now it’s 5 am and I am still up seize the moment and seize the day. There’s by Mariam Nasir
and I don’t think I’ll be  sleeping any time a little saying that I recall, it goes something
soon. There was this one time quite a while like when life hands you lemons, take shots Aries: Get Over It!
back, about two years ago. I was listening to of tequila. Now you are probably thinking of
music on the computer while playing solitaire that little saying from Forest Gump about Taurus: Every cloud has a silver lining.
(I had made a  play-list). As I was playing I life being a box of chocolates etc but yes
then realised that I did not like most of the life is full of surprises and things happen Gemini: Hard work never killed anyone, willing
songs playing so I kept on leaving the game so unexpectedly. My advice to you is to set to take the chance?
to change them (the songs); in the meantime a goal and target something, so that when
the solitaire game went on and the time kept you look back 20 years from now you are Cancer: Sometimes too much drink just isn’t
on getting higher. satisfied with your accomplishments.  enough.
Sometimes when we lose, we win and
Then I  realised that life is  like that. Life remember that everyone has problems and
doesn’t stop for anyone or anything. We make Leo: Love is blind, go for it.
whatever problem you are going through
decisions in life and chances are some of someone else is probably has it worse.
them are mistakes and it’s up to us to decide Virgo: The glass is half full, not half empty (at
whether we’ll just live with them or go back So I  guess it’s just best to make the right least this week).
and fix them  either way, life or time won’t decisions in the beginning to save yourself
stop for us,  it will just go on like  solitaire. time in the future.  I should have just Libra: Food is not a substitute for love.
Every second and minute gone by will never picked the right songs in the first  place,
come by again. but I  guess  that’s  how life is.  We all make Scorpio: Like the scorpion, you are dangerous.
mistakes,  but just know that the clock is
I hear people complaining about how there ticking. Sagittarius: When the going gets tough, the
aren’t enough hours in the day, or that they   tough get going
have so much to do but so little time in which Follow me on twitter
to do it in. Usually people do end up doing decap88 Capricorn: Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.
what they need to do and that means you
are able and that you actually had enough by Don Decaprivano Aquarius: Don’t judge a book by its movie.
time to do it. I always tell my mentees that
time waits for no one and that you must Pisces: A night in is much needed.
Shepherd’s Pie

1 pack Minced lamb

The Big Pink Stroll 1 onion, chopped

Vegetable stock cube in a cup of

in aid of Cancer Research UK boiling water

2 tablespoons tomato puree

1 mile walk around campus, organised by Student Health Care
1 tablespoon dried or fresh thyme
to ‘Join the fight for women’s survival’
1 tablespoon plain flour/corn flour

Thursday 6 May, 12.30pm 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

or HP sauce
Starting from the Austin Pearce Building and finishing at the Lake
5 or 6 medium potatoes, cut up into
• everyone is welcome small pieces (size of half an egg)
• male/female
Frozen peas/carrots
• staff/students
• pink is highly recommended Method:
• think pink clothes, wigs, accessories
1. Brown minced lamb in a saucepan
• a prize will be given for the most
creative pink outfit 2. Add chopped onions, fry till they
are soft
For more information and a sponsorship form
please contact: 3. Add flour, thyme, tomato puree,
Student Health Care Worcestershire sauce and mix well
T: +44 (0) 1483 689051 or ext 2072
E: 4. Add stock and water, add peas/
chopped carrots

5. Simmer for 10-15 minutes

6. Meanwhile, in a separate pan,

cook potatoes in boiling water till

7. When potatoes are soft, mash

with milk/butter as preferred, salt
and pepper to taste

8. Add lamb to an oven proof dish,

top with mash, cook on gas mark
6 or 180 C till browned on top.

9. Serve with any veg or beans!


Chat Health!
Trouble sleeping? Anxious about exams? Worried about STIs? Want to know how alcohol can be affecting your mood?
Want to know more about Cannabis? Want to lose weight? Need nutrition information? Then mail in your questions all in
confidence to to CHAT HEALTH for your reply in each edition of The Stag.
21 20
Ask Angelique Anything..... Get it off your chest
I can’t take him I’m running out of money, FAST!
home to my mum Hey Angelique, Hi Kaiyn
Hey Angelique,
I really need some financial Trust me you are not the only one. You can
I’ve recently got with this guy called go to the student advice centre and tell them
help. I’m way to far into my
H, and I really like him but I’m
overdraft to a think about what your situation is and they will help you
afraid my family will not approve
of him. In my family it seems to be taking out more, I’ve used to the best of their ability. If you need to talk
essential that you have a girlfriend all the money my parents to someone about pushing your rent back,
or boyfriend that is the same race have given me and I’m you can go to the accommodation office.
as you but this means nothing to pretty sure they will refuse Stay calm and get help!
me, since I am pretty sure that I’m to give me any more. I
in love with him. I don’t want to Angelique x
need help NOW please.
disappoint them but I really like
him and I would like them to meet
him. Any advice? Kaiyn

Sam I’m a bit worries that HE may turn out to be a SHE...

Hey Sam,
Hey Angelique,
This is a common issue in many
families but love is eternal and it is This might be a really odd problem but my boyfriend is so sensitive and I am getting a
necessary that the person you’re little bit worried. It's like the roles have been reversed, he always wants to go shopping
with is your own choice otherwise and sit and talk about his ‘feelings’ I feel like I’m going mad! I feel like something is SO
you many never forgive yourself. wrong here, I mean I know boys can have feminine qualities but this is just ridiculous.
However, if your family want the I know I’m also probably over reacting but I need some reassurance, HELP!
best for you and want you to be
happy they will come around in Janie
time. Make sure that you are sure
this person feels the same way Hi Janie,
about you. You should be able to
make your own choices in life but I Get a grip hun, so he likes shopping and sharing his feelings, this is what most girls com-
can understand why in some situ- plain about their boyfriends not doing. He seems to like spending time with you - why is
ations this may not be the case. that a problem. If it’s too much for you, talk to him about it and see what he says. Some
Be strong and hang onto him be- girls like sensitive guys and some girl’s don’t. I wouldn’t worry about him ‘being a girl’
cause good guys are hard to find unless he actually is… and if so then I guess that explains everything. Good luck and let
these days. me know what the verdict is.

Angelique x Angelique x
Useful Websites:
Need someone to talk to? Get it off your chest

Ask Angelique Anything.....
General advice
Drug advice
Self harm and Abuse advice
Sexual health advice
Special Edition
Editor: Sara Hadfield
Editor-In-Chief: Elizabeth Simos
Produced in USSU,
University of Surrey,
Est. 2008


Sabbatical Elections

Read the Manifestos

NOW! In this manifesto special:

Read all the candidates’ manifestos and make
the right choice for YOUR Union!
Special Edition I 22nd March 2010 I
Your Stag!

Candidate Name : Alex Chalikiopoulos
Position : USSU President
Personal Statement.
I am a final year Business Economics with Finance student and will be running to be your Union President in this year’s
student’s union election. I believe that the combination of an equally active academic and social life has enhanced my
understanding of what University is all about. Throughout my time here I have been able to interact with a variety of people and
this has enabled me to observe and take on board what it is that you want out of your time at university. If elected, I obviously
aim not only to achieve the objectives set out below, but to identify evolving issues set out by you, act upon these and rectify
the negative aspects of your university experience whilst upholding the positive ones.


x I am completely approachable, well rounded, open-minded, but also serious about what the position entails.
x Valuable knowledge of an office environment, completing tasks punctually & making decisions when the consequences are not solely limited to me.
x Lived the whole university experience, with an excellent academic record, completion of a placement year & involvement in a range of social activities.
x Having experienced diverse cultures & been brought up in an international environment, I know I’ll be able to represent the student population as a whole.

Key Objectives.

1. Enhance Communication & Accessibility - A stronger 2. Combat Student Apathy – If any of you were aware of the
student voice can only be amplified through direct communication with poor attendance at this year’s Union AGM, you would understand how
the University union. There would be no better way than to put policies important and relevant this point is in regards to your requirements.
in place that increase the ease to which students can approach me and Whether students feel disenfranchised due to a lack of transparency or
discuss further issues concerned with USSU. I vow to create extra lack of knowledge of the union’s activities and functions, I aim to
weekly sessions (aside my office hours) for students willing to just combat this feeling, by enhancing communication through social media
come by and discuss certain issues. In addition, I will not only be living and streamlining the democratic channel for student’s voices to the top.
on campus but I hope to commit a large amount of my time in actually This is your union, and should therefore be your voice being
getting out amongst you, interacting and taking on board all your needs. represented.

3. Promote Student Entrepreneurship - In an environment 4. Support Integration - In light of the University’s intentions on
where corporate mentality seems to be overpowering the expanding projects beyond the main campus (see for example the
entrepreneurial aptitude within a lot of you out there, I aim to investment in the Surrey Sports complex), I will closely monitor the
encourage the flair and talent of our very own students, on our very foundations laid out and hope to develop upon and improve these in
own campus. I hope to provide the resources to those willing to bring order to better suit your desires. I believe it is imperative that all
new concepts and innovative ideas that shall improve the day to day students, whether they reside on-campus or not, do not feel isolated
running of the union as whole, but also grant you – the students – with from the opportunities and offerings of our union.
a chance to excel in projects that will minister to your personal
development. : 15th – 26th March, 2010


For those who don’t know me, my name is Arran Stears and I am To ensure that the Student Hardship
asking for your support in running for Student Union President.
Fund remains accessible to all
Having had such a great opportunity, experience and inspiring This central government fund (Administrated from the
time studying at the University of Surrey, I feel urged to give Student Advice Service) has recently been cut and I intend
something back to the student community as a token of my to ask the University to subsidise the fund from its
appreciation. Therefore I am standing for Student Union Corporate Service Budget on a pound for pound basis. For
President because I believe that I have the leadership qualities example, if anyone is entitled to get say £100 from the
and the moral strength needed to ensure that students get the fund, then the University will match this value.
best deal in this difficult economic time.

I have some strong and firm policies which I would like to share
To be ready and willing to serve you
with you in this Manifesto, if elected my main goals are: I will put the student voice above my own interests by making sure that I
express your concerns and that the Student Parliament remains strong and
To be widely available to the Student body responds appropriately. I will ensure
that democracy is lived out within the
I will publish my mobile and office telephone numbers, so that I can respond
Student Union.
to the needs of students 24 hours a day. If elected I will live on campus, and
endeavour to make sure that I am readily available for anyone to drop by and I am running for this job for you, the
discuss issues with me out of office hours. students, not for myself. If you would
like more information about me, and
To act upon the problem of insufficient student what I am standing for, please do not
housing hesitate to contact me:
If I become President this will be one of my highest priorities. I will make E-mail:
every effort to have meetings with the University - in particular the Vice Mobile: 07863 888797
Chancellor and the Housing Accommodation Officer - to discuss more Skype: “arranstears”
affordable housing for students at the University of Surrey. Facebook: Search “Vote Arran Stears”
Address: 45 St. Catherine’s House, Guildford Court, GU2 7JL
Do YOU believe your Students' Union REPRESENTS you?


For President
& Get a Union that listens and truly represents to YOU!
If elected I will:
 Increase the availability of the Sabbaticals. & Executive officers to the general
student body.
 Reorganise and adapt the Union's representational system to suit the modern
student. Currently, each of the 13 Union officers must represent 1077 students.
I aim to alter the current system.
 Give more power to the Sports' and Societies' Standings, enabling them to be
more representational of YOU, the Students.

See my Facebook group “Vote [1] For Jack Colby For President” for the full


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VP Education
About Me
I am a final year Business Management student and have become passionately & actively involved in our
Students' Union during my time here.
I currently hold the position of Events Coordinator for the RAG Society, a post that requires a great deal of
dedication, drive and determination. I have also worked in Rubix since September 2009, and greatly value
the experience I’ve gained in seeing just how our union operates.

Throughout my time at Surrey I have seen first-hand the pivotal role you should, and do, play in shaping not
only your education but all aspects of your university life and I am looking for your support in electing me as
your Vice-President Education for 2010-11.
If Elected I Will:

1) Oppose, Protest and Campaign against any funding cuts that directly affect YOUR quality of teaching.
x Universities took over a decade to recover from the funding crises of the 1980’s; Lets not let them
make the same mistakes again. I will not let your futures be put at risk
x Surrey University’s aim is to become a top 10 university by 2019, this will only be done by constantly
investing in teaching and in your education. A university is only as strong as its students

2) Ensure that the university does not introduce higher tuition fees for students.
x Students should not be expected to pay more when funding cuts are on the agenda
x You should be able to study at the university you deserve NOT the university you can afford

3) Address problems with the current Student Representative System by creating a new Academic Council
for each Faculty, open to all students and meeting regularly once a month.
x Encourages greater dialogue between students and their reps
x Regularly quiz your Academic Reps and VP Education on the academic issues that matter to YOU

4) Create a printer credits system that is fair for ALL students

x It is grossly unfair that some subjects give their students up to 500 free sheets of A4 a semester whilst other students get nothing
x You should not be financially penalised because of the subject you choose to study

5) Address the “Beach-Towel” culture that affects the library at exam times
x Bring an end to row after row of claimed but empty desks in the library by allowing a maximum of 45 minutes away from a desk
x Free up more critically needed learning space for the students that deserve it

Vote Matthew Rawlings [1]

for VP Education
Your Education, Your Candidate
I will...
™ Fight to improve examination procedures and feedback.
™ Increase support for departmental representatives.
™ Increase student awareness of appeals and complaints

