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Exercise 33
Here's my take on it:
Object 1: Side of stela
r-pA HA(ty-a) xtmw-bity smr-waty (i)m(y)-r xtmw mnTw-htp(.w)
Heir (of something), high official, seal-bearer of the king of Lower Egypt, overseer of the seal-bearers,
Montuhotep "(Montu is pleased)".
Object 2: Offering stand of Setjwabu
tAiti sAb (i)m(y-r) sS(w) Hr(y) sStA(w) sTwabw
He of the curtain, judge, Overseer of scribes, Responsible for proprietary documents?, Settschwabu.
A 'tAiti' is, per Faulkner, a title of a so-called "vizier". I can't find an entry for TAity, although,
intriguinly, there is a word 'TAm' = "veil".
There is considerable debate as to what sStA means in this context, and good reason for thinking that it
might mean something other than "secrets".
Object 3: Lintel of a False Door
sAb sHD (i)r(y)-mDA(t) wab nswt rx nswt ra-n-kAw
Hmt.f mrt.f nbt imAx(t) xr Hy.s rx nswt iHAt
Judge, inspector, keeper of documents, wab-priest, known to the king, Raenkaw
His woman whom he loves, owner of respect because of her man, king's acquaintance, Ihat.
I keep on avoiding terms like "wife" and "husband" because I'm afraid people might think there was
some marriage ceremony involved, which we have no evidence of at all. Apparently, boy and girl just
started living together, sometimes in the house of one of their parents! Oh, joy! Anyway, whatever the
circumstances, evidence suggests that the surrounding community had reasonable expectations that
they would remain faithful to each other. Pre-nuptial agreements were not uncommon, I've seen
several, but we must keep in mind that a pre-nup exists only if there is a potential clash over property.
Peasants had no such protection.
Object 4: Base of Old Kingdom Statue:
sAb (i)r(y) nxn
Hr(y) sStA
smAa wda-mdw n Hwt-wrt
Judge, Guardian of Nekhen,
overseer of proprietary documents?,
arbitrator of the court,
Seden-maat ("Maat punishes"?)
Object 5: Old Kingdom Couple:
woman's titles:
rx nswt nnfrt

known to the king, Neneferit

man's titles, right side:
wr mAA iwnw wa wr Hb mDH Ams Smsw is wa wr Spntyw sA
nswt n xt.f ra-Htp(.w)
Great seer of Iunu, unique great one of
the festival, craftsman/maker of the ames scepter, elder of the
council chamber, unique great one of the Shenpentiu, king's son of
his body, Rahotep
man's titles, left side:
wr npt (i)m(y)-r sTt (i)m(y)-r mSa xrp tmA sA nswt n Xt.f raHtp(.w)
Chief of Nepet,overseer of the transport workers, overseer of the
army/expedition, director of the bowmen, king's son of his body, Rahotep
In this case, mSa probably does refer to an armed force, as we see that Rahotep was also in charge of
archers. But possibly, just because the two are identified separately, mSa doesn't mean that. Probably
it does, but keep in mind the alternate possibility. Nevertheless, "General" is very possibly not a good
translation for the (i)m(y)-r mSa. Even "battalion commander", i.e. "Major" or something like that,
may not be particularly appropriate. Even the much later and much more well documented Roman
army had ranks like "centurio" and "tribunus" (the latter, here, in reference to military rank) cannot be
translated into equivalent modern positions.
I find it hard to even produce comparisons between British, Russian, German, and American ranks up
through World War II. And for the Germans it's hard even to compare Wehrmacht with SS ranks.
So I try to avoid reading too much into ancient Egyptian ranks.
Object 6: Wooden Panel of Hesyre:
smsw qd-Htp it mnw mDH ? mHyt rx nswt mDH sS nswt wr 10
Smaw Hsy-ra
Elder of the Qed-Hotep, father of Min, fashioner of
the cult image of Mehyt, king's acquaintance, overseer of the royal
scribes, great one of the 10 of Upper Egypt, Hesyra
Kamrin HW 33 rwf

