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(Original website has been taken down.)

Citizens Against Technological and Community-based Harassment

What is Community-based Harassment?

Community-based harassment is a
grown-up version of school yard
bullying. Multiple individuals within a Related Activities
community participate in the "Cause stalking [gang
harassment and stalking of a single Workplace harassment (or stalking] has been used by
individual. However, rather than "mobbing") extremist groups since the
attack a victim physically, early 1990s. The basic system
techniques are used to undermine a Vigilante style harassment of is alleged to have been
person psychologically. This can be individuals such as abortion developed by the Ku Klux
far more damaging than a physical clinic workers, whistle-blowers Klan and refined through
attack because not only is it very and activists. Vigilante groups years of use. The primary
hard to prove, but it is extremely take the law into their own characteristic of cause
traumatizing for the victim. (Also hands. Click here for two articles stalking is that it is done by
known as cause stalking or gang on vigilante groups. large groups of people. A
stalking). target will always be followed,
Bullying of adults by other but he is unlikely to see the
What sets community-based adults is a phenomenon which is same stalkers very often.
harassment apart from the related on the rise, as described by the Many of these groups include
examples to the right is that the Toronto Star Article entitled hundreds of people."
reason it takes place is often "Raging parents: The new
obscure to the victim. Without a schoolyard bullies". The article - David Lawson,
solid reason for its occurrence, states that "compared to a few Terrorist Stalking in America
victims are often dismissed as years ago [this phenomenon] is
delusional. everywhere". Parents "can't
control their rage" and "there is
mounting concern about parents
In addition, this form of harassment
behaving badly". The bullying
often leaves the target a victim of
doesn't take place just one-on-
ridicule among friends and family
one, but groups of parents gang
because of the subtle nature of the
up on individual teachers in
attacks, which further compounds
internet chat-rooms by holding
the trauma to the victim. It is
"daily instant message bashing
emotionally draining and isolating to
sessions about teachers they
the victims because it is extremely
dislike". Essentially, the bullying
difficult to prove, and virtually
is organized, and the internet is
impossible to prosecute.
a key tool in facilitating that
View a video of gang stalking
activity. Also, there is a slideshow
of stills taken from the video.

Frequently Asked Questions (pdf

version) about organized stalking

Why is this
Although it is difficult for a non-
victim to understand, it is not
difficult to realize that many
schoolyard bullies have never
outgrown their unhealthy ways of
dealing with conflict and pain.

Reasons may include revenge by

people who feel slighted but prefer
to remain anonymous. Revenge is
more common than you may think,
especially with the advent of the
internet which allows "revengists" or
"avengers" to share their ideas. See
ge or do a search on the word
"revenge" to see for yourself.

It is also possible that such

harassment has developed into a
form of "sport" for the individuals
who participate, not unlike a
schoolyard bullying situation, which
tends to center somewhat
obsessively and irrationally around
one individual who is perceived to
be weak.

It is important to realize that our

society's understanding of human
psychology has grown exponentially
over the last 50 years, allowing any
hate or vigilante group to take full
advantage of such knowledge.
"Psychological warfare" is the
perfect crime, because it causes the
maximum damage to the victim,
with the least chance of exposure of
the perpetrator(s). Victims can very
well be driven to suicide, while the
explanation appears to be mental
illness, so their claims are never

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What is Technological Harassment?
Technological harassment refers to the use of technology to view, track, monitor and/or harass a person from a
distance. The technology may include audio and/or video surveillance , GPS trackers on vehicles, and
"non-lethal weapons" (NLWs).

"Non-lethal" weapons are available on the internet and through books. See: High-Tech Harassment: How to Get
Even with Anybody Anytime for an example of a simple weapon.

See also:

Ultrasonic devices
Revenge devices
Sonic nausea

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What do victims experience?

Not all victims experience both gang stalking and technological harassment, but many do.