Matthew is…
a third year Electronics and Computer Engineering student. He has been an active
student representative since secondary school. He served two years on his
department's Staff-Student Liaison Committee; where he successfully lobbied for
improvements to the coursework marking scheme. He has always been committed to
improving the experience of fellow students and has provided first aid in the Union
since his first year.
Experience and commitment matter – vote Rawlings
ManifestoͲVicePresidentEducationͲ Representation Iamthemostexperiencecandidateinthiselection
SamBull AttheUnionAGMthisFebruaryIproposedthenew ExtraordinaryConferences,NUSNational
Unionconstitution,whiledraftingthisdocument Conference,NUSRegionalConferenceandNUS
theissueofrepresentationwasakeypoint ZoneConferenceonUnionDevelopment.Ihave
throughout.Withthisnewconstitutionwesee takenrecommendationsfromotherUniversities
studentsgenuinelyempowered,withnewpowers andledtheimprovementwewillseethisyearin
forStudentsParliamentandaGeneralMeetingof ourvotingsystem,Ihavevotedtoreformyour
EducationPolicy Students(themostpowerfuldecisionmakingbody NationalUnionandIhavevotedforanalternative
intheUnion).AsyourUnionChairmanIhave fundingmodelforHigherEducation.
Delivered deliveredrealchangeforrepresentationatSurrey.
AsyourUnionChairmanIhaveactivelyworkedto WhiletheUnionmaybeonabetterfootingin publishitsrecommendationsthisyearand
ensurethattheUnionhasthedemocratic termsofdemocraticrepresentation,whenitcomes Universitiesarealreadyseeingcutstotheir
processesinplacetoensurethatpolicycanbe totheacademicrepsystemweneedtoseesome budgets,weneedstrongnationalrepresentationto
passedbythemostrepresentativebodypossible. improvement.Thefirststepshavebeentakenin ensurethatstudentsarenotaskedtobearthe
DuringmytermsinofficeIhaveseenstudentsbring termsofUniontrainingbutweneedtobemore bruntoftherecession.
theirownmotionsandchangeaspectsoftheUnion radicalinreformingthissystemforyou!
tomaketheirengagementwithitabetterprocess. IfElectedIwill:
Whilewedohavepoliciesreflectinghowwe Fightforafairerfundingmodeltoreflecttheneeds
operateinternallywedonothaveaverydiverse PushforacademicrepstobebroughtunderUnion ofallstudents.IamafirmbelieverofHigher
portfoliowhencomestointernalandexternal asopposetoUniversitycontrolsothatweknow Educationbeingfreeatthepointofdelivery,butI
educationissues.ThismeansthatyourVice whoalltheacademicrepsareandcanyouknow.I alsobelievethatstudentsshouldcontribute
PresidentEducationcannotknowforsurewhat willcreateanewforumsimilartoSocietiesand towardsthecostoftheireducationbasedonits
issuesareofkeyconcerntoyou. SportsStandinginwhichacademicrepcanvoice valuetothem.IfyouelectmeIwilllobbytoseethe
theirconcernsandsteerthedirectionoftheir NUSBlueprintforhighereducationisconsideredas
IfElectedIwill: representationatthehigherlevelsoftheuniversity. aseriousoptionandfightforafairerfunding
ThismeansthatifyouelectmeasyourVice systemforHigherEducation.
toStudentsParliament.ThismeansthattheUnion NationalRepresentationandHigherEducation candidatevoteSamBull[1]foryourV.PEducation.
canstarttocampaignontheissuethatyoucare FundingReform
aboutandstarttomakerealchangestoyour Adetailedmanifestoisavailableat
educationalexperiences. Delivered

VP Education Candidate - Stef Jones What I will achieve:

Personal Statement: I will focus on the problem of unpaid placements. Any

student on placement should be eligible for government
I am Stef Jones and I am asking you to vote me as VP Education for funding and support as placement training can be essential
2010/2011. This role attracts me as I am passionate about working to gaining employment.
with students and committed to ensuring that each student has a
rich and enjoyable university experience. It is going to be a difficult year and I want students to be
aware of the financial situation this country is in,
I am an enthusiastic, active and dedicated final year Dance and highlighting government cuts and the rising tuition fees. If
Culture student with the wish to pursue an educational based fees are raised, it is important to ensure that all students
career within the dance industry. Last year I was a course mentor have sufficient financial assistance. Students should be
that successfully supported students in their first year. I am also able to access higher education on ability, not creating an
the Social Secretary of the Trampolining Squad. elitist group that that has the ability to pay.
Since November 2007 I have worked in both Rubix and Chancellors I will push the Student Academic Representation role to
which has allowed me to gain a significant insight into the running take a less passive and more active function between
of your Students Union. I have also witnessed the importance of groups of staff and students, increasing communications
the relationship between the Students Union and the individual by successfully training new mentors to ensure the
student. stronger relationships are maintained and the weaker
relationships form strong partnerships which allow every
Education is one of the most important factors within a degree and student to be heard.
I want ALL students - under-graduate, post-graduate, placement
students and students who are not always on campus to have the I want to publicise the idea of Flexible Learning. It will
best possible education at Surrey. ensure that all students feel wholly supported and
represented; parent students, international students,
I believe I am the best candidate for this job. mature students, post-graduates and students studying
away. Flexible learning would assist in meeting special
What will I do for you?
requirements for students to continue with their education
I will represent you as stress free as possible.

I will support you *Ensuring Timetables are released early enough so

students can make the necessary arrangements.
I will make you as an individual student my main focus as your VP
Education *Making sure students can continue their hobbies and
sports along with their studies

*For distant learners to have the opportunity to easily find

out what is going on in their union
VP Societies
VP Societies and I.D.
Why am I running? B. Society and Clubs Management
The numbers show that societies and clubs dynamics decrease every year, proving that •Structure of Societies: Bearing in mind the diverse nature of societies in our university,
now more than ever before there is a need for change. Through my three year changes could be made accordingly on the structure of a societies board in an attempt by
involvement in societies I have experienced first hand, most of the difficulties and barriers each society to meet its full potential. In this way a society will be operating in a model
societies and the student community have to overcome on a daily basis. I am passionate that could help reach its goals efficiently.
and a thinker, constantly searching to develop new innovative opportunities to enhance
•Fundraising: Entrepreneurial suggestions to raise funds and expand operations.
each society’s status in the University. Cyclone:Rebirth’s advancement is clear proof of my
ability to draw and implement a long term plan with more than a successful outcome.
Furthermore, the democratic, team-building approach I followed as president allowed the C. Individual Development
members to take freely initiatives that enhanced their personal development and the The current economic climate stresses the importance for students to obtain additional
society experience as a whole. Finally, as an elected representative of the student employability skills. The direction the Student’s Union has taken, must be enhanced by the
community I will always defend and promote the student rights. participation of all the faculties in a bigger collaborative project.
Moreover an extra incentive must be given to students who play an important role in the
What will i do? progression of the societies in which they belong. By introducing a society merit system,
A. Participation students contribution to the exemplary running of a society could be officially recognised
I perceive societies and clubs as a “system” with four main relationships. I intend to by the Student’s Union.
improve the status of all the societies in the University by achieving a stronger
participation of: Who am I?
• Students in the Societies: Number of students joining a society is decreasing every I am a final year Business Management student, currently president of Cyclone:Rebirth
year. Encourage and promote students to join or create societies. (The Dance Music Society) and an active member of the GU2 Radio Station. These three
years in Surrey haven’t been my sole academic experience as I have also studied
• Societies in Student Life: Increase the extent of the involvement of the societies in “Production Engineering and Management” at the Technical University of Crete. During
student’s everyday life. Societies should shape students’ lives in a more vibrant way. my time there, I had the chance to lead the board of the local student radio station for two
• Student’s Union in the Societies: Establish a solid and lively relationship between the years(2005-2006), as well as set up big scale events , like “Entasi Dance Festival 2005” and
VP and the Student’s Union with the societies through frequent feedback and promote local and national charity events. Apart from my academic career I have worked
consultancy sessions. Planning of more collaborative projects like iFestival. in WS Atkins for two consecutive summers as an intern and deputy project financial
• Societies in the Student’s Union: Utilize students as a resource leading to the: controller. Last but not least I am an artist. The same element that characterises my DJ and
•Improvement of the Student’s Union operations producer career; CREATIVITY, will be the main driver to achieve my goals as
•Development of the societies YOUR VP Societies and Individual Development.

Election Period 15th – 26th March

Visit **


I’m Kiko, a second year Business Management student. I have started Portuguese Society in
year 2009 which was successfully awarded to be the Best Newcomer society of the year. This
year the society has continued to host successful events. I am founding member of “Surrey
Mail" socials which allowed many small societies to come together and hold events at a scale
they could not do alone. I have been catalyst for cultural integration allowing home students to
take maximum benefit of the cultural wealth that travels with international students to this
university. With the support of friends I worked to create “East Meets West” which has brought
Greeks, Iranians, Arabs, Indians, Cypriots, Portuguese and other cultural societies together.

Why I would like your Vote:

¾ As President and starting a new successful society, I’ve worked with other diverse
societies, and elected as Officer for International Societies, I believe I am in the best
position to offer advice from the experience and work towards new initiatives.
¾ I have shown with my level of involvement to help and raise various issues and
participating in the democracy process by being involved with Student Parliament, that I
My Pledges am a caring, approachable and confident person.
¾ I have built strong relationships with societies whilst developing and supporting their
work, and will continue to do so. Having been part of societies, as well as executive in
9 To improve the financial “Society Standing", I am aware of the problems and conflicts that can arise within a
security of the Societies. committee and feel that I have the knowledge to resolve any issues based on relevant and
9 To develop better commercial unbiased opinions.
partnerships to gain
¾ I am passionate about “International Festival", celebrating different festivals, which I will
sponsorships for societies.
make better and bigger during my time at the university and the union.
9 To improve AGMs by
introducing electronic voting To demonstrate that, later on this semester, I will be the main promoter of a “Brazilian
systems for societies. Night” where we will show the culture of Brazil to the students of our University
9 To introduce an electronic and
robust signup system for My view on Individual Development:
¾ I feel that when you graduate, in order to be more employable, you have to have that extra
9 To promote meetings between
societies committees with
edge, which you can get in university, by pushing yourself to enter the several
similar interests. programmes we have in Surrey. Student Union Training and Give It a Go, are great
9 To continue my work, along opportunities for you to improve your skills.
with the other union officers, ¾ I pledge that, if I do get elected, I will improve the publicising and marketing of such
to celebrate the diversity programmes, as I feel that a large number of students still isn’t aware of them. I will try to
within surrey students. create a good buzz about these programmes, to increase participation and individual
development, as we want YOU, the students of Surrey, to be as employable as possible!
About Me

My name is Osama I Salih, I am a civil

Osama I Salih Green
Engineer. I am in my final year at Help the university and societies
surrey. I am responsible dedicated and
become greener and try to
accepts responsibility. I try to put 120%
effort in the work i do, i guess that is reduce our carbon emissions
why i personally nominated myself.
Thank you for putting your trust in me,
i hope i don’t fail you guys.

Support From Student Union (USSU)

Get Support from USSU regarding all

societies, small or big i think that we should
Why Me!!
all get the same support and also try to get
What makes me a good candidate, i have subsidising for gym memberships for all
previous experience with societies, have society members to encourage the use of
helped manage run and support societies our new facility
throughout my years at Surrey and
previously at Reading University.
President of Arabic society 2007-2008.
Currently Treasurer for Arabic Society

Willing to support students develop and Assist and Encourage

assist societies with management and
I would like to assist students and
Freedom encourage all societies to expand and
I want to give societies the practise their cultures and ethics.
freedom of coming up with I have also had a lot of experience in my
innovative ideas to help engage placement year managing and assisting
students and assist them projects

Demanding a fair deal for Societies and Students
My policies are clear and simple. I am offering practical and useful solutions to
many of the problems societies face on a day-to-day business. As a former
Society President and a Treasurer I understand how frustrating getting some
minor things done can be. Here I set out what I would do if elected:
a little about me...
1. Create a new, easy-access fund for general society requests under £100; I am a 2nd Year Politics Student and I am
open to scrutiny by societies standing. originally from Surrey. I took a couple of years out
2. Allow AGM’s to be held at anytime during the Academic Year, returning the before I came to University and have enjoyed my time
freedom of choice to Societies. at Surrey ever since. I love the course I do and have
3. Increase the range and diversity of societies; helping strong societies to made some great friends who have encouraged me
expand, but protecting the independence of smaller and specialist ones. to run for this position.
4. Make Societies Standing more efficient and relevant; return its power. Stop
bringing trivial matters like name changes forward and allow it to set Like everyone I also have interests outside the
policy. University. I was elected as a Borough Councillor and
this role has taught me invaluable leadership and
Please visit my Facebook page for more details and further policies. budget skills I could apply to the role for which I ask
you support. I hope that you will support me and if

Find out more: you have any questions, please just ask.

Facebook: Rowan Cole I look forward to meeting you soon.

FB Campaign: Rowan Cole for VP

Societies & ID
VP Sports

Gurkamaldeep Parmar














You may know that I have been heavily involved at our Students' Union already and take part in various Sports Clubs and Societies.

Mid-last year I founded the Cycling Club and have been its President since. Later my commitment to sport led me to become elected Running Club Captain.
This year I was elected Chairperson of our Union Sports Executive & Sports Standings as well as a part-time Students' Union Executive.

I have used my aforementioned experience to initiate the creation of the new, popular Volleyball Club. I have also spearheaded an alliance between our
three Triathlon Sports Clubs (Swimming, Cycling and Running) whereby we can cross-train and attend each others training sessions free of charge.

- Priority to Students at the Surrey Sports Park: Let’s not make Surrey Sports Park forget that their logo has the
‘University of Surrey’ integrated into it. I stand to ensure that the SSP keep their promise that we are their first priority; to make
A little about me sure that we are not overrun by the commercial aspects as well as the 5 pro-sports teams who share our Sports Park. I will also
Hi I'm Trung, a Civil campaign for membership to be at a reasonable price and ensure that it is kept at an acceptable level.
Engineering student at
Surrey. I take an interest in - Reduced Swimming rates for Students at the Surrey Sports Park: I will campaign for students to be able to swim
many sports particularly at a reduced rate at certain times of the week. Swimming is fun, a great full-body workout and easy on the joints. This would
Cycling, Running and
greatly advance the recreation aspect of our Students’ Union. Consequently providing benefits not only to our Clubs but also to
Swimming and play the
saxophone (Grade 8), piano non-Club and non-Surrey Sports Park members.
and guitar.
- More funds for Sports: The University has targets to become the top 10 UK and 100 world ranking university within the
Proudest moments next 10 years. Sporting achievement and student experience are crucial factors in achieving this. I plan to drive
of my life?
the university to invest more into sports and support our teams in competitions. Increased participation in sports will also lead
Being part of the ‘Make
to more funding and this is why it is crucial to capitalise my next point.
Poverty History’ campaign,
protesting at the G8 summit - Wider student participation and development: I have seen the benefits that sport can offer to individual
in Scotland 2005 and cycling
development. There are around 15,000 students at Surrey and I aspire to engage as many of us into sports and recreation. With
from Edinburgh to my
my experience I can give advice and assist on improving, maintaining and starting clubs. Students’ have the right to know what
hometown, London, in 2009
having raised £1000 for the
sports and recreation are available to them and how they can influence change. I wish to utilise our own student led media as
charity ‘Right to Play’. well as the new website for enhanced communication.

- Club Kit and Kit Colours: This year we had problems with kit. Some arrived late and Surrey Sports Park changed the
colour scheme to white & black. This was unsuitable for many clubs and unlike our traditional colours. I will pursue for our own
colour scheme and ensure kit is delivered on time. Find me at

VP Welfare
About Diana
Diana is currently a final year Biomedical Science student who has always had an interest in the
welfare of other people, and shown this by the amount of voluntary work that she has undertaken
outside of her academic life. This includes working with St John Ambulance, and 'Interact', which
is a scheme working with disabled teenagers in the community. Within the St John Ambulance on
Diana Fisher [1]
for VP Welfare
campus she was elected Duties Officer and this year as Chair, organising training and making
sure enough trained first aiders are around to help when needed.

What I will do caring and trustworthy

working with you in mind
As I have enjoyed my time at University so much, my main aim as VP Welfare will be to assure that
everyone has the same opportunities and enjoyment as I have. My work with St John Ambulance
on campus has given me a broad knowledge of how the University is structured and who to
contact for various issues.My extensive knowledge of health and safety will enable me to identify
areas on campus that will need to be improved, to improve the quality of the community we all live
and work in.

Many students have been concerned recently with security within campus accommodation, and
who actually has access to their living space. I will endeavour to communicate with the various
residences and services to make sure that you feel safe and secure in your own room.

