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Orkney Show Results

1936 − 2007

compiled by
Robert Scarth

August 12, 2007

c Scarth 2003-2007
Licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike License
“ work consists of two parts: of the one which is here, and of
everything which I have not written. And precisely this second part is the
important one.”
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, letter to Ludwig von Ficker, 1919


I The County Show 9

1 Beef Cattle 11
1.1 Interbreed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.1.1 Supreme Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.1.2 Reserve Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.1.3 Best Native Breed 2006 − 2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.1.4 Best Continental Breed 2006 − 2007 . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.1.5 Best Cross-bred 2006 − 2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.1.6 Best Cow or Heifer 1936 − 2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.1.7 Best Bull in Yard 1936 − 2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1.1.8 Best Butcher’s Beast 1936 − 2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
1.2 Shorthorn Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
1.3 Aberdeen Angus Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
1.4 Hereford Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
1.5 Other Pure-bred Native Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
1.6 Charolais Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
1.7 Limousin Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
1.8 Other Pure-bred Continental Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
1.9 Black Cross Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
1.10 Coloured Cross Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

2 Sheep 56
2.1 Interbreed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2.1.1 Supreme Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

3 Horses 58
3.1 Interbreed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.1.1 Supreme Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

II The Dounby Show 61

4 Beef Cattle 63
4.1 Interbreed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

4.1.1 Supreme Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.1.2 Reserve Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.1.3 Best Cow or Heifer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.1.4 Best Bull in Yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.2 Shorthorn Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.3 Aberdeen Angus Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.4 Hereford Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.5 Native Breeds Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.6 Pure-bred Continental Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.7 Black Cross Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.8 Coloured Cross Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

III The East Mainland Show 95

5 Beef Cattle 96
5.1 Supreme Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

IV The Sanday Show 101

6 Beef Cattle 102

6.1 Supreme Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

V The Shapinsay Show 105

7 Beef Cattle 106

7.1 Supreme Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

VI The ’Hope Show 110

8 Beef Cattle 111

8.1 Supreme Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

VII The Longhope Show 114

9 Beef Cattle 115

9.1 Supreme Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

VIII The Rousay Show 116

10 Beef Cattle 117

10.1 Supreme Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

IX The Eday Show 119

11 Beef Cattle 120

11.1 Supreme Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

X The Burray Show 121

XI The Stronsay Show 122

XII The Westray Show 123

Beef cattle name index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Sheep name index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Horse name index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Exhibitor index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

List of Figures

1 Skaill Victor, supreme champion Orkney County Show 2005. 10

1.1 Nearhouse Rob Roy, champion Shorthorn Orkney County

Show 2005. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.1 Holmeere Alastair, Champion Shorthorn, Dounby show 2003

- 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

I compiled these tables of previous prize winners at the Orkney shows
from old show reports in The Orcadian, and Orkney Today. They proba-
bly contain errors. If you spot any errors I’d be grateful if you could let
me know by emailing You can download these tables
from I’m constantly adding to this site,
so check back occasionally to see if there is anything new. I’d like to add
photos of prize winners to the site, and I’d appreciate it if anyone with any
suitable photos got in touch.

Robert Scarth,
August 12, 2007

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License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
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To see the full license visit the website above.

We use the following abbreviations for the various breeds:

Beef Cattle
AA Aberdeen Angus
BB Belgian Blue
CH Charolais
LG Luing
LM Limousin
SH Shorthorn
SM Simmental

Dairy Cattle

BL Border Leciester
CHV Cheviot
CHL Charollais
HB Half-bred
SF Suffolk
TX Texel





Part I

The County Show 1936 − 2007

Figure 1: Skaill Victor, by Offenback, out of Rosette; supreme champion Orkney County Show 2005.
Chapter 1

Beef Cattle

1.1 County Show Interbreed Prizes

The interbreed prizes on offer from 2006 are very different from the prizes for 2005 and prior years. Before 2006, in addition

to the supreme and reserve championships, there were cups for the best bull, the best cow or heifer, the best butcher’s beast
and many others besides. From 2006 there are only cups for the supreme champion, reserve champion, best native breed,
best continental breed, and best cross breed.

1.1.1 County Show Supreme Champion 1936 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1936 James Gaddie, The Bu’, Holm Cross bred polled - -
1937 James Esson, Holm of Cross bred polled - -
Grimbister, Firth cow
1938 James Ritch, Hatston, St. Ola 2yo AA stot - -
1939 James Flett, Kingshouse, Harray AA heifer in calf* Annuity 3rd of By Pundit of Kingshouse; supreme champion at
Kingshouse 1939 Dounby Show.
1940 − 1944 No show due to war.
1945 ?
1946 James Gaddie, Holm - - -
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1947 A. Baikie, Tankerness 7yo cross bred - -
polled cow
1948 John D. Clouston, Quatquoy, Cross bred polled - -
Firth cow
1949 Mrs Baikie, Hall of Tankerness 9yo cross bred blue - Supreme champion at 1947 County show and 1949
cow East Mainland Show.
1950 P. Davidson, Skaill, Sandwick 4yo SH bull Ascreavie White By Ascreavie Pusk, out of Calrossie Madge
Knight Ramsden; bought by Philorth herd at Perth for
1951 P. Davidson, Skaill, Sandwick 5yo SH bull Ascreavie White 800gns; bought by Skaill from Philorth; supreme
Knight champion at Dounby Show 1950-1952.
1952 P. Davidson, Skaill, Sandwick 6yo SH bull Ascreavie White
1953 Messrs Bain & Smith, Hall of 7yo AA cow Myrtle March Mad By Envoy of Derculich; supreme champion at 1953
Tankerness East Mainland Show.
1954 Messrs Flett Bros, Kingshouse, 5yo SH cow Philorth Apple By Ascreavie White Knight, out of Philorth Orange
Harray Blossom Sunshine; dark roan; supreme champion at 1954
Dounby Show.

1955 John D. Clouston, Quatquoy, 7yo cross polled - Supreme champion at 1955 Dounby Show.
Firth black cow
1956 W. Flett, Northbigging, Harray 9yo blue polled - -
cross cow
1957 W. Ritch, Kierfiold, Sandwick 5yo cross cow in - Bred at Hurtiso, Rousay; supreme champion at
calf 1956 Rousay Show, and 1957 Dounby Show.
1958 Eric Laird, Weddell, Burray 8mo AA bull - By Emmigrant of Durculloch, out of Gay Eric of
1959 Messrs Flett Bros, Kingshouse 5yo black cross - -
polled cow
1960 G. T. Wylie, Swartland, 5yo AA bull Newhouse Bought at Perth in Feb 1960 for 500gns; previously
Sandwick Jewbilant Eric stock bull at Lindertis herd; supreme champion at
1960 Dounby Show.
1961 Messrs M. C. Wood & Sons, 8yo black polled - -
Garson, Sandwick cross cow in calf
1962 J. & A. Work, Queenamoan, 6yo SH bull Easter Lovat By Lawton Kandy; bought in January 1962 from
Sandwick Brando Caithness; supreme champion at Dounby Show
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1963 T. Dearness, Southfield, Burray 4yo AA cow Butora of By Bessort of Kincardine, out of Buto if Kincardine;
Kincardine bought at Kincardine dispersal sale in 1961;
supreme champion at 1962 & 1963 ’Hope Show.
1964 A. A. Learmonth, Howe, 2yo black polled - Sold at Kirkwall Auction Mart for 231 to Mr D. G.
Shapinsay cross stot Spence, Royal Hotel, Kirkwall; champion at 1963
Kirkwall fat stock show.
1965 R. R. Johnston, Trumland Farm, 2yo AA heifer Corbairdy Even By Earl of Cairnfield; bought at Cobairdy dispersal
Rousay Crescent sale for 270gns; grand dam, Even Girl III, was twice
champion at the Royal Highland Show.
1966 R. R. Johnston, Trumland Farm, 3yo AA cow Corbairdy Even
Rousay Crescent
1967 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 4yo AA bull Wester Lovat By Gaffer Desman of Drumcliffe, out of Wester
Eanomo Lovat Essena 15th.
1968 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 4yo AA cow Oykell Effective By Bosun of Haymount.
1969 D. Work & Son, Ness, Shapinsay 2yo black polled - By Jewra Eric of Buchaam.
cross heifer in calf
1970 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 6yo AA bull Stype Ptolemy By Newhouse Jewdo Eric, out of Stype Pride 29th;

bought at Perth Feb 1970; 1st in class at Perth.
1971 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 2yo AA bull* Eversharp of By Jovial Eric of Millhouse.
1972 A. A. Learmonth, Howe, 2yo black polled - By Black Boris of Wittington.
Shapinsay cross stot*
1973 A. A. Learmonth, Howe, 2yo black polled - By Black Boris of Wittington.
Shapinsay cross stot*
1974 I. Flett & Sons, Millhouse, 2yo AA bull* Elmore of By Eversharp of Millhouse.
Harray Millhouse
1975 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 8yo black cross cow - By Wester Lovat Eanomo.
in calf*
1976 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill, 3yo AA bull Jubilant Eric of By Esteem of Balachan; bought at Perth in 1974
Sandwick Derculich for 900gns.
1977 R. Flett, Fidge, Twatt 7yo blue-grey cow Stella By Eurite of Inchoch, out of homebred cow.
in milk*
1978 W. R. Baillie, Biggins, Toab 4yo CH bull Wincote Jasper By Bent Caribineer; bred by Lord Nelson of
Stafford; bought at Northampton for 950gns.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1979 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill, 2yo AA bull Eranger of Bucham By Blackman of Greenval (Canadian bred); 34
Sandwick canadian; bought privately in Aberdeen, early 1979,
1980 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill, 3yo AA bull Eranger of Bucham from Ogg of Strathallan.
1981 I. Flett & Sons, Millhouse, 5yo AA bull Ashley Jewdict By Eroco Bankhead; bought at Perth 1978; 1st in
Harray Eric class at Perth.
1982 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 8yo CH bull Wincote Jasper By Bent Caribineer; bred by Lord Nelson of
Stafford; bought at Northampton for 950gns.
1983 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 9yo AA cow in Primlass of By Elprovost of Eastfield, out of Pearl of Unigarth.
Sandwick milk* Unigarth
1984 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 8yo CHx cow Snowflake By Kairsknowe Festival, out of CH cow Kathleen.
1985 Messrs Sinclair, Unigarth & 6yo AA bull G V Winton 44L By G V Canadian 7J out of G V Pride 40J;
Wood, Garson canadian bred, imported into UK by Mr Charles
1986 Messrs Sinclair, Unigarth & 7yo AA bull G V Winton 44L Oag, bought by exhibitors at dispersal sale in 1983
Wood, Garson for 4500gns; champion AA at Royal Show in 1986.
1987 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 5yo AA cow Princess of By Ballycaher Noble, out of Princess 6th of
Broompark Kinermony; bought from Charlie Ross, Broompark,

1988 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 3yo SH bull Glenisla Warlord By Balmyle Universe, out of Balmyle Genoa 4th;
Sandwick bought at Perth February 1987 for 2600gns; reserve
junior champion at Perth.
1989 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 15mo AA bull* - By AA/AA Willyboy, out of Erora of Skaill.
1990 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 2yo AA heifer in Nicks Delia
By DMM Esoteric, out of Tomil Delia.
Sandwick calf
1991 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 3yo AA cow Nicks Delia
1992 S. & J. D. Robertson, Saverock, 8mo LMx heifer Roxanne By LM bull Homebyers Escort, out of LMxAA
St. Ola calf homebred cow; sire purchased at Perth February
1993 J. Thomson, Garth, South 16mo CHx heifer Caledonia By CH bull Allanfauld Vagabond, out of LMx cow.
1994 R. Cursiter & Son, Laga, Evie 9mo LMx stot* Sean Boy By LM bull Crownhead Gladstone, out of
homebred LMxHFxFR cow.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1995 J. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 8yo AA cow Jan Erica of Little By Euroe H48 of Newcairnie, out of Rashiehall
Kilry Juana Erica H13.
1996 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 20mo LMx stot Richard Z By LM bull Muirwood Galaxy, out of AAxBB cow;
bought from Richard Zawadski, Balfour Mains,
1997 R. & J. Johnson, Hewan, 7yo cross cow in - By Newhouse Banker, out of homebred cross cow.
Shapinsay calf*
1998 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 5yo CH cow in milk New Moan Iris By Balthayoak Dalesman, out of New Moan Emma;
bought from Jim Isbister, New Moan, Harray, in
October 1997.
1999 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, Yearling AA Skaill Diana By Edinburgh of The Moss, out of Skaill Diana R4.
Sandwick heifer*
2000 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 8yo AA cow in Skaill Diana P8 By Canadian AI bull MVHF Extra, out of Nicks
Sandwick calf* Delia.
2001 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 R. J. Taylor, Brencherhouse, Nov 2001 black Taylor’s Touch of By AI bull Ronick Hawk, out of homebred BBxLM
Birsay LMx heifer* Class cow.

2003 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 18mo LMx stot Cameron By LM bull Weyland Peter, out of LMx cow;
bought from Cogle & Co, Newbigging, South
Ronaldsay; supreme champion at 2003 County
Show and supreme champion at 2002 ’Hope show.
2004 R. & J. Johnston, Hewan, 5mo LMx stot* Sep By LM bull Kype Perry, out of homebred 34 LM
Shapinsay cow.
2005 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 16mo CH bull* Skaill Victor By Offenbach, out of Rosette.
2006 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 16mo CH heifer* Skaill Abbie By Nectragerc, out of Perche; supreme champion at
Sandwick 2006 Dounby Show.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
1.1.2 County Show Reserve Champion 1936 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1936 James Esson, Holm of Cross polled cow - -
Grimbister, Firth
1937 James Ritch, Hatston, St. Ola Cow or heifer - -
1938 James Esson, Holm of Cross cow - Supreme champion in 1937.
Grimbister, Firth
1939 Mr Alfred Baikie, Hall of 2yo cross polled - -
Tankerness stot
1940 − 1944 No show due to war.
1945 ?
1946 J. D. Clouston, Quatquoy, Firth Cow or heifer - -
1947 Robert Ritch, Kierfiold, Sandwick Cow or heifer - -
1948 J. D. Clouston, Quatquoy, Firth Cross cow - -
1949 J. D. Clouston, Quatquoy, Firth - - -
1950 Flett Bros, Kingshouse, Harray AA heifer - -
1951 Messrs T. Smith & Son, Lower Black cross cow - -

Cornquoy, Holm
1952 Mr James Baillie, Sebay, 2yo cross heifer in - -
Tankerness calf
1953 Mr W. Manson, Horries, Toab SH in calf heifer - By Ascreavie White Knight, out of Augusta Mary;
unregistered; white.
1954 Mr W. Flett, Northbigging, Cross polled cow - -
1955 Mr James Baillie, Sebay, - - -
1956 Mr James Baillie, Sebay, 8yo AA cow Lady Irona of
Tankerness Auchencreivie
1957 Mr James Baillie, Sebay, 9yo AA cow Lady Irona of
Tankerness Auchencreivie
1958 J. G. Garrioch, Breckan, Costa, 2yo SH heifer in - By Calrossie Claymore.
Evie calf
1959 P. Davidson, Skaill, Sandwick 21mo AA bull - Supreme champion at 1959 Dounby Show.
1960 W. Ritch, Kierfiold, Sandwick 8yo blue-grey cow - Previous champion at County show and twice at
Dounby show (years not given).
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1961 Mr J. W. Allan, Leafea, 5yo SH cow - By a Jean MacGillivray bull.
1962 A. A. Learmonth, Howe, 5yo black polled - Supreme champion at Shapinsay show 1960-1962.
Shapinsay cow*
1963 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 1yo AA heifer* Permain of Sebay By President of Broadleys, out of Cobairdy cow.
1964 T. Dearness, Southfield, Burray 4yo AA cow Butora of By Bessort of Kincardine, out of Buto if Kincardine;
Kincardine bought at Kincardine dispersal sale in 1961;
supreme champion at 1962 & 1963 ’Hope Show.
1965 A. A. Learmonth, Howe, 8yo black polled - Supreme champion at 1965 Shapinsay show and on
Shapinsay cow* three other occassions; not clear of this is the same
animal as in 1962.
1966 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 7yo AA cow in Exasperate II of Bought at Perth in 1965.
calf* Kempsons
1967 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 3yo AA cow in calf Effective of Oykell By Boshun of Haymount.
1968 D. Work & Son, Ness, Shapinsay 5yo cross polled - By A Fordhouse bull; supreme champion at
cow* Shapinsay show 1967-1968.
1969 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 8yo AA bull* Jovial Eric of By Black Prince of Greenyards; supreme champion

Millhouse at 1969 Dounby Show.
1970 M. W. T. Wood, Berridale, South 7yo SH bull Erimus Solomon By a Westdrums bull; bought at Perth in 1965; red.
1971 E. Flett, Kingshouse, Harray Polled SHx stot* - By SH bull, out of homebred cross cow; sire bred by
Andrew Kerr.
1972 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 3yo AA bull* Everstrike of -
1973 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 3yo AA cow Ermonax of By Juanamax Eric of Douneside.
1974 J. Traill Thomson, Garson, 5yo SH bull Woodhead By Denend Golden Miller.
Stromness Diamond
1975 J. R. Heddle, Westfield, 5yo HF bull Dunure Obo By Haven Bogle; bred ar Dunure Mains, Ayrshire;
Stromness bought at Edinburgh; Hereford champion at 1973
Dounby Show.
1976 J. & E. Flett, Northbigging, 7yo cross cow in - By SH bull, out of cross cow.
Harray calf
1977 J. Gaudie & Son, Craebreck, 4yo HF bull Wilcot I Bernard By Crickley I Compensation; bought at Edinburgh
Holm in 1977 for 520gns.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1978 D. Work & Son, Ness, Shapinsay 7yo cow in milk* - By SH bull Cavans Pablo, out of homebred cross
1979 D. Work & Son, Ness, Shapinsay 8yo cow in milk* - cow; champion at Shapinsay show 1978-1980.
1980 I. Flett & Sons, Millhouse, 4yo AA bull Ashley Jewdick By Eroco of Bankhead; 1st in class at Perth in
Harray Eric 1978; bought for 1500gns
1981 D. Work & Son, Ness, Shapinsay 17mo CHx stot - By CH bull Tam’s Minstrel.
1982 M. C. Wood & Son, Garson, 5yo AAx cow in - By Haymount, out of AAx cow.
Sandwick milk*
1983 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 6yo AAx cow* - By Elprovost of Eastfield, out of Homebred cross
Sandwick cow; sire was supreme champion at 1978 & 1979
Dounby Show.
1984 D. Work & Son, Ness, Shapinsay 1yo pure AA stot - By Pernod of Classlochie, out of pure unregistered
AA cow.
1985 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 3yo AA cow Princess of By Ballycaher Noble, out of Princess 6th of
Broompark Kinermony; bought from Charlie Ross, Broompark,
Ross-shire; supreme champion in 1987.
1986 W. G. Kirkpatrick & Sons, 4yo cow in milk - By CHx bull Ron, out of AAx cow; bought from J.
Newhall, Stromness & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay.

1987 P. Hepburn, Messigate, CHx stot Ripper Bruce By Theodopulous, out of black cross cow; bred by
Tankerness Michael Hadlow, Doehouse, Sandwick.
1988 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay AAx cow in calf* - By AA bull Proud Laddie of Carmains, out of AAx
1989 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 3yo AA cow Princess of By Ballycaher Noble, out of Princess 6th of
Broompark Kinermony; bought from Charlie Ross, Broompark,
Ross-shire; supreme champion in 1987.
1990 E. Flett, Hurtiso, Holm 7yo SH bull Chapleton Xile By Balmyle Thunder, out of a Princess Royal cow.
1991 Muir & Sons, Gorn, Shapinsay 8mo LMx stot Bond By LM bull Shatton Pedro, out of CHxLM cow.
1992 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 2yo AA heifer* Skaill Delia By Windover Justifier, out of Nicks Delia.
1993 C. Gorn, Weddell, Burray 4yo AAx cow in Bluebell By AA bull Burthleu Patriot (Canadian bred), out
milk of blue-grey cow.
1994 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 18mo CH bull* Ballieston Howard By Cockrington Baron, out of Ballieston Frances.
1995 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray black stot Charley Boy By Bourtie Eoin, out of AAx cow; bred by W. C.
Merriman, Laithe, Sandwick; bought in spring 1995.
1996 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 2yo AA heifer in Skaill Delia T2 By Rito 2100, out of Skaill Delia O2.
Sandwick calf*
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1997 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 8yo SH cow in Cavans Princess By Balmyle Zephyr, out of Cavans Princess
Farm, Birsay milk* Clarrisa Annette.
1998 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 2yo AA heifer in Lucy Gwen of By TLA Northern Samurai, out of Argwen Lucy
calf Darmont 82W; supreme champion at 1998 East Mainland
1999 Cogle & Co, Newbigging, South 4mo LMx stot* Magnum By LM bull Starkley Magnum, out of homebred
Ronaldsay CHx cow.
2000 R. J. Taylor, Brencherhouse, 5mo LMx heifer Taylor’s Babe By Hudskaills Gregory, out of BBxLM cow.
2001 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 R. Gilholm, Hammerbrake, 8mo LMx heifer Jubilee Rose By LM bull Roughly Plover, out of BBx cow.
2003 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 2yo AA bull* Skaill Express By Darling Cruz, out of Skaill Estella.
2004 Cogle & Co, Newbigging, South 5mo LMx stot* Julyan By LM bull Hools Scott, out of LMxBB cow.
2005 T. & J. Leslie, Quoymorhouse, 9mo LMx heifer Red Alert By LM bull Lethendry Stevie, out of LMxBB heifer.

Shapinsay calf
2006 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 21mo LM heifer Corrigal Vera By Broadmeadows Cannon, out of Newsham Judy.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
1.1.3 County Show Best Native Breed 2006 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

2006 J. S. Baillie, Sebay Farm, 2yo AA Galcantray Electra By Skaill Domino X24, out of Galcantray Electra
Tankerness heifer-in-calf D697 Y369.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.

1.1.4 County Show Best Continental Breed 2006 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

2006 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 16mo CH heifer* Skaill Abbie By Nectragerc, out of Perche; supreme champion,
Sandwick 2006; supreme champion at 2006 Dounby Show.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.

1.1.5 County Show Best Cross-bred 2006 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

2006 Garson Farms, Garson, Sandwick 7mo BBx stot calf Garson Marie By BB bull Beesthorpe Thunderflash, out of LMx
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.

1.1.6 County Show Best Cow or Heifer 1936 − 2005

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1936 James Gaddie, The Bu’, Holm Cross bred polled - Supreme champion 1936.
1937 James Esson, Holm of Cross bred polled - Supreme champion 1937.
Grimbister, Firth cow
1938 James Esson, Holm of Cross cow - -
Grimbister, Firth
1939 James Flett, Kingshouse, Harray AA heifer in calf* Annuity 3rd of By Pundit of Kingshouse; supreme champion in
Kingshouse 1939 and at 1939 Dounby Show.
1940 − 1944 No show due to war.
1945 ?
1946 James Gaddie, Holm - - -
1947 A. A. Baikie, Hall of Tankerness 7yo cross bred - Supreme champion at 1947 County show, at East
polled cow Mainland Show 1946-47, and 1949.
1948 John D. Clouston, Quatquoy, Cross bred polled - Supreme champion in 1948.
Firth cow

1949 Mrs Baikie, Hall of Tankerness 9yo cross bred blue - Supreme champion at 1947 and 1949 County show
cow and 1949 East Mainland Show.
1950 Flett Bros, Kingshouse, Harray AA heifer - -
1951 Messrs T. Smith & Son, Lower Black cross cow - -
Cornquoy, Holm
1952 Mr James Baillie, Sebay, 2yo cross heifer in - -
Tankerness calf
1953 Messrs Bain & Smith, Hall of 7yo AA cow Myrtle March Mad By Envoy of Derculich; supreme champion in 1953,
Tankerness and at 1953 East Mainland Show.
1954 Messrs Flett Bros, Kingshouse, 5yo SH cow - By Ashcreavie White Knight; bred at Philorth;
Harray roan; supreme champion in 1954 and at 1954
Dounby Show.
1955 John D. Clouston, Quatquoy, 7yo cross polled - Supreme champion in 1955 and at 1955 Dounby
Firth black cow Show.
1956 W. Flett, Northbigging, Harray 9yo blue polled - Supreme champion in 1956
cross cow
1957 W. Ritch, Kierfiold, Sandwick 5yo cross cow in - Bred at Hurtiso, Rousay; supreme champion in 1956
calf and at 1956 Rousay Show, and 1957 Dounby Show.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1958 J. G. Garrioch, Breckan, Costa, 2yo SH heifer in - By Calrossie Claymore.
Evie calf
1959 Messrs Flett Bros, Kingshouse 5yo black cross - Supreme champion in 1959.
polled cow
1960 W. Ritch, Kierfiold, Sandwick 8yo blue-grey cow - Previous champion at County show and twice at
Dounby show (years not given).
1961 Messrs M. C. Wood & Sons, 8yo black polled - Supreme champion in 1961.
Garson, Sandwick cross cow in calf
1962 A. A. Learmonth, Howe, 5yo black polled - Supreme champion at Shapinsay show 1960-1962.
Shapinsay cow*
1963 T. Dearness, Southfield, Burray 4yo AA cow Butora of By Bessort of Kincardine, out of Buto if
Kincardine Kincardine; bought at Kincardine dispersal sale in
1964 T. Dearness, Southfield, Burray 4yo AA cow Butora of 1961; supreme champion in 1963 and at 1962 &
Kincardine 1963 ’Hope Show.
1965 R. R. Johnston, Trumland Farm, 2yo AA heifer Corbairdy Even By Earl of Cairnfield; bought at Cobairdy dispersal
Rousay Crescent sale for 270gns; grand dam, Even Girl III, was twice
champion at the Royal Highland Show.