Community-based harassment includes some of the following:

• Break-ins and small scale vandalism or sabotage

• Daily,repetitive, antagonistic activities involving multiple stalkers and/or vehicles
• Multiple daily phone calls with no one on the other end of the phone
• Noise harassment from neighbors

See FAQ and Lawson Quotes for more information. (Both are located under CATCH Literature)

Some general characteristics of stalking:

i. When compared with many other intrusive crimes, stalking is difficult to define
and classify

ii. Stalking has a nebulous quality in that it involves no more than the targeted
repetition of ostensibly ordinary behaviours

iii. Stalkers often do not overtly threaten, but use behaviour which is ostensibly
routine and harmless, and not, in itself, illegal

iv. A problematic aspect of support is that, at the start of the stalking period at least,
stalking victims are not all taken seriously

v. Stalkers do not always conduct their campaigns single-handedly

The Course and Nature of Stalking: A Victim Perspective

Technological harassment can include:

• Sabotage/hacking of computer equipment and phones

• Use of audio and/or video surveillance to keep track of the target's whereabouts
• Banging and tapping of walls, windows and objects inside the house
• Vibrating objects, such as bed, chair or body parts
• Inexplicable behavior of anything electronic including TV, computer, car, and appliances (for example,
TV turning on or off by itself)

See for more information.

Targets may experience the following physical symptoms:

• Dizziness, weakness
• Frequent headaches
• Extreme fatigue
• Intense, disruptive ear ringing
• Buzzing or clicking in the head, ears or sinuses
• Jolts and jerks to muscles
• Abdominal pain/nausea
• Mental confusion/inability to concentrate

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Myths and Facts

Myth #1

Non-lethal weapons don't exist in the public domain.


See the following for examples of "low-tech" non-lethal weapons:

High-Tech Harassment: How to Get Even with Anybody Anytime

Ultrasonic devices
Revenge devices
Sonic nausea

Myth #2

You have to be important to be a target of such intense and persistent stalking.


This is primarily a hate crime , whose targets tend to be neither wealthy nor public figures. Because the
target is often no longer able to hold a job, s/he usually lacks the funds to fight back. What makes this different
from other hate crimes is that the target is often not made aware if the reason behind it.

Myth #3

If you think you are targeted, you must be mentally ill.


While delusional thinking does exist, these situations have an identifiable pattern to them. This type of
harassment has been modelled on past hate crimes and refined through years of use. It is intended to make the
target look crazy. In addition, the activity is so traumatizing that many otherwise "mentally healthy" individuals
might easily develop mental health issues as a result of the stalking. Hence, mental illness is not an indicator of
whether or not the activity is actually taking place.

Myth #4

If you don't make them angry, they will stop.


Like bullies in the school playground, they do not go away if you ignore them. Victims have found, to their
dismay, that the targeting can go on for years. Exposure is the way to stop them.

A Word About Mental Illness

This situation is often perceived to be mental illness. Differentiating between

mental illness and a true multiple stalking and technological harassment situation
takes time. Victims may also have developed mental illness as a result of the
trauma. As mentioned on various mobbing websites, this activity is so traumatic
that it can cause mental illness in an otherwise healthy individual. Therefore,
mental illness is not necessarily an indicator or proof that the situation is not

For these reasons, it is important to give a person the benefit of the doubt and to
remain open-minded and receptive to the idea that something is happening that is
not merely attributable to a delusion. It took many years for mobbing to become
publicly acknowledged, and victims of this crime face the same uphill battle.

The Martha Mitchell Effect

When seeing a helping professional, many victims often experience what is

known as the "Martha Mitchell Effect":

"Sometimes improbable reports are erroneously assumed to be

symptoms of mental illness (Maher, 1988). The 'Martha Mitchell effect'
referred to the tendency of mental health practitioners to not believe the
experience of the wife of the American attorney general, whose persistent
reports of corruption in the Nixon White House were initially dismissed as
evidence of delusional thinking, until later proved correct by the
Watergate investigation.

