Paleo Insider Septiembre 2014

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September 2014

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Go O & Easy

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Chicken Avocado
Collard Wraps
Serves 1

stem removed
1 large collard leaf,
and mashed
avocado, pitted
1/2 medium ripe
and chopped chick
1/2 cup cooked

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yielding 2
in half lengthwise, avocado
Cut the collard leaf
Spread the mash
long leaf segments. of each leaf, dividing it
onto the middle
with the chicken,
evenly between
dividing the
and sprouts, again
s. Sprinkle
olives, tomatoes
y between the halve
ingredients evenl
up the leaves
er to taste. Roll
with salt and pepp
and serve.


4 olives, sliced
4 cherry tomatoes,
ts or micro green
Handful of sprou
pepper, to taste
Sea salt and black

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met NFL tight end Dante Rosario and his wife,

Maddie, at one of Bend, Oregons best glutenfree restaurants, Zydeco. There we shared a
meal with Paleo Magazine co-owners and one
of the top gluten-free cookbook authors. Im
not 100 percent gluten free, but as I listened to
the five of them speak about what gluten does
to the body, I realized Im not feeding my body
the clean fuel it needs.

What we eat matters, and what athletes eat directly affects

their performance. Thats why Dante wants to raise awareness in
the NFL and among all athletes, whether in Pee Wee leagues or
on the pro circuits.
Dante and Maddie know food equals performance. Thats why
they cook healthy meals for their family. Not only does cooking
allow you to know whats in your food, it brings families together.
So slow down, wash those veggies, grill that beef and garnish
those dishes, then sit together and enjoy real food the Paleo way.
Your father is Dominican and your mother is from Oregon. What
kind of food did you grow up eating?

I would have to say it was a combination of American and

Latin food. On the Latin side of things, the food consisted
of mainly rice, beans and chicken made with many
different spices.

What is traditional Dominican food?



Typically it is rice, beans, chicken, plantains, coconut and

an assortment of tropical fruits. Having not been there in
over a decade has definitely made me forget some of the
more indigenous foods.

was the
cook in
your family
and what did you

Aug/Sept 2014



Both my mother
and father cooked.
My mother learned how
to cook Dominican-style
food after she met my father. I
definitely learned the importance
of vegetables, as they were included at
most meals, and my parents didnt really
ever have a problem getting me, or my other siblings, to
eat them. The most important thing that I took away from
their style of cooking would be the importance of having
balance in our diet.

Your mother was a dietitian. Did her knowledge help your
eating habits?
I believe that my mother had our health in mind whenEA
cooked or went to the grocery store. That said, she wasnt

American Life
Forget the

a food bully by any means. She was lenient about what

she allowed us to eat, and understood that she had a very
active family.

Youve recently changed your eating habits and have tried Paleo.
What was the first positive result you noticed? The first negative?

Standard Amer
Dietits time
the Standard Am stop living
erican Life


The first positive result was that I didnt feel as though I

was overeating or needed to count calories. I knew what
types of foods to eat and which ones to stay away from,
and simply ate until I was satisfiednot to be confused
with stuffed.
The only negative that I noticed at first was that it takes
your body a little bit of time to convert from burning
primarily carbohydrate for energy to burning fat for
energy. As an athlete, this may be quite alarming at first,
but I believe it to be a very natural transition that most AUG/SEPT 2014
people experience in some way, shape or form.

PaleoFX 14


As a tight end for the Chicago Bears, you must maintain a certain
weight. How has that been on the Paleo diet?

At first it seemed like it was going to be hard because of

the rate that I was initially losing weight. Once I began to
understand that I needed to take in more protein and fat

80 Aug/Sept 2014


1. Natural birth: I introd


this practice in detai

the first and second
l in
article in this series,
so go back and
read those if necessary
. Research shows that
interventions such as
C-sections, whisking
from a mother and
off into a separate ward baby away
testing or treatment,
and baby formula feedi post-birth
ngs can inhibit
important hormones
like oxytocin from being
interferes with the natur
released, which
al mother-baby bond
ing process that
jump starts the tribal

2. Breastfeeding: Many

r-gatherer cultures
breastfeed their infan
ts for two to five years
. As you learned
in the second article
in this series, this not
only helps to
form a properly funct
ioning gut-based immu
ne system, but
also decreases anxie
ty and forms important
social bonds
between a child and
high schooler you cant er. Obviously, if you have a
do much about this,
currently breastfeed
ing or expecting, I recom if you are
mend you take
breastfeeding to at
least the 2-year-old
Along with the nutrit
ional value of breas
milk, kids develop a
sense of well-being
from the positive
touch that breastfeed
ing involves. Positive
touch has
benefits to brain deve
appropriate social intera ent, hormone functioning and
ction. For this reaso
n, breastfeeding
into later ages is impo
rtant, as is co-sleeping
, and plenty
of cuddling. Mom and
I and our 6-year-old
twins often
simply lie on the living
room couch in a big
pile of family
togetherness for 20
minutes after the twins
get out of bed
and I can feel that oxyto
cin surging through
my veins.
In most ancient cultur
not much value place
es, there was
d in letting a baby fuss
or cry. Dont
worrycomforting your
child when distressed
to ruin their chances
is not going
of becoming a tough
, Spartan-esque
future CrossFit Gam
es champion. In contr
ast, children who
have responsive paren
ts tend to develop great
they tend to develop
er empathy,
a conscie

