Residuals - Biosolids - Sludge Curriculum Infusion Unit

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Residuals – Biosolids – Sludge

Curriculum Infusion Unit

Units Team

Philip N. Kane, Ed.D. – Author

Patricia Young – Graphic Design and Production

Copyright @ 2005

Permission is hereby granted to classroom teachers and informal educators to make unlimited copies of any portion of this
material for classroom or teacher education uses.

Additional requested reproductions may be charged at shipping and printing costs only.

All other rights reserved. For additional permissions contact:

Florida Water Environment Association

Executive Manager
John Giachino

Tim Madhanagopal

Tom Jones

Joe Cheatham

Marilyn Barger

Bill Marcous

Julie Karlinskint

C. Frank Wyche

Chris Roschek

Tommy Tyson

Tracy Newsome

Dr. Phil Kane

Robert Conner

Ray Hanson
Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Colleen Castille

Central District Director

Vivian Garfein

Maurice Barker

Christianne C. Ferraro

K. Dennise Judy

Phil Kane

Lou Ley

Jeff Prather

Tricia Williams

Patricia Young



Educator Reviewers:

Vivian Garfein

Ginny Miller

Elizabeth Morrison

Sara Bhonsale Oberbeck

When I first considered how to convey to the members of the Florida Water
Environment Association the concept of an “infusion unit” as a tool for helping teachers
educate our school populations about biosolids, I explained to them that infusion involves
a multidisciplinary approach to learning. With biosolids a multidisciplinary approach is
one where biosolids would not simply be taught in a single traditional class subject area
such as a science. Learning about biosolids could be experienced in any class subject.
Biosolids education would be infused or incorporated into all aspects of the curriculum.
This approach is one that inculcates knowledge, attitudes, and psychomotor skills into the
student’s whole learning environment and experience. Teaching from a multidisciplinary
approach creates a learning environment where the students can develop a holistic
educational reference base that shall serve as a starting point for future personal use all
their lives. Any new encounters a student experiences with biosolids issues will be as a
biosolids literate citizen.
This teacher’s biosolids infusion unit was then developed and intended as
inspiration, guidance, reference, and a point of departure. It is assuredly not the absolute
authoritative encyclopedia of biosolids. It is, however, an effort to provide the best and
most accurate possible current teacher resource on the subject of biosolids that could be
developed. The issues and elements involved with biosolids are varied and wide ranging
ones that can not be completely addressed in any single curriculum source such as this
unit and that is not its intent. This is an educational source that is to be used in any
manner deemed relevant by each individual teacher. Teachers understand their students
and the needs of those students. It is hoped that this educational resource will provide a
springboard from which you as a teacher may leap into the convoluted and complex
world of biosolids. Each of us is undeniably intricately involved with biosolids issues and
there is an overwhelming urgency and need for biosolids education. A biosolids literate
citizen is the primary goal of this teacher’s biosolids curriculum infusion unit.

Lastly, I remember an admonition I received from my parents as a young student.
I was concerned about my educational efforts not being adequate to the challenges I was
experiencing in school. My mother advised me to simply do the best I could. With that
advice I did so and continue to do so. The last component of the advice from my parents
that I omitted was that once having done my best; I was then not to worry about it. Do
what you will with this resource and then forget about it, as that was your best effort at
the time. Good advice! A final biosolids admonition from me to supplement the above
would be to keep your sense of humor. It serves me well with biosolids issues.

It is to be hoped that by the use of this infusion unit, the rose by any name that we
choose to call biosolids will be embraced. However, in this unit biosolids, residuals, and
sludge are used interchangeably.

Phil Kane, Ed.D


Table of Contents

Teacher Background 1-20

What are these treated domestic wastewater solids? 1
All wastewater solids are not created equal. 4
What Rules? 11
Good for Soil Amendment? 12
Historical Perspective on Domestic Wastewater Solids. 12
Issues! We got issues! 14
The Future! 17

Teacher Activity Note 21

Activity: Biosolids Around the World 23

Activity: Rule Making 25

Activity: Biosolids Land Application Site Diorama 27

Activity: Biosolids Town Meeting 31

Activity: Letter Writing 35

Activity: Biosolids Growth Experiments 37

Activity: Map Making 41

Aerial Maps 43-47

Activity: Comparison Shopping 49

Activity: Designer Trucks 51

Truck Pictures 52-55

Activity: “The Sky’s the Limit” for Biosolids 57

Activity: Loading Up 59

Activity: A Residuals Sense of Humor 63

Resources 65
Teacher Background:

What are these treated domestic wastewater solids?

People often believe that anything originating from a

domestic wastewater treatment facility is “raw untreated
human waste”. The names residuals, biosolids, or sludge all
are ones that refer to a product generated at a domestic
wastewater treatment facility that can invoke any number of
immediate responses ranging from intensely negative ones
to intensely positive ones at the other end of the spectrum.
The above product in question is a natural byproduct of
people. People like all animals generate personal wastes.

The average American contributes between 60 and 190 gallons of wastewater

each day. Wastewater is about 99 percent water by weight and is cleaned at wastewater
treatment plants before it is recycled to rivers, lakes, streams, the ocean, or reused for
groundwater recharge or irrigation. Treatment plants may have primary treatment
processes that utilize screens, grit chambers, and sedimentation tanks to physically or
mechanically remove floatable and sinking solids. Treatment plants may also have
secondary treatment processes in which microorganisms use the organic material
contained in the wastewater as a food source thereby converting dissolved unsettled
solids into sinking biosolids that can then be removed. The remaining much cleaner
wastewater is disinfected before it is returned to the environment. A number of
wastewater treatment plants employ the even better tertiary treatment that may include
physical, chemical or biological processes to remove nutrients such as nitrogen and
phosphorus. The other less readily recognized component of domestic wastewater is the
solids component. This is the sludge that is called by many names. The solid domestic
wastewater component generated during the treatment of domestic wastewater may be
disposed of at a landfill without any further treatment for land application. However, in
the interest of wise recycling the solid component of domestic wastewater may be treated
to the point that it becomes a beneficial soil amendment or fertilizer.

An important issue that should be noted is when the solids first arrive at the
treatment facility; they are derived directly from
people and their activities. However, a key feature
is that the solids are then changed dramatically.
The solids become food for microorganisms like
protozoans and bacteria that readily ravenously
consume those initial solids. In this manner the
solids become growth components of the facility
treatment microorganisms. As the treatment of the
domestic wastewater continues the new
microorganism solids continue through the facility.
Eventually at the end of the facility and beyond the
microorganisms begin to die leaving their corpses, so to speak, as the solids that are
known by many names such as biosolids. The initial people solids become
microorganism solids and more.

The Federal government term given to the solid treated domestic wastewater
component is biosolids. In Florida they are called residuals historically or biosolids. At a
wastewater treatment facility sludge is the common term.

All wastewater treated solids are not created equal!

Note that if the biosolids are to be recycled and used as a soil amendment they
must be created from processes approved by the EPA. As previously stated, if the solids
or biosolids are not to be recycled they typically are disposed of in a landfill and that
disposal method takes up valuable space. The landfill may not want the biosolids. The
biosolids that are to be recycled as a soil amendment are generated in one of several EPA
approved options. The EPA defines the soil amendment products somewhat differently
than the State of Florida, but the results are basically the same. In Florida to generate
Class B soil amendment product biosolids, an EPA “Process To Significantly Reduce
Pathogens” must be used by the wastewater treatment facility. Class B biosolids are the
lowest level of treated biosolids that may be land applied in Florida. Class A is more
intensely treated than Class B and Class AA is one step beyond Class A, since it has a
greater reduction in available heavy metals. The Class B biosolids generated by an EPA
approved method, such as lime stabilization, anaerobic digestion, or aerobic digestion
process are suitable for land application. As can be determined from the term
“significantly reduce” the sludge still retains a slight possibility that some pathogens or
disease causing organisms may still be present. Class B biosolids may be land applied,
but due to the slight possibility of lingering pathogens the land application activities have
to follow some restrictive requirements such as setbacks from water, wells, and public
occupied buildings and other requirements. The land application restrictions may be
thought of as a protective “belt and suspenders” approach to recycling the biosolids. If
the biosolids generated follow a “Process To Further Reduce Pathogens” (Class A or AA)
where the process typically involves increased temperature and longer treatment times
there are fewer numbers of restrictions. The biosolids are deemed to be free from
pathogens. The test methods that must be used for detecting the pathogenic organisms are
the best current EPA approved methods that people have to date and with these methods
there is reasonable assurance that no pathogens can be detected.

Whether a Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens or a Process to Further

Reduce Pathogens is used, another EPA process must be used to reduce the product’s

attractiveness to agents that may disperse any pathogenic elements of the residuals out of
their intended area of use as a soil amendment. These EPA approved processes are called
Vector Attraction Reduction methods. (See Tables 1, 2, and 3 on the next page.)

Table 1. Processes to Significantly
Reduce Pathogens (PSRPs)

1. Aerobic Digestion Sewage sludge is agitated with air or oxygen

to maintain aerobic conditions for a specific
mean cell residence time (i.e., solids
retention time) at a specific temperature.
Values for the mean cell residence time and
temperature shall be between 40 days at
20°C (68°F) and 60 days at 15°C (59°F).