Such examples demonstrate that delusional pathology can often lie in the
failure or inability to verify whether the events have actually taken place,
no matter how improbable intuitively they might appear to the busy
clinician. Clearly there are instances 'where people are pursued by the
Mafia' or are 'kept under surveillance by the police', and where they
rightly suspect 'that their spouse is unfaithful' (Sedler, 1995). As Joseph
H. Berke (1998) wrote, even paranoids have enemies! For
understandable and obvious reasons, however, little effort is invested by
the clinicians into checking the validity of claims of persecution or
harassment, and without such evidence the patient could be labeled

(Bell, Vaughan et. al. "Beliefs About Delusions". The Psychologist. Vol. 6
No. 8. August, 2003)

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"Stalking-by-proxy occurs when a stalker enlists the aid of other people in order to pursue a victim"
- Paul Bocij, Journal article on Cyberstalking

"Stalking-by-proxy" is the term most commonly used in journal articles to refer to what we call gangstalking or
organized stalking. Another commonly used term in stalking studies is "multiple stalkers". Paul Bocij goes on to
say that "little is known about the frequency with which stalking by proxy occurs".

Studies on stalking have reported victims claiming more than one stalker:

1. American Journal of Psychiatry (158:795-798, May 2001):

Article: Traumatic Distress Among Support-Seeking Female Victims of Stalking (Kamphuis &
 6/201 (approx. 3%) of respondents reported multiple stalkers

2. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice (Volume 40, Number 3, August 2001 , pp. 215-234(20)):
Article: The Course and Nature of Stalking: A Victim Perspective (Sheridan, Davies & Boon)
 In 5/95 (approx. 5%) of cases perpetrators were part of a group
 40% of victims (38) said that friends and or family of their stalker had also been involved in their
harassment (stalking-by-proxy)
 All cases of multiple stalkers involved mixed sex stalker groups

It is curious that research on multiple stalkers has never taken place. In fact, despite these numbers, stalking
victims are routinely considered to be mentally ill when describing multiple stalkers to helping professionals.

The second article reported the following statistics related to stalking, which are also common to gang stalking:

 In 15% of cases, the victim could provide no possible reason for their harassment
 13% reported that their homes had been bugged
 32% reported that the stalker(s) broke into/damaged the inside of the victim's home
 38% reported damage to the outside of the home
 30% reported that the stalker(s) stole from the victim,
 91% reported being watched
 82% reported being followed
 60% reported having their character slandered/defamed
 84% were victim to repetitive phone calls
 60% reported hang up phone calls
 57% reported silent calls
 46% reported negative attitude from the police, and 51% reported negative actions

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About Us
We are a group of targeted individuals living in Ontario, Canada who have made the decision to help ourselves
as well as others by working together on activism projects to expose this crime.

Thanks to the help of our local rape crisis center, we have been able to work at raising public awareness through
activities such as presentations and mailings.
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Contact Us

CATCH is not active at the moment. Some members of CATCH may be reached through the Multistalk
forum (see below).

Please do not contact the rape crisis centre mentioned in our older literature, as they will not be able to
provide you with any information while CATCH is inactive.

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CATCH Literature

Our Information Package

Our information package was first created for distribution at the Canadian pan-national convention of rape
crisis centres in Vancouver in 2005. It is also being used for mailings to introduce ouselves to various Back to
groups, including other rape crisis centres, victim's centres, crisis lines and university women's centres.

Click here to view and print our information package

Note: You will need Adobe Acrobat to view and print the files. Adobe Acrobat is free.
CATCH Presentations

• CATCH gave a presentation to the Women's Support Network of York Region (WSNYR) on February
15th, 2006. To view the video online, go to

• CATCH gave a presentation to the Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres (OCRCC) on October
20th, 2005. To view the video online, go to

• To view a 5-minute gang stalking video filmed by the leader of CATCH at her home, click here.

• Read the presentation we gave to the workers at the our local rape crisis centre on Monday, April 18,
2005, as well as the feedback they gave us. It was well-received.