3. Cuddling:

4. Responsiveness:

5. Multiple adult care



Our early infant

ancestors benefited
from being cared for
not just by mom
and dad, but by other
adults and tribe mem
bers who loved
them. Surrogate paren
ts also help to share
some of the
burden of parenting,
helping to prevent paren
tal exhaustion.
For this reason, raisin
g children in some sort
of a tribe setting
can bestow an incred
ible advantage to your
kidsand to
you, too. This appro
ach can save you work,
since with other
trusted caregivers aroun
d, you have more time
In many cultures, kids
run around everywhere
parents nowhere in
with their
sight. But all the neigh
bors know each
other. There are aunts
, uncles and other family
and friends who are
keeping their eyes on
the kids. As Eric
D. Kennedy describes
in his excellent online
essay On the
Social Lives of Cave
between not being allow there is a healthy middle ground
ed to cross the stree
t and being given
free rein to host house
parties. As children
are allowed to
become independent
of parents, they are
able to do so within
a trusted support netwo
rk of family and friend

6. Free play (with kids

of varying ages):

This concept actually

builds on the concept
of having multiple
adult caregivers. Our
ancestors children weren
into age-specific play
t separated
circles, but were instea
d exposed to
kids at different stage
s of developmentth
us enhancing each
childs physical and
you read a recent article growth. Id highly recommend
in The Atlantic (avail
able for free
online) entitled The
Overprotected Kid.
The article describes
how preoccupation
with safety has stripp
ed childhood of
independence, risk
taking and discovery
without making
it safer. It goes on to
describe a new kind
of free-play,
junkyard-type playg
full of fire, fences, mud, This miniature outdoor city is one
wood scraps, tires and
materials, where childr
other random
en of all a

Keith Nevins
Captain, United States
Ft. Hood, Texas


have been a
itness and nutrition
back as I can
part of my life as far
remember. Having
titive sports
made a
life than high
bigger impact on my
was the first
directly see
it allowed
hard work pay off, and
diet and nutrition have
e to really see the effects
When you are
titive performance.
an individuals compe
intake, the value
required to manipulate
es very apparent.
after I
of the foods you put
on continued to grow
My interest in nutriti
I was part
Military College, where
entered Valley Forge
program, as
Commissioning ROTC
of a grueling Early
in of the football
well as a member and
of the Paleo lifestyle,
team. This was before
were already
nutritional choices
though a lot of my
the ideals of Paleo
starting to line up with
as well as a
associates degree,
After receiving my
I transferred to
commission into the
had the opportunity
Coastal Carolina Unive
to optimize
knowledge about how
to gain even more
ise and
h my major in exerc
ll as a
the human body throug
continued to play footba
sport science; I also
y and physiology of
Chanticleer. Learn
on really helped bring
the effects of exerc
standing how to
everything full circle
maximize performanc
ed with Brazilian jiu

Paleo Magazine Radio Eps 50:




Getting Clear on Ketones with Jimmy Moore and

overcoming setbacks with Adam Farrah

Paleo Magazine Radio Eps 49:

Managing Autism Spectrum by Going Gluten Free and

Casein Free plus all about vitamin D with Liz Wolfe
Bee Free

ifer Weise &


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Liz W


September 2014 eNewsletter 3







99 CAN

Casey Thaler, B.A., NASM-CPT, FNS is a

science-based writer, pursuing his Ph.D in nutritional

biochemistry. He runs a nutrition and fitness consulting
company, Eat Clean, Train Clean

Editor in Chief

Cain Credicott



Bryan Azur
Creative Director

Kate Miller

Katie Garces is a nurse practitioner with advanced

training in holistic nutrition. She lives with her family in
her native city, beautiful Denver, Colorado. For more
from Kate, check out


Copy Editor

Ray Sylvester



Kevin Geary is an integrative health coach,

Recipe Designer/Photographer

founder of Rebooted Body, and host of the Rebooted

Body Podcast. He uses a unique blend of ancestral
science and psychology to help men and women
reprogram their body and mind for sustainable fat
loss, vibrant health, and peak performance. He
currently has clients in 19 different countries in his
transformational online courses.

Jessica Flanigan

Contributing Photographers

Martin Kaufmann
Emilio Sanchez

Paleo Magazine Advisory Board

Robb Wolf
Nora Gedgaudas
Amy Kubal, MS, RD, LN
Aglae Jacob, MS, RD
Melissa Hartwig, CISSN, RKC
Jaclyn Nadler, MD
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.

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Sweet Po
Cookies tato

The Food:
Our Mission

Paleo Magazine was founded

with the purpose of providing
readers with the information
they need to live strong, vibrant,
healthy lives. We are dedicated
to partnering with leaders in the
Paleo community to spread the
knowledge of ancestral health
principles, without the influence
of Big Pharma or Big Agriculture.