2. Air Drying Sewage sludge is dried on sand beds or on

paved or unpaved basins. The sewage
sludge dries for a minimum of 3 months.
During 2 of the 3 months, the ambient
average daily temperature is above 0°C

3. Anaerobic Digestion Sewage sludge is treated in the absence of

air for a specific mean cell residence time
(i.e., solids retention time) at a specific
temperature. Values for the mean cell
residence time and temperature shall be
between 15 days at 35°C to 55°C (131°F)
and 60 days at 20°C (68°F).

4. Composting Using either the within-vessel, static aerated

pile, or windrow composting methods, the
temperature of the sewage sludge is raised
to 40°C (104°F) or higher and remains at
40°C (104°F) or higher for 5 days. For 4
hours during the 5-day period, the
temperature in the compost pile exceeds
55°C (131°F).

5. Lime Stabilization Sufficient lime is added to the sewage

sludge to raise the pH of the sewage sludge
to 12 for $2 hours of contact.

Table - 2. Processes to Further
Reduce Pathogens (PFRPs)

Composting Using either the within-vessel composting method or the static aerated pile
composting method, the temperature of sewage sludge is maintained at 55°C
(131°F) or higher for 3 consecutive days. Using the windrow composting
method, the temperature of the sewage sludge is maintained at 55°C (131°F)
or higher for 15 consecutive days or longer. During the period when the
compost is maintained at 55°C (131°F) or higher, there shall be a minimum
of five turnings of the windrow.

Heat Drying Sewage sludge is dried by direct or indirect contact with hot gases to reduce
the moisture content of the sewage sludge to 10% or lower. Either the
temperature of the sewage sludge particles exceeds 80°C (176°F) or the wet
bulb temperature of the gas in contact with the sewage sludge as the sewage
sludge leaves the dryer exceeds 80°C (176°F).

Heat Treatment Liquid sewage sludge is heated to a temperature of 180°C (356°F) or higher
for 30 minutes.

Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion Liquid sewage sludge is agitated with air or oxygen to maintain aerobic
conditions and the mean cell residence time (i.e., the solids retention time) of
the sewage sludge is 10 days at 55°C (131°F) to 60°C (140°F).

Beta Ray Irradiation Sewage sludge is irradiated with beta rays from an electron accelerator at
dosages of at least 1.0 megarad at room temperature (ca. 20°C [68°F]).

Gamma Ray Irradiation Sewage sludge is irradiated with gamma rays from certain isotopes, such as
Cobalt 60 and Cesium 137,at dosages of at least 1.0 megarad at room
temperature (ca. 20°C [68°F]).

Pasteurization The temperature of the sewage sludge is maintained at 70°C (158°F) or

higher for 30 minutes or longer.

Table - 3. Vector Attraction Reduction Options
Requirement Most Appropriate For:

Option 1 What Is Required? Sewage sludge processed by:

503.33(b)(1) Anaerobic biological treatment
At least 38% reduction in volatile solids during sewage Aerobic biological treatment
sludge treatment
Option 2 Only for anaerobically digested sewage sludge that
503.33(b)(2) cannot meet the requirements of Option 1
Less than 17% additional volatile solids loss during bench-
scale anaerobic batch digestion of the sewage sludge for
40 additional days at 30°C to 37°C (86°F to 99°F)
Option 3 Only for aerobically digested liquid sewage sludge with
503.33(b)(3) Less than 15% additional volatile solids reduction during 2% or less solids that cannot meet the requirements of
bench-scale aerobic batch digestion for 30 additional days Option 1 - e.g., sewage sludges treated in extended
at 20°C (68°F) aeration plants. Sludges with
2% solids must be diluted.

Option 4 Liquid sewage sludges from aerobic processes run at

503.33(b)(4) SOUR at 20°C (68°F) is #1.5 mg oxygen/hr/g total sewage temperatures between 10 to 30°C (should not be used
sludge solids for composted sewage sludges).

Option 5 Composted sewage sludge (Options 3 and 4 are likely

503.33(b)(5) Aerobic treatment of the sewage sludge for at least 14 to be easier to meet for sewage sludges from other
days at over 40°C (104°F) with an average temperature of aerobic processes)
over 45°C (113°F)
Option 6 Alkali-treated sewage sludge (alkaline materials include
503.33(b)(6) Addition of sufficient alkali to raise the pH to at lime, fly ash, kiln dust, and wood ash)
least 12 at 25°C (77°F) and maintain a pH $12 for
2 hours and a pH $11.5 for 22 more hours
Option 7 Sewage sludge’s treated by an aerobic or anaerobic
503.33(b)(7) Percent solids $75% prior to mixing with other materials process (i.e., sewage sludges that do not contain
unstabilized solids generated in primary wastewater

Option 8 Percent solids $90% prior to mixing with other materials Sewage sludges that contain unstabilized solids
503.33(b)(8) generated in primary wastewater treatment (e.g., heat-
dried sewage sludges
Sewage sludge is injected into soil so that no significant
Option 9 amount of sewage sludge is present on the land surface 1 Sewage sludge applied to the land or placed on a
503.33(b)(9) hour after injection, except Class A sewage sludge which surface disposal site. Domestic septage applied to
must be injected within 8 hours after the pathogen agricultural land, a forest, or a reclamation site, or
reduction process. placed on a surface disposal site

Sewage sludge is incorporated into the soil within 6 hours

Option 10 after application to land or placement on a surface Sewage sludge applied to the land or placed on a
503.33(b)(10) disposal site, except Class A sewage sludge which must surface disposal site. Domestic septage applied to
be applied to or placed on the land surface within 8 hours agricultural land, forest, or a reclamation site, or
after the pathogen reduction process. placed on a surface disposal site

Sewage sludge placed on a surface disposal site must be

covered with soil or other material at the end of each
Option 11 operating day. Sewage sludge or domestic septage placed on a
503.33(b)(11) surface disposal site
pH of domestic septage must be raised to $12 at 25°C
(77°F) by alkali addition and maintained at $12 for 30
Option 12 minutes without adding more alkali. Domestic septage applied to agricultural land, a forest,
503.33(b)(12) or a reclamation site or placed on a surface disposal site

The vectors would be things like flies, rodents, and birds
that might carry the biosolids and anything in them to areas where
people may potentially contract a lingering pathogenic organism.
This is not a concern when proper pathogen reduction and vector
attraction reduction methods are combined. The correct
combination provides a good suitable soil amendment product.
In summary, biosolids that are generated from domestic wastewater may be
unsuitable for land application or treated to different levels of suitability for land
application. The wastewater treatment facility has the option of treatment. In Florida,
Class A and Class AA biosolids are the highest levels requiring few biosolids use
restrictions while Class B is a good product that has more restrictions on use since it is
generated from a process that may allow some pathogens to exist in the product for a
time. It should be noted that even with Class B biosolids, the EPA and the State of
Florida have determined that when the appropriate restrictions are followed the biosolids
used for land application will be as safe as possible. The EPA uses different names for
the biosolids products generated by the different levels of treatment, while in Florida the
products are different classes generated from EPA approved processes.
One other thing to keep in mind is that biosolids may be of two basic types in
addition to the level of treatment. Biosolids may be liquid or cake. Cake biosolids are
those that have been dewatered to the point of retaining at least twelve percent solids and
less than eighty eight percent liquid. Liquid biosolids are often extremely watery and
must be transported in a vehicle that will contain the liquid. Cake biosolids more closely
resemble soil in some form. Depending on the amount of dewatering the biosolids will
range from a swampy watery texture to a dry crusty soil consistency. Cake biosolids may
be transported in a vehicle like a dump truck.
Remember that biosolids may be produced in different forms and variations.
Whatever the class or type, the biosolids product must be generated with approved EPA
processes that create a soil amendment product appropriate for land application.
It should be noted that treatment of biosolids may add significant costs…costs
that must be born either by the generator of the wastes (the utility customer) or the end
user of the biosolids product. The utility has the responsibility of striking an appropriate

balance when expending monies, ensuring that treatment decisions are both fiscally
prudent and protective of public health.

What rules?

At the national level the rules created for governing

the proper treatment and use of the treated solid component
of domestic wastewater are called Title 40 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) Part 503. They are commonly referred to
as 503 and the solids generated in domestic wastewater
treatment are called biosolids. The State of Florida has
adopted rules pertaining to residuals or biosolids. They are
called the Chapter 62-640, Florida Administrative Code
(F.A.C.) (F.A.C. 62-640 or commonly 640). In this set of
rules biosolids are clearly defined. The 2006 Florida
definition of biosolids is that ‘“Residuals” or “domestic wastewater residuals” means the
solid, semisolid, or liquid residue generated during the treatment of domestic wastewater
in a domestic wastewater treatment facility. Not included are solids removed from pump
stations and lift stations, screenings and grit removed from the preliminary treatment
components of domestic wastewater treatment facilities, other solids as defined in Rule
62-640.200(24), F.A.C., and ash generated during the incineration of biosolids.’
Occasionally in Florida there is an additional level of regulation at the county
level. When descending from the Federal level down to the potential county level each
lower level of regulation must be as stringent or more stringent than the level above it. In
this manner the rules are tailored to the specific needs of each lower regulatory level
down to the desired local level. It is possible that even a city may enact biosolids rules.
Biosolids generation and use as a beneficial soil amendment is therefore conducted under
the auspices of distinct rules intended to ensure public health and environmental
protection. Science, industry, technology, agriculture, political entities, the public, and
others have combined to ensure that public health and the environment are protected
while this product is being generated and used. The combined interested parties or

stakeholders created the regulations that ensure the wise reuse of the treated domestic
wastewater solids. This rule making process adapts to the times as we go into the future.