I will work with the Accommodation Office to try and make the process of finding off-campus
accommodation as easy as possible and so you have all the help and guidance you need. Also, a
lot of student have found the Arriva bus service around Guildford unreliable and inconvenient, so
I will negotiating with Arriva and the University to try and improve this service.

I will make sure the University considers those students with mobility issues, and make sure that
everyone is aware of the needs of these students by working with the Disability Advisory Forum.

I will also strive to improve the student experience by promoting healthy living on campus. Healthy
eating and knowing how to cook balanced meals is important for a healthy lifestyle, so I will ensure
that dietary advice is available, with the opportunities for learning how to cook.

Diana Fisher
at the heart
of your welfare
Vote online at between Monday
March 15th 10am and Voting Closes Friday 26th 7pm My Aims…
Health Centre: It is my belief that there is a lot of dissatisfaction with the centre from
Georgina Emily Hancock making appointments to availability of staff. I would look to set up a focus group or
survey to understand what it is the students really wanted looking at a range of topics
I am a final year law student and chose to run from the opening hours to the standard of care.
for VP Welfare this year as I feel that I can now Manor Park: I would endeavour to make sure that students living at Manor Park are
offer support to all students from start to not getting the short straw on health care. When you are ill you do not want to have
beginning of their time at university. to trek to campus for help, I would look at the viability of there being a mobile service
In my time at University I have been active in the Student's Union for where a doctor or nurse could spend a few hours treating students saving them the
example in my first year I refounded and was President of the RAG hassle of getting to the main campus.
society raising just under a £1000 for Marie Curie cancer care trust in its Building works/housing: I will make sure that the access around campus does not
first RAG week without funding from the Union. become difficult such as longer walks or uneven surfaces such as those around the
library currently. I would start by making sure that students in university
In my second year I was elected to be the first Community Officer on the accommodation are not disturbed too much and warned in advance and also making
Union Executive committee. In this role, I worked with the Guildford sure that students get the right information to help them to move into private rented
Borough Council to implement a Student Housing accreditation scheme accommodation, looking at a range of issues such as security, deposits and quality of
to better student housing in Guildford, I attended residents groups to the house.
help change the negative light in which students in the community are
often seen in and I attended several NUS Conferences and networked Volunteering: I believe that Volunteering is positive on every level, to those
with other university sabbatical teams to bring back fresh new ideas to volunteering and to those being helped. 73% of employers would employ a candidate
Surrey. with volunteering experience over one without (Timebank) and I would like to
promote volunteering more to students as well as look into more nationally
In my final year I was elected VP of the Law Society and I am currently a recognized awards to offer students to take part in.
co - project manager for the Sainsbury’s Sport Relief Mile Guildford,
Student Finance: I will do my best to make sure that if there is a crisis in 2010/2011
year that students are aware of the support they can receive such as the hardship
I feel that I have the ability, if elected, to support students with any fund as well as making sure current students re-apply early.
concerns, be it the fears of coming to Surrey as a fresher up to the worry
Integration: I will do my best to making sure that all students whether you are a GSA,
and nerves of final year exams and dissertations. If elected I would be
International Mature or a Disabled student receive the same opportunities and
100% dedicated to this role, available 24/7 if needed, doing everything I
choices as well as being represented at all levels of the Union.
can to make the student experience a positive one for all!
Continuing… Promoting Welfare issues in The Stag and GU2 in order to promote
Vote GEORGINA EMILY HANCOCK [1] as your information and give students the chance to give me feedback about issues that are
important to them by being visible on campus and approachable.

Vote Noemi [1]

VP Welfare
About Me: sound advice and support to students who are in That is exactly what I would do as your VP Welfare,
need. work and fight for your interests. I will:
Before I tell you about why I want to be VP Welfare, - Create a resource centre within the students
let me tell you a little bit about myself. I'm currently union, with information on subjects that affect stu- - Regularly consult with students about the is-
in my second year of studying Politics. I'm a Mother, dents. This would be easily available and accessible sues that concern you. I will hold a regular surgery
a wife, an international and mature student who has to all students on Campus. EVERY WEEK. The days and times will be widely pub-
a passion for representing and helping those who are licised
in need. I feel that my passion will be best served by On Accommodation: - Provide a strong and passionate student
being YOUR VP Welfare. voice at Executive meetings, putting students wel-
Accommodation on campus is an issue that is close fare at the top of the agenda
Helping Prevent Issues Before They Arise to all students hearts. Students want affordable, - Reach out to groups that are currently under-
well maintained accommodation on campus as well represented, such as international students, student
I want to increase the level of active campaigning on as excellent and accessible facilities for all to use. parents, mature students and disabled students.
campus. We need to raise the profile of campaigns With that in mind I will: - Maintain a good working relationship with
on campus because it is important for students to Societies and Welfare amenities. They form the
get their voices heard. The Union should be prioritis- - Lobby for more affordable campus accom- backbone of our Union. Strong societies and ameni-
ing important issues such as sexual health all year modation ties result in more opportunities for students
around, not just for a week. I don't just care about - Work with local authorities to secure im-
your health for one week of the year I care about your proved standards of accommodation off campus Working for you.
health all year around. With that in mind I want: - Launch a campaign for an improved bus
service. I believe that the VP welfare should continually
- A proactive relationship with the Student - Fight for a 24 hour laundry service on cam- strive, with passion and commitment to make a sig-
Wellbeing and Health Centre. pus. nificant difference to the lives of all students on and
- To prioritise taboo subjects such as bullying off campus. If you elect me to serve you, I will never
and mental health. It is the responsibility of the VP Your Concerns, Our Priorities. stop working on your behalf, I will never stop reach-
Welfare to promote awareness of important issues, ing out to the underrepresented and I will never stop
regardless of how fashionable they are and offer All sabbatical officers exist to work for students. speaking up on the issues that you care about.

Vote Noemi [1] the Well-fairy

more rewards for students
1 if you give to the union - expect the union to
give more back to you.

2 better communication
brand new, modern and ‘easy to use’ website to
unite the union and its members, and also to
keep a beady eye on your sabbs work.

3 pure action
no fuss, drama or politics; just pure action.
expect students’ good fortune,
health, happiness and prosperity
to be top prioirty.

Tamsin For VP Welfare
My name is Tamsin MacLellan and I am a second year International Politics student.

If elected:

x I will aim to improve the poor lighting on and around campus.

x I will campaign and fundraise for more water
fountains/dispensers to be installed on campus.
x I will also campaign and fundraise for improved disabled
access on campus; although access is not as limited as some think, there is still a lot that
needs to be improved.

Whether it’s baking for charity cake sales or watching movies with Onslow Village Brownies I try and help out with as much as
possible, both on and off campus. Creative with ideas, positive and outspoken; I always stand my ground. If elected I will represent
all Surrey students’ needs and be there to offer whatever help and advice is needed; ranging from something as small as where
Amigo’s is, to how to deal with an uncooperative landlord. I’m motivated and enthusiastic about everything I do and this will be no

“Tamsin is approachable and understanding and someone who you can definitely count on for good advice”
Frances Boswell, Maths UG

Zoe Papadopoulos

Kate Barker (Proposer) “She’s helped me through my time at University; let her help you through yours.”
For the past four years Surrey University has been my home, but as I am now coming to the end of my degree on the Law course, I
would really like the opportunity to give something back, something that would ensure the experience was as enjoyable for other
students as it was for me.
Having been personally involved and dedicated in maintaining and developing a sports team, namely the rugby club, I understand
the importance of working together, friendship and community within the student lifestyle and this understanding has given me the
passion and drive to run for this position.
I believe as a Welfare Officer I would have an open mind and my main aim would be to connect with students from all backgrounds
and make sure that every students’ welfare is guaranteed. I have the motivation and drive to ensure that every student releases
their full potential while being at Surrey University and I will do everything in my power to represent your interests and achieve our
common goals and ideals. There are several ways I would go about this, and they are outlined in my pledges below.

My pledges:
x To provide a Welfare Pack that will be handed out during Freshers’ Week to help new students settle into University life with all
the relevant information about preserving their welfare. It will include information on general welfare, sexual health advice, drug /
alcohol abuse, eating disorders, housing / money problems, environmental issues and tips and advice from current students /
past students, for example, what facilities they made the most of that helped release their full potential at the university.
x To promote the significance and importance of sexual health awareness, providing free condoms and information and advice
about where you can go to get checked. This is also advantageous to the promotion of good mental and physical health of the
student; this will include improving the resources available within the Students’ Union.
x To work closely with Student Support, Advice and Services to ensure all students settle into University life and feel comfortable
in their own surroundings, with the help of as many university services as possible to aid them in this. This is important as many
new students may need help and advice when dealing with the transgression from home life to University life but are afraid of
coming to the Union office with certain problems.
x To guarantee that the views and voices of the student body are fully heard in the Students Union and are dealt with in good
time, as soon as humanly possible. The one thing that students cannot afford when doing a degree is a delay or slow production
of services and resources.
See you after Easter!
What The Buzz: • HTC to ‘fully defend’ itself against Apple patent suit

PlayStation Move? • Viacom, YouTube air dirty laundry in legal battle

Move Over, Wiimote • London hospital to treat Internet-addicted teens

With the Apple iPad and
the Nintendo Wii adopting
names that are the easy
targets of ridicule, the new
Technology Update
• Nintendo aims to get consoles in schools

• Virgin Media to demo 200Mb/s broadband tomorrow

PlayStation Move appears • Student loan system failure could happen again
to have chosen a simple, if • Newegg terminates supplier relationship over counterfeit Core i7 CPUs
somewhat boring, title. The
PS Move is, for all intents Visit for links to news articles giving full coverage on these news events
and purposes, Sony’s
answer to the Nintendo Wii; it is the latest, wireless,
motion sensor technology for gamers. The concept
is that the already-released PlayStation Eye camera
Talk to Strangers
senses the position of the controller along with motion by Ankur Banerjee
sensors on the controller to track motion.
WARNING: The contents of the websites discussed in this article are ‘user-generated’.
But, why would you buy it instead of the already well- Which, of course, is a polite way of saying “There shall be porn”. The author advises
established Wii? For one it is lighter than the Nintendo that these sites are not suitable for young users, and even others should proceed with
Wii and doesn’t give users ‘Wii-fatigue’ from swinging due caution.
their arms around wildly. The PS Move is comes with
17-year-old high school student Andrey Ternovskiy from Moscow, and 18-year-old Leif K-Brooks
rechargeable batteries; this makes the PS3 Move
of Vermont, USA might not be names you’ve heard of. Yet, these teenage wunderkinds have
a cheaper bet as there is no more forking out for AA started something of a phenomenon on the Internet with the websites they have launched –
batteries every few months. On the subject of price, Chatroulette and Omegle, respectively.
Sony announced that the controller, the Eye and a game
is looking to retail at around £50. However, this cost On one hand is the world that social networking sites promote – of ‘social everything’ where you
might be a conservative estimate, once you start adding share moments of your life with friends and family…and then there are sites such as Omegle
more controllers for a multiplayer gaming experience. and Chatroulette that pioneered the concept of ‘stranger chat’. It’s similar to the old-school
concept of chatrooms / IRC, with the exception that in this case you’ll be chatting one-to-one
The issue of cost is obviously going to be one that is of the with a stranger – no IM handles, no knowledge of who they are at all. You logon to the site, get
utmost importance to students but, when considering randomly paired up with someone – and start a chat. It’s up to either of you to disconnect and
other factors, is the PS Move really that much of a move on to someone else.
bargain? In a world that is arguably dominated by the
Omegle sounds well-moved away from reality. Can you really be that desperate, that instead
Nintendo Wii and the Xbox 360, how many people will
of talking to your friends you’ll want to talk to someone whom you don’t know, in some corner
actually already have the PS3 console? Additionally, for of the globe you don’t know? These sites’ popularity suggests ‘yes’. I think the draw of Omegle
those of us with Wiis already and, let’s face it, a lot of us comes from the fact that because it’s online, because it’s anonymous, because it’s a stranger
have them, sharing games, controllers and nunchucks you can have discussions ranging from philosophy to the best strategies to survive a zombie
with friends who also have the Wii is easy and makes apocalypse – and they can be quite engaging too! More often than not though, you might find
for cheap gaming experiences but, will this be possible retards who can’t spell properly.
with the PS Move?
Chatroulette, on the other hand, pairs you up on a video chat with a random stranger on the site.
Another turn off for consumers may be just the general Don’t like someone you see? Just hit ‘next’ to move on to a different person. Most interactions
appearance of the controller. With a similar build to the on Chatroulette are a few seconds long, and with no spoken or written conversation. Some
Wii remote, the sleek, black PS3 Move controller looks strangers might try to shock you by trying to seemingly do something horrific on screen, or some
strangely alien with a coloured sphere sitting prominently might be playing drinking games – more often than not, it’s someone staring into a webcam with
a bored expression before one of you hits ‘next’.
at the front. One online reviewer has already compared
it to looking like a vibrator (in fact, it does indeed have The primary difference between Omegle and Chatroulette though is the while on Omegle you
vibrating feedback) and, whilst wondering what kind of might actually have interesting, 30-minute conversations, with Chatroulette it’s usually 3
Ann Summer stores he has been frequenting, I got the seconds of some guy masturbating (or as soon as you can hit ‘next’). Needless to say, I prefer
sense that the PlayStation Move just won’t be taken Omegle between the two.
‘Stranger chat’ is probably yet another Internet fad, but it’s interesting to observe how a new
With ‘Project Natal’ looming around the corner from medium can open up people to have completely random conversations with random strangers.
Microsoft, will Sony find itself, once again, stuck in the
middle of two gaming giants? Only time will tell.

by Amy Johnson

If you would like to contribute to our new Technology section

please submit your articles online at
Pac-Man’s Wedding Corner - The Return
by Andy Vale • Get Peter Andre to enter a local
talent contest, against your
Ben has been teaching hot girls to ski for the last 3 months, so Pac-Man’s Wedding neighbour’s kids.
took a little break. Now he has returned, looking more tanned and toned than before.
Andy went nowhere and looks pastier and chubbier than before. But we return both on • Get Peter Andre to take his
air and in The Stag. Come gatecrash Pac-Man’s Wedding with us every Tuesday from clothes off and eat KFC in your
11pm-2am on neighbour’s bed, signing his
This Week’s Tip – How To Avoid Dying
• Kill Peter Andre. Then bury
Firstly, I eat 6 fruit/veg every morning. It gets it out the way. If you forget to eat them, Peter Andre in your neighbour’s
then a packet of Starburst will bring you up to speed. I only ever start fights with garden, so that they get
people younger, smaller and less positively gendered than me. When I find myself in blamed.
a fight with wolves I often kick the biggest one first, this shows your dominance. Get
checked up. Drink milk and get strong bones. Smoking looks cool and tough, chicks • Play Pokémon. Catch ‘em all.
dig it. Do it while wearing sunglasses and gangs will protect you. Always go for a rap
battle over a real fight. If you can’t rap then go for a dance-off. If you can’t dance • Get Peter Andre to sign
either then arm yourself.  To prevent myself from danger I got a cyborg arm, it has a everything in your neighbour’s
hookshot and a gun on it. HEV suit. Check your specs first. Be a bad-ass G and get house. Put it all on eBay.
a leather jacket. Avoid natural causes. Never eat fish, you get mercury poisoning.
Always look left and right before crossing the road. • Get Peter Andre really drunk and
then get Peter Andre to drive
This Week’s Fact – Surrey Sex Tape Institute around in your neighbour’s car.