1966 R. R. Johnston, Trumland Farm, 3yo AA cow Corbairdy Even
Rousay Crescent
1967 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 3yo AA cow in calf Effective of Oykell
By Boshun of Haymount.
1968 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 4yo AA cow Oykell Effective
1969 D. Work & Son, Ness, Shapinsay 2yo black polled - By Jewra Eric of Buchaam.
cross heifer in calf
1970 D. Swannie, Midhouse, South 8yo cow - By Drummer of Fordhouse; roan; champion at 1970
Ronaldsay ’Hope show.
1971 ?
1972 W. Voy, Milldam, Tankerness 6yo cross cow - By Western Lovat Edmundo.
1973 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 3yo AA cow Ermonax of By Juanamax Eric of Douneside.
1974 D. Swannie, Midhouse, South 12yo cow - Coloured cross champion for 4th time.
1975 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 8yo black cross cow - By Wester Lovat Eanomo.
in calf*
1976 J. & E. Flett, Northbigging, - - Reserve champion?
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1977 R. Flett, Fidge, Twatt 7yo blue-grey cow Stella By Eurite of Inchoch, out of homebred cow;
in milk* supreme champion at 1976 Dounby Show.
1978 D. Work & Son, Ness, Shapinsay 7yo cow in milk* - By SH bull Cavans Pablo, out of homebred cross
1979 D. Work & Son, Ness, Shapinsay 8yo cow in milk* - cow; champion at Shapinsay show 1978-1980.
1980 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness - - It is suggested but not made clear that this animal
was also best AA cow.
1981 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 8yo AA cow in calf Ethlinkage of By Gentle Junior of Sturton.
1982 M. C. Wood & Son, Garson, 5yo AAx cow in - By Haymount, out of AAx cow.
Sandwick milk*
1983 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 9yo AA cow in Primlass of By Elprovost of Eastfield, out of Pearl of Unigarth;
Sandwick milk* Unigarth supreme champion in 1983.
1984 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 8yo CHx cow Snowflake By Kairsknowe Festival, out of CH cow Kathleen;
supreme champion in 1984.
1985 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 3yo AA cow Princess of By Ballycaher Noble, out of Princess 6th of
Broompark Kinermony; bought from Charlie Ross, Broompark,
Ross-shire; supreme champion in 1987.

1986 W. G. Kirkpatrick & Sons, 4yo cow in milk - By CHx bull Ron, out of AAx cow; bought from J.
Newhall, Stromness & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay.
1987 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 5yo AA cow Princess of By Ballycaher Noble, out of Princess 6th of
Broompark Kinermony; bought from Charlie Ross, Broompark,
Ross-shire; supreme champion in 1987.
1988 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay AAx cow in calf* - By AA bull Proud Laddie of Carmains, out of AAx
1989 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 3yo AA cow Princess of By Ballycaher Noble, out of Princess 6th of
Broompark Kinermony; bought from Charlie Ross, Broompark,
Ross-shire; supreme champion in 1987.
1990 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 2yo AA heifer in Nicks Delia By DMM Esoteric, out of Tomil Delia; supreme
Sandwick calf champion in 1990 & 1991.
1991 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 3yo AA cow Nicks Delia
1992 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 2yo AA heifer* Skaill Delia By Windover Justifier, out of Nicks Delia.
1993 J. Thomson, Garth, South 16mo CHx heifer Caledonia By CH bull Allanfauld Vagabond, out of LMx cow;
Ronaldsay supreme champion in 1993 and at 1993 ’Hope Show.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1994 T. & J. Leslie, Quoymorhouse, 14mo LMx heifer* Little Mo By LM bull Greenbank Frank, out of homebred
Shapinsay LMx cow.
1995 J. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 8yo AA cow Jan Erica of Little By Euroe H48 of Newcairnie, out of Rashiehall
Kilry Juana Erica H13; supreme champion in 1995.
1996 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 2yo AA heifer in Skaill Delia T2 By Rito 2100, out of Skaill Delia O2.
Sandwick calf*
1997 R. & J. Johnson, Hewan, 7yo cross cow in - By Newhouse Banker, out of homebred cross cow;
Shapinsay calf* supreme champion in 1997.
1998 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 5yo CH cow in milk New Moan Iris By Balthayoak Dalesman, out of New Moan Emma;
bought from Jim Isbister, New Moan, Harray, in
October 1997; supreme champion in 1998 and at
1998 Dounby Show.
1999 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 1yo AA heifer* Skaill Diana By Edinburgh of The Moss, out of Skaill Diana R4;
Sandwick supreme champion in 1999.
2000 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 8yo AA cow in Skaill Diana P8 By Canadian AI bull MVHF Extra, out of Nicks
Sandwick calf* Delia; supreme champion in 2000.
2001 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.

2002 R. J. Taylor, Brencherhouse, November 2001 Taylor’s Touch of By AI bull Ronick Hawk, out of homebred BBxLM
Birsay black LMx heifer* Class cow; supreme champion in 2002 and at 2002
Dounby Show.
2003 John Hepburn, Burnside, 2yo AA heifer in Newlot Esmerelda By Galacantry Predator, out of Esmerelda 6th of
Tankerness calf* Newlot; supreme champion at 2003 East Mainland
2004 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 17mo CH heifer* Ballieston Topsy By Moyness President, out of Ballieston Maiden.
2005 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 2yo AA heifer* Skaill Diana By Skaill Express, out of Skaill Diana.
1.1.7 County Show Best Bull in Yard 1936 − 2005

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1936 Alex Calder, Sebay, Tankerness 8.5yo AA Esquimo -
1937 W. Ritch, Kierfiold, Sandwick AA - Only bull in yard.
1938 A. Baikie, Tankerness Aged pure bred Benvenue of -
1939 G. & K. Scott, Netherhill, Aged AA - -
1940 − 1944 No show due to war.
1945 ?
1946 James Gaddie, Holm - - -
1947 P. Davidson, Skaill, Sandwick - - -
1948 J. Baillie, Snelsetter, Longhope - - -
1949 T. Zawadski, Bu, Orphir - - -
1950 P. Davidson, Skaill, Sandwick 4yo SH Ascreavie White By Ascreavie Pusk, out of Calrossie Madge
Knight Ramsden; bought by Philorth herd at Perth for
1951 P. Davidson, Skaill, Sandwick 5yo SH Ascreavie White 800gns; bought by Skaill from Philorth; supreme

Knight champion 1950-1952.
1952 P. Davidson, Skaill, Sandwick 6yo SH Ascreavie White
1953 J. Baillie, Sebay, St. Andrews AA bull calf - Out of Pride cow.
1954 J. & A. Work, Queenamoan, SH - By Glastullich Smasher.
1955 John Garrioch, Costa - - -
1956 W. Ritch, Kierfiold, Sandwick - - -
1957 J. Baillie - - -
1958 Eric Laird, Weddell, Burray 8mo AA - By Emmigrant of Durculloch, out of Gay Eric of
Badmington; supreme champion 1958.
1959 P. Davidson, Skaill, Sandwick 21mo AA - Bred by Geddes Barluak, Rothes; supreme
champion at 1959 Dounby Show.
1960 G. T. Wylie, Swartland, 5yo AA Newhouse Bought at Perth in Feb 1960 for 500gns; previously
Sandwick Jewbilant Eric stock bull at Lindertis herd; supreme champion in
1961 P. Davidson, Skaill, Sandwick SH Banchory Peerless White.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1962 J. & A. Work, Queenamoan, 6yo SH Easter Lovat By Lawton Kandy; bought in January 1962 from
Sandwick Brando Caithness; supreme champion in 1962.
1963 R. Flett, Fidge, Twatt 5yo AA Elvimit of Bred by J. Saintsbury, Kinermony, Banffshire.
1964 J. & A. Work, Queenamoan, 8yo SH Easter Lovat By Lawton Kandy; bought in January 1962 from
Sandwick Brando Caithness; supreme champion in 1962.
1965 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 2yo AA Wester Lovat
By Gaffer Desman of Drumcliff, out of Wester
Lovat Essena 15th.
1966 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 3yo AA Wester Lovat
1967 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 4yo AA Wester Lovat
1968 ?
1969 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 8yo AA* Jovial Eric of By Black Prince of Greenyards; supreme champion
Millhouse in 1969.
1970 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 6yo AA Stype Ptolemy By Newhouse Jewdo Eric, out of Stype Pride 29th;
bought at Perth Feb 1970; 1st in class at Perth;

supreme champion in 1970.
1971 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 2yo AA* Eversharp of By Jovial Eric of Millhouse; supreme champion in
Millhouse 1971.
1972 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 3yo AA* Everstrike of By Jovial Eric of Millhouse, out of Emma of
Millhouse Millhouse; supreme champion in 1971; sired bull
sold for 9000gns at Perth.
1973 ?
1974 I. Flett & Sons, Millhouse, 2yo AA* Elmore of By Eversharp of Millhouse; supreme champion in
Harray Millhouse 1974.
1975 J. R. Heddle, Westfield, 5yo HF Dunure Obo By Haven Bogle; bred ar Dunure Mains, Ayrshire;
Stromness bought at Edinburgh.
1976 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill, 3yo AA Jubilant Eric of By Esteem of Balachan; bought at Perth in 1974
Sandwick Derculich for 900gns; supreme champion in 1976.
1977 J. Gaudie & Son, Craebreck, 4yo HF Wilcot I Bernard By Crickley I Compensation; bought at Edinburgh
Holm in 1977 for 520gns.
1978 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 4yo CH Wincote Jasper By Bent Caribineer; bred by Lord Nelson of
Stafford; bought at Northampton for 950gns;
supreme champion in 1978 and 1982.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1979 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill, 2yo AA Eranger of Bucham By Blackman of Greenval (Canadian bred); 34
Sandwick canadian; bought privately in Aberdeen, early 1979,
1980 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill, 3yo AA Eranger of Bucham from Ogg of Strathallan; supreme champion in 1979
Sandwick and 1980.
1981 I. Flett & Sons, Millhouse, 5yo AA Ashley Jewdict By Eroco Bankhead; bought at Perth 1978; 1st in
Harray Eric class at Perth; supreme champion in 1981.
1982 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 8yo CH Wincote Jasper By Bent Caribineer; bred by Lord Nelson of
Stafford; bought at Northampton for 950gns;
supreme champion in 1978 and 1982.
1983 L. Wilson, Quoynamoan, 3yo SH - By Kai Iwi Commandant, out of Rapture.
1984 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 10mo CH Ballieston Universe By Wincote Jasper, out of Sway Ninette.
1985 Messrs Sinclair, Unigarth & 6yo AA G V Winton 44L By G V Canadian 7J out of G V Pride 40J;
Wood, Garson canadian bred, imported into UK by Mr Charles
Oag, bought by exhibitors at dispersal sale in 1983
for 4500gns; champion AA at Royal Show in 1986;
1986 Messrs Sinclair, Unigarth & 7yo AA G V Winton 44L supreme champion in 1985 and 1986.

Wood, Garson
1987 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay 6yo AA Proud Laddie of By Priland of Tangier, out of Proud Giona 3rd of
Carmains Carmains.
1988 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 3yo SH Glenisla Warlord By Balmyle Universe, out of Balmyle Genoa 4th;
Sandwick bought at Perth February 1987 for 2600gns; reserve
junior champion at Perth; supreme champion in
1989 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 15mo AA* - By AA/AA Willyboy, out of Erora of Skaill;
Sandwick supreme champion in 1989.
1990 E. Flett, Hurtiso, Holm 7yo SH Chapleton Xile By Balmyle Timebomb, out of Chapleton Princess
R13; supreme champion at February 1986 Perth
bull sale.
1991 ?
1992 Taylor Bros, Aikers, South 9yo SH Chapleton Xile By Balmyle Timebomb, out of Chapleton Princess
Ronaldsay R13; supreme champion at February 1986 Perth
bull sale.
1993 E. Flett, Hurtiso, Holm 5yo LM Ronick Dolman -
1994 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 18mo bull* Ballieston Howard By Cockrington Baron, out of Ballieston Frances.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1995 E. Flett, Hurtiso, Holm LM Galurin Imported from France.
1996 E. S. H. Harcus & Co, 3yo AA Gaffer Delobangst By Eustashbanger of Humbie, out of Gaffer Deloble
Quanterness, St. Ola of Humbie of Humbie.
1997 J. A. Scott, Howe, Harray 6yo CH Seawell Goutte By Seawell Caribbean; bought at Perth as a 13mo.
1998 D. W. Sinclair & Co. Unigarth, 5yo LM Goldie’s Instigator By Astre, out of Goldie’s Alice.
1999 Muir & Sons, Gorn, Shapinsay 17mo LM* Muirwood Orion By Hartside Lego, out of Muirwood Iona.
2000 L. Spence, Spengar, Sandwick 14mo CH* Spengar Polar By Moyness Maharaja, out of Mortimer Lorin.
2001 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 L. Spence, Spengar, Sandwick 16mo CH* Spengar Sambhar By Brampton Four Star, out of Mortimer’s Lauren.
2003 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 2yo AA* Skaill Express By Darling Cruz, out of Skaill Estella.
2004 J. M. Lennie & Co, Nearhouse, 21mo SH* Nearhouse James By Balmyle Crackle, out of Nearhouse Jill.
2005 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 16mo CH bull* Skaill Victor By Offenbach, out of Rosette.

1.1.8 County Show Best Butcher’s Beast 1936 − 2005

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1936 Mr James Ritch, Hatston, St. - - Orkney bred animal.
1937 W. T. Wood & Sons, Balfour - - -
Mains, Shapinsay
1938 Mr Ritch, Hatston, St. Ola - - -
1939 Mr Ritch, Hatston, St. Ola - - -
1940 − 1944 No show due to war.
1945 ?
1946 R. Johnston, Rousay - - -
1947 W. Harvey, Quoydandy, St. Ola - - -
1948 Robert R. Johnston, Trumland, - - -
1949 W. Harvey, Quoydandy, St. Ola - - -
1950 W. & J. Scott, Bigging, Stenness - - -
1951 Mr J. Slater, Yarpha, Orphir Stot - -

1952 W. H. Harvey, Quoydandy, St. - - -
1953 Mr J. Slater, Yarpha, Orphir Black stot - -
1954 W. Ritch, Kierfiold, Sandwick - - -
1955 D. Work, Ness, Shapinsay - - -
1956 M. C. Wood & Sons, Garson, - - -
1957 M. C. Wood & Sons, Garson, - - -
1958 R. Johnston, Hewan, Shapinsay Stot - -
1959 R. Johnston, Hewan, Shapinsay Stot - Supreme champion at 1959 Shapinsay Show.
1960 A. A. Learmonth, Howe, Stot - -
1961 A. A. Learmonth, Howe, Stot - -
1962 W. Gorn, Flaws, Holm Stot - Sold to Mr D. G. Spence for 150 at sale on Monday
following the show.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1963 R. Johnston, Hewan, Shapinsay - - -
1964 A. A. Learmonth, Howe, 2yo black polled - Sold at Kirkwall Auction Mart for 231 to Mr D. G.
Shapinsay cross stot Spence, Royal Hotel, Kirkwall; supreme champion
1965 D. Work, Ness, Shapinsay Roan stot - -
1966 A. A. Learmonth, Howe, 18mo stot - By Pete of Durran.
1967 A. A. Learmonth, Howe, 2yo stot - -
1968 ?
1969 D. Work, Ness, Shapinsay 2 teeth cross stot - By Jewra Eric of Buchaam
1970 A. A. Learmonth, Howe, - - -
1971 D. Work, Ness, Shapinsay - - -
1972 A. A. Learmonth, Howe, 2yo stot - By Black Boris of Wittington; not supreme
Shapinsay champion.
1973 A. A. Learmonth, Howe, - - -

1974 A. A. Learmonth, Howe, - - -
1975 A. A. Learmonth, Howe, - - -
1976 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 2yo CHxHF heifer - -
1977 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness CHx heifer - By Milk Marketing Board AI bull Sujet, out of
AAxHF cow.
1978 W. Dunnet, Cletts, South HFx 2 teeth stot - Supreme champion at 1978 ’Hope show.
1979 J. W. Hepburn, Burnside, 17mo CHx stot* - By Kernowe Festival, out of homebred cow; sire
Tankerness cost 10,000.
1980 Muir & Sons, Gorn, Shapinsay 15mo heifer - By Tavey Monte Carlo, out of SHx cow; Muir &
Sons first time at County Show; sold to the judge,
Mr J. S. Watson, Balhousie, Carnoustie, Angus for
600 at mart sale on Monday, weighed 450kg.
1981 D. Work & Son, Ness, Shapinsay 17mo CHx stot - By CH bull Tam’s Minstrel.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1982 D. Work, Ness, Shapinsay 17mo CHx stot Raymond Bred by Mr Flaws, Nisthouse, Evie; bought at
October calf sale in Kirkwall.
1983 D. Work, Ness, Shapinsay 17mo black x stot* Black Magic -
1984 D. Work & Son, Ness, Shapinsay 1yo pure AA stot - By Pernod of Classlochie, out of pure unregistered
AA cow.
1985 Phyllis M. Hepburn, Burnside, CHxAA heifer - By CH bull Scottish Milord, out of AA cow.
1986 John Hepburn, Burnside, - - -
1987 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay - - -
1988 Phyllis Hepburn, Messigate, 16mo LMxAA stot - By LM bull Tanhylnn So Good, out of AA cow
Tankerness Barbara of Nowlott.
1989 S. &. J. D. Robertson, Saverock, - - -
St. Ola
1990 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay - - -
1991 S. & J. D. Robertson, Saverock, - - -
St. Ola

1992 W. G. Kirkpatrick & Sons, LMx stot - By Normande Viking.
Vestrafiold, Sandwick
1993 J. Thomson, Garth, South 16mo CHx heifer Caledonia By CH bull Allanfauld Vagabond, out of LMx cow;
Ronaldsay supreme champion in 1993 and at 1993 ’Hope Show.
1994 Muir & Sons, Gorn, Shapinsay - - -
1995 T. & J. Leslie, Quoymorhouse, - - -
1996 J. A. Scott & Co., Howe, Harray 17mo CHx heifer* - By CH bull Seawell Goutte, out of homebred LM
1997 Muir & Sons, Gorn, Shapinsay - - -
1998 T. & J. Leslie, Quoymorhouse, 17mo heifer - By Hartside Jacko, out of LMx cow.
1999 Garson Farms, Sandwick Calfs teeth stot Beckham By Bailea Justice, out of LMxAA cow.
2000 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 16mo LMx heifer* - By Middledale Jeeves, out of homebred CH cow.
2001 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 T. & J. Leslie, Quoymorhouse, LMx calfs teeth - By Shire Lanzarote.
Shapinsay heifer
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
2003 Cogle & Co., Newbigging, South cross bred heifer - -
2004 Muir & Sons, Gorn, Shapinsay - - -
2005 R. & J. Johnston, Hewan, 17mo LMx stot* Sep By LM bull Kype Perry, out of homebred 4 LM
Shapinsay cow; supreme champion in 2004.

Figure 1.1: Nearhouse Rob Roy, by Balmyle Crackle, out of Nearhouse Rhona; champion Shorthorn Orkney County Show
2005; junior champion Perth Bull Sale October 2005.
1.2 County Show Shorthorn Champion 1970 − 2006

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1970 M. W. T. Wood, Berridale, South 7yo bull Erimus Solomon By a Westdrums bull; bought at Perth in 1965; red.
1971 J. W. S. Wishart, Knockhall, 4yo cow Cavans Princess By Burnton Concord, out of Cavans Princess Edna;
South Ronaldsay Eliza dam was a pervious Shorthorn champion at Dounby
Show; bought from A. J. D. Spence in spring 1971.
1972 J. Traill Thomson, Garson, 16mo bull Onston Fanando By Woodhead Cromwell, out of Onston Flossy
Stromness Soda.
1973 Mrs A. J. D. Spence, Cavan, 5yo bull Ardbennie Saint By Burnton Santa Claus.
1974 J. Traill Thomson, Garson, 5yo bull Woodhead By Denend Golden Miller.
Stromness Diamond
1975 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill Farm, 5yo bull Penan Mormon By Penan King’s Coronet; bred by Watt Taylor,
Sandwick Fraserburgh.
1976 A. K. Work, Queenamoan, 9yo cow* Queenamoan By Ardbennie Hyperion.

Sandwick Bessie
1977 J. W. S. Wishart, Knockhall, 6yo cow* -
By Ardbennie Saint, out of Cavans Princess Eliza.
South Ronaldsay
1978 J. W. S. Wishart, Knockhall, 7yo cow* -
South Ronaldsay
1979 Mrs A. J. D. Spence, Cavan, 4yo cow* Cavans Princess By Newton Talisman.
Birsay Tulip
1980 D. Work & Son, Ness, Shapinsay 2yo bull Fingask Paragon By Scotsdale Havelock; bought at Perth for
1981 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 6yo cow in calf* Cavans Waterloo By Newton Talisman, out of Cavans Waterloo
Farm, Birsay Laura Pansy; supreme champion at 1982 Dounby Show.
1982 J. M. Stevenson, Bu, Orphir 7yo bull Kai Iwi By Kai Iwi Prince Charming; New Zealand bred;
Commandant bought from Miss Durno, Uppermill, Tarves,
Aberdeenshire in October 1981; sire was a previous
winner of The Meat and Wool cup, New Zealands
highest honour for beef cattle.
1983 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 8yo cow in calf* Cavans Waterloo By Newton Talisman, out of Cavans Waterloo
Farm, Birsay Laura Pansy; supreme champion at 1982 Dounby Show.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1984 J. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 5yo bull Orroland Tester By Calare McCorquodale, out of Woody Hills
Hope; bred by W. D. Kennedy; 2nd in class at
Perth bull sales October 1981.
1985 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 8yo cow in calf Newton Tulip N23 By Newton Gold Coin, out of Newton Tulip 2nd;
Farm, Birsay bought at Henderson dispersal sale; dam of Newton
Timothy, a former champion at Perth bull sale.
1986 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 4yo cow in milk* Cavans Waterloo By Mandalong Super Elephant, out of Cavans
Farm, Birsay Belle Waterloo Crystal.
1987 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 10yo cow* Cavans Waterloo By Weebolla Bolla Royal Commission, out of
Farm, Birsay Jubilee Cavans Waterloo Pansy.
1988 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 3yo bull Glenisla Warlord By Balmyle Universe, out of Balmyle Genoa 4th;
Sandwick bought at Perth, February 1987 for 2600gns; reserve
1989 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 4yo bull Glenisla Warlord junior champion at Perth; supreme champion in
Sandwick 1988.
1990 E. Flett, Hurtiso, Holm 7yo bull Chapleton Xile By Balmyle Timebomb, out of a Chapleton
1991 E. Flett, Hurtiso, Holm 8yo bull Chapleton Xile Princess R13; supreme champion at February 1986
1992 Taylor Bros, Aikers, South 9yo bull Chapleton Xile Perth bull sale.

1993 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 3yo cow* Cavans Waterloo By Balmyle Zephyr, out of Cavans Waterloo
Farm, Birsay Demelza Zandra; dam out of Cavans Waterloo Laura,
champion in 1981 and 1983.
1994 E. & I. Kemp, Greenhall, 2yo heifer in calf* Greenhall Elaine By Nearhouse Romar, out of Greenhall Eileen.
1995 E. Flett, Hurtiso, Holm 3yo bull Balmyle Sovereign By Balmyle Universe, out of Balmyle Tessa.
1996 E. Flett, Hurtiso, Holm 8yo cow in milk Balmyle Gypsy By Balmyle Action, out of Balmyle Gypsy 11th.
1997 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 8yo cow in milk* Cavans Princess By Balmyle Zephyr, out of Cavans Princess
Farm, Birsay Clarrisa Annette.
1998 J. M. Lennie & Co, Nearhouse, 6yo bull Moncrieff Snowline By Balmyle Sovereign, out of Balmyle Tessa 21st.
1999 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 2.5yo bull Chapleton By Tofts Romany, out of Chapleton Broadhooks
Farm, Birsay Masterkey H1.
2000 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 3yo bull Chapleton
Farm, Birsay Masterkey
2001 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
2002 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 4yo cow in milk* Cavans Waterloo By Balmyle Dynamo, out of Cavans Waterloo
Farm, Birsay Norma Clover.
2003 J. M. Lennie & Co, Nearhouse, 7yo cow* Nearhouse Just By Chapleton Fulcrum, out of Nearhouse June.
2004 J. M. Lennie & Co, Nearhouse, 21mo bull* Nearhouse James By Balmyle Crackle, out of Nearhouse Jill.
2005 J. M. Lennie & Co, Nearhouse, 19mo bull* Nearhouse Rob By Balmyle Crackle, out of Nearhouse Rhona.
Tankerness Roy
2006 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 17mo bull* Cavans Boeing By Glenisla Rannoch, out of Cavans Waterloo
Farm, Birsay Y747 Snowdrop S241.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.

1.3 County Show Aberdeen Angus Champion 1970 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1970 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 6yo bull Stype Ptolemy By Newhouse Jewdo Eric, out of Stype Pride 29th;
bought at Perth Feb 1970; 1st in class at Perth.
1971 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 2yo bull* Eversharp of By Jovial Eric of Millhouse.
1972 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 3yo bull* Everstrike of -
1973 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 3yo cow Ermonax of By Juanamax Eric of Douneside.
1974 I. Flett & Sons, Millhouse, 2yo bull* Elmore of By Eversharp of Millhouse.
Harray Millhouse
1975 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill, 2yo bull Jubilant Eric of By Esteem of Balachan; bought at Perth in 1974
Sandwick Derculich for 900gns.
1976 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill, 3yo bull Jubilant Eric of
Sandwick Derculich

1977 J. W. Hepburn, Burnside, 1yo heifer* - By Jumoir Eric of Abernight, out of homebred cow.
1978 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 7yo cow in calf* Evamary 7th of By Stype Ptolemy
1979 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill, 2yo bull Eranger of Bucham By Blackman of Greenval (Canadian bred); 34
Sandwick canadian; bought privately in Aberdeen, early 1979,
from Ogg of Strathallan.
1980 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill, 3yo bull Eranger of Bucham
1981 I. Flett & Sons, Millhouse, 5yo bull Ashley Jewdict By Eroco Bankhead; bought at Perth 1978; 1st in
Harray Eric class at Perth.
1982 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 10yo cow in calf Ethlinkage of By Gentle Junior of Sturton, out of Etchum of
Eastfield Eastfield.
1983 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 9yo cow in milk* Primlass of By Elprovost of Eastfield, out of Pearl of Unigarth.
Sandwick Unigarth
1984 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 2yo heifer in calf Princess of By Ballycaher Noble, out of Princess 6th of
Broompark Kinermony; bought from Charlie Ross, Broompark,
Ross-shire; supreme champion 1987.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1985 Messrs Sinclair, Unigarth & 6yo bull G V Winton 44L By G V Canadian 7J out of G V Pride 40J;
Wood, Garson canadian bred, imported into UK by Mr Charles
Oag, bought by exhibitors at dispersal sale in 1983
for 4500gns; champion AA at Royal Show in 1986.
1986 Messrs Sinclair, Unigarth & 7yo bull G V Winton 44L
Wood, Garson
1987 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 5yo cow Princess of By Ballycaher Noble, out of Princess 6th of
Broompark Kinermony; bought from Charlie Ross, Broompark,
1988 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 6yo cow in calf Princess of Ross-shire; supreme champion 1987.
1989 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 15mo bull* - By AA/AA Willyboy, out of Erora of Skaill.
1990 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 2yo heifer in calf Nicks Delia
By DMM Esoteric, out of Tomil Delia.
1991 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 3yo cow Nicks Delia
1992 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 2yo heifer* Skaill Delia By Windover Justifier, out of Nicks Delia.

