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Orbital Surgery:

Sta te of t he Art
Jason Liss, MDa,e, S. Tonya Stefko, MD, FACSb,c,e,
William L. Chung, DDS, MDd,*
 Orbital  Fracture  Floor  Roof  Medial wall
 Surgery  Management

The floor of the orbit is commonly fractured in children and adults. The floor fracture may be isolated
or occur as a component of a panfacial injury. The
most frequently encountered combination of fractures is the orbital floor and medial orbital wall, but
floor fractures also occur as part of zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures, naso-orbital-ethmoid
fractures, LeFort fractures, and frontal sinus and
orbital roof fractures. Detailed imaging using multiplanar computed tomography (CT) is essential for
understanding the injury completely. Advances in
imaging have revolutionized the thought
processes and treatment planning; reconstructed
sagittal views and three-dimensional rendering
with mirror imaging techniques are new areas
that provide the surgeon with new insight heretofore unavailable. The reader is referred to the
articles by Branstetter and Bell elsewhere in this
issue for a more detailed discussion of these
new technologies and their use for orbital surgery.

Indications for Repair

Initially many orbital floor fractures may be treated
with observation. Indications for repair include
enophthalmos or hypoglobus of greater than
2 mm, diplopia at or near central gaze, apparent
extraocular muscle entrapment in the fracture,
and fractures larger than a critical size (1 or

2 cm).1,2 Others have pointed out that the size of

the fracture is not a critical determinant in the
development of enophthalmos, as the periorbita
may still be intact and the effective orbital volume
not significantly increased.1,2 The finding on CT of
a rounded or inferiorly displaced inferior rectus
muscle has been noted to be a predictor of enophthalmos caused by periorbital injury, and an
indicator for surgical repair.

Timing of Repair
The theoretic advantage of delaying surgical repair
for several weeks or months is to give symptoms
of diplopia or disturbances in extraocular motility
an opportunity to improve. However, many studies
have reported suboptimal results regarding the
correction of enophthalmos or diplopia with delayed repair. Almost all of the reports mentioned
are retrospective in design and use self-reported
data, with the inherent biases that are unavoidable
in such circumstances. Level II and III evidence is
important and helps guide treatment planning
when higher-level evidence is lacking, but critical
analysis is necessary when applying these data
to particular clinical situations. Dogmatic statements about particular techniques being superior
to others are not academically sound (ie, lacking
superior evidence, although surgeons make
decisions based on the best available data).

Oculoplastic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 203 Lothrop Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
Department of Ophthalmology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 203 Lothrop Street, Pittsburgh, PA
15213, USA
Oculoplastic, Esthetic, and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 203 Lothrop
Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 3459 5th Avenue, Suite
202 South, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
UPMC Eye Center, 203 Lothrop Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 22 (2010) 5971

1042-3699/10/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Liss et al
Hawes and Dortzbach3 found residual diplopia
in 38% of patients who had surgery 2 months after
injury and in 7% of those operated on within 2
months. Yilmaz and colleagues4 found that in the
9 fractures they repaired more than 4 weeks after
injury, they had 3 results with diplopia and 4 with
enophthalmos, compared with just 1 diplopia in
17 early repairs. Some believe that it is more difficult to achieve an anatomic repair with delayed
surgery because of early orbital fibrosis and scarring.5 Others believe that ongoing damage to
orbital tissue leads to orbital fat atrophy and extraocular muscle dysfunction.4,610 Harris6 suggests
that if soft-tissue displacement is disproportionate
to the bony defect on radiographic imaging, there
is a high risk for soft-tissue ischemia and surgery
should be undertaken as soon as possible. Thus,
if a fracture is determined to require surgery, the
surgeon may consider performing the repair within
the first 2 to 3 weeks, if not within the first several
days, after injury.