Object 1 - Side Of Stela

r-pa HAty-a xtmw-bity smr-waty imy-r xtmw mn-Tw-Htp
Hereditary Prince, High Official, Sealer of the King of Lower Egypt,
Unique Companion, Overseer of Sealers, Mentuhotep

Object 2 - Offering Stand Of Setjwabu

tAiti sAb imy-r sS Hry sSt(A) zT-wab-w
He Of The Curtain, Judge, Overseer of Scribes, The One Who Is Over
The Secrets, Setjwabu

Object 3 - Lintel Of A False Door

sAb sHD iry-mDAt wab-nswt rx-nswt re-n-kAw
Hmt.f mrt.f nbt maAt imAkh(t) xr h(y).s rx(t) nswt iHAt
Line 1 - Judge, Inspector, Keeper of Documents Royal Wab Priest, King's
Aquaintance, Renkau
Line 2 - His beloved wife. Mistress of Maat. Revered before her husband,
the King's Aquaintance, Ihat

Object 4 - Base Of Old Kingdom Statue

Blue - sAb (i)r(y) Nxn - Judge/Guardian of Nekhen
Yellow Green - Hry-sStA - One who is over the secrets
Dark Green - smAa wDa-mDw n Hwt wrt - Arbitrator in the law court
Red - sdn-maAt - Sedenmaat

Object 5 Old Kingdom Couple

Woman's Titles
rxt-nswt nfrt - King's Acquaintance, Nefret

Man's Titles
right side - wr mAA iwnw wa wr Hb mDH Ams smsw is wa wr
Spntiw sA nswt n Xt.f Re-Htp
right side - Great Seer of Iunu, Unique Great One of the Festival,
Craftsman of the ames Scepter, Council Elder, Unique Great
One of the Shepentiu, The King's Son Of His Body, Rehotep

left side - wr npt imy-r sTt imy-r (m)Sa xrp tmA sA nswt n Xt.f Re-Htp
left side - Great One of Nepet, Overseer of Transport Workers, General
of the Army, Director of Archers, The King's Son Of His
Body, Rehotep

Object 6 Wooden Panel Of Hesyre

smsw qd-Htp mnw it(f) mDH (?) mHyt rx nswt mDH sS nswt wr 10
smaw Hzy-ra
Elder of the Qed-hetep, Father of the god, Min, Maker of the image of
Mehyt, King's Aquaintance, Administrator of the royal scribes, Great
One of the 10 of Egypt, Hesyre
HW 33

Object 1/ r-pa HAty-a xtmw-bity smr waty imy-r xtmw mntw-Htp
Hereditry prince, high official, sealer of Lower Egypt, sole companion, overseer of the
Object 2/ tAiti sAb imy-r sS Hry sSeA sT-wabw
He of the curtain, judge, overseer of the scribes,one who is over (knows) the secrets,Setjwabu
Object 3/
Line 1: sAb sHd iry-mDAt wAb nswt rX nswt ran -kAw
Judge, inspector,keeper of the documents,royal wab priest,Kings acquaintance, Renkau
Line 2: Hmt.f mrt.f nbt mAat imAX(t) Xr hys rh(t) nswt iHAt
His wife ,whom he loves, mistress of Maat , one revered before her husband ,King's
acquaintance, Ikhat
Object 4/
Blue: sAb iry-nhn = Judge, guardian of Nekhen
Yellow: smAa-wda mdw Hwt-wrt = Arbitrator of the law court
Red : sdn mAat = Sedenmaat
Obhect 5/
Woman's titles : nswt rXt nfrt = Royal acquaintance Nefret
Man's titles : wr mAA iwnw wa wr Hb mDH Ams Smsw is wa wr Spntyw sA nswt n Xt.f ra-Htp
Great seer of Heliopololis,unique great one of the festival,craftsman of the Ames septer,
elder of the council camber, unique one of the Shepentiu, king's son of his body,Rahotep
Left side : wr npt iny-r sTt imy-r mSa xrp tmA sA nswt n Xt.f ra-Htp
Chief of Nepet, overseer of the transport workers, overseer of the army, director of the
King's son of his body, Rahotep