1993 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 6yo cow Ethlinkage 2nd By Wilmore Powerhouse, out of Etacism of
1994 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 4yo cow* Skaill Delia By Windover Justifier, out of Nicks Delia.
1995 J. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 8yo cow Jan Erica of Little By Euroe H48 of Newcairnie, out of Rashiehall
Kilry Juana Erica H13.
1996 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 2yo heifer in calf* Skaill Delia T2 By Rito 2100, out of Skaill Delia O2.
1997 E. S. H. Harcus, Quanterness 5yo bull Gaffer Delobangst Junior champion at Perth in 1994.
Farm, St Ola of Humbie
1998 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 2yo heifer in calf Lucy Gwen of By TLA Northern Samurai, out of Argwen Lucy
Darmont 82W; supreme champion at 1998 East Mainland
1999 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 1yo heifer* Skaill Diana By Edinburgh of The Moss, out of Skaill Diana R4.
2000 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 8yo cow in calf* Skaill Diana P8 By Canadian AI bull MVHF Extra, out of Nicks
Sandwick Delia.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
2001 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 J. W. Hepburn, Burnside, 1yo heifer* Newlot Esmerelda By Galantray Predator, out of Esmerelda 6th of
Tankerness Newlot.
2003 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 2yo bull* Skaill Express By Darling Cruz, out of Skaill Estella.
2004 J. W. Hepburn, Burnside, 3yo cow* Newlot Esmerelda By Galcantry Predator, out of Esmerelda 6th of
Tankerness Newlot.
2005 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 2yo heifer* Skaill Diana By Skaill Express, out of Skaill Diana.
2006 J. S. Baillie, Sebay Farm, 2yo heifer-in-calf Galcantray Electra By Skaill Domino X24, out of Galcantray Electra
Tankerness D697 Y369.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.

1.4 County Show Hereford Champion 1970 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1970 R. E. Scott, Biggins, Rendall heifer - -
1971 W. G. Firth, Feawell, Stromness 2yo Carsland Resolve By Redhall Perky; bought at Edinburgh sale in
1971; champion Hereford at 1971 Dounby Show.
1972 J. Scott, Roeberry, S. Ronaldsay 5yo bull - Kelso bred.
1973 J. R. Heddle, Westfield, 3yo Dunure Obo By Haven Bogle; bred ar Dunure Mains, Ayrshire;
Stromness bought at Edinburgh; Hereford champion at 1973
Dounby Show.
1974 J. Scott, Roeberry, S. Ronaldsay 6yo bull Beaumont Idris Bred by Wilson of Cowboys.
1975 J. R. Heddle, Westfield, 5yo bull Dunure Obo By Haven Bogle; bred ar Dunure Mains, Ayrshire;
Stromness bought at Edinburgh; Hereford champion at 1973
1976 J. R. Heddle, Westfield, 6yo bull Dunure Obo Dounby Show.
1977 J. Gaudie & Son, Craebreck, 4yo bull Wilcot I Bernard By Crickley I Compensation; bought at Edinburgh
Holm in 1977 for 520gns.

1978 J. Gaudie & Son, Craebreck, 5yo bull Wilcot I Bernard
1979 J. Gaudie & Son, Craebreck, 27mo bull Pen-y-Parc By B.C. I Majestic; bought at Edinburgh in
Holm Maharaja February 1977.
1980 M. C. Wood & Co, Pow, 7yo bull Solpoll I Highlight By B.C. I Juliana.
1981 J. Gaudie & Son, Craebreck, 8yp bull Wilcot I Bernard
1982 K. & M. Eunson, North Keigar, 5yo bull Knoxhill Talisman By Horsetin I Guiseppe; bought at Aberdeen sale
Deerness for 1000gns.
1983 S. Laird & Co, Pole, Burray 6yo Myroe Magic By Myroe Kaiser, out of Myroe Monica; bought at
Edinburgh sale in 1979; champion at 1984 ’Hope
1984 S. Laird & Co, Pole, Burray 7yo Myroe Magic show.
1985 D. & I. Rendall, Smoogro, Orphir 20mo bull Smoogro Apollo By Withington Hero, out of Kirklands Gambia.
1986 R. Sabiston, Lighthouse, Firth 6yo bull Winterwell By Little Tarrington Elect, out of Winterwell I
Rambler Oyster.
1989 R. Sabiston, Lighthouse, Firth bull - -
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1990 R. Sabiston, Lighthouse, Firth 2yo bull Helensberry By Battledore Challenger.
1996 M. & L. J. Girvan, Brance, South 6yo cow Panmure Blessing By Luada North Star, out of Panmure Blessing
Ronaldsay G4 D14.
2001 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2003 S. Smith, Lesliedale, St. Ola - - -
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.

1.5 County Show Other Pure-bred Native Champion 1991 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1991 D. Easton, Quoyhalen, Quoyloo 3yo LG bull Dirnanean
By Benhar Knight, out of Dirnanean Ann.
1992 D. Easton, Quoyhalen, Quoyloo 4yo LG bull Dirnanean
1993 D. Easton, Quoyhalen, Quoyloo 5yo LG bull Dirnanean
1994 D. Easton, Quoyhalen, Quoyloo 6yo LG bull Dirnanean
1995 D. Easton, Quoyhalen, Quoyloo 16mo LG bull* Scarwell Viking By Dirnanean Monarch, out of Scarwell Nina.
1996 M. & L. J. Girvan, Brance, South 6yo HF cow Panmure Blessing By Luada North Star, out of Panmure Blessing
Ronaldsay G4 D14.
1997 D. Easton, Quoyhalen, Quoyloo 4yo LG cow Benhar Blossom 94
By a Benhar bull, out of Benhar Blossom 64.
1998 D. Easton, Quoyhalen, Quoyloo 5yo LG cow Benhar Blossom 94
1999 D. Easton, Quoyhalen, Quoyloo 6yo LG cow Benhar Blossom 94

2000 D. Easton, Quoyhalen, Quoyloo 17mo LG bull* Scarwell Adonis By Dirnanean Monarch, out of Benhar Blossom 94.
2001 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 D. Easton, Quoyhalen, Quoyloo 3yo LG bull* Scarwell Adonis By Dirnanean Monarch, out of Benhar Blossom 94.
2003 D. Easton, Quoyhalen, Quoyloo 8yo LG cow* Scarwell Weetha By Dirnanean Tyrol, out of Monzie 100th; roan.
2004 D. Easton, Quoyhalen, Quoyloo 5yo LG bull* Scarwell Adonis By Dirnanean Monarch, out of Benhar Blossom 94.
2005 D. Easton, Quoyhalen, Quoyloo In-calf LG heifer* Scarwell E20 By Monzie Breeze, out of Scarwell Axa; sire bought
in Castle Douglas in 2002.
2006 D. Easton, Quoyhalen, Quoyloo 10mo LG heifer Scarwell Gairstey By Scarwell Adonis, out of Scarwell Yelda.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
1.6 County Show Charolais Champion 1978 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1978 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 4yo bull Wincote Jasper By Bent Caribineer; bred by Lord Nelson of
Stafford; bought at Northampton for 950gns;
supreme champion in 1978 & 1982.
1979 No entries forward.
1980 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 6yo bull Wincote Jasper By Bent Caribineer; bred by Lord Nelson of
1981 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 7yo bull Wincote Jasper Stafford; bought at Northampton for 950gns;
1982 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 8yo bull Wincote Jasper supreme champion in 1978 & 1982.
1983 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab - - -
1984 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 10mo bull* Ballieston Universe By Wincote Jasper, out of Sway Ninette.
1985 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 3yo cow in calf Mornview Tamar By Tattenhall Hublot, out of a Mornview cow.
1986 W. G. Kirkpatrick & Sons, 3yo bull Ballieston Universe By Wincote Jasper, out of Sway Ninette.
Newhall, Stromness
1987 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 8mo bull Hekra Challenger By Fairthwaite Magic, out of Hekra Vera.
1988 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 4yo cow* Ballieston Vaila By Lunsdale Harvest, out of Ballieston Snowflake.

1989 J. M. Lennie & Co, Nearhouse, 5yo cow in calf Little Gill Verity By Tatton Hall Hublot, out of Hole Moor Rebecca.
1990 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 2yo bull Royston Democrat By Glenleary Attenhall.
1991 J. M. Lennie & Co, Nearhouse, 7yo cow Balthayock Violet By Balthayock Oliver.
1992 J. M. Lennie & Co, Nearhouse, 9yo cow in milk Little Gill Verity By Tattenhall Hiblot, out of Holehouse Rebecca.
1993 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 18mo heifer* Ballieston Helga By Ballieston Donald, out of Ballieston Catherine.
1994 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 18mo bull* Ballieston Howard By Cockrington Baron, out of Ballieston Frances.
1995 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 15mo heifer* Ballieston
By Fleets Rascal, out of Ballieston Donna.
1996 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 20mo heifer* Ballieston
1997 J. A. Scott, Howe, Harray 6yo bull Seawell Goutte By Seawell Caribbean; bought at Perth as a 13mo.
1998 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 5yo cow in milk New Moan Iris By Balthayoak Dalesman, out of New Moan Emma;
bought from Jim Isbister, New Moan, Harray, in
October 1997.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1999 Garson Farms, Sandwick 6yo cow* Garson Isla By Brampton Consort, out of Gredington Caniche.
2000 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 7yo dry cow* Ballieston Ingrid By Maerdy Victorious, out of Ballieston Ursula.
2001 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 L. Spence, Spengar, Sandwick 16mo bull* Spengar Sambhar By Brampton Four Star, out of Mortimer’s Lauren.
2003 Garson Farms, Sandwick 1yo heifer Airdlin Treasure By Airdlin Ploughman, out of Maerdy Limpet;
bought at Perth February 2003.
2004 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 17mo heifer* Baillieston Topsy By Moyness President, out of Ballieston Maiden.
2005 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 16mo bull* Skaill Victor By Offenbach, out of Rosette; supreme champion
Sandwick 2005.
2006 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 16mo heifer* Skaill Abbie By Nectragerc, out of Perche; supreme champion,
Sandwick 2006; supreme champion at 2006 Dounby Show.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.

1.7 County Show Limousin Champion 1991 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1991 E. Flett, Hurtiso, Holm Bull Jencra Ensign By Talent, out of Dawk Phlox.
1992 E. Flett, Hurtiso, Holm 4yo bull Ronick Dolman By Fleethill Ace, out of Ronick Violette; previously
1993 E. Flett, Hurtiso, Holm 5yo bull Ronick Dolman champion at Perth bull sales.
1994 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 2.5yo in calf heifer Genavive By Hallingbury Bruce; bought at Carlisle.
1995 E. Flett, Hurtiso, Holm Bull Galurin Imported from France.
1996 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay Cow Hudscales By Grange Karaoke, out of a Hudscales cow;
Genevieve bought as a yearling in Carlisle.
1997 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay In calf heifer Holly Littlejohn By Heartside Glenn, out of Holly Topaz; bought in
Spring 1997.
1998 Muir & Sons, Gorn, Shapinsay calf’s teeth heifer Muirwood Mona
By Hartside Ideal, out of Muirwood Iona.
1999 Muir & Sons, Gorn, Shapinsay 2yo cow* Muirwood Mona
2000 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 8yo dry cow Poplars Heidi By Galbinny Ethan, out of Cowbridge Beauty; bred
by Mrs R. Keeling, Poplars Farm, North
Stowmarket, Suffolk; bought at annual LM sale,

Carlisle, May 1999; supreme champion at 1999
Dounby Show.
2001 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 10yo cow Poplars Heidi By Galbinny Ethan, out of Cowbridge Beauty; bred
by Mrs R. Keeling, Poplars Farm, North
Stowmarket, Suffolk; bought at annual LM sale,
Carlisle, May 1999; supreme champion at 1999
Dounby Show.
2003 A. & L. Cromarty, Hools, South 6yo cow in milk Newsham Aire By WalkersIadmire; bought as a calf at foot from
Ronaldsay Yorkshire 5 12 years ago; supreme champion at 2003
’Hope show.
2004 A. & L. Cromarty, Hools, South 3yo cow* Hools Ria By Hools Olaf, out of Newsham Olive.
2004 A. & L. Cromarty, Hools, South 3yo cow* Hools Ria By Hools Olaf, out of Newsham Olive.
2005 Keith Eunson, Braebuster, 2yo bull Westhall Uplands By Hewson’s Gold Dust, out of Westhall Lynne;
Deerness bred by Alan Fotheringham, bought privately in
August 2004.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
2006 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 21mo heifer Corrigal Vera By Broadmeadows Cannon, out of Newsham Judy.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.

1.8 County Show Other Pure-bred Continental Champion 1998 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1998 Messrs Rosie, Quoybond, South 4yo BB bull* Orkney Blues By Greenside Fantastic, out of Waltnewton
Ronaldsay Lucas Hannah.
1999 J. W. Taylor & Sons, Aikers, - - -
South Ronaldsay
2000 Messrs Rosie, Quoybond, South 17mo BB heifer* Orkney Blues By Orkney Blues Lucas, out of Orkney Blues
Ronaldsay Rosie Leonora.
2001 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 No entries forward.
2003 A. & A. Foubister, Netherton, BB in calf heifer - -
2004 A. & A. Foubister, Netherton, 3yo BB cow in calf Ridge Dean By Ridge Dean Mahogany, out of Ridge Dean
Holm Sensation Fergie; bought in 2002 from a Ridge Dean
2005 A.& A. Foubister, Netherton, 4yo BB Ridge Dean production sale at Carlisle.
Holm cow-in-milk Sensation

2006 A.& A. Foubister, Netherton, 8mo BB bull calf Graemshall By Dafydd D’Ochain, out of Ridge Dean Sensation.
Holm Alphonse
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
1.9 County Show Black Cross Champion 1970 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1970 D. Work & Son, Ness, Shapinsay 3yo cow - -
1971 D. Work & Son, Ness, Shapinsay 2 teeth stot* - By Jura Eric of Buchaam.
1972 A. A. Learmonth, Howe, 2yo black polled - By Black Boris of Wittington.
Shapinsay cross stot*
1973 A. A. Learmonth, Howe, 2yo black polled - By Black Boris of Wittington.
Shapinsay cross stot*
1974 John Scott Jnr, Roeberry, South 7yo cow - Bought from Burray; champion at 1974 ’Hope show.
1975 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 8yo black cross cow - By Wester Lovat Eanomo.
in calf*
1976 J. & E. Flett, Northbigging, 7yo cow in calf - By SH bull, out of cross cow; blue grey.
1977 R. Flett, Fidge, Twatt 7yo blue-grey cow Stella By Eurite of Inchoch, out of homebred cow.
in milk*

1978 D. Work & Son, Ness, Shapinsay 7yo cow in milk* - By SH bull Cavans Pablo, out of homebred cross
cow; champion at Shapinsay show 1978-1980.
1979 D. Work & Son, Ness, Shapinsay 8yo cow in milk* -
1980 J. W. Hepburn, Burnside, 10mo stot - By Weddenlie Evictor, out of pure (AA?) cow
Tankerness Brenda of Newlot.
1981 C. S. Gorn, Weddell, Burray 5yo cow in calf* - By Newhouse Prince 121st; supreme champion at
’Hope show 1980 & 1981.
1982 M. C. Wood & Son, Garson, 5yo AAx cow in - By Haymount, out of AAx cow.
Sandwick milk*
1983 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 6yo AAx cow* - By Elprovost of Eastfield, out of Homebred cross
Sandwick cow; sire was supreme champion at 1978 & 1979
Dounby Show.
1984 D. Work & Son, Ness, Shapinsay 1yo pure AA stot - By Pernod of Classlochie, out of pure unregistered
AA cow.
1985 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay 3yo cow Black Lady By CHx bull Ron, out of Orkney black cross cow.
1986 W. G. Kirkpatrick & Sons, 4yo cow in milk - By CHx bull Ron, out of AAx cow; bought from J.
Newhall, Stromness & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1987 W. G. Kirkpatrick & Sons, 5yo cow in milk - By CHx bull Ron, out of AAx cow; bought from J.
Vestrafiold, Sandwick & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay; not clear if this is
the same animal as last year.
1988 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay AAx cow in calf* - By AA bull Proud Laddie of Carmains, out of AAx
1989 W. G. Kirkpatrick & Sons, 8yo cow in milk - By CHx bull Ron, out of AAx cow; bought from J.
Vestrafiold, Sandwick & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay; not clear if this is
the same animal as in 1986 or 1987.
1990 S. & J. D. Robertson, Saverock, 16mo LMx heifer - By Endovic Vick, out of AAx cow.
St Ola
1991 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay 5yo cow* Black Magic By Proud Laddie of Carmains, out of AAx cow.
1992 Muir & Son, Gorn, Shapinsay heifer showing - By Dukes Canton.
calf’s teeth
1993 C. Gorn, Weddell, Burray 4yo AAx cow in Bluebell By AA bull Burthleu Patriot (Canadian bred), out
milk of blue-grey cow.
1994 R. Cursiter & Son, Laga, Evie 9mo LMx stot* Sean Boy By LM bull Crownhead Gladstone, out of
homebred LMxHFxFR cow.

1995 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray black stot Charley Boy By Bourtie Eoin, out of AAx cow; bred by W. C.
Merriman, Laithe, Sandwick; bought in spring 1995.
1996 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 20mo LMx stot Richard Z By LM bull Muirwood Galaxy, out of AAxBB cow;
bought from Richard Zawadski, Balfour Mains,
1997 R. & J. Johnson, Hewan, 7yo cross cow in - By Newhouse Banker, out of homebred cross cow.
Shapinsay calf*
1998 T. & J. Leslie, Quoymorhouse, 17mo heifer - By Hartside Jacko, out of LMx cow.
1999 Garson Farms, Sandwick calf’s teeth stot Beckham By Bailea Justice, out of LMxAA cow.
2000 R. J. Taylor, Brencherhouse, 5mo LMx heifer Taylor’s Babe By Hudskaills Gregory, out of BBxLM cow.
2001 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 R. J. Taylor, Brencherhouse, Nov 2001 black Taylor’s Touch of By AI bull Ronick Hawk, out of homebred BBxLM
Birsay LMx heifer* Class cow.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
2003 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 18mo LMx stot Cameron By LM bull Weyland Peter, out of LMx cow;
bought from Cogle & Co, Newbigging, South
Ronaldsay; supreme champion at 2003 County
Show and supreme champion at 2002 ’Hope show.
2004 Cogle & Co, Newbigging, South 5mo LMx stot* Julyan By LM bull Hools Scott, out of LMxBB cow.
2005 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 2yo black polled President’s By Hekra Norseman, out of BBx cow; supreme
cross heifer in calf* Princess champion 2005 Dounby Show.
2006 Garson Farms, Garson, Sandwick 7mo BBx stot calf Garson Marie By BB bull Beesthorpe Thunderflash, out of LMx
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.

1.10 County Show Coloured Cross Champion 1970 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1970 D. Swannie, Midhouse, South 8yo cow - By Drummer of Fordhouse; roan; champion at 1970
Ronaldsay ’Hope show.
1971 E. Flett, Kingshouse, Harray SHx stot* - By SH bull, out of homebred cross cow.
1972 D. Swannie, Midhouse, South - - -
1973 V. R. Slater, Breck, Orphir - - -
1974 D. Swannie, Midhouse, South 12yo cow -
Coloured cross champion for 4th time.
1975 D. Swannie, Midhouse, South 13yo cow -
1976 J. W. Foubister, Hilton, heifer calf - By CHxSH bull; sold at Kirkwall Auction Mart on
Shapinsay Monday following show for 395 to Mr Sutherland,
Boroughstone Mains, Caithness.
1977 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness - - -

1978 R. & J. Johnston, Hewan, CHx stot - -
1979 J. W. Hepburn, Burnside, 17mo CHx stot* - By CH bull Kernowe Festival, out of homebred
Tankerness cross cow; sire fetched 10,000 at auction.
1980 G. R. Coghill & Son, Newbigging, 6yo cow in milk* - By Cacao, out of SHx cow.
1981 D. Work & Son, Ness, Shapinsay 17mo CHx stot - By CH bull Tam’s Minstrel.
1982 D. Work & Son, Ness, Shapinsay 17mo CHx stot Raymond Bred by Mr Flaws, Nisthouse, Evie; bought at calf
sale in October.
1983 J. W. Hepburn, Burnside, CHx heifer calf* - By CH bull Scottish Milord, out of pure homebred
Tankerness AA cow.
1984 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 8yo CHx cow Snowflake By Kairsknowe Festival, out of CH cow Kathleen.
1985 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 3yo cow* - By Scottish Mercury, out of homebred cow.
1986 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 4yo cow* Lindsay By Scottish Mercury, out of homebred cross cow
Kathleen; it is not clear if this is the same animal
as last year.
1987 P. Hepburn, Messigate, CHx stot Ripper Bruce By Theodopulous, out of black cross cow; bred by
Tankerness Michael Hadlow, Doehouse, Sandwick.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1988 D. Work & Son, Ness, Shapinsay - - -
1989 S. & J. D. Robertson, Saverock, - - -
St. Ola
1990 ?
1991 Muir & Sons, Gorn, Shapinsay 8mo LMx stot Bond By LM bull Shatton Pedro, out of CHxLM cow.
1992 S. & J. D. Robertson, Saverock, 8mo LMx heifer Roxanne By LM bull Homebyers Escort, out of LMxAA
St. Ola calf homebred cow; sire purchased at Perth February
1993 J. Thomson, Garth, South 16mo CHx heifer Caledonia By CH bull Allanfauld Vagabond, out of LMx cow.
1994 R. Cursiter & Son, Laga, Evie 9mo LMx heifer Laga’s Gem By LM bull Crownhead Gladstone, out of 3/4 LM
heifer; dam bought from Muir & Sons, Gorn,
1995 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 11mo LMx stot Red Alert By LM bull Gringley Cavalier, out of LMxAA cow.
1996 J. A. Scott & Co, Howe, Harray 17mo CHx heifer* - By CH bull Seawell Goutte, out of homebred LMx
1997 R. J. Taylor, Brencherhouse, calf’s teeth heifer Tinkerbell By Newfoulds Vagabond, out of 3/4 LM cow.

1998 Cogle & Co, Newbigging, South 4mo LMxCH stot - By Hools Lumu, out of CHx cow; supreme
Ronaldsay champion at 1998 ’Hope show.
1999 Cogle & Co, Newbigging, South 4mo LMx stot* Magnum By LM bull Starkley Magnum, out of homebred
Ronaldsay CHx cow.
2000 R. Cursiter & Son, Laga, Evie 20mo LMx heifer* Laga’s By LM bull Crownhead Gladstone, out of
Thunderthighs LMxHFxFR cow; supreme champion at 2000
Dounby Show.
2001 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 8mo LMx heifer Harray Topper By LM bull Tanat Otter, out of homebred LMx
2003 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray January 2002 LMx Steph By LM bull Tanat Otter, out of LMx cow; supreme
heifer* champion at 2003 Dounby Show.
2004 R. & J. Johnston, Hewan, 5mo LMx stot* Sep By LM bull Kype Perry, out of homebred 34 LM
Shapinsay cow; supreme champion in 2004.
2005 T. & J. Leslie, Quoymorhouse, 9mo LMx heifer Red Alert By LM bull Lethendry Stevie, out of LMxBB heifer.
Shapinsay calf
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
2006 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 5mo BBx heifer - By BB bull, out of homebred LMx cow.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.

