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101 Principles of Management

Fall, 2014
College of Business Administration
Seoul National Univ.


Dr. Kyuho Jin

SK (58-dong) #313
Phone: (010) 2239-7839

Office Hours

By appointment

Text Book

Hill, C. W. L., & McShane, S. L. 2008. Principles of management.

Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. (Required)
Griffin, R. W. 2012. Management fundamentals (6th ed.). Mason,
OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. (Optional)

Course Overview
This is an introductory course in management (and organization) which will serve as a
springboard for learning such advanced studies as strategic management, international
business, and organizational behavior. (Note that a greater emphasis will be placed on
strategic management, inter alia, in this course.) While this class covers a bunch of theories
and real world examples about management and managers, students new to this field often
lack a cognitive schema into which they integrate this material. This class aims to help
students develop a basic framework that may become the beginnings of their cognitive map
of the actual world of business.
In an effort to facilitate learning process, this class will encourage students to actively
participate in discussion and debate over a variety of managerial issues. At the same time,
students will be asked to analyze business cases mostly included in the text book. In the case
analyses, students will be advised to adopt a holistic approach by drawing upon various areas of
business studies and economics. Since managerial issues may be complex, non-routinized, and
unstructured, students are expected to develop well-grounded arguments that are persuasive and
coherent enough to endure challenges. To be persuasive, the arguments need to be based on
relevant data, sound logic, and pertinent theories. Lecture, case analysis, and team/individual
project together will serve the purpose of developing that capability.
Course Objectives
1. Precisely understand management and the role of managers; develop the ability to
distinguish managers (and their role) from functional specialists (and their role).
2. Learn analytical tools, concepts, and theories in management so that you can not only get
prepared well for the studies at the advanced level but improve your critical reasoning ability.

3. Develop capabilities to clearly and persuasively communicate ideas on sophisticated

business issues with others. Specifically, develop presentation skills so that you can make a
successful transition from college to a professional environment.
Course Format and Evaluation Criteria
Individual Component
Mid-term Exam
Final Exam
Case Summary
Class Participation
Company Analysis (ICAP I)

50 pts
70 pts
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
200 pts

Team Component
Industry Analysis (ICAP II)

100 pts
100 pts


300 pts

There will be mid-term and final exam which test theories in management and cases covered in
the classes. The exam will consist of true/false, multiple questions, and essay questions. The
exam is a closed book and note exam. Since analytical skills as well as strong theoretical
background is required in order to conduct sound case analyses, it will be a good opportunity
for students to review and internalize theories via the exam.
Class Participation
Improving your critical reasoning ability is one of the important learning objectives of this
course. This ability can be substantially developed through participation in discussions of
theories and case analyses in class. Furthermore, a critical skill for any manager is the ability to
clearly articulate his or her method of analysis and to persuade others to the merits of this
analysis. Active class participation by students is an essential part of the learning experience in
this course.
Points for class participation will not be awarded for simply showing up. You must be an
active participant in class discussions (especially on case study days) to earn a good grade in
participation. Class participation is recorded for each class session.
Class participation is graded based on the quality of your answers to class questions and
comments during discussions. Meaningful participation means making a contribution to our
discussion, not merely talking, and it does not mean repeating case facts or simply agreeing
with what others have already said.
Students who affect the classroom learning environment in a negative way (e.g., chatting in
classroom) may receive negative class participation scores for corresponding sessions.
The class participation grade consists of i) in-class contribution, ii) peer evaluation, and iii)