"Thank you for making this available to the victims and your work on educating
the public. I really felt a breath of fresh air when I heard the presentation."- Nancy

"I cannot thank you enough for your work in this nightmarish field of gang stalking.
Had it not been for you, it would have been impossible for me to have my horrid
experiences validated down in Tasmania - Australia's only island state.
Tasmanian Domestic Violence counselors and friends went to your site and finally
had at least some idea of the torture I have experienced from the criminals here.
It HAS been torture. I do not even know what all has been done to my body. I now
have a state DV consultant batting for me and ready to make an issue about legal
aid's dropping me - partially thanks to you! The DV counselors have been great
and would not have been as much so without your booklet." - Deborah

"I have to say that the CATCH video works. I was finally able to get through to
someone by showing them the CATCH video. I think the person that I showed it
to could relate to the person in the video. I think the person I showed it related to
things that were not so obvious. The person that I showed it to was my mother.
She has been completely in denial that her son is being gang stalked, or that
even such a thing exists. My mother being a teacher, related to the speaker. The
speaker was similar in age to her, and looks very much like a teacher would. My
mother was also impressed with the organization of the presentation, and the fact
that the group is related to the rape victim group. She did not once question the
credibility of the speaker, as she came through as credible in the way she
presented. She didn't think the speaker possibly had a mental illness either. I felt
that the information presented answered a lot of questions, and the information
was presented in a well thought out, organized manner. This single video helped
me finally get through to someone. I want to thank you from the bottom of my
heart, as you have no idea how good it felt to see my mothers mind begin
accepting the idea that this could be happening to her son (me)." - David

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Current Events & News

 CATCH was mentioned in a Peterborough newspaper, April 19th, 2006, in an article on gang stalking:
Are 'they' watching? [Anne is a member of CATCH]

 There was a follow-up article on May 19th, 2006: Allegation of gang stalking is again being

 One of our members, Eleanor White, was in the Hamilton Spectator Newspaper recently. Click here to
see the article.

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Resources & Links

Organized Stalking: (very active) (Blog)
Technological Harassment:
Cyberstalking: Cyberstalking articles by Paul Bocij (includes references to

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Discussion Groups

(1) Cause Stalking:

(2) Electronic Violence:

(3) multistalk - for victims of gang stalking. Discussion of electronics not permitted in this group. For more info

(4) Conference Call - "Freedom from Covert Harassment & Surveillance" holds regular conference calls.
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Online Book Reviews & Excerpts

Terrorist Stalking in America by David Lawson

Gaslighting by Victor Santoro

Victims of Dargle Cottage by Dr. Armen Victorian.

High-Tech Harassment: How to Get Even with Anybody Anytime by Scott French.

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Useful Search Terms

"criminal harassment"
"multiple stalkers"
"organized stalking"
"group stalking"
"cause stalking"
"gang stalking"
"vigilante stalking"
"psychological harassment"
"psychological violence"

Last Modified on 05/07/2008 21:16:27

Presentation to Our Local Rape Crisis Centre

Presented on: Monday, April 18, 2005

People present:

• 5 rape crisis centre workers (including our representative), plus a 6th who came in late
• 3 representatives of CATCH

Click here for the comments and feedback we received.

Good evening everyone,

I’m a representative of CATCH, which stands for “Citizens against Technological and Community-based
Harassment”. [Poster #1]

Before I get started, I just want to clarify the reason for this presentation.

We would like to get your feedback on a number of items.

I’ll be giving a talk for about 15 minutes and then we’ll have a Q&A session for another 15 minutes.

We will be looking for information such as:

How did you feel about the subject matter?

Did we lose you at any point, and if so, what was it?
What was the single most important piece of information you learned?
What did you disagree with?
How could we do better?
Did you understand the terms that were used?

We’ve provided feedback forms which you can fill out if you prefer to give us feedback that way, rather than
during the Q&A session.

Now I will begin.

Rather than give you a definition of what “technological and community-based harassment” is, let me give you
an anecdote from my own experience.

This weekend as I was just drifting off to sleep, a rumbling noise began coming from my night table. I hadn’t
heard this before, so I sat up and searched for the source of the rumble. It sounded as though a heavy truck was
driving by and making some objects on the table vibrate. Except there was no truck in the picture.

