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“Designing effective IT
systems for today’s
changing world.”

Table of Content

Project Name……………………………………………………………………………3

Project Team…………………………………………………………………………….3

Project Description……………………………………………………………………3

Measurable Organizational Value (MOV)………………………………………4

 The desired area of impact……………………………………………..4

 Desired value of the IT project………………………………………..4

 Appropriate metric…………………………………………………………5

 Set time frame for achieving the MOV………………………………5

 Summary of the MOV……………………………………………………..5

A Comparison of Alternatives……………………………………………………..6

 Total cost of ownership (TCO)…………………………………………6

 Total benefit of ownership (TBO)…………………………………….7


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Project Name

The project name is Poseidon.

Project Team

The group that will be implementing the project is Enterprise Technology Solutions. The members of
this project team include Gavin Heinly, Andrew Krug, Batul Merchant, Lee Pickett, Matthew Shaw, and
Bob Woods.

Project Description

Our team is seeking to develop a database backbone for the Husky Air company. In the following
proposal, our team will attempt to outline and explain what our proposed solution for the revamp of
their current data storage system. Our goal is to create a database system that will keep Husky Air's day-
to-day operations more efficient and effective. Database systems organize and catalog data to better aid
in using information effectively. Husky Air's current data organization system is ineffective for the
changing market and to keep their company competitive; revamping the back end operations will help
move them forward.

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Measurable Organizational Value

 The Desired Area of Impact: First and foremost, our interest is in helping Husky Air in their
Operational flow. Improvement of operations describes maintaining a system that will create
a lowered cost and overall improvement in task completion. Since Husky Air's current system
has proven to be less-than useful for the changing demands of today's electronic-focused
world, our new system will focus on improving their operations. Our next concern is the
improvement of the Strategic element of their business. To expand and grow, a company
should move forward technologically regularly. Companies that don't use computerization in
their business plan are prone to being market-starved against companies that will. Tying into
this, improving the Strategic area will improve the financial area as well. With improved
growth, a company would naturally see an increase in revenue. Plus with the reduced cost of
maintaining a lower profile file management system, profit margin will also see an increase.
Customer relations will likely improve with a more streamlined file system as entering and
retrieving data will allow for quicker turnaround times and improved accuracy. Finally, we can
examine the improvement for Social concerns. However, the focal point of this project is to
improve the Operational concerns of the company as that is where we will see the largest

 Desired Value of the IT Project: As the focus of the project is to improve operations, in general
we are trying to lower time taken to handle requests for data entry or retrieval. With a non-
database system, much time and energy is lost in trying to maintain and use data. Using
physical data storage requires a manual organization system and having to peruse through file
cabinets or bookshelves of paperwork to find one piece of information or enter a new piece of
information is inefficient in today's computerized society. As such, in the interest of making a
more effective operation for Husky Air, computerizing their data storage will remove the need
to physically organize data. Database software like SQL Server and MySQL are designed to

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collect and manage data on behalf of the user, freeing up their time. In addition, time lost on
inaccurate data entry due to errors in human organization of information can be averted with
a computer data storage system as a computer data storage system reduces the number of
variables a user must know about the data to organize it (organization on the computer level
can be preprogrammed and thus blunting the risk of erratic data entry). Time lost is money
lost and in the business world, any gain in time improves the possibility for improved earnings.

 Appropriate Metric: By implementing a pilot supply database it would be possible to increase

productivity by at least 50%. This is due in part because of the ability to make certain tasks
automated. For instance, when certain supplies become low, it would be possible to
automatically order more to keep inventory up. It will also allow the workers to see how
many items they have in inventory and be able to work accordingly. Also, by implementing a
user-friendly interface the users will be more likely to adopt the system and make use of its
beneficial qualities.

 Set Time Frame for Achieving the MOV: Once the data is added to the database and set up
then it will be possible for the workers to be trained to take advantage of the system and
begin to feel the beneficial effects of the system at least 1-2 months after its implementation.

 Summarize the MOV: By implementing this system, there will be a noticeable increase in
operational efficiency. Workers will be able to access information more efficiently than was
previously possible. It will also be possible to improve operations by automating inventory
orders. The system will provide a productivity increase of at least 50% after the workers have
been trained to use the system. The project will be successful if the users are trained and are
willing to use the new system.

