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Tharbad Gazeteer:

Rath Annn:
The Rath Annun runs from the most southern tip of
the island, to the intersection of the Rath Aran and Rath
Enedrath. It is bisected by the Cheber Enedrant, which neatly
defines the two rather different sections of the street. The
section south of the canal is entirely within the Dock Quarter,
giving it a distinctively gritty, working class feel. It is
perpetually teeming with activity, whether it be the commerce
and bustle of packages, barrel, boxes and chests being loaded
and unloaded from the warehouses which line the street, or the
carousing and brawling which begins when the work day is
done. The section north of the canal is much more upscale,
passing through the centre of the Weavers district and the
Jewellers district. Nonetheless, it is still quite lively, in a
much more civilised and ordered manner.
During the day the southern section of the street is
alive with dockworker, sailors, bargemen, pilots, merchants,
shippers, coopers, and city watchmen. They flit back and forth
across the street, making their way from boats, or barges, to
warehouses, offices, shops, and shipyards, which lines the
street. There is a constant buzz of commerce here, most
readily exemplified by the haggling, arguing, and shouting
which comes from shippers, merchants, pilots, sailors, and all
others whom do business here. Large, rough, and thickly
hewed men trapeze along the street, carrying barrels, and
boxes to their destinations. Well clothed merchants and
shippers, make their way to meetings, accompanied by several
well armed, and sharp-eyed guards. Beggars and street
urchins run from the dock side into the Street, clinging to the
refuse they have caught falling from a crate, eager to consume
it, or stash it a way.
With nightfall, the nature of the Rath Annuns activity
changes, but becomes no less busy and noisy. Dockworkers,
sailors, bargemen, and other laboreres make their way to one
of the several taverns or inns that cater them. The largest and
most popular is the Starry Crown, which lies dead in the center
of the Rath Annuns southern section. The Broken Oar, The
Golden Anchor, The Caramaids Silt, and the Rope and Log
round out the selection. Once the taverns empty out, the street
becomes the carousing ground of all the many drunkards, who
either, eventually, make their way back to their ship, or
lodgeing, or to one of the several Brothels on the street, or in
one of the alleys. By this time, whores mix with the revellers,
as do thieves and other ruffians, hoping to make a profit off
the inebriation of others.
Once one crosses the Cherber Enedrant, into the
northern section of the Rath Annun, the atmosphere changes
completely. Most noticeably, the buildings lining this section
are much taller, ranging from four, to occasionally six stories
in height. The businesses are also completely different, as this
marks the beginning of the Weavers Quarter. None of the
Shippers, warehouses, coopers or other industries of the Dock
Quarter are found here. There are a few taverns, as well as
several excellent inns and a high class Brother/Bathhouse,
however, these businesses cater to, and attract a completely
different crowd than those just to the south across the canal do.
The street is much quieter at night, and also receives regular
patrols from the garrison near the foot of the Iant Harnen.
These patrols rarely cross the Cherber Enedrant after nightfall.