Chapter 2


2.1 County Show Interbreed Prizes

2.1.1 County Show Supreme Champion 1987 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1987 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab CHV ram lamb* - By Braeval Banker, out of homebred ewe.
1988 W. G. Kirkpatrick, Newhall, 2-shear ewe* - By Braeval Super Tup, out of dam sired by Breck
Stromness Trademark; 2nd in class at 1989 Highland Show.
1989 Heidi Hourston, Skelbister, BL ewe lamb - -
1990 D. & D. J. Eunson, Halley, 3yo TX ewe* - By Fairmount Navigator.
1991 Fraser Balfour, Breck Farm, CHL ewe - By Manxman Nessie; bought from Ian Innes’ flock
Rendall in Tullochallum, Dufftown in 1989.
1992 W. G. Kirkpatrick, Newhall, CHV ewe lamb - By Smiddyquoy Super Tup, dam sired by Lynegar
Stromness Likely Lad.
1993 J. & E. Wishart, Newbigging, CHV shearling ram - By Bardnaclavan Buccaneer, out of dam sired by
Harray Smiddyquoy Haystacks (supreme champion at 1988
Caithness Show).
1994 W. G. Kirkpatrick & Sons, CHV shearling ram - By Bardnackran Buccaneer, out of Lynigar Likely
Newhall, Stromness Lad.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1995 Mrs Doris Eunson, Halley, 4-shear TX ewe* - By Cambwell Uppercut, out of homebred ewe.
1996 J. Cromarty, Roadside, Toab 2-shear ram* Roadside Titan By a Roundhill ram, out of a Balig dam.
1997 Graham Heddle, Westfield, SF ewe lamb* - By Muiresk Dazzler, out of homebred ewe sired by
Stromness Westfield Capstan.
1998 Heidi Hourston, Skelbister, SF ram lamb - By Muiresk Medallion, out of Roma Romatoswie.
1999 W. S. Sinclair, 25 John Street, TX gimmer* - By Haddo Concorde, out of homebred ewe sired by
Stromness Claircot Yokel (a previous County Show champion).
2000 Heidi Hourston, Skelbister, SF gimmer - By Muiresk Medallion.
2001 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 Robbie Rendall, Longhouse, TX gimmer - By Thinacres Grendale, out of Ettrick Drambuie.
2003 Sheena Coghill, Muce, Birsay 3yo CHL ewe* - -
2004 Jim Leitch, Feolquoy, Evie 6mo TX ewe lamb* - By Templand Impeccable, out of homebred ewe.
2005 A. & V. Copland, Overhouse, TX gimmer* - By Durrisdeer Instructor, out of homebred ewe by

Harray Cambwell Ferrari.
2006 Heidi Hourston, Skelbister, 5-crop SF ewe - By Muiresk Medallion, out of ewe by Romatoski
Orphir Roamer.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
Chapter 3


3.1 County Show Interbreed Prizes

3.1.1 County Show Supreme Champion 1980 − 2006

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1980 Mr W. G. Findlay, 10 Warren’s 3yo bay filly* Dot By Baron Volla; standard Hackney cross; 14.1 hh.
Walk, Kirkwall
1981 Mr W. G. Findlay, 10 Warren’s 4yo bay filly* Dotty
Walk, Kirkwall
1982 Mrs D. Wishart, Westquoy, 4yo filly* Westqouy Flower By TH stallion Unseen, out of Appaloosa x TH
Orphir mare Jessia.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1983 Mrs Rena Paterson, Veltigar, 1yo CD filly Highfield Maid
Tankerness Marion By Barnahill Ringleader, out of Dykes Heatherbell;
1984 Mrs Rena Paterson, Veltigar, 2yo CD filly Highfield Maid bought privately in Banff, June 1983; Champion at
Tankerness Marion 1985 East Mainland show.
1985 Mrs Rena Paterson, Veltigar, 3yo CD filly-in-foal Highfield Maid
Tankerness Marion
1986 Mrs Rena Paterson, Veltigar, 4yo CD yeld mare Highfield Maid
Tankerness Marion
1987 Mrs Rena Paterson, Veltigar, 5yo CD mare Highfield Maid
Tankerness Marion
1988 Mrs I. Scott, Roeberry Farm, 9yo mare Great Flare By Bunny Boy, out of Great Girl.
South Ronaldsay
1989 N. Robertson, Shorelands, 10yo broad mare Rosslyn Fairy Ring By Oakley Eleven Up, out of Mynyddback Fairy.
George St., Kirkwall
1990 E. Simpson, Weaverhall, 7yo Kontiki By Gainsborough Comet, out of Suzie.
1991 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 5yo SH yeld Fiona of Sebay By Wells Shergar, out Westpark Faith; champion at

1991 East Mainland.
1992 R. Manson, West Clumley, 1yo CD colt* West Clumley By Collissie Benedictine, out of Star Lady
Sandwick Daniel Margaret; champion at 1993 Dounby show.
1993 R. Manson, West Clumley, 2yo CD colt* West Clumley
Sandwick Daniel
1994 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 2yo Sh mare* Eileen of Sebay By Cullerne Edward, out of Ella of Bayview.
1995 E. Metcalf, Work Farm, St. Ola 9yo CD mare Mill Queen of By Ayton Perfection, out of Eskeckraggen Lady
Rothesay Jane; bought in June 1994 at Barnahill sale for top
price of 2600; won 11 championships all over
Scotland in 1992.
1996 E. A. & D. Leonard, Park 7yo TH x bay mare Millbrex Discovery -
Cottage, Berstane Road, Kirkwall
1997 Inga Scott, Braebuster, Deerness 6yo mare Kingsford Happy By Thornwood Royalist, out of Kingsford Blue
Mink; 14.2 hands.
1998 G. & E. Coltherd, Annfield, Holm 4yo CD yield mare Roughland M’Lady By Mollen Hillhead, out of Roughlands Queen of
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1999 J. & M. Slater, Millquoy, 10yo SH mare Stow Drummer By Wells Renown, out of Drum Video; bought in
Stenness Girl 1996 at Aberdeen sales; champion at 2002 Dounby
2000 Diane Walker, Brake House, 4yo x gelding* Hooch By Dutch Warm Blood Secundus, out of Taboo.
2001 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 J. & M. Slater, Millquoy, 14yo SH mare Stow Drummer By Wells Renown, out of Drum Video; bought in
Stenness Girl 1996 at Aberdeen sales; champion at 2002 Dounby
2003 J. & L. Cromarty, Roadside, 5yo SH yield mare Bayview First By Millhouse First Class, out of Linglass Suzie;
Toab Class champion at 2000(?) East Mainland show.
2004 D. Walker, Bracke House, 5yo gelding Badger By a Fresian stallion, out of an Irish mare;
Stenness champion at 2004 Dounby Show.
2005 J. & M. Slater, Millquoy, 3yo SH filly Millquoy -
Stenness Drummies Dawn
2006 P. Casey, Gaitnip Farm, St. Ola 4yo THx gelding Knight By Dault Prince, out of Queen of Cloone.

Part II

The Dounby Show 1936 − 2007

Figure 3.1: Holmeere Alastair, by Chapleton Everest, out of Glenisla Unaclipper; Champion Shorthorn Royal Show 2007,
Royal Highland Show 2007, Royal Welsh Show 2007, Great Yorkshire Show 2007, Dounby Show 2003-2004.
Chapter 4

Beef Cattle

4.1 Dounby Show Interbreed Prizes

4.1.1 Dounby Show Supreme Champion 1936 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1936 Robert Learmonth, Saither, AA cow* Eriney of Saither By Engineer of Bleaton.
1937 Robert Learmonth, Saither, AA cow - Not clear if this is the same animal as last year.
1938 James Flett, Kingshouse, Harray AA cow Annuity 33rd of By Dipsy Bonny Boy.
1939 James Flett, KIngshouse, Harray 2yo AA heifer* Annuity 3rd of By Pundit of Kingshouse.
1940 − 1944 No show due to war.
1945 John D. Clouston, Quatquoy, - - -
1946 John D. Clouston, Quatquoy, Cross polled cow in - -
Firth milk
1947 John D. Clouston, Quatquoy, Cross polled cow in - -
Firth milk
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1948 John D. Clouston, Quatquoy, Black cow - Supreme champion at 1948 County Show.
1949 John D. Clouston, Quatquoy, Black cross polled - Dam was supreme champion at 1948 Dounby Show.
Firth cow
1950 P. Davidson, Skaill, Sandwick 4yo SH bull Ascreavie White By Ascreavie Pusk, out of Calrossie Madge
Knight Ramsden; bought by Philorth herd at Perth for
1951 P. Davidson, Skaill, Sandwick 5yo SH bull Ascreavie White 800gns; bought by Skaill from Philorth; supreme
Knight champion at County Show 1950-1952.
1952 P. Davidson, Skaill, Sandwick 6yo SH bull Ascreavie White
1953 W. Ritch, Kierfiold, Sandwick 10yo blue-grey - -
polled cow
1954 Messrs Flett Bros, Kingshouse, 5yo SH cow Philorth Apple By Ascreavie White Knight, out of Philorth Orange
Harray Blossom Sunshine; dark roan; supreme champion at 1954
County Show.
1955 John D. Clouston, Quatquoy, 7yo cross polled - -
Firth black cow

1956 Messrs Flett Bros, Kingshouse, 6yo cross blue cow - Bred by Mr Chalmers, Brettlovale; bought as 2yo in
Harray in milk calf heifer.
1957 W. Ritch, Kierfiold, Sandwick 5yo cross cow in - Bred at Hurtiso, Rousay; supreme champion at
calf 1956 Rousay Show, and 1957 County Show.
1958 W. Ritch, Kierfiold, Sandwick 6yo cross cow -
1959 P. Davidson, Skaill, Sandwick 21mo AA bull - Bred by Geddes Barluak, Rothes.
1960 G. T. Wylie, Swartland, 5yo AA bull Jewbilant Eric of Bought in 1959 from Lindartes herd.
Sandwick Newhouse
1961 P. Davidson, Skaill, Sandwick 6yo cross polled - -
black cow in calf
1962 J. & A. Work, Queenamoan, 6yo SH bull Easter Lovat
By Lawton Kandy; bought in January 1962 from
Sandwick Brando
1963 J. & A. Work, Queenamoan, 7yo SH bull Easter Lovat
Sandwick Brando
1964 J. & A. Work, Queenamoan, 8yo SH bull Easter Lovat
Sandwick Brando
1965 R. Flett, Fidge, Twatt 5yo AA cow Esme of Durris Bred at Drumoak; bought by Mr Flett at Perth in
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1966 A. J. D. Spence, Cavan, Birsay 20mo SH bull Burton Concord By Beaufort Graduate; bought at Perth in
February 1965 for 520 gns; roan.
1967 E. Flett, Kingshouse, Harray 9yo AA bull Braw Jason of -
1968 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 6yo AA cow* - By Equerry of Threepwood, out of Erica cow.
1969 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 8yo AA bull* Jovial Eric of By Black Prince of Greenyards; supreme champion
Millhouse at 1969 County Show.
1970 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 9yo AA bull* Jovial Eric of
1971 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray AA heifer calf* - By Panda of Millhouse, out of homebred cow; dam
sired by Jovial Eric of Millhouse.
1972 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 3yo AA bull* Everstrike of By Jovial Eric of Millhouse, out of Emma of
Millhouse Millhouse; supreme champion at 1971 County
Show; sired bull sold for 9000gns at Perth.
1973 J. & E. Flett, Northbigging, 4yo cross-bred - -
Harray polled cow in calf
1974 I. Flett & Sons, Millhouse, 6yo AA bull Elcho of Millhouse
By Jovial Eric of Millhouse.

1975 I. Flett & Sons, Millhouse, 7yo AA bull Elcho of Millhouse
1976 R. Flett, Fidge, Twatt 6yo black polled Stella By Eurite of Inchoch, out of homebred cow; being
AAxSH cow in shown for the first time; supreme champion at 1977
milk* County Show.
1977 R. Flett, Fidge, Twatt 7yo blue polled - By Eurite of Inchoch; being shown for the first time.
cow in calf*
1978 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 5yo AA bull Elprovost of By Newhouse Proud Prince; bred by T. H. Brewis,
Sandwick Eastfield Eastfield; bought by Unigarth at Perth 1974 for
1979 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 6yo AA bull Elprovost of 1100gns; 1st in class at Perth.
Sandwick Eastfield
1980 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill Farm, 4yo AA bull Eranger of By Blackman of Greenval (Canadian bred); bought
Sandwick Buchaam privately in Aberdeen, early 1979 from Ogg of
1981 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill Farm, 5yo AA bull Eranger of Strathallan; supreme champion at 1979 & 1980
Sandwick Buchaam County Shows.
1982 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 7yo SH cow in calf* Cavans Waterloo By Newton Talisman, out of Cavans Waterloo
Farm, Birsay Laura Pansy.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1983 Messrs Davidson, Skaill & Messrs 3yo AA bull Black Game of By Ballybrennan Profit (Irish bred), out of
Sinclair, Unigarth Eastfield Blackbird of Southholm (Canadian bred); bought at
Perth in February 1982.
1984 M. C. Wood & Son, Garson, 5yo AA cow Wanerica of By Ashley Jubert Eric, out of Wanerica of
Sandwick Garson Haymount.
1985 Messrs Sinclair, Unigarth & 6yo AA bull G V Winton 44L By G V Canadian 7J, out of G V Pride 40J;
Messrs Wood, Garson canadian bred, imported into UK by Mr Charles
1986 Messrs Sinclair, Unigarth & 7yo AA bull G V Winton 44L Oag, bought by exhibitors at dispersal sale in 1983
Messrs Wood, Garson for 4500gns; champion AA at Royal Show in 1986;
1987 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay March 1986 - supreme
By champion
Bleslack 1985
Unique,atout of & 1986 County
Orkney bred AAShows.
CHxAA heifer
1988 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 3yo SH bull Glenisla Warlord By Balmyle Universe, out of Balmyle Genoa 4th;
Sandwick bought at Perth, February 1987 for 2600gns; reserve
1989 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 4yo SH bull Glenisla Warlord junior champion at Perth; supreme champion at
Sandwick 1988 County Show.
1990 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 6yo AA cow* Ethnic of Unigarth By G V Winton 44L, out of Etana of Unigarth; sire
Sandwick was supreme champion in 1985 & 1986.

1991 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 3yo AA cow Nicks Delia By DMM Esoteric, out of Tomil Delia; supreme
Sandwick champion at 1990 & 1991 County Shows.
1992 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 2yo AA heifer in Skaill Delia By Windover Justifier, out of Nicks Delia; reserve
Sandwick calf* best female AA at 1992 Royal Highland Show.
1993 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 3yo AA cow* Skaill Delia
1994 R. Cursiter & Son, Laga, Evie 9mo LMx stot* Sean Boy By LM bull Crownhead Gladstone, out of
homebred LMxHxF cow; supreme champion at
1994 County Show.
1995 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 5yo AA cow* Skaill Delilah By Windover Justifier, out of Nicks Delia.
1996 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 2yo AA heifer* Skaill Delia T2 By Rito 2100, out of Skaill Delia O2; dam was
Sandwick supreme champion in 1992, & 1993.
1997 R. J. Taylor, Brencherhouse, 2yo black LMx Black Velvet By Shatton Pedro, out of homebred BBxLM cow.
Birsay heifer*
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1998 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 5yo CH cow New Moan Iris By Balthayoak Dalesman, out of New Moan Emma;
bought from Jim Isbister, New Moan, Harray in
October 1997; supreme champion at 1997 County
1999 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 7yo LM cow Poplars Heidi By Galbinny Ethan, out of Cowbridge Beauty; bred
by Mrs R. Keeling, Poplars Farm, North
Stowmarket, Suffolk; bought at annual LM sale,
Carlisle, May 1999.
2000 R. Cursiter & Son, Laga, Evie 20mo LMx heifer* Laga’s By LM bull Crownhead Gladstone, out of
Thunderthighs homebred LMxHxF cow.
2001 No show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 R. J. Taylor, Brencherhouse, November 2001 Taylor’s Touch of By AI bull Ronick Hawk, out of homebred BBxLM
Birsay black LMx heifer* Class cow; supreme champion at 2002 County Show.
2003 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray January 2002 LMx Steph By Tanat Otter, out of LMx cow.
2004 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 1yo LMx heifer Evelyn By LM bull Ronick Hawk, out of LMxBB cow; bred
by G. & E. Wilson, Howequoy, Holm; bought at

Orkney Livestock Association’s bull and heifer sale.
2005 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 2yo black polled President’s By Hekra Norseman, out of BBx cow; champion
cross heifer in calf Princess calf at 2003 Dounby and County Shows.
2006 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 16mo CH heifer* Skaill Abbie By Nectragerc, out of Perche; supreme champion at
Sandwick 2006 County Show.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
4.1.2 Dounby Show Reserve Supreme Champion 1936 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1936 W. Ritch, Kierfiold, Sandwick AA bull - -
1937 R. Learmonth, Saither, Dounby AA cow - Dam of champion.
1938 R. Learmonth, Saither, Dounby AA cow - -
1939 Mr Ernest W. Flett, Smith’s, blue cross cow - -
1940 − 1944 No show due to war.
1945 G. Corrigal, West Ballarat, - - -
1946 R. Ritch & Son - - -
1947 Mrs. Spence, Schoolhouse, Birsay - - -
1948 J. D. Clouston, Quatquoy, Firth - - -
1949 J. Corrigal, Geroin, Harray 3yo cross stot - -
1950 W. Flett - - -
1951 J. D. Clouston, Quatquoy, Firth - - -

1952 Messrs Work, Queenamoan, SH cow - Previously best cow or heifer.
1953 Mr G. Corrigal, West Ballarat, 7yo polled cross - -
Harray cow
1954 J. D. Clouston, North Quatquoy, 4yo AAx cow - By AA bull, out of cross cow.
1955 Flett Bros., Kingshouse, Harray 6yo cross polled - Supreme champion in 1956.
1956 W. Flett, North Bigging, Harray Cross cow - -
1957 W. Flett, North Bigging, Harray Polled cow in calf* - -
1958 W. Flett, North Bigging, Harray 11yo black polled - By Black Barra of Kingshouse.
cross cow in calf*
1959 Flett Bros., Kingshouse, Harray 5yo cross cow - By a bull bred by Beaton, Mains of Glack; dam was
supreme champion in 1956.
1960 W. Ritch, Kierfiold, Sandwick 8yo blue-grey cross - Supreme champion in 1957 & 1958; supreme
polled cow champion at 1957 County Show.
1961 D. W. Sinclair, Unigarth, 2yo AA heifer - By Judd Eric of Cardyscraig.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1962 Flett Bros, Kingshouse, Harray 8yo cross cow in - By a Hampton Lucy bull.
1963 M. C. Wood, Garson, Sandwick 10yo black polled - Supreme champion at 1961 County Show.
cross cow
1964 R. Flett, Fidge, Twatt 4.5yo AA cow Esme of Durris Bred at Drumoak, bought at autumn sales in Perth,
1965 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 7yo blue-grey - -
polled cross cow in
1966 W. Learmonth, Saither, Dounby 2yo cross heifer* - By a Harviesoun bull.
1967 C. & S. Meadows, Gairsty, 1yo SH heifer - By Arbennie Hyperion; bred by A. J. D. Spence,
Marwick Cavan, Birsay; given by Mrs. Spence as a wedding
1968 M. C. Wood & Sons, Garson, 7yo blue-grey - -
Sandwick polled cow
1969 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray - - -
1970 E. J. Sinclair, Holland, Finstown 8yo SH bull Marden Best By Findowerie Alls Well, out of Marden

Broadhooks 22nd; bred by Sir Peter Greenwell,
Woodbridge, Suffolk; bought privately in February
1970 from John M. Sleigh, Tarves, Aberdeenshire;
former prize winner at Royal Highland.
1971 J. & E. Flett, Northbigging, 2yo blue heifer - -
1972 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 1yo AA bull* Arnot of Millhouse By Jovial Eric of Millhouse, out of Annuity of
1973 J. Traill Thomson, Garson, 4yo SH bull Woodhead By Denend Golden Miller, out of Woodhead Gold
Stromness Diamond Crocus; red roan.
1974 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay 6yo cow* - By Eclipse of Kingshouse.
1975 J. & E. Flett, Northbigging, 6yo SHxAA cow in - By SH bull, out of AA cow; supreme champion in
Harray calf* 1973.
1976 I. Flett & Sons, Millhouse, 4yo AA bull Elmore of By Everstrike of Millhouse; supreme champion at
Harray Millhouse 1974 County show; sire was supreme champion in
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1977 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill Farm, 4yo AA bull Jubilant Eric of By Esteem of Balechum; bought at Perth in 1974
Sandwick Derculich for 900gns; supreme champion at 1976 County
Show; 4th in class at 1977 Royal Highland.
1978 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay 5yo cow in milk* Mayflower By Eurite of Fidge.
1979 G. Argo, Kirbister, Birsay 5yo AA bull Prudant of Durrow By Justin 13th of Hillsgrove; bred in Ireland;
Abbey champion at Dublin show; bought at Perth for
3600gns; purchased by Mr Argo for 2000gns.
1980 V. R. Slater, Breck, Orphir 2yo SHx heifer in - By white SH bull.
1981 W. C. Merriman, Laithe, 7yo cow* - By North Devon bull, out of homebred cross cow;
Sandwick sire bought from Bemersyde, Melrose.
1982 M. C. Wood & Son, Garson, 5yo AAx cow in -
Same animal both years.
Sandwick milk*
1983 M. C. Wood & Son, Garson, 6yo AAx cow in -
Sandwick milk*
1984 W. C. Merriman, Laithe, 10yo cow in milk* - By North Devon bull, out of homebred cross cow;
Sandwick sire bought from Bemersyde, Melrose.

1985 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay 3yo AAx cow* Black Lady By CHx bull Ron, out of Orkney bred black cow.
1986 W. G. Kirkpatrick & Sons, 4yo AAx cow - By CHx bull Ron, out of Orkney bred black cow;
Newhall, Stromness bred by Boardhouse.
1987 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay 5yo AAx cow* Black Lady By CHx bull Ron, out of Orkney bred black cow.
1988 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay 2yo AAx heifer in - By Cairnmains Proud Laddie, out of AAx cow.
1989 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 15mo CHx heifer* - By CH bull, out of 5yo SMx cow.
1990 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 2yo CH bull Royston Democrat By Glenleary Attenhall.
1991 Garson Farms, Sandwick 4yo AA bull Larkspur Clipper By Harts Wild Turkey, out of Cerelie of Larkspur.
1992 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay 6yo cow* Black Magic By Proud Laddie of Cairnmains, out of AAx cow.
1993 S. & F. Nicolson, Stenaday, 2yo LM heifer in Mountrock Golden By Dali, out of Mountrock Bessie.
Harray calf
1994 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 4yo AA cow* Skaill Delia By Windover Justifier, out of Nicks Delia; supreme
Sandwick champion in 1995.
1995 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 5mo CHx stot* - By CH bull Barksore Englander, out of homebred
AAxLM cow.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1996 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 20mo LMx stot - By Muirwood Galaxy, out of AAxBB cow; bred by
Richard Zawadski, Balfour Mains, Shapinsay.
1997 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 2yo LM heifer in Holly Little Gem By Hartside Glen, out of Holly Topas.
1998 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 2yo AA bull* Padre of Unigarth By Windover of Haymount, out of Poppy N21 of
Sandwick Unigarth.
1999 T. Flett, Appietown, Rendall 18mo LMx heifer* Viking Lady By Skaill Impact, out of AA cow.
2000 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 7yo CH cow New Moan Iris By Balthayoak Dalesman, out of New Moan Emma;
bought from Jim Isbister, New Moan, Harray in
October 1997; supreme champion in 1998.
2001 No show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 8mo LMx calf Harray Topper By LM bull Tanat Otter, out of homebred LMx
2003 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 2yo AA bull* Skaill Express By Darling Cruz, out of Skaill Estella.
2004 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 5yo LMx cow* Lady Lou By LM bull Middledale Jeeves, out of homebred
CHx cow.

2005 G. & C. Flett, Leary, Birsay 10mo LM heifer Leary Velvet By Middledale Perfectionist, out of Leary Randy.
2006 Garson Farms, Garson, Sandwick 7mo BBx heifer - By BB bull Beesthorpe Thunderflash, out of LMx
calf* cow.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
4.1.3 Dounby Show Best Cow or Heifer 1970 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1970 ?
1971 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray AA heifer calf* - By Panda of Millhouse, out of homebred cow; dam
sired by Jovial Eric of Millhouse; supreme
champion in 1971.
1972 ?
1973 J. & E. Flett, Northbigging, 4yo cross-bred - -
Harray polled cow in calf
1974 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay 6yo cow* - By Eclipse of Kingshouse.
1975 J. & E. Flett, Northbigging, 6yo SHxAA cow in - By SH bull, out of AA cow; supreme champion in
Harray calf* 1973.
1976 R. Flett, Fidge, Twatt 6yo black polled Stella By Eurite of Inchoch, out of homebred cow; being
AAxSH cow in shown for the first time; supreme champion 1976.
1977 R. Flett, Fidge, Twatt 7yo blue polled - By Eurite of Inchoch; being shown for the first
cow in calf* time; supreme champion in 1977.

1978 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay 5yo cow in milk* Mayflower By Eurite of Fidge.
1979 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt
Farm, Birsay ?
1980 V. R. Slater, Breck, Orphir 2yo SHx heifer in - By white SH bull.
1981 W. C. Merriman, Laithe, 7yo cow* - By North Devon bull, out of homebred cross cow;
Sandwick sire bought from Bemersyde, Melrose.
1982 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 7yo SH cow in calf* Cavans Waterloo By Newton Talisman, out of Cavans Waterloo
Farm, Birsay Laura Pansy; supreme champion in 1982.
1983 M. C. Wood & Son, Garson, 6yo AAx cow in - -
Sandwick milk*
1984 M. C. Wood & Son, Garson, 5yo AA cow Wanerica of By Ashley Jubert Eric, out of Wanerica of
Sandwick Garson Haymount; supreme champion in 1984.
1985 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay 3yo AAx cow* Black Lady By CHx bull Ron, out of Orkney bred black cow.
1986 W. G. Kirkpatrick & Sons, 4yo AAx cow - By CHx bull Ron, out of Orkney bred black cow;
Newhall, Stromness bred by Boardhouse.
1987 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay March 1986 - By Bleslack Unique, out of Orkney bred AA cow;
CHxAA heifer supreme champion in 1987.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1988 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay 2yo AAx heifer in - By Cairnmains Proud Laddie, out of AAx cow.
1989 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 15mo CHx heifer* - By CH bull, out of 5yo SMx cow.
1990 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 6yo AA cow* Ethnic of Unigarth By G V Winton 44L, out of Etana of Unigarth; sire
Sandwick was supreme champion in 1985 & 1986; supreme
champion in 1990.
1991 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 3yo AA cow Nicks Delia By DMM Esoteric, out of Tomil Delia; supreme
Sandwick champion in 1991.
1992 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 2yo AA heifer in Skaill Delia By Windover Justifier, out of Nicks Delia; reserve
Sandwick calf* best female AA at 1992 Royal Highland Show;
supreme champion in 1992 & 1993.
1993 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 3yo AA cow* Skaill Delia
1994 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 4yo cow* Skaill Delia
1995 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 5yo AA cow* Skaill Delilah By Windover Justifier, out of Nicks Delia; supreme
Sandwick champion in 1994.

1996 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 2yo AA heifer* Skaill Delia T2 By Rito 2100, out of Skaill Delia O2; dam was
Sandwick supreme champion in 1992, & 1993; supreme
champion in 1995.
1997 R. J. Taylor, Brencherhouse, 2yo black LMx Black Velvet By Shatton Pedro, out of homebred BBxLM cow;
Birsay heifer* supreme champion in 1996.
1998 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 5yo CH cow New Moan Iris By Balthayoak Dalesman, out of New Moan Emma;
bought from Jim Isbister, New Moan, Harray in
October 1997; supreme champion in 1997.
1999 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 7yo LM cow Poplars Heidi By Galbinny Ethan, out of Cowbridge Beauty; bred
by Mrs R. Keeling, Poplars Farm, North
Stowmarket, Suffolk; bought at annual LM sale,
Carlisle, May 1999; supreme champion in 1999.
2000 R. Cursiter & Son, Laga, Evie 20mo LMx heifer* Laga’s By LM bull Crownhead Gladstone, out of homebred
Thunderthighs LMxHxF cow; supreme champion in 2000.
2001 No show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 R. J. Taylor, Brencherhouse, November 2001 Taylor’s Touch of By AI bull Ronick Hawk, out of homebred BBxLM
Birsay black LMx heifer* Class cow; supreme champion at 2002 County Show;
supreme champion in 2002.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
2003 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray January 2002 LMx Steph By Tanat Otter, out of LMx cow; supreme
heifer* champion in 2003.
2004 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 1yo LMx heifer Evelyn By LM bull Ronick Hawk, out of LMxBB cow; bred
by G. & E. Wilson, Howequoy, Holm; bought at
Orkney Livestock Association’s bull and heifer sale.
2005 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 2yo black polled President’s Supreme champion at 2005 Dounby Show.
cross heifer in calf Princess
2006 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 16mo CH heifer* Skaill Abbie By Nectragerc, out of Perche; supreme champion,
Sandwick 2006.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.

