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Decision Making and

Implementation in Government

Allison's Model
Three model Theory
1. Rational Actor Model
2. Organisational Process/Behaviour Model
3. Government/Bureaucratic Politics Model

Pre-Allison Analytical Approaches


actor approach

Behavioral approach (how decisions are taken within a

firm). Organisational mechanisms include 'satisficing', sequential
decision taking and organisational slack
Incrementalism (Lindbolm): Governments do not and
cannot identify all the alternatives comprehensively and evaluate
Presidential Power

The Organisational Behaviour Model


Govt. Is not a unitary actor but a constellation of

An old organisation has its mandate, mission, priorities and
Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs)
It has a perception of rationality and an angle of vision
Reconciliation of different points of view of the organisations,
constituting govt., is significant in decision making.

The Mind of an Organisation


have their own identities, priorities and interests;

they have clientle whose interests they cannot afford to ignore

It is generally the ministry's policy that prevails
Getting the subordinate organisations comply is challenging

The Satisficing Criterion


organising principle of SOPs is not maximisation but

Satisficing: achieving what will suffice
Bureaucrats are risk-averse because of their existential
Penalties for failure are higher than rewards for success

Specialisation and Angle of Vision

Division of labour
Need for a mechanism of coordination and integration
An economist thinks differently from a culture theorist or
anthropologist or an engineer

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Navigational plans
Designed to ensure that the tasks are attended to with a
certain level of efficiency avoiding serious failures
SOPs develop over a period of time incorporating lessons
of experience and the organisation's history and culture
SOPs change gradually
Radical changes are resisted
Mindless application of SOPs is called departmentalism
Subordinates are more resistant to changes in SOPs than
the senior officials

Government Politics Model

Govt. Politics Model factors in individual decision-making
in the decision making
Organisational behaviour vs individual behaviour in
departments, cabinet committees and the cabinet
The personal views reflect people's experience,
background, and ideological preferences and values
Policymaking is conflict resolution through bargaining and
Cabinet is a collegium of equals (collective executive)
Coalition and decision-making

Govt. Funding of a Film on the Mahabharata

Govt. writes to B.R. Chopra

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