Surgical Incisions
Initially, orbital floor fractures were accessed by
an intraoral transantral approach, and then later
by a lower eyelid subciliary incision. Nam and
colleagues10 performed 405 subciliary incisions
with Frost suture removal on postoperative day 3
and subsequent vigorous lower lid massage and
reported no cases of lid retraction or ectropion.
However, some report a high incidence of eyelid
retraction and ectropion with the subciliary incision.
The transconjunctival incision provides the obvious
advantage of a lack of an external scar. Appling and
colleagues11 found 12% transient ectropion and
28% permanent increased scleral show in subciliary incisions compared with no ectropion and 3%
increased scleral show with transconjunctival incisions. Villareal and colleagues12 and Patel and
colleagues13 also report highly favorable results
using a transconjunctival incision. Lane and
colleagues14 documented 1 case of lid retraction
in 85 transconjunctival incisions. Schmal and
colleagues15 performed 209 transconjunctival incisions for floor repairs, and found no cases of ectropion or lid retraction, and 2 unsatisfactory scars
from his 181 lateral canthotomies. These reports
represent lower-level evidence, but are the best
available literature for use in careful decision
making. Based on these reports, the transconjunctival incision, with or without a lateral canthotomy,
has become favored over the subciliary incision.

Orbital Implants
The subject of greatest debate regarding the repair
of orbital fractures surrounds the choice of

implant. Classically, autogenous bone was the

material of choice for repairing facial fractures
because of its resistance to infection, low risk of
rejection, and perceived incorporation into new
bone growth.1620 Certain injuries and fracture
patterns may be well suited for such grafts
(Fig. 1AH). However, its use for internal orbital
fractures has declined, primarily because of
concerns regarding the potential for donor-site
morbidity, unpredictable resorption, and difficulty
molding the material to the desired shape of the
orbital wall(s).1,16,17,21 Autogenous conchal or
nasal cartilage has also been used because of its
ease of harvest and potentially decreased donorsite morbidity compared with bone. However,
cartilage is not commonly used for floor fractures
because of difficulty in custom-molding, its
tendency to warp, lack of tensile strength, and
the patients possible need for nasal cartilage for
other future surgical procedures.22
Numerous alloplastic materials have been
described and studied for use in orbital floor fracture repair (Table 1). Alloplastic materials can be
thought of as either nonporous or porous. Nonporous silicone rubber (Silastic sheets) was studied
by Morrison and colleagues23 in a 20-year period,
and found to have an overall complication rate of
13%, including 6.8% infection and migration and
worsening diplopia. Late migration is a frequently
documented problem with this material, which
might be caused by poor fixation rather than the
material itself.17 Initially Teflon had been reported
with good results,24 but recent case reports of
late complications have led to a decrease in its
Nylon sheets (SupraFOIL) (Fig. 2) were similarly
felt to have complications of hemorrhage into the
implant capsule,25 but recent studies have suggested that prior complications may have been
caused by poor implant fixation. Park and
colleagues26 studied 181 patients whose injuries
were repaired with nylon sheets of varying
thickness using a transconjunctival approach
with a single-screw fixation of the implant. They
reported 1 case of orbital hemorrhage and 1 late
infection. Su and Harris27 showed no complications in 19 repairs of combined floor and medial
wall fractures using an implant 0.3-mm thick with
prepunched holes to encourage fibrovascular
ingrowth to aid in stabilization.
Titanium mesh is the most popular alloplastic
nonporous material for repair of most facial fractures (Fig. 3AC). It is strong, malleable, visible
on radiography, and fairly infection resistant.17
However, some of its disadvantages include
difficulty sliding the implant into desired spaces
because of its sharp edges, difficulty in its removal

Orbital Surgery: State of the Art

Fig. 1. (A) Axial CT scan of comminuted frontal sinus and orbital roof fractures secondary to gunshot wound. (B)
Exposed, unroofed orbits (arrows) by frontal craniotomy. (C) Split-thickness frontal (sinus) bone graft in sagittal
plane. (D) Inner table frontal sinus used to recreate orbital roofs (arrows). (E, F) Anterior table and frontal bone
reconstruction. (G, H) Postoperative axial CT scans of reconstructed orbital roofs and frontal sinus.



Liss et al

Table 1
Characteristics of common alloplastic orbital implants
Silicon (Silastic)
Nylon (Supramid, SupraFoil)
Porous Polyethylene (Medpor)
PTFE (Teflon)











Abbreviations: PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene; PGLA, polyglycolic-polylactide.