Rath Aran:
The Rath Aran is a short, but fairly wide street,
paved with medium sized stones throughout. It has cobbled
grooves at its side that channel rainwater to the sewers. The
Rath Aran runs along the eastern wall of the Palace, crosses
the Arapendrath and continues into the weavers district where
it meets the Rath Annun. One of the nicer streets of Tharbad,
the Rath Aran still has a few small trees along its length,
tucked into the gaps between buildings here and there. Many
of the buildings are well built, and amongst the most
expensive in the city. Several date back to the peak period of
Arnorian architecture.
During the day the street is quite busy, attracting a lot
of the traffic that moves along the Menetar. All manner of
pedestrians might be found here, ranging from street urchins,
to nobles and their bodyguards. The City watch, as well as
patrols of the Gondorian garrison, make regular trips along the
Rath Aran.
At night the street is much quieter, but not deserted.
Two distinctly upper class taverns are located on its length;
The Sword and Shield, and the _______. These two
establishments keep the faint murmur of conversation and
merrymaking whispering along the street, even on the quietest
of nights.
Rath Enedrath:
The Rath Enedrath is a short and narrow street that is
neatly divided at its middle, by the Menetar. It, like the Rath
Aran, is cobbled with small stones. However, it lacks the
shelter of any trees. Along its length can be found mainly
food merchants, and textile shops, whether weavers, tanners,
or outfitters. There are even a few Scholars and apothecaries.
The people who provide the shops business are mainly locals
of the Merchants Quarter, and are thus of a decidedly high
class. Often servants of a household will be found shopping
here, or in tow behind a noblewoman or wealthy housewife.
At night the street is quite quiet, as there are only a pair of
small taverns and the Lovers Delight to bring any traffic to the
area. Occasionally darkly clad, suspicious characters will
make their way along the street, slinking from out of the
shadowy gate to the Thieves Quarter.
Rath Rammas:
Narrow, dirty, and wet, the Rath Rammas is one of
the two main mercantile streets in the Thieves quarter. Like
most of the buildings here, the ones lining the Rath Rammas
have broader second stories, locking out access to the sky
above, and giving the street an almost tunnel like feeling.
Only five or six feet of gap between the second stories provide
any sunshine to the filthy, muddy ground below. During the
dark years of 1642 and 1643, the businesses of this area were
overrun by the violence and desperation of the many refugees
who inundated Tharbad. At that time the shops of the street
were reduced to makeshifts apartments, or second hand stores,
selling poor quality food and discarded utensils, clothing, and
the like. Since then the street has recovered considerably, and
is now home to several legitimate greengrocers, and a handful
of shady bars. During the day, the poorest of the city do their
shopping at the various stalls, able to afford only the decidedly
poor quality wares found here. The sounds of bartering and
bickering are muffled by the damp and soft walls which
surround and overhang the storefronts. At night the street is

poorly lit, within only the light from windows, and a few
haphazardly placed torches, providing any illumination. The
people wandering in and out of the several taverns, and
loitering about the Thieves Square are of an extremely
dangerous and violent nature. Only the stoutest of warriors, or
the most devious of thieves walk this street at night without
feeling trepidation.
Rath Glorin:
This narrow street more resembles an alley, as it is
only twelve feet across at its widest point. Nonetheless, the
fine work of its cobbling and masonry, as well as the richness
of its businesses, give it the right to be termed Rath. The
Businesses that give the Glorin its namesake are the eight
jewellers, silversmiths and goldsmiths that are found there.
The ancient masonry and stonework of these shops and the
surrounding, townhouses, some pre-dating the establishment
of Arnor, blend nicely with the cobbled street, giving the
Glorin and surrounding area a well ordered feeling, much like
Fornost Erain or Dol Amroth. Shade loving _____ vines also
creep up many of the ancient walls, completely covering them
in many cases. During the day, and the night, there is always a
squad of Gondorian soliders patrolling the Rath Glorin, and its
several side lanes.
Victuallers Street:
The Victuallers Street, as its name suggests, contains
a large number of Greengrocers. The vegetables and grains
sold along this short, and slightly curving avenue are of very
low quality, and thus only the poorest and most desperate
Tharbadians will be found shopping here. The street is usually
crowded during the day, filled with women, both young and
old, going about there daily shopping. All manner of urchins
will also be found running about, ceaselessly trying to steal
scrapes of food from the many tables, barrels and boxes which
are laden with them. The buildings on either side are all only
three or four stories tall, and have slightly larger, overhanging
upper floors. Looking north down the Victuallers Street
reveals the impressive, if dilapitad, looming hulk of the
Ostinen Turambar.
At night the Victuallers Street is very quiet, as all the
stores shut their doors after nightfall, and only the illumination
from the second story suites provides any light for the
shadowed street.
Thieves Square:
At the intersection of the Rath Rammas and the
Victuallers Street is a notorious corner, known for its shady
characters, and frequent violence. Sitting just inside the
Central Gate to the Thieves Quarter,the Square is ringed on
three sides by some of the most dangerous, and dirtiest taverns
in the City. They are the Besotted Swine, the Traders Den, and
the Haradrims Faranj. During the day the intersection out
onto which these three taverns look is of no special interest.
At night however, it becomes the gathering place for members
of the Traders Guild, and its smaller Cabal, the _______.
Those who have no business in the area, or who attract the
attention of the wrong type, may find that any of these three
taverns will be the last they ever visit. Because of the
burgeoning power of the Traders Guild, Watchmen and even
the Gondorians are loath to police the Thieves Square at night.
As such, those who run into trouble will find little help from

