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/ Quiz Chapter 7

/ Attempt 1

Quiz Chapter 7 - Attempt 1

Question 1
Marks: 1
What does the sleeper effect suggest about source credibility?
Choose one answer.
a. The effectiveness of positive sources over negative sources can be erased over time.
b. If a receiver is not paying attention, a message cannot be effective.
c. Many people can learn the important parts of a message even when asleep.
d. The effectiveness of a message will increase over time.
Question 2
Marks: 1
According to the ________ hierarchy, the consumer considers purchases based on an attitude
of hedonic consumption (such as how the product makes him or her feel or the fun its use will
Choose one answer.
a. habitual
b. low-involvement
c. standard learning
d. experiential
Question 3
Marks: 1
What do the "A, B, Cs" of the ABC model of attitudes stand for?
Choose one answer.
a. affect, behavior, and cognition
b. approval, behavior, context

c. attitudes, business, and consumption

d. assumptions, best practices, conditions
Question 4
Marks: 1
A ________ is a lasting, general evaluation of people (including oneself), objects,
advertisements, or issues.
Choose one answer.
a. personality trait
b. belief
c. attitude
d. principle
Question 5
Marks: 1
What form of marketing is based on the premise that a marketer will be much more
successful when he communicates with consumers who have already agreed to listen to him?
Choose one answer.
a. permission marketing
b. lifestyle marketing
c. segmented marketing
d. e-commerce marketing
Question 6
Marks: 1
According to the two-factor theory, the net effect of being exposed repeatedly to the same
message is a combination of ________.
Choose one answer.
a. learning and tedium
b. vividness and refutation
c. argument and counter-argument
d. comparative and non-comparative influences
Question 7
Marks: 1
The theory of cognitive dissonance is based on the ________.
Choose one answer.
a. principle cognitive affect conflict
b. knowledge function
c. principle of cognitive consistency
d. self-identification function
Question 8
Marks: 1
Do fear appeal ads work? Which of the following best ANSWERs this question?
Choose one answer.

a. They work if the threat is high and vividly elaborated.

b. They work well if the threat is very weak.
c. They work if the threat is moderate and when a solution to the problem or difficulty is
d. There is no data to ANSWER the question.
Question 9
Marks: 1
The functional theory of attitudes was initially developed to explain how ________.
Choose one answer.
a. attitudes are learned from family and friends
b. attitudes facilitate social behavior
c. people identify with products
d. attitudes change over an individual's lifetime
Question 10
Marks: 1
The balance theory perspective involves relations among three elements (a triad). Which of
the following is one of the elements of the triad?
Choose one answer.
a. the marketer and its strategy of image building
b. a person and his or her perceptions
c. subconscious motives
d. a person's beliefs
Question 11
Marks: 1
What makes a commercial message persuasive? The ANSWER (according to a major study)
is that the single most important feature is whether the communication contains ________.
Choose one answer.
a. a sexual symbol or suggestion
b. a brand-differentiating message
c. a credible spokesperson
d. price information
Question 12
Marks: 1
Which theory of attitudes states that people are motivated to take action to resolve
inconsistencies between attitudes and behaviors?
Choose one answer.
a. the theory of cognitive dissonance
b. the theory of affective disjunction
c. social judgment theory
d. self-perception theory
Question 13