(when necessary) because of fibrovascular

ingrowth, and a concern that it may cause adhesions to orbital tissue.17,21
Porous polyethylene is a porous alloplastic
material that has been used widely and reported
to have excellent clinical results. It is available in
sheets 0.85-mm and 1.5-mm thick, is malleable
yet strong, and allows for fibrous ingrowth. One
study28 of 37 patients reported correction of hypoglobus in all documented cases, resolution of
diplopia in 15 of 27 cases (with improvement in 7
more), and correction of enophthalmos in 9 of 18
cases. This study also reported only 1 case of
infection. In the study by Nam and colleagues10
of 214 floors repaired with porous polyethylene
12 cases with complications (5.6%) were found,
including 7 cases of enophthalmos. Romano and
colleagues29 had only 1 case of infection in 128
implants of porous polyethylene. Documented
infection rates were low, and most surgeons typically soak the implant in antibiotic before insertion
as standard practice.
An implant that has recently gained much
attention and use is titanium-embedded porous
polyethylene (Fig. 4AB). It has the malleability,
strength, memory, and radiopacity of titanium,
with the potential for fibrous ingrowth of porous
polyethylene. It is also coated on 1 side to prevent
inflammation and adhesion of orbital tissue. Garibaldi and colleagues30 studied 100 patients (83
orbital floor fractures) who received Medpor Titan
implants, 70% of which were fixated with a single
screw. One case each of orbital hemorrhage and
vertical overcorrection attributed to the thickness
of the implant were reported, and no case of either
extrusions or infection was reported.
With respect to various implant choices, comparative well-designed trials are lacking and the available literature assesses only the outcome of the
materials individually with level III evidence. Considerable reported experience outlines important

differences in outcome. As with all evidencedbased decision making, the surgeon must not
blindly follow prospective evidence only, but integrate the best available knowledge with individual
experience and patient factors to make the best
choices possible.
After the surgeon decides the best implant
material for reconstruction, placing it precisely
becomes the primary objective. Before inserting
the implant over the floor fracture, it is ideal to
expose and directly visualize the stable posterior
shelf of the orbital floor. The surgeon should
conceptually understand that the orbital floor
slopes superiorly toward the most posterior
portion of the orbit, so that the posterior shelf is
superior to the orbital rim (Fig. 5). Keeping this in
mind prevents placement of the implant directly
into the posterior maxillary sinus. A useful technique for locating the stable posterior shelf is to
run a periosteal elevator along the posterior wall
of the maxillary sinus until it curves anteriorly to
join the undersurface of the posterior orbital floor.1
Alternatively, endoscopic approaches, image
guidance, and active navigation techniques may
be used to assist in placement of a material and

Fig. 2. SupraFOIL alloplastic orbital implant.

Orbital Surgery: State of the Art

Fig. 3. (A) Titanium orbital floor implant. (B) Orbital rim and floor fractures exposed. (C) Titanium orbital rim and
floor implants fixated through lower eyelid crease incision.

optimize the reconstruction. These concepts are

discussed by McCain and Bell in other articles in
this issue.

Fixation Methods and Wound Closure

After the implant is positioned over the floor
defect, alternatives exist regarding the fixation of
the implant and closure of the incision. Implant

fixation methods include titanium microscrews,26

cyanoacrylate,31,32 fibrin glue,6 and even insertion
of a tab of the implant under any stable bone anteriorly.2 The need for fixation primarily depends on
the type of implant. Park and colleagues26 suggest
that implant fixation may be instrumental in significantly reducing the incidence of hemorrhage
within the implant capsule in nonporous implants,
a problem that resulted in decreased use of

Fig. 4. (A) Titan Mesh orbital floor implant. (B) Titan Mesh orbital implant with medial and lateral wings and
titanium extensions for fixation onto the orbital rim.



