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In the journal Arthritis and Rheumatology, researchers from Washington

State University (WSU) in Spokane reveal how the compound - called

epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) - reduced ankle swelling in a mouse
model of the disease.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a disease that affects the joints of the
body, most commonly the joints of the hands, feet, wrists, elbows knees
and ankles.
In RA, the immune system mistakingly attacks the synovial tissues
surrounding the joints, causing inflammation, swelling and pain. This
can cause damage to the cartilage and bone. In more severe cases, RA
can lead to joint deformity.
It is estimated that around 1.5 million people in the US have RA, and the
disease is almost three times as common in women than men.
Current treatments for RA include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDS), corticosteroids and JAK inhibitors. But study leader
Salah-uddin Ahmed, of the WSU College of Pharmacy, notes that some
of these treatments are expensive, reduce immune system activity and
can be unsuitable for long-term use.
In their study, Ahmed and colleagues suggest that the compound EGCG
may be a promising alternative to current treatments for RA.

EGCG targets key signaling protein to

reduce RA inflammation
EGCG is a chemical compound that belongs to a class of flavanols
known as catechins. It is most abundant in green tea and the dried

leaves of white tea, and the compound is known to have antiinflammatory properties.
After giving EGCG to mouse models of RA for 10 days, the team noticed
that treatment with the compound led to a significant reduction in ankle
The researchers found that EGCG reduces the activity of TAK1 - a
key signaling protein through which pro-inflammatory cytokines
transmit their signals to trigger the inflammation and tissue
damage found in RA.
What is more, the team says that EGCG reduced inflammation in RA
without interfering with other cellular functions - unlike some current
medications for the disease.
According to Ahmed, their study suggests the green tea compound may
be highly effective against RA. The team concludes:
"Our findings provide a rationale for targeting TAK1 for the treatment of
RA with EGCG."
Other studies have hailed green tea for its potential health benefits. In
2014, for example,Medical News Today reported on a study suggesting
the beverage may benefit working memory, while other research
suggests green tea protects against age-related functional
A more recent study, however, claimed drinking too much green tea
may do more harm than good. Published in the Journal of Functional
Foods, the research found excessive amounts of the beverage impaired
the reproductive function of fruit flies and the development of their

Our Knowledge Center article - "Green tea: health benefits, facts and
research" - looks at some of the other ways in which green tea may
help or hinder our health.

ashing out for a bottle of cranberry juice when a urinary tract infection hits may
not be so helpful after all. Research published in theAmerican Journal of
Obstetrics and Gynecology suggests it could just be an old wives' tale.

The active ingredients in cranberries prevent bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall.

A urinary tract infection (UTI) can affect any part of the urinary system,
kidneys, bladder or urethra.
More than 3 million Americans, mostly women, experience a UTI every

Symptoms include frequent, painful urination, pelvic pain and traces

blood in the urine. The infection does not normally last long, and most
patients self-diagnose.
For many, the first port of call is a box of cranberry juice. However, new
research suggests that while cranberry capsules can help, cranberry
juice may be little more than a panacea.
Dr. Timothy Boone, PhD, vice dean of the Texas A&M Health Science
Center College of Medicine in Houston, and colleagues wanted to know
if cranberries can really help.

Cranberry capsules reduce the prevalence

of UTI
The team studied 160 patients aged 23-88 years who were undergoing
elective gynecological surgery between 2011-2013. Normally, 10-64% of
women undergoing this kind of surgery will develop a UTI following the
removal of the catheter.
Half of the patients received two cranberry juice capsules twice daily the equivalent in strength to two 8-ounce servings of cranberry juice - for
6 weeks after surgery. The others took a placebo.
Cranberry capsules lowered the risk of UTIs by 50%. In the
cranberry treatment group, 19% of patients developed a UTI,
compared with 38% of the placebo group.
So, how does it work? For a UTI to occur, bacteria must adhere to and
invade the lining of the bladder. Cranberries contain A-type

proanthocyanidins (PACs), which interfere with the bacteria's ability to

the bladder wall, reducing the likelihood of infection.

Cranberry juice will not do the trick

However, the researchers point out that since a cranberry capsule
provides the equivalent of 8 ounces of cranberry juice, a patient would
need a lot of pure cranberry to prevent an infection.
Dr. Boone explains: "It takes an extremely large concentration of
cranberry to prevent bacterial adhesion. This amount of concentration is
not found in the juices we drink. There's a possibility it was stronger back
in our grandparents' day, but definitely not in modern times."
He adds:
"Cranberry juice, especially the juice concentrates you find at the grocery
store, will not treat a UTI or bladder infection. It can offer more hydration
and possibly wash bacteria from your body more effectively, but the
active ingredient in cranberry is long gone by the time it reaches your
He also cautions that a UTI and an overactive bladder may show similar
symptoms, and people should seek medical advice if any adverse
symptoms appear, to prevent UTIs from developing into kidney
Treatment of UTIs can be complicated. Approximately 20-30% of women
have recurring UTIs, and concerns about antibiotic resistance mean
that both doctors and patients may be unwilling to use such medication.

As a result, the researchers propose using probiotics as a safe

alternative to antibiotics in the treatment of UTIs. Probiotics are "good"
bacteria found in the digestive tract and naturally occurring in certain
foods, such as fermented vegetables - including sauerkraut and kimchi and live-cultured yogurt.
Dr. Boone points out that there are many benefits of probiotics, although
more research is still needed.
Our Knowledge Center article features more information about
the health benefits of cranberries.
Medical News Today has previously reported on research suggesting
that painkillers may help to prevent UTIs.

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