Winter Squash Chili

Pumpkin Chia Pudding
Almond Wafer Cookies
Turkey Stuffed Mushrooms
Spiced Kale Salad



OCT/NOV 2014


Your Family

Fear of
the Dark




4 September 2014 eNewsletter

On the s

Oct/Nov Issue



Lunchbox Mini

12 Eight Critical Vitamins You Cant

Afford to Be Deficient In



Lunchbox Mini Quiches
September 2014

Interview with Logan Gelbrich
The Diet Myths

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Raspberry Sunbutter Bars

Roasted Beets with Fresh Sage
& Almonds


September 2014 eNewsletter 5


Photography Emilio Sanchez //

C a se


with Logan Gelbrich

ogan Gelbrich is a name you should remember. As a

former baseball player for the San Diego Padres, he
originally viewed nutrition anda healthy lifestyle assimply
a means to an athletic end. But now as an owner of
Original Nutritionals and DEUCE Gym,an athlete and
coach in the CrossFit Games and a writer for multiple
national outlets, he has a much moreopen-minded view of what
exactlyit means to be healthy.
Casey Thaler: Logan, its a pleasure to interview you! For
those who dont know, can you give readers an overview of
your background? Its very interesting and unique.
Logan Gelbrich: Casey, thanks for thinking of me for the
interview. My background is rooted in team sports. I was an
athlete that, for as long as I could remember, was on a mission
to be a Major League Baseball player. I did all the normal things
leading up to that as an amateur. After high school, I opted to
play at the University of San Diego. In 2008, I was drafted by the
San Diego Padres as a catcher, which got me one step closer to
my goal. During my time with the Padres, I spent time in Short
Season-A, Double-A and finally High-A before being released. As
one might say, I got close but no cigar. Ha!
I was always a student, however, and in the back of my mind,
I knew that I wanted life after baseball to be entrepreneurial.
Building businesses just came quicker than expected since Id
planned on being a tenured big leaguer.
Immediately following my playing career, I realized that Id
developed a remarkable work capacity. The sport didnt come easy
to me, so I just tried to log more hours than the next guy. Leaving
the grindstone of professional baseball, I had a willingness to work
harder than my peers and a ton of free time. I decided, curiously, to
see what life would look like devoting the time and effort that I did so
intensely to specifically being a baseball player to generally being

6 September 2014 eNewsletter

a great human being. In my mind, this comprised three categories:

physical, intellectual and spiritual.
Needless to say, the next few months were an incredible time. I
was introduced to CrossFit by my strength and conditioning coach
in college, Stephane Rochet, and found that the GPP [general
physical preparedness] goal of CrossFit perfectly sufficed as my
strategy to optimize my physicality. During this time I also red
three books at a timeall the time. I wrote volumes on anything
and everything. I even found myself painting.
I got really clear about what I believed in and ironed out a great
deal of the fundamentals which created the foundation for my
brands today, ORIGINAL Nutritionals and DEUCE Gym. Its been
a hell of a ride!
CT: So, given all that, what, specifically, led you to the
Paleo lifestyle?
LG: As soon as I was drafted by the Padres, I made a deal with
myself that sounded something like, Whenever this thing is over,
three months from now or 10 years from now, Im going to go
about my business in a way that allows me to walk away with no
regrets. And though I was never a slacker, this upped my focus
and intensity. My first offseason with the Padres, I decided that
nutrition was a stone I had not yet unturned in an effort to be the
best player I could be.
I immediately went to Coach Rochet for some advice. A few
days later, he sent me a mapped-out nutrition plan that Natalie
Burgener (then Natalie Wolfolk) put together based largely on a
Zone Diet approach. It was amazing! For the first time in my life I
was eating with intention, for my own good, and it felt amazing.
I showed up to spring training the next year looking and feeling
better than ever, and the front office took notice. From there I
became a student of nutrition. I dove into Robb Wolfs work and
all those surrounding his efforts, and it became a rock in my

foundation that Ill never forget.