either group. Of course, on the other hand, members of the

Traders Guild would be perfectly at ease here, confident of the
support of their brethren.
The Thieves Square is undergoing a revival of sorts,
as only a year hence two of the Taverns were out of business,
one burnt to the ground by rioters, the other sacked and
overrun by refugees. Since the construction of the New
Quarter, and the emigration of many of the refugees to Dorath,
both taverns have reopened, and are doing excellent
The Maze:
Between the Rath Rammas, Victuallers Street and
the __________, is the area known as the Maze. Its many
alleys are all narrow and haphazardly placed, with many being
no more than four feet in width. In addition, like most of the
buildings in the Thieves Quarter, the second stories of the
apartments, stores and Inns of the maze are usually wider and
broader than the first. This gives the effect of almost
completely obscuring the sky from the alley below. In many
cases, the gap between the upper stories of two facing
apartments, is only a few inches wide. The overall effect is to
turn the alleys and lanes of this area into virtual tunnels,
almost perpetually both dim and dank. During the plague
years, and the war against the Warlord, many refugees made
the Maze their home, because of the shelter from rain and
snow that the overhangs provided. At this time the Maze was
a truly horrific site, and is said by some to be what moved
Murgand and his Allies to spend thiefr fortunes alleviating the
suffering found here. Since that time however, the maze has
emptied out, and now is home to only rats, garbage, and the
occasional corpse. At the center of the Maze lies the Secret
Headquarters of the Traders Guild.
Othlonnath: (S. Riverwalk)
Situated in one of the nicest and safest areas of
Tharbad, the Boardwalk is lovely feature of the city that brings
enjoyment to all the citizens who live in the vicinity. Dating,
in its original form, to the great civil works of Pharconatar, the
Othlonnath has fared well over the almost 3000 years it has
graced the city. Although much of the original stonework is
worn and pocked with age, it still appears beautiful and
impressively sturdy. The great curve of the Boardwalk is over
600 feet in length, running from the Annon Sir to the
________ Cherant. Its entire length is paved with slightly
larger and better cut stones than found elsewhere in Tharbad.
At regular thirty-foot intervals, tall iron lanterns are placed on
the stone lip that marks the edge of the Boardwalk. The
lanterns are made of an alloy, perfected in Numenor, that has
withstood the elements when other metals would have long
ago crumbled to dust. At night the lanterns are kept lit, casting
their illumination onto the stones of the boardwalk and the
water just over its edge. The Apartments, which line the other
side of the Boardwalk, are all of stone, and almost uniformly
four stories in height. The fine masonry, and similar style of
these tall apartments creates an impressive front, admired by
all who walk along this path. Some of the richest citizens of
Tharbad and Cardolan live here.
During the day, and early evening, many ladies and
couples can be found taking the air here, admiring the views of
the rolling country side west of Tharbad, and enjoying the
pleasantness of their surroundings. The decaying, yet still