I pressed hard on my night table and the noise stopped. Once I let go, it started again. I shifted my table around
in several positions and eventually it stopped rumbling.
That was a single example of technological harassment. We also call it electronic harassment. This was one in a
series of similar experiences I’ve had daily for the past 2 1/2 years.

Having objects in my bedroom vibrate is the latest twist in a long series of abnormal experiences. Before that, I
had banging noises - but only at night, and only when I was trying to go to sleep. Sometimes the wall would
bang, very often the TV would bang even though it was not plugged in. In order to get to sleep, I had to cart my
little 14” TV out of the room every night. I also had to run a fan to drown out the various noises in the room.

The technology does MUCH more than just create noises and cause vibrations. It causes pain, fatigue,
dizziness, confusion, weakness, blurry vision, extreme headaches, and so on. It can make individual muscles in
your body contract causing body parts to move in ways that they would never move naturally. It can target any
part of the body, and the sexual organs seem to be a favourite of the perpetrators. Many people write to me and
ask if it is too strong to call this rape. All I know, is that when someone’s body is being violated and they have no
way to make it stop, that is rape. It’s like being raped every night when you go to bed, for years on end.

If you were a psychiatrist, you may think I’m having auditory hallucinations. But I’ve recorded the banging, and
members of my family have heard it.

If you’re inclined to believe in the paranormal, you might think that I am suffering from a poltergeist or a ghost.
But there are other clues that go along with this that point strongly to the fact that real live people are behind it.
I’ll get to that shortly.

I’m not the only one experiencing this. When I began to search the internet, I found that there were hundreds of
people online having the same experience. After I put up a website about it ( [Poster #2]),
hundreds more wrote to me with stories that were remarkably similar.

Technological harassment uses sound and microwave technology, and perhaps some technology that the
general public has not yet heard of. Some of this is available to anyone who has a computer and access to the
internet. For example, there are plans in this book [High-Tech Harassment: How to Get Even with Anybody
Anytime by Scott French] to create a sound-based device that will make your neighbours nauseated and
irritable. It is completely silent. The most common one on the internet is called sonic-nausea.
This one [Phasor Blast Wave Pistol] I printed off the internet. [Read description of device].

These devices, because they operate invisibly and at a distance, are commonly referred to as non-lethal
weapons or directed energy weapons.

The other aspect of this - Community Based Harassment - is one of the clues that the perpetrators are real
human beings. After I put my website up, I had some curious experiences.

One day I left the house to go across the street to my son’s school. A limousine was parked outside my house,
on the opposite side of the street, with the driver inside and the engine running. I crossed the street behind the
car and walked up the sidewalk. I heard him turning the car in a U turn very quickly. As I climbed the steps to the
school, I heard the driver honk. When I turned around, he was giving me the finger and looking at me as he
drove away. There was no one else around except me – it was clearly directed at me.

Only two days later, I was walking to the corner store with my son. A teenager was walking along the street
coming towards us. As he passed us, he held his hand up in front of my face and wiggled his fingers to get my
attention. When I looked at him, he too gave me the finger and kept walking.

We refer to this type of behavior as “gang stalking”, cause stalking, vengeance stalking or multiple stalking. It is
often very subtle, and can involve vandalism to one’s belongings as well as incidents with cars. These incidents
tend to be repetitive so they stand out as different from normal random incidents. David Lawson, author of
“Terrorist Stalking in America”, calls this repetitive behavior “sensitization tactics”. The objective is the make sure
that the target knows that they are being watched.
For example, whenever I go outside with my son to play in the school yard, a steady stream of cars will begin to
drive by the school about 10 minutes after we go outside. Needless to say, I am talking about a residential
neighbourhood, not a busy street. Sometimes people will just sit in their cars across from where my son and I
are and stare at us as long as we’re outside. One woman who has been involved in a few stalking incidents (on
foot as well as in her car) actually came and stood in the schoolyard talking on her cell phone the whole time we
were outside.