CT: What is your biggest challenge, re: maintaining
integrity and product quality, as a supplement manufacturer?
LG: Youd be surprised at how easy it is to maintain integrity in a
product. All it takes is saying No. The hardest part is maintaining
integrity and making money. Theres a reason that even the most
firm product quality gets diminished over time. It pays!
You wouldnt need to worry about that with ORIGINAL
Nutritionals, however, because the moment we step outside of this
rigid turn-over-the-label-and-see-pure-basic-ingredients strategy,
then we are like everyone else. As long as we are doing what we
are doing, we dont really have much competition, if any at all.
And, to be frank, we dont have the hundreds of millions of dollars
that it takes to be fake and convince you that we arent.
CT: What made you start writing about health and wellness?
LG: The writing stuff has become a much larger part of my life
than I ever anticipated. DEUCE Gym, for example, started as an
outdoor fitness program called Functional Fitness on the Bluffs.
Nicknamed The Fake Gym, our website and subsequent blog
became a huge part of the operation. You can imagine that when
you dont even have an address, you need to create tangible
value everywhere and anywhere. The blog did that in many
ways.People really enjoyed it and to be honest, so did I.
CT: What makes your gym unique?
Oh, man. Well, I think theres a lot that tends to jump out as
unique for people. Weve got a very specific look and feel at the
gym. Its a unique and inspiring space, first and foremost. Weve
put the regular gym vibe and turned it on its head. DEUCE Gym is
half indoors and half outdoors. Its concrete and metal. Its raw and
has texture. What comes to mind is an adult jungle gym.
When it comes to the training and the community, weve found
a way to really stand apart amongst the boom of strength-andconditioning, CrossFit and weightlifting gyms. Id hope that much of
that comes from the way we go about our business. We truly believe
we are a school, first and foremost. And this idea of a coachingfocused, rich learning environment attracted positive and motivated
people. In that way we are inclusive and can ask big questions.
Questions like Why do we do this? and Are we really talking
about the purest form of GPP training, or can we do it better?
are critical to our evolution. In that way, we arent married to any
agendas. Youll see an eclectic group of students learn fundamental
skills and capacities from the likes of tumbling, running, weightlifting,
strongman, gymnastics, powerlifting and so on.
CT: I personally believe in always learning and am
constantly tweaking my own viewpoints, diet, supplement
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regimen and workouts, and staying up on the scientific

literature. Do you do this, as well?
LG: Something that I talk about with our students, but most
specifically our student coaches, is this idea of becoming.
As human beings, I think we all can relate to an attraction to
improvement. Its the reason why seeing an overweight person
work hard and lose weight, for example, is inspiring, whether
you are fit or not. Its the same reason that we are repulsed by
the opposite. Think about how you feel when you hear about an
accomplished athlete whos letting his or her talents go to waste.
In that way, I think we are all married to this idea of
improvement. Furthermore, its perfectly relative. If the goal is
improvement, then everyone is responsible for that all the time.
Experts and novices alike have the same responsibility. Its quite
unifying and I think that like you, I share this responsibility, as well.
CT: What is the biggest change that you think fitness and a
healthier life can have for the average sedentary office worker?
LG: I believe that we are far more aware than people often
make themselves out to be. I think we all inherently know when we
are underachieving and doing detriment. This knowledge, whether
its conscious or subconscious, has a ripple effect on everything
in our lives. For the sedentary office worker, a life of health and
wellness is everything. Its the weight of guilt being released from
his or her shoulders. Its the happiness and confidence of doing
that which is in ones own best interest. Its looking, feeling and
performing better.
CT: What is the one supplement that you think everyone
can benefit from, and why?
LG: Let me preface this question that weve got to remember
that supplements explicitly, in their name, tell us that it is a
supporting role in a much larger story. Nothing makes me more
nervous than a supplement obsession. That being said, Ive found
that my supplement loophole to a food-only regimen is omega3s. Almost no one is exempt from this widespread deficiency
when it comes to a working omega-6omega-3 ratio in the body.
Where wed like to utilize food as the best sources for most dietary
supplements, even the most grass-fed, clean-eating athletes can
benefit from a good, clean omega-3 supplement.
CT: Its been a pleasure, Logan! I love connecting with likeminded people. Where can readers find you online?
LG: Man, the Internet. Its a jungle out there. You can find
me on Twitter and Instagram at @FunctionalCoach. The gym
and ORIGINAL Nutritionals are also well represented on all
the normal channels at @DEUCE_Gym and @ONutritionals
September 2014 eNewsletter 7






rends and fad diets give people many ways to lose

weight or change things up in the name of health.
Although in the short run some of these tactics can
be effective, in the long run theyre often just not
Ill first debunk several of the common diet myths, then come full
circle in determining why just eating real foods and following in
our ancestral footsteps is the way to go for overall health!

The Starvation Myth:

Eat Less + exercise
more = weight loss

This is the classic yo-yo diet. By restricting calories below

ones basal metabolic rate (BMR; the minimum number of
calories ones body needs to function properly), the body thinks
its starving and unleashes a metabolic and molecular cascade
to protect itself. Our bodys hunger signals become too strong to
ignore and the weight that is lost is usually gained backusually
plus some more.
Unfortunately, the weight thats lost is usually in the form of fat
and muscle, but the weight you put back on is usually just fat. So
youve lost that metabolically active muscle tissue and traded it in
for something that burns 70 times less energy, making your overall
metabolism slower and making you fatter every time you go on
this kind of diet.