impressive hulk of the Ostinen Turambar also cannot escape

the gaze of those who walk along the Boardwalk. At night
both members of the City Watch and the Gondorian Garrison
make patrols here. The glow of torches and candle lit
windows in the Theives and Commons Quarter is lovely at
night, if the fog that frequently rolls along the Gwathlo does
not obscure it.
Man Ened: (S. Central Square)
The Central Square is located between the
termination of the Rath Aran and the Enedrath, and the Gates
to the Thieves Quarter. The Square is quite large, measuring
approximately 60 by 120, yet thanks to the bordering
Cherant Rammas, it feels a lot larger. The buildings that
surround the square are also fairly low, adding to the open uncloistered feeling that is often hard to come by in Tharbad.
The entire surface of the square is cobbled, and is in
surprisingly good condition, considering the neglect it has
received over the past decades. A row of seven _____ trees
once ran along the edge of the canal, but since the loss of the
Royal family in the 15th century most of the trees have fallen
to the axes of desperate residents of the Thieves quarter. The
trees were planted in T.A. 1360 to represent the Seven Hirdors
of Cardolan, and sadly the trees fates have mirrored those of
the lands they represented. Only three remain, those
representing Girithlim, Calentir, and Tinare. Near the center
of the Square is a fountain, which is still used by the local
residents to get water for bathing and drinking. Amazingly,
the fountain is still sending a perpetual spray of water out of
the _______ statue at its centre, a testament to the
Numernorean skill that crafted it.
During the day the Square is fairly crowded, mostly
with people making their way in and out of the Thieves
Quarter. There is a noticeable filtering effect in the Square, in
which the those of slightly better dress and bearing, are
separated from the drabber, more bedraggled looking folk, the
latter whom make their way inevitabley into the Thieves
Quarter. Occasionally groups of urchins will run laughing and
screaming through the square, seeking to lose the merchant or
Watchmen who pursue them in the relative safety of the
Thieves Quarter. In good years, the Square is also home to an
occasional market, which sprawls out of the local
greengrocers, and those of the Victuallers Street.
At night the activity of the square quickly dies down.
During these hours the wealthier residents of the Commons
and Merchants Quarters avoid the Man Ened. Torches, lit and
maintained by the Traders Guild, are placed upon the two
bridges that cross the Cherant Rammas. The light from the
torches brings little comfort to the good citizens who see them,
for in recent months they have come to mark the boundaries of
the Traders Guilds dominion.
Tien Dolen (S. Hidden Alley)
Essentially the Dock side of the Victuallers Street,
the Tien Dolen is always fairly busy during the day. The
docks that it overlooks are usually busy with the unlading of
grains, vegetables, timber, and other goods. Many of the boats
and rafts that make their way here are actually from other parts
of the Harbour. They contain spoiled foods or damage goods
that cant be sold elsewhere, and so it is redirected here to
where business and people can afford nothing else. Amidst
this legitimate trade however, is a second level of activity.

The Docks along the Tien Dolen have long been notorious for
smuggling. Many attempts over the past centuries have been
made to put a stop to the smuggling activities, but none of the
Mayors or Inspectors who attempted have met with much
success. Finally, the docks along side the Tien Dolen, and the
East Side Docks, were banned from accepting foreign ships or
Barges. Despite this, there has still been a substantial amount
of smuggling going on here through the years. Recently,
however, the operations of the Smuggling Guild have moved
away from the Tien Dolen, to other docks around the city.
The East Side Docks:
These Docks, unlike those along the Tien Dolen, fell
completely out of use after foreign ships and barges were
banned from docking here in T.A. 1437. Since then the docks
have almost rotted away, leaving only their former posts rising
out of the marshy water. The warehouses still stand, being
made of stone. Their roofs have collapsed, leaving the second
stories a mash of broken, rotting beams, and shatter shale
shingles. For as long as anyone in the Thieves Quarter can
remember, the East Side Docks have had a forbidding feel to
them, powered by the longstanding belief that the foul and
filthy marshes around them are home to unspeakable
creatures. For many years the rumours of haunts and ghouls
from the Docks were nothing but that, rumours. However, the
residents of the Thieves Quarter will soon find that rumours
sometimes have an awful way of becoming real.
Cherant Rammas:
The short Cherant Rammas is more a moat than a
canal. It runs in a slightly S curved shape, across the breadth
of the island, neatly delimitating the Commons Quarter from
the squalor of the Thieves Quarter. On its East edge rises the
once proud _______, which is now a sad, sinking, and sagging
shadow of its former self. Nonetheless, it still rises Thirty-five
feet above the edge of the canal, combining with the latter to
form an impressive boundary. Because of the _______, there
is very little room to walk along the Eastern edge of the
Cherant Rammas, save in the southern section, which curves
away from the wall and is the location of several warehouses.
The western edge of the canal was once fairly pleasant, and
popular as a walkway. The daughters of rich merchants once
took their air here, but those days have long past. The water of
the canal is actually fairly clean, due to the slight north-south
current that flows through it.
Arapendrath: (S. The Kings Row)
The Central and Island portion of the Menetar is
arguably the most beautiful and grandiose area in Tharbad.
The name is derived from the seven Noble townhouses that
run down the length of the avenues South side, and the Palace,
which faces them on the North side. The Nobles townhouses
are an impressive lot, although they are quite varied in age and
design. Most are at least three stories, and all are made of
stone. Two of the townhouse, namely those two closest to the
Iant Formen, are of early Arnorian design, and are thus over a
thousand years old. The techniques that went into their
construction, and have allowed them to stand until this day,
have long ago been lost. The other buildings, thought not
nearly as ancient, are nonetheless fine examples of the
buildings of their period. The line of these townhouses
marching the length of the Arapendrath, makes a view that is