Surrey University students have a proud history of trading home-made intimate • Knock on your neighbour’s
material. The Surrey Sex Tape Institute was set up in 1974, well before home-taping door. Run away while
was widely available Surrey was leading the way in this fledgling industry.  Since then it Peter Andre stands there.
has been one of the cornerstones of campus life, it has evolved with the ages and was AWKWARDLOLOL!!1!!
one of the first societies at the university to take its business online. Students joining
the Surrey STI can view home-made sexual material featuring many of their favourite • Make Peter Andre give out his
other Surrey students, providing they donate some of their own. It’s that simple. number. It’s actually your neighbour’s.
Membership is free for hot women and some couples, £20 for most men and some
• Make Peter Andre write a pros and cons list about your neighbour.
couples. If you are interested then send a reasonably clothed shot of you, your partner
or your ex to and they’ll decide if they want to see more. • Get Peter Andre to tell your neighbour to stop following their dream and be
This Week’s List – Fun Things To Do With Peter Andre
• Get Peter Andre to gamble your neighbour’s savings, on what his dinner will be.
• Get Peter Andre to kick down your neighbours fence
Order a pizza.
• Put Peter Andre through your neighbour’s letterbox, on fire
• Host a TV cookery show in your neighbour’s kitchen, featuring Peter Andre.
• Get Peter Andre to order loads of pizza for your neighbours and make them pay
• Dress Peter Andre up as Santa and tell your neighbour’s kids that Santa is dead.
for it.

• Swimming.
• Chatroulette
• Get Peter Andre to go round your neighbours and ask them to pull his finger.
For more jokes, artwork and mail-order brides become a fan of Pac-Man’s
• Get Peter Andre to throw lightbulbs at your neighbours. Wedding on Facebook.

Interview with the Union’s Event Manager

In the two years I’ve been at Surrey I have lost count How come there is so much focus on old school union play the same songs week in week out and
of the number of times that I have been drawn into pop acts such as Venga Boys and S Club 7 (well, that we may just put on a CD rather than have a DJ.
a debate on the aforementioned topic. Most of the 3)?
time the same few issues will come up, a Facebook Because they sell out! But the same stuff gets requested week in week
group will arise and the same answers are given. out and when you still get 8 or 9 requests for things
So instead of tussling it out on the keyboard further, Why is there not more varied music at flirt - i.e. like Kings of Leon and Mr. Brightside, you have to
I decided to go speak to events manager Jade house, electro, dnb? assume that is what a lot the crowd want. They still
Johnson and get her to answer some frequently Flirt caters for the majority of students (as does get a great response and most people sing along. 
asked questions from Surrey Students. Citrus). Pretty much all of the night’s music is
based around requests. As far as I am concerned, Basically it’s a huge venue which is still packed at
How do the acts get picked for Flirt & Citrus? the DJ’s job is to keep the dance floor jam-packed. 5 to 3 in the morning every week, you can’t please
Students suggest things, agents have acts doing If he is successful in doing that, he is doing a good everyone but owing to the numbers that support
the rounds at different times, other universities / job. Karl Watson a regular flirt DJ explains... the night and stay all night myself and the other
ents managers recommend acts, I choose things I   DJs can’t be going far wrong.”
think students would like etc. “I try to cover as many genres of music as possible
to give something that will appeal to as many people
as possible. Some complain is that the DJ’s at the
Continued... When do you want big nights? I don’t think people take that as anything personal towards you as you
can afford to go out more than twice a week and booked them?
In the last few years, we have tried to run nights I don’t think I would want to come to the Union No. I take nothing personally. It is a very hard
for other music styles e.g. uDisco, which was an more than twice a week. In the past, we tried to job to please everyone and sometimes things
alternative / Indie night, and Bling, which was run regular club nights on Mondays and Saturdays don’t go to plan. The tribute acts on  Rockstars
an Urban Night etc. They all stopped due to low – no one came.   We also need to allow societies to and Popstars night were booked to spice up an
attendance. The music societies currently do an run nights. If we used all the ‘good’ nights, where ordinary theme night. As it turned out the Britney
excellent job of providing for other genres of music, would they go? Spears tribute was dreadful and the plan didn’t
for example last week the Dance Music Society work. We have obviously made a complaint; I’m
packed out the Living Room with Fabric Resident Why not let Cyclone/Presha/No Wave/GU2 play sure some people had a good laugh though!
Terry Francis. upstairs on a Friday and have the usual cheese
downstairs for once? What are the three most important things about
Why aren’t there more live music nights? Until I see the Living Room packed out regularly putting on an event?
Recently we have had Kid British, Reverend and on a Friday night, there is no need to change. We For us booking the best entertainment
The Makers, Say Something Live Music Night... need to maintain the income from Flirt to fund possible, that the most students want,
how many people came? About 100. In May we all the other nights and reinvest in the building, for the money we have available. 
have Example – so far we have sold 70 tickets. our facilities and our core activities of education, For students putting on events it is all about
welfare, clubs and societies. Therefore, we can’t go promotion. Many people think putting a club night
*She’s right. We actually have quite a few, if you taking risks, just for the sake of it.  on is easy but you need to put the promotional work
want them then maybe you should turn up?* in, just being on the planner isn’t enough. Know
But surely a lot of people will just go because it’s a your audience. Do something different to Citrus and
Why are there so many costume parties and theme Friday night? flirt! Many people try and put on a cheese night,
nights? They could go out anywhere! When I started, the ones that work are those that are different.
Again, because they are our busiest nights. Wednesday night was the more popular night. Also,
Attendance on theme nights is way more than when we changed Citrus to Score the numbers What was your favourite event
normal nights.This tells us students like dressing up! dropped off dramatically so I changed it. If enough that you’ve run here, and why?
people don’t like an event, I will know about it! There are so many! Freshers’ Week, End of Year
Why don’t we get better acts in more often? Shows and Balls are my highlights. Most recently,
Every Friday / Wednesday, we cannot have a top- Why is it important to go to the Events I enjoyed Calvin Harris because it looked amazing,
notch act / band / DJ because we cannot afford Committee? the atmosphere was awesome and it was packed
one. I have a budget that is spread out over the To voice your opinions (good or bad) directly to out!
whole year. I could book Dizzee Rascal in Freshers’ your events executive officer and me. You have the
Week if you like, but that is my annual budget power to influence exactly what acts get booked, If money/space/time were taken out of the equation,
gone. So my point is we can’t afford something what DJ’s play etc etc.  what would your ideal Rubix event be?
every week, so some weeks it is going to be just a It would obviously be someone MASSIVE
fancy dress night. *You can also get answers on why certain acts like Beyonce or Lady Gaga or Kings of Leon!
are/aren’t booked*
If someone has any feedback, questions or
A lot of people complain that the Union uses the same What’s the best way to get an artist I like to play suggests about events how can they get in contact
4-5 DJ’s. Why is there not a bigger pool to select from? the Union? with you?
If I had lots more DJ’s none of them would have Tell me! I will tell you if it’s feasible and affordable.  
regular work, they would have one gig in a semester If I think it’s a good idea, if you bring it to Ents
and they would all go and get regular DJ work Committee and they think it’s a good idea – I will
elsewhere. The DJ’s we have are committed and probably book them!   Jade could’ve written a dissertation on any one of
reliable.   these points. It’s a complex job with so many issues
and she will be the first to admit that some nights
What is the maximum you would consider spending
don’t work out as well as she’d like. I’d also like
How exactly do you go about becoming a DJ at on an act? to suggest that if you don’t like what’s on upstairs
Rubix? The maximum I have ever spent is 18k for The in Rubix then go downstairs. In fact why not go
There is no proper answer to this question. Leroy Wombats for Grad Ball. It depends what the event somewhere else altogether? You’re only here a
has been a resident here since before I was born (it is and how much people are willing to pay to see short time, so why waste it going to events you
seems) and the others are students or ex-students a specific act. don’t like.
that have come up the ranks. Started by warming
up for old residents and moved up the ladder. Or Can you give any examples of how much artists Nothing will change because of a few people banging
they have made themselves known to me by DJ-ing have costed? on about stuff on Facebook. You have to be a little
well at other events and getting good feedback. Radio 1 DJ’s can cost between £2000-£7000. more pro-active. Go to events that interest you,
Bands between £1000-£15000 dependent on not just wherever your mates are going. Go speak
to Jade personally if you like. She’s in the Union
Why are individual students not allowed to put on status and popularity.
office, her door is usually open, she’s very friendly
their own live PA events at Rubix? and is always willing to answer your questions.
The Students Union is a not for profit organisation. What are some examples of successful nights run
You are not allowed to make cash for your own by students and would/did you consider putting by Andy Vale
pockets from fellow students. However, clubs and them on a Friday/Wednesday night?
societies are allowed put on events to fundraise for Cyclone with Terry Francis. Greek Nights in general.
their club / society, if they’re interested then come ACS Urban Night. HE2 Dancers Shake It Up. Oxjam.
talk to me about it. No. These are all successful events on their own.
They do not need to piggy back on Citrus or Flirt.
Why are there only big nights on Wednesday and
Friday? If an act is booed off stage at the Union, do you
THE Careers Day
Tourism • Hospitality • Events
Wednesday 24 March 2010
1pm - 2pm, THE Careers Talks, Lecture Theatre Block
2pm - 4pm, THE Careers Fair, Lecture Theatre Block

For further information, please contact:

Jointly organised by:

The Tourism Society • Division of Hospitality and Tourism Management • Careers Service • Surrey Tourism and Events Society

Annual Students Awards

We want the awards to go to the most deserving students, so

we’re looking for your nominations. Awards include ‘Society of
the Year’, ‘Best Society Committee Member’ and ‘Most Active
Society Member’ to a few. We need to know from you why
your chosen person/society should win the award. Try to tell us
as much as possible, as we’re looking for real examples and
details of the things they do which make a difference.
Proposed Nationalist Society GO to to nominate.

Suffers Complaints Nominations close on March 26th.

A student responsible for sending an email seeking advocating an authoritarian approach to Management student.
interest for a new nationalist society, found himself at governance, which fails to represent individual rights.
the receiving end of abusive replies as students chose to However, civic nationalism, an ideology adopted by the The student responsible for proposing the society
voice their opinions about the proposed society. Included SNP, refers to a form of nationalism in which national continued, “We will form a peaceful and proactive group.
in the replies were accusations about the motives identify and heritage is fundamental to a country. We will have regular get-togethers in which they will be
behind such a proposal, which referenced political based around discussing nationalism, supporting British
parties accused as being far-right, despite receivers of Speaking to The Stag, the student responsible for nationalism, celebrating British culture and ethnicity, our
the email not being aware of the proposed society’s core proposing the new society explained, “I wanted to join heritage and achievements as a nation.”
objectives. a political/social debating or cultural society that had
similar views to myself or that I would fit in with. There The student also identified the need to bring back ‘family
The student responsible for proposing the society, who is not a single group on the huge list of societies that shops’ that reflect the local identify of the surrounding
according to the message was “in the early stages of represented nationalists or celebrated British culture, so area; something, according to the student, ‘missing in
setting up a society for nationalists”, sent an email to I took it upon myself to start a new society. A fully ratified high streets’ across Britain. Apparently, this ‘indirectly
all students in the Faculty of Management and Law. Nationalist society will ensure true implementation of involves race’ and ethnic identity is an outcome of such
According to the email, the apparent motives of the diversity and freedom of speech in our union.” an ideology. But exactly what is ‘British culture and
society, other than ‘a society for nationalists’, included ethnicity’?
meeting new people and improving debating, networking, “I am aware that nationalists or patriots of British culture
and presentation skills. are constantly being portrayed in a negative light by the It’s the responsibility of the society to determine the
media, therefore I’m not expecting student reaction to answer to this question, while it is also the society’s
Directly after this email was sent, some recipients chose be all positive. For students that can see past this, I am responsibility to maintain the Union’s ‘fairness for all’
to ‘reply to all’ and highlighted their objections: allowing actually expecting them to welcome the arrival of this approach to representing students. Ethnic representation
all students on the FML address list to witness their group even if they don’t agree with our views.” is a controversial and sensitive topic among students.
response. Responses to the email included a reference Eamonn Armstrong continued by arguing that “British
to the English Defence League (EDL), shaved heads and The University of Surrey Students’ Union has always culture is precisely what we already see in the Students’
a white cape, while other students chose to object to strived for a fair representation of all students at the Union... it being a strong multicultural organisation
the accusations and defended the student’s freedom to University. The advantages of a multicultural campus are which is constantly changing and incorporating people
speak. plain to see at events such as Freshers’ Fayre, where from different backgrounds.”
a variety of stalls representing different international
The term ‘nationalism’ refers to a desire for the societies welcome new students. Although opinions about nationalism remain mixed, a
independence of a country and has been gradually society, which raises awareness about the values and
associated with established political movements, However, considering recent media interest and political heritage of this nation could further strengthen the core
including the British National Party (BNP), the United developments surrounding parties like the BNP, it seems values of our Students’ Union. However, it appears only
Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), as well as equally important to carefully distinguish the motives for fair that what represents British culture is agreed by the
the Scottish National Party (SNP). However, careful such a society. Many politically aware students argue entire student community.
distinctions have been introduced for when the term ethnicity should not be a factor, given Britain’s current
is used in a political context; distinguishing between multicultural structure. “Promoting British heritage is a Those responsible for accusing this proposed society of
‘ethnic’ and ‘civic’ nationalism. fantastic idea. But this should have nothing to do with ethnic injustice should have considered the society’s
the colour of someone’s skin. Also, what exactly do we motives – good or bad – before coming to such an
Ethnic nationalism, often associated with the BNP, refers mean by British Heritage? I reckon the Union already immediate conclusion.
to a nation defined by ethnicity. Political parties that celebrates British culture with events such as ale
adopt this form of nationalism have been criticised as festivals,” said Eamonn Armstrong, a final year Business by Ben Pook

We’ve got Chemistry!

This issue’s Society of the Fortnight is ChemSoc and here’s why, in the words of David Pugh (Sport and Social Secretary):

Society of the Fortnight

The University of Surrey Chemistry Society is one of the most active in country. Run by students for students we aim to organise events ranging from fun
socials to guest lectures. ChemSoc also provides a voice for all the students in the department of Chemistry.