The Calorie Myth: All calories

are created equal

Calories are not all created equal. Yes, by definition, one calorie
is the unit of energy it takes to raise the temperature of one gram
of water by one degree centigrade. However, once we talk about
how calories are metabolized in the body, the similarities stop
there. Calories are absorbed and metabolized at different rates
and with different metabolic effects based on the amount and
combination of fiber, carbohydrates, fats, proteins and nutrients
they contain.
Easily digestible carbohydrates that enter your bloodstream
quickly will promote increased blood sugar, insulin and weight
gain, as well as increased cholesterol, triglycerides and fatty
liver. Conversely, the same number of calories from foods high
in fiber, and combined with fat and/or protein, will enter your
bloodstream more slowly, allowing your body to make better use
of them and burn them for energy, and making it less likely they
will be stored as fat.
Foods talk to our genes and can tell our cells to burn or store
calories. Sticking with a whole-foods-based diet, one with foods
our DNA has evolved with and knows how to metabolize, is a safe
and healthy bet that our body will put these foods to good use.
Avoiding newfangled, fake and processed foods that our body
does not recognize or know how to handle is a safe bet in avoiding
the foods that will trigger negative gene activity in the body.
8 September 2014 eNewsletter

The Fat Myth: Eating fat

makes you fat

Fat does not make one fat; sugar and the wrong kinds of
carbohydrates do, as they are what trigger the release of insulin,
the fat-storage hormone. Eating fat doesnt trigger the release
of insulin; it actually triggers the release of a hormone called
cholecystokinin (CCK), which is the strongest satiating hormone
(signal to tell the brain its full) of all! So not only does fat not
trigger the fat-storing hormone insulin, consuming it makes you
feel full rather quicklyand therefore, you dont eat as much!
All fats are not created equal, however. Healthy good fats
(omega-3s, monounsaturated fats, and some saturated fats) can
actually turn on fat-burning genes, rev our metabolism and cause
us to burn energy (thermogenesis). Bad fats, particularly trans
fats, can actually block thermogenesis, create inflammation, and
contribute to insulin resistance and fat storage. No bueno. Avoid
these fats like the plague.

The Carb Myth: Eating low

carb or no carb will
make you thin

While low-carb diets are effective for losing weight, they are not
sustainable for many people. The body (in particular, the red blood
cells) does need some carbs to function. A low-glycemic diet can
be just as effective, and tends to be easier to sustain. Choosing
carbohydrates that are from whole, unprocessed plant foods that are
high in fiber to slow digestion and high in beneficial phytonutrients
can ensure a low-glycemic-load, nutrient-dense, sustainable diet that
can help lose or maintain weight and optimize health.

The Sumo Wrestler Myth: Skipping

meals helps you lose

Skipping meals inevitably results in overeating, particularly if

exercise is part of the day, so that when one finally does eat, they
feel starved and end up eating much more food than they need
in order to feel full. This is exactly how sumo wrestlers eat to gain
massive amounts of weight! They skip breakfast, train hard for five
hours, eat a large meal, take a nap, awake for dinner and then go
to sleep for the night.
Eating breakfast has been shown to help keep weight off when
compared to skipping breakfast, even when the total daily caloric
intake was the same. Breaking the overnight fast signals the body
that sleep time is over and revs the metabolism for the upcoming
day. Spreading our food and calories out over the course of
the day is the best way to prevent starvation mode and the
overeating that tends to follow.
Sleeping immediately after eating can also be detrimental to
your waistline, as our metabolism drops to its lowest while we
sleep. Therefore, excess and undigested food left in our system


will just be stored for later use, usually as fat. A good rule of
thumb is not to eat two to three hours before bedtime.

The French Paradox Myth: The

French are thin
because they
drink wine and eat

The reason the French are thinner is that, compared to

Americans, they are consuming real food, they consume less
food, they consume food more slowly and they move their
bodies more as they tend to walk everywhere!
The French diet is based on fresh, local, minimally
processed, nutrient-dense whole foods.
They dont tend to snack or consume junk or processed
The French eat smaller portions, compared to the
American tendency to supersize everything.
The French tend to eat more slowly, whereas Americans
often consume their meals in a mindless, frantic, eat-onthe-run way. Eating too quickly tends to lead to overeating,
as the brains full signal from the stomach takes up to 20
minutes to occur. French meals are centered around family,
friends, relaxation, and pleasure, allowing the body to reach
that rest and digest phase that is so important in fully
digesting food and absorbing nutrients. Stressed-out eating
not only doesnt allow for this, but can also signal stress
hormones that slow metabolism and promote fat storage.
Walking to the store to buy your food or to the restaurant
to eat your meal has all but been abandoned by Americans.
Simply adding a walk after a meal is a nice way to burn some
calories and stay fit.

The Protector Myth:

Government food
policies and
food industry
protect our health
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Unfortunately, the governments policies regarding food

are more supportive of the food industrys outcomes than our
The food industry is interested in making money by massproducing foods that are not healthful, and the government
tends to support these efforts.
The governments dietary recommendations, which
encourage the bulk of our caloric intake from easily digestible
and nutrient-bereft grains such as bread, cereals, rice and
pasta, have certainly contributed to our obesity epidemic.
While its hard to believe that an entity as large and
powerful as our own government doesnt have our best
interests in mind or may steer us wrong, we need to hold
to what we know to be tried and true: eating a whole,
unprocessed, real-foods diet to optimize our health while
avoiding the unhealthy, manmade fake foods that the food
industries and government push.

Takeaway: With so much

conflicting info,
what is the best
thing for me?

There is no one, perfect diet prescription for everyone.