Good for soil amendment?

People and botanicals need many of the

same nutrients. The nutrients that people discard
from their physiological activities are present in the
domestic wastewater stream and subsequently
available in the generated solid component or
sludge. Beneficial recycling of the biosolids in the
State of Florida is carried out by the biosolids being
used as an agricultural soil amendment (fertilizer). Use is for the benefit of the crops
being grown whether citrus, trees, grass, or some other crop. Since the biosolids have a
wealth of nutrients, places like ranches, citrus groves, sod farms, and other agricultural
endeavors welcome the fertilizer product. In addition to the highly desired crop nutrients
present in the biosolids there is a colloidal nature to the product that is especially helpful
in Florida. The sandy soils of Florida allow water loaded with nutrients to pass through
the root zone quickly and lose available nutrients that are readily washed out of the root
zone. The colloidal nature of biosolids means that the biosolids act like a sponge or
gelatin like substance that holds moisture and nutrients longer in the root zone increasing
the availability of the nutrients to the crops. A chemical fertilizer will not usually have
any colloidal element added to its mixture and that makes the biosolids all the more

Historical Perspective On Domestic Wastewater Solids

Depending on where on the planet Earth you hail from as well as

from what time period, people have dealt with the disposal and use of
the solid wastewater component in different ways. For example, in the
past for thousands of years it was common in the Orient for people to

use raw untreated domestic waste solids as fertilizer for rice paddies. Then and there the
name for the untreated domestic solids was “night soil.” It was called that because some
people went around the neighborhood at night collecting the material from people’s
chamber pots. India with its caste system called individuals involved with night soil work
“untouchables”. In ancient Rome the domestic wastewater including the solids was often
flushed into the nearest river. In Rome that meant that the Tiber River received the
wastes. All of the wastes were then washed downstream to the Mediterranean.

Another historical approach to the domestic wastewater solid disposal use closer
to home and our present time was the use of the outhouse.
Basically any crude or elaborate structure that had four walls, a
roof, and a seat over a hole in the ground was suitable for the
application of the untreated domestic solid wastes to the
ground. If the structure was moved the hole was simply filled
in. That is, if it was not first shoveled out and the material
taken for whatever purpose the person doing the digging desired. As a common practice
the outhouse was around for many years. They still exist today as a rustic historically
reminiscent option. As a child I can remember my grandfather’s home where there was a
“two seater” outhouse located in his home’s large attached woodshed in Ellsworth,
Maine. Of course, septic tank systems were and remain a popular alternative. In any
event, the disposal of the solids component of domestic wastewater has been a concern of
people as long as people have existed. People have used many imaginative ways for the
disposal of the domestic wastewater solid component from no treatment and use to
elaborate fertilizer applications of the product.
In the recent past Florida has seen many changes in biosolids treatment and use.
The advent of and widespread use of wastewater treatment facilities has helped ensure
consistency in the approach to treating domestic wastewater. About twenty years ago it
was possible for anyone to go to a sewage treatment plant and remove a quantity of
dubiously stabilized (treated) sludge from the facility and take it to their home for
whatever fertilizer application purposes they desired. Biosolids, food service sludge and
septage could be stabilized with lime added in a truck on the way to the land application

fields. When I started working with biosolids for the Department, FDEP, I can remember
those trucks, many of which often had the same bags of lime sitting on them for lengthy
periods of time. Historically, land application of biosolids as a soil amendment was a
primary way of disposing of biosolids in a productive manner. Land application of
biosolids as a soil amendment was widespread for all treated wastewater treatment
facility solids. Stabilization or treatment of the domestic wastewater solids and site
restrictions were less restrictive in general. The Florida rule governing biosolids was
rudimentary and called F.A.C. 17-7. It was at least a start towards adequate regulation.
Florida greatly improved on that rule when on March 1,1991 Chapter 62-640 (Domestic
Wastewater Biosolids) became effective. On February 19,1993 the EPA published Title
40 of the Code of Federal Regulations [CFR], Part 503. It was The Standards for the Use
or Disposal of Sewage Sludge. The State of Florida revised its 62-640 rule and on March
30,1998 the revised F.A.C. Chapter 62-640 became effective. As the times changed
people’s knowledge and understanding of biosolids changed. People, science,
technology, and the political climate have changed and the rules have needed adjustment.
Biosolids rules like all rules are subject to the needs of society and are in a continuous
adaptive state. Increasing population pressures on the State of Florida are today becoming
a major factor in dictating the rules necessary for biosolids. More people means less
available historical land for recycling and reuse, while at the same time more people
ensures an increase in the amount of biosolids being generated. The biosolids rules have
and will continue to adapt and reflect the changes. Since land application has been a
viable historical option for Florida, the population pressures are necessitating obvious
changes in the recycling of biosolids. First and foremost the land will not be there for
application of biosolids as a soil amendment. Other uses and better treatment will be in
the future. As of 2006 the Department is changing its biosolids rule.

Issues! We got issues!

As I began this section I mentioned that the mere thought of anything remotely
related to the topic of treated domestic wastewater solids instantly instills fear, anger,
panic, bewilderment, or other emotions in people. Mainly, that is because most people do

not really understand biosolids and people are afraid of the unknown. I started out in the
biosolids business as FDEP District Biosolids Coordinator with pretty much the same
perspective as everyone else. The difference is that the more I learned, the more I began
to appreciate the beneficial recycling aspects of the product. I am a convert. Others are
and some are not, remaining adamantly opposed to biosolids use. There are of course
people in between running the gamut of stances on the subject. I have seen biosolids used
as a wonderful soil amendment. The fertilizer properties of biosolids do amazing things
for the crops. As time goes by I keep an open mind and try to keep up with the latest
biosolids information. I am a scientist as well as an educator. I understand the
perspectives of the “nay sayers” and certainly respect their views. This subject is one that
finds few people unable to choose a point of view!
Often emotional responses are the normal reactions to the idea of beneficial use of
biosolids for land application or any other use one could think of for such a product. This
is perhaps because it is unfortunate that people all too frequently discover biosolids
recycling by accident rather than by education. Land application in their area or trucks
traveling the roads with biosolids may be their first encounter. Truck traffic or an odor
that catches their attention may initiate an inquiry on their part. The first encounter may
concern the person enough to expand their interest or questions to such areas as health
and drinking water. Lacking an understanding of biosolids from a cradle to grave
perspective may therefore cause people to become alarmed at this new bizarre unknown
product. Education could have mediated this reaction. After all, everyone knows that
“once a toilet is flushed everything flushed magically disappears forever.” If people were
first presented with a good basic understanding of biosolids from the source to the
generation of the finished fertilizer product and then allowed as informed citizens to
make up their minds many more people would accept the beneficial value of recycling
biosolids. The alternative practice of taking biosolids to landfills is scarcely beneficial in
the use of that space or for a positive return to the environment.
I have often observed people respond positively when they were educated about
biosolids. Some people will maintain a negative view, but at least people who are
educated have a better basic foundation from which to make their choice of response.
Issues also range from individuals to the municipal or government level. At the individual

level people are concerned for themselves and their families. At the governmental level
there is concern for treatment, disposal, and regulations that ensure that everything and
everyone is protected including the public health and the environment.
Trucking companies that transport the biosolids for further treatment or to the
land application site or even to the landfill struggle to conduct their business successfully
with respect to regulation and profit for their companies. The media is readily available to
investigate and present thought provoking issues about biosolids. At any level and from
innumerable perspectives biosolids present a plethora of issues. Odors, truck traffic,
health, ground water, land owner rights, worker safety, crop health, cattle grazing, and
others are all issues that may be associated with the generation and use of biosolids.
Education through this infusion unit will allow students to begin to not only learn about
biosolids, but also how biosolids issues impact their own lives.

The Future
One thing is certain! Nothing is forever in the biosolids industry. Change is the
only constant. Over the years the biosolids industry has progressed from producing a
scarcely treated product to an industry capable of producing
a product that anyone could safely use in their home.