impressive to any who observe it. Across the avenue from the
townhouses are found the Palace, the Mayors house, and the
City Offices, along with a number of private businesses and
apartments. All these buildings are quite impressive, creating
a wall of masonry that matches that of the opposite side. In
particular the walls of the Palace rise up sheer and strong,
commanding the streets below them, and giving the
Arapendrath much of its grand feeling. The Stones of the
Meneter are large and white, fitted precisely and in a random
yet aesthetic pattern, almost undamaged since the day they
were laid by the engineers of the Faithful. The only change to
the stones, over the many centuries, has been that the countless
traffic over its surface has smoothed and worn down the
stones, so that the joints and grooves between them have
almost disappeared. A two foot wide stone groove runs down
each side of the avenue, channelling rainwater to the
intermittently placed grates, which lead into the sewers below.
During the day the Arapendrath is one of the busiest
areas of the city. Wagons bound for city markets, or distant
lands such as Arthedain or Gondor, make their way up and
down the street. Crowds of people moving through the
Merchants and Commons quarter, or crossing the island,
constantly clog up the street. Groups of Watchmen,
Gondorian guards, or the bodyguard of some rich merchant
push their way, shouting, through the crowd. Urchins gather
about the walls of the palace and play games, or else run
hollering through the legs of passer-bys. Criers, announcing
the sale of some land, or a marriage, or the bounty upon an
outlaw, strive to be heard above the clamour of the traffic.
Poor minstrels, or entertainers, struggle by the sides of the
avenue, hoping to attract some stray coins via their antics.
At night the street settles down considerably, yet
never loses it sense of being the heart of the city. Eighteen tall
iron lantern posts line the avenue, nine to each side, providing
ample illumination. In addition, torches or lanterns are
mounted at the doors of many of the Townhouses and
businesses. On a clear night, a stroller can look down the
Arapendrath in either direction, and see a long dwindling line
of lanterns and torches, faintly illuminating the rest of the
lengthy Menetar. The Sword and Shield, situated at the
intersection of the Rath Aran and the Arapendrath, sends out a
warm glow onto the street from its numerous and large
windows. Even at the latest hours the occasional wagon or
tavern patron can be found winding their way along the street.
In addition, the patrols of the Gondorian garrison and the
Watch, frequently pass along the Arapendrath. Overall, there
is a sense of security found here, that is absent in most other
areas of the city.
Small Square:
This small and rather quiet square is situated amongst
a number of tall apartments in the Merchants quarter. Four
alleys enter into, one at each or its four sides. The entrance to
the eastern alley is notable, as it is framed by a curved arch,
set in-between the two apartments which flank it. The arch,
rather old and vine covered, marks the entrance into the
Jewelers district and the Rath Glorin. The square is paved
with medium sized stones that are worked into the foundations
of the surrounding apartments. A few of the surrounding
apartments open into the alley. The height of the surrounding
buildings gives the square a deep, and stilled feeling, which is
accentuated by the overhangs of the roofs, some forty feet