We are linked with the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Society for Chemical Industry and the British Association. We run events on campus and further
afield for members as well as taking part in sporting events in the local area. We have also raised £700 for charity. We run a buddying system for
new students, for help with exams, lab reports and the like. We are very approachable and everyone is welcome on our socials (except physics)!
Find us at

To suggest your Society of the Fortnight please send an email to and explain your reason(s) for choosing them.
Architects @ HMV Forum - 12th March 10
Music News
by Mark Allen

I do love going to the occasional

metal show now and then. There • X Factor duo Jedward sign
is something to be said for the
crowds of teenagers smashing
with Universal, a day af-
into each other in the name of
music. Architects, hailing from
ter being dropped by Sony
Brighton, have been supporting
A Day To Remember throughout
their UK tour, to a number of sold • Tom Chaplin from pop-rock
out shows. The Forum was packed
out tonight, and Architects were going to make sure people had a act Keane speaks out about
good time.
how golf helped him over-
Overhearing some people, I got the feeling that a lot of people were
there for ADTR, but this didn’t put the guys off. Their style is slightly come his drug addiction
heavier, but they still were hear to pull things apart. Some fans felt
that the crowd wasn’t right for this style of music, as it didn’t allow
them to ‘dance’ properly in some cases. You might not call it dancing
yourself, but when there are tons of 14 year old girls with their dads,
• Glasto organiser Michael Eavis
you don’t want to be flinging your fists in their faces. wants Snoop Dogg for this year's
One thing I did notice was the amount of sub bass drops in their
set. Mainly just before a break down, a wave of bass swept over the
audience, really giving it some welly. This is something lots of heavy
bands are doing now, maybe drawing some influence from dance and
Three Trapped Tigers - 11
The guys ended things with ‘Follow the Water’, which is a brutal attack
Noisy instrumental Electronica outfit TTT from
Track of the Week
on the ears, with 7th chords flying all over the place, resulting in one of
the biggest circle pits I’ve seen in years, particularly during the break London have made quite an impression on me
downs. with their third EP. Truly imaginative instrumen-
Tonight was a tight performance, with their sound being crisp and tal parts constantly taking you by surprise; I
powerful, something which lots of bands struggle to achieve. Crowd
surfers were abundant, and as they brushed past you in their sweaty
love the unpredictability of this track. Cross-
vests, you understand why so many kids are devoted to this stuff. rhythms and beautiful guitar parts are a firm
Jim Kroft – feature.
Between The Devil and
The Deep Blue Sea (2010) First single ‘One Sees living in a foreign land” there is little doubt that
the Sun’ is a catchy Kroft has chosen to lampoon his profession as
stomper that alludes to a musician, and whilst he makes no attempts to
by Tom Goulding
the young artist’s admiration for Dostoyevsky, who smash the stereotypes that currently bog down
Just when you thought there was no more room maintained his sanity during Siberian exile through indie-pop, he strives to disconnect himself from the
for young male singer/songwriters, lazing around remembrance of the quote “One can still see the mundane majority with an upbeat tempo.
in converted lofts writing gloomy, disaffected lyrics sun!”. This historical relevance ties in with the
Kroft’s universal theme of optimism, an intentional, Between The Devil & The Deep Blue Sea is a
about heartbreak on the back of fag packet, Berlin-
witty oxymoron when considering the struggle and postmodern sideswipe at the “romantic” checked-
based Jim Kroft has muzzled in on the scene and
hardship his album title implies. shirt counter culture, full of modest rhetoric while
confirmed that good music requires more than a
never failing to lose perspective. What stands out,
knocked-off acoustic guitar and a pocket full of
Kroft’s vocals echo David Bowie at the height of his and of course what matters, is an above average
career, an irresistible pop-belter that becomes truly debut chock full of pop-punches. Kroft has found his
Kroft’s debut Between The Devil & The Deep apparent on ‘Ragdoll’, a song that could have been way out of the niche, and has come out fighting.
Blue Sea is a solid pop record packed with gut- easily influenced by anything off Ziggy Stardust.
wrenching choruses and intelligent conceptualism. With lyrics such as “I’m a strange bohemian man,
Peasant – Shady Retreat (2010) Tall Ships - Self Titled EP (20101
by Mark Allen
by Tom Goulding
Another addition to the ever growing Big Scary Monsters roster of indie talent, Tall
The latest bout of no-strings-attached folk by Pennsylvanian singer/ Ships from Falmouth have released a limited run screen printed debut EP that sold
songwriter Damien DeRose is a somber affair. The follow-up to 2008 out before they knew it on pre-orders alone. I’m usually a fan of the BSM catalogue,
debut On the Ground, Shady Retreat is your formulaic US new-folk album so it’s always nice to hear something new.
of the 21st Century. DeRose’s hushed, lullaby vocals waver softly through
Shady Retreat’s 28 minutes of strum-along monotony like so many ‘Books’ opens up the album with a mix of big synth lines that anyone could sing
acoustic singers, any moments that might indicate exception from the along to, to a softer verse, as Ric Phethean’s vocals wash over you, with some great
norm are hidden well. rhyming in there as well. ‘time is precious / time will forget us’.

Shady Retreat peaks four tracks in with single ‘The End’, a melancholy ‘Words Are Pegs Upon Which We Hang Ideas’ is a lot more within the realms of
stirrer that may prick the ears of lovelorn summer daydreamers. To some afrobeat foals-esque indie, and has a great tempo and upbeat feel, and there is
extent, Peasant has found a niche market with these particular sunset even some old samples over the top. Really picking up towards the end, I think this
strollers in mind, however in the most part, Shady Retreat is a short, is one for the dance floor at times.
gentle ride to nowhere: fit for middle class dinner parties and nostalgic
sauvignon drinkers staring blankly into space. ‘Beanieandodger’ is another number with real pace behind it, with the offbeat hi
hats driving things along nicely in the chorus, whilst the guitar bangs out consistently
***** nice and simple riffs.

The Album Argument ‘Vessels’ ends the EP, and is a track that really grows throughout. What sounds like
by Tom Goulding 3 part harmony sounds great against the almost hymn-like guitar and organ part.
Maybe this is modern church music, who knows? When the drums kick in though,
Let’s face it, there are some albums that should only ever be played as this is a truly epic number, and builds and builds, with some great bits in between.
a seamless piece of art. Massive Attack’s seminal Blue Lines, The Who’s Quite a unique little number.
Quadrophenia and Nine Inch Nail’s With Teeth are but three albums
plucked from a fathomless list for which this rule applies, yet digital This is a good debut EP by these guys, and it’s always good to have a bit of variety in
downloads have left such preferences obsolete. Why spend £7.99 on a first release, which this has. Having also just been on tour with Tubelord, I’m sure
Pulp’s 1995 classic Different Class when Common People can be yours they’re building up quite a number of fans by now.
for 79p? Of course anyone with a head built for sense wouldn’t waste
a penny on the record label conglomerates, but that’s an issue worth
The White Stripes -
discussing for a different day. Under Great White Northern Lights
by Andy Flowers
The ‘album argument’ between artists and their respective labels came
to the public’s attention with the release of Radiohead: The Best Of Those of you thinking “Oh! A new White Stripes album!” it’s not exactly new, it’s a
in 2008. Thom Yorke had stated in a previous interview that the band live CD/DVD collection of old material.
would never release a greatest hits compilation, yet with the revelation
that Radiohead had no intention to resign their contract with EMI, the I saw the White Stripes live back in 2005. This was with my ex-girlfriend…ultimately
label went ahead and did it anyway. The result was a mess: debut single meaning I now have some sort of suppressed hatred toward the White Stripes, but
Creep ran headlong into conceptual-masterpiece No Surprises, whilst the I promise I won’t let that get in the way…THIS ALBUM IS SH*T. I jest. But in all
bewildering Everything In Its Right Place ended the musical mutilation, seriousness, this album is kinda sh*t.
despite everyone with a pair of ears knowing that to extract songs from
Kid A at random is the equivalent of opening a book of Ezra Pound’s poetry The DVD is a documentary with live footage collected from the American duo’s
having vaguely enjoyed Wordsworth’s Daffodils. Radiohead regretted their 2007 Icky Thump tour across Canada. The CD album contains a selection of their
former label’s decision, yet understood there was nothing they could do. best songs from the tour. For just two people on a stage, they rock pretty damn
However in March this year, it was EMI’s turn to step down after a high
court battle with prog-rock veterans Pink Floyd. The label had ignored the So the documentary, directed by Emmett Malloy, premiered at the Toronto
band’s 1999 contract stating that the sale of individual songs from such International Film Festival last year. It has wide praise and you can see why. It
albums as Wish You Were Here and The Wall was prohibited, arguing that contains some of the White Stripes awesome live antics mixed with odd off-stage
this did not take digital downloads into account. The album argument footage. It’s the off-stage footage that I have a problem with.
waded into view once more: a flawless rock opera stretching over two
Anyone familiar with front man Jack White and drummer Meg White will know
discs or Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)? The judge ruled in favour of
the confusion surrounding their ex-husband and wife, possible brother and sister
the Floyd, stating the contract was valid in preserving “the artistic integrity
and best friend relationship. The documentary doesn’t resolve any confusion, and
of the albums”.
is pretty boring to watch. The only thing you really learn is that Meg is a heavy
Is this a success for artistic integrity? The age of downloading has smoker.
widened our ears to a variety of music that no other generation could
At the end of the film you see Jack serenade Meg with the song “White Moon”.
have dreamed of thirty years before; the image of a teenager hunched
It brings her to tears. And it’s pretty awkward to watch. Almost as awkward as
over a hi-fi recording the weekly BBC chart show on to cassette is an
watching Johnny Depp perform the “funderwhack”.
impoverished Dickensian nightmare in the face of today’s mp3-plugged
android. However with that has come the steady decline of the album The songs on the album are strong. You have “Black Math”, “Blue Orchid”, “Fell In
as an art form, and for someone who believes listening to The Dark Love With a Girl” and “Seven Nation Army”, to name only four of the sixteen. But
Side of the Moon on vinyl from start to finish is one of the few great really, you’re better off listening to them on the studio albums. The audio and film
experiences to appreciate in life. I personally feel, that Pink Floyd has footage doesn’t do them justice. The White Stripes are a band you really need to
won a tremendous victory for music lovers everywhere. experience live, it’s a gig you’ll never forget…even if it is with an ex-girlfriend…
45 30
Dance and Theatre......
Another term has whizzed by, spring is most definitely on her way and the Easter break is fast approaching…I’d just like to thank all the writers who have
contributed this term. As always we are still on the look out for new talent so if you’d like to write next term please contact me.

There two new features to welcome to these pages: ‘Quotes Corner’ and ‘Dancer of the Moment’, as well as all the latest review and what’s on news. If you
have any artistic quotes or rising dance or theatre stars you’d like to see in this space please contact me at

I wish you all a very Happy Easter!

Rachel Gildea, Dance and Theatre Editor

What’s On March 2010? Dancer of the Moment -

Laila Diallo
Going Public II – Final Year Degree Shows 

When: Tuesday 23 March and Wednesday 24 March at 7.30pm 

Editor’s choice
Where: PATS Dance Studio 
Described recently by the Observer as ‘a rising star’ and as ‘quietly dazzling’
What: Final year dance students invite audiences to see a wide range by the Evening Standard, Laila Diallo is certainly shining brightly in the dance
of new works, some witty, fun and celebratory, others poignant, thought world. Having been part of Wayne McGregor’s Random Dance for eight years,
provoking and innovative. Come along and see a wide range of styles Laïla recently came to prominence as a choreographer.
from African, Kathak and Ballet to Contemporary and Hip-Hop. 
In particular, she captured me with her duet with Theo Clinkard Between
How much: £3 students, £6 full price the Shingle and the dune which I saw performed recently at Woking Dance
Tickets available from 01483 686 876 / / door 
……………………………………  A duet so poetic and moving, they explored their own togetherness: the
Joyce Dixey Composition Award Preliminary Concerts  closeness, the distance, the pain, the pleasure, the journey, the understanding,
the missed messages, the caught messages, the nostalgia, the growth, the
When: Wednesday 24 March at 1.10pm & 7.30pm  inertia, the frustration, the connection, the loss. Separate entities, so deeply
connected, their bodies told so clearly of the shifting landscape of their intimacy.
Where: PATS Studio One (1.10pm) & Wates House (7.30pm)  At times chasing each other’s every move with a desperate dynamic and longing
evoked in its drawn out quality; whilst at other times, how they pushed each
What: The annual competition of new music composed by students in other away, so pained, so abruptly; as if spikes, thorn and nettles had grown
the department of Music & Sound Recording.  The lunchtime concert up around them making the space between them pitiless. Her work is deep,
is in PATS Studio One. The evening concert is in the Firs Room, Wates imaginative, intelligent and her unique movement combines a dream like depth
House.  with very realistic rawness. She is ethereal but explores a consciousness so
real and sobering. Her other worldliness and astonishingly beautiful movement
How much:  Free  left me questioning but believing. She’s my dancer of the moment.
Theatre Students present Chekhov’s Axe 
by Rachel Gildea
When: Thursday 25 March at 1.30pm & 7.30pm & Friday 26 March at

Where: The Found Space, AC. Please meet at PATS lower foyer. 

What: The first public performance by students on the University’s new

Theatre degree programme. 

How much: £3

Tickets available from 01483 686 876 / / door 

Emmanuel Despax piano recital 

When: Sunday 28 March at 3.30pm 

Where: PATS  

What: The young and talented pianist Emmanuel Despax has become

a rapidly rising star of the music world since graduating from the Royal
College of Music in 2006. 

How much:  £5 for students, £15 full price, £12 senior

Tickets available from 01483 686 876 / / door
Review of HE2 Dance students’ independent show

by Jennifer Pearce

On Sunday the 21st February 2010 the second year dancers “shook it up”. Feeling frustrated that they did not have enough opportunities to perform, they took
it upon themselves to organize a dance showcase in Rubix, primarily so that friends and family could see what they’d be up to...

The initiative was led by Vicky Goody, Neisha Holder, Constance Gibbs and Rowena Bennett who decided to motivate fellow second years to create a show
based on the work and repertoire we had been doing in class over the course so far. The performance featured two Kathak pieces, two African pieces, two ballet
and two contemporary ones. Hype (student led hip-hop dance squad) also performed. Malcom Hunt (VP Welfare officer) was most impressed commenting,
“the event ran seamlessly… a massive credit to those involved in its planning and execution”.

The event proved to be a massive success. All of the seats sold out and many people even paid to stand. Much praise was given to the second years. Melissa
Borelli-Blanco, a dance lecturer, remarked its demonstration of “initiative, consistency, excellent organizational skills, and obviously, dance talent”. They were
also commended for their political and social awareness for raising money for Haiti Relief.

So go against the grain, use your own initiative, create your own show, dance your own dance. HE2 proved they certainly know how to shake it up.  