The source of all biosolids, the human population,

continues to increase in size. From the perspective of the
biosolids industry that population growth means that more
people will generate more biosolids. Subsequently, biosolids beneficial reuse and
recycling methods and land application practices will need to adapt keeping pace with the
population growth. More people need more space to live and that means less available
land for biosolids land application activities. Currently, biosolids at the lowest level
suitable for land application in Florida (Florida Class B) that have restrictions for land
application use (including restricted public access) are finding available land more
difficult to locate. The Florida industry will of necessity continue to change to one
producing and utilizing biosolids suitable for unrestricted public access (Class A or Class
AA). The unrestricted public access biosolids may be used on playgrounds, hospital
grounds and other areas where there is frequent public contact with the land applied
biosolids. As the amount of land available for restricted biosolids land application
diminishes, biosolids products will need to be those that are treated to a level that poses
minimal risks to the public and the environment. Please note that life is not risk free! The
biosolids industry will continue to develop new treatment methods and biosolids products
that will progressively pose as little risk as possible to the public health and environment.
Science and technology ceaselessly work to develop new and improved biosolids
knowledge, biosolids treatment methods, and biosolids reuse and recycling products. The
industry constantly changes. It is a dynamic one always in progressive motion into the
future. Government regulation parallels that biosolids industry change and motion.
Government will continue to work closely with the biosolids industry to ensure protection
of public health and the environment.

A most important change needed for the future biosolids industry is education.
People must become better informed about biosolids. Much like death and taxes,
biosolids are unavoidable and do not magically disappear when you wish on a star.
Teachers are an important key component for the future. Educators can provide a
knowledge and attitudinal base that helps students make informed decisions on the roles
they wish to play in the dynamics of the biosolids issues. Student biosolids education
provides one of the best chances we as a citizenry have for the appropriate reuse and
recycling of the valuable renewable biosolids resources. The sky really is the limit on
how we choose to best cope with biosolids. Let’s educate our student population about

Teacher Activities Note
It is hoped that as an educator you will first present your students with a
background of biosolids and their associated issues. The Teacher Background Section
should provide enough basic information that can in whole or in part be imparted to your
Additional teacher research into the subject is encouraged. With a brief focused
student biosolids background, the Teacher Activities may then be successfully conducted.
It is intended that you utilize the activities by adapting them to your curriculum subject
area and students needs. The activities are an inspirational starting point and not the
definitive end. They will help infuse biosolids education into all aspects of the student
Please adapt and conduct them using your best professional judgment.


Activity: Biosolids Around the World
Subject Areas: World Geography, History, Political Science, Computer Science,
Environmental Science.

Behavioral Objectives:

1) The students will evaluate the historical and current ways that domestic
wastewater is “treated” in another country. Biosolids will be the focus.
2) The students will describe at least one domestic wastewater treatment process or
biosolids product used by a foreign country.
3) The students will evaluate the foreign country’s domestic wastewater treatment
and compare it with treatment in the United States.

Activity :

The United States is one of many

countries around the world. Tell the
students that they are going to research
how other countries handle biosolids. As
not all countries have the resources and
technology of this country, inform the
students that they may not be able to
simply use biosolids as the point of study
but should expand the research to include
how domestic waste is treated. Some
countries may not even have basic
treatment. The computer will be a prime
source of the research activities as the
Internet will give the students access to
the world. The students should choose a
country that interests them and then
proceed to find out as much as they can
about that country’s domestic waste treatment, rules, and use of the associated treated
solids. They should compare and contrast the foreign country with the U.S. in a report
format of some sort. Whether in a written report, an oral report, or a pictorial collage the
students should communicate their research findings to the rest of the class. Inform the
students that key words like domestic, wastewater, sludge, biosolids, sewage, effluent,
sewer, human, excrement, feces, and combinations of those words and others may be
necessary to discover the information about the country’s way of handling people’s
domestic wastes.

Evaluation Options:

1. Quantitative measurement of the reports that the students generate for the number
of comparisons and contrasts that the students show between the U.S. and the
foreign country.
2. Qualitative evaluation of the reports by peer evaluation or possibly teacher
evaluation of the students’ research efforts.
3. Mastery evaluation of the reports is accomplished when the student has completed
the report with the foreign country’s efforts compared and contrasted with those
efforts of this country.

FCAT Standards
HE.A 1.3.5, LA.A.1.3.3, LA.A.1.3.4, LA.A.2.3.4, LA.A.2.3.5, LA.A.2.3.6, LA.B.1.3.1, LA.B.1.3.2,
LA.B.1.3.3, LA.B.2.3.1, LA.B.2.3.3, LA.B.2.3.4, LA.D.1.3.3, LA.D.2.3.2, LA.D.2.3.4, LA.D.2.3.5,
LA.D.2.3.6, SS.A.5.3.3, SS.A.6.3.2, SS.B.2.3.2, SS.B.2.3.3, SS.B.2.3.5, SS.B.2.3.6, SS.B.2.3.8, SS.B.2.3.9,
SS.B.1.3.1, SS.B.1.3.2, SS.C.1.3.2, SS.C.1.3.5, SS.C.1.3.6, SS.D.1.3.1, SS.D.1.3.2, SS.D.1.3.4, SS.D.2.3.1,
SS.D.2.3.2, SS.G.1.3.4, SS.G.2.3.4, SS.H.1.3.6, SS.H.2.3.1, SS.H.3.3.1, SC.0.2.1, SC.G.2.1, SC.H.1.1,
SC.G.1.1, SC.H.3.1, SC.D.2.2, SC.G.1.2, SC.H.3.2, SC.G.2.2, SC.D.2.3, SC.G.2.3, SC.H.3.3, SC.D.2.4,
SC.G.2.4, SC.H.3.4

Activity: Rule Making

Subject Areas: Government, English, Environmental Science, Civics, History, Computer

Behavioral Objectives:

1) The students will practice the politics involved in rule making.

2) The students will identify the factors involved in rule making decisions.
3) The students will generate biosolids rules and compare them with the current
biosolids rules.


Begin the class by

telling the students what
biosolids are and how they
are produced. Then ask them
if there should be any rules
for the land application and
use of the biosolids products
as agricultural soil
amendments (fertilizers).
When the students respond
that of course there should be some rules, have them decide who should make the rules.
Guide them into realizing that there are often many interested parties involved in rule
making and different agencies at the federal, state, and local level might be involved.
Inform them that they will be approaching a fictitious governing body with an agency
that will regulate rules concerning biosolids. Separate the class into groups representing
the different interests involved in the biosolids issue. This would include homeowners,
domestic wastewater facilities, land owners such as cattle ranchers, biosolids land
application companies, scientists, engineers, developers, and so on. Decide on how many
different groups, but ensure that at least several groups likely to have opposing positions
on the issue of land application are involved. Next, have the students discuss, decide, and

record what they would like to see made into rules to ensure that biosolids land
application activities are beneficial and not detrimental. Remind them that rules can be
extensive and specific or broad and general. For example, a general rule would be one
that addressed the weather during land application. An example of a specific detailed rule
would be one that states how much Nitrogen may be applied to each acre used for land
application during the year. They may be as specific or as general as they wish.
Reconvene the class and then have a spokesperson for each group reveal what rules they
would like to see enacted for their interests. Let the class discuss the potential rules and
then vote on what rules should be passed.

At this point assign the students the task of reading F.A.C. 62-640 which is the State of
Florida Rule regulating the use of Biosolids. Have the students compare and contrast
what is in the Florida Rule with the class biosolids rule. Have the class discuss the
similarities and differences. Lastly, discuss with the students that rule making is a
continual process and all rules may be revised, expanded, or limited as time goes by. For
example, input from any lobbying group may be politically sufficient to obtain a review
and revision of the rules.

Evaluation options:
1. Quantitative evaluation of the students on a quiz.
2. Qualitative grading of class participation.
3. Mastery evaluation by each student successfully listing at least five things
regulated in F.A.C. 62-640.
FCAT Standards
LA.A.1.3.1, LA.A.1.3.2, LA.A.1.3.3, LA.A.2.3.1, LA.A.2.3.3, LA.A.2.3.5, LA.A.2.3.6, LA.A.2.3.8,
LA.B.1.3.2, LA.C.1.3.1, LA.C.1.3.4, LA.C.1.3.3, SS.C.1.3.2, SS.C.1.3.3, SS.C.1.3.4, SS.C.1.3.5,
SS.C.1.3.6, SS.C.2.3.6, SS.C.2.3.7, SC.D.1.3.2, SC.D.1.3.4, AC.D.2.3.2, SC.F.1.3.1, SC.G.1.3.4,
SC.G.2.3.4, SC.H.1.3.6, SC.H.2.3, SC.H.3.3.1, SC.D.2.1, SC.G.2.1, SC.H.3.1, SC.D.2.2,SC.H.3.2,
SC.G.2.2, SC.D.2.3, SC.G.2.3, SC.H.3.3, SC.0.2.4, SC.G.2.4, SC.H.3.4

Activity: Biosolids Land Application Site Diorama

Subject Areas: Geography, Art, Government, Mathematics, Environmental

Behavioral Objectives:

1) The students will comprehend and apply land application rules used to operate a
biosolids agricultural land application site.
2) The students will develop problem-solving skills by constructing a model of a
biosolids site that incorporates the agricultural land application biosolids rules.
3) The students will appreciate the agricultural and biosolids work conducted on a
biosolids land application site.