4.1.4 Dounby Show Best Bull in Yard 1970 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1970 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 9yo AA* Jovial Eric of By Black Prince of Greenyards; supreme champion
Millhouse at 1969 County Show.
1971 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 2yo AA* Everstrike of By Jovial Eric of Millhouse, out of Emma of
Millhouse Millhouse; supreme champion at 1971 County
Show; sired bull sold for 9000gns at Perth.
1972∗ T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 1yo AA* Arnot of Millhouse By Jovial Eric of Millhouse, out of Annuity of
1973 J. Traill Thomson, Garson, 4yo SH Woodhead By Denend Golden Miller, out of Woodhead Gold
Stromness Diamond Crocus; red roan.
1974 I. Flett & Sons, Millhouse, 6yo AA Elcho of Millhouse By Jovial Eric of Millhouse.
1975∗ S. & P. Davidson, Skaill Farm, 5yo SH Penan Mormond By Penan King’s Coronet; bred by Watt Taylor,
Sandwick Fraserburgh; roan.
1976 I. Flett & Sons, Millhouse, 4yo AA Elmore of By Everstrike of Millhouse; supreme champion at
Harray Millhouse 1974 County show; sire was supreme champion in

1977 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill Farm, 4yo AA Jubilant Eric of By Esteem of Balechum; bought at Perth in 1974
Sandwick Derculich for 900gns; supreme champion at 1976 County
Show; 4th in class at 1977 Royal Highland.
1978 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 5yo AA Elprovost of By Newhouse Proud Prince; bred by T. H. Brewis,
Sandwick Eastfield Eastfield; bought by Unigarth at Perth 1974 for
1100gns; 1st in class at Perth.
1979∗ G. Argo, Kirbister, Birsay 5yo AA Prudant of Durrow By Justin 13th of Hillsgrove; bred in Ireland;
Abbey champion at Dublin show; bought at Perth for
3600gns; purchased by Mr Argo for 2000gns.
1980 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill Farm, 4yo AA Eranger of By Blackman of Greenval (Canadian bred); bought
Sandwick Buchaam privately in Aberdeen, early 1979 from Ogg of
Strathallan; supreme champion at 1979 & 1980
County Shows.
1981∗ R. J. & J. L. Gaudie, 5yo HF Craebreck Boxer By Free Town Baldwin; bred at Craebreck, Holm.
Netherskaill, Birsay
1982 I. Flett & Sons, Millhouse, 6yo AA Ashley Jewdict By Eroco Bankhead; bought at Perth 1978; 1st in
Harray Eric class at Perth.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1983 Messrs Davidson, Skaill & Messrs 3yo AA Black Game of By Ballybrennan Profit (Irish bred), out of
Sinclair, Unigarth Eastfield Blackbird of Southholm (Canadian bred); bought at
Perth in February 1982.
1984 I. Flett & Sons, Millhouse, 6yo AA Electrify of By Rivercrest Eston, out of Ethmaree; won
Harray Eastfield championship prizes at 1983 Surrey & S. England
show; bought at Perth October 1983.
1985 Messrs Sinclair, Unigarth & 6yo AA G V Winton 44L By G V Canadian 7J, out of G V Pride 40J;
Messrs Wood, Garson canadian bred, imported into UK by Mr Charles
Oag, bought by exhibitors at dispersal sale in 1983
for 4500gns; champion AA at Royal Show in 1986;
supreme champion at 1985 & 1986 County Shows.
1986∗ W. G. Kirkpatrick & Sons, CH Ballieston Universe By Wincote Jasper, out of Sway Ninette; bred by
Newhall, Stromness W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab; sire was supreme
champion at 1978 & 1982 County Show.
1987 I. Craigie & Co, Hall of Clestrain 4yo SH Woodhead Wallace By Newton Timothy, out of Woodhead Fair
Clipper; bought at Perth in 1985.
1988 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 3yo SH Glenisla Warlord By Balmyle Universe, out of Balmyle Genoa 4th;

Sandwick bought at Perth, February 1987 for 2600gns; reserve
junior champion at Perth; supreme champion at
1988 County Show.
1989∗ Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 15mo AA* Emperor of Skaill By AA/AA Willyboy, out of Erora of Skaill;
Sandwick supreme champion at 1989 County show.
1990 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 2yo CH Royston Democrat By Glenleary Attenhall.
1991 Garson Farms, Sandwick 4yo AA Larkspur Clipper By Harts Wild Turkey, out of Cerelie of Larkspur.
1992 J. & N. Isbister, New Moan, 3yo CH Balthayack By Bowerhouse Topper, out of Balthayack Natalia.
Harray Dalesman
1993 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 3yo SH Balmyle Dynamo By Balmyle Action, out of Balmyle Kernel 3rd;
Farm, Birsay bought as calf at foot at Balmyle dispersal sale in
1994 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 1yo LM* Skaill Impact By Bandside Viscount, out of Hampton Duchess.
1995 D. S. Easton, Quoyhalen, 7yo LG Dirnanean By Benhar Knight, out of Dirnanean Anna.
Quoyloo Monarch
1996 Garson Farms, Sandwick 3yo CH* Garson Impression By Brampton Ace, out of Gredington Francesca.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1997 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 8yo AA Heathlands Buzz By Windover Justifier, out of Heathlands Buzz
Farm, Birsay Marty Melody; supreme champion at 1993 East Mainland
show; bought from S. Harcus, Quanterness in 1995.
1998 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 2yo AA* Padre of Unigarth By Windover of Haymount, out of Poppy N21 of
Sandwick Unigarth.
1999 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, AA calf - -
2000 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 3yo SH Chapleton By Tofts Romany, out of Chapleton Broadhooks
Farm, Birsay Masterkey H1; bought at Perth February 1999 for joint top
price of 3500gns.
2001 No show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 1yo AA* Skaill Domino By Nightingale Regent, out of Skaill Diana U8;
Sandwick born April 2001; 4 full brothers sold for 10,000gns,
7,000gns, 5,000gns, and 4,000gns.
2003 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 2yo AA* Skaill Express By Darling Cruz, out of Skaill Estella.
2004 J. C. Budge & Co., Burness, 3 21 yo SH Holmeere Alistair By Chapleton Everest, out of Glenisla Uniclipper.

2005 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, Continental breed.
2006 L. Spence, Spengar, Sandwick CH bull - -
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
4.2 Dounby Show Shorthorn Champion 1955 − 2007
Prior to 1955 there was no prize awarded for being champion shorthorn.

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1955 Messrs Flett Bros, Kingshouse, - - -
1956 Messrs Flett Bros, Kingshouse, 7yo cow Appleblossom By Ashcreavie White Knight; it is not clear if this
Harray is the same animal that was supreme champion in
1957 J. G. Garrioch, Breckan, Evie 1yo heifer* - By Calrossie Claymore; white.
1958 J. G. Garrioch, Breckan, Evie 2yo heifer - It is not clear if this is the same animal as last year.
1959 A. J. D. Spence, Cavan, Birsay 9yo cow - -
1960 J. W. Allan, Leafea, Stromness 4yo cow in calf Strathton By Phopacy Lawson; dam sired by Chapleton
Nonpareil Gladys Benefactor.
1961 P. Davidson, Skaill, Sandwick 4yo bull Banchory Peerless Bought at sales in Aberdeen October 1960.
1962 J. & A. Work, Queenamoan, 6yo bull Easter Lovat
By Lawton Kandy; bought in January 1962 from
Sandwick Brando
Caithness; supreme champion 1962-1964.

1963 J. & A. Work, Queenamoan, 7yo bull Easter Lovat
Sandwick Brando
1964 J. & A. Work, Queenamoan, 8yo bull Easter Lovat
Sandwick Brando
1965 A. J. D. Spence, Cavan, Birsay 7yo cow Waterloo Primrose By Westdrum Pablo.
1966 A. J. D. Spence, Cavan, Birsay 20mo bull Burnton Concord By Beaufort Graduate; bought at Perth in February
1965 for 520 gns; roan; supreme champion in 1966.
1967 C. & S. Meadows, Gairsty, 1yo heifer - By Ardbennie Hyperion; bred by A. J. D. Spence,
Marwick Cavan, Birsay and given by her as a wedding
1968 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt Bull calf* - By Burnton Concord, out of Cavans Waterloo
Farm, Birsay Primula.
1969 A. J. D. Spence, Cavan, Birsay 6yo cow* Cavans Princess By Burnton Skybolt.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1970 E. J. Sinclair, Holland, Finstown 8yo bull Marden Best By Findowerie Alls Well, out of Marden
Broadhooks 22nd; bred by Sir Peter Greenwell,
Woodbridge, Suffolk; bought privately in February
1970 from John M. Sleigh, Tarves, Aberdeenshire;
former prize winner at Royal Highland.
1971 A. K. Work, Queenamoan, 6yo cow* Queenamoan By Easter Lovat Brando.
Sandwick Augusta Arlene
1972 J. Work, Easthouse, Dounby 1yo heifer* - By Queenamoan Broadstairs; white.
1973 J. Traill Thomson, Garson, 4yo bull Woodhead By Denend Golden Miller, out of Woodhead Gold
Stromness Diamond Crocus; red roan.
1974 J. Traill Thomson, Garson, 5yo bull Woodhead
Stromness Diamond
1975 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill Farm, 5yo bull Penan Mormond By Penan King’s Coronet; bred by Watt Taylor,
Sandwick Fraserburgh; roan.
1976 A. K. Work, Queenamoan, 9yo cow* Queenamoan
By Ardbennie Hyperion.
Sandwick Brawith Bessie
1977 A. K. Work, Queenamoan, 10yo cow* Queenamoan

Sandwick Brawith Bessie
1978 L. Muir, Summerdale, Stenness 3yo cow Allander Princess By Chapleton Pathfinder; bought at Perth in
Royal October 1977 for 280gns.
1979 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 4yo cow in calf* Cavans Waterloo By Newton Talisman, out of Cavans Waterloo
Farm, Birsay Laura Pansy; supreme champion in 1982.
1980 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 5yo cow in calf* Cavans Waterloo
Farm, Birsay Laura
1981 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 1yo heifer* Cavans Waterloo By Mandalong Super Elephant, out of Cavans
Farm, Birsay Lavender Waterloo Laura.
1982 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 7yo cow* Cavans Waterloo
By Newton Talisman, out of Cavans Waterloo
Farm, Birsay Laura
Pansy; supreme champion in 1982.
1983 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 8yo cow in milk* Cavans Waterloo
Farm, Birsay Laura
1984 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 9yo cow* Cavans Waterloo
Farm, Birsay Laura
1985 L. Wilson & Co, Quoynamoan, 5yo bull Uppermill Rugby By Kiwi Commandant, out of Rapture.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1986 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 9yo cow in calf* Cavans Waterloo By Webollabolla Royal Commission, out of Cavans
Farm, Birsay Jubilee Waterloo Petal.
1987 I. Craigie & Co, Hall of Clestrain 4yo bull Woodhead Wallace By Newton Timothy, out of Woodhead Fair
Clipper; bought at Perth in 1985.
1988 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 3yo bull Glenisla Warlord By Balmyle Universe, out of Balmyle Genoa 4th;
Sandwick reserve junior champion at Perth February 1987,
1989 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 4yo bull Glenisla Warlord bought for 2600gns; supreme champion in 1988 and
Sandwick 1989.
1990 Messrs Scarth, Twatt & Wylie, 4yo bull Balmyle Zephyr By Balmyle Scorpio, out of Balmyle Tessa 5th;
Sandwick reserve champion at Perth in 1988, bought for 2800
1991 Messrs Scarth, Twatt & Wylie, 5yo bull Balmyle Zephyr gns.
1992 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 9yo cow in milk Balmyle Kernel 3rd By Balmyle Scorpio, out of Balmyle Kernel; bought
Farm, Birsay at Balmyle dispersal sale in 1990.
1993 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 10yo cow in milk Balmyle Kernel 3rd
Farm, Birsay
1994 R. Sabiston, Lighthouse, Firth 6yo bull Cornquoy Rob Roy By Balmyle Warpath, out of Rothes Janet; bred by

J. & J. Smith, Cornquoy, Holm.
1995 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 6yo cow* Cavans Princess By Balmyle Zephyr, out of Cavans Princess
Farm, Birsay Clarrisa Annette.
1996 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 7yo cow* Cavans Princess
Farm, Birsay Clarrisa
1997 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 8yo cow* Midhouse Hannah
By Glenisla Warlord, out of Ardbennie Hosanna.
1998 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 9yo cow* Midhouse Hannah
1999 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 2 12 yo bull Chapelton By Tofts Romany, out of Chapelton Broadhooks
Farm, Birsay Masterkey H1; bought at Perth February 1999 for joint top
price of 3500gns.
2000 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 4yo cow in milk* Cavans Waterloo By Balmyle Dynamo, out of Cavans Waterloo
Farm, Birsay Linda Clover.
2001 No show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 4yo cow in milk* Cavans Waterloo By Balmyle Dynamo, out of Cavans Waterloo
Farm, Birsay Norma Clover.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
2003 J. C. Budge & Co, Burnhouse, 2 12 yo bull Holmeere Alastair By Chapleton Everest, out of Glenisla Unaclipper;
Longhope bought at Perth February 2003 from Wells Farm,
2004 J. C. Budge & Co, Burnhouse, 3 12 yo bull Holmeere Alastair Wolverhampton. First entry from the isles.
Longhope Champion Shorthorn Royal Show 2007, and Royal
2005 G. R. T. Scarth & Co., Twatt 2yo bull* Cavans Winston Highland
By Show
Glenisla Rannoch,
2007. out of Cavans Waterloo
Farm, Birsay Magic.
2006 G. R. T. Scarth & Co., Twatt 17mo bull* Cavans Boeing By Glenisla Rannoch, out of Cavans Waterloo
Farm, Birsay Y747 Snowdrop S241.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.

4.3 Dounby Show Aberdeen Angus Champion 1955 − 2007
Prior to 1955 there was no prize awarded for being champion Aberdeen Angus.

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1955 P. Davidson, Skaill, Sandwick 2yo bull - -
1956 W. Ritch, Kierfiold, Sandwick bull - -
1957 Flett Bros, Kingshouse, Harray cow or heifer - -
1958 P. Davidson, Skaill, Sandwick 9yo bull - By Baltimore Tilleyrie.
1959 P. Davidson, Skaill, Sandwick 21mo bull - Bred by Geddes Barluak, Rothes; supreme
champion in 1959.
1960 G. T. Wylie, Swartland, 5yo bull Newhouse Bought at Perth in Feb 1960 for 500gns; previously
Sandwick Jewbilant Eric stock bull at Lindertis herd; supreme champion in
1961 P. Davidson, Skaill, Sandwick ? - - Report is unclear and self-contradictory.
1962 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 7yo cow Erica 9th of By Perimore of Leys Castle.
1963 R. Flett, Fidge, Twatt 5yo bull Elvimit of Bought from J. Allan, Leafea, Stromness in early

Kinermony 1963.
1964 R. Flett, Fidge, Twatt 4.5yo coe Esme of Durris Bred at Drumoak; bought at Perth in October
1963; supreme champion in 1965.
1965 R. Flett, Fidge, Twatt 5yo cow Esme of Durris
1966 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 4yo cow in calf* Millhouse Emma By Equiby of Threepwood.
1967 E. Flett, Kingshouse, Harray 9yo bull Braw Jason of -
1968 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 6yo cow* - By Equerry of Threepwood, out of Erica cow;
supreme champion in 1967.
1969 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 8yo bull* Jovial Eric of By Black Prince of Greenyards; supreme champion
Millhouse 1969-70.
1970 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 9yo bull* Jovial Eric of
1971 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray heifer calf* - By Panda of Millhouse, out of homebred cow; dam
sired by Jovial Eric of Millhouse; supreme
champion in 1971.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1972 T. S. Flett, Millhouse, Harray 3yo bull* Everstrike of By Jovial Eric of Millhouse, out of Emma of
Millhouse Millhouse; supreme champion in 1972; sired bull
sold for 9000gns at Perth.
1973 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 4yo cow* Beva Maid of By Evril of Unigarth.
Sandwick Unigarth
1974 I. Flett & Sons, Millhouse, 6yo bull Elcho of Millhouse By Jovial Eric of Millhouse; supreme champion in
Harray 1974 & 1975.
1975 I. Flett & Sons, Millhouse, 7yo bull Elcho of Millhouse
1976 I. Flett & Sons, Millhouse, 4yo bull Elmore of By Everstrike of Millhouse; supreme champion at
Harray Millhouse 1974 County show; sire was supreme champion in
1977 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill Farm, 4yo bull Jubilant Eric of By Esteem of Balechum; bought at Perth in 1974
Sandwick Derculich for 900gns; supreme champion at 1976 County
Show; 4th in class at 1977 Royal Highland.
1978 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 5yo bull Elprovost of By Newhouse Proud Prince; bred by T. H. Brewis,
Sandwick Eastfield Eastfield; bought by Unigarth at Perth in 1974 for

1979 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 6yo bull Elprovost of 1100gns; 1st in class at Perth; supreme champion in
Sandwick Eastfield 1978 & 1979.
1980 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill Farm, 3yo bull Eranger of By Blackman of Greenval (Canadian bred); bought
Sandwick Buchaam privately in Aberdeen, early 1979 from Ogg of
1981 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill Farm, 5yo bull Eranger of Strathallan; supreme champion in 1980 & 1981.
Sandwick Buchaam
1982 M. C. Wood & Son, Garson, 3yo cow in milk* Wanerica of By Ashley Jubert Eric, out of Wanerica of
Sandwick Garson Haymount.
1983 Messrs Davidson, Skaill & Messrs 3yo bull Black Game of By Ballybrennan Profit (Irish bred), out of
Sinclair, Unigarth Eastfield Blackbird of Southholm (Canadian bred); bought at
Perth in February 1982; supreme champion in 1983.
1984 M. C. Wood & Son, Garson, 5yo cow Wanerica of By Ashley Jubert Eric, out of Wanerica of
Sandwick Garson Haymount; supreme champion in 1984.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1985 Messrs Sinclair, Unigarth & 6yo bull G V Winton 44L By G V Canadian 7J, out of G V Pride 40J;
Messrs Wood, Garson canadian bred, imported into UK by Mr Charles
1986 Messrs Sinclair, Unigarth & 7yo bull G V Winton 44L Oag, bought by exhibitors at dispersal sale in 1983
Messrs Wood, Garson for 4500gns; champion AA at Royal Show in 1986;
1987 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 10mo calf* Poppy K2 of supreme
By champion
Bar Leroy of Cubbiehill, 1986.
in 1985 &out of Poppy of
Sandwick Unigarth Unigarth.
1988 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 1yo heifer - -
1989 W. C. Merriman, Laithe, 8yo cow Portrait of By Ballyshannon Justain 3rd, out of Portrice of
Sandwick Westdrums Westdrums; bought as a calf with mother.
1990 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 6yo cow* Ethnic of Unigarth By G V Winton 44L, out of Etana of Unigarth;
Sandwick supreme champion in 1990.
1991 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 3yo cow Nicks Delia By DMM Esoteric, out of Tomil Delia; supreme
Sandwick champion in 1991.
1992 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 2yo heifer in calf* Skaill Delia By Windover Justifier, out of Nicks Delia; reserve
Sandwick best female AA at 1992 Royal Highland; supreme
1993 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 3yo cow* Skaill Delia champion in 1992 & 1993.

1994 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 4yo cow* Skaill Delia
1995 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 5yo cow* Skaill Delilah By Windover Justifier, out of Nicks Delia; supreme
Sandwick champion in 1995.
1996 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 2yo heifer* Skaill Delia T2 By Rito 2100, out of Skaill Delia O2; dam was
Sandwick supreme champion in 1992 & 1993.
1997 G. R. T. Scarth & Co, Twatt 8yo bull Heathlands Buzz By Windover Justifier, out of Heathlands Buzz
Farm, Birsay Marty Melody; supreme champion at 1993 East Mainland
show; bought from S. Harcus, Quanterness in 1995.
1998 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 2yo bull* Padre of Unigarth By Windover of Haymount, out of Poppy N21 of
Sandwick Unigarth.
1999 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 1yo heifer* Skaill Diana By Edinburgh of The Moss, out of Skaill Diana R4;
Sandwick supreme champion at 1999 County show.
2000 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 1yo bull* Skaill Dividend By Baron of Unigarth, out of Skaill Delilah B6.
2001 No show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
2002 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 1yo bull* Skaill Domino By Nightingale Regent, out of Skaill Diana U8;
Sandwick born April 2001; 4 full brothers sold for 10,000gns,
7,000gns, 5,000gns, and 4,000gns.
2003 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 2yo bull* Skaill Express By Darling Cruz, out of Skaill Estella.
2004 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 6yo cow in milk* Skaill Diana W17 By Rito 2100, out of Skaill Diana.
2005 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, 2yo heifer* Skaill Diana By Skaill Express, out of Skall Diana.
2006 B. & S. Slater, Newbigging, 3yo cow Castle of Mey By Craven Pin Tar, out of Castle of Mey Princess
Dounby Princess 30th.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.

4.4 Dounby Show Hereford Champion 1971 − 2007
Herefords have been shown infrequently at the Dounby Show. The table below contains entries only for those years where there were
Herefords at the show.

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1971 W. G. Firth, Feawell, Stromness 2yo bull Carseland Resolve Bought at Edinburgh in March 1971.
1972 R. E. Scott, Biggings, Rendall 6yo bull Medick Archduke Bought at Edinburgh in February 1968.
1973 J. R. Heddle, Westfield, 3yo bull Dunure Obo By Flaval Bogle; bought at Edinburgh in 1971.
1974 R. E. Scott, Biggings, Rendall 8yo cow Avon Jessica -
1976 J. R. Heddle, Westfield, 6yo bull Dunure Obo By Haven Bogle; bought at Edinburgh in 1971.
1977 R. E. Scott, Biggings, Rendall 2yo bull Castleton Kipling Bought at Edinburgh in 1977 for 1800gns.
1978 J. J. Wishart, Newbigging, bull - -
1979 J. J. Wishart, Newbigging, bull - Not clear if this is the same animal as last year.

1980 M. C. Wood & Co, Pow, 7yo bull Solpoll I Highlight By BC I Julianna; bought at Edinburgh in 1976 for
Sandwick 1000gns; Irish bred.
1981 R. J. & J. L. Gaudie, 5yo bull Craebreck Boxer
By Free Town Baldwin; bred at Craebreck, Holm.
Netherskaill, Birsay
1982 R. J. & J. L. Gaudie, 6yo bull Craebreck Boxer
Netherskaill, Birsay
1984 D. & I. Rendall, Smoogroo, Dec 1983 bull calf* Smoogroo Apollo
By Withington Hero, out of Kirklands Gambia S22.
1985 D. & I. Rendall, Smoogroo, 1yo bull* Smoogroo Apollo
1986 R. Sabiston, Lighthouse, Firth 6yo bull Winterwell By Little Tarrington Elect, out of Winterwell I
Rambler Oyster.
1987 R. Sabiston, Lighthouse, Firth bull Pen-y-parc By Solpoll Pioneer, out of Pen-y-Parc Spark;
Sprocket bought at Perth in 1986.
1989 R. Sabiston, Lighthouse, Firth bull - -
1990 R. Sabiston, Lighthouse, Firth bull - -
1991 R. Sabiston, Lighthouse, Firth bull - -
1992 R. Sabiston, Lighthouse, Firth bull - -
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
2005 R. Sabiston, Lighthouse, Firth 2yo bull Blawearie Winston By Glenlees Storm, out of Romany 1 Plum.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.

4.5 Dounby Show Native Breeds Champion 1991 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1991 D. S. Easton, Quoyhalen, 3yo LG bull Dirnanean By Benhar Knight, out of Dirnanean Anna.
Quoyloo Monarch
1992 D. S. Easton, Quoyhalen, - - -
1993 D. S. Easton, Quoyhalen, 7yo LG cow* Scarwell Kirsti By Luing Leo, out of Luing Bardrishaig.
1994 D. S. Easton, Quoyhalen, 6yo LG bull Dirnanean
By Benhar Knight, out of Dirnanean Anna.
Quoyloo Monarch
1995 D. S. Easton, Quoyhalen, 7yo LG bull Dirnanean
Quoyloo Monarch
1996 D. S. Easton, Quoyhalen, 9yo LG cow Benhar Countess By Dirnanean Hardcastle, out of Benhar Countess
Quoyloo 8th.
1997 D. S. Easton, Quoyhalen, 2yo LG bull* Scarwell Wanderer By Dirnanean Monarch, out of Luing Bardrishaig.