Marks: 1
Kanisha is confronted with a strange set of products during her most recent visit to the
cosmetics counter at her favorite department store. Urban Grunge nail polish is "hot, hot, hot"
according to recent ads. Kanisha likes the idea of a new nail polish but is unsure about the
image that might be projected by the dull colors of the nail polish line. With such names as
Street Slime, Garbage Goo, and Trash Can, caution might be the right move. Which of the
following attitude functions most closely matches with Kanisha's purchase decision?
Choose one answer.
a. knowledge function
b. value-expressive function
c. utilitarian function
d. ego-defensive function
Question 14
Marks: 1
The ________ hierarchy assumes the consumer does not initially have a strong preference for
one brand over another. Instead, he acts on the basis of limited knowledge and then forms an
evaluation only after the product has been purchased or used.
Choose one answer.
a. habitual
b. low-involvement
c. standard learning
d. experiential
Question 15
Marks: 1
According to the Fishbein model, one of the components of attitude is the ________ people
have about an Ao.
Choose one answer.
a. latitude of acceptance
b. salient beliefs
c. subconscious beliefs
d. latitude of rejection
Question 16
Marks: 1
Which theory of attitudes assumes that people assimilate new information about attitude
objects in light of what they already know and feel, using an initial attitude as a frame of
reference to categorize new information?
Choose one answer.
a. social judgment theory
b. self-perception theory
c. the theory of cognitive dissonance
d. the theory of affective disjunction
Question 17

Marks: 1
An active attempt to change attitudes is called ________.
Choose one answer.
a. persuasion
b. cognition
c. communication
d. behavior modification
Question 18
Marks: 1
M-commerce is communicated primarily through what medium?
Choose one answer.
a. billboards
b. radio satellite
c. TV
d. cell phones
Question 19
Marks: 1
________ refers to a strategy in which a message compares two or more specifically named
or recognizably presented brands and compares them in terms of one or more specific
Choose one answer.
a. Conclusion advertising
b. Comparative advertising
c. Cognitive differentiation
d. Emotional appeal
Question 20
Marks: 1
Despite improvements to the Fishbein model, all of the following are considered to be
obstacles to predicting behavior using this model EXCEPT which one?
Choose one answer.
a. The model deals with actual behavior, not with the outcomes of behavior.
b. Measures of attitude often do not really correspond to the behavior they are supposed
to predict.
c. Some outcomes are beyond the consumer's control.
d. The model has relatively weak theorems about attitudes.
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/ Quizzes

/ Quiz Chapter 8

/ Attempt 1

Quiz Chapter 8 - Attempt 1

Question 1
Marks: 1
Jeff is tired of the numerous breakdowns and peeling paint on his old car. When Jeff begins to
actively think about his car in this way, which of the following consumer decision-making
process steps is Jeff going through?
Choose one answer.
a. evaluation of alternatives
b. product choice
c. problem recognition
d. information search
Question 2
Marks: 1
Coca-Cola is an example of a
entire category of soft drinks.
Choose one answer.
a. criteria

________ product because it has come to characterize an

b. evoked
c. exemplar
d. heuristic
Question 3
Marks: 1
Of the following products, which one would typically carry high psychological risk for the
average consumer?
Choose one answer.
a. a lawn mower

b. a kitchen blender
c. a world cruise
d. an expensive mink coat
Question 4
Marks: 1
The alternatives actively considered during a consumer's choice process are his or her
________ set.
Choose one answer.
a. evaluative
b. evoked
c. consideration
d. inert
Question 5
Marks: 1
A hot and thirsty customer buys a cool drink and finds it very satisfying. He then buys
another drink even though he had not initially planned on buying two and even though he is
no longer thirsty. This is an example of ________.
Choose one answer.
a. rational decision making
b. behaviorally influenced purchase
c. purchase momentum
d. inertia
Question 6
Marks: 1
________ is the process by which the consumer surveys his or her environment for
appropriate data to make a reasonable decision.
Choose one answer.
a. Problem recognition
b. Evaluation of alternatives
c. Product choice
d. Information search
Question 7
Marks: 1
________ are dimensions used to judge the merits of competing options.
Choose one answer.
a. Evoked sets
b. Levels of abstraction
c. Product comparisons
d. Evaluative criteria
Question 8
Marks: 1

