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ETH 321 Final Exam

Civil enforcement powers regarding federal antitrust matters belong to _______.
the Treasury Department
the Department of Revenue and Taxation
the FTC and the Department of Justice
the Department of Labor

Which of the following is true of tort law?

It protects people from being tried twice for the same crime.
Tort law typically deals with breach of contract.
It provides compensation to those workers who have been injured on the job.
It sets limits on how people can act and use their resources.
Fred takes Betty to dinner at a very expensive and exclusive restaurant The
menu does not mention prices The server takes their order and both Betty and
Fred enjoy the meal immensely. When the bill comes, Fred refuses to pay
because the menu had no prices and because he and the server never engaged
in language indicating and offer and acceptance. The server said, Are you ready
to order? and when Fred said Yes, the server merely asked What may I get
you tonight? Which of the following is true?
Fred must pay based on an implied-in-fact contract theory.
Fred must pay based on a promissory estoppel theory.
Fred must pay based on expressed contract theory.
Fred is correct because no contract was formed.
Which of the following statements is true of the WARN Act?
It requires employers to give notice to an at will employee that he/she is being fired.
It requires employers to give notice to employees that they are being subjected to polygraph tests.

It requires employers to give notice to employees that an unscheduled drug test will be conducted for all
It requires employers to give notice of a scheduled mass layoff.

_____________ jurisprudence supports the idea that law can and should change to
meet new developments in society.
Positive law

Which of the following is true of the assumption of risks during delivery of

The buyer is responsible for damages to goods when the seller is about to transfer for shipment.
The seller is liable for any damages incurred to the goods during shipment.
The buyer is liable for any damages incurred to the goods during shipment.
The seller is always responsible for shipping the goods to the buyer.
A 911 emergency response service needs operators who are bilingual in English
and Spanish A few applicants of Spanish origin are rejected due to poor Englishspeaking skills. They file a complaint on the grounds of discrimination based on
nationality. Their complaint is squashed. Here, the defense of the federal
government is on the grounds of _______.
inculpatory evidence
circumstantial evidence
bona fide occupational qualifications
exclusionary rule
Article 6 of the Treaty on European Union called the Maastricht Treaty states the
EU is founded on:
private markets
rule of law
specific performance
stare decisis

Interpreting Congressional intent which of the following is never a bona fide

occupational qualification (BFOQ)?
National origin

Ethical formalists maintain that:

the good of the many always supersedes the good of the few.
harm to an individual is allowable as long as it serves a greater good.
harm to individual rights is never justified by an increase in organizational or common good.
values are situational and change based on circumstance.
The classification of crime is based on ________.
punishment imposed if convicted
prior record
the judges prerogative
Which of the following issues of administrative agencies relates to the
substantive outcome of agencies rule-making and adjudicating authority?
The administrative process is overwhelmed with paperwork and meetings.
Enforcement of some laws varies over time.
The reward system usually does not make a significant distinction between excellent, mediocre, and
poor performance.
It is very difficult to discharge unsatisfactory employees.
Which of the following is true of the use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
Disputing parties can agree to use an ADR technique after the dispute arises.
ADR techniques are ineffective once the pretrial process has begun.
Disputing parties cannot use an ADR technique not specified in the original agreement.
Disputing parties must begin a lawsuit to use any form of ADR.
The crucial issue with the continuity factor of a businesss organizational form is
the method by which the business can be dissolved

profit distribution
the method of customer service observed
management style
The ___________ holds that contracts or conspiracies in restraint are illegal only if
they constitute undue or unreasonable restraints of trade and that only
unreasonable attempts to monopolize are covered by the Sherman Act.
rules of per se legality
Parker v. Brown doctrine
duty to deal doctrine
rule of reason
Interest-based negotiations are superior to position-based negotiations
the difference between the interests of the parties is often large.
interest-based negotiation requires the presence of a judge or magistrate.
position-based negotiation is often only concerned with preparing for litigation.
interest-based negotiations allow room for consideration of non-factual concerns, such as relationships
and long-term interests.
The determination that a crime has been committed and that evidence is
sufficient to warrant the accused standing trial is known as:
nolo contendere.
double jeopardy.
probable cause.
Which of the following is true under the regulations of interstate commerce?
Regulation on any activity is appropriate if it aids interstate commerce.
Activities affecting interstate commerce do not come under the power of the deferral government.
Intrastate activities affecting interstate commerce can be regulated only by the state governments.
The states have the exclusive power to commerce that passes that passes across their lines.
Finishing the construction of a home two days after the contract called for
completion (no injury occurs) most likely will be considered _______.
significant performance
substantial performance
breach of contract

implied performance
Frequent, abusive, threatening phone calls by creditors are most likely to
provoke the basis for a claim of _____________.
intentional infliction of emotional distress
malicious representation
false imprisonment and malicious prosecution
Which of the following is true of a violation of trade secrets rights?
One must misappropriate anothers information.
Unauthorized use of anothers information constitutes a violation of trade secrets rights.
One must use anothers information without permission.
Stealing anothers intellectual property violates trade secrets rights.
Which of the following states that parties to a written contract may not
introduce oral evidence to change written terms?
The parol evidence rule
Concurrent conditions
Conditions subsequent
The statute of frauds
In a(n) ___________, the shareholders are taxed only on income distributed.
sole proprietorship
limited partnership
limited liability company
____________ is a court created rule that limits when courts can review
administrative decisions.
The doctrine of estoppel
The doctrine of lapse
The doctrine of exhaustion of remedies
The doctrine of primary jurisdiction
An employee at-will can be fired for which of the following?
Making public statements about the hazardous working conditions in a company.
Making public the fact that the employer was cheating the government on a defense contract.

Taking time off from work to care for a dependent without informing the employer.
Taking time off from work to serve on jury duty after the boss asked the employee to request a waiver.
The ideas and philosophies that explain the origin of law and its justification are
stare decisis
rule of law
Federal law and business leaders alike favor ____________ as a means of governing
private business ethics.
establishment of federal regulators in all private companies to establish and enforce ethical standards
self-regulation by companies
giving the federal government exclusive jurisdiction regarding ethics and ethics violation enforcement
creating uniform statutes of business ethics

Which of the following is true in cases where only one party drafts the contracts
that contain terms that appear vague and ambiguous to the other party?
The court will interpret the ambiguous and vague terms against the party that drafts them.
The court will declare the drafting partys behavior as a tort due to intentional ambiguity of terms.
The court will interpret the terms as they mean in the common language.
The court will reject the non-drafting partys attempt to reinterpret the terms after the contract has been
Myra offers to sell her home to Hanna for about $100,000 plus closing costs.
Hanna accepts Myras offer, but later a dispute arises concerning the precise
dollar amount of the purchase price. How will a court resolve this dispute?

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