Object 6/ Smsw kd-Htp it mnw mDh mHyt rxt nswt mDh sS nswt wr 10 Smaw ra-hsy
Elder of the Qed-hetep, father of Min, crafter of the cult image of Mehyt, King's acquaintance
overseer of the royai scribes, great one of the 10 of Upper Egypt,Hesyre
< I9 S29 D21 >
Object 1:Side of Stela
r-pa HAty-a sDAwy bity smr waty imy-r SDAw mntw htp
Hereditary prince, Governor, Treasurer of Lower Egypt, sole companion, Overseer
of Seal Bearers, Mentu-Hotep
GSL: D21-Q3-D36-F4-L2-X1*S19-S29*U23-T21-X1-D36-!
The S19 in the answer key is xtmw. Vygus and Gardnier both have xtm as a seal,
but sDAw as "sealer" or "treasurer ."
Gardiner list S19 as "sDAw" and related. S20 as"xtm" but as a substiute for
S19 in SDawy-bity (Treasurer of the Lower Egypt,)

Vygus does have S19-X1-Z1 as "xtmt" (contract)

HAty-a is missing in the answer key translation.
local prince, nomarch, mayor, lord, high official, Governor

Object 2: Offering Stand of Setjwabu

tAyty sAb imy-r sS Hry sStA sTwabw
He of the Curtain, Judge, Overseer of Scribes, Master of the Secrets, Setjuabu
GSL: O17-E17-G17-D21-Y3-(D2:D21)*S29-N37-X1*U30-O34-V13-A6 Variation-G43
Vygus has "tAyty " as "The Shrouded One (of Osiris)". Much more mysterious.
Object 3: Lintel of False Door L #1
sAb sHD iry mDAt wab nswt rx nswt ra-n-kAw
Judge, Inspector of the Keeper of the Documents, Royal Wab (Purifier) Priest ,
King's Aquaintance, Re-n-kau
Almost certainly Inspector and Keeper are two different items.

GSL: E17-S29-T3-D21:Y2-M23-A6-M23-X1:D21:Aa1-D21:D36:N35-D28*D28:D28
Object 3: Lintel of False Door L #2
Hmt=f mrt=f nbt maAt imAx(t) xr hy=s rx(t) nswt iHAt
His wife, his beloved, Lady of Maat, reverered before her husband, King's
Aquaintance, Ikhat
nbt mAat = Lady of Maat? Owner of Maat? I could not find this as a title.
Was this a "priestess" title? Could be. On the other hand, remember that, like all names, this one, too,
can refer also to the the thing, in this case, vindication.
Object 4: Base of Old Kingdom Statue
sAb iry nxn Hry sStA smAawDa-mDw Hwt-wrt sdn-mAat
Judge over Nekhen, Master of Secrets, Arbitor in the Law Cout, Seden-Maat
Blue:E17-D21-O48 !
Yellow:(D2:D21)*S29-(N37:X1)*U30 !
Green:S29-U1:Aa11-Aa21-S43-Y1v-N35:O6-G36 !
Red: S29-D46:N35-U1-Aa11:X1
Object 5: Old Kingdom Couple Woman Right
rxt nswt n-nfrt
Royal Aquaintance, NoNeferet
Red: N35-F35*(I9:D21:X1)-B1
Object 5: Old Kingdom Couple Woman Left
rxt nswt n-nfrt
Royal Aquaintance, NoNeferet
Orange: N35-F35*(I9:D21:X1)-B1
Obviously this woman was not a Type A person. You could be very, very wrong about her. Women's
titles were not as extensive as men's titles, there was less opportunity for them. Privately, for all you
know, she might have dominated her man, she might even have terrorized the king. Who knows?
Never make such assumptions about people's character based upon such flimsy evidence.

