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MARCH 5, 2016

3.1 An empty metal paint can is placed on a marble table,

the lid is removed, and both parts are discharged
(honorably) by touching them to ground. An insulating
nylon thread is glued to the center of the lid, and a penny,
a nickel, and a dime are glued to the thread so that they
are not touching each other. The penny is given a charge
of +5 nC, and the nickel and dime are discharged. The
assembly is lowered into the can so that the coins hang
clear of all walls, and the lid is secured. The outside of the
can is again touched momentarily to ground. The device is
carefully disassembled with insulating gloves and tools. (a)
What charges are found in each of the five metallic pieces?
(b) If the penny had been given a charge of +5nC, the
dime a charge of -2nC, and the nickel a charge of -1nC,
what would the final charge arrangement have been?

3.3 The cylindrical surface = 8cm contains the surface

charge density, s = 5e20|z| nC/m2. a) What is the total

amount of charge present? b) How much ux leaves the

surface = 8cm, 1cm<z<5cm, 30 <<90?

3.5 Let D = 4xyax +2(x2 +z2)ay +4yzaz C/m2 and

evaluate surface integrals to find the total charge enclosed
in the rectangular parallelepiped 0 <x<2, 0<y<3, 0 <z<5

3.7 Volume charge density is located in free space as v

=2e1000r nC/m3 for 0 <r<1 mm, and v = 0 elsewhere.
a) Find the total charge enclosed by the spherical surface r
= 1 mm. b) By using Gausss law, calculate the value of Dr
on the surface r = 1 mm.

3.9 A uniform volume charge density of 80C/m3 is

present throughout the region 8mm <r<10mm. Let v = 0
for 0 <r<8mm. a) Find the total charge inside the spherical
surface r = 10 mm. b) Find Dr at r = 10 mm. c) If there is
no charge for r>10 mm, find Dr at r = 20 mm.

3.11 In cylindrical coordinates, let v = 0 for <1 mm, v

= 2sin(2000) nC/m3 for 1mm << 1.5mm, and v = 0
for >1.5mm. Find D everywhere.

3.13 Spherical surfaces at r = 2, 4, and 6m carry uniform

surface charge densities of 20nC/m2,4nC/m2, and s0,
respectively. a) Find D at r = 1, 3and 5 m. b) Determine
s0 such that D = 0 at r = 7 m.

3.15 Volume charge density is located as follows: v = 0

for <1 mm and for >2 mm, v = 4C/m3 for 1 <<2
mm. a) Calculate the total charge in the region 0 <<
1,0<z<L, where 1 < 1 < 2 mm. b) Use Gauss law to
determine D at = 1. c) Evaluate D at = 0.8mm,
1.6mm, and 2.4mm.

3.17 A cube is defined by 1 <x,y,z<1.2. If D = 2x2yax

+3x2y2ay C/m2. a) apply Gausslaw to find the total ux
leaving the closed surface of the cube. b) evaluate D at
the center of the cube. c) Estimate the total charge
enclosed within the cube by using Eq. (8).

3.19 A spherical surface of radius 3 mm is centered at

P(4,1,5) in free space. Let D = x ax C/m2. Use the results
of Sec. 3.4 to estimate the net electric ux leaving the
spherical surface.

3.21 Calculate the divergence of D at the point specified if

a) D = (1/z^2)[10xyz ax +5x^2z ay +(2z3 5x2y)az] at
P(2,3,5). b) D = 5z2a +10zaz at P(3,45,5). c) D = 2r
sin sin ar +r cos sin a +r cos a at P(3,45,45).

3.23 a) A point charge Q lies at the origin. Show that div D

is zero everywhere except at the origin. b) Replace the
point charge with a uniform volume charge density v0 for
0 <r<a. Relate v0 to Q and a so that the total charge is
the same. Find div D everywhere.

3.25 Within the spherical shell, 3 <r<4 m, the electric ux

density is given as D = 5(r 3)3 ar C/m2 a) What is the
volume charge density at r = 4? b) What is the electric ux
density at r = 4? c) How much electric ux leaves the
sphere r = 4? d) How much charge is contained within the
sphere, r = 4?

3.27. Let D = 5.00r2ar mC/m2 for r 0.08 m and D =

0.205ar/r2 C/m2 for r 0.08 m (note error in problem
statement). a) Find v for r = 0.06 m. b) Find v for r = 0.1
m. c) What surface charge density could be located at r =
0.08 m to cause D = 0 for r>0.08 m?

3.29. In the region of free space that includes the volume 2

<x,y,z<3, D = (2/z^2) (yz ax +xz ay 2xy az) C/m^2 a)
Evaluate the volume integral side of the divergence
theorem for the volume defined above. b) Evaluate the
surface integral side for the corresponding closed surface.

3.31. Given the ux density D =(16/r)(cos(2)a )C/m2,

use two different methods to find the total charge within
the region 1 <r<2 m, 1<<2 rad, 1 <<2 rad

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