Liss et al

Fig. 5. The posterior ledge of bone must be identified and is used as a guide to the inclination of the orbital walls
in reconstruction and as a support for the orbital implant or graft. (From Holck DEE, Ng JD. Evaluation and
treatment of orbital fractures. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2006. p. 146; with permission.)

nonporous alloplastic materials in favor of porous

polyethylene.25,33 Some have reported excellent
results without fixation of the implant. Lane and
colleagues14 placed Medpor implants in 85 orbits
without fixation or closure of the periosteum, and
reported no cases of migration or extrusion. Nam
and colleagues10 did not fixate the porous polyethylene or hydroxyapatite implants in 405 patients,
but did close the periosteum, and found no cases
of extrusion, migration, or hemorrhage.
Some surgeons advocate closing the periosteum.2,10,21 Theoretic advantages of closing the
periosteum include decreasing the chance of
implant migration, and the chance of adhesion or
scar formation between orbital contents and the
implant material. Lane and colleagues14 favored
foregoing closure of the periosteum to reduce
iatrogenic morbidity from incorrect layered closure
and tethering of the orbital tissue. These investigators also did not close the conjunctiva in the 85
cases, and had only 1 case of eyelid retraction.
The advantage of a sutureless closure of the incision is the lack of potential for corneal irritation
from the conjunctival sutures. Although these
reports may exhibit some degree of reporting
bias and lack a high level of evidence, there are
valuable points to consider. As with all technique-sensitive operative endeavors, surgeon skill
and experience variability can also be factors that
affect outcome when considering outcome data in
a particular study.
If postoperative enophthalmos persists because
of either nonanatomic repair of a floor fracture or
tissue atrophy, several treatment options exist to
recreate the orbital floor properly, short of removing
the inadequately positioned implant. One option is
to insert a porous polyethylene enophthalmos
wedge implant to correct the enophthalmos. The
implant should be inserted in a subperiosteal plane

posteroinferior to the globe.34 Another option is to

inject retrobulbar hyaluronic acid for volume
augmentation.35 Detailed imaging and modeling
can be helpful in understanding the planning of
the volume correction and executing the placement
of materials to improve less-than-optimal positioning of the globe.


The medial wall of the orbit is commonly fractured
in facial trauma. The reported frequency of an isolated medial wall fracture is variable, ranging from
extremely rare36 to the most commonly isolated
orbital wall fracture.37 As with orbital floor fractures, there is evidence that long-term results are
better with earlier surgical intervention.7,27

Surgical Approaches
Several approaches to the medial orbital wall have
been described. The approach that offers the
greatest exposure and access is the coronal incision, and this approach is optimal in cases of
extensive facial trauma. However, concerns such
as scarring in male pattern baldness, alopecia,
frontalis palsy, scalp numbness, and increased
surgical time make other more direct approaches
desirable in certain situations.
In 1921 Lynch38 described a semilunar incision
between the medial canthal tendon and the nasal
dorsum (Fig. 6). This incision provides good access
but carries the risk of scarring or webbing, and
injury to the lacrimal system or canthal tendon.39
Variations of the Lynch incision are commonly
used for approach to the medial wall. Nunery and
colleagues7 repaired 102 combined medial wall
and floor fractures using a 1-cm vertical skin incision just anterior to the medial canthal tendon,
and found 1 patient with resultant enophthalmos

Orbital Surgery: State of the Art

Fig. 6. Lynch incision. (From Holck DEE, Ng JD. Evaluation and treatment of orbital fractures. Philadelphia: WB
Saunders; 2006. p. 293.)

but no other complications, including unsightly

scars. The investigators sutured the skin to the
underlying medial canthal tendon and periorbita
to avoid webbing of the skin of the medial canthal
region. Two other studies40,41 used either a transcaruncular (Fig. 7) or W-shaped incision from the
medial brow to the medial canthus, without
webbing or unsightly scarring.
The upper eyelid crease incision may be used
with better cosmetic results (Fig. 8), but access
to the posterior and inferior medial wall is
limited.39,42 Lower eyelid incisions provide
adequate access to the lower half of the medial
orbital wall, with generally good cosmetic results.
The transconjunctival incision carries a lower risk
of postoperative eyelid malposition.11,39 However,
neither incision provides sufficient access to the
superior part of the medial wall.27,39
The transcaruncular and precaruncular incisions
have recently been described with good
results.27,39,43 These incisions reportedly provide
sufficient exposure without notable scarring. Using
Desmarres retractors for the eyelids and protecting
the globe with a malleable retractor, an incision is
made medial to the plica semilunaris, either through
the caruncle (transcaruncular) or just lateral to the
caruncle (precaruncular), and blunt dissection is
carried to the posterior lacrimal crest. The periosteum is first incised and lifted off the posterior
lacrimal crest, then posteriorly off the medial wall.
The lacrimal sac and the inferior oblique muscle
can be elevated with their periosteal attachments
as required. After sufficient exposure of all fractures, an implant is positioned, with or without fixation. Su and Harris27 described the use of Tisseel
glue to fixate medial wall implants, whereas others
did not fixate the implants and reported no cases of
extrusion.7,39 Meningaud and colleagues44
described the use of a retrocaruncular incision in
conjunction with an endoscope to provide better
visualization of the posterior part of the fracture.
A unique approach to medial wall fracture repair
has been described by Kim and colleagues.41 In an