Object 5: Man's Far Right

wr mAA iwnw wa wr Hb mDH Ams
Great Seer of Iunu, The one of the Great Festival, hewer of the Ams sceptre
Green: T21-G36-O22
Orange: T7-S29*S44
Object 5: Man's Center Right
smsw is wa wr Spntyw
Elder of the Council Chamber, Great Unique One of the Shepentiu
Red: M40*A19
Black: T21-G36-N37-Q3*O49-N35-G4

the Shepentiu: Only reference I found was Gilbert asking what it was from a
previous group. OK. Now what?

Object 5: Man's Right Left

zA nswt n Xt=f ra-htp
Son of the King of his own body, Re-Hotep (Ra is Content)
GSL: Blue: X1*M23-G38-N35-F32-X1-I9
Purple: D21-D36-R4-Q3*X1
Object 5: Man's Left Right
wr npt imy-r sTt
Great one of Nepet, Shop Steward of Transport Workers Union. Are you being frivolous? There is no
such intimation here.
GSL: Green: G36-N35-Q3*(X1:O49)
Black: G17-D21-S29*A9-V13-X1
I suspect that the Word imy-r was more akin to the word "overseer" than

I know there were stikes by the Necroplis workers in the New Kingdom, so maybe
there was a semblence of organized labor. Again, reading way, way too much into it. You are referring,
I think, to the labor stoppages at Deir el Medinah, which was anything but a typical Egyptian town. It
was composed entirely of skilled artisans, unsupported by any nearby agriculture, so all supplies,
including water, were brought in. Due to its unique status and its unique function, the town was able to
get away with these stoppages, and resorted to the tactic (and occasional acts of threatened or actual
sabotage) only after vociferous complaing about the arrears in pay, i.e. supplies such as foodstuffs.
There is no hint of organized labor here. They weren't striking to renogatiate their contract, nor had
any such contracts expired. They just wanted was owed to them. As soon as the authorities were able
to mollify them somewhat, they returned to work under the same conditions as before.
Ref: Affairs and Scandals in Ancient Egypt by Pascal Vernus
Object 5: Man's Left Center
imy-r mSa xrp tmA
General of the Army, Leader of the Archers
Orange: G17-D21-N37-D36-A12
Red: S42*(X1:U1)*T65-variation
Object 5: Man's Left Left
zA nswt n Xt=f ra-htp
Son of the King of his own body, Re-Hotep (Ra is Content)
Blue: X1*M23-G38-N35-F32-X1-I9
Purple: D21-D36-R4-Q3*X1

Object 6: Wood Panel of Hesyre

Right Violet: smsw qd-htp
Right Purple: it mnw
Center Yellow: mDH ? mHyt
Center Orange: rx nswt
Center Purple: mDH sS nswt
Center Green: wr 10 Smaw
Left Violet:Hzy-ra

Right Violet: Elder of Qed-Hotep

Right Purple: Father of Min (Priest) Maybe
Center Yellow: Hewer of the Cult Image? Of Mehyt
Center Orange: King's Aquaitence