Three is a magic number

Review of Dance 3 performance, 10th March, PATS studio female, presumably different versions of the same person. Their hair hangs
loose and straggly over their faces in an unkempt manor. They are all dressed
by Jennifer Pearce in different dresses. The dim lighting adds to the sinister dark feeling the
piece emits along with its subject matter. The movement quality is frenetic
Dance 3 is currently touring the country showing triple bills of works from the
and high-speed precision, trade mark of Thorpe’s choreography. At one point,
new wave of dance makers. Last Tuesday they came live to our very own PATS
the dancer speaks rapidly in French spitting abusive words at the floor. The
Studio on campus. The three pieces they performed were Appel by Mickeal
piece is incredibly powerful and beautifully demonstrates the struggles of a
Marso Riviere, Sticks and Bones by Darren Ellis and A Mind As Beautiful by
schizophrenic mind.  In my opinion, this piece had the most impact as it
Douglas Thorpe. They were all vastly different. The evening was very thought-
had a serious and powerful subject matter attached to it thereby enticing the
provoking and the intimateness of the theatre made the experience so much
audience to think about a bigger issue than a nice performance going on in
more immediate for the spectators.
front of them. 
The first piece, Appel (meaning ‘to call’ in French) saw a dim yellow spot light
Over all each piece was extremely different but the contrast worked brilliantly,
up the tabla player, whilst the dancers were submerged in darkness. As the
all just as compelling as the next.
music began, so did the dancer. Long drawn out reaching gestures of the arms
were initiated on her journey from the darkness into the light of centre stage.
She demonstrated great flexibility and wringing (twisting) with slow, strong,
and indirect movements. The second, male, dancer sits, kneeling, watching
the female dancer from upstage left. She pauses and begins to watch him; he
has a very different dynamic and moves at a faster pace. After his solo they
acknowledge each other but this does not appear to be of friendship more
Quotes Corner
based around rivalry and charged with acute sexual tension. However, it was
not until the end of the piece when they were drawn together for a powerful

"There is a bit of
unison section. What was interesting was how the choreographer appeared to
have fused elements of hip hop, contemporary and the martial art capoeira.

The second piece was completely different. A solo both made and danced by
Darren Ellis. The piece explored the idea of ‘practice’, how it ‘makes perfect’
but also how consuming it can be. The light captures his frantic shaking of the
drumsticks, they shine brightly in the darkness. A classic marching band jacket
insanity in dancing that
hangs on a hanger down stage. A tape begins as audio accompaniment; it is
a cassette on learning how to play the drums. He proceeds to sit and “learn”
how to play the drums, exaggerating the movement the tape tells him to do.
does everybody a great
deal of good."
The music crescendos, as the music climaxes the dance dynamics do the
same, reaching to his extremities. The comical effect of the piece was well
received by the audience the dancer used good facial expressions to further
the amusement. The piece ends suddenly leaving us a little tense.

The third piece plunged the audience into the perils of the mind of
schizophrenics. A dancer sat on a sofa twitching as the lights begin to dim. She
wears an angry pained expression and is shaking vigorously. The beginning of
the piece has a major impact; the music begins loudly while the house lights - Edwin Denby
are still up. ‘Vertigo’ by U2 blasts through the speakers. All four dancers are
Film Get the popcorn ready......
The Bounty Hunter (12A)
Please Jennifer Aniston, film has no place for you! A female her he must decide, can he possibly bring her in? I think
friend of mine went to see The Bounty Hunter last week. mentioning the ending would waste my batting fingers against
Bearing in mind she only sees one film a year at the cinema, the keyboard. Dire, absolutely dire.
she came out of the cinema saying, “It was alright”.
Well, first of all I am starting to wonder if she can get her
money back, but most of all, if “alright” was the best thing The by Ollie Sim
Bounty Hunter could do to her; it is an appalling indictment of
how low populist cinema is at the moment.

Gerard Butler is a cop-turned-bounty hunter who hits the big

numbers when he is asked to bring in bail-breaking ex-wife
Jennifer Aniston (crimes against cinema?). After he catches

Shutter Island (15)

Usually, filmmakers that hit the big time, be it get suspicious about the goings on and the digger
sweeping the Academy Awards or being critically he digs the more the disturbing the revelations.
and commercially successful, are allowed to have
some fun. For Martin Scorsese, Shutter Island is What Shutter Island alludes to the most is Sam
nowhere near his best (yet to attain his brilliance Fuller’s Shock Corridor and the noir-ish quality is
from the likes of The King of Comedy), but it is fun. superbly shot. Leonardo DiCaprio plays his part with
convincing hysteria and grit, but Max Von Sydow’s
Shutter Island is an asylum for the criminally insane, doctor just spells ‘NAZI’ all over him. It is the kind of
where a female inmate has gone missing. Assigned stark narrative that belongs in a 50s B-Movie.
to investigate are US Marshals Teddy Daniels
(Leonardo DiCaprio) and Chuck Aule (Mark Ruffalo). *****
The inmates know something that the psychiatrists
and doctors are not willing to tell. Teddy begins to by Ollie Sim

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (18)

A whole movie franchise has already been released the kidnapper, a computer hacking, Goth-like punk,
in Sweden, while we have only just received the first Lisbeth, teams up with Mikael in order to solve
film. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is the first part the case. Both have a haphazard relationship and
of author Stieg Larsson’s ‘Millennium’ Trilogy and is Lisbeth has an abused past, sexually and mentally.
a bleak labyrinth of a film. The narrative is not any
easier to figure out either, but one hopes things will The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is a heavy haul to
make more sense in the future films. follow and it is overlong. Despite this, it manages
to be a sustainable, weird murder mystery. The
From what one can make out, the story is about performances are mostly fearless, especially
an investigative journalist, Mikael, who is fighting from Noomi Rapace whose character undergoes
a libellous suit against him by a corrupt tycoon. He hardships that could make one feel uncomfortable.
loses the fight and is sentenced for his actions. I just hope the next film with be a neater package,
However, before his is taken to prison, he is hired by a but quite a good start.
high-class businessman to trace the disappearance
of his niece (which happened forty years ago). *****

While he is continuing on his mysterious search for by Ollie Sim

Alice in Wonderland (18)

Everything sounds promising in making Alice in Wonderland a successful The problem with Alice in Wonderland is that, while it is not a catastrophe, it is
adaptation. Tim Burton on as director, Johnny Depp as The Mad Hatter and a colourful mediocre film that is strangely disappointing. In the same way that
the visual splendour to boot. Why is it then that Tim Burton’s adaptation of Batman and Batman Returns were just patches of Tim Burton, this goes to
Alice in Wonderland is of so little wonder? some lengths to mar the narrative. The last third fails to garner any excitement
even during a dragon fight. And why, oh why the 3D? The 2D works better to
The story picks up with Alice (Mia Wasikowska, a dead ringer for Gwyneth Paltrow, endure Wonderland. I just wish the film were not dissatisfactory.
though less irritating) as a nineteen year old who returns to Wonderland. She
is told that she is the only one who can slay the jabberwocky that is powered *****
by the Red Queen. (Helen Bonham Carter, who else?) Alice is met by a whole
array of characters, in which they begin to think she is the wrong Alice. by Ollie Sim
Green Zone (15) Top Film Picks
Welcome to another film ‘based on real-life stories written in a book’ 1. Green Zone (15, *****)
regarding the Iraq War. This time, it’s Imperial Life in the Emerald City by
Rajiv Chandrasekaran. As we all know though, in the process of making a Matt Damon stars in this Paul Greengrass film about a military officer who is
book into a movie it might have to stray considerably away from it. In this drafted to Iraq to try and justify the US presence by finding weapons of mass
case, the film’s plot could be written on the back of a paper napkin. destruction. While one could dismiss Green Zone film against the likes of The
Hurt Locker, it is a perfectly blistering thriller with a serviceable cast.
Matt Damon is the quintessential good guy who fighting in Iraq to find
weapons of mass destruction, post-war – but on ‘coming up empty’ at 2. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (18, *****)
all sites wants to find out why the intelligence reports are bad. He barks
The film is hefty load to take on board, but is also dark murder mystery that
out snarky one-liners while staring into the distance pondering on what
manages to be uncompromising. The complex plot involves a sentenced
could’ve gone wrong. The rest of the army unit, of course, are ‘just there journalist who is hired to investigate the murder of a teenage girl and his strange
to do a job’ and don’t ‘care about the reasons’. Such depth of character partnering with a troubled punk computer hacker. A deadly concoction indeed.
3. Shutter Island (15, *****)
You know why The Hurt Locker is such a good film? Because it breaks
from the mould. It showed us that a war movie doesn’t need to be frenetic Martin Scorsese has some fun with this enjoyable panache of many fifties
“Battalion is oscar mike” stuff. Green Zone is practically the same as Body B-Movies. Leonardo DiCaprio plays a U.S. Marshall assigned to investigate the
of Lies, The Kingdom et al. Nothing in these last three films stands out that disappearance of a patient in a criminally insane asylum. The story is certainly
I’ll be able to recall as specifically being from that film, three months down not a revelation, nor is most of the film, but it sustains its thrills.
the line.
4. Capitalism: A Love Story (12A, *****)
What Green Zone does excel in is, again, the frenetic “Battalion is oscar Michael Moore returns in a less pestering mode than his previous documentaries
mike” stuff. Paul Greengrass pulls out his steadicam and dishes us fast- (Sicko, Fahrenheit 9/11). All the more better for it. Although his stunts are
paced action film with fluid handheld footage. If this film was named Jason getting tiring, it is less about Moore’s self-aggrandising and more about how
Bourne 4.0 instead, not much would’ve changed. You’ll enjoy your time Capitalism falters in the current climate.
in the theatre – if you like this genre – but it’s not a ‘memorable’ film as
such. 5. The Crazies (15, *****)

***** An efficient remake of George Romero’s 1973 horror film about a community
that is driven crazy by a toxin in their water supply. It is less daunting than the
original and the military presence is emphasised, but it is still quite good.
by Ankur Banerjee

Literature Get those creative juices flowing....

by James Castle
“Here we have the Lunatics, here the Idiots, here embarrassed,
are the Violent, here the Distraught...” Baker drones,
“Good afternoon, please step this way Miss,” the pointing to rooms filled with scared faces. Clarissa “Does he ask my name?”
guard says to welcome Clarissa. His face is genial interrupts,
as he locks the door and motions for her to sit in the “No, he has been saying that for a month now
waiting area. “I am chiefly interested in those who have lost the according to the guard. I do not believe it applies to
faculty to communicate.” anyone in particular.” Baker answers. Clarissa steps
“I will just go and fetch Mister Baker, I am sure he to the door once more and says clearly,
will be pleased to see you again.” The guard swiftly “Ah well for that we should look to those who are
leaves and Clarissa takes in her surroundings. This totally insane. I have one man in particular who may “My name is Clarissa, what is yours?” She hears
is the atrium where her and her friends waited last be of interest to you. He has been here some years no answer but the man stops talking and silence
week when they visited. The room is well-kept and but lately has been repeating the same phrase over descends on them all. Nothing happens for some
the chairs softly silken; Clarissa remembers how they and over. He does not function any more than an while and Baker interrupts,
all sat and talked incessantly about their husbands animal, would you like to see?” Baker asks.
“We must be leaving now I am afraid. Do not pay too
while waiting to be allowed in. Mr. Baker strides in
“I very much would like to meet him, if you can show much heed to that fellow, he is mad.” Clarissa and
the way.” They pass along the cold corridors hearing Baker turn to leave when they hear a tremendous
“I am surprised to see you here Clarissa - especially screams, moans and brief songs intertwine. Finally, crash as the madman slams his body into the door
alone. Is something the matter?” His face is full of they reach an area of the Hospital that Clarissa has of his cell.
faux concern. never seen.
“No nothing is wrong Sir. I simply wished to take the “I shouldn’t really bring you up here but since you are opMeFromSeeingHell!TellHoffmanToHelpMe!!ItIsHis
tour again. I was very interested by what I saw last interested look through this door and listen closely.” FaultAfterAll!!!” the madman yells. Clarissa screams
week and I want to learn more.” Clarissa responds. Baker whispers and Clarissa advances to the door of and runs back down the corridor followed closely by
Baker smiles broadly and motions towards the main a cell. Inside the walls are covered in illegible text Baker. Later the madman is beaten by his guard, and
entrance to the Hospital, and a man lies on the floor holding himself and returns to lying on the floor gently whispering.
talking gently; “What is your name?” he asks over
“By all means.” They stalk slowly along the and over –an endless loop. Clarissa turns to Baker To read Part 1: ‘The Trap’, the prequel to Bethlem,
passageways, peering into the many holding rooms. visit
A Fabulous Read.
A Sexy Read. A Carmen Reid. My Booky Wook Hell
A proud writer of chic-lit fiction, Carmen able to let go. I do feel a bit responsible
Reid is a bestselling author with an writing for younger readers. There is by Tom Goulding
eagerly anticipated sequel novel – some drinking, smoking and messing
‘How not to shop’ – due to be released about with diets in the books and I try It’s Christmas Day. You’re sitting, as clichés would have us believe, on the sofa
August 2010. Raised on the tales of to show the consequences of these in a knitted sweater.  A fire is crackling away in the hearth, The Snowman is on
the Brothers Grimm, and with a life- things. But not in a preachy, listen-to- mute and you’ve just upset your grandmother by declaring you’re pro-republican
long passion for writing fiction, she left your-Mum kind of way! in the middle of the Queen’s Speech.  Then come the presents. ‘I wonder
her journalism career to start a family, what this could be?’ you remark sarcastically upon picking up a heavy book-
began writing, and has never looked 3) Which of your books, if any, would shaped bulk from under the tree.  You proceed in tearing away at the wrapping
back. Now, having published eight you most like to see as a film and
paper like your life depended on it.  ‘Finally, the complete works of Kafka!’ an
novels for adults and an additional why?
excited voice shrieks in your head.  Then that terrible sinking feeling follows,
three for teenagers, she clearly made
I think Celebrity Shopper and Drama Girl the introspective outcry clashing violently with the superficial smile of gratitude. 
the right choice.
would both be brilliant movies, though Alas, The Metamorphosis has eluded you once more.  Staring back is the smug
Having recently visited the Waterstones obviously I am biased! I would love to yet perplexed face of Jonathan Ross.  ‘Why Do I Say These Things?’ reads the
in Guildford for their Mother’s Day see so many of the scenes brought to caption.  Quite, Jonathan. Quite.
event - ‘A Girly Night In’, and despite life: the Paris fashion show with the
her busy schedule, she still found the model in flames, the Collonsay boat Celebrity autobiographies have become the bane of literature. Each year, half-
time to answer a few questions for the trip disaster and Amy’s terrible binge arsed shoppers are bombarded with WH Smith offers advertised by hysterical
Stag. eating in the toilet. But to be honest, I national treasures, persuading you to gorge in a metaphorical bloodbath. Ricky
think they do come to life for me when Gervais has been slashed in half for one week only! Sharon Osbourne has been
  1) Since you began writing as a I write them and for you when you read
severed! Russell Brand? Decapitated to fit in your trolley! This onslaught of price
full-time career, what have been the them.
cuts means that one way or another, may it be a stressed sister or forlorn father,
ultimate highs and lows on your journey
to where you are today? 4) What is your favourite biscuit? (A chances are good that you’ll be contributing to the only hollow market that
running question for interviews in the seems to be keeping publishers afloat in the 21st Century.
Creative careers are tricky, I have to paper.)
warn you. There is often no steady This year, it will be Tony Blair who attempts to bring good will to all men before
upward progression and lots of ups A chocolate coated Florentine. failing spectacularly.  His memoir, My Journey is due to hit the shelves in
and downs. The very important thing is Bit pretentious, but definitely my September, where it will sell in the millions not because we like or even respect
to believe in yourself, make sure your favourite.  our former prime minister.  It will be lapped up on the off chance that Mr. Blair
work is always improving, always your divulges that he lied to Parliament, which of course judging by the Chilcot Inquiry,
best and try not to get too carried away 5) What advice would you give to
people who are considering a career it won’t.  A more realistic expectation of My Journey will be an egocentric account
when there is a big success or a big
as a writer? of his youth (sex, drugs, rock n’ roll and The Bible), how Cherie devoured him in
failure. With books, films, plays, songs,
a court of law and finally how his faith gave him the strength to destroy millions. 
paintings... success is often as much to
  So much advice... it’s hard to Only not worded quite like that.
do with luck, timing, the right package
condense! Read absolutely loads, we
and just the whole concept as it is to
do with your work. I am incredibly lucky
are all always learning from our heroes For a far more entertaining read this year, pick up Robert Harris’ intriguing
and heroines. Write and write and suspense thriller The Ghost, a satirical swipe at the ex-premier that will make its
to have been able to give up the day
write. Lots of people have talent, but way to the big screen in April.  So next time you’re sliding down the high street
job and stay working full-time for many
if you want to be really good, you’re this Christmas, don’t piss your family off with the vomitesque grin of a lying
years now in the career I dreamed of.
going to have to train that talent hard.
Many authors write but also teach, do politician.  Enlighten them instead.
I wrote diaries, love letters, essays and
journalism and lots of other jobs to pay
millions of words of journalism before
the mortgage but still keep the dream
I finally started on my novel. Also, live
alive. The career low for me was the
a little! Very bookish, indoors-y writer Essential Cult Fiction #1:
five months it took to sell my first book.
Those were long, long, difficult months.
types don’t usually have much to
write about. Get out there! Meet new
Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing
Two ultimate highs were the very first
voicemail message from The Agent
people, do new things, be interested in Las Vegas (1971)
in the world and all the fascinating
saying he’d love to talk, plus getting by Tom Goulding
people in it, then the stories will come.
a novel into The Sunday Times top
That’s why I picked journalism for most
ten bestseller list. But honestly, every “We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs
of my 20s.
time an email pops in from a delighted began to take hold.”
reader, I do feel very happy. Get very, very used to handling
rejection: what doesn’t kill you makes Long before Pete Doherty or Amy Winehouse were falling out of bars semi-
2) What are the challenges in writing a conscious, maverick gonzo-journalist Hunter S. Thompson was creating an
you stronger.
book for teenagers compared to writing
excessive persona of his own. Fear and Loathing is the ultimate thrill ride to the
a book for adults? Finally, fogeddabout Carrie Bradshaw! heart of the American Dream, following the drug-fuelled escapades of sports
Writing is long, hard hours at the journalist Raoul Duke and his attorney Dr. Gonzo as they hurtle towards the Las
I think the biggest challenge is getting
‘clifface of creativity’ usually wearing Vegas strip. 
teens to read and keep reading. There
sweatpants and reading glasses with
is so much else competing for their
stone cold mugs of tea at your desk. Originally a two-part feature-length article for Rolling Stone Magazine, Thompson’s
time and attention: TV, the internet,
No fancy shoes, slinky knickers and
computer games, Facebook, Twitter, hilarious parody of his own lifestyle skyrocketed him to infamy. Later adapted for
glamorous dates in sight, anywhere!
homework, snogging etc! I do try to the big screen starring Johnny Depp and Benicio Del Toro, Fear and Loathing in
But all still worth it when your beautiful
make sure the books crack on and Las Vegas stands out as the swan song of liberal freedom under Nixon, and a
new book comes out.
keep readers totally involved and totally comic exploration of the fine line between conformity and insanity.
hooked. When you pick one up, I want
you to fall into the world and not be
by Katrina James
Abusing Time at the Coffee Shop
by Andrew Phipps
Years later, I said it.
I untied the ribbons that were sewn through my lips to hold my silence. ‘I sit here static as a stone, nobody with me but
Just like that, I opened my mouth and words rushed out,
not alone’
as if blood were bursting from a wound.

