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A Associate
AAALAC American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animals
AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science
AAAS/CAIP American Association for the Advancement of Science/Consortium of
Affiliates for International Programs
AAC Association of American Colleges
AACD American Association for Counseling and Development
AACTE American Association of College and Teacher Education
AAHE American Association of Higher Education
AAHRP Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Plans
AAMC Association of American Medical Colleges
AAP Association for the Advancement of Psychology
AAPA Asian American Psychological Association
AARP American Association of Retired Persons
AAUP American Association of University Professors
AAUW American Association of University Women
ABEPP American Board of Examiners in Professional Psychology
ABN Journal of Abnormal Psychology
ABPP American Board of Professional Psychology
ABPsi Association of Black Psychologists
ACA American Counseling Association
ACCA Advisory Committee on Colleague Assistance
ACCRA American Chamber of Commerce Research Association
ACDD Accreditation Council on Services for People with Developmental
ACE American Council on Education
ACLS American Council of Learned Societies
ACS American Chemical Society
ACYF Administration for Children, Youth and Families
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
ADAMHA Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration
ADB Psychology of Addictive Behaviors
AED Associate Executive Director
AEI Academic Enhancement Initiative
AERA American Educational Research Association
AFT American Federation of Teachers
AHCPR Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
AMA American Medical Association
AMSA American Medical Students Association
ANA American Nurses Association
ANDP Association of Neuroscience Departments and Programs
AOA American Orthopsychiatric Association
AP American Psychologist
APA American Psychological Association
ApA American Psychiatric Association
APA/IES PERT American Psychological Association/Institute of Education Sciences
Postdoctoral Education Research Training
APF American Psychological Foundation
APL Journal of Applied Psychology
APAGS American Psychological Association on Graduate Students
APASSC APA Science Student Council
APG Agenda Planning Group
APPIC Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers
APS American Psychological Society
APSLF L’Association de Psychologie Scientifique de Langue Francaise
ASA American Sociological Association
ASPPB Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards
ASTP Advanced Statistical Training in Psychology
ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
AWP Association for Women in Psychology

BAC Book Advisory Committee
BAPPI Board for the Advancement of Psychology in the Public Interest
BCA Board of Convention Affairs
BD Board of Directors
BEA Board of Educational Affairs
BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics
BNE Behavioral Neuroscience
BPA Board of Professional Affairs
BSA Board of Scientific Affairs
BUL Psychological Bulletin

CAMPP Council of Applied Master’s Programs in Psychology

CAPP Committee for the Advancement of Professional Practice
CARE Committee on Animal Research and Ethics
CARF Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
CASSP Child and Adolescent’s Service System Program
CCOPP Council of Credentialing Organizations in Professional Psychology
CCP Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology
CCPTP Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs
CCTC Council of Chairs of Training Councils
CDC Centers for Disease Control
CDIP Committee on Disability Issues in Psychology
CDP Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
CDSPP Council of Directors of School Psychology Programs
CECP Committee on Early Career Psychologists
CEMA Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs
CEMRRAT Committee on Ethnic Minority Recruitment, Retention, and Training
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CESPPA Council of Executives of State and Provincial Psychological Associations
CETP Center for Education and Training in Psychology
CFAP Council of Federal Agency Psychologists
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CGS Council of Graduate Schools
CHAMPUS Civilian Health & Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
CHEA Council of Higher Education Accreditation
CHPI Clinical Health Psychology Institute
CIRP Committee on International Relations in Psychology
CLGBC Committee on Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Concerns
CNPAAEMI Council of National Psychological Associations for the Advancement of
Ethnic Minority Interests
COA Committee on Accreditation
CODAPAR Committee on Division/APA Relations
COE Council of Editors
COGDOP Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology
COLI Ad hoc Committee on Legal Issues
COM Comparative Psychology
CONA Committee on Aging
COO Chief Operating Officer
COPA Ad hoc Committee on Psychology and AIDS
COPA Council on Postsecondary Accreditation
COPAFS Council of Professional Association on Federal Statistics
COPPS Committee on Professional Practice and Standards
COR Council of Representatives
COS Culture of Service
COS Council of Specialties
COSA Committee on Scientific Awards
COSSA Consortium of Social Science Associations
COU Journal of Counseling Psychology
CPA Canadian Psychological Association
CPB Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice & Research
CPDD College on Problems of Drug Dependence
CPEC Continuing Professional Education Committee
CPSE Center for Psychology in Schools and Education
CPST Commission of Professions in Science and Technology
CPTA Committee on Psychological Tests and Assessment
CRD Clinicians Research Digest
CRH Committee on Rural Health
CRSPPP Commission for the Recognition of Specialties and Proficiencies in
Professional Psychology
CSL Committee of State Leaders
CSFC Committee on Structure and Function of Council
CSSP Council of Scientific Society Presidents
CUDCP Council of Undergraduate Departments of Clinical Psychology
CUPP Council of Undergraduate Psychology Programs
CWP Committee on Women in Psychology
CYF Committee on Children, Youth and Families

