Living The Answer 2010

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April 28 6:30pm THOMAS N. TABBACK, Author & 

Inspirational Speaker, invites you to 
Living The Answer hear an inspiring message of Truth 
with Thomas N. Tabback that brings the Bible to life and 
Event info: or 877-732-7521 reveals the Answer our nation needs.
In the spring of It’s time to accept the Truth and start reclaiming our
2009, Thomas N. country. Here’s what you will hear:
Tabback, his wife • How America and biblical Israel share a common history 
and his four and potential fate 
children forsook • Why no political or ideological endeavor can fix our 
house and home in
Austin, Texas and
• What the church must do to engage this fight, and how 
set out for the
open road. For love of God, country you can be the catalyst 
and the future of their children and • How to stop protesting the direction of our country and 
yours they embarked on this journey start reclaiming it! 
with no backing (church, ministry, • How you can humble the kings of today 
political group or otherwise), in order • How the TRUTH will set We The People free once more! 
to awaken the church to its
responsibility to restore America to its
roots as One Nation Under GOD. It is a sobering Truth that no device of politics or ideology 
can restore our great nation, that no effort of man will 
After nearly a year of nonstop living on suffice, that nothing save the Lord's healing hand can 
the road with his family, Thomas has accomplish what may seem impossible to many. 
now spoken before tens of thousands of
American patriots all across the It begins with awakening. It proceeds with courage. It 
country. His message is rooted in the becomes reality with Faith. 
biblical parallels between ancient Israel
and America today, and provides an RECENT APPEARANCES: 
inspiring answer to the burning 3/28/10 – First Friends Church (Van Wert, OH) 
question of how We The People 3/27/10 – Lincolnview High School (Van Wert, OH) 
reclaim our country from the lies of the
3/23/10 – Trinity Friends Church (Van Wert, OH) 
enemy. This is a message of Truth you
3/21/10 – Upper Room Church of God (Findlay, OH) 
must hear, and won’t soon forget.
3/15/10 – Lincoln Days Dinner (Fulton, MO) 
Come hear the Truth you’ve been 3/11/10 – Grand Lake Patriots (Celina, OH) 
waiting for! 2/15/10 – Forest United Methodist Church (Forest, OH) 
The  biblical  Conquest  of  Canaan  comes  to  life  in  this  cinematic  novel  that  follows  a 
man’s spiritual awakening in the midst of the birth of the first nation under God! 
For more information about PearlGate, Thomas N. Tabback, and our mission, please visit us at or call us at 877-PEARL-21

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