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A Comparison of Alternatives

 Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

o Upfront Costs - Upfront cost will be the cost of buying and installing all of the
hardware. Desktop computers will be $600 per unit; the intranet server will be
$1000. Desktop computers are the best option because they can be easily up
graded. The Linux operating system, Ubuntu, will be free of cost. The total cost of
the hardware will be $14,800. The operating system will be Windows except for
the server which will run Ubuntu server edition. Other initial purchases will be
that for Microsoft Office, and any other software that is needed.

o Ongoing Costs - We can provide Information Technology services so that husky air
does not need a separate Information Technology department. After the initial
training using and access the database, Husky Air can train new employees due to
the simplicity of the user interface, teaching the database is a 4 hour training
course. We will supply materials if needed to train the course. We can remotely
administer the database. Another cost will be an internet connection to provide
remote access to the system for employees and for the volunteers.

o Indirect Costs - Linux servers have an average downtime of 30 min a year after the
initial break in period. We can have upgrade and maintenance occur on
weekends to prevent conflicts. Window servers have a much longer downtime for
updates and miscellaneous problems; the average downtime is approximately 9

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 Total Benefits of Ownership (TBO)

Windows vs. Linux:

o Linux- Choosing a pilot supplies database which is based on Linux will allow
employees to have more control and go more in depth within the server. In Linux,
a very large scope of intricate commands and settings can be used to meet any
need of Husky Air. Linux has a relatively small footprint, and is provided at no
charge to use. However, there is a price for Linux maintenance and OS support if
Husky Air decides to utilize Red Hat's services. With a Linux based server, there is
also a reduced chance of computerized theft or compromise.

o Windows Server 2008- If Husky Air decides to incorporate Windows for its pilot
supply database, there will be an upfront cost with the purchase of the operating
system. However, the graphical user interface and commands within Windows
will provide Husky Air users with an easy to use interface. Because of the GUI,
Windows must use more resources, which translates to a larger footprint.
Windows also is compatible with many programs and utilities that Husky Air may
use, and will therefore offer a smooth transition.

MySQL vs. SQL server vs. Oracle:

o MySQL- There are three database management systems that Husky Air may
choose from to manage and organize supplies and parts in a pilot supply

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database. These engines are SQL Server, MySQL, and Oracle. MySQL has two
versions, a standard and an enterprise version. The enterprise version is better
suited to Husky Air's needs, and costs less than a workstation. MySQL is
relatively lightweight and compact, which uses minimal system resources such
as RAM and CPU. Because this engine has been developed through open
source, and is not limited to any one supported engine, MySQL outperforms
almost every other system. It runs well on Windows, and even better on UNIX.
However, since it is lightweight, it is not a full-fledged system. MySQL has a
basic security package.

o Microsoft SQL Server 2008- Husky Air's second choice for a database
management system is SQL Server 2008. Since it is developed by Microsoft, the
proprietary database system come with a price, and is also limited to a Sybase
derived engine. Additionally, SQL Server will only run in a Windows
environment. However, that price ensures a system which is a complete
package, with all the features needed to deploy and develop within Husky Air.
Since SQL Server comes with more robust features, some performance must be
sacrificed, and it therefore does not operate as quickly as MySQL. SQL server's
security measures earned the system certification for government use.

o Oracle- Perhaps the most costly of the three choices Husky Air has for a
database management system is Oracle. Oracle is a huge, full featured and
absolutely complete DBMS. Oracle can run on multiple platforms and performs
similarly to SQL Server. It by far has the most features, more depth, and more
security, which is why it costs substantially more. For a relatively small business
like Husky Air, many of these features will go unused and unneeded.

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A Recommendation

We here at Enterprise Technology Solutions recommend that for the benefit and prosperity of Husky Air,
switching from your current data storage system to one of our new database systems. Once one of the
systems is implemented and workers are trained to use the new system, productivity will be increased
by 50% and more productivity means more revenue. The total cost of our product will pay for itself in
the first month of implication. If Husky Air decides to use one of our new database systems we will offer
a free training seminar for Husky Air's employees. We are confident that you will be 100% satisfied with
the new database system.

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