Center Purple: Hewer of the King's Scibes

Center Green: One of the Great 10 of Upper Egypt
Left Violet:Hesy-Re (Favored One of Re)
Right Violet: Aa28*A19-R4
Right Purple: R23-X1-I9
Center Yellow: T7-Unknown?-E23-X1
Center Orange: M23*(D21:Aa1:X1)
Center Purple: T7-M23*Y3
Center Green: G36-M28
Left Violet:D21-D36-V28*W14-O34-M17*M17
Exercise 33
Object 1 Side of stela
r-pa hAty-a xtmw-bity smr waty imy-r xtmw mnTw-Htp
hereditary prince, high official, sealer of the king of Lower Egypt, unique
companion, overseer of sealers, Mentuhotep
Object 2 Offering stand of Setjwaba
tAiti sAb imy-r sS Hry sStA sTwabw
he of the curtain, judge, overseer of scribes, one who is over the secrets,
Object 3 Lintel of a False Door
sAb sHD iry-mDAt wab nswt rx nswt rankAw
judge, inspector, keeper of the documents, royal wab priest, royal acquaintance,
hmt.f mert.f nbt mAat imAxi xr hy.s rx nswt iHAt
his wife whom he loves, revered by her husband, royal acquaintance, Ikhat
Object 4 Base of Old Kingdom Statue
sAb iry-nxn
judge, guardian of Nekhen
Hry sStA
one who is over the secrets
smAa wDa-mdw Hwt-wrt
arbitrator of the law court

Object 5 Old Kingdom Couple

Woman's titles
rx nswt nfrt
king's acquaintance, Neferet
Man's titles, right side
wr mAA iwnw waty wr Hb mDH Ams smsw is waty wr Spntiw sA nswt n Xt.f raHtp
great seer of Heliopolis, sole great one of the festival, carpenter of the ames
scepter, elder of the council chamber, unique great one of the Shepentiu, son of
the king, of his body, Rahotep
Man's titles, left side
wr npt imy-r sTt imy-r mSa xrp tmA sA nswt n Xt.f raHtp
great one of Nepet, overseer of the transport workers, overseer of the army,
director of the bowmen, son of the king, of his body, Rahotep
Object 6 Wooden panel of Hesyre
smsw qd-Htp mnw it mDH ? mHyt rx nswt mDH sS nswt wr nswt r-pa tpy Hesyre
elder of the Qed-hetop, father of Min, creator of cult objects of Mehyt, king's
acquaintance, overseer of royal scribes, great royal one, hereditary prince
HW 33
Hi Bob, Hi, Dany,
Object 1 : stle
iry-pat HAty-a xtmty bity smr waty imy-r xtmt mnTw-Htp
hereditary prince, governor, chancellor of the king of Lower
Egypt, sole companion, director of seal, Montouhotep
Object 2 : support d'offrandes de Setjoubou
tAyty sAb imy-r sS Hry sStAw s-T-wab-w (this name being
given in the title of the object, I have "guessed" it
rather than really "red" it !)
the one of the curtain, director of the vizir's scribes,
superior of the secrets, Setjoubou Good guess
Object 3 : false door
line 1 : sAb sHD iry-mDAt wab nswt rx nswt n-kAw-ra

inspector of the vizir's officials in charge of documents,

king's ouab priest, known by the king, Nkaour
line 2 : Hmt.f mryt.f nbt imAx xr hi.s rxt nswt iHAt
his wife, his darling, lady honoured close to her husband
known by the king, Ihat
Object 4 : stle
sAb iry nxn Hry sStAw smAa wDa-mdw n Hwt-wrt sdn-mAat
official in charge attached to the vizir of Hirakonpolis
superior of the secrets, the one who confirms the sentence
of the Law-Courts, Sdenmat
Object 5 : Couple de l'Ancien Empire
the woman's titles : rxt nswt nfrt = known by the king,
right side of the man : wr mAw iwnw wa(ty)wrw Hb mDH Ams
smsw is wa(ty)wr Spntyw sA nswt n Xt.f ra-Htp
great of the seers of Hliopolis, sole great one of the
feast, responsible of the Ams scepter, senior of the
Chamber of Court, sole great one of the Chpentyou (could
you tell me what does this word mean?) I would love to, I can't, I don't know what it is, king's son
from his
belly, Rhotep (I know that this man's name is "Rhotep",
so why not the honorific transposition?)
I have very long answer to a very short question. The gist of it is that in this case the god's name 'Ra'
would have been spoken first anyway and so no honorific precedence is required here.
So you can go ahead and read the very long answer now, which follows in the next paragraph, and if
you get confused, don't worry about it. Life is too short.
LONG ANSWER: In this case the reason why there is no honorific precedence has to do with grammar
which you haven't had. Here 'htp' is something which Egyptologists now call a stative verb, such verbs
are actually more adjectival than anything else. Keeping in mind that the whole phrase means "Ra, he
who has become pleased / content", or something like that, the construction requires a noun (Ra in this
case), followed by the verb / adjective (not an adjective-verb, that's something different - just to
confuse you still more) followed by a masculine stative pronoun ending (.w) which you also haven't
had yet and is anyway usually not written.
left side of the man : wr anpt imy-r(A)(m)sTtyw imy-r(A)
mSa xrp tmA(tyw) sA nswt n Ht.f ra-Htp
great one of Anpet, director of the carriers, director of
the army, leader of the archers, king's son from his belly "of his body" is the usual way of rendering this
in English. But I like "from his belly".

