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The proponent will study the existing manual system use by the
library, will observe the daily process and collect the information needed to develop
system. The proponent will also conduct an interview to the librarian about the problems
that they encounter like on how the librarian manage the books, borrowed books,
returned books, all records of the student. The input, process, output (IPO) model of the
manual system (Fig. 2) will help the proponent to understand what process should be
taken by the system (Fig. 3). It shows the manual way of processing in the library. These
requirements will be a big help in the development of the system.
Design. The proponent will use the Use-Case Diagram to show who interacts with
the system. A representation of a user's interaction with the system that shows the
relationship between the user and the different use cases in which the user is involved
(Figure 4).
Development. The proponent will be used Adobe Photoshop CS6 for the interface
of the system, Visual Basic. Net 2013 for primary programming language, SQL Server
for the database of all information and Windows operating system for the platform of the

Testing. This phase will ensure the quality and reliability of the system. The
proponent will use prototype of the system to test, check and fix some of the problems,
errors and improvements.
The testing phase includes unit testing, system testing and acceptance
Unit Testing. The proponent will conduct unit testing to test the
components: log-in form, library information system, borrowing, returning of
books and back-end database (Appendix 3).

System Testing. This kind of testing is to ensure the quality of the

system and to identify the six quality characteristics of software namely






portability. There will be a ten question that describe the functionality of

the system which indicates the system is able to provide a integrate
database for the records of the library, will provide the time a member
consume in borrowing the book, it will give the notice to the librarian in
incoming due date of the borrow book, easily retrieve book information
through the search functions, provide more convenient recording of all
books in the library, will provide complete listing of books available, will
be able to provide more convenient way of borrowing and returning of
books, will provide a soft of the library records like reports, gives limit to
the usage of computer for every member. Number eleven (11) describe
reliability is measured if the system can resume working and retrieve data
after failure. Under the usability are numbers number (12) and thirteen

(13) which indicate that the system can be learned by the user easily and if
the interface looks good. Next is efficiency number fourteen (14) and
fifteen (15) which indicate that the system utilizes resources efficiently
and the system responds quickly. Under the maintainability the number is
sixteen (16). The number seventeen (17) and eighteen (18) are indicate if
the system complies with portability. These questionnaires will use the
Likerts scale 1 to 5, 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest rating (Appendix
Acceptance Testing. This type of testing is to determine if the
expectations are met. The proponent will prepare a list of questions
(Appendix 5) for the verification of the system.

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