DEV Developmental Psychology

DHHS Department of Health and Human Services
DLC Division Leadership Conference
DOB Decade of Behavior
DoD Department of Defense
DoE Department of Education
DoI Department of Interior
DoL Department of Labor
DPH Doctor of Pubic Health
DRM Dreaming
DRN Disaster Response Network
DSL Distinguished Scientist Lecture
DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual

EBW Exploring Behavior Week

EC Ethics Committee
ECP Early Career Psychologists
ED Executive Director
EdD Doctor of Education
EDU Journal of Educational Psychology
EFPPA European Federation of Professional Psychology Associations
ELC Educational Leadership Conference
EMG Executive Management Group
EMO Emotion
EP Ethical Principles
EPA Eastern Psychological Association
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPP European Psychology
ERAC Electronic Resources Advisory Committee
ERISA Employment Retirement Income Security Act
ETS Educational Testing Service

F Fellow
FAM Journal of Family Psychology
FBPCS Federation of Behavioral, Psychological and Cognitive Science
FC Finance Committee
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FOPW Federation of Organizations of Professional Women
FSA Family Support Administration
FSH Family, Systems & Health
FSR Financial Status Report
FTC Federal Trade Commission

GA Governance Affairs
GAO Government Accountability Office
GD Governance Dandruff
GDN Group Dynamics: Theory, Research and Practice
GPO Government Printing Office
GPR Review of General Psychology
GRANT W. T. Grant Foundation
GRO Government Relations Office
GSA General Services Administration

HCFA Health Care Financing Administration

HEA Health Psychology
HHS Department of Health and Human Services
HMO Health Maintenance Organization
HOP History of Psychology
H/R Human Resources
HRSA Health Resources & Services Administration
HSQB Health Standards and Quality Bureau
HumRRO Human Resources Research Organization

IAAP International Association of Applied Psychology

IACCP International Association Cross-Cultural Psychology
ICD International Classification of Disease
ICP International Council of Psychologists
ICSU International Council of Scientific Unions
IES Institute of Educational Sciences
INT Journal of Psychotherapy Integration
I/O Industrial Organizational [Psychology]
IOM Institute of Medicine
IUPsyS International Union of Psychological Sciences
ITC International Test Commission

JAC Journals Advisory Committee

JCAHO Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
JCAHO-MHC (PTAC) Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations –
Mental Health Care – Professional and Technical Advisory Committee
JCPEP Joint Council on Professional Education in Psychology
JCTP Joint Committee for Testing Practices
JDP Journal Donation Program


LAW Psychology, Public Policy, & Law

MARS Monthly Activity Report

MCE Mandatory Continuing Education
MCH Maternal and Child Health Bureau
MEN Psychology of Men and Masculinity
MET Psychological Methods
MFP Minority Fellowship Program
MIS Management Information Systems
MLS Master Lecture Series
MPA Midwestern Psychological Association