In-class Contribution
In every class, I will take a note of the names of students who make good class participations.
While voluntary contribution is preferred, I may call upon students at any time. I will take notes
on students responses to my questions.
In addition, each student is required to turn in Class Participation Form for each case session.
With this form, you will briefly indicate your contributions to class discussions. I will use this
form to help evaluate your class contributions during case sessions.
Your class contribution will be evaluated by the following evaluation system:
3 stars for an outstanding contribution with outstanding quality discussion
2 stars for a class contribution with good quality discussion
1 star for attending a class and paying attention
0 star for no attendance
At the end of the semester, your in-class contribution score will be determined by your relative
standing in the class, in terms of the total number of stars you have earned.
Peer Evaluation
At the end of this course, each student will evaluate its team members contributions to team
assignments. This peer evaluation score will be reflected on each students final class
participation score.
In this class, there is no excused absence. Because much of the learning in this course occurs in
the classroom, excessive absences can lead to either a failing grade or dismissal from the course.
Failure to attend the first class session could result in you being dropped from the course. While
good attendance does not ensure high marks in class participation, poor attendance will result in
a poor class participation grade.
There will be a sign-up sheet for attendance in every class. An attendance sheet will be passed
around in the beginning of a class. It is the students responsibility to sign the sheet whenever
they are in class. Signing an attendance sheet for a classmate will be regarded as academic
Case Summary
For class periods associated with a case discussion, you are required to submit a brief, written
summary of the case. This written summary should contain three things:

Identification of the most pressing issues facing the organization

Recommended course of actions to address the issues
A one-paragraph explanation that supports your recommendation

In total, this written summary should be no more than one-page long (1.5 spacing & 11 points
font size).
Industry and Company Analysis Project (ICAP)
Each student will complete the ICAP, which consists of two phases. Phase I is a team project,
where a team of 4-5 students jointly analyzes the competitive structure of an industry of its


choice. During Phase II, individual students analyze the competitive strategy and performance
of a publicly-traded company that plays in the industry that his/her team analyzed in Phase I.
Each team member must report on a different company within this industry. Thus, it is
necessary for teams to select industries to analyze that include at least as many publicly-traded
firms as there are members in the team. I reserve the right to approve the industry and
company selections. The table below lists the due dates and point totals associated with the

Select industry and company
Industry analysis (Team Report)
Company Analysis (Individual Report)

Due Date
9/25, 10/15


Specific details on the ICAP assignment will be posted on Intranet. A late assignment will
receive an automatic five-point deduction for the first day that it is turned in late; each
subsequent day late will result in an additional two-point deduction. Handing in the assignment
after the class period has started will be considered one day late.


Academic Integrity and Self Discipline
I expect all of my students (as well as myself) to honor academic integrity and encourage
behaviors expected of educated and self-disciplined individuals. These behaviors include:

being honest;
being reliable and prepared;
being responsible for ones own actions and decisions; and
being respectful of all individuals.

Academic integrity is a central value of academia. Thus, all forms of academic misconduct
(including plagiarism) will not be tolerated.


Course Schedule
Week 1
Week 2

Course Overview

Week 3


Case A (Hill & McShane)

Case B (Griffin)

Ch. 1

George David

In search of Google

The External and Internal


Ch. 2

The Pharmaceutical Industry

Competition Can Hurt or Help!

Week 4

Globalization and the Manager

Ch. 3

Planet Starbucks

Week 5

Stakeholders, Ethics, and

Corporate Social Responsibility

Ch. 4

Working Conditions at WalMart

Week 6

Planning and Decision Making

Ch. 5

Boom and Bust in


Recent Developments of Games


Week 7


Ch. 6

Google's Quest for

Competitive Advantage

Facebook Faces the Problem of

Booking Revenues

Week 8

Mid-term exam

Week 9

Managing Operations

Ch. 7

Improving Productivity in
Auto Industry


Ch. 8

Dow Chemical

Control Systems

Ch. 9

Lincoln Electric

Organizational Culture

Ch. 10

Schwab Acquires U.S. Trust

Managing Innovation and


Ch. 18

Transforming Reuters


Chs. 1-6

Team Presentation I
Team Presentation II
Final exam

Chs. 710,18

Promoting Brand Loyalty at

Abercrombie & Fitch

The Science of the Deal


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