We are all bio-individuals, and things that might work
wonderfully for you might wreak havoc on me, and vice
versa. The best place to start is always with real, whole
foods; you cant go wrong with what Mother Nature provides,
what man not only survived, but thrived on (hello, evolution?)
for hundreds of thousands of years. Cut out the junk, cut out
the processed stuff, the man-made stuff, the chemicals and
the sugar, and just get back to basics. Clean it up and then
determine from there what really jives with your body and
your metabolism and what just doesnt seem to work.
Trial and error is okay. Listen to your body! People spend
a lot of time figuring this stuff out, and thats okay! Be patient
with yourself, your body and the process. Dont get caught
up in a fad, a trend or anything thats unsustainable. Learn
how to not only eat, but to truly savor and enjoy the beautiful,
delicious, nourishing foods that are on this earth to sustain
us. Dont just survivethrive.

Reference: Ultra-Metabolism by Mark Hyman, M.D.

September 2014 eNewsletter 9

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You Cant Afford to Be

Deficient In



Critical Vitamins


veryone wants to know what to eat, how

much to eat, where to eat, when to eat and
who to eat with.
If its not food, its exercise. What gym
machines do I use? Should I do CrossFit?
How do I train for this 5K?
If information were a vitamin, wed all be overdosing.
Thats not to say that the right information isnt
necessary. But information isnt the final answer.
In my experience, most people who have the right
information still fail. Why? Because theres more to this
journey than facts and figures. We need to start looking at
the bigger picture.
Being deficient in the well-known vitaminsA, D, E,
C and Kis a bad thing. But theres a whole other set of
vitamins that are rarelyif evertalked about.
These vitamins are tied to every important aspect
of our lives. And its these important elementsnot
calories, carbs, and cardiothat will lead you to success
or failure in changing your eating and exercise habits.
Lets take a look at these eight critical vitamins.

12 September 2014 eNewsletter

Vitamin M: Margin

Vitamin M deficiency is an epidemic

in the U.S. And its spreading around the
globe furiously.
Were overscheduled, overburdened and
stressed to a deadly level. We dont sleep
enough. We dont play. We barely spend quality time with
the people we love.
Margin is the breathing room in your life script. If
theres no margin, youre stuck in your current script. This
leads to excuse-making: I dont have time. I dont have
enough money.I cant.
Even with the best of intentions, without margin you
cant close the gap between those intentions and your
Margin extends beyond the obvious areas, as well.
Margin must be cultivated in every corner of your life,
from time and money to relationships and environment.
For clear, step-by-step directions with mental prompts,
you can download my free margin makeover workbook at

Vitamin G: Gratitude

Vitamin L: Love
Human beings crave connection. It fulfills us. But with
over half of marriages ending in divorce and more hanging
by a thread, were losing this deep sense of connection.
If our parents struggled to have healthy, intimate
relationships, we will repeat the cycle unless we do the
work to escape it. Looking at the divorce rate, Id say that
not enough people are doing the work.
Too many of us are also falling short when it comes to
self-love. Its bad enough that we struggle in relationships
with others; its tragic that we struggle with loving and
accepting ourselves.
And its this self-love deficiency thats driving our
relationship problems. If you dont believe youre worthy
of loving yourself, you automatically assume youre
unworthy of anyones love. That doesnt mean you
wont engage in intimate relationshipsjust that youll
sabotage them.
As intimacy goes unmet, its no wonder people turn
food to fill themselves back up. But its a false and
damaging attempt at fulfillment that worsens the cycle of
shame, fear and guilt. More on that later.
Do the work to make sure that Vitamin L is abundant
in your life and youll stop looking to food as a substitute.

Vitamin P: Patience

The same mindset that gave us reality television

gave us duct-tape diets and infomercial fitness. The
demand for quick-fix solutions has never been greater.
This rush to results is disrespectful to our body and
mind. Often, its because were focused on superficial
things, like how we look in our bathing suit.
These weight-loss-by-any-means approaches ask us
to work against our body rather than with it. And they fail
to respect the integrative nature of the system.
My main goal for my clients is to win without warfare.
When you create a healthy physical, mental and
emotional environment for yourself, its amazing how the
body responds. Without patience, though, youre unlikely
to see the process through.
No matter how well I set my clients expectations that
this is a long-term process, I still field concerns about
how they think theyre failing because they dont look
drastically different after day 21 or day 30.
They simply cant shake the idea that everyones
journey can be put inside a neat little box and told with a
single before-and-after photo.
If youre deficient in patience, youll always quit
before you give yourself time to heal. Patience is critical,
whether were talking about relationships or fat loss.

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Kaila Prins, one of my favorite

health bloggers, runs a #GratitudeMadLibs game over at, where she prompts you to post
something youre grateful for on Twitter every day. Go
play! Its a no-brainer.
Gratitude is one of Kailas core philosophies because
gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to shift
perspectiveand this shift is the secret sauce to success.
People who succeed arent luckier than you. They
dont have secret information or bulletproof willpower.
What they have is a different perspective on life. On
overcoming obstacles.
If you look closely at people who seem to lack
gratitude, they also often lack flexibility. Theyre very
rigid in their approaches and see life as zero sum. Their
mindset is often a prison, as I discussed in a previous
article and podcast called Your Personal Alcatraz.
Gratitude is a great way to change perspective quickly.
And a perspective shift is the closest youll ever get to a
magic pill.