David Lawson studied extremist groups in Canada and the U.S. for many years and managed to infiltrate these
groups. He gives “sensitization” examples such as repetitive pen clicking, key jingling, picture taking (of the
target), note taking, standing close to the target and swarming the target. He says that they will try anything and
then repeat whatever gets a response.

My response to all this was to immediately put up another website about this phenomenon as well
( [Poster #2]). I vowed that as long as this took place I would use the material to write about
it online.

Community-based harassment uses multiple people to harass a person when they leave their house. If you think
this is unlikely, then take a look at the handout I’ve provided which contains a summary of quotes from “Terrorist
Stalking in America”.

What is so curious about this situation is that almost everyone who has one kind of harassment also has the
other. That’s why CATCH deals with both types, even though they may seem unrelated to one another.

Some key things that set this apart from other types of stalking and harassment are:

(1) People often don’t know who is behind it or why they have been targeted.

(2) Multiple people are involved who have no personal connection to the target.

(3) The intention is to apparently destroy a person’s life by preventing the person from working or even
having normal relationships with other people.

The situation is extremely traumatic because it is a kind of psychological warfare. Although the technology can
harm the body, probably even to the point of death, the ultimate goal seems to be to affect the person’s mind - to
break them down and make them ineffective. It not only isolates the person (because they are rarely believed)
but it renders the person too weak or ill to work, destroying an individual’s self-esteem. Many people take their
lives, many others end up on medication and collect disability for the rest of their lives.

The victims of this crime have no voice. To date, they have been easily marginalized and dismissed due to
isolation and lack of organization.

CATCH is an effort to bring together people who are genuinely targeted in order to gain a voice.

The biggest question we hear, other than “HOW IS IT DONE?”, is “WHY IS IT BEING DONE TO YOU?”

As I said earlier, in most cases, there is no answer to that. If we don’t know who is doing it, it is impossible to
guess why it’s being done.

I think, however, that most people can understand revenge as a possible motive for stalking or harassment. If
you go online and do a search on the word “revenge” you may be shocked at what you see. Revenge has not
only become an acceptable part of the sub-culture, those who promote it refer to themselves as “revengists” or
“avengers”. People are targeted when they deserve to be “taught a lesson”. But the lessons are invariably cruel,
and the perpetrators revel in keeping their identities a secret. This activity is empowering for the perpetrators, so
they continue to do it.
It’s not hard then to imagine that similar kinds of people who may have access to more sophisticated technology
might choose to turn it into a kind of sport.

The invisible technology to harm human beings may not be largely publicized, it is very likely not a present
concern of yours, but many people, especially in Europe, have been working for years to get laws enacted to
control such technology. It is well known by certain political groups that such technology does exist. Dr. Caroline
Lucas, Green Party MEP for South East England, wrote the following email to a targeted individual in May of
2004. I’ll just quote some of the more alarming parts of it:

“Electro-Magnetic (EM) weapons are one of the newest and most serious military developments in the
world today. Enormous secrecy surrounds their development… They can be broadly broken down into
two categories - those aimed at the environment and those aimed at living systems, or in reality the
human central nervous system.”

“The more sinister aspect concerns the ability to use [electromagnetic] waves to literally 'tune into' the
human central nervous system (CNS), something that has been achieved in the laboratory, according to
publicly available scientific literature. This might be done on an individual scale… so as to elicit certain
behaviours from human beings. It is alleged that many victims have been tested involuntarily for
decades now with this technology.”

If you would like to see the letter in full, it is posted on our website ( [Poster #1].

There is also some legislation already in effect.

In January of 1999, the European Parliament in a report on the environment, security and foreign policy made a
motion for a resolution on several activities which they called “Legal aspects of military activities”. Among the
motions was:

Number 26. which called on the European Union to seek to have the new ‘non-lethal’ weapons
technology … covered and regulated by international conventions;


Number 30, which called in particular for an international convention for a global ban on all research and
development, whether military or civilian, which seeks to apply knowledge of the …functioning of the
human brain to the development of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human
beings, including a ban on any actual or possible deployment of such systems.

Oddly, it appears that nothing has been done since that motion was passed 6 years ago.