1998 D. S. Easton, Quoyhalen, 5yo LG cow Benhar Blossom 94 By Benhar Power, out of Benhar Blossom 64.
1999 D. S. Easton, Quoyhalen, LG March bull Scarwell Adonis
By Dirnanean Monarch, out of Benhar Blossom 94.
Quoyloo calf*
2000 D. S. Easton, Quoyhalen, 1yo LG bull* Scarwell Adonis
2001 No show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 D. S. Easton, Quoyhalen, 2yo LG bull Monzie Breeze By Luing Export, out of Monzie 18th.
2003 D. S. Easton, Quoyhalen, 4yo LG bull* Scarwell Adonis
By Dirnanean Monarch, out of Benhar Blossom 94.
2004 D. S. Easton, Quoyhalen, 5yo LG bull* Scarwell Adonis
2005 R. Sabiston, Lighthouse Farm, 2yo HF bull* Blawearie Winston By Glenlees Storm, out of Romany 1 Plum.
2006 D. S. Easton, Quoyhalen, 8mo LG bull calf* Scarwell Gyren By Monzie Breeze, out of Westwater Bardnasheig.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
4.6 Dounby Show Pure-bred Continental Champion 1982 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1982 S. Bain & Co, Quoyholmslie, 4yo CH bull - Bought at Perth.
1983 No entries forward.
1984 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay CH calf Hekra Vera By Tottenhall Hublo, out of Acton Oenone; born
1985 J. & S. Hay, East Howe, Birsay CH bull Blelack Unique By Fairweather Robspier, out of Blelack cow.
1986 W. G. Kirkpatrick & Sons, CH bull Ballieston Universe By Wincote Jasper, out of Sway Ninette; bred by
Newhall, Stromness W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab; sire was supreme
champion at 1978 & 1982 County Show.
1987 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 3yo CH cow Cirrus Vanda By Scottish Mercury; bought at Perth in February
1988 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay CH heifer in calf Hekra Buanco By Bowerhouse Topper, out of Mornview Tamar.
1989 Messrs Davidson, Skaill Farm, - - -

1990 D. W. Sinclair & Co, Unigarth, 2yo CH bull Royston Democrat By Glenleary Attenhall.
1991 J. & N. Isbister, New Moan, CH heifer calf* New Moan Goldie By Balthalock Dalesman, out of Brampton Victoria.
1992 I. R. Scott, Howe, Harray 8yo SM cow in calf Hockenhull Pauline Bought at Perth.
1993 S. & F. Nicolson, Stenaday, 2yo LM heifer in Mountrock Golden
By Dali, out of Mountrock Bessie.
Harray calf
1994 S. & F. Nicolson, Stenaday, 3yo LM cow Mountrock Golden
1995 Garson Farms, Sandwick 2yo CH heifer in Garson Isla By Brampton Consort, out of Gredington Caniche.
1996 Garson Farms, Sandwick 3yo CH bull* Garson Impression By Brampton Ace, out of Gredington Francesca.
1997 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 2yo LM heifer in Holly Little Gem By Hartside Glen, out of Holly Topas.
1998 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 5yo CH cow New Moan Iris By Balthayoak Dalesman, out of New Moan Emma;
bought from Jim Isbister, New Moan, Harray in
October 1997; supreme champion in 1998.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1999 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 7yo LM cow Poplars Heidi By Galbinny Ethan, out of Cowbridge Beauty; bred
by Mrs R. Keeling, Poplars Farm, North
Stowmarket, Suffolk; bought at annual LM sale,
Carlisle, May 1999; supreme champion in 1999.
2000 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 7yo CH cow New Moan Iris By Balthayoak Dalesman, out of New Moan Emma;
bought from Jim Isbister, New Moan, Harray in
October 1997; supreme champion in 1998.
2001 No show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 L. Spence, Spengar, Sandwick 1yo CH bull* Spengar Sambhar By Brampton Four-Star, out of Mortimer’s Lauren;
born April 2001.
2003 Garson Farms, Sandwick 1yo CH heifer Airdlin Treasure By Airdlin Ploughman, out of Maerdy Limpet;
bought at Perth February 2003.
2004 R. J. Taylor, Brencherhouse, 3 12 yo LM cow Elrick Saffron By Rydale Paragon, out of an Elrick cow; bre by
Birsay Michael Massie.
2005 G. & C. Flett, Leary, Birsay 10mo LM heifer Leary Velvet By Middledale Perfectionist, out of Leary Randy.
2006 Messrs Davidson, Skaill, 16mo CH heifer* Skaill Abbie By Nectragerc, out of Perche; supreme champion,

Sandwick 2006.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
4.7 Dounby Show Black or Polled Cross Cattle Champion 1970 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1970 E. Flett, Kingshouse, Harray 4yo cow* - By Enchanter of Littleban.
1971 J. & E. Flett, Northbigging, 2yo blue heifer - -
1972 W. C. Merriman, Laithe, 8yo cow - By Nerwell of Olrig.
1973 J. & E. Flett, Northbigging, 4yo SHxAA cow in - By SH bull, out of AA cow; supreme champion in
Harray calf* 1973.
1974 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay 6yo cow* - By Eclipse of Kingshouse.
1975 J. & E. Flett, Northbigging, 6yo SHxAA cow in - By SH bull, out of AA cow; supreme champion in
Harray calf* 1973.
1976 R. Flett, Fidge, Twatt 6yo AAxSH cow in Stella By Eurite of Inchoch, out of homebred cow; being
milk* shown for the first time; supreme champion in 1976.
1977 R. Flett, Fidge, Twatt 7yo blue cow in - By Eurite of Inchoch; being shown for the first
calf* time; supreme champion in 1977.

1978 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay 5yo cow in milk* Mayflower
By Eurite of Fidge.
1979 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay 6yo cow in milk* Mayflower
1980 It is not clear from The Orcadian report who was champion.
1981 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill, - - -
1982 M. C. Wood & Son, Garson, 5yo AAx cow in - -
Sandwick milk*
1983 M. C. Wood & Son, Garson, 6yo AAx cow in - -
Sandwick milk*
1984 M. C. Wood & Son, Garson, 8yo AAx cow in - By Haymount bull out of AAx cow; it is not clear if
Sandwick milk* this is the same animal as the previous two years.
1985 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay 3yo AAx cow* Black Lady By CHx bull Ron, out of Orkney bred black cow.
1986 W. G. Kirkpatrick & Sons, 4yo AAx cow - By CHx bull Ron, out of Orkney bred black cow;
Newhall, Stromness bred by Boardhouse.
1987 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay 5yo AAx cow* Black Lady By CHx bull Ron, out of Orkney bred black cow.
1988 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay 2yo AAx heifer in - By Cairnmains Proud Laddie, out of AAx cow.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1989 W. G. Kirkpatrick & Sons, 8yo AAx cow in - By CHx bull, out of AAx cow; bred by Boardhouse.
Vestrafiold, Sandwick milk
1990 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay - - -
1991 I. Flett & Sons, Millhouse, - Black Magic By Proud Laddie of Cairnmains, out of AAx cow.
1992 J. & H. Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay 6yo cow* Black Magic By Proud Laddie of Cairnmains, out of AAx cow.
1993 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 1yo LMx heifer Dee By Yew Tree Vikang; bought from Fersness, Eday.
1994 R. Cursiter & Son, Laga, Evie 9mo LMx stot* Sean Boy By LM bull Crownhead Gladstone out of homebred
cow LMxHxF; supreme champion in 1994.
1995 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 15mo LMx heifer - By Gatehead Dimension, out of AAxLM cow; bred
by Messrs Harvey, Wattle, Birsay.
1996 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 20mo LMx stot - By Muirwood Galaxy, out of AAxBB cow; bred by
Richard Zawadski, Balfour Mains, Shapinsay.
1997 R. J. Taylor, Brencherhouse, 2yo LMx heifer* Black Velvet By Shatton Pedro out of homebred BBxLM cow;
Birsay supreme champion in 1997.
1998 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 17mo LMx stot Magnus By Hampton Harry, out of AAxLM cow; bred by
Magnus Bain, Hall of Tankerness.

1999 T. Flett, Appietown, Rendall 18mo LMx heifer* Viking Lady By Skaill Impact, out of AA cow.
2000 Garson Farms, Sandwick 18mo LMx stot* Del Boy By Bailea Justice, out of LMxAA cow.
2001 No show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 R. J. Taylor, Brencherhouse, November 2001 Taylor’s Touch of By AI bull Ronick Hawk, out of homebred BBxLM
Birsay LMx heifer* Class cow; supreme champion in 2002.
2003 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 18mo LMx stot Cameron By LM bull Weyland Peter, out of LMx cow;
bought from Cogle & Co, Newbigging, South
Ronaldsay; supreme champion at 2003 County
Show and supreme champion at 2002 ’Hope show.
2004 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 1yo LMx heifer Evelyn By LM bull Ronick Hawk, out of LMxBB cow; bred
by G. & E. Wilson, Howequoy, Holm; bought at
Orkney Livestock Association’s bull and heifer sale;
supreme champion in 2004.
2005 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 2yo black polled President’s Supreme champion at 2005 Dounby Show.
cross heifer in calf Princess
2006 Garson Farms, Garson, Sandwick 7mo BBx heifer - By BB bull Beesthorpe Thunderflash, out of LMx
calf* cow.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
4.8 Dounby Show Coloured Cross Cattle Champion 1970 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1970 ?
1971 ?
1972 ?
1973 ?
1974 V. R. Slater, Breck, Orphir - - -
1975 J. W. Hourston, Croval, - - -
1976 ?
1977 S. & P. Davidson, Skaill Farm, - - -
1978 ?
1979 ?
1980 ?
1981 W. C. Merriman, Laithe, 7yo cow* - By North Devon bull, out of homebred cross cow;

Sandwick sire bought from Bemersyde, Melrose.
1982 W. G. Kirkpatrick & Sons, 1yo CHx heifer* - By Hanham Lodge, out of homebred SHx cow.
Newhall, Sandwick
1983 W. C. Merriman, Laithe, 8yo cow in milk* - By North Devon bull, out of homebred cross cow;
Sandwick sire bought from Bemersyde, Melrose.
1984 W. C. Merriman, Laithe, 10yo cow in milk* -
1985 W. G. Kirkpatrick & Sons, Stot - By Henham Lodge Jolyon, out of SH cow.
Newhall, Sandwick
1986 M. S. Wood & Co, Pow, 1yo SMx heifer - By SM bull, out of AAx cow; sire bought at Perth
Sandwick in October 1983.
1987 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay March 1986 - By Bleslack Unique, out of Orkney bred AA cow;
CHxAA heifer supreme champion in 1987.
1988 Garson Farms, Sandwick CHx heifer* - By CH bull, out of AAx cow.
1989 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 15mo CHx heifer* - By CH bull, out of 5yo SMx cow.
1990 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay Stot? - -
1991 S. & F. Nicolson, Stenaday, CHx stot calf - By CH bull, out of AAxFR cow.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1992 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 5mo CHx heifer - By CH bull Barksore Englander, out of SMx cow.
1993 T. Flett, Appietown, Rendall 15mo heifer - By LM bull, out of LMx cow; bred by Ivan Scott,
Howe, Harray.
1994 R. Cursiter & Son, Laga, Evie 9mo LMx heifer* - By LM bull Crownhead Gladstone, out of 34 LMx
heifer bought from George Muir, Gorn, Shapinsay.
1995 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 5mo CHx stot* - By CH bull Barksore Englander, out of homebred
AAxLM cow.
1996 J. & A. Scott, Howe, Harray 17mo CHx heifer* - By CH bull Seawell Goutte, out of homebred LMx
1997 T. Flett, Appietown, Rendall 8mo LMx stot Red McNiell By LM bull Skaill Impact, out of LMx cow.
1998 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 16mo LMx heifer Lady Tara By LM bull Bedelle Maurice, out of LMx cow; bred
by Fersness Farms Eday; dam sired by Shatton
1999 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 8mo stot* - By Hillhead Highway, out of LMx cow.
2000 R. Cursiter & Son, Laga, Evie 20mo LMx heifer* Laga’s By LM bull Crownhead Gladstone out of homebred
Thunderthighs LMxHxF cow; supreme champion in 2000.
2001 No show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.

2002 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 8mo LMx calf Harray Topper By LM bull Tanat Otter, out of homebred LMx
2003 L. Muir, Midhouse, Harray 20mo LMx heifer* Steph By LM bull Tanat Otter, out of LMx cow; supreme
champion in 2003.
2004 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 5yo LMx cow* Lady Lou By LM bull Middledale Jeeves, out of homebred
CHx cow.
2005 G. T. & S. Coghill, Muce, Birsay 6yo cow in milk* Lady Lou By Middleton Jeeves, out of a homebred CHx cow.
2006 Laga Farms Ltd., Evie 7mo stot calf* Laga’s Goldfinger By Newstart Unlimited, out of a homebred LMx
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
Part III

The East Mainland Show 1932 − 2007

Chapter 5

Beef Cattle

5.1 East Mainland Show Supreme Champion 1932 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1932 J. Gaddie, Bu, Holm - - -
1933 J. Gaddie, Bu, Holm - - -
1934 J. Gaddie, Bu, Holm - - -
1935 J. Gaddie, Bu, Holm - - -
1936 J. Gaddie, Bu, Holm - - -
1937 J. Gaddie, Bu, Holm polled cow - -
1938 J. Gaddie, Bu, Holm polled cow - -
1939 J. Gaddie, Bu, Holm - - -
1940 − 1944 No show due to war.
1945 W. Sinclair, Graemeshall, Holm 2yo polled stot - -
1946 A. A. Baikie, Hall of Tankerness 6yo cross polled - Supreme champion at 1947 County Show.
1947 A. A. Baikie, Hall of Tankerness 7yo cross polled -
1948 J. G. Hay, Hillcrest, Tankerness cow - -
1949 Mrs Baikie, Hall of Tankerness 9yo cross polled - Supreme champion at 1947 County Show.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1950 Mrs Baikie, Hall of Tankerness 9yo cross polled - It is hinted, but not made clear, that this is the
cow same animal as in 1949.
1951 W. Harvey, Quoydandy, St Ola 2.5yo black heifer - -
1952 J. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 2yo black polled - -
heifer in calf
1953 Messrs Bain & Smith, Hall of 7yo AA cow - Dam a former champion.
1954 John Smith & Son, Lower 7yo black polled - Bought from and bred by Mr Flett, Northbigging,
Cornquoy, Holm cow Harray.
1955 W. Harvey, Quoydandy, St Ola 8yo black cross - -
polled cow
1956 J. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness AA heifer* Elizabeth III of Out of Lady Irona of Auchenerieve.
1957 J. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 8yo AA cow Lady Irona of -
1958 J. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 9yo AA cow Lady Irona of

1959 J. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 10yo AA cow Lady Irona of
1960 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 3yo black cross - Bred by Mr Baillie at Snelsetter.
polled cow*
1961 Mr W. G. Smith, Bu, Holm 4yo AA cow in calf Laura of By Pinnochio of Gedrew; bought as an yearling at
Ballintomb the Ballintomb sale.
1962 A. J. Eunson, Lower Gritley, 7yo blue-grey cow - By a black bull, out of a white SH cow.
1963 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 1yo AA heifer - Bred by McPherson of Ballindalloch; bought at
Aberdeen sale.
1964 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 6yo AA cow Jane Erica II of By Black Brutus of Barnoldby; bought privately
Dalmeny during 1963-64 winter.
1965 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 1yo AA heifer Oykel Effective By Bosun of Haymount; bought at Oykell dispersal
sale in early 1965.
1966 W. Gorn, Flaws, Holm 5yo cross cow* The Dalmation By black bull, out of cross cow; dappled black and
1967 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 4yo AA bull Wester Lovat By Gaffer Desmen of Drumcliffe, out of Wester
Eanomo Lovat Essena 15th.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1968 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 4yo AA cow in calf Beva Miss By Stype Phantom.
1969 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 6yo AA cow in calf Beva Miss
1970 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 7yo AA cow Oykel Effective
By Bosun of Haymount.
1971 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 8yo AA cow Oykel Effective
1972 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 8yo AA bull Stype Ptolemy By Newhouse Jewdo Eric, out of Stype Pride 29th;
bought at Perth in Feb 1970; 1st in class at Perth.
1973 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 7yo blue grey cow - By Wester Lovat Eamono; reserve champion last
in calf year when shown by Mr W. Voy, Milldam,
1974 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 3yo AA bull* Elevator of Sebay By Ethoram of Idvies, out of Exasperaba of Sebay.
1975 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 5yo AA cow in calf Earmonay of By Juanenar of Dounside; bought as a heifer in calf
1976 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 2yo AA bull* Amos of Sebay By Echo of Unigar, out of Annuity of Benethill.
1977 A. Bews, Muckle Crofty, 7yo black cross cow - -

1978 J. Gaudie & Son, Craebreck, 5yo HF bull Wilcot I Bernard By Crickley I Compensation; bought at Edinburgh
Holm sales 1977 for 1800gns; previously champion bull at
Kirriemuir show, and 1st at Fife show.
1979 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 7yo AA cow in Ethlinkage of By Gentle Junior of Sturton; bought at Perth;
milk Eastfield female champion at Perth.
1980 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 6yo CH bull Wincote Jasper
By Bent Carabineer; bought at Northampton for
1981 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 7yo CH bull Wincote Jasper
1982 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 8yo CH bull Wincote Jasper
1983 K. & M. Eunson, North Keigar, 6yo HF bull Knoxhill Talisman By Horsetin I Guiseppe; bought at Aberdeen sale
Deerness for 1000gns when 18mo.
1984 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab CHx stot calf - By Wincote Jasper, out of blue-grey cow.
1985 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 9yo CHx cow Snowflake By Kersknowe Festival, out of CH dam Kathleen.
1986 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 4yo CHx cow Lindsay By Scottish Mercury, out of Kathleen.
1987 P. Hepburn, Messigate, CHx stot calf Ripper Bruce By Theodopulous out of cross black cow; bred by
Tankerness Mr Michael Hadlow, Doehouse, Sandwick.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1988 S. & J. D. Robertson, Saverock, BBx heifer - By BB bull, out of SHxAA cow; bought at
St. Ola Stromness fat stock sale in 1987; champion calf at
Stromness fat stock sale in 1987; bred by D. Firth,
Buan, Stromness.
1989 J. S. Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 7yo AA cow* Permain 10th of By Nightingale Earl Marshall, out of Permain 9th
Sebay of Sebay.
1990 J. M. Lennie & Co, Nearhouse, 6yo CH cow in milk Little Gill Verity By Tottenhall Hubolt, out of Holehouse Rebecca.
1991 J. M. Lennie & Co, Nearhouse, 7yo CH cow Balthayock Violet Bought as heifer in calf at Perth in 1986.
1992 S. & J. D. Robertson, Saverock, 7mo LMx heifer - By Homebyers Escort, out of homebred LMxAA
St. Ola calf* cow; sire purchased at Perth, Feb 1991.
1993 S. Harcus, Quanterness, St. Ola 4yo AA bull Heathlands Buzz By Windover Justifier; bought at Perth Feb 1991;
Marty champion at Perth; Norfolk bred.
1994 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 6yo CH cow* Ballieston Diana By Bowerhouse Topper, out of Ballieston Vida.
1995 P. Hepburn, Messigate, LMx heifer in calf* Messigate Jewel By Shatton Pedro, out of homebred AA cow.

1996 D. & D. J. Eunson, Halley, 15mo CHx heifer - By Foydra Hamish, out of LMx cow.
1997 E. & I. Kemp, Greenhall, 6yo SH cow* Greenhall Irene By Balmyle Blackadder, out of Balmyle Irene.
1998 W. R. Baillie, Biggings, Toab 2yo AA heifer in Lucy Gwen of By TLA Northern Samurai, out of PGD Dinter
calf Dermont Pride of Terrlene 13P; bred by Erlend Flett,
Hurtiso, Holm.
1999 J. W. Hepburn, Burnside, 2yo AA heifer in - By Mushroom Friar Fergus, out of Esmerelda of
Tankerness calf Newlot.
2000 W. R. Baillie, Biggins, Toab CH heifer* Baillieston Passion By Baillieston Magic, out of Ballieston Ida.
2001 No show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 P. Hepburn, Messigate, 5yo AA bull Ebony of Burnside Voted best animal in showyard.
2003 J. W. Hepburn, Burnside, 2yo AA heifer in Newlot Esmerelda By Galacantry Predator, out of Esmerelda 6th of
Tankerness calf* Newlot.
2004 W. R. Baillie, Biggins, Toab 17mo CH heifer* Ballieston Topsy By Moyness President, out of Baillieston Maiden
2005 W. R. Baillie, Biggins, Toab 14mo CH heifer* Ballieston Vera By Moyness President, out of Baillieston Ola
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
2006 W. R. Baillie, Biggins, Toab 3yo CH Ballieston Topsy By Moyness President, out of Baillieston Maiden
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.

Part IV

The Sanday Show 1970 − 2007

Chapter 6

Beef Cattle

6.1 Sanday Show Supreme Champion 1970 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1970 J. Swanney, North Howar grey polled cow - -
1971 W. Allan, Bressigarth roan cross cow - -
1972 J. Swanney, North Howar - - -
1973 W. Allan, Bressigarth - - -
1974 ?
1975 D. Sinclair, How AA cow - -
1976 J. Lennie, Seaview AA bull - Orkney bred.
1977 J. Lennie, Seaview - - -
1978 J. Lennie, Seaview blue-grey cow - -
1979 ?
1980 J. Lennie, Seaview CHx stot - -
1981 J. Lennie, Seaview 6yo AAx cow - -
1982 D. A. & M. Sinclair, How SM bull - -
1983 W. & A. Muir, Hermisgarth cross cow - -
1984 ?
1985 J. Lennie, Seaview cross cow - -
1986 G. & J. Brown - - -
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1987 G. & J. Brown - - -
1988 W. & A. Muir, Hermisgarth black polled cow - -
1989 G. & J. Brown - - -
1990 T. & M. Leslie, Lopness 1yo LMx heifer - -
1991 T. & M. Leslie, Lopness LMx black polled - -
1992 W. & A. Muir, Hermisgarth 6yo black polled - -
1993 J. Lennie, Seaview 2yo AAxLM heifer Black Magic By Proud Laddie of Car Mains; bought as calf from
in calf Hamish Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay.
1994 T. & M. Leslie, Lopness 5mo CHxLM heifer -
Same animal in 1994 & 1995.
1995 T. & M. Leslie, Lopness 1yo CHxLM heifer -
1996 J. Lennie, Seaview 5yo AAxLM cow Black Magic
By Proud Laddie of Car Mains; bought as calf from
1997 J. Lennie, Seaview 6yo AAxLM cow Black Magic
Hamish Flett, Boardhouse, Birsay.
1998 J. Lennie, Seaview 7yo AAxLM cow Black Magic
1999 J. Lennie, Seaview 7yo LMx cow in - By LM bull from Boardhouse, out of AAx cow.

2000 J. Lennie, Seaview 2yo LMx heifer in Magic By LM bull Aldwyck Icarus, out of homebred cross
calf cow, Magic; dam was supreme champion in 1993,
2001 No show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 R. Gilholm, Hammerbrake 8mo LMx heifer Jubilee Rose By LM bull Roughly Plover, out of BBx cow.
2003 J. Lennie, Seaview 5yo LMx cow in Magic By LM bull Aldwyck Icarus, out of homebred cross
milk* cow, Magic; dam was supreme champion in 1993,
2004 C. & C.E.B. Leslie, Lopness 6yo AAx cow* -
By AA bull Ballamanaugh Beau Lieu, out of home
2005 C. & C.E.B. Leslie, Lopness 7yo AAx cow* - bred cow1 .
2006 J. Lennie, Seaview 7yo LMx cow in Magic By LM bull Aldwyck Icarus, out of homebred cross
milk* cow, Magic; dam was supreme champion in 1993,
2007 Malcolm Lennie, Silverhall March LMx stot Mr. Brightside By LM bull Shannas Oliver, out of BB cow.
According to the 2004 Orkney Today and Orcadian show reports the sire was an AA bull from Unigarth, Sandwick.
Part V

The Shapinsay Show 1936 − 2007

Chapter 7

Beef Cattle

7.1 Shapinsay Show Supreme Champion 1936 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1936 J. R. Scott, Livaness polled cow - -
1937 J. R. Scott, Livaness black polled cow - -
1938 J. R. Scott, Livaness polled cow - -
1939 J. R. Scott, Livaness polled cow - -
1940 − 1944 No show due to war.
1945 W. Bews, Quoymorhouse - - -
1946 J. R. Scott, Livaness - - -
1947 J. R. Scott, Livaness - - -
1948 W. T. Wood & Sons, Balfour cow - -
1949 D. Work & Son, Ness - - -
1950 J. R. Scott, Livaness cross cow - -
1951 A. A. Learmonth, Howe 3yo blue-grey stot - -
1952 A. A. Learmonth, Howe 3yo black stot - -
1953 A. A. Learmonth, Howe 3yo red polled stot - -
1954 A. A. Learmonth, Howe red polled cow - -
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1955 W. Rendall, Nisthouse red polled cow in - -
1956 D. Work & Son, Ness 2yo black cross - -
heifer in calf
1957 A. A. Learmonth, Howe cross polled heifer - -
in calf
1958 R. Johnston, Hewan 3yo black cross - -
polled cow
1959 R. Johnston, Hewan black cross cow in - -
1960 A. A. Learmonth, Howe 3yo cross polled - Same animal champion for three years.
black cow*
1961 A. A. Learmonth, Howe 4yo cross polled -
black cow*
1962 A. A. Learmonth, Howe 5yo cross polled -
black cow*
1963 A. A. Learmonth, Howe 18mo black cross - By Douneside AA bull, out of SH cow.