Object 6 : Hzyr's wooden pannel
smsw qd mnwt.f ? mHyt rx nswt mDH sS nswt wr mD Smaw
Senior of the Qed-htep, father of min ? Mhyt, known by
the king, foreman of the king's scribes, great of ten of
Upper Egypt, Hsyr
(thank you for your answers) You're welcome. I wish the answers could be clearer and more definite.
Object 1:
r-pa HAty-a xtmw-bity smr waty imy-r xtmw mTw-Htp
"hereditary prince, high official, sealer of the King of Lower Egypt, sole
companion, overseer of sealers, Mentuhotep"

Object 2:
tAiti sAb imy-r sS Hry sStA ST-wabw
"he of the curtain, judge, overseer of scribes, one who is over the secrets,

Object 3:
Line 1) sAb sHd iry-mDAt wAb nswt rx nswt r-n-kAw
"judge, inspector, keeper of documents, king's wab priest, king's
acquaintance, Renkau"
Line 2) Hmt.f mrt.f nbt mAat imAx xr hy.s rx(t) nswt ihAt
"his wife, whom he loves, lady of Maat, honored by her husband, king's
acquaintance, Ihat/Ikhat" (I don't see a "k" in this name, but that's what the
answer says it is.) I don't see a 'k' either, even if I squint hard. So I rendered it ihAt ("Ihat"), just like
you did.

Object 4:
Blue: sAb iry-nxn -- "legal guardian of Nekhen"
Yellow: xry sStA -- "one who is privy to the secrets"
Green: smAa wDa-mdw n xwt-wrt -- "arbitrator of the law court"
Red: sdnmAat -- Sedenmaat (a name)

Object 5:
Woman's titles: rxt nswt nfrt -- "king's acquaintance, Nefret/Nofret"
Man's titles (right):
wr mAA iwnw wa wr Hb mDH Ams smsw is wa wr Spntiw sA nswt n Xt.f ra-Htp
"great seer of Iunu, unique great one of the festival, craftsman of the ames
sceptor, elder of the council chamber, unique great one of the Shepentiu, king's
son of his body, Rehotep/Rahotep"
Man's titles (left):
wr npt imy-r sTt imy-r mSa xrp tmA sA nswt n Xt.f ra-Htp
"great one of Nepet, overseer of the transport workers, overseer of the army,
director of the bowmen, king's son of his body, Rehotep/Rahotep"

Object 6:
smsw qd-Htp it mnw mDH ? mHyt rx nswt mDH sS nswt wr 10 Smaw Hsy-ra
"elder of the Qed-hetep, father? of Min, craftsman of the cult image of Mehyt,
king's acquaintance, overseer of the king's scribes, great one of the 10 of
Upper Egypt, Hesyre"
(Note: The glyph in the book translated here as "10 of Upper Egypt" looks more
like the plain version of the sedge plant, NOT the fancy version transliterated
as "10 Smaw". Is there an error?) Maybe, on the other hand, both the scribe and the owner may have
felt that it was close enough. This kind of thing is dirt common in stelae.

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