The Seal and Its Elements

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The Seal

And its Elements

CLASS 2019
The Sailing Vessel (Class Insignia)

The class insignia, carrying the numerals

2019, is imprinted on a vessel sailing forward
represents the batch and the year the cadets advance
to a new phase after having received the knowledge
and training from our alma mater.
Maritime Symbols

The anchor represents decisiveness and

steadfastness. The right moment the anchor is
dropped is the time decisions are made, we decide
where we stand, and where we stay, unwavered by
whatever condition or calamity. Making choices and
standing up for our decision.
The propeller represents the cadets passion
and ambitions, which gives them the strength to move
forward to their goals and to their desired destination.
The helm and gear represents the field for
Marine Deck Officer and Marine Engineering
The three forked trident symbolizes the home
of our seafarers: the vast waters, the seven seas where
our fates are aligned to and where adventures and
challenges awaits.
The Leaf and the Rose
The leaf represents the wisdom and
knowledge imparted to the class. And being connected
to the compass rose means that we will use what we
gained in the right direction with honesty and moral

uprightness, and that the batchs integrity is worth

the trust given to us.
The Three Stars
The stars represent the cadets from the three
main islands of the nation, Luzon, Visayas, and
Mindanao; and all three being in one seal, means that
regardless our origin and race, we remain as one class,
all equal and accepted.

The Class of 2019 has chosen this complex

creature of the deep blue to be their guardian, the
Octopus. The octopus is considered to be the most
intelligent of all invertebrates. Though graceful when
calm, the octopi are fast swimmers. They can jet
forward by expelling water through their mantles.

The Saber and the Sword

The intersecting swords, the Cadets Saber
and the Officer Sword, symbolize the point when the
midshipmen become officers who are worthy to
deserve these blades.
The Company Blades

From the left side, parallel to the Cadets

Saber, are two blades representing the first squadron,
the Alfa Company and Bravo Company. On the right,
aligned with the Officers Sword, are blades
representing the second squadron, the Charlie
Company and the Delta Company; the companies that
make up the class and the fleet.
The Chains

The blades, representing the elements of the

class, are all connected by chains; chains that
represent the strength of our bonds and the link of our
The Torch

The torch is a symbol for our hope, guidance,

and will. We shall continue believing and striving for
the better as our hearts flame will go on forever.
The Class Guardian: The Octopus

And their bodies can squeeze into impossibly small

cracks, like the class doing the impossible
instantaneously. As predators and prey, they are
known for strategy, they use their surroundings and
what they learn from other animals to get around
difficult situations. The octopus physically strongest
point is its suckers power to hold on, reflecting how

the class holds onto its words and how we hold onto
what we love and what is right. We, the
SEREZAEONS, chose the octopus to be our guardian
and our guide to whatever obstacles we encounter in
the future.
Codes of Standards
Obsequim for service, iustitia for righteousness, and
integritas for integrity; these are the standards built
by the class in our stay here in the academy.
Obsequium: for we live to serve our people, we live to
help, and work for the betterment of the system.
Iustia: our judgment accords to what is right and fair,
for justice is a virtue. Integritas: we live with
integrity, for it is the foundation of our trust, honor,
and dignity; it being the highest code of standard of
Class 2019.

We, the midshipmen, are very proud to present our

name: Sedulous Conquerors of our Zoetic Azure
Oceans. We hold the name, SEREZAEONS, perfect for
the passionate and fiery spirit of Class 2019!

Sedulous - showing dedication and diligence

Zoetic - Vital
Azure - Blue

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