1964 A. A. Learmonth, Howe 7yo cross polled - Hinted, but not made clear, that this is the same
black cow animal as was champion 1960-63.
1965 A. A. Learmonth, Howe 8yo cross polled -
black cow
1966 A. A. Learmonth, Howe 2yo blue-grey stot - -
1967 D. Work & Son, Ness 4yo cross polled - By a Fordhouse bull; same animal champion for
black cow in calf* three years.
1968 D. Work & Son, Ness 5yo cross polled -
black cow in calf*
1969 D. Work & Son, Ness 6yo cross polled -
black cow in calf*
1970 D. Work & Son, Ness 3yo cross black - By Jewra Eric of Buchaam; champion at 1969
polled cow in calf County Show.
1971 D. Work & Son, Ness 8yo cross polled - By Fordhouse bull; previous champion; cross
cow champion at 1970 County Show.
1972 A. A. Learmonth, Howe 2yo black polled - -
cross stot*
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1973 A. A. Learmonth, Howe calves teeth black - -
polled stot*
1974 D. Work & Son, Ness 5yo blue-grey cow - By Jura Eric of Buchan.
in milk*
1975 A. A. Learmonth, Howe two teeth black - By Pompous of Balmyre, out of AAx cow.
cross stot
1976 R. & J. Johnson, Hewan 5yo black polled - By SH bull; champion cow in 1975.
1977 J. Seatter & Son, Strathore 5yo HF bull Firland’s Diamond By Firland’s Lustre; bought at Edinburgh sale for
1978 D. Work & Son, Ness 7yo black cross -
cow* By Cavans Pablo, out of homebred cross cow.
1979 D. Work & Son, Ness 8yo black cross -
1980 D. Work & Son, Ness 9yo black cross -
1981 ?
1982 R. & J. Johnson, Hewan 16mo heifer* Lane Balou

By 4 CH bull Napoleon, out of SMx cow.
1983 R. & J. Johnson, Hewan 2yo heifer* Lane Balou
1984 R. & J. Johnson, Hewan 1yo CHx heifer* Crystal
By Chesham Joseph, out of homebred SMx cow.
1985 R. & J. Johnson, Hewan 2yo CHx heifer* Crystal
1986 R. & J. Johnson, Hewan 5yo CHx cow* Lane Balou By 43 CH bull Napoleon, out of SMx cow; champion
1987 R. & J. Johnson, Hewan 6yo CHx cow* Lane Balou in 1982 & 1983.
1988 R. & J. Johnson, Hewan 6yo CHx cow - By CH bull, out of SMx cow.
1989 R. & J. Johnson, Hewan 5yo CHx cow* Crystal By Chesham Joseph, out of homebred SMx cow;
previous champion.
1990 Muir & Son, Gorn 15mo LMx heifer - By Hartside Underwood, out of CH cow.
1991 R. & J. Johnson, Hewan 8yo CHx cow* Crystal By Chesham Joseph, out of homebred SMx cow;
previous champion.
1992 R. & J. Johnson, Hewan 2yo in calf heifer - By Newhouse Banker, out of LMx cow.
1993 R. & J. Johnson, Hewan 9yo CHx cow* Crystal By Chesham Joseph, out of homebred SMx cow;
previous champion.
1994 R. & J. Johnson, Hewan 2yo LMx heifer - By Uppermill Dominator, out of LMx cow.
1995 Muir & Son, Gorn LMx heifer calf - By Duke’s Canton, out of LMx cow.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1996 R. & J. Johnson, Hewan 4yo LMx cow - By Uppermill Dominator, out of LMx cow;
champion in 1994.
1997 Muir & Son, Gorn LM heifer calf Muirwood Mona By Heartside Ideal, out of Muirwood Iona.
1998 R. & J. Johnson, Hewan 2yo LMx heifer in - By Knockenbaird Iran.
1999 R. & J. Johnson, Hewan 9yo LMx cow - By Newhouse Baker, out of cross cow.
2000 T. & J. Leslie, Quoymorhouse 18mo LMx stot* - By Shire Lonesome, out of LMx cow.
2001 No show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 R. & J. Johnson, Hewan black heifer in calf Tilly -
2003 T. & J. Leslie, Quoymorhouse 15mo LMx heifer* Mystique By Roughly Indian, out of LMxBB cow.
2004 T. & J. Leslie, Quoymorhouse 7mo LMx stot calf* - By LM bull Lethendry Stevie, out of CHx cow.
2005 Muir & Son, Gorn LMx stot calf* Apollo By LM bull Muirwood Orion, out of homebred
LMx cow.
2006 T. & J. Leslie, Quoymorhouse LMx yearling stot - By LM bull Ronick Hawk, out of BBx cow.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.

Part VI

The ’Hope Show 1970 − 2007

Chapter 8

Beef Cattle

8.1 ’Hope Show Supreme Champion 1970 − 2007

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1970 D. Swannie, Midhouse, South 8yo AAx cow in - By AA bull Drummer of Fordhouse, out of cross
Ronaldsay milk cow; bred by Donald Laird formerly of Warebanks,
now of Buffalo, USA; reserve champion in 1969;
1971 D. Swannie, Midhouse, South 9yo AAx cow in - champion cow at 1970 County show; roan cow.
Ronaldsay milk
1972 W. Dunnet, Clett, South 4.5yo SH bull Masterkey of Skaill Bred in Caithness; bought at Caithness bull sale.
1973 See The Orcadian of 23/8/1973.
1974 John Scott Jnr, Roeberry 7yo black cross - Bought from Burray in early 1974.
polled cow
1975 D. Swannie, Midhouse, South 13yo AAx cow in - By AA bull Drummer of Fordhouse, out of cross
Ronaldsay milk cow; bred by Donald Laird formerly of Warebanks,
now of Buffalo, USA; reserve champion in 1969;
champion cow at 1970 County show; roan cow.
1976 C. S. Gorn, Weddell, Burray 3yo AA bull Newhouse Prince
Bought at Perth 1975 for 900gns.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1977 C. S. Gorn, Weddell, Burray 4yo AA bull Newhouse Prince
1978 W. Dunnet, Clett, South two teeth HFx stot - -
1979 I. Sinclair, Heads 2yo HF bull Glenwood I By Swinbank I Jacob; bought at Edinburgh Oct
Consort 1978.
1980 C. S. Gorn, Weddell, Burray 4yo black cross -
By Newhouse Prince 121st; cross cattle champion
at County show in 1981; sire champion in 1976.
1981 C. S. Gorn, Weddell, Burray 5yo black cross -
1982 C. S. Gorn, Weddell, Burray 6yo black cross -
1983 C. S. Gorn, Weddell, Burray 2yo AA bull Perfect Piper of By Evesund of Dupplin, out of Pridetta of Dupplin;
Westdrum bought at Perth Oct 1982 for 1400gns; at
Westdrums sale sire fetched 6000gns, dam 2600gns.
1984 C. S. Gorn, Weddell, Burray 8yo black cross - By Newhouse Prince 121st; cross cattle champion
cow* at County show in 1981; sire champion in 1976.
1985 J. W. S. Wishart, Knockhall 5yo AA bull Premonize of

By Ethealise of Inchmartin, out of Precious Pride of
Greenyards; bought at Perth in 1982 for 2600gns.
1986 J. W. S. Wishart, Knockhall 6yo AA bull Premonize of
1987 J. W. S. Wishart, Knockhall 7yo AA bull Premonize of
1988 Cogle & Co., Newbigging, South 9yo cross black - Bought as a calf; reserve champion last year.
Ronaldsay polled cow in milk
1989 Cogle & Co., Newbigging, South 17mo CHxAA - By CH bull bred by W. R. Baillie, Toab.
Ronaldsay stot*
1990 Stephen & Co., Sandwick House 6yo cross cow - By CHx bull out of SMx cow.
1991 Stephen & Co., Sandwick House 2.5yo CHx heifer* - -
1992 W. Dunnet, Clett, South 4yo AA bull Justin Eric of By Kinnaber Mr Steakhouse, out of Jewell Erica of
Ronaldsay Newlot Burnside; bred by J. V. Hepburnm, Burnside
1993 J. & P. Thomson, Garth, South 16mo CHx heifer Caledonia By Allanfowld Vagabond, out of LMx cow;
Ronaldsay champion at County show in 1993.
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1994 A. Cromarty, Hools 8yo LM cow Copyhold By Rossignol, out of Tasse; bred in England of pure
Araminata French blood; bought at Carisle, May 1993; reserve
champion in 1993.
1995 I. Greig, The Head 2yo SM heifer in Hesta Daisy By Camus Batman, out of Hesta Beatrice.
1996 J. Laird, Pole 7yo BB bull - Bought in 1994 from Duncan Gill, Fortrose.
1997 Cogle & Co., Newbigging, South Feb 1997 CHx stot Big Gerry By CH bull, out of cross cow; delivered by
Ronaldsay Caesarean section by vet Gerry Wilson who had
”never seen such a big calf” - hence the name.
1998 Cogle & Co., Newbigging, South 6mo LMx calf* Lomu By LM bull Hools Lomu, out of CHx cow; sire
Ronaldsay owned by A. Cromarty, Hools.
1999 Cogle & Co., Newbigging, South March 1999 LMx Magnum By LM bull Starkly Magnum, out of CHx cow; out
Ronaldsay calf of same dam as last years champion.
2000 A. Cromarty, Hools, South 5yo LM cow Homebyers Love By Normande Giant, out of Homebyers Fluff;
Ronaldsay bought as 2yo bulling heifer from Joh Logan,
Homebyers Farm, Kelso.
2001 No show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
2002 Cogle & Co., Newbigging, South Feb 2002 LMx stot - By black cross bred bull ”with a touch of BB”, out

Ronaldsay of LMx cow.
2003 A. Cromarty, Hools, South 6yo LM cow Newsham Aire By WalkersIadmire; bought as a calf at foot from
Ronaldsay Yorkshire 5 12 years ago.
2004 Cogle & Co., Newbigging, South March 2004 LMx Julyan By Hools Scott, out of home bred cow; full brother
Ronaldsay stot calf* of 2002 supreme champion and 2003 County Show
supreme champion.
2005 Andrew Laird, Mossbank, Burray 15mo CHx stot - By CH bull Simpson’s Gregory, out of AA cow;
bought from OLA sale in May 2005; bred by Peter
Brockan, Stromness.
2006 Andrew Laird, Mossbank, Burray 17mo LMx heifer Honey By LM AI bull Vagabond; bought at Aberdenn &
Northern Marts’ Spring Show and Sale in February
2006; bred by the Stewarts of Inverness.
2007 No Show due to Foot & Mouth outbreak.
Part VII

The Longhope Show 1970 − 1976

Chapter 9

Beef Cattle

9.1 Longhope Show Supreme Champion 1970 − 2003

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1970 I can find no report in The Orcadian.
1971 No show due to Brucellosis Eradication Scheme.
1972 E. & D. Sutherland, Aithsdale 6yo cross white -
polled cow
Same animal champion 1972 - 1975.
1973 E. & D. Sutherland, Aithsdale 7yo cross white -
polled cow
1974 E. & D. Sutherland, Aithsdale 8yo cross white -
polled cow
1975 E. & D. Sutherland, Aithsdale 9yo cross white -
polled cow
1976 Show cancelled due to lack of entries.

The Rousay Show 1936 − 1965

Chapter 10

Beef Cattle

10.1 Rousay Show Supreme Champion 1936 − 1965

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1936 Can’t find report.
1937 John Linklater Cross cow - -
1938 Mrs Gibson, Avelshay ? - Champion either a 3yo polled cow or a 1yo polled
1939 H. Mainland Blue cross cow - -
1940 − 1944 No show due to war.
1945 R. Johnston, Trumland ? - Champion either a polled bull, a 1yo SH quoy, or a
1yo polled quoy.
1946 R. Johnston, Trumland - - -
1947 R. Johnston, Trumland - - -
1948 R. Johnston, Trumland - - -
1949 R. Johnston, Trumland Polled cow - -
1950 R. Johnston, Trumland 2yo heifer - -
1951 Messrs. Inkster Bros, Woo 2yo stot - Same animal champion in both years.
1952 Messrs. Inkster Bros, Woo 3yo stot -
1953 R. Johnston, Trumland 1yo red polled - -
Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes
1954 R. Johnston, Trumland Stot - -
1955 Messrs. Inkster Bros, Woo AA cow - -
1956 H. Mainland, Hurtiso 5yo blue cross cow - According to the report in The Orcadian this cow
in calf had ”previously taken the lead at this show two
years ago as a heifer.” This however is not
consistent with e reports in earlier years.
1957 R. Johnston, Trumland 2yo cross heifer in - -
1958 R. Johnston, Trumland AA bull - -
1959 R. Johnston, Trumland AA bull - -
1960 Can’t find report
1961 R. Mainland, Hurtiso 6yo polled cross - -
1962 H. Mainland, Hurtiso Black polled cow - -
1963 James Russel, Myres Cross cow - -
1964 Gilbert Pirie, Quoys, Sourin Cow - -
1965 R. Johnston, Trumland Cow - -

1966 Can’t find report for this or any subsequent year.
Part IX

The Eday Show 1936 − 1946

Chapter 11

Beef Cattle

11.1 Eday Show Supreme Champion 1936 − 1946

Year Exhibitor Champion Name Notes

1936 G. Miller, Stenaquoy 2yo heifer - -
1937 Show held 18th July; need to get
show report.
1938 J. Miller, Ferniebrae Polled cow - -
1939 G. Miller, Stenaquoy 2yo heifer - -
1940 − 1945 No show due to war.
1946 Mr J. Stevenson, Carrick ”B.P.” cow - Does ”B.P.” mean black polled?
Part X

The Burray Show 1936 − 1939

Part XI

The Stronsay Show 1937

Part XII

The Westray Show 1936 − 1939


The following table contains the page numbers of the reports for each show
in The Orcadian, and Orkney Today of the indicated date.
East Mainland







8/8/1914 O 5
15/8/1914 O 1
22/8/1914 O 5
21/7/1919 O 5
7/8/1919 O 5
14/8/1919 O 3,4,5,6
21/8/1919 O 4,6
22/7/1920 O 5
29/7/1920 O 5
5/8/1920 O 5,6
12/8/1920 O 5
19/8/1920 O 6,7,8
26/8/1920 O 6
4/8/1921 O 5
11/8/1921 O 5
18/8/1921 O 3,5,7
25/8/1921 O 5
3/8/1922 O 5,7
10/8/1922 O 8
17/8/1922 O 5,6,7,8
19/7/1923 O 2,5
2/8/1923 O 5
9/8/1923 O 4,5
16/8/1923 O 3,6

East Mainland







23/8/1923 O 6
17/7/1924 O 4
24/7/1924 O 4
31/7/1924 O 2,5
7/8/1924 O 5
14/8/1924 O 2,6,7,8
21/8/1924 O 3,8
28/8/1924 O 4,6
23/7/1925 O 5
30/7/1925 O 6
6/8/1925 O 2,4
13/8/1925 O 5,6
20/8/1925 O 4,6,8
27/8/1925 O 5
29/7/1926 O 7
5/8/1926 O 5
12/8/1926 O 5,8
19/8/1926 O 4,5,6,7,8
26/8/1926 O 6
4/8/1927 O 5,7
11/8/1927 O 5
18/8/1927 O 2,5
25/8/1927 O 5
2/8/1928 O 5
9/8/1928 O 5,7,8
16/8/1928 O 5,6,7,8
23/8/1928 O 8
30/8/1928 O 5
1/8/1929 O 2,5
8/8/1929 O 5
15/8/1929 O 6,7,8
22/8/1929 O 5,7
29/8/1929 O 5
31/7/1930 O 6,8
7/8/1930 O 2,5
14/8/1930 O 6,7

East Mainland







21/8/1930 O 6,7,8
28/8/1930 O 7
30/7/1931 O 5,6
6/8/1931 O 3,4,6,7
13/8/1931 O 2,3
20/8/1931 O 2,3,5,6,7
27/8/1931 O 7,8
4/8/1932 O 7,8,9
11/8/1932 O 2,5,7,9
18/8/1932 O 3,5,6,8
3/8/1933 O 5,6
10/8/1933 O 2,5,6
17/8/1933 O 2,5,6,8,9,10
31/8/1933 O 3,8
26/7/1934 O 5,7
2/8/1934 O 5,6
9/8/1934 O 2,3
16/8/1934 O 3,5,6,7,8,9,10
30/8/1934 O 3
1/8/1935 O 5
8/8/1935 O 3,4,5,6,7
15/8/1935 O 3,5,6,7,8
23/7/1936 O 5,6 5,6
6/8/1936 O 4
13/8/1936 O 7 6,7 5
20/8/1936 O 5,6 3 8 7 6
5/8/1937 O 5
12/8/1937 O 3 3 3 5 5 6
19/8/1937 O 6 7 3,8 8 3
28/7/1938 O 3
4/8/1938 O 5
11/8/1938 O 9 3 3 5 5 9
18/8/1938 O 5,6 3 4
25/8/1938 O 5
27/7/1939 O 4 4
3/8/1939 O 5 8

East Mainland







10/8/1939 O 2 2 5
17/8/1939 O 5,8 2 3 6 7
9/8/1945 O 5 5
16/8/1945 O 3
23/8/1945 O 5 5
15/8/1946 O 3 3 3 3 3 3
22/8/1946 O 3
7/8/1947 O 3 3
14/8/1947 O 3,4 3 3 3
21/8/1947 O 3
29/7/1948 O 5
5/8/1948 O 5
12/8/1948 O 3,4 2 5 3
19/8/1948 O 3,6 2,4 3
28/7/1949 O 3
11/8/1949 O 5 3 4
18/8/1949 O 3 2,6 3,4
10/8/1950 O 5 2 3 3
17/8/1950 O 3 2 3
9/8/1951 O 5 2 3 3
16/8/1951 O 3,6 2 3
31/7/1952 O 2
7/8/1952 O 5 5 2 2 8
14/8/1952 O 5,8 2 4
13/8/1953 O 4 3 4
20/8/1953 O 5,8 4,7 2 3 3
27/8/1953 O 8
5/8/1954 O 5 2 7
12/8/1954 O 3 2
19/8/1954 O 5,8 3 4 2
28/7/1955 O 2
11/8/1955 O 3 3 3
18/8/1955 O 5,8 3 3 4 2 2
2/8/1956 O 3
9/8/1956 O 5 3 2
16/8/1956 O 5,8 2 3 3

East Mainland







23/8/1956 O 2 2
1/8/1957 O 3
8/8/1957 O 3
15/8/1957 O 5,7 3,5 5 3 2 2 2
7/8/1958 O 4 4 3 5 3
14/8/1958 O 2,5 3 3 2
6/8/1959 O 1 5 5
13/8/1959 O 6 2 7 3 2 7 7
27/8/1959 O 5
21/7/1960 O 3
11/8/1960 O 2,3
18/8/1960 O 2,3,7
25/8/1960 O 3,7
3/8/1961 O 2
10/8/1961 O 2,3,4
17/8/1961 O 2,3,4,5,7
2/8/1962 O 5
9/8/1962 O 3,5
16/8/1962 O 2,3,4,5,7
25/7/1963 O 5
1/8/1963 O 3
8/8/1963 O 3,5,6
15/8/1963 O 2,3,4,5,6,7
30/7/1964 O 4,7
6/8/1964 O 2,4
13/8/1964 O 2,3,5,6,7
20/8/1964 O 2,5
5/8/1965 O 2
12/8/1965 O 2,4,5
19/8/1965 O 2,3,4,5,6,7
4/8/1966 O 5
11/8/1966 O 5,7
18/8/1966 O 2,3,4,5,7
3/8/1967 O 1
10/8/1967 O 1,3,4
17/8/1967 O 1,3,4,5,7

East Mainland







1/8/1968 O 1,7
8/8/1968 O 1,3,4
15/8/1968 O 1,3,4,5,7
7/8/1969 O 1,3,4
14/8/1969 O 1,3,4,5
6/8/1970 O 1,3
13/8/1970 O 1,3,4,5
12/8/1971 O 1,4
19/8/1971 O 1,3,4,5,7
10/8/1972 O 1,4
17/8/1972 O 1,3,4,5,7
9/8/1973 O 1,3,6
16/8/1973 O 1,3,5,7
8/8/1974 O 1,3
15/8/1974 O 1,3,4,6,7
7/8/1975 O 1,3
14/8/1975 O 1,3,4,5,6
12/8/1976 O 1,8,9
19/8/1976 O 1,3,4,5
11/8/1977 O 1,6,7
18/8/1977 O 1,5,7,8
10/8/1978 O 1,3
17/8/1978 O 1,3,4,9,10
9/8/1979 O 1,3
16/8/1979 O 1,3,4,7,10
7/8/1980 O 1,3
14/8/1980 O 1,3,4,7,9
6/8/1981 O 1,3
13/8/1981 O 1,3,4,7
12/8/1982 O 1,5
19/8/1982 O 1,3,4,7,9
11/8/1983 O 1,3
18/8/1983 O 1,3,5,7,8
9/8/1984 O 1,5
16/8/1984 O 1,3,5,6,7,8
8/8/1985 O 1,4,5 + County Show Supplement p1-8

East Mainland







15/8/1985 O 1,4,5,7,9,10
7/8/1986 O 1,7
14/8/1986 O 1,3,4,5,7,9
6/8/1987 O 1,5
13/8/1987 O 1,3,4,5,7,9

East Mainland



11/8/1988 O 1, 23 12
18/8/1988 O 1, 13, 14 11, 12 3 5
10/8/1989 O 17 12
17/8/1989 O 1, 10, 11, 14, 15 30 27 26 26,29
9/8/1990 O 16, 17, 18 13 15, 30
16/8/1990 O 1, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 8, 9
17, 21
1/8/1991 O 13
8/8/1991 O 13, 14, 15 8
15/8/1991 O 1, 13, 14, 16, 17 9
6/8/1992 O 15, 16, 17, 13 19
13/8/1992 O 1, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21 4, 5
17, 18
12/8/1993 O 1, 15, 16, 19 10
19/8/1993 O 1, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 11 12, 13
11/8/1994 O 13, 14, 15 12 16, 17
18/8/1994 O 1, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22 24, 25

East Mainland



10/8/1995 O 19, 20, 21, 23 11
17/8/1995 O 1, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22 14, 15
8/8/1996 O 17, 18, 19 21 31
15/8/1996 O 1, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22 10, 11
7/8/1997 O 1, 15, 16, 19 21
14/8/1997 O 1, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22 14, 15
6/8/1998 O 17, 18, 19 14 22
13/8/1998 O 1, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 14, 15
19 23
12/8/1999 O 17, 18, 19 13 11
19/8/1999 O 1, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 14, 15
19 23
10/8/2000 O 23, 24, 25 13 11
17/8/2000 O 21, 22, 23 24, 25, 26 16, 17
8/8/2002 O
15/8/2002 O 17, 18, 19 24, 25, 26, 14, 15
7/8/2003 O 19, 20, 21 8 9
14/8/2003 O 21, 22, 23 17, 18, 19 20
12/8/2004 O 5 24, 25, 26 22, 23 27 1
13/8/2004 OT 19, 20, 21, 8, 9, 10 12 7 1, 13
19/8/2004 O 1, 4, 5, 24, 29, 30, 31 22, 23
25, 26, 27,
20/8/2004 OT 14, 15, 16, 6, 7, 8, 9 30
17, 19
11/8/2005 OT 15, 17, 18, 7, 8, 9 10, 11 1, 14

East Mainland



18/8/2005 O 1, 3, 24, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 38
25, 26, 27, 32, 54
28, 54
18/8/2005 OT 1, 10, 11, 6, 7, 8, 9 20, 21
12, 13, 14,
44, 45
25/8/2005 O 5, 31
10/8/2006 O 13, 26, 27, 30, 31 32 1
28, 29
10/8/2006 OT 1, 9, 10, 11 14 6
17/8/2006 O 1, 18, 23, 18, 28, 29, 18, 32, 33
24, 25, 26, 30, 31
17/8/2006 OT 1, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 32, 33
9, 10, 11, 17

Beef cattle name index

Airdlin Treasure, 46, 90 Beva Miss Ballandalloch, 98

Allander Princess Royal, 79 Black Game of Eastfield, 66, 76,
Amos of Sebay, 98 83
Annuity 33rd of Portlethen, 63 Black Lady, 50, 70, 72, 91
Annuity 3rd of Kingshouse, 11, 23, Black Magic, 33, 51, 70, 92, 103
63 Black Velvet, 66, 73, 92
Apollo, 109 Blawearie Winston, 87, 88
Appleblossom, 78 Blelack Unique, 89
Ardbennie Saint, 36 Bluebell, 18, 51
Arnot of Millhouse, 69, 75 Bond, 18, 54
Ascreavie White Knight, 12, 27, Braw Jason of Whitestrype, 65, 82
64 Burnton Concord, 78
Ashley Jewdick Eric, 18 Burton Concord, 65
Ashley Jewdict Eric, 14, 29, 39, 75 Butora of Kincardine, 13, 17, 24
Avon Jessica, 86
Caledonia, 14, 25, 33, 54
Baillieston Passion, 99 Cameron, 15, 52, 92
Baillieston Topsy, 46 Carseland Resolve, 86
Ballieston Diana, 99 Carsland Resolve, 42
Ballieston Helga, 45 Castle of Mey Princess, 85
Ballieston Howard, 18, 29, 45 Castleton Kipling, 86
Ballieston Ingrid, 46 Cavans Boeing Y747, 38, 81
Ballieston Jacqueline, 45 Cavans Princess Clarrisa, 19, 37,
Ballieston Topsy, 26, 99, 100 80
Ballieston Universe, 29, 45, 76, 89 Cavans Princess Edna, 78
Ballieston Vaila, 45 Cavans Princess Eliza, 36
Ballieston Vera, 99 Cavans Princess Tulip, 36
Balmyle Dynamo, 76 Cavans Waterloo Belle, 37
Balmyle Gypsy 16th, 37 Cavans Waterloo Demelza, 37
Balmyle Kernel 3rd, 80 Cavans Waterloo Jubilee, 37, 80
Balmyle Sovereign, 37 Cavans Waterloo Laura, 36, 65, 72,
Balmyle Zephyr, 80 79
Balthayack Dalesman, 76 Cavans Waterloo Lavender, 79
Balthayock Violet, 45, 99 Cavans Waterloo Linda, 80
Banchory Peerless, 27, 78 Cavans Waterloo Norma, 38, 80
Beaumont Idris, 42 Cavans Winston, 81
Beckham, 33, 51 Chapelton Masterkey, 80
Benhar Blossom 94, 44, 88 Chapleton Masterkey, 37, 77
Benhar Countess, 88 Chapleton Xile, 18, 29, 37
Benvenue of Sandyknowe, 27 Charley Boy, 18, 51
Beva Maid of Unigarth, 83 Cirrus Vanda, 89

Corbairdy Even Crescent, 13, 24 Exasperate II of Kempsons, 17
Cornquoy Rob Roy, 80
Corrigal Vera, 19, 48 Fingask Paragon, 36
Craebreck Boxer, 75, 86 Firland’s Diamond, 108
Crystal, 108
G V Winton 44L, 14, 29, 40, 66,
Dee, 92 76, 84
Del Boy, 92 Gaffer Delobangst of Humbie, 30,
Dirnanean Moanrch, 44 40
Dirnanean Monarch, 76, 88 Galcantray Electra D697, 20, 41
Dunure Obo, 17, 28, 42, 86 Galurin, 30, 47
Garson Impression, 76, 89
Earmonay of Eastford, 98 Garson Isla, 46, 89
Easter Lovat Brando, 12, 28, 64, Garson Marie, 22, 52
78 Genavive, 47
Ebony of Burnside, 99 Glenisla Warlord, 14, 29, 37, 66,
Effective of Oykell, 17, 24 76, 80
Elcho of Millhouse, 65, 75, 83 Goldie’s Instigator, 30
Electrify of Eastfield, 76 Graemshall Alphonse, 49
Elevator of Sebay, 98 Greenhall Elaine, 37
Elizabeth III of Sebay, 97 Greenhall Irene, 99
Elmore of Millhouse, 13, 28, 39,
69, 75, 83 Harray Topper, 54, 71, 94
Elprovost of Eastfield, 65, 75, 83 Heathlands Buzz Marty, 77, 84, 99
Elrick Saffron, 90 Hekra Buanco, 89
Elvimit of Kinermony, 28, 82 Hekra Challenger, 45
Emperor of Skaill, 76 Hekra Vera, 89
Eranger of Buchaam, 65, 75, 83 Helensberry Emperor, 43
Eranger of Buchaam , 83 Hockenhull Pauline, 89
Eranger of Bucham, 14, 29, 39 Holly Little Gem, 71, 89
Erica 9th of Kingshouse, 82 Holly Littlejohn, 47
Erimus Solomon, 17, 36 Holmeere Alastair, 62, 81
Eriney of Saither, 63 Holmeere Alistair, 77
Ermonax of Eastfield, 17, 24, 39 Hools Ria, 47
Esme of Durris, 64, 69, 82 Hudscales Genevieve, 47
Esquimo, 27
Jan Erica of Little Kilry, 15, 26,
Ethlinkage 2nd, 40
Ethlinkage of Eastfield, 25, 39, 98
Jane Erica II of Dalmeny, 97
Ethnic of Unigarth, 66, 73, 84
Jencra Ensign, 47
Evamary 7th of Sebay, 39
Jewbilant Eric of Newhouse, 64
Evelyn, 67, 74, 92
Jovial Eric of Millhouse, 17, 28,
Eversharp of Millhouse, 13, 28, 39
65, 75, 82
Everstrike of Millhouse, 17, 28, 39,
Jubilant Eric of Derculich, 13, 28,
65, 75, 83
39, 70, 75, 83