above. There are stone benches nestled up against the

buildings on both the eastern and western sides of the square.
During the day the square and its side streets are
fairly quite, receiving only a modicum of traffic, most of it
restricted to locals. Housewives and servants occasionally
beat blankets from windows or the steps of a suite. The
neighbourhood is fairly well off, and so locals are relatively
well dressed, and civil. At night the square quiets right down,
and becomes quite dim, as only the lights from the upper
floors of the surrounding apartments give it any illumination.
In the very center of the square is an ancient iron manhole,
which leads down a narrow tube, via a ladder, into the sewers
below. It has seen some traffic lately, on very dark, very quiet
NOTE: This Square is haunted. A century and a half before, a
rich merchants daughter was murdered while waiting for her
paramour. Since that time she has occasionally reappeared,
hoping to be reunited with the lover she was never able to
meet. During the summer months, in the late evening, there is
a 15% chance that any male passer-bys will encounter the
ghost. Characters with an appearance of 85 or more will
attract the ghost, who will mistake them for her lost love.
Although the ghost is not malevolent, she will drain 1
constitution point for each round she remains within 5 feet of
her target. She will attempt to embrace and kiss any character
with 85 appearance or more, which results in the draining of 3
constitution points for a hug, and 10 for a kiss.
Cheber Enedrant:
The Cheber Enedrant is a fairly short canal, and
unlike its cousin to the east, the Cherant Rammas, it is dead
straight. It too is a border of some sorts, marking the
boundary between a poor, and a rich area. To its east lies the
Dock Quarter, which is dangerous more so than poor, and to
its west lies the Merchants Quarter, one of the richest in the
city. Five bridges, largest of which is part of the Rath Annun,
span the canal. All five are made of stone and have two torch
brackets at each of their landings. The bridges mimic the
original Numenorean designs for the canal bridges, but of
course, are of lower quality and are wearing down with time.
The buildings that line the Cheber Enedrant are almost all
stone residential apartments, save two warehouses that face
each other at the southern end. The buildings on the
Merchants Quarter side are somewhat taller, averaging three or
four floors in height. Planted along the sides of the canal, are
crab-apple trees, eight of which can be found on each side.
The trees are not very large, but are quite old, and provide
pleasant shade and scenery during the spring and summer
months. Their apples are unfortunately quite sour. However,
with ample sugar they can be used to make delicious pies, sold
in many local bakeries during ___________. The Canal water
is somewhat stagnant; its flow is restricted by decades of silt.
Because of the rise in the land near the islands centre, the
stone walls of the canal are quite high at its middle section
Rammas Turambar: (S. Turambars Great Wall)
Built 600 years before, during the reign of Cardolans
second king, Turambar, the Rammas Turambar is still an
impressive work of Dunedain craftsmanship. Its original
purpose was to serve as the bailey wall, around the Ostinen
Turambar, which was the seat of power at the time. In latter

years, as the Ostinen Turambar fell out of favor, and the court
was moved to Thalion, the wall fell slowly into disrepair, and
disuse. Tharbad continued to grow, soon rendering the
Rammas Turambar useless, as it no longer surrounded the core
of the city, and it had no court, or king, to lord from within it.
The wall was un-garrisoned in T.A. 1237, and has never been
re-garrisoned since. For almost 400 years, its halls, barracks,
and towers have stood empty. With the passage of time the
Rammas Turambar has faired poorly, losing almost all its
wooden components to wet rot, which in turn has caused the
collapse of most of the floors and roofs in the walls, towers,
and gatehouses. The masonry is still sound however, if
sagging slightly, and missing stones in many locations. The
East side of the wall is covered by shade loving vines on its
lower section, thanks to the many buildings that have been
built close to the wall over the years. The west side of the wall
is still clean and sheer, and forms an impressive boundary with
the Cherant Rammas, its former moat, turned canal. At one
time the barracks and rooms of the towers and gatehouses
became home to many of the poorer inhabitants of the Thieves
Quarter. However, because of the advanced state of decay
within the Rammas Turambar, only the most desperate venture
into its wet, and dangerous interior
Iant Harnen:
The Iant Harnen is likely the most stiking, and
impressive work of Numenorean stonemasonry remaining in
the city of Tharbad. Its sister bridge, the Iant Formen, is also
impressive, but it lacks the length, and the impressive
Ryncaras Tharbad, of the Iant Harnen. Both bridges date back
to the close of the Second age, during the rein of Elendil, first
king of Arnor. At this time Tharbad was already the largest
and most powerful trading city in all of Eridor. It had been
established centuries before, during the reign of King
Pharconatar of Numenor. Pharconatar layed out the original
city plan for Tharbad, consisting of Grand avenues, public
parks, and canals. As well, bridges were built on both sides of
the Tol Gelin, to connect the island with the city on the South
Bank, and the trade route on the North Bank. However, by the
end of the Second Age the bridges were badly under suited for
the amount of traffic which crossed them daily. Thus, when
Elendil set about gathering the scattered colonies, petty
kingdoms and city-states of Eridor under his rule, Tharbad
demanded the construction of a new bridge, as the price for its
acquiescence to his rule.
One of the most striking features of the bridge, are its
extremely broad, squat, and slightly rounded support pillars.
Eight of these pillars provide the support for the relatively
short spans of the bridge. The obvious reason for this
abundance of strength are the frequent floods that plague the
Gwathlo river basin. At the peak of each of the curved spans,
is a huge carved ward stone. Each of the Ward stones, known
as the _________ depicts some animal or beast in a highly
stylised form. Fourteen in total can be found on the bridge. It
is said that these Ward stones were enchanted by Numenorean
Stonemasons, to protect the Bridge from flood and decay. The
tales are given great credit, by the fact that the bridges still