NABR National Association for Biomedical Research

NAGC National Association for Gifted Children
NAMH National Association for Mental Health
NAMI National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
NAPSD National Alliance for Pupil Services Organizations
NAS National Academy of Sciences
NASP National Association of School Psychologists
NASW National Association of Social Workers
NCCAN National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect
NCCHC National Commission on Correctional Health Care
NCES National Center for Educational Statistics
NCSPP National Council of Schools of Professional Psychology
NEA National Educational Association
NEPA New England Psychological Association
NEU Neuropsychology
NGO Nongovernmental Organization
NHLBI National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
NHPA National Hispanic Psychological Association
NIA Natinal Institute on Aging
NIAAA National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
NICHD National Institute on Child Health and Human Development
NIDA National Institute on Drug Abuse
NIDRR National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
NIH National Institutes of Health
NIJ National Institute of Justice
NIMH National Institutes of Mental Health
NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NITOP National Institute for Teachers of Psychology
NORA National Organization Responding to AIDS
NRC National Research Council
NSF National Science Foundation

OBSSR Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research

OCP Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
OEMA Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs
OERI Office of Educational Research/Improvement
OHDS Office of Human Development Services
OPL Online Psychology Laboratory
ORT American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
OSAP Office of Substance Abuse Prevention
OWH Office of Women’s Health

P&C Publications and Communications Board

P&P Policy and Planning Board
PAG Psychology and Aging
PAHO Pan American Health Organization
PAP Psychoanalytic Psychology
PAS Psychological Assessment
PDF Psychology Defense Fund
PDP Psychology Department Program
PER Psychology Executives Roundtable
PHA Experimental & Clinical Psychopharmacology
PhD Doctor of Philosophy
PI Public Interest
PPAC Public Policy Advisory Committee
PPO Public Policy Office
PPOs Preferred Provider Organizations
PRO Professional Psychology: Research & Practice
PSA Psychological Science Agenda
PsiChi National Honor Society in Psychology
PSP Journal of Personality and Social Psychology – Attitudes
PSP Journal of Personality and Social Psychology – Interpersonal
PSP Journal of Personality and Social Psychology – Personality
PST Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training
PSWIN Psychological Science in the Workplace Infonet
PSY21 Psychological Science for the 21st Century
PsycINFO Information Database
PsyD Doctor of Psychology
PT Psychology Today
PT@CC Psychology Teachers at Community Colleges


REP Rehabilitation Psychology

REV Psychological Review
RMPA Rocky Mountain Psychological Association

SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SAS Sponsor Approval System
SD Science Directorate
SEPA Southeastern Psychological Association
SER Psychological Service
SIP or ISP Society of Indian Psychologist or Interamerican Society of Psychology
SLC State Leadership Conference
SLOAN Sloan Foundation
SLOC State Leadership Organizing Committee
SN Society for Neuroscience
SPIN Science Policy Insider News
SPSSI Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
SPTA State, Provincial and Territorial Associations
SRCD Society for Research in Child Development
SSC Science Student Council
SSI Summer Science Institute
SSRC Social Science Research Council
STR International Journal of Stress Management
SWP Society for the Psychology of Women
SWPA Southwestern Psychological Association

TF Task Force
TFSMI Task Force on Serious Mental Illness/Serious Emotional Disturbance
TOPSS Teachers of Psychology in the Secondary Schools

UCS Undergraduate Consultant Service

USDC U. S. Department of Commerce (Racial Statistics Branch)
UN United Nations
UNESCO United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization
USNC/IUPsyS United States National Committee/International Union of Psychological
USIA United States Information Agency

VA Department of Veteran’s Affairs

WFMH World Federation for Mental Health

WHO World Health Organization
WICHE Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
WIST Women in Science and Technology
WPA Western Psychological Association
WPO Women’s Programs Office

XAN JEP: Animal Behavioral Processes
XAP JEP: Applied
XGE JEP: General
XHP JEP: Human Perception and Performance
XLM JEP: Learning, Memory, and Cognition



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