Les just bought a megaphone of root beer. As he drinks from the giant cup, he eventually
becomes full. One of his friend's comments, "If you don't stop drinking that stuff, you will get
sick." Les replies, "Hey, I bought it and I am not going to waste one drop of it." Les's
behavior could best be described by which of the following mental biases?
Choose one answer.
a. loss aversion
b. hyperopia
c. risk positioning
d. the sunk-cost fallacy
Question 9
Marks: 1
The tendency for people to prefer products from their own culture rather than those of
another culture is called ________.
Choose one answer.
a. xenophobia
b. ethnographics
c. ethnocentrism
d. altruism
Question 10
Marks: 1
What would be the categorization level for a taco sold in a fast-food restaurant?
Choose one answer.
a. subordinate level
b. superordinate level
c. basic level
d. medium level
Question 11
Marks: 1
A ________ rule means that a product with a low standing on one attribute cannot make up
for this position by being better on another attribute.
Choose one answer.
a. lexicographic
b. noncompensatory decision
c. conjunctive
d. compensatory decision
Question 12
Marks: 1
A simple rule for moving through the problem recognition stage of consumer decisionmaking is that the greater the difference between the ideal and actual states, ________.
Choose one answer.
a. the greater the likelihood that a problem will be recognized
b. the less sensitive the consumer is to frustrated needs

c. the more sensitive the consumer is to frustrated needs

d. the less likely that a problem will be recognized
Question 13
Marks: 1
People who post to Web sites offering user reviews are typically not paid for their time and
contributions. However, they can gain recognition for good recommendations. This reward
system is known as the ________.
Choose one answer.
a. consideration set
b. long tail
c. reputation economy
d. noncompensatory rule
Question 14
Marks: 1
________ occurs whenever the consumer sees a significant difference between his or her
current state of affairs and some desired or ideal state.
Choose one answer.
a. Evaluation of the evoked set
b. Information search
c. Problem recognition
d. Evaluation of alternatives
Question 15
Marks: 1
Under ________, utility is defined in terms of gains and losses.
Choose one answer.
a. Zipf's law
b. hyperopia
c. prospect theory
d. heuristics
Question 16
Marks: 1
Directories and portals, Web site evaluators, forums, fan clubs, and user groups are all forms
of ________.
Choose one answer.
a. cybermediaries
b. cybercash
c. Web retailers
d. design groups
Question 17
Marks: 1
When is a consumer most likely to engage in extended problem solving?
Choose one answer.

a. This decision mode is most common when acceptable products are already contained
within the consumer's evoked set.
b. This decision mode is most common when the decision is related to the person's past
behavior and product reinforcements.
c. This decision mode is most common when the decision is related to the person's selfconcept and there is a high degree of risk.
d. This decision mode is most common when the decision is related to products that are
considered to be low self-concept involvement.
Question 18
Marks: 1
The first stage in the consumer decision-making process is ________.
Choose one answer.
a. problem recognition
b. evaluation of alternatives
c. product choice
d. information search
Question 19
Marks: 1
A consumer is most likely to engage in ________ when she is in a good mood or when she is
uninvolved in other activities.
Choose one answer.
a. extended problem solving
b. inertia
c. mental accounting
d. variety seeking
Question 20
Marks: 1
If a new product increases the ideal state of a customer without changing her actual state,
then a ________ has been created.
Choose one answer.
a. opportunity
b. search
c. accident
d. need
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/ CBHT-B.13

/ Quizzes

/ Quiz Chapter 9

/ Attempt 1

Quiz Chapter 9 - Attempt 1

Question 1
Marks: 1
The steps that consumers practice to gradually distance themselves from things they treasure
so that they can sell or recycle them are called ________.
Choose one answer.
a. recycling instincts
b. underground reinvestments
c. divestment rituals
d. tangential cycling
Question 2
Marks: 1
Stephanie loves flea markets and garage sales. She spends most of her Saturday mornings
going from one to another. About once a month, she holds her own garage sale just to get rid
of some of the items she purchased during the month. Stephanie is actively engaged in
Choose one answer.
a. underground cycling
b. freecycling
c. divestment cycling
d. lateral cycling
Question 3
Marks: 1
Jason remembers that the last time he bought a store brand trashcan, it fell apart in about two
months. Without even looking at the store brand on this shopping trip, Jason buys a national
brand for a little more cash. Which of the following models most accurately summarizes
Jason?s behavior?
Choose