I held back my tears and spoke truth, Just abusing time in the Coffee Shop.
so that time would stop going backwards and I could breathe again.
Caffeine lines my oesophagus,
Babel Text fills my mind.
by Andrew Phipps
‘More of the same sir?’,
How the might oak did fell

Destroyed by creation of a master The kind man asks.

To serve a purpose, a comfortable warning. I tilt my head forward, then let it be filled.
Left scrambling for answers in a pit of romantic commodity. Murdering time merely on a whim.
Natural disaster or power of a greater source? Call me Lloyd, you’ll find me somewhere else.
The pulp of the once great Babylonian branch,
Wilde about something, re-Joyce at something
Where children once played, else.
Reduced to the unknown musings of a beast called man. Hours are precious,
How longer shall Babel be of use?
So better to waste them than squander them on
Leant on as a pillar of knowledge and culture. meaning!
Until the image cracks and is succeeded.
Be gone, leave me!
Or…to die horribly in the wake of the next fall; man’s own end.
Don’t ask
A chair if you please.
Talk to me when I’m not…
Word of the Moment: YELLOW
Abusing time in the Coffee Shop.
So, spring has arrived and aptly the word of the
moment is YELLOW. Picture the scene; fluffy yellow
chicks surrounding the Mother Duck around the Would you like to contribute to
lake, where you have come to offer crumbs of
bread. The sun so bright you can wear sunglasses
the Literature section?

now; no need for the scarf and coat you have
lived in for what seems like a year. I’m hoping this
Submit your articles at
dream will become a reality soon, but maybe I’m
being too optimistic. In any case, the colour yellow Or
seems to lift my bring on the sunshine,
and I’ve got my shades at the ready!
Send all queries to our Litera-
ture Editor at
by Laura Bright
Surrey University Football Club Sports Relief Jail Break 2010
By James Salmon decided to head south bound towards Dover where
the met some familiar faces, Chopper & Salty! 
On Saturday 13th March 2010 at 20:00pm, The
University of Surrey FC undertook the challenge of Highlights/Lowlights: Blagging a lift to Heathrow,
a jail break, aiming to get as far away from Guildford failing to get on a plane, arguing over a life in a
as possible, in support of Sport Relief 2010. camper van, crossing the Channel, purchasing a
University of Brugge hoody, playing the harmonica
The winning pair was decided by exact geographical & blagging a free lift home!   
position, measured by distance from the Varsity
Centre Guildford ‘as the crow flies’. This was Finished: Joint 2nd Place Distance: 197.4 Miles
decided at 8:00pm on Sunday 14th March 2010,
24 hours after the start. Destination: Brugge, Belgium

As we agreed that it would be best to tackle the

challenge in pairs, here is a brief overview of each Robert ‘Chopper’  Harrison, Joel ‘Salty’ 
of the pair’s escapades over an exhausting, bizarre, Saltmer 
& at times, heroic 24 hours… 
‘Chopper’ & ‘Salty’ were the bookies favourites,
Jack ‘Charlie’  Murray & Nicolas ‘Dub- and decided that donning white shades and hats
Step’ Boutal was the best way forward. ‘Strawberry Blonde’
Chopper decided taking sun cream wasn’t a bad
Charlie & Nicks plan was to just go north on public shout and frankly who could blame him? Chopper
transport as far as they could, hoping that everyone + Sun Light = Tomato Skin Tone. 
else got stuck at airports or got arrested. Scotland
is 500 miles away, and was their original goal. Highlights/Lowlights: Meeting Jerome & getting a
lift with him (along with Muckh & Rob J) to Belgium,
Highlights/Lowlights: Sharing a train toilet to Chopper being called Ron Wesley on the London
get to Waterloo, blagging a ticket to get round the Underground by a drunk girl, Making it to Brugge,
London underground system, sleeping in a chapel playing football in Dover, drinking Belgian larger.  
at Luton airport, bunking a train to Sheffield, having
a strange wake up call/‘religious experience’, eating Finished: ‘Joint’ 2nd Place Distance: 197.4 Miles
nothing but dry pasta, drinking nothing other than
warm water, spending two of the worst hours of Destination: Brugge, Belgium
their lives in Bedford, giving up & going home.

Finished: 4th Place Distance:  1 Mile (And that’s Steven ‘Disco’ Cole, Andrew ‘Foxy’ Fox
Disco & Foxy were two of the outsiders of the
Destination: In bed in Guildford jailbreak. Starting the event in roller blades certainly
did help matters, a combination of bad technique
and poor conditions left them behind the early
James ‘Fish’ Salmon & His Bike  pace setters. 

Jim Salmon decided to take on the jailbreak with At the time of writing this article, I still don’t know
his bike. After failing to blag another member of exactly where these two lads are! However from
SUFC he took on the cycle ride solo. Partnering up what I do know, thanks to Jon Creswicks ‘Jailbreak
with his trusty, (or not so as it turned out), bike on Tracker’ group, here are some highlights/lowlights. 
a mission down to & around the Isle of Wight, via
Farnham & Portsmouth. Highlights/Lowlights: Disco being woken up 3
times at the airport by police mistaking him for a
Highlights/Lowlights: Stopping off at a friends hobo, Disco being head butted in a Leeds nightclub,
house party/rave, getting a flat tyre & having to jog Foxy & Disco making it to Newcastle & winning
with the bike 15 miles down the A3 at 2.30AM, SUFC’s 2010 Jail break!  
having a photo taken at Fratton Park, blagging a
ferry to the Isle of Wight & arriving in Shanklin.   Finished: 1st Place Distance: 303 Miles

Finished: 3rd Place Distance: 75 Miles Destination: Newcastle, UK

Destination: Shanklin, Isle of Wight, UK Finally, a big thank you for all of the support & kind
  donations we received throughout organising &
taking part in the event. We managed to raise just
Chris ‘Mucky’  McDermott, Robert ‘Robo’ under £2,000 for Sports Relief 2010 and couldn’t
Jones  have done it without you!  

Mucky & Rob were some people’s favourites for the We are still accepting donations; feel free to donate
jailbreak and their luminous shell suits, as well as at or
a lift straight to Heathrow put them in good stead for further information on Sports Relief log on to
to do well.

After failing to blag a flight from Heathrow they

Champions League Controversy
Sam Smith on why the Premier League Play Offs were a bad idea into champion’s league football for Tottenham, so who would blame them
for easing up for the end of the season? However, without the playoffs,
The Champion’s League is one of the highest levels of football available they would be going all out against the top 3, making the games a lot for
to European teams and the battles at the top of the table each season exciting and worth the money for the respective fans. Maybe it can be said
make the last few games of any league thrilling and worth the wait for that making entry to the champion’s league slightly easier, results in and
every fan. Normally, for the English Premier League, you must finish in the end on season that lacks passion and drive.
top four positions in order to qualify for their next seasons Champion’s
League spot. Recently, changes for this have been discussed, with the Another argument against the playoffs regards potential teams that
potential rules being: the top 3 teams will instantly qualify, with the teams would be given the chance to compete in a tournament that they cannot
in positions 4, 5, 6, and 7 competing in a mini-knock out tournament in financially afford. The teams currently close to the 7th position include Villa,
order to gain the 4th spot for the extra cup next season. However, with the Birmingham, Everton and at a push Fulham. These teams, if given the
thankful agreement of managers such as the Gunners’ Arsene Wenger and chance to fight for the 4th Champions League spot, would of course relish
Sir Alex Ferguson of Man United, this proposal was rejected by the Premier the idea of playing in Europe however would they be able to physically
League; a decision that has drawn multiple opinions from most teams in afford it? Costs would entail possible new signings and trips to European
the top league of English football. stadiums, as well as extra fixtures during the season. This would push any
squad to its limits, resulting in extra injuries that a smaller club may not
Firstly, the end of season battles for the teams in the top 5 or 6 of the be able to compensate for, hence the need for signings that the club just
premier league is one of the best periods of the football calendar. Every won’t have the funds for. All this would almost certainly affect performance
team is throwing everything they can into all their final games in order to in the Premier League and could see even more managers fined for naming
secure a champions or a Europa League spot (which requires the team to a reserve squad for games they deem unimportant or in a situation similar
finish 5th, 6th or 7th). Say the playoffs were to become reality; the end of to that of Wolves’ manager Mick McCarthy, who chose to rest most of his
the season may see certain top flight teams settle for a lower position in first 11 for a game away to Man United. Obviously, this wasn’t due to extra
the league, given the opportunity to play for the Champions League without fixtures in the Champions League; he saw this particular fixture as a lost
having pushed for a top 4 position. cause and so rested his players for an all important fixture against Burnley.
This resulted in McCarthy being fined as the fans had to make a trip to Old
For example, imagine these rules were in place for the 2009/2010 season Trafford to watch a reserve team fall 3-0 to the Red Devils. The Premier
and we know that Spurs have a very difficult end of season, with fixtures League will no doubt see this happen repeatedly within the season, be it to
against Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester United right after each other rest players for extra fixtures or for the extra games for positions 4th to 7th.
in April, leaving only Bolton and Burnley for Spurs to beat in their last
two fixtures. If all went well and they kept a spot in 4th or 5th, they could The Premier League is exciting enough, with surprises in every fixture and
easily justify putting out a ‘weakened’ squad for their last few games, in performances that astonish the most experienced manager. There is no
order to rest their best players in preparation for the mini-knock out after need to inject extra competition in to one of the fiercest leagues in the
the season has ended. This plan would be seen as a much easier route world, so leave it be!