Activity :

Inform the class that they will be

building a diorama. The diorama will be one
of a biosolids agricultural land application
site. Explain what biosolids are and how
they are treated to become a soil amendment
or fertilizer. Tell them that the government
has determined that agricultural land
application can be beneficial for the crops.
The government at the federal, state, and often local level has established rules for land
application with rules like setbacks from features found on the sites to help protect people
and the environment. In Florida these sites are most commonly cattle ranches, sod farms,
and citrus groves. As research for the project the students may read the Florida
Administrative Code 62-640, especially those sections pertaining to site use restrictions
and land application setback distances. These sections will explain the setback distances
required from such things as buildings, wells, and water bodies. If the students are of a
reading level that cannot easily understand the rule language, the teacher may want to
simply explain some of the rules and list the rules for setbacks emphasizing that the
government has determined that land application of this type of biosolids must be done
with certain distances from various features on a site to protect the public health and the

environment. Further explain that when building the diorama the students are going to
think of a way to represent the rule setbacks on the diorama. This may be easily done by
using magic markers to represent the setback distances. Further student research involves
having the students discover what geographical features are on a site that they may want
to include in the diorama. Examples of site features would be rancher homes, subdivision
neighbor homes, fields of grass, citrus trees, streams, irrigation or drainage ditches,
ponds, streams, wells, sink holes, roads, wetlands, barns, commercial buildings, woods,
railroad lines, bridges, silos, roadside stands, golf courses, playgrounds, hospitals, and
others that they may wish to use.

The diorama may be one large class project that can be put on display for the
school or individual ones that also might be displayed. They are to build their diorama
that represents the agricultural activities that they choose to include. Rule setbacks will be
demonstrated so that any observer may easily see them. People should be able to
understand that while the beneficial reuse of biosolids is occurring by soil amendment as
land applied fertilizer there are safeguards to protect people and the environment.

The size of the diorama should be decided initially as that will dictate what
materials will be needed for construction. For example, if individual dioramas are to be
built, then cardboard boxes cut down to size may be used. If a single large class one is to
be constructed, then a piece of plywood might better serve as a foundation. In either case
the diorama construction materials for the biosolids sites may be such items as green
paper for grass, construction paper buildings, blue paper for water, toothpick fences,
Popsicle stick wells, plastic animal toys, old discarded artificial plant parts for trees, and
whatever the students creative minds can conceive of for use in building the diorama.
Allow the students imaginations to roam freely to create and build using what they want
to use. The activity should be fun to construct as well as informative upon completion.

Evaluation Options:

1. Quantitative evaluation by awarding points for students bringing construction

materials needed for the diorama in to class.
2. Qualitative evaluation by observing the level of participation of each student
during the research and development phases of the diorama.
4. Mastery evaluation by assigning each student tasks during the diorama
development and construction phases and noting their successful completion of
those assigned tasks.

FCAT Standards
SC.D.1.3.2, SC.D.1.3.4, SC.F.1.3.1, SC.G.1.3.4, SC.G.2.3.4, SC.D.2.3.1, LA.C.1.3.1, LA.C.1.3.4,
SS.A.1.3.1, SS.A.6.3.5, SS.B.1.3.1, SS.B.1.3.2, SS.B.2.3.4, SS.B.2.3.6, SS.B.2.3.9, SS.C.1.3.2, SS.C.1.3.4,
SS.C.1.3.5, SS.C.1.3.6 SS.C.2.3.1, SS.C.2.3.2, SS.C.2.3.3, SS.C.2.3.4, SS.C.2.3.7, SC.D.2.1, SC.G.2.1,
SC.H.3.1, SC.D.2.2, SC.H.3.2, SC.G.2.2, SC.D.2.3, SC.G.2.3, SC.H.3.3, SC.D.2.4, SC.G.2.4, SC.H.3.4,


Activity: Biosolids Town Meeting

Subject Areas: Drama, Government, Civics, History, Home Economics,

Computer Science, Environmental Science.

Behavioral Objectives:
1) The students will acquire a positive personal value system concerning the public
forum for resolving biosolids issues.
2) The students will identify and demonstrate research skills used for successful
choices on biosolids issues so that they can not only formulate an opinion but also
speak out in its defense.
3) The students will apply their people skills.


Announce that the class is going to have a town meeting. Discuss what a town
meeting is. If needed, have them research the political concept of a town meeting as a
small local governmental unit that addresses individual people’s concerns where
everyone may contribute to the
decision making process. Inform
the students that the town
meeting is going to have a
specific topic. That topic will be
biosolids agricultural land
application activities in the
community. Have them research
what biosolids are as well as
what agricultural land
application activities entail. To direct the research, guide them to the EPA and State of
Florida biosolids/residuals websites. Briefly discuss what biosolids/residuals or sewage
treatment facility sludge products are and what land spreading of the fertilizer product
(biosolids) involves. Next assign students to portray different stakeholders in the town.
With flexibility appoint a couple of town council people, a town manager, a few farmers
or ranchers that will have the working biosolids land application sites, some people who

live in close proximity to the future land application sites, some residents who live farther
away from the site but might be located on roads the biosolids traffic will use, some
wastewater treatment staff, biosolids haulers that transport and often land apply the
biosolids to the application sites, other governmental agencies such as the EPA, Florida
Department of Environmental Protection, and local county officials, news media
representatives, and anyone else that might have a stake in the land application of
biosolids. Use as many or as few individuals as you wish to assign. Tell the designated
people that they are going to need to carefully research their positions on the issue of land
application. Some people will be opposed to the use of biosolids and they need to be able
to clearly present why they are opposed. Others will be in favor of the beneficial use of
biosolids and will need to be able to demonstrate clearly why they think residual
agricultural land application activities are beneficial to the community. There are many
issues to consider; such as the environment, public health, property value and use, odors,
expenses involved such as domestic wastewater treatment, disposal costs of the biosolids,
road costs, transport costs, rancher or farmer operation costs, and any other expenses
involved in any perspective taken on the issue of biosolids land application. Whatever
their portrayal position, the students will need to be well versed in their roles.

The town meeting will commence with the town manager acting as moderator and
guiding the discussion. Students will recognize proper rules of meeting conduct ensuring
no abusive, improper, or inappropriate language or behavior occurs, and everyone shall
treat everyone else with respect no matter how much they might disagree. The students
will speak, when recognized by the moderator, giving their opinions and viewpoints. The
discussion shall continue as long as needed to ensure people have had a chance to speak
as often and as thoroughly as necessary. Rebuttals, points and counterpoints will help the
discussion continue to an end point that the teacher will announce. After the discussion
portion the class should compile the information with a vote for or against land
application. A vote can be taken with a show of hands. After the vote count is announced
the students should then be guided in a discussion of the potential ramifications of the
vote. They should recognize that whatever they voted for at the town level has to be in
compliance with other governmental rules. For example, should the students vote against

land application, they need to know that the State and EPA allow land application and
possibly their vote would not hold up in court. They might need to pass a local ordinance
concerning biosolids land application that would be more stringent than the State and
EPA regulations. Discuss the complications and ramifications of government at all levels
while stressing that even at the town meeting level of government it is of great value to
society for everyone to actively participate.

Evaluation Options:
1. Quantitative evaluation by grading a student’s descriptive writing
assignment for each of the assigned portrayal roles.
2. Qualitative evaluation of the student’s active participation in their town
meeting roles.
3. Mastery evaluation by the students successfully writing a brief summary
of the meeting in terms of what a town meeting means to them personally.

FCAT Standards
SC.D.1.3.2, SC.D.1.3.3, SC.D.1.3.4, SC.D.2.3.1, SC.D.2.3.2, SC.G.1.3.4, SC.G.2.3.4, SS.A.1.3.1,
SS.A.6.3.2, SS.A.6.3.3, SS.B.1.3.1, SS.B.1.3.2, SS.B.1.3.3, SS.B.1.3.4, SS.B.1.3.6, SS.B.1.3.7, SS.B.2.3.3,
SS.B.2.3.4, SS.B.2.3.9, SS.C.1.3.2, SS.C.1.3.3, SS.C.1.3.4, SS.C.1.3.5, SS.C.1.3.6, SS.C.2.3.1, SS.C.2.3.2,
SS.C.2.3.3, SS.C.2.3.6, SS.C.2.3.7, LA.A.1.3.1, LA.A.1.3.2, LA.A.1.3.3, LA.A.2.3.5, LA.B.2.3.1,
LA.B.1.3.3, LA.B.2.3.3, LA.C.1.3.1, SC.D.2.1, SC.G.2.1, SC.H.3.1, SC.D.2.2, SC.H.3.2, SC.G.2.2,
SC.D.2.3, SC.G.2.3, SC.H.3.3, SC.D.2.4, SC.G.2.4, SC.H.3.4


Activity: Letter Writing

Subject Areas: English, Home Economics, Computer Science, Earth Science,

Environmental Science.
Behavioral Objectives:
1) The students will apply research techniques for locating appropriate
people with an understanding of and the ability to help them with biosolids
land application issues.
2) The students will demonstrate a good business letter writing style.
3) The students will appreciate that there are different perspectives on issues
such as biosolids land application and that they must become better
educated about issues in their lives, think carefully about them, and then
make informed decisions. Having made informed decisions they can then
act constructively on them.
Activity :
Inform the students that a biosolids hauling
company is going to land apply biosolids as a soil
amendment to agricultural property in close
proximity to their residence or workplace. The
potential negative impacts to their lives could be in
several ways. For instance, increased truck traffic,
possible offensive odors, increased vectors such as
flies, birds, or rodents, possible personal drinking
well water impacts, potential surface water impacts,
and more. The potential positive impacts could be
better crops, lower sewer utility fees, less impact to land fills for disposal, less water
needed for irrigation, and more.