stand after 1600 years, in a state that does not belie their great
The surface of the bridge is not as old as the under
structure, as it was repaved during the reign of King
Thorondur, first king of Cardolan. It matches the rest of the
Menetar and the Iaur Men Formen however, being of large,
white, irregular flagstones. Other structures have been built
onto the bridge over the long centuries, the most notable being
the Ryncaras Tharbad, started by King Tarandil to mark the
southern entry into Cardolan. The four other buildings, three
of which actually span the bridge, were all built much more
recently. The eastern, underside of the bridge is the location of
the Cirdains (S. Shipwrights) guildhall and shipyard. The
accumulation of these buildings over the centuries has
somewhat obscured the bridge, and lent it some of the cities
sprawling, somewhat unorganised feeling. Nonetheless, a
mildly attentive eye cant help but notice the difference, and
quality of, the original Numenorian workmanship.
During the day the bridge sees a steady flow of
traffic, whether it be wagons laden with goods, craftsmen
carrying tools and materials, a Roquen on horseback, followed
closely by his ____, or a troop of Gondorian soldiers returning
to the Ryncaras Tharbad after a short patrol. Although the
Ryncaras used to serve as the entry point into Arnor and
Cardolan, and was the major collection point for tariffs and
duties, it no longer serves this purpose. Traffic under its great
arch moves by unhindered. Many sounds of the harbor filter
up to the bridge; shouting and hollering from the docks, the
creaks and moans of ships at anchor, the hammering of
carpenters in the Shipyard. With these sounds come those of
the bridge traffic itself. Despite this, the openness of the Iant
Harnen provides a bit of peace and respite from the clamour
and cloister of the city, such that many a citizen can be found
relaxing on the bridges broad railing during pleasant weather.
At night the huge brazier lanterns that line the railing
at both foots of the bridge are lit up, casting a strong, but
flickering light onto the flagstones. Each of the braziers sits
atop a nine-foot tall iron pole, which hearken back to the
original Numenorean construction. The size of the braziers
lanterns is such that their flames give off a rather distinct
sound, which defines ones passage between. Unfortunately
most of the brazier lanterns of the bridges middle section were
removed to make way for the numerous additions of later
ages. Light from the Ryncaras Tharbad, the residences, and
smaller lanterns light the bridge here. Traffic dies down
considerably during the night, rendering the bridge somewhat
quite and forlorn. However, the presence of the Ryncaras
Tharbad, and its occasional patrols, helps lend a sense of
safety to those who cross in the wee hours.
Iant Formen:
The Iant Formen, while not as large as the Iant
Harnen, is nonetheless an impressive bridge.
Cherant Harn:
King Turandil, 4th king of Cardolan, built the
Cherant Harn, or South Canal, in T.A. 1150. The Cherant
Harn essentially encompasses the whole of the South Bank,
save a few streets and military buildings.

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