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Suppose a new Web site becomes very popular very
quickly. The number of visitors as a function of
time can be modelled using an exponential function.
What if you wanted to describe the time required
for the number of visitors to reach a certain value?
This type of functional relationship can be modelled
using the inverse of an exponential function.

y yb


x  by
0 x

Because each x-value in the inverse graph gives a unique y-value, the y y  bx
inverse is also a function of x. In the inverse function, the y-value is the
exponent to which the base, b, must be raised to produce x, by  x. In the yx
mathematics of functions, we usually prefer to express the y-coordinate
in terms of the x-coordinate, so we restate the relationship as y being the y  logbx
0 x
logarithm of x to the base b. This relationship is written as y  logb x.

Any exponential relationship can be written using logarithm notation:

23  8 ↔ log2 8  3
5  25
↔ log5 25  2
r t
↔ logr t  s

The logarithmic function is defined as y  logb x, or y equals the

logarithm of x to the base b.

This function is defined only for b  0, b  1.

Using this notation, the logarithm, y, is the exponent to which the base, b,
must be raised to give the value x. The logarithmic function is the inverse
of the exponential function with the same base. Therefore, any equation
of the form y  b can be written in logarithmic form.

6.2 Logarithms • MHR 323

Example 1 Write an Exponential Equation in Logarithmic Form
Rewrite each equation in logarithmic form.
a) 16  24
b) m  n3
c) 32  _

4  log2 16 is read as “4 equals 4  log2 16
the logarithm of 16 to the base 2.” b) m  n3
Notice that in both forms of the logn m  3
equation, the base is 2:
c) 1
32  _
16  24 4  log2 16 9
base ()1
log3 _  2

Note that logarithms can produce negative results, as in part c) above, but
the base of a logarithm can never be negative, zero, or one. Why is this? A
negative base with a non-integer exponent is undefined, log0 0 has an infinite
number of solutions, and log1 x only has meaning for x  1, in which case it
has an infinite number of values.

The logarithmic function is useful for solving for unknown exponents.

Example 2 Evaluate a Logarithm

a) log3 81

b) log2 _()
c) log10 0.01

a) The logarithm is the exponent to which you must raise a base to produce
a given value.
Let y  log3 81
Then, 3y  81
3y  34

324 MHR • Advanced Functions • Chapter 6

b) log2 _
Method 1: Mental Calculation
1 _
_ 1
8 23
 23 Think: To what exponent must 2 be raised to produce the value _ ?
1  3
log2 _

c) Let y  log10 0.01.

Then 10y  0.01
10y  102
y  2

Method 2: Graphical Analysis

Graph the function y  2x, and find the value of x that corresponds to Technology Tip s
y_ 1 or 0.125. A graphing calculator can be used for this. You can see from the graph in
8 the standard viewing window
that y  0.125 at some point
when x  0. Adjust the viewing
window and zoom in to find the
point where y  0.125.

Notice from Example 2a) and c) that loga (ab)  b.

Logarithms to the base 10 are called common logarithms . When writing a

common logarithm, it is not necessary to write the base; that is, log 100 is
understood to mean the same as log10 100.

Example 3 Write a Logarithmic Equation in Exponential Form

Rewrite in exponential form.
a) log4 64  3 b) y  log x

a) log4 64  3
The base is 4 and the exponent is 3. In exponential form, this equation is
43  64.
b) y  log x
Because there is no base written, this function is understood to be the
common logarithm of x. In exponential form, this is 10  x.

6.2 Logarithms • MHR 325

Example 4 Approximate Logarithms
Find an approximate value for each logarithm. Reasoning and Proving
Representing Selecting Tools
a) log2 10 b) log 2500
Problem Solving

Connecting Reflecting
Solution Communicating

a) log2 10

Method 1: Systematic Trial

log2 8  3 and log2 16  4, so log2 10 must be between 3 and 4. Find the
approximate exponent to which 2 must be raised to give 10. Try 3.50 first.

Estimate Check Analysis

3.50 23.50 ⬟ 11.3 Too high. Try a lower value.
3.10 23.10 ⬟ 8.6 Too low. Try 3.3.
3.30 23.30 ⬟ 9.8 Low, but very close.
3.35 23.35 ⬟ 10.2 A little high.
3.32 23.32 ⬟ 10.0 This is a good estimate.