In April, 2003, the Michigan State Legislature added a new definition to their penal code, as follows: (Bill 4513)

“Harmful electronic or electromagnetic device” means a device designed to emit or radiate an

electronic or electromagnetic pulse or signal or microwave that is intended to cause harm to
others or cause damage to, or destroy, or disrupt any electronic or telecommunications system
or device including a computer or computer network.

They also added (Bill 4514):

“A person shall not manufacture, deliver,possess, transport, place, use, or release any of the
followingfor an unlawful purpose:” and added “A harmful electronic or electromagnetic device” to the
list of illegal devices.
Despite these small indicators that some people are aware of the seriousness of the situation, we are FAR from
being able to fight this. This is because many of the people who know about it are also extremely limited in what
they can do because they themselves are targets.

And the media doesn’t seem to understand the gravity of the situation, nor do they seem to be aware of what is
becoming increasingly possible. As Dr. Caroline Lucas pointed out:

“Unless this development is stopped, we are entering an Orwellian ‘1984’ type scenario, which could
potentially permanently transfer enormous power to those in control of the technology”

Hopefully I’ve succeeded in shedding a little bit of light on this serious situation. Before you dismiss someone as
paranoid or delusional, I urge you to remember that laws are not passed for things that don’t exist. We’ve
entered a dangerous age when people can harm other people without ever coming into contact with them, and
without ever being seen. And to date, they have been able to rely on disbelief and lack of public education to
keep this technology a secret. Each day that goes by, each year that passes, this technology gets stronger and
more sophisticated. I fear that by the time the public knows what is possible through their own personal
experience, it will be far too late to stop it. From what I’ve witnessed, I fear it may already be too late.

Thank you for taking the time to hear about our situation.

I would like to open the floor to comments and feedback now.

Click here for the comments and feedback we received.

Presentation to Our Local Rape Crisis Centre

Presented on: Monday, April 18, 2005

Feedback & Comments

The feedback was all positive. No one said I alienated them at any point. They didn't suggest taking anything out
of the talk. They said they had no problem with any of the technical terms I used. One major thing I forgot to
include, however, was what services CATCH provides, so that they know what to tell people when they refer

They found the technical harassment stuff confusing. They suggested I talk to them like 4-year-olds when it
comes to non-lethal weapons (NLWs) because they knew nothing whatsoever about them. In other words spell
it out. One woman said she didn't know where I was going with the technical stuff until the end of my talk.

They suggested the following would help:

1. Put the technical definitions first.

2. Talk more about HOW it is being done - i.e. more about the technology itself.
3. More visuals/pictures. I showed them some pictures of low-tech NLWs, which they liked and wanted
more of. They said that the visuals helped make it more real for them. [Phasor Blast Wave Pistol, High-
Tech Harassment]
4. Give more concrete examples - they were unclear. The examples might be OK if they came after the
explanation about the technology.
5. Talk more about how it affects a person's life.
6. Move the revenge piece (i.e. WHO is doing it and WHY) closer to the beginning. In other words, I
shouldn't have split the technical up with the gangstalking in the middle. (I knew that...)

Eleanor felt that the legislative stuff at the end was very powerful.

As far as the gangstalking, no comments about it except that one worker said she was familiar with it. That's
good news! No one found it confusing or made any suggestions about changing that part of the talk.

Our advocate liked my use of a couple of little 8.5x11 "posters" I put up behind me and pointed at a few times.
[Poster 1, Poster 2]

Limiting it to 15 minutes was tough. I wanted to quote David Lawson but didn't have time, so I gave them a
handout of quotations from his book. I also gave them a feedback sheet if they wanted to use it or fill in
something later.

Eleanor came up with the idea of making a presentation and putting it on CD to give to people. I think I will work
on doing that. It will help to polish and refine the presenation. A few people said they liked my tone during the
presentation, but I kind of lost them a bit during the times I was reading directly from my notes. They liked the
eye contact when I wasn't reading. So obviously I need to practice more before a "real" presentation so I can do
it mostly without the notes. Taping will help with that as well.

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