They are to research biosolids and the names and addresses of people that may be
able to help ensure that the land spreading activities are properly conducted and that there
will be no adverse impact on their lives. They could research biosolids under sewage
treatment sludge, residuals, or biosolids. The names of state, county, and local
government officials, news media, biosolids hauling companies, and other people that
may have some authority or ability to help with the situation will provide them with

contacts for their letters. Remind the students that the letters or emails can range from
those openly opposed to all land spreading activities to those seeking only education and
affirmation that the land spreading will be legally safely conducted, or even to those who
openly favor the use of biosolids as a soil amendment (examples: haulers, land owners,
sewage treatment facilities, etc.). The students will draft a business letter to the people
that they believe might assist them. Students may be assigned to write against or for land
application or simply as an education informational request concerning biosolids land
application activities. They should be descriptive in their letters and carefully construct
their case. Inform them that they are trying to persuade someone to their viewpoint in a
written form and that although they must be thorough and convincing they must also be
concise as the people that they write to will have little time for letters, especially one that
is a long or offensive rant and rave. It is important that they effectively gain the person’s
attention to win that person’s help. Remind them that even when writing a negative
stance letter that they must be polite, respectful, and truthful without using instant
“turnoffs” such as name calling and threats. The letter should be in a correct business
letter writing style with proper grammar and spelling.

Once the students have written their letters they could then be read aloud or made
available to each other. Remind them that they are not to actually mail the fictitious
letters, as the people will believe them to be real. If the class had been assigned both pro
and con stances, they could then determine who had made the better case and why. They
could provide each other with advice on how to effectively state a point so that you can
gain someone’s help for your point of view.
Evaluation Options:
1) Quantitative grading of the letters for correctness and creativity.
2) Qualitative grading by student peer review of the letters.
3) Mastery evaluation for successful task completion.

FCAT Standards
LA.A.1.3.1, LA.A.1.3.2, LA.A.1.3.3, LA.A.1.3.4, LA.A.2.3.2, LA.A.2.3.4, LA.A.2.3.5, LA.A.2.3.8,
LA.B.1.3.1, LA.B.1.3.2, LA.B.1.3.3, LA.B.2.3.1, LA.B.2.3.3, LA.C.1.3.1, LA.C.1.3.3, LA.C.1.3.4,
SS.A.6.3.2, SS.A.6.3.3, SS.A.6.3.4, SS.A.6.3.5, SS.B.1.3.6, SS.B.1.3.6, SS.B.1.3.7, SS.B.2.3.6, SS.B.2.3.9,
SS.C.1.3.2, SC.G.2.3.4, SC.G.1.3.4, SC.D.2.3.2, SC.D.2.3.1, SC.D.1.3.4, SC.D.1.3.3, SC.D.1.3.2,
SS.C.2.3.7, SS.C.2.3.6, SS.C.2.3.5, SS.C.2.3.4, SS.C.2.3.2, SS.C.2.3.1, SS.C.1.3.6, SS.C.1.3.5, SC.0.2.1,
SC.G.2.1, SC.H.3.1, SC.D.2.4, SC.G.2.4, SC.H.3.4, SC.D.2.2, SC.H3.2, SC.G.2.2, SC.D.2.3

Activity: Biosolids Growth Experiments

Subject Areas: Biology, Environmental Science, Earth Science, Home

Economics, Shop Class, Botany, and Mathematics.
Behavioral Objectives:

1) The students will use the scientific method to discover the fertilizer effects of
biosolids on plants.
2) The students will identify scientific research skills such as scientific experiment
design, observation, record keeping, report writing, and horticultural skills.
3) The students will employ mathematical skills necessary for scientific work.

Activity :

Begin the class with a question:

What makes a good plant fertilizer? Ask
them what the components of a good
fertilizer are that help ensure that a plant
grows. Discuss and delineate the macro and
micro nutrient components of fertilizer. The
students might do some background
research on fertilizer by researching and
making homework trips to stores that sell
fertilizers and recording the component
concentrations of each one. Discuss how historically fertilizers have been both chemical
and those derived from animals. Discuss the benefits of recycling as much as possible.
Propose a discussion of the wastes of people as a possible source of fertilizers. Remind
them of the oriental practice of using untreated human wastes called “nightsoil” as a
fertilizer for the rice paddies. Inform the students that for public health and environmental
protection this country does not advocate the use of untreated human wastes, but properly
treated human wastes changed into soil amendments are encouraged as beneficial
recycling products. Refer them to the F.A.C. 62-640 as a guideline for beneficial reuse

and recycling of biosolids. Have them research and understand what Class AA biosolids
are and how they are available at many stores.

Ask them to design an experiment to demonstrate the

differences between chemical and recycled Class AA biosolids
as fertilizers. Remind them that they need to follow the scientific
method and use control groups as well as experimental groups.
Measurement of growth must be conducted and growth
conditions monitored. They must initially conduct a background
research review before designing the experiments, obtain or
construct any growth containers (this could in part be determined
by the class this was conducted in), select the plant species to be used (seeds easy to grow
and obtained from a local store would be best), chose the
fertilizers and growth media to be used (Class AA biosolids such
as “GreenEdge® and Milorganite® are also available from a
local store and must be used for safety). They must conduct the
experiments with suitable control growth plants, measure and
record the experiment parameters such as amount of fertilizers
used, water addition, and others as well as the growth of the
plants, calculate the recorded statistics, draw appropriate
conclusions, and write a report with references from their initial
research review. This activity could be done individually or as a class project. When
conducting the biosolids growth experiments in some of the less scientific oriented
classes it may be necessary to modify the activity and focus on other experiment aspects
such as the construction of growth containers for shop class or emphasizing a
concentration on growing spectacular plants for home economics. In any event ensure
that the students are encouraged to think scientifically and discover the effects of
biosolids as a soil amendment (fertilizer).

Evaluation options:

1. Quantitative evaluation by grading the students record keeping activities,

statistical work, and reports.
2. Qualitative evaluation by observing and recording student individual
participation in the experiments.
3. Mastery evaluation by each student completing levels of the project such as
helping in the research, constructing growth containers, monitoring and recording
the experiment progression, calculating statistics, and producing a report.

FCAT Standards
SC.C.1.3.2, SC.D.1.3.4, SC.D.2.3.2, SC.G.1.3.4, SC.G.2.3.4, SS.A.1.3.3, SS.B.2.3.3, SS.B.2.3.6,
SS.C.1.3.2, SS.C.1.3.5, MA.B.3.3.1, MA.B.4.3.1, MA.B.4.3.2, MA.E.1.3.1, MA.E.1.3.3, MA.E.3.3.1,
LA.A.1.3.1, LA.A.1.3.4, LA.A.2.3.5, LA.A.2.3.6, LA.A.2.3.7, LA.B.1.3.1, LA.B.1.3.2, LA.B.1.3.3,
LA.B.2.3.1, LA.C.1.3.1, LA.C.1.3.4, SC.G.2.1, SC.F.1.1, SC.H.1.1, SC.H.2.1, SC.H.3.1, SC.G.1.2,
SC.H.3.2, SC.H.1.2, SC.H.2.2, SC.G.2.3, SC.H.1.3, SC.G.1.3, SC.H.2.3, SC.H.3.3, SC.G.2.4, SC.H.1.4,
SC.G.1.4, SC.H.2.4, SC.H.3.4


Activity: Map Making

Subject Areas: Earth Science, Art, Geography, History, Environmental Science, Shop,
Mathematics, Computer Science.

Behavioral Objectives:

1) The students will create maps with observable biosolids rule setback distances
showing compliance of biosolids land application sites with rule setbacks.
2) The students will evaluate the time and spatial agricultural property uses of a land
application site.
3) The students will display psychomotor skills necessary for creation of a biosolids
land application site map.


In this activity the students will use aerial agricultural site maps or possibly
fictional maps to understand the compliance issues involved with a farmer or rancher
using his property for biosolids land application. Depending on the biosolids class the
teacher will need to provide some background information to the students concerning the
beneficial use of an agricultural site for biosolids land application with its soil
amendment benefits. Different Biosolids
have restrictions for use and the maps will
show those restrictions. It should be
emphasized that the State of Florida has
rules for correct land use of different
biosolids. Specific sections of Chapter 62-
640 deal with the setback distances and use
required for any site, historically called an
Agricultural Use Plan (AUP). A decision
needs to be made initially whether the
mapping project will be a class one or one
of individual participation. In either case the
students can use aerial maps provided or
ones that they obtain themselves.