attempt to maximize the advantages of several

surgical approaches, a W-shaped skin incision is
made from the canthus to the brow (described
earlier), followed by an ethmoid osteotomy 5 mm
above the medial canthus. Through this incision,
the fracture is reduced from the ethmoid sinus
with a periosteal elevator, and a balloon is then inflated in the sinus to support the fracture reduction
and provide hemostasis. The subperiosteal
dissection continues in the orbit to expose the
fracture, and an implant is inserted. Of 54 patients,
39 of whom had preoperative diplopia and 16 of
whom had enophthalmos, 2 developed postoperative diplopia and 3 retained enophthalmos. No
webs or unsatisfactory scars were reported.41

Orbital Implants
Implant selection for a medial wall fracture
involves the same issues as for a floor fracture,

Fig. 7. Transcaruncular incision for access to medial

orbital fractures (From Holck DEE, Ng JD. Evaluation
and treatment of orbital fractures. Philadelphia: WB
Saunders; 2006. p. 290; with permission.)



Liss et al

Fig. 8. Upper eyelid crease incision for lateral and superior orbital rim exposure. (A) Incision placed in lateral half
of upper eyelid crease and extended either direction for exposure as needed. (B) Subcutaneous dissection in
suborbital fascial plane. (C) The periosteum is incised and elevated off the lateral orbital rim, and periorbita is
elevated off medial surface. (From Holck DEE, Ng JD. Evaluation and treatment of orbital fractures. Philadelphia:
WB Saunders; 2006. p. 302; with permission.)

with the exception that a thinner implant may be

used for a medial wall fracture because these fractures tend to be smaller and there is less mechanical force pushing on the implant. Nunery and
colleagues7 used 0.4-mm nylon foil, whereas Su
and Harris27 used mostly 0.3-mm nylon implants.
Meningaud and colleagues44 described absorbable polydimethylsiloxane implants for smaller
medial wall fractures, but suggested the used of
porous polyethylene with imbedded titanium
mesh for larger fractures.

Surgical Incision
For combined medial wall and orbital floor fractures, the transconjunctival and transcaruncular
(or other medial wall approach) may be used
together. Su and Harris27 fixed 19 patients with
combined fractures through a transcaruncular
and transconjunctival approach, using primarily
0.3-mm nylon implants. In 12 patients an implant
was inserted for each wall fractured, whereas in
7 patients in whom the inferomedial strut was
displaced, a third bridging implant was inserted.
No infection, implant extrusion, enophthalmos
greater than 2 mm, diplopia, vision loss, globe
dystopia, or eyelid malposition was reported. As
with the previously reported studies, the level of
evidence presented in these studies does not
allow dogmatic statements about which technique
is definitively superior, but it represents the best
available literature to guide clinical decisions.
Complications can occur with the transcaruncular incision. One such complication is incision-site
edema caused by lack of a surgical plane,
a problem that may be improved with the precaruncular incision, described by Moe.43 Other
complications include conjunctival scarring and
damage to the inferior oblique muscle, canthal

tendon, or lacrimal system. Fig. 9 depicts other

skin incisions for access to most orbital fractures.