Vitamin F: Fulfillment

Food is filling in more than one

way. When youre nourishing your
cells and filling your tummy, thats a great thing. When
youre using food for fulfillment because youre unfulfilled
in other areas of your life, its a vicious cycle.
Food is the number one drug in America. Emotional
eating has its roots in childhood and lingers with adults
like an anchor, making it hard for most to swim, and
completely drowning others.
Having unmet needs as a child sets you up to have
unmet needs as an adult. We dont just have a collective
obesity problem; we have a Vitamin M problem, a
Vitamin L problem, a stress problem, a Vitamin G
problem, a Vitamin S (more below) problem, and a
financial problem. I could go on, but you get the point.
Were unfulfilled as a society and food is the most
convenient way to help bridge the gaps. When you find
ways to achieve legitimate fulfillment, the medication
you relied on is easy to let go of. Thats where true
freedom lives.
Take an honest look at your life and figure out where
the fulfillment gaps are, and then work to bridge them.

Vitamin R: Recovery

How do you get more Vitamin F?

By getting enough Vitamin R.
As I said earlier, unmet needs
as a child set you up for unmet
needs as an adult. That doesnt
even account for having to deal with
larger issues like physical, emotional or sexual abuse.
Gabor Mat, an addiction expert doing amazing things
in Canada, said this about his work:
The hardcore drug addicts that I treat are, without
exception, people who have had extraordinarily
difficult lives. The commonality is childhood abuse.
These people all entered life under extremely adverse
circumstances. Not only did they not get what they need

September 2014 eNewsletter 13

for healthy development, they actually got negative

circumstances of neglect Thats what sets up the
brain biology of addiction.
Mats conclusion is that heroin is not the problem
its the addicts solution to the problem.
Food is used as medication, just like cocaine or
heroin. Its just done on a smaller scale and is more
socially acceptable. And its not as immediately
damaging. The point of all this is that, like heroin, food is
not the problem.
That means you can end the war against food and
start working on yourself. Regardless of what you think
of your childhood or your past, everyone can benefit from
therapy and everyone should constantly be working to
improve themselves.
Your past isnt either healthy or unhealthy. Its a scale.
If theres a little pain, theres a little coping. If theres a lot of
pain, theres a lot of coping. If you struggle with emotional
eating or any of the eight common eating triggers, then
theres work to be done on the recovery front.
Without Vitamin R, its very difficult to get enough of
the other vitamins.

Vitamin S: Self-Esteem

Theres a lot of talk about self-esteem

in schools. But the way schools discuss
self-esteem is tragically narrow and
In The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem,
Nathaniel Branden talks about happiness
anxiety, a fear of happiness that is a key symptom of
damaged self-esteem, and one that goes hand in hand
with negative self-talk and self-sabotage.
As Branden puts it, self-esteem is the immune system
of the consciousness. As we work to develop a healthier
lifestyle, well be faced with challenges. Self-esteem
doesnt just play a big role in determining if well be able to
meet those challengesit determines whether or not we
feel we deserve, and can accept, a successful outcome.
Understanding that, its important that we work to
legitimately improve our self-esteemwhich cant be
done with feel-good affirmations and hollow praise.

Vitamin W: Work

When I talked about having enough Vitamin P, I

alluded to our fast-paced, instant-results culture. There
are two side effects of this: People want a magic pill and
they want additional magical somethings.
If you believe theres a magic pill or an easy street
to any of this, thats a delusion that always ends in
demoralization. And demoralizationwhen thrown
on top of previous demoralizationcreates a smog of
hopelessness that some people never escape.

14 September 2014 eNewsletter

You know some of these people. When you talk to

them, you can tell theyre defeated. They continue to do
everything that gives them instant gratification and they
avoid everything that takes work.
Then theres all the magical somethings they hope will
shortcut them to success:

More money (to fix struggling finances)

A baby (to fix a struggling relationship)
A new possession (to fix the struggle with
finding happiness)
A high-achieving child (to fix your own
struggling self-worth)
Weight loss (to fix your struggling self-image)
This is all based on the delusion that the struggles of
life will stop at some point after uncovering all this magic.
That theres a finish line up ahead.
The truth is that everything is a struggle and always
will be. And the sooner you accept that, the sooner you
will be set free.
Relationships take constant work to nurture. Your
physical body takes constant work to keep in shape.
Your finances take constant management to keep in
order. Your mental and emotional self takes constant
work to keep healthy.
And the things that look like magic or promise to be
magic, never fix anything. Theyre simply distractions.
If you cant get your finances in order with the money
you have now, it doesnt matter how much you have.
If you cant get your relationship in order without a
baby, youll never get it in order with a baby.
If you cant find happiness with what you have, you
wont find it with a surplus of stuff.
A high-achieving child wont fix your own struggling
self-worth. Thats something inside of you, and nothing
outside can fix it.
Weight loss wont fix your negative self-image. When
you reach whatever physical goal youve set, nothing
will be different about your life. That doesnt mean you
shouldnt strive for things. It means that if you want to
change your life, you should actually change your life and
not just your body.
So Vitamin W is critical to all the other areas I just
discussed. If you want success, you must do the work.
Thats your cue, by the way. You might feel
overwhelmed by everything I just talked about, but
theres no need to try and fix it all at once. Pick one area
and get started. Overthinking is not required. Forward
momentum is all that matters.