Inform the students that they are a

land application company going to use
agricultural property for biosolids land
application. They must use a map and create
the appropriate setbacks from the biosolids
rule. They will create setback areas on the map by some marking method. They will have
to locate and accurately mark off the scaled setback distances from each applicable
feature such as a well on the maps. The teacher may have to add, highlight, or assist the
students with locating the features that require setbacks on the maps. When completed the
map should have all setback distances clearly marked in proper scale on the map. When

someone reads the map they will easily see where biosolids may or may not be spread
according to the setbacks areas outlined on the map. Depending on the class the students
may make anything from simple maps to as complex ones as they can imagine. For an art
class the finished maps could easily be suitable for framing. Aerial maps of the students’
local school community would make them all the more relevant to each student. Local
ranches would show the students the possible use of those sites for biosolids land
application as well as possible reasons why a site might not be a good land application
one. Discussion of this would help. The students will also see some effects of the
pressures of increasing development on biosolids land application site availability.
Population growth means more biosolids and less available land for any agricultural
application sites. A discussion of this situation will provide the students with an
understanding of one of the less visible effects of population growth.

Evaluation Options:

1. Quantitative evaluation by grading each student’s map or a quiz designed with a

model map that demonstrates a student’s knowledge of the setback requirements.
An example would be a 200 foot setback from waters of the State.
2. Qualitative evaluation may be measured by observing the student’s attention to
precision when marking off the setback distances on the map.
3. Mastery evaluation is obtained by each student successfully completing the
mapping task.
FCAT Standards

LA.A.2.3.1, LA.A.1.3.1, LA.A.1.3.3, LA.C.1.3.1, SC.D.1.3.2, SC.D.1.3.3, SC.D.1.3.4, SC.D.2.3.2,

SC.G.1.3.4, SC.G.2.3.4, SS.B.1.3.1, SS.B.1.3.2, SS.B.1.3.6, SS.B.2.3.1, SS.B.2.3.4, SS.C.2.3.1, SS.C.2.3.2,
SC.D.2.1, SC.G.2.1, SC.H.3.2, SC.G.2.2, SC.H.1.2, SC.D.2.2, SC.D.2.3, SC.G.2.3, SC.D.2.4, SC.G.2.4,
SC.G.2.4, SC.D.2.2, SC.D.2.3, SC.G.2.3, SC.G.2.4, SC.H.3.4


Activity: Comparison Shopping
Subject Areas: Home Economics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Earth Science,
Botany, Biology.

Behavioral Objectives:

1) The students will compare and contrast fertilizer characteristics and costs with
biosolids products.
2) The students will organize a survey to obtain the data needed for the comparison
3) The students will list fertilizer products by characteristics and cost.

Activity :

Let the students know that since it is “growing

season” year round in Florida that they are going
to decide what fertilizer product would be best for
their home use. Since there typically exist so
many products on the market at so many stores,
how would they best determine which products
are the best value? When they comment that
checking out the store products would be a good
way to check, help them organize a survey. First
have them research what are the characteristics of
a good fertilizer. The nutrient value is of
paramount importance as it determines what
nutrients will be available for the plants. The
Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium values (N-
P-K) are the macronutrients or the elements
needed in the largest quantities by the plants. A
good general use home fertilizer could have an N-
P-K value of 5-10-5. That would be on the
fertilizer label. The micronutrient values would also be on the label. These are the
elements also needed by plants, but in smaller amounts than the macronutrients.
Chemical fertilizers would commonly not have these micronutrient characteristics.
Biosolids fertilizers and compost fertilizers would also possess another characteristic that
could greatly benefit the plants. That is the humus content. Humus is the dark organic soil
component that is made up of decaying organic matter from plants and animals. The
value of humus is that humus has compounds that help retain water and water-soluble
components in the soil. Chemical fertilizers typically have no humus. Biosolids have
compounds that help keep the fertilizer available for the plants in the root zone and not
wash out. Biosolids also have many micronutrients needed by the plants for growth. Have
the students devise charts and graphs with the above information including, type of
fertilizer, weight and cost, so that they may evaluate the fertilizer products. Mention that
an added value for biosolids is that it is beneficial recycling of a product whereas

chemical fertilizers have no claim to recycling. Individually or small groups of students
will in time gather the data as a homework assignment. The data will be compiled and
analyzed to evaluate the fertilizers. Graphs, charts, pie diagrams, and other mathematical
statistics will aid the students in the study.

Evaluation Options:

1. Quantitative evaluation may be by a quiz on the characteristics of a fertilizer.

2. Qualitative evaluation may be of the students’ active participation in the activity.
3. Mastery evaluation for completion of the assigned homework gathering of
fertilizer data from the stores.
FCAT Standards
LA.A.1.3.1, LA.A.1.3.2, LA.A.1.3.3, LA.A.1.3.4, LA.A.2.3.5, LA.A.2.3.6, LA.A.2.3.7, LA.B.1.3.1,
SS.D.2.3.1, SS.D.2.3.2, MA.E.1.3.1, MA.E.1.3.3, MA.E.2.3.1, MA.E.3.3.1, SC.D.1.3.2, SC.D.1.3.3,
SC.D.1.3.4, SC.D.2.3.1, SC.D.2.3.2, SC.G.1.3.4, SC.G.2.3.4

Activity: Designer Trucks
Subject Areas: Shop, Home Economics, Art, Music, Physics, Crafts.
Behavioral Objectives:
1) The students will construct a model truck used in the biosolids industry.
2) The students will demonstrate the psychomotor skills needed to create a biosolids
3) The students will organize the steps from design to completion of a model
biosolids truck.


Announce that the students will research the types of trucks used in the biosolids
business. Briefly explain what biosolids are and how they are recycled. Tell them that
tank trucks, dump trucks, container trucks, spreader trucks, flat bed trucks, and other
types of trucks are all used for transport and land application of biosolids. They are to
obtain information and details concerning a specific truck of their choice as long as the
truck could somehow be used in the biosolids business. They are then going to construct
a model of the truck. Depending on the type of class and the student ability level, the
students may construct their trucks from many different kinds of media. They may
artistically draw, paint, or sculpt a truck. They may construct a model from wood, plastic,
or metal. They could even write a song about a truck. The medium will depend on the
students and the resources available to them. The students should understand the uses of
the trucks in the biosolids industry. Tell them that the first and foremost aspect of the
biosolids industry that the public sees and watches is the trucks that are involved in
biosolids transport and land application. The trucks and their drivers are like bank tellers.
They often are what the public not only first sees but also perceives as the industry. The
drivers and their trucks are the biosolids most important public relations experts. Most
people never visit a domestic wastewater treatment facility or a biosolids management
facility so the biosolids transport and land application activities are all that the public sees
of the industry. One should therefore not underestimate the importance of the biosolids
trucks and their drivers. The models are a tribute to the hard work that the people driving
the trucks do every day as part of the business of beneficially recycling the biosolids.

Evaluation Options:

1. Quantitative evaluation by a quiz on the types and uses of trucks in the biosolids
2. Qualitative evaluation may be a team of teacher judges grading each of the trucks.
3. Mastery evaluation would be attained when each student successfully constructs or
creates a biosolids truck.
FCAT Standards
SC.D.1.3.2, SC.D.1.3.3, SC.D.1.3.4, SC.D.2.3.2, SC.G.1.3.4, SC.G.2.3.4, LA.A.1.3.1, LA.A.1.3.2,
LA.A.1.3.3, SC.H.3.1, SC.H.3.3, SC.D.2.4, SC.H.3.4



Activity: “The Sky’s the Limit” for Biosolids
Subject Areas: Biology, Earth Science, Home Economics, Civics, Art, Environmental
Science, Shop, Computer Science, Music.

Behavioral Objectives:

1) The students will create a presentation for an industry workshop.

2) The students will describe a new method for generation or use of biosolids.
3) The students will conduct a presentation of the new biosolids method in a


To prepare the students for the

work environment inform them
that there is going to be a
professional workshop that they
will have to attend. It will be one
involving the biosolids industry.
Let them know that they shall
represent a company that has
been invited to have a booth
with a presentation. Their
presentation will be staffed
while biosolids seminars are being conducted. There will be no actual seminars, but the
presentation booths that would accompany the seminars will be active. They will present
their company’s new method for generation or use of biosolids where people will decide
if they want to buy each company’s services. In assigned groups the students will
research and “invent” a new biosolids treatment process or a new approved use for
biosolids products. Their imaginations can run to the realm of science fiction or fact.
Place no limit on the students with respect to the process or biosolids use actually
working. The intent is to get the students to think and create. New ideas are the goal of
their thought processes no matter how “eccentric” the ideas may be. Having done that
they will then demonstrate their company’s services (biosolids process or use) in a
manner that others may understand their process or product use. Industry professional
workshops have seminars and training with company presenters who will use posters,
computers, photos, artwork, dioramas, music, actual products, or any other marketing
techniques that they can imagine and devise to present their company’s services for sale.
The students will develop their company biosolids process or use and then try to “sell” it
to the workshop attendees at a class biosolids industry professional workshop. The
workshop could even be a school event. The students will make the presentation
materials to be used at the workshop. The day of the workshop the students will set up
their company booths and staff them. Students will then be allowed to inspect each
company booth. Even though there will be no actual seminars or training events, the

students will experience the commercial environment at a workshop. Their imaginative
biosolids efforts will be on display and open to peer evaluation. They will comprehend
the competitive business world of biosolids.