Although isolated fractures of the orbital roof or
supraorbital rim are uncommon, an estimated
1% to 9% of facial fractures involve the supraorbital rim and the anterior table of the frontal
sinus.45 In adults, orbital roof fractures are often
associated with fractures involving the frontal
sinus, naso-orbital-ethmoid complex, LeFort fractures, or other portions of the orbit.46,47 Many of
these patients also present with multisystem
injuries. In children, orbital roof fractures are often
nondisplaced, linear frontobasal fractures.46,48
Management of these fractures is dependent on
the degree of displacement, and more importantly,
any other associated fractures. Nondisplaced
roof and supraorbital rim fractures are treated
conservatively by observation.46,48 Associated
soft-tissue injuries are repaired while patients are
monitored for possible changes in their neurologic
status and intracranial pressure (ICP). An isolated
blow-in fracture of the orbital roof (Fig. 10AC)
should be treated by open reduction and internal
fixation if the fracture is causing proptosis,
diplopia, or extraocular muscle entrapment.

Surgical Incision
The most direct and cosmetic surgical approach
to an isolated orbital roof fracture is the blepharoplasty incision. Subperiosteal dissection along the
orbital roof exposes all stable bone around the
fracture. Care should be taken when elevating
the periosteum beneath the trochlea of the superior oblique muscle, and the lacrimal gland, to
avoid damage to these structures. If elevated
properly, neither structure needs to be reattached

Orbital Surgery: State of the Art


Lateral Eyebrow
Medial Eyebrow
Temporal (Gillies)
Medial Canthus

Crows Foot
Low Infraorbital


Not Shown

Bitemporal Flap
Buccal Sulcus
Trans Nasal/Antral

Fig. 9. Skin incisions for orbital fractures (From Rowe NL, Williams JL. Maxillofacial injuries. Edinburgh (UK):
Churchill Livingstone; 1994. p. 524; with permission.)

to its bony origin but rather can be allowed to settle

back on its periosteum to its origin.49
Roof fractures are generally plated with titanium
mesh with either microscrew (1.00 mm) or miniscrew (1.3 mm) fixation.46 Autogenous bone can
be used, but concerns about its unpredictable

resorption and difficulty molding the graft to the

desired contour limit its effectiveness in this
Orbital blow-up fractures (Fig. 11AC) can be
observed unless they cause ocular signs or symptoms. In these cases, if the injury is isolated, it can

Fig. 10. (A, B, C) Axial, coronal, and sagittal CT scans of orbital blow-in fracture. Note displacement of bony roof
into the orbit (arrows).



Liss et al

Fig. 11. (A, B, C). Axial, coronal, and sagittal CT scans of orbital blow-up fracture. Note large segment of orbital
roof displaced superiorly (arrows).

be repaired by the same approach as blow-in

injuries. If a blepharoplasty incision does not
provide sufficient exposure or there are other
associated injuries, then a coronal incision may
be required for adequate access to the roof or
management of any other associated injuries.
When the supraorbital rim and roof are fractured
and there are no other injuries, the rim should be
reduced first and then the roof defect can be repaired. If frontal sinus or intracranial injuries exist,
the treatment should be dictated by the management of these other injuries in consultation with
a neurosurgeon, as indicated. In children, a high
level of suspicion should be exercised for
a growing skull fracture, which occurs with a linear
skull fracture and an associated dural defect
combined with a growing brain or increased ICP,
potentially leading to a slowly enlarging fracture
and exophthalmos.50

edge of the infraorbital canal and the medial floor is

still hinged at the base of the lamina papyracea. In
medial blow-out fractures, the medial wall fragment is comminuted and not hinged medially. In
lateral blow-out fractures, the floor is fractured
medial and lateral to the infraorbital canal. Strong
and colleagues note that lateral blow-out fractures
are more difficult by the endoscopic approach
because they place the maxillary division of the
trigeminal nerve (V2) at greater risk of injury, and
concludes that complex, 2-walled fractures are
not amenable to endoscopic repair.


An alternative to the transorbital approach for
orbital floor or medial wall fractures is the endoscopic technique. Endoscopic repair of orbital
fractures can be performed either transnasally
(Fig. 12) or by a transmaxillary approach. The
potential advantages of this approach include the
lack of a skin incision that can cause scarring
and eyelid malposition, excellent exposure of the
posterior shelf of the orbital floor (with subsequent
proper positioning of an implant), avoidance of intraorbital retraction of the implant (particularly near
the orbital apex), and in certain situations, the lack
of need of any foreign material being placed into
the orbit.
Strong and colleagues51 classify orbital floor
fractures into 3 groups of typical fracture patterns.
The medial trapdoor fracture occurs at the medial

Fig. 12. Endoscopic transnasal (and transconjunctival)

approach to optic canal. Biportal access allows for 2point confirmation of essential anatomic structures.
(From Holck DEE, Ng JD. Evaluation and Treatment
of Orbital Fractures. Philadelphia: WB Saunders,
2006, p. 396; with permission.)