How to Pack a Paleo

Lunch Your Kids Will Love

re you wondering how to pack a Paleo lunch

your kids will devour? Its true that making school
lunches that can compete with the brightly colored
foods the other kids are bringing can be a bit
As a mother of three, I am well aware of the pressure
to pack nutrition into a lunch that my kids will love and
that I feel good about making. Just last year, when I was
developing recipes for MOMables Grain Free Meal Plan,
my daughter said to me, Just dont pack anything weird,
okay? Point taken.
So how do you build a lunch that is both nutritious and
appealing to kids?
Start with your protein. Whether you pack hard-boiled
eggs, rolled-up ham, mini quiches, tuna or homemade
Paleo Chick-fil-A Nuggets, use that protein as the main
filler for the lunch. If you can add a small serving of healthy
fats, it will help the protein satiate your child for longer.
Add vegetables. If your child eats crunchy and
colorful veggies, you are in luck! If you have a child like
my middle son and you have to hide them, it can be a
little bit more challenging. Twice a week, my son takes
thermos lunches to school. The thermos is nearly always
filled with his favorite meatballs with veggie tomato
sauce, or our favorite Paleo Veggie Chili Recipe. Finding
ways to incorporate veggies is keyand they dont
always have to be raw.
Top it with fruit. When my daughter complains that I
havent included treats in a while, Ill often send her with
homemade fruit leather. Otherwise, I pile on strawberries
or send her a fruit cup in a leak-proof container.
To carb or not to carb. One of the questions I receive
most often is: How am I going to provide my athletes
with carbohydrates if they eat Paleo? A varied Paleo diet
also contains a healthy dose of carbohydrates. If youre
packing for a little athlete, you can include a loaded
sweet potato inside a thermos for lunch, or add a few
slices of his or her favorite grain-free muffin or scone. As
you know, carbohydrates come from many places, not
just sliced bread.
Use the right containers. Paleo meals require a little
planning, including the containers used to transport
the food to school. Gone are the days when youd just
stick a sandwich in a zipper bag! I highly recommend
compartmentalized containers, as they can accommodate
a variety of foods your kids will enjoy. Of course, an
inexpensive thermos is a necessity, since many meals
made for dinner can be repurposed for lunch.

Lunchbox Mini Quiches


Yields 24 mini quiches

8 eggs
2 TBSP almond milk (or coconut milk or water)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 cup chopped ham
Preheat the oven to 350F.
In a large bowl, whisk the eggs, milk, salt and
pepper. Add the ham and mix.
Distribute the egg mixture evenly into a greased
mini muffin pan. Bake for 1518 minutes. Allow
the mini quiches to cool in the pan before carefully
removing with a small knife or spatula.
For school lunch: Pack inside a thermos if you want
to serve them hot, or inside a lunchbox to be enjoyed
at room temperature.

Laura Fuentes is the Founder of, where she helps parents make school lunches
their kids will love. To get a sample Grain Free Meal Plan, click here.
September 2014 eNewsletter 15








Sunbutter Bars
Makes an 8-inch-by-8-inch pan
A barely sweet raspberry bar, great for in
between meals or packed in the kids lunches!
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup coconut sugar
1/3 cup sunbutter
1 TBSP ghee
Zest of 1 lemon
1/4 tsp salt
2 cups almond flour
1 pint fresh raspberries

16 September 2014 eNewsletter

Whisk the egg, vanilla and coconut sugar together. Add

the sunbutter and ghee and whisk again until mixed.
Add the lemon zest, salt and almond flour. Mix with a fork.
Divide the dough in half. Press the first half into the bottom
of an 8-inch-by-8-inch baking dish. Scatter the raspberries
over the dough. With your clean hands, crumble the rest of
the topping and press it a bit into the raspberries without
squishing them.
Bake at 350F for 4045 minutes. Let cool before cutting.



Roasted Beets with Fresh

Sage & Almonds
6 organic red beets
1 cup water
1 TBSP + 1/2 tsp sea salt
1/4 cup olive oil
4 TBSP balsamic vinegar
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 cup almond slices, toasted
8 fresh sage leaves

Cut off the top and bottom ends of the beets. With a
knife, cut an X on either side of each beet; this will
allow the skin to come off more easily when done
Place the beets in a Dutch oven with the water and
1 TBSP salt. Bake at 400F for 1 hour.
Remove from the oven and allow the beets to cool.
Once cool, rub off the beet skins with a kitchen
Cut the beets into 1/2-inch-by-1/2-inch pieces. Toss
the beet pieces with the olive oil, vinegar, 1/2 tsp
salt and pepper.
Garnish with toasted almonds and fresh sage.

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September 2014 eNewsletter 17




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