Use Case UC-001 Manage Creditcard Complaint System

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Use Case UC-001: Credit Card

Complaint Redressal System

Submitted By :
Ambrish Mani Tiwari (09BM8006)
Shikha Kaushal (09BM8030)
Naveen Gupta (09BM8033)
Ravinder Pal Singh Dhillon (09BM8039)


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Table Of Contents

1. Revision history ……………………………………………. 3

2. Use Case …………………………………………………… 3

3. Use case ID ………………………………………………… 3

4. Description …………………………………………………. 3

5. Primary Actor ………………………………………………. 4

6. Supporting Actors …………………………………………... 4

7. Stakeholders and Interests …………………………............. 4

7.1 Customer ………………………………………………. 4
7.2 Customer Service Agent………………………………... 4
7.3 Manager………………………………………………… 4

8. Pre Conditions ………………………………………………. 4

9. Basic flow …………………………………………………… 5

10.Alternate Flow ………………………………………………. 5

11.Post Conditions ……………………………………………… 6

11.1 Success End Condition …………………………… 6
11.2 Failure End Condition …………………………… 6

12.Assumptions ………………………………………………… 6


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1. Revision History

Date Author Description of change

19/04/201 Shikha NA
0 Kaushal

2. Use Case: Handle Customer Complaints

3. Use Case ID: UC- 001

4. Description:

The customer logs a complaint about his/her credit card in the system. The application
server maintains/ updates the record of all the complaints, forwards complaints for
resolution and intimates the concerned person in case of closing and overflow of
complaints. The concerned customer service agent services the complaint. The
manager views the complaint log.


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5. Primary Actor

 Customer
 Manager

6. Supporting Actors

 Application Server
 Customer Service Agent

7. Stakeholders & Interests

7.1Customer : Logs the complaint in the system for his credit card and
triggers the process of complaint management

7.2Customer Service Agent : Manages the complaint logged. Takes

appropriate action on the complaint assigned and closes the complaint

7.3Manager : Tracks the progress of complaints logged by customers and

assigned to customer service agent

8. Pre-Conditions

 Customer Logs in a Complaint.


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9. Basic Flow:

1. Customer goes to the CRM application of the company’s website.

2. Customer selects a Credit Card Type, enters Credit Card Number and the
Expiration Date of the credit card.
3. Customer selects Complaint Type from a list and enters a Additional
Description about the complaint.
4. Customer enters personal details like Name, E-mail ID, Contact Number.
5. Customer submits the form.
6. Server provides the customer with a complaint number, marks the complaint as
unresolved and registers it against the mentioned Credit Card Type.
7. Server increases the count of unresolved complaints and total complaints by 1
and logs in the date of registering the complaint against the mentioned Credit
Card Type and Credit Card Number.
8. Server sends an Alarm Mail to the manager if the number of unresolved/total
complaints against a particular Credit Card Type goes up beyond 1000.
9. Server sends a mail to the appropriate Customer Service Agent depending on
the Credit Card Type against which the complaint has been filed.
10.Customer Service Agent takes action and logs in the action taken against the
mentioned Credit Card Number.
11.Customer Service agent closes the complaint.
12.Server sends a mail to the customer’s e-mail ID reporting the closure of the
13.Server decreases the count of unresolved complaint by 1.

10.Alternate Flow:

1. At Step.-1, manager logs in to the CRM application of the company.

2. Manager selects the Credit Card Type from a list
3. Manager chooses to view the complaint log against that Credit Card Type.


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4. Server displays the complaint log against that Credit Card Type, stating total
number of complaints, number of unresolved complaints and period in days for
which the complaint has stayed unresolved.
5. At Step.-10. Customer Service Agent does not close the complaint.
6. Flow goes back to Step.-8

11. Post Conditions

10.1 Success end condition

 The complaint is resolved and closed

10.2 Failure end condition

 Complaint is not resolved

 Number of complaints goes up beyond 1000

12. Assumptions

 Threshold limit for generating and Alarm Mail has been assumed to be 1000 per
Credit Card Type


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