Orbital Surgery: State of the Art

In Strong and colleagues transmaxillary endoscopic technique,51 a Caldwell-Luc incision is
made followed by subperiosteal dissection up
the anterior wall of the maxilla. A 1- to 2-cm maxillary antrostomy is made and a notch is created to
seat the endoscope and provide tactile feedback
to the assistant holding the scope. The sinus
ostium and V2 are identified. The orbital floor
anatomy is visualized, and a pulse test consisting
of applying pressure to the globe while visualizing
the prolapse of orbital contents through the fracture, is performed. Trapdoor fractures are reduced
without an implant by carefully reducing the orbital
contents with a malleable retractor and reducing
the hinged fragment back into apposition with
the lateral part of the orbital floor. For medial
blow-out fractures, the entire fracture is exposed
with a 5- to 7-mm margin of exposed bone on
the sinus side, and a 3- to 5-mm margin on the
orbital side. A porous polyethylene 0.85-mm
implant sheet can be placed into the orbit, extending 1 to 2 mm over the posterior, anterior, and
lateral shelves of stable bone.
In addition to the advantages already stated,
Strong and colleagues51 note the opportunity to
operate early on eyes with hyphemas and other
intraocular disease because of the lack of retraction on the globe itself. Strong and colleagues
also propose that orbital floors can be explored
to assess the need for surgical repair after a fracture in the zygomaticomaxillary complex is
reduced and rigidly fixated. Potential disadvantages of endoscopic repair include injury to V2,
enopthalmos, diplopia, and optic nerve damage.
In a series of 10 patients with orbital floor
fractures, Strong52 successfully repaired 9 of the
fractures endoscopically, and reported 3 cases
of postoperative diplopia, which resolved after
just 1 month. Nahlieli and colleagues53 repaired
10 patients with this same approach, using titanium mesh on the sinus side of the fracture, with
screw fixation, and noted no complications and
similar advantages.
Jeon and colleagues54 describe repair of medial
and orbital floor fractures with an endonasal endoscopic approach, using a feeding tube inflated
balloon for floor support, and a silastic sheet with
Merocel packing retained for 4 weeks for medial
wall support. These investigators reported 2 cases
of resultant diplopia in 11 isolated floor fractures, 1
case of enophthalmos in 17 medial wall fractures,
and 4 cases of diplopia in the 12 combined floor
and medial wall fractures. They conclude that this
technique should be considered a safe alternative
for isolated floor or medial wall fractures, but should
perhaps not be considered for combined fractures
or if there is an orbital rim fracture.

Computer software and modern image-guidance technology can be used to create a template
of the desired orbital floor implant, based on the
patients contralateral, unfractured orbit. Metzger
and colleagues55 have reported a small series
using computer-assisted design of orbital implants
and have shown an excellent degree of similarity
between the repaired orbit and the uninvolved
orbit postoperatively. This technology can be
particularly useful with repairing more extensive
orbitozygomatic fractures.

Orbital fractures occur in isolation or as a component of other facial fractures. As with any other
operation, the surgeon has a multitude of decisions and options in the overall management of
these fractures. These complex decisions include
the timing of repair, methods of incision (and
closure), surgical approaches, and specific
implant material. A substantial amount of effort
and time has been devoted in the scientific literature to these topics. Comparative studies with
strong data and a high level of evidence are lacking, but the available literature allows the astute
surgeon to incorporate the available experience
into his or her practice with careful decision
making. The ultimate treatment of any orbital fracture must take into account the specific circumstances surrounding the patients fracture, and
more importantly, the surgeons experience and
comfort level regarding the management of these

1. Cole P, Boyd V, Banerji S, et al. Comprehensive
management of orbital fractures. Plast Reconstr
Surg 2007;120(7 Suppl 2):57S63S.
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