Jubilee Rose, 19, 103 Nearhouse Just, 38
Julyan, 19, 52 Nearhouse Rob Roy, 35, 38
New Moan Goldie, 89
Kai Iwi Commandant, 36 New Moan Iris, 15, 26, 45, 67, 71,
Knoxhill Talisman, 42, 98 73, 89, 90
Newhouse Jewbilant Eric, 12, 27,
Lady Irona of Auchencreivie, 16
Lady Irona of Auchenerieve, 97
Newlot Esmerelda, 26, 41, 99
Lady Lou, 71, 94
Newsham Aire, 47
Lady Tara, 94
Newton Tulip N23, 37
Laga’s Gem, 54
Nicks Delia, 14, 25, 40, 66, 73, 84
Laga’s Goldfinger, 94
Laga’s Thunderthighs, 54, 67, 73, Onston Fanando, 36
94 Orkney Blues Lucas, 49
Lane Balou, 108 Orkney Blues Rosie, 49
Larkspur Clipper, 70, 76 Orroland Tester, 37
Laura of Ballintomb, 97 Oykel Effective, 97, 98
Leary Velvet, 71, 90 Oykell Effective, 13, 24
Lindsay, 53, 98
Little Gill Verity, 45, 99 Padre of Unigarth, 71, 77, 84
Little Mo, 26 Panmure Blessing G4, 43, 44
Lucy Gwen of Darmont, 19, 40 Pen-y-Parc Maharaja, 42
Lucy Gwen of Dermont, 99 Pen-y-parc Sprocket, 86
Penan Mormon, 36
Magic, 103 Penan Mormond, 75, 79
Magnum, 19, 54 Permain 10th of Sebay, 99
Magnus, 92 Permain of Sebay, 17
Marden Best, 69, 79 Philorth Apple Blossom, 12, 64
Mayflower, 70, 72, 91 Poplars Heidi, 47, 67, 73, 90
Medick Archduke, 86 Poppy K2 of Unigarth, 84
Messigate Jewel, 99 Portrait of Westdrums, 84
Midhouse Hannah, 80 President’s Princess, 52, 67, 74, 92
Millhouse Emma IX, 82 Primlass of Unigarth, 14, 25, 39
Moncrieff Snowline, 37 Princess of Broompark, 14, 18, 25,
Monzie Breeze, 88 39, 40
Mornview Tamar, 45 Proud Laddie of Carmains, 29
Mountrock Golden, 70, 89 Prudant of Durrow Abbey, 70, 75
Mr. Brightside, 103
Muirwood Mona, 47, 109 Queenamoan Augusta Arlene, 79
Muirwood Orion, 30 Queenamoan Bessie, 36
Myroe Magic, 42 Queenamoan Brawith Bessie, 79
Myrtle March Mad, 12, 23
Mystique, 109 Raymond, 33, 53
Red Alert, 19, 54
Nearhouse James, 30, 38 Red McNiell, 94

Richard Z, 15, 51 Taylor’s Babe, 19, 51
Ridge Dean Sensation, 49 Taylor’s Touch of Class, 15, 26, 51,
Ripper Bruce, 18, 53, 98 67, 73, 92
Ronick Dolman, 29, 47 The Dalmation, 97
Roxanne, 14, 54 Tilly, 109
Royston Democrat, 45, 70, 76, 89 Tinkerbell, 54

Scarwell Adonis, 44, 88 Uppermill Rugby, 79

Scarwell E20, 44
Scarwell Gairstey, 44 Viking Lady, 71, 92
Scarwell Gyren, 88
Wanerica of Garson, 66, 72, 83
Scarwell Kirsti, 88
Waterloo Primrose, 78
Scarwell Viking, 44
Wester Lovat Eamono, 28
Scarwell Wanderer, 88
Wester Lovat Eanomo, 13, 97
Scarwell Weetha, 44
Westhall Uplands, 47
Sean Boy, 14, 51, 66, 92
Wilcot I Bernard, 17, 28, 42, 98
Seawell Goutte, 30, 45
Wincote Jasper, 13, 14, 28, 29, 45,
Sep, 15, 34, 54
Skaill Abbie, 15, 21, 46, 67, 74, 90
Winterwell Rambler, 42, 86
Skaill Delia, 18, 25, 40, 66, 70, 73,
Woodhead Diamond, 17, 36, 69,
75, 79
Skaill Delia T2, 18, 26, 40, 66, 73,
Woodhead Wallace, 76, 80
Skaill Delilah, 66, 73, 84
Skaill Diana, 15, 26, 40, 41, 84, 85
Skaill Diana P8, 15, 26, 40
Skaill Diana W17, 85
Skaill Dividend, 84
Skaill Domino, 77, 85
Skaill Express, 19, 30, 41, 71, 77,
Skaill Impact, 76
Skaill Victor, 10, 15, 30, 46
Smoogro Apollo, 42
Smoogroo Apollo, 86
Snowflake, 14, 25, 53, 98
Solpoll I Highlight, 42, 86
Spengar Polar, 30
Spengar Sambhar, 30, 46, 90
Stella, 13, 25, 50, 65, 72, 91
Steph, 54, 67, 74, 94
Strathton Nonpareil Gladys, 78
Stype Ptolemy, 13, 28, 39, 98

Sheep name index

Roadside Titan, 57

Horse name index

Badger, 60
Bayview First Class, 60

Dot, 58
Dotty, 58

Eileen of Sebay, 59

Fiona of Sebay, 59

Great Flare, 59

Highfield Maid Marion, 59

Hooch, 60

Kingsford Happy, 59
Knight, 60
Kontiki, 59

Mill Queen of Rothesay, 59

Millbrex Discovery, 59
Millquoy Drummies Dawn, 60

Rosslyn Fairy Ring, 59

Roughland M’Lady, 59

Stow Drummer Girl, 60

West Clumley Daniel, 59

Westqouy Flower, 58

Exhibitor index

Allan, J. W., Leafea, Stromness, Bews, A., Muckle Crofty, Tanker-

78 ness, 98
Allan, Mr J. W., Leafea, Strom- Bews, W., Quoymorhouse, Shap-
ness, 17 insay, 106
Allan, W., Bressigarth, Sanday, 102 Brown, G. & J., Sanday, 102, 103
Argo, G., Kirbister, Birsay, 70, 75 Budge, J. C. & Co, Burnhouse,
Longhope, 81
Baikie, A. A., Hall of Tankerness, Budge, J. C. & Co., Burness, Longhope,
23, 96 77
Baikie, A., Tankerness, 12, 27
Baikie, Mr Alfred, Hall of Tanker- Calder, Alex, Sebay, Tankerness,
ness, 16 27
Baikie, Mrs, Hall of Tankerness, Casey, P., Gaitnip Farm, St. Ola,
12, 23, 96, 97 60
Baillie, J., 27 Clouston, J. D., North Quatquoy,
Baillie, J. S., Sebay, Tankerness, Firth, 68
13, 14, 17, 18, 24, 25, 28, Clouston, J. D., Quatquoy, Firth,
32, 39, 40, 50, 53, 59, 97– 16, 68
99 Clouston, John D., Quatquoy, Firth,
Baillie, J., Sebay, St. Andrews, 27 12, 23, 63, 64
Baillie, J., Sebay, Tankerness, 15, Coghill, G. R. & Son, Newbigging,
26, 37, 40, 97 Birsay, 53
Baillie, J., Snelsetter, Longhope, Coghill, G. T. & S., Muce, Birsay,
27 15, 26, 33, 45, 47, 52, 55,
Baillie, Mr James, Sebay, Tanker- 66, 67, 70–74, 89, 90, 92–
ness, 16, 23 94
Baillie, W. R., Biggings, Toab, 18, Coghill, Sheena, Muce, Birsay, 57
19, 25, 26, 28, 29, 40, 45, Cogle & Co, Newbigging, South
46, 53, 54, 56, 98–100 Ronaldsay, 19, 52, 54
Baillie, W. R., Biggins, Toab, 13, Cogle & Co., Newbigging, South
14 Ronaldsay, 34, 113
Bain & Smith, Hall of Tankerness, Coltherd, G. & E., Annfield, Holm,
97 59
Bain, Messrs Bain & Smith, Hall Copland, A. & V., Overhouse, Har-
of Tankerness, 12, 23 ray, 57
Bain, S. & Co, Quoyholmslie, Strom- Corrigal, G., West Ballarat, Har-
ness, 89 ray, 68
Balfour, Fraser, Breck Farm, Ren- Corrigal, J., Geroin, Harray, 68
dall, 56 Corrigal, Mr. G., West Ballarat,
Ballie, J. S., Sebay, Tankerness, Harray, 68
20, 41 Craigie, I. & Co, Hall of Clestrain,

76, 80 Eunson, A. J., Lower Gritley, Deer-
Cromarty, A. & L., Hools, South ness, 97
Ronaldsay, 47 Eunson, D. & D. J., Halley, Deer-
Cromarty, A., Hools, 113 ness, 56, 99
Cromarty, A., Hools, South Ronald- Eunson, K. & M., North Keigar,
say, 113 Deerness, 42, 98
Cromarty, J. & L., Roadside, Toab, Eunson, Keith, Braebuster, Deer-
60 ness, 47
Cromarty, J., Roadside, Toab, 57 Eunson, Mrs Doris, Halley, Deer-
Cursiter, R. & Son, Laga, Evie, 14, ness, 57
51, 54, 66, 67, 73, 92, 94
Findlay, Mr W. G., 10 Warren’s
Davidson, Messrs, Skaill & Messrs Walk, Kirkwall, 58
Sinclair, Unigarth, 76 Firth, W. G., Feawell, Stromness,
Davidson, Messrs, Skaill Farm, Sand- 42, 86
wick, 37, 66, 70, 71, 73, Flett Bros, Kingshouse, 24
76, 77, 80, 84, 85, 89 Flett Bros, Kingshouse, Harray, 12,
Davidson, Messrs, Skaill, Sandwick, 16, 23, 69, 78, 82
14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 25, 26, Flett Bros, Messrs, Kingshouse, Har-
29, 30, 40, 41, 46, 66, 67, ray, 64
74, 90 Flett Bros., Kingshouse, Harray,
Davidson, P., Skaill, Sandwick, 12, 68
16, 27, 64, 78, 82 Flett, E., Hurtiso, Holm, 18, 29,
Davidson, S. & P. , Skaill Farm, 30, 37, 47
Sandwick, 65 Flett, E., Kingshouse, Harray, 17,
Davidson, S. & P., Skaill Farm, 53, 65, 82, 91
Sandwick, 36, 70, 75, 79, Flett, G. & C., Leary, Birsay, 71,
83, 93 90
Davidson, S. & P., Skaill, Sand- Flett, I. & Sons, Millhouse, Har-
wick, 13, 14, 28, 29, 39, ray, 13, 18, 28, 29, 39, 65,
91 69, 75, 76, 83, 92
Dearness, T., Southfield, Burray, Flett, I., & Sons, Millhouse, Har-
13, 17, 24 ray, 14
Dunnet, W., Clett, South Ronald- Flett, J. & E. , Northbigging, Har-
say, 111, 112 ray, 65
Dunnet, W., Cletts, South Ronald- Flett, J. & E., Northbigging, Har-
say, 32 ray, 17, 24, 50, 69, 72, 91
Flett, J. & H., Boardhouse, Birsay,
Easton, D. S., Quoyhalen, Quoy- 18, 25, 29, 50, 51, 69, 70,
loo, 76, 88 72, 73, 91, 92
Easton, D., Quoyhalen, Quoyloo, Flett, James, Kingshouse, Harray,
44 11, 23, 63
Esson, James, Holm of Grimbis- Flett, Mr Ernest W., Smith’s, Dounby,
ter, Firth, 11, 16, 23 68

Flett, Mr W., Northbigging, Har- Gorn, C., Weddell, Burray, 18, 51
ray, 16 Gorn, W., Flaws, Holm, 31, 97
Flett, R., Fidge, Twatt, 13, 25, 28, Greig, I., The Head, 113
50, 64, 65, 69, 72, 82, 91
Flett, T. S. , Millhouse, Harray, 65 Harcus, E. S. H. & Co, Quanter-
Flett, T. S., Millhouse, Harray, 13, ness, St. Ola, 30
17, 28, 39, 69, 72, 75, 82, Harcus, E. S. H., Quanterness Farm,
83 St Ola, 40
Flett, T., Appietown, Rendall, 71, Harcus, S., Quanterness, St. Ola,
92, 94 99
Flett, W., 68 Harvey, W. H., Quoydandy, St. Ola,
Flett, W., North Bigging, Harray, 31
68 Harvey, W., Quoydandy, St Ola,
Flett, W., Northbigging, Harray, 97
12, 23 Harvey, W., Quoydandy, St. Ola,
Foubister, A. & A., Netherton, Holm, 31
49 Hay, J. & S., East Howe, Birsay,
Foubister, J. W., Hilton, Shapin- 89
say, 53 Hay, J. G., Hillcrest, Tankerness,
Gaddie, J., Bu, Holm, 96 Heddle, Graham, Westfield, Strom-
Gaddie, James, Holm, 11, 23, 27 ness, 57
Gaddie, James, The Bu’, Holm, Heddle, J. R., Westfield, Strom-
11, 23 ness, 17, 28, 42, 86
Garrioch, J. G., Breckan, Costa, Hepburn, J. W., Burnside, Tanker-
Evie, 16, 24 ness, 32, 39, 41, 50, 53, 99
Garrioch, J. G., Breckan, Evie, 78 Hepburn, John, Burnside, Tanker-
Garrioch, John, Costa, 27 ness, 26, 33
Garson Farms, Garson, Sandwick, Hepburn, P., Messigate, Tanker-
71, 92 ness, 18, 53, 98, 99
Garson Farms, Sandwick, 22, 33, Hepburn, Phyllis M., Burnside, Tanker-
46, 51, 52, 70, 76, 89, 90, ness, 33
92, 93 Hourston, Heidi, Skelbister, Orphir,
Gaudie, J. & Son, Craebreck, Holm, 56, 57
17, 28, 42, 98 Hourston, J. W., Croval, Sandwick,
Gaudie, R. J. & J. L., Netherskaill, 93
Birsay, 75, 86
Gibson, Mrs, Avelshay, 117 Inkster Bros, Woo, Rousay, 117,
Gilholm, R., Hammerbrake, San- 118
day, 19, 103 Isbister, J. & N., New Moan, Har-
Girvan, M. & L. J., Brance, South ray, 76, 89
Ronaldsay, 43, 44
Johnson, R. & J., Hewan, Shapin-
Gorn, C. S., Weddell, Burray, 50,
say, 15, 26, 51
111, 112

Johnston, R. & J. , Hewan, Shap- Learmonth, Robert, Saither, Dounby,
insay, 108, 109 63
Johnston, R. & J., Hewan, Shap- Learmonth, W., Saither, Dounby,
insay, 15, 34, 53, 54 69
Johnston, R. R., Trumland Farm, Leitch, Jim, Feolquoy, Evie, 57
Rousay, 13, 24 Lennie, J. M. & Co, Nearhouse,
Johnston, R. Rousay, 31 Tankerness, 37, 38, 45, 99
Johnston, R., Hewan, Shapinsay, Lennie, J. M., & Co, Nearhouse,
31, 32, 107 Tankerness, 30
Johnston, R., Trumland, Rousay, Lennie, J., Seaview, Sanday, 102,
117, 118 103
Johnston, Robert R., Trumland, Lennie, Malcolm, Silverhall, San-
Rousay, 31 day, 103
Leonard, E. A. & D., Park Cot-
Kemp, E. & I., Greenhall, Deer- tage, Berstane Road, Kirk-
ness, 37, 99 wall, 59
Kirkpatrick, W. G. & Sons, Newhall, Leslie, C. & C.E.B., Lopness, San-
Sandwick, 93 day, 103
Kirkpatrick, W. G. & Sons, Newhall, Leslie, T. & J., Quoymorhouse, Shap-
Stromnes, 89 insay, 19, 26, 33, 51, 54,
Kirkpatrick, W. G. & Sons, Newhall, 109
Stromness, 25, 45, 50, 70, Leslie, T. & M., Lopness, Sanday,
72, 76, 91 103
Kirkpatrick, W. G. & Sons, Ves- Linklater, John, 117
trafiold, Sandwick, 33, 51,
92 Mainland, H., 117
Kirkpatrick, W. G., & Sons, Newhall, Mainland, H., Hurtiso, Rousay, 118
Stromness, 18 Mainland, R., Hurtiso, Rousay, 118
Kirkpatrick, W. G., Newhall, Strom- Manson, Mr W., Horries, Toab, 16
ness, 56 Manson, R., West Clumley, Sand-
wick, 59
Laga Farms Ltd., Evie, 94 Meadows, C. & S., Gairsty, Mar-
Laird, Andrew, Mossbank, Burray, wick, 69, 78
113 Merriman, W. C., Laithe, Sand-
Laird, Eric, Weddell, Burray, 12, wick, 70, 72, 84, 91, 93
27 Messrs Davidson, Skaill & Messrs
Laird, J., Pole, 113 Sinclair, Unigarth, 83
Laird, S. & Co, Pole, Burray, 42 Messrs Sinclair, Unigarth & Wood,
Learmonth, A. A., Howe, Shapin- Garson, 84
say, 13, 17, 24, 31, 32, 50, Metcalf, E., Work Farm, St. Ola,
106–108 59
Learmonth, R., Saither, Dounby, Miller, G., Stenaquoy, Eday, 120
68 Miller, J., Ferniebrae, Eday, 120

Muir & Son, Gorn, Shapinsay, 51, Robertson, S. & J. D., Saverock,
108, 109 St Ola, 51
Muir & Sons, Gorn, Shapinsay, 18, Robertson, S. & J. D., Saverock,
30, 32–34, 47 St. Ola, 14, 54, 99
Muir, L., Midhouse, Harray, 15, Robertson, S. &. J. D., Saverock,
18, 19, 47, 48, 51, 52, 54, St. Ola, 33
67, 71, 73, 74, 80, 90, 92, Rosie, Messrs, Quoybond, South
94 Ronaldsay, 49
Muir, L., Summerdale, Stenness, Russel, James, Myres, Rousay, 118
Muir, W. & A., Hermisgarth, San- Sabiston, R., Lighthouse Farm, Fin-
day, 102, 103 stown, 88
Sabiston, R., Lighthouse, Firth, 42,
Nicolson, S. & F., Stenaday, Har- 43, 80, 86, 87
ray, 70, 89, 93 Scarth, G. R. T. & Co, Twatt Farm,
Birsay, 19, 36–38, 65, 72,
ohnston, R. R., Trumland Farm, 76–81, 84
Rousay, 24 Scarth, Twatt & Wylie, Sandwick,
Paterson, Mrs Rena, Veltigar, Tanker-
Scott, G. & K., Netherhill, Tanker-
ness, 59
ness, 27
Pirie, Gilbert, Quoys, Sourin, Rousay,
Scott, I. R., Howe, Harray, 89
Scott, Inga, Braebuster, Deerness,
Rendall, D. & I., Smoogro, Orphir, 59
42 Scott, J. & A., Howe, Harray, 94
Rendall, D. & I., Smoogroo, Or- Scott, J. A. & Co, Howe, Harray,
phir, 86 54
Rendall, Robbie, Longhouse, Westray, Scott, J. A. & Co., Howe, Harray,
57 33
Rendall, W., Nisthouse, Shapin- Scott, J. A., Howe, Harray, 30, 45
say, 107 Scott, J. R., Livaness, Shapinsay,
Ritch, James, Hatston, St. Ola, 106
11, 16 Scott, J., Roeberry, S. Ronaldsay,
Ritch, Mr James, Hatston, St. Ola, 42
31 Scott, John Jnr, Roeberry, 111
Ritch, Mr, Hatston, St. Ola, 31 Scott, John Jnr, Roeberry, South
Ritch, R. & Son, 68 Ronaldsay, 50
Ritch, Robert, Kierfiold, Sandwick, Scott, Mrs I., Roeberry Farm, South
16 Ronaldsay, 59
Ritch, W., Kierfiold, Sandwick, 12, Scott, R. E., Biggings, Rendall, 86
16, 23, 24, 27, 31, 64, 68, Scott, R. E., Biggins, Rendall, 42
82 Scott, W. & J., Bigging, Stenness,
Robertson, N., Shorelands, George 31
St., Kirkwall, 59

Seatter, J. & Son, Strathore, Shap- Smith, John & Son, Lower Corn-
insay, 108 quoy, Holm, 97
Simpson, E., Weaverhall, Strom- Smith, Messrs Bain & Smith, Hall
ness, 59 of Tankerness, 12, 23
Sinclair D. W. & Co, Unigarth, Smith, Messrs T. & Son, Lower
Sandwick, 77 Cornquoy, Holm, 16, 23
Sinclair, D. A. & M., How, San- Smith, Mr W. G., Bu, Holm, 97
day, 102 Smith, S., Lesliedale, St. Ola, 43
Sinclair, D. W. & Co, Unigarth, Spence, A. J. D. , Cavan, Birsay,
Sandwick, 18, 25, 39, 50, 65
65, 66, 70, 71, 73, 75, 76, Spence, A. J. D., Cavan, Birsay,
83, 84, 89 78
Sinclair, D. W. & Co. Unigarth, Spence, L., Spengar, Sandwick, 30,
Sandwick, 30 46, 77, 90
Sinclair, D. W., & Co, Unigarth, Spence, Mrs A. J. D., Cavan, Bir-
Sandwick, 14 say, 36
Sinclair, D. W., Unigarth, Sand- Spence, Mrs., Schoolhouse, Birsay,
wick, 68 68
Sinclair, D., How, Sanday, 102 Stephen & Co., Sandwick House,
Sinclair, E. J., Holland, Finstown, 112
69, 79 Stevenson, J. M., Bu, Orphir, 36
Sinclair, I., Heads, 112 Stevenson, Mr J., Carrick, Eday,
Sinclair, Messrs Sinclair, Unigarth 120
& Wood, Garson, 14, 29, Sutherland, E. & D., Aithsdale, 115
40 Swanney, J., North Howar, San-
Sinclair, Messrs, Unigarth & Messrs day, 102
Davidson, Skaill, 76 Swannie, D., Midhouse, South Ronald-
Sinclair, Messrs, Unigarth & Messrs say, 24, 53, 111
Wood, Garson, 76
Sinclair, Messrs, Unigarth, Sand- Taylor Bros, Aikers, South Ronald-
wick, 66 say, 29, 37
Sinclair, W. S., 25 John Street, Strom- Taylor, J. W. & Sons, Aikers, South
ness, 57 Ronaldsay, 49
Sinclair, W., Graemeshall, Holm, Taylor, R. J., Brencherhouse, Bir-
96 say, 15, 19, 26, 51, 54, 66,
Slater, B. & S., Newbigging, Dounby, 67, 73, 90, 92
85 Thomson, J. & P., Garth, South
Slater, J. & M., Millquoy, Sten- Ronaldsay, 112
ness, 60 Thomson, J., Garth, South Ronald-
Slater, Mr J., Yarpha, Orphir, 31 say, 14, 25, 33, 54
Slater, V. R., Breck, Orphir, 53, Traill Thomson, J., Garson, Strom-
70, 72, 93 ness, 17, 36, 69, 75, 79
Smith & Bain, Hall of Tankerness,
Voy, W., Milldam, Tankerness, 24

Walker, D., Bracke House, Sten- 17, 18, 24, 25, 32, 33, 36,
ness, 60 50, 53, 54, 106–108
Walker, Diane, Brake House, Sten- Work, D., & Son, Ness, Shapinsay,
ness, 60 13
Wilson, L. & Co, Quoynamoan, Sten- Work, D., Ness, Shapinsay, 31–33
ness, 79 Work, J. & A. , Queenamoan, Sand-
Wilson, L., Quoynamoan, Stenness, wick, 64
29 Work, J. & A., Queenamoan, Sand-
Wishart, J. & E., Newbigging, Har- wick, 12, 27, 28, 78
ray, 56 Work, J., Easthouse, Dounby, 79
Wishart, J. J., Newbigging, Sten- Work, Messrs, Queenamoan, Sand-
ness, 86 wick, 68
Wishart, J. W. S., Knockhall, 112 Wylie, G. T. , Swartland, Sand-
Wishart, J. W. S., Knockhall, South wick, 64
Ronaldsay, 36 Wylie, G. T., Swartland, Sandwick,
Wishart, Mrs D., Westquoy, Or- 12, 27, 82
phir, 58 Wylie, Sandwick & Scarth, Twatt,
Wood, M. C. & Co, Pow, Sand- 80
wick, 42, 86
Wood, M. C. & Son, Garson, Sand- Zawadski, T., Bu, Orphir, 27
wick, 18, 25, 50, 66, 70,
72, 83, 91
Wood, M. C. & Sons, Garson, Sand-
wick, 31, 69
Wood, M. C., Garson, Sandwick,
Wood, M. S. & Co, Pow, Sand-
wick, 93
Wood, M. W. T., Berridale, South
Ronaldsay, 17, 36
Wood, Messrs M. C. & Sons, Gar-
son, Sandwick, 12, 24
Wood, Messrs Sinclair, Unigarth
& Wood, Garson, 14, 29,
Wood, Messrs, Garson & Messrs
Sinclair, Unigarth, 76
Wood, Messrs, Garson, Sandwick,
Wood, W. T. & Sons, Balfour Mains,
Shapinsay, 31, 106
Work, A. K., Queenamoan, Sand-
wick, 36, 79
Work, D. & Son, Ness, Shapinsay,


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