Therefore, log2 10 ⬟ 3.32.

Method 2: Graphical
Analysis of y ⴝ 2x
Trace the graph of y  2x
and find the value of x
that produces y  10.
Graphing software
can be used to do this.

The graph shows that

y  10 when x ⬟ 3.32,
so log2 10 ⬟ 3.32.

Method 3: Intersection of Two Functions

Technology Tip s To find the value of x when 2x  10, enter the left side and the right side
To find the intersection point into a graphing calculator, each as a separate function. Then, find their
using a graphing calculator, point of intersection.
press O r for [CALC].
Choose 5:intersect. Press
e three times.

These graphs intersect when x ⬟ 3.32, so log2 10 ⬟ 3.32.

326 MHR • Advanced Functions • Chapter 6

b) log 2500
While any of the methods illustrated above can be used here, a scientific
or graphing calculator can be used to calculate common logarithms.
log 2500 ⬟ 3.40

Later in this chapter, you will analyse a technique for evaluating logarithms
with any base, using a calculator.


The logarithmic function
is the inverse of the

exponential function.
exponential function
logarithmic function
0 x

The value of logb x is equal to the exponent to which the base, b, is

raised to produce x.
Exponential equations can be written in logarithmic form, and vice versa.
yb ↔ x  logb y
y  logb x ↔ xb
Exponential and logarithmic functions are defined only for positive
values of the base that are not equal to one:
y  b , b  0, x  0, b 苷 1
y  logb x, b  0, y  0, b 苷 1
The logarithm of x to base 1 is only valid when x  1, in which case
y has an infinite number of solutions and is not a function.
Common logarithms are logarithms with a base of 10. It is not necessary
to write the base for common logarithms: log x means the same as log10 x.

Communicate Your Understanding

C1 Is a logarithm an exponent? Explain.
C2 Consider an equation in logarithmic form. Identify each value in the
equation and describe what it means. Discuss how this equation would
appear in exponential form.
C3 Does log2 (4) have meaning? If so, explain what it means. If not,
explain why it has no meaning.

6.2 Logarithms • MHR 327

A Practise
For help with question 1, refer to Example 1. For help with question 4, refer to Example 3.
1. Rewrite each equation in logarithmic form. 4. Rewrite in exponential form.
a) 4  64
a) log7 49  2
b) 128  27 b) 5  log2 32
1 c) log 10 000  4
c) 52  _
25 d) w  logb z

d) _1 2  0.25
e) log2 8  3
x f) log5 625  4
e) 6  y
f) 105  100 000 g) 2  log _ ( )
g) _1  33 h) log7 x  2y
h) v  b 5. Sketch a graph of each function. Then, sketch
For help with questions 2 and 3, refer to Example 2. a graph of the inverse of each function. Label
each graph with its equation.
2. Evaluate each logarithm.
a) y  2x
a) log2 64
b) y  4x
b) log3 27
For help with questions 6 to 8, refer to Example 4.
c) log2 _
4 6. Estimate the value of each logarithm, correct

( )
1 to one decimal place, using a graphical
d) log4 _
64 method.
e) log5 125 a) log2 6
f) log2 1024 b) log4 180
g) log6 363 c) log3 900
h) log3 81 d) log9 0.035

3. Evaluate each common logarithm. 7. Pick one part from question 6. Use a different
graphical method to verify your answer.
a) log 1000

( )
1 8. Evaluate, correct to two decimal places, using
b) log _ a calculator.
c) log 1 a) log 425
d) log 0.001 b) log 0.000 037
e) log 104 c) log 9
f) log 1 000 000 d) log 0.2