Evaluation Options:

1. Quantitative evaluation may be conducted by grading the booth presentations.

2. Qualitative evaluation may be a presentation peer review by the workshop
3. Mastery evaluation would be by student’s successfully inventing a new biosolids
process or use and creating a presentation that they staff at the workshop.

FCAT Standards
LA.A.1.3.1, LA.A.1.3.3, LA.A.2.3.5, LA.A.2.3.6, LA.A.2.3.7, LA.B.1.3.1, LA.B.1.3.3, LA.B.2.3.1,
LA.C.3.3.3, LA.D.1.3.3, LA.D.1.3.3, LA.D.2.3.2, LA.D.2.3.4, LA.D.2.3.5, SC.D.1.3.2, SC.D.1.3.3,
SC.G.1.3.4, SC.G.2.3.4, SC.D.2.1, SC.G.2.1, SC.H.1.1, SC.H.3.1, SC.D.2.2, SC.G.1.2, SC.H.3.2,
SC.G.2.2, SC.H.1.2, SC.H.2.2, SC.H.1.3, SC.G.1.3, SC.H.2.3, SC.H.3.3, SC.D.2.4, SC.G.2.4, SC.H.1.4,
SC.G.1.4, SC.H.2.4, SC.H.3.4

Activity: Loading Up
Subject Areas: Mathematics, Environmental Science, Biology, Botany, Earth Science,
Computer Science.

Behavioral Objectives:

1) Students will calculate the Nitrogen loading rates for a biosolids land application
site and how many land application acres are needed for biosolids recycling.
2) Students will distinguish the Nitrogen needs of different crops used at a land
application site.
3) Students will create a biosolids land application site nitrogen loading spreadsheet.

As an introduction explain and discuss with the students the

fact that although the rest of the world and the American
scientific communities use metrics, that is not the case in this
country. English equivalents are still used and sometimes, as in
biosolids, combined with metrics.

The students are going to conduct biosolids calculations

associated with a land application site. They will use the
following equations:








NOTE: x (the value for % solids or Nitrogen) = .0x or x (divided by100) 12%=0.12

The teacher or the students may contact local domestic wastewater treatment facilities for
appropriate biosolids characteristics. The biosolids percent Nitrogen, amount in gallons

of generated biosolids for the last year, and the percent solids of their biosolids will be
needed. The numerical Nitrogen needs of the different crops may be found in Florida
Administrative Code 62-640 or the values may be obtained for different crops from the
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florida. Have the students
then use either teacher or student specified crops with their associated Nitrogen needs and
the domestic facility Nitrogen values, biosolids generated gallons, and percent solids to
calculate how many acres would be needed for the facility to land apply their biosolids as
a soil amendment based on the crop grown on the field. The students may use different
crops on different fields and generate a spreadsheet depicting the crops, acreage, and
pounds of nitrogen per acre per year on the field. The majority of biosolids are liquid
with percent solids about 1 or 2 percent. Cake biosolids would typically have percent
solids of at least 12 %.


Kane Ranch Biosolids Site

Field 1 Bahia grass (improved perennial grass) allowable Nitrogen = 200 lbs/yr

Field 2 Forage legumes allowable Nitrogen = 100lbs/yr

Field 3 hay or silage (4 harvests) allowable Nitrogen = 400lbs/yr

Field 4 St. Augustine grass (improved perennial grass) allowable Nitrogen = 200lbs/yr

Field 5 Bahia grass (improved perennial grass) allowable Nitrogen = 200lbs/yr

Phil Wastewater Treatment Facility

2005 Biosolids Characteristics:
Liquid Biosolids with four biosolids analyses per year
% Nitrogen = 5.5, 4.0, 6.1, 5.8
% solids = 1.2, 1.5, 0.9, 2.1
Biosolids Gallons Generated = 280,000 Gallons/Year

The students would then calculate how many acres would be needed in each field for
biosolids land application. As a math teacher the Nitrogen loading relationships and
calculations could easily be adapted to your class needs. The calculations may be
approached from whatever direction the teacher deems relevant to the class.

Evaluation Options:

1. Quantitative evaluation could be quiz.

2. Qualitative evaluations by observing student development of the land application
3. Mastery evaluation by students completing successfully the land application
spreadsheet calculations.
FCAT Standards
MA.A.1.3.1, MA.A.1.3.4, MA.A.3.3.2, MA.A.3.3.3, MA.B1.3.1, MA.B.1.3.2, MA.B.4.3.1, MA.D.1.3.1,
MA.D.1.3.2, MA.D.2.3.1, MA.D.2.3.2, MA.E.1.3.1, LA.B.1.3.1, LA.B.1.3.2, LA.B.1.3.3, LA.B.2.3.4,
LA.C.1.3.1, SC.D.1.3.2, SC.D.1.3.3, SC.D.1.3.4, SC.G.1.3.4, SC.D.2.1, SC.B.1.1, SC.G.2.1, SC.B.2.2,
SC.B.1.2, SC.D.2.2, SC. H.3.2, SC.G.2.2, SC.H.1.2, SC.D.2.3, SC.D.1.2, SC.0.2.3, SC.D.1.3, SC.G.2.3,
SC.H.1.3, SC.H.3.3, SC.D.2.4, SC.G.2.4, SC.H.1.4, SC.H.3.4


Activity: A Residuals Sense of Humor
Subject Areas: English, Art, Government, Civics, Music, Computer Science, Home
Economics, Shop, Music, Biology, Environmental Science, Mathematics.

Behavioral Objectives:

1) The students will identify components of biosolids issues that can be presented in
a humorous way.
2) The students will organize and demonstrate the creative process necessary to
create a humor product.
3) The students will create a residuals humor product.


Briefly teach them what residuals are and how they are used. Present the students with a
discussion stating that biosolids issues are emotionally charged issues. Inform them
people’s reactions range from immediate disgust, fear, and repulsion to wholehearted
embrace of the idea of recycling biosolids. The task of the students will then be to
identify those aspects of residuals issues that may be translated into some kind of humor.
It should most emphatically be stated that under no circumstances is the humor to be
blatantly offensive to others.
For perspective, the humor
should be that which the
students could show to the
parents and grandparents of
their friends!
With that in mind some
examples of humor are
outhouse models or
paintings, computer altered
photos, cartoons depicting
some residuals aspect, a joke
possibly similar to one as to
why did the chicken cross
the road? – to get to the
biosolids fertilized grass, a song, or a short story. In an art class a cartoon or a toilet
sculpture would be appropriate. In some way the residuals humor should demonstrate
biosolids views with a sense of humor. A final example would be a cow cartoon where
the cow is posting a sign next to a town. The sign states that no people are allowed for
thirty days after the last application of manure. Humorous creative thought interpreting
biosolids issues is the goal. After the students have completed the activity the humor may
be shown to the class or even the entire school.

Evaluation Options:

1. Quantitative grading of the residuals humor products.

2. Qualitative evaluation could be observation and notes on the creative process.
3. Mastery evaluation would be completed by the successful creation of a residuals
humor product.

FCAT Standards
SC.D.2.1, SC.G.2.1, SC.H.3.1, SC.D.2.2, SC.G.2.2, SC.D.2.3, SC.G.2.3, SC.H.3.3, SC.D.2.4, SC.G.2.4,


The History Channel, Modern Marvels: Bathroom Tech:

The History Channel, Modern Marvels: Plumbing: The arteries of civilization:

Florida Department of Environmental Protection: Residuals…Spread the Wealth

Copyright 1997

Roberts Rules of Order, (Newly Revised, 10th Edition)- Copyright 2000: ISBN:
by Henry M. Robert III, William J. Evans, Daniel H. Honemann, Thomas J. Balch

Strunk and White: A Handbook for the New Academic Essay, Third Edition
Copyright 2003: ISBN: 0937363200 by Gary Hoffman, Glynis Hoffman

The Vanishing American Outhouse Copywrited Material April 10, 2000 ISBN:
by Ronald Barlow

Biosolids Applied to Land: Advancing Standards and Practices – Copyright 2004

ISBN: 0309084865 by Committee on Toxicants, Pathogens in Biosolids

Elements of Cartography –Copyright 1984 ISBN: 0471555797 - by Arthur H.


Big Book of Trucks – Copyright 1999 ISBN: 0789447398 by Caroline Bingham

State of Florida, Department of Environmental Protection

USGS Geography: Viewing USGS Maps and Aerial Photo Images Online

The Biosolids Lifecycle

Orange County Water Reclamation

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency OWM: Biosolids

The Beauty of Biosolids

International toilet history

Outhouses of America

Lynn Wastewater Treatment Plant World History

A guide to composting human manure

Belt Press Process Flow

Alfalfa farmer battles residents over use of bio-solids as fertilizer

Ancient History of Plumbing

Wastewater Forum

Gorham Middle School Mock Townmeeting

Milorganite Pest Control

European Commission - Environment

UK Sewage Disposal

Florida Water Environment Association

National Biosolids Partnership

Florida Water and Pollution Control Operators Association

Water Environment Federation

New England Biosolids and Residuals Association

Northwest Biosolids Management Association

Florida Water Education Association Utility Council

University of Florida Extension – Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

Alabama Cooperative Extension System

University of Florida - IFAS

Oregon State University -


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