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Project #4: Budget Assignment Jillian Mills

IBM Grant Application:

Nonprofit organizations or educational institutions wishing to submit

unsolicited proposals to IBM should make an initial inquiry in the form of a
two-page letter. In the event that the proposal is of interest to IBM,
additional information will be requested. Videotapes and other supplemental
materials are strongly discouraged at this initial stage. The letter should
include the following information (stated in bold):

1. Brief statement fully describing the mission of the organization, the amount
of money requested, and the purpose of the contribution:

NC Public School’s mission is to be governed and supported by 21st Century

systems and teaching professionals. In the elementary school reading and language
arts programs, an educational grant from IBM could further this goal and improve
student achievement. For the 3rd grade reading classes in our school, we are
requesting $40,000.00. This money will go toward technology to aid students in
reading at their grade level. Basic hardware needs to be available to each student
with important software that aids in lesson planning, student collaboration, and
student motivation.

NCSCOS 3rd Grade Reading Goals:

Competency The learner will apply enabling strategies and skills to read and write.
Goal 1
Competency The learner will apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is
Goal 2 read, heard, and viewed.
Competency The learner will make connections through the use of oral language,
Goal 3 written language, and media and technology.
Competency The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and
Goal 4 visual texts.

2. Description of the problem you wish to address, the solution you propose,
and how IBM technology will be incorporated:

Many NC public school students are not reading at their grade level. Research
shows that if by 3rd grade a student is not at his or her grade level in reading than
they are not likely to ever catch up. Technology has the potential to make learning
to read easier and more accessible to all students.

3. Proposed project budget:

40 Computers with monitors – Two class sets of computers to be shared by 5

classes are the basis of many collaborative and individual lessons plans to aid with
reading comprehension.
5 Projectors – Each 3rd grade teachers should have to opportunity of creating and
presenting multimedia presentations to spark students’ interest and boost their
motivation to learn. This may also be used with Student Response Cards. This
technology models what teachers want their students to use in their own lives
utilizing the NETS-T standard to model Digital-Age Work and Learning
40 Microphone/Headphone Headsets – Two class sets of headsets allow students
to work independently with IBM software applications with voice recognition.
Having students work with online resources gives teachers more time for one-on-
one interaction if some of the main instruction can be presented online and students
are allowed to work at their own pace. Recording and listening correspond with
NCSCOS Competency goal 1.
100 1 Gigabyte Thumb drives – Each 3rd grader will receive their own thumb drive
to save their online work and voice recordings. Teachers can grade class work and
easily share work between students for collaborative assignments.
Microsoft Office Suite – This software is the basis for most multimedia
presentations and publications as well as word processing. These used comply with
NCSCOS competency goal 1 and 4.
Turning Point Student Response Cards System – Several independent research
studies can attest to the importance of this technology. Student response cards
allow for a teacher to check all students comprehension in seconds, address
misunderstanding without calling on individual students, increase participation,
allow for easy grading, open up opportunities for warm-up and reviews and
increase student motivation. A class set of 40 may be shared between all 5 3 rd grade
classes. This uses NCSCOS Goal 2 and NETS-T 2 to Design and Develop Digital-Age
Learning Experiences and Assessments .
Reading Companion –IBM software with voice recognition to help complete
NCSCOS goal 3.
Power Up – IBM software Instructional video game to be part of lessons and used as
an instructional reward for completing traditional class work. Used to help complete
NCSCOS goal 3.

4. Plans to measure and evaluate program results:

Teachers will individually assess students according to the NCSCOS curriculum and
NETS-S. Recordings on Thumb drives and results through student response cards
are graded and students who have access to this technology will be compared to
former years students who did not use such technology.

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