g) log _( )
e) log 17
f) log 99
h) log 10 000 g) log 183
h) log 1010

328 MHR • Advanced Functions • Chapter 6

B Connect and Apply
9. Let y  log x. 15. Chapter Problem Engineers of spacecraft take
a) Write the corresponding inverse function care to ensure that the crew is safe from the
in exponential form. dangerous cosmic radiation of space. The
b) Sketch a graph of y  log x and its inverse protective hull of the ship is constructed of a
on the same grid. special alloy that blocks radiation according
to the equation P  100(0.2) , where P is the
10. Evaluate each logarithm.
percent of radiation transmitted through a
a) log3 3 b) log2 2 hull with a thickness of x centimetres.
c) log12 12 1
d) log _1 _
2 2
() a) What thickness of the hull walls will ensure
11. a) Make a prediction about the value of logx x that less than 1% of the radiation will
for any value of x  0, x  1. pass through?
b) Test your prediction by evaluating several b) By how much would the thickness of the
cases. walls need to be increased in order to reduce
c) What can you conclude about the value the harmful radiation transmission to 0.1%?
of logx x? Explain your answer using
algebraic, numerical, or graphical reasoning. ✓ Achievement Check
12. a) Compare the rate Reasoning and Proving 16. After hearing some mysterious scratching
of change of a Representing Selecting Tools
noises, four friends at a high school decide
logarithmic function Problem Solving to spread a rumour that there are two
to that of its inverse Connecting Reflecting hedgehogs living inside the school’s walls.
(exponential) function. Communicating
Each friend agrees to tell the rumour to two
b) How are their rates of change different? other students every day, and also to encourage
How are they alike? Use an example to them to do likewise. Assuming that no one
illustrate and support your explanation. hears the rumour twice, the time, t, in days,
it will take for the rumour to reach N students
13. The number of visitors to a popular Web site
is tripling every day. The time, t, in days
is given by t  __ .
( )
log _N
for a number, N, of visitors to see the site log 3
log N
is given by the equation t  _ . a) Determine how long it will take for the
log 3
rumour to reach
How long will it take until the number of
visitors to the Web site reaches each number? i) 30 students
a) 1000 b) 1 000 000 ii) half of the student population of 1100
iii) the entire student population
14. Fog can greatly reduce the intensity of
oncoming headlights. The distance, d, in b) Graph the function.
metres, of an oncoming car whose headlights c) Describe how the graph would change if
have an intensity of light, I, in lumens (lm), the number of students who initially
is given by d  167 log _ ( )
I .
began the rumour were
i) greater than 4
a) How far away is a car whose headlight
ii) less than 4
intensity is 50 lm?
b) If the headlight intensity doubles, does this Explain your reasoning.
mean the car is half as far away? Explain. d) Describe how the graph would change if
c) What implications do these results have on some students were to hear the rumour
recommended driver behaviour? more than once. Explain your reasoning.

6.2 Logarithms • MHR 329

C Extend and Challenge
17. Use Technology Graph the function 19. Use Technology Another technique that can
y  log x using a graphing calculator or be used to view logarithmic functions over a
graphing software. Experiment with the broad range is to linearize the relationship
Zoom and Window settings. Try to view the using spreadsheet software.
function over as large a range as possible. a) Enter the table of values from question 18
a) Approximately how many integer values for the function y  log x. Use column A
of y can be viewed at any one time? for x and column B for y, starting at row 1.
b) Explain why it is difficult to view a broad
range of this function.
18. Because logarithmic functions grow very
slowly, it is difficult to see much of their range
using normal graphing methods. One method
of getting around this is to use semi-log graph
paper, in which one variable is graphed versus
the common logarithm of the other variable.

7 b) Create a scatter plot of the data. Describe

6 the shape of the graph of y  log x.
5 c) Use the formula  log(A1) in cell C1 and
copy it to cells C2 to C4 to find the common
logarithm of column A.
d) Create a scatter plot using the data in
columns C and B. Describe the shape of
this graph.
0 x
0 1 10 100 1000 10 000 100 000 1 000 000
e) What are some advantages of using this
technique to graph a logarithmic relationship?
a) Create a table of values for the function
y  log x, using several powers of 10 for x. 20. Math Contest The ratio ___102006  102008 is
b) Graph the function on semi-log graph 102007  102007
paper. Describe the shape of the graph. closest to which of the following numbers?
Explain why it has this shape. A 0.1 B 0.2 C 1 D 5 E 10
c) What are some advantages of using this 21. Math Contest Two different positive numbers,
technique to graph logarithmic relationships? m and n, each differ from their reciprocals by 1.
What is the value of m  n?
In laboratory experiments, semi-logarithmic scatter plots can
be used to determine an unknown parameter that occurs in the
exponent of an exponential relationship. You will learn more
about semi-log plots if you study physics or chemistry
at university.
Log charts are also used in the stock market to track a stock’s
value over a period of time.

330 MHR • Advanced Functions • Chapter 6

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