The Mania of Wrestlemania

by David Holt figures may have something to do with him being with “America the Beautiful”, usually sung by an
married to the boss’ daughter). internationally renowned artist, such as last years
There aren’t many forms of entertainment that performance from Nicole Sherizinger, followed by
force such polarising opinions from people as Speaking of the boss, Vince McMahon took $300,000 worth of fireworks and pyrotechnics.
professional wrestling. Asking people on the street over the company from his father in 1982 and All before the wrestling begins.
would lead to you believe that wrestling is merely now owns a $40 million mansion in Greenwich,
a niche, something that is followed by a select a $12 million pent house in Manhattan and a This years event will see The Undertaker and
few rather than the masses, and something that $20 million holiday home in Florida, all of which Shawn Michaels wrestling in the main event,
is passed off as ‘stupid’ or ‘fake’. But with the coming from his total value which once stood at backed up by matches such as John Cena versus
biggest World Wrestling Entertainment event of $1.1 billion. So clearly, big business. Batista and the chairman Vince McMahon facing
the year, Wrestlemania 26, being broadcast on Bret Hart, who left the company in 1997 and
Sunday 28th March, maybe it is time to see what And yet, with so much money pumped in to retired in 2000 following a major concussion,
the fuss is really all about. the company, many still seem unimpressed. and suffered a stroke just two years after that.
Speaking to University of Surrey students around Will this be enough to tempt people to watch an
Whilst it has become almost accepted knowledge campus brings statements like “Why would I event branded as ‘fake’ by many?
this side of the pond that the WWE is one of want to watch a predetermined fight?” and “It’s
the smaller entertainment forms, wrestling is clearly fake”. Even those who were fans have “You don’t watch Coronation Street thinking what
big business. How big? In 2007 1.2 million since turned their back on it, with some telling you see is real” one person told me, “it’s a form
people paid anything up to $60 just to watch me that “It seems faker than it did when you of entertainment, and it’s entertaining. That’s
the event on pay-per-view from the comfort of were young”, and “I stopped watching because all that matters”. And for £14.95 to watch it on
their own homes. But this figure is dwarfed by the stories were so stupid”. So why do people pay-per-view over here, it better be.
the ticket prices, which are selling on eBay for keep watching?
up to $3000 a ticket. In 2008, the WWE paid Will you be watching WWE Wrestlemania 26?
Floyd Mayweather Jr. around $3 million for his One common response from those who do still Are you a wrestling fan, or can you not stand
participation in a match, while former WWE watch the WWE was the entertainment factor, it? Email your thoughts to sports@thestagsurrey.
Champion Triple H was reported to be paid over the spectacle that comes with such a big event.
$2 million in salary in 2006, as well as getting And you can see why – just looking through the
first class flight tickets, hotel accommodations, archives of past Wrestlemania’s sees an event
and ground transportation paid for every week littered with celebrities such as Mike Tyson,
and the use of the company jet (although these Donald Trump and Snoop Dogg. The show opens
Premier League Needs Play Off Excitement
David Holt on why the Premier League needs the Play-Offs

It had to happen eventually. After toying with the idea of adding an extra It’s not just short term that the league could prosper. With each team
game to be played abroad the Premier League was due an idea that giving it all to make the play offs interest level in the Premiership would
was actually, you know, good. And that idea was to add a four team be at an all time high. Imagine the attendance boosts for teams who
play off system for the fourth and final Champions League spot. And to struggle to fill their stadiums if they are in the hunt for a Champions
celebrate their great idea… they rejected it. League place. Imagine the financial benefits to the teams who are
making the big time, and using that money to blow the league wide open
Well, to say that the Premier League rejected the plans would be again. The financial divide between the top teams would be drastically
unfair. Fourteen of the twenty teams had to agree to the new proposal, shortened by the extra revenue from potentially three more matches at
meaning it would take just six to reject it. With Manchester United, the end of the season.
Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool publically against it, the idea was
doomed from the start. And why would those four back it? They’ve held The play offs have been in the place in the lower leagues for years and,
what can only be described as a monopoly over the Champions League while they can be a cruel mistress (and I speak from experience after
spots for years and it’s only this year with the managerial brilliance of watching Southend get knocked out a couple of years ago) it gives
Redknapp and O’Neill, the financial clout of Manchester City and the teams that extra impetus to throw caution to the wind and try to make
inept performances of Liverpool that have even threatened to change that one last spot. Even this year we can see what the play offs have
this. But this is exactly why we need the play offs, and had this season done for Southampton – a team who started the year ten points behind
been like every other in which the top four places had been decided by the others and couldn’t find their feet in League One, only to find form
November I think it would be difficult to argue against this idea. and push on with the chance of reaching that one last spot still there.
It might be unlikely, it might take a miracle, but the Saints still believe
Take, for instance, Stoke City. A very well organised side that are difficult they can make it against all odds, and belief alone is what make the
to play against. Imagine they suddenly hit a rich vein of form and find play offs so fascinating. You simply can’t afford to write yourself off until
themselves stealing 7th position. What does that mean for them now? it is mathematically impossible to make it.
Very little. What would it mean if we had the play off proposition in
place? The potential to upset the rigid formality of the current system in I completely understand that the play offs can be unpopular (mainly by
the league where the “haves” dominate the “have-nots” at almost every those who have seen their team lose in them) and there are perfectly
opportunity. Teams will throw everything they have in to making the top acceptable reasons why the play offs should not take place. But if it
seven. Anyone could make it, even after a bad start to the season. goes even some way towards evening the playing field and adding
Teams in the mid table wouldn’t accept their spot- there would be too intrigue to what is already one of the most entertaining and exciting
much on the line. The teams lower down the table will push on the leagues in the world, then I absolutely think we should embrace it. If it
belief that they could make the play offs; the teams at the top fighting has the potential to excite us football fans then I’ll be the first in line to
to avoid it. Complacency in the Premiership would become a thing of support it.
the past.

Changes for next season

Despite the decision not to add the play-offs to the Premier League, one new rule has been passed for next season – and it could have a huge
affect both domestically and for the national team.

With the importance in developing young players never higher than during a World Cup season, plans are now in place; starting next season, each
team must select their match day squad from a squad of 25 players, eight of whom have to be home grown (a player who has spend three years
registered for an English or Welsh team before he turns 21 regardless of nationality). In addition to this, this 25 man squad may be supplemented
with the any number of extra players under the age of 21.

So what does this mean in practical terms? Firstly, it’s the first significant move the Premier League has made towards rulings in squads, following
previous debates about the number of non-British players in a squad or criteria on young players. With teams unable to simply sign the best
players available to them at any age, teams will now be forced to put greater emphasis on bringing along young players and then give them
opportunities in the first team that they may not have had before.

With young foreign talent available for so little, people may argue that this will simply result in the increase in non-British players joining the league
at a young age, but the chances are that many teams will simply be forced to take a gamble on their young British players rather than bringing in
aged foreign players. Therefore, we might be seeing the next generation of England’s superstars being given a chance at the highest level much
sooner than we would have before, and teams might not be quite so eager to cast aside youngsters they don’t think are quite ready for the big

by David Holt
Football Blitz
by Don Decaprivano gardening leave prove to be a deciding factor in their survival?

Arsenal, Chelsea, Manchester United. These football clubs represent There’s all to play for and no one wants to slip up. The sad reality
more than what they were created for. For some, it is for fun, for others about this competition and every competition is that some one has to
it is for a hobby, for many it is a way of life. win and some has to lose. These are the moments we leave for and
I am very excited as the leagues draw the curtains down to a nothing
This year’s football season has proved to be nothing but mouth-watering but explosive season and raise the curtains for a much-awaited World
and exciting. Words cannot express the overwhelmingly sensational Cup.
feeling that it has brought. It is like one of those moments in a horror
movie that you do not really want to look but you still want to know Egotistical, cynical and brilliant and because we all love Jose Mourinho
what happened in the end. he deserves a special mention for some of the things he has said…

With debates of who will win the English Premier League, it is a very ‘In Portugal there is God first, then the Champions League Cup, then
close one to call. With Chelsea , Man Utd and Arsenal all battling it out me. I AM
for top spot and 8 more games it go, a draw is as good as a loss. With
Arsenal and Man Utd both through to the quarter-finals of the UEFA THE SPECIAL ONE
Champions League and Chelsea out this will give Chelsea more fire
and reason to spur them on to clinch the title and make up for being ‘Everybody was waiting for Chelsea not to win every game and one day,
knocked out of Europe by Inter Milan. when we lose, there will be a holiday in the country. But we are ready
for that.’
Wayne Rooney’s form is still blazing hot, scoring over 30 goals so far
this season. He is now only 10 goals behind Cristiano Ronaldo’s 42 ‘After all that has happened this season – and that is a lot – I’ve reached
goal feat that he achieved in the 2007/2008 season. With the World the conclusion that I am a good loser.’ – after losing the Premiership
Cup looming, less than 90 days away, Mr. Capello would love Rooney title to Manchester United in the 2006/2007 season.
to carry this great form that would hopefully lead England to the World
Cup later on this year. ‘I think he is one of these people who is a voyeur. He likes to watch
other people. There are some guys who, when they are at home, have
The battle for forth spot just keeps on getting more and more exciting, a big telescope to see what happens in other families. He speaks,
with four teams still vying for the precious position. An inconsistent Man speaks, and speaks about Chelsea.’ – on Arsène Wenger
City, a resilient Aston Villa and a rejuvenated Liverpool are all battling it
out for the last spot to join Europe’s elite in the Champions League. ‘I never lose at Stamford Bridge’ – Speaking before the match against
The relegation battle seems to be unclear with Portsmouth picking up
results during a terrible period in the club’s history. Having sacked their Mourinho we love you.
manager, will Hull City’s decision to dismiss Phil Brown and put him on
(Get well soon David Beckham.)

Inside Sport
With David Holt...
In this feature I’ll meet with people from University sports teams to in the Newquay clubs. And back in Guildford we do socials every 3
try and gain an insight in to their sport. This week I met Seb Rodgers weeks or so, the latest of which was a white t-shirt pub crawl last
from the Surf and Wakeboarding club. Wednesday, Roots--> Bar Med--> Spoons --> Flares --> Rubix,
which had about 25 people and good times were had by everyone.
How many people are involved in Surfing at University of
Surrey? If anyone is interested in joining, how do they get involved in
Surfing at Surrey Uni?
The biggest trip we run is around 40 people for weekend surf trips,
and on the Wakeboarding day trips it is normally 5-10 people. Just send us an e-mail to or search for
‘University of Surrey Surf and Wakeboard Club’ on Facebook and get
What ability level are you all at? in contact that way. We are a very friendly club so don’t hesitate to
give us an e-mail or come on one of our trips even if you don’t know
We are all beginners; no one in this club is pro by any means, which anyone going on it, as a lot of people come by themselves. Our next
make for good fun in the water as watching peoples spectacular bails trip is fully booked but we are going to do one more trip after Easter
is almost as good as the surfing itself. This also means that we don’t and it will be a big one as it is the last one of the year.
take it too seriously; it’s all about the fun.
Would you like to be interviewed and get the important information
What is the social life like and how often do you go out? about your sport out there? Email David Holt at sports@thestagsurrey. if you would and we can organise an interview for future
On the trips itself down to Newquay the nights out are pretty messy, editions.
we leave on the Friday from Guildford and use the bus as pre-drinks
so when we arrive in Newquay everyone is game for a good session
Your Comments Results
Once again, it’s time to see what the people of University of Surrey Once again the results are in for the Brighton Women’s 3rd 7-0 Surrey
are saying about the goings on in sport… university sports teams, with this Women’s 2nd (3rd March)
weeks Result of the Week going to
“The interview with the Aldershot right back is why I follow a lower the Women’s Hockey First Team for Cheam Ladies 3rd 0-2 Surrey Women’s
league team. He came across as really down to Earth and just their 7-0 win against Reigate Ladies. 1st (6th March)
human, which not many footballers do. He plays for the love of Contact me on sports@thestagsurrey.
the game and wants to do as well as he can and hopes it is with and let me know why you think Old Mid Whitgiftians Men’s 4th 0-3
your team deserves Result of the Surrey Men’s 2nd (6th March)
the team he plays for”
Week for next week’s issue.
Brunel Men’s 2nd 0-2 Surrey Men’s 1st
Anon on the interview with Ben Herd, the Aldershot Town right Badminton (10th March)
back. The interview can be seen online at www.thestagsurrey. Royal Holloway Men’s 1st 7-1 Surrey Surrey Women’s 1st 1-1 Sussex Men’s
Men’s 1st (3rd March) 1st (10th March)
“Love that Herd used the term “kick in the b******s” in an
interview” Andy, also on the Ben Herd interview Royal Holloway Men’s 2nd 3-5 Surrey Portsmouth Women’s 3rd 0-6 Surrey
Men’s 2nd (3rd March) Women’s 2nd (10th March)
“So what if Becks is injured for the World Cup? He doesn’t play
more than 10 minutes a game for England anyway!” Dave on the Surrey Men’s 1st 6-2 Hertfordshire Surrey Women’s 1st 7-0 Reigate Ladies
injury that has ruled David Beckham out of the World Cup Men’s 2nd (10th March) 3rd (13th March)

“Nice to see from the articles and comments that a few people Basketball Addiscombe Men’s 3rd 5-0 Surrey
enjoyed the Olympics as much as me, I probably preferred them Men’s 2nd (13th March)
Surrey Men’s 51-77 Chichester Men’s
to the actual Olympics.” Anon on our coverage of the Winter Netball
(3rd March)
Fencing Surrey Women’s 2nd 49-25 Royal
“As someone else who goes to see Surrey Storm I totally agree Holloway 2nd (3rd March)
that it is a wicked experience and is gonna get really popular Surrey Men’s 1st 134-135 Imperial
soon” Anon on last issues article on the Surrey Storm netball Men’s 2nd (3rd March) Portsmouth Women’s 2nd 50-36
team Surrey Women’s (10th March)
Portsmouth Men’s 1st 135-100 Surrey
“Steve Bruce paid £6 for Lee Cattermole?” ‘Big’ Ben Sparrow on Men’s 1st (10th March) Surrey Women’s 2nd 68-10 Reading
the mistype in the Under-Rated Premiership XI article Women’s 3rd (10th March)
Are you bothered about Becks’ latest injury? Has something Rugby
happened in the world of sport that isn’t mentioned here? Send Imperial College Men’s 1st 1-2 Surrey
us your views to Men’s 1st (3rd March) Surrey Men’s 1st 8-23 Kent Men’s 1st
(3rd March)
Reading Men’s 2nd 2-4 Surrey Men’s
2nd (3rd March) Reading Men’s 4th 7-21 Surrey Men’s
Would you like to contribute to Kings College 2nd 0-2 Surrey Men’s 3rd
2nd (10th March)

the Sports Section for The Stag? (3rd March) UCL Women’s 30-0 Surrey Women’s

Getting your article printed Surrey Men’s 4th 0-3 Buckinghamshire

Men’s 5th (3rd March)

couldn’t be easier- either visit Royal Holloway Women’s 5-1 Surrey

Surrey Men’s 2nd 1-2 Imperial College
Men’s 4th (3rd March) or email Women’s 1st (3rd March)
Sports Editor David Holt at sports@ Royal Holloway Men’s 2nd 0-4 Surrey
Men’s 2nd (10th March) Portsmouth Men’s 1st 7-3 Surrey with your Middlesex Women’s 6-0 Surrey
Men’s 1st (3rd March)

article and we’ll do the rest! Your Women’s (10th March) Surrey Men’s 2nd 0-10 Royal Holloway
Men’s 1st (3rd March)

article can cover any sport from as Hockey

Surrey Women’s 1st 4-6 Chichester
Surrey Men’s 1st 3-1 Sussex Men’s 1st Women’s 1st (3rd March)
nearby as the university to as far (3rd March)
Reading Women’s 1st 7-3 Surrey
away as the World Cup and can Kingston Women’s 1 0-5 Surrey
Women’s 1st (3rd March)
Women’s 1st (10th March)

be written in any style you wish. Surrey Men’s 2 0-7 Royal Holloway
Are we missing your team’s results?
Your thoughts- your article. Men’s 1st (3rd March) and keep us updated with how your
team are doing!
Paul Stears
Age at disappearance: 49

Paul has been missing from Carshalton,

Surrey, since 19 Mar 2010. His current
whereabouts are unknown
There is great concern for Paul as his
disappearance is out of character. Paul is
urged to call our confidential service
Message Home on Freefone 0800 700
740 for advice and support.
Paul is 5ft 6in tall, of large build with blue
eyes and dark hair. When last seen he was
wearing a t-shirt, jogging bottoms and a
Ref:10-000678 Paul left with his white Toyota van,
registration N232 0YR.

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