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Jose Pontejos

Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy

Prof. John Donnie Ramos

College is indeed a time where everything is twice the level of high school. It
is true that there is much liberty in what you can do with your life but seeing the
demands of college youll still realize that there is actually much less time than you
actually have. Things begin to pile up eventually and the stress builds. In high
school, things like this wouldnt have been the top priority as everything could be
done in a shorter amount of time, but college is a whole different story. It is harder
to bargain. Youre always pressed for time to keep up with all the school work, and
so your cortisol levels start to rise. With this youre in the pit inescapable pit of
stress and you realize; whats a better way to relieve the stress than to keep eating,
right? This is an undeniable reality that the PT students have researched gathering
their statistics from American studies; people tend to become overweight at the
period of college. From their findings, these students would like to see if the same
principle of weight gain and its derivatives (Obesity and Hypertension) applies to
Thomasian students. In carrying out this research, they first sought approval to
conduct their studies and initiated inter and intra testing. They had a sample size of
1430. From these data, they analysed it to arrive at a conclusion. It was a simple
survey that had significant findings about most of the population in UST. They found
that students in the college indeed a risk for excessive weight gain and the perils of
pre-hypertension. Indeed, they found that there was a sleep lack of sleep and an
increase in eating among these students showing a positive correlation. As a
recommendation, the students suggested to the University to develop health
programs to develop a healthy life style as a response to this bodily injustice.
Yet, sometimes we take other animals (most especially our pets) because
these animals dont communicate problems like we do. We dont see these animals
telling us that they are stressed. Even sometimes, our gut feeling isnt right either.
The system mentioned above would be helpful for those humans with domesticated
animals to see if they are living a healthy lifestyle, to see if there is a certain point
in their lives when they are prone to stress. If a study was conducted with these
domesticated animals one would be informed about the physical status of their
vertebrate pets, most commonly: dogs, cats, hamsters, rats, turtles, and the like.
One has to realize that many factors come into play because of their genetic nature,
so this isnt a job for a physical therapist; this is a job for a veterinarian. In
conducting this research, one has to focus on one breed (if its an animal such as a
cat or a dog) to determine the standard for a healthy life style. Once this standard
has been determined, surveying can be done to see whether or not there is a

difference in lifestyles in age. If there are significant differences, one can than
promote healthy lifestyles to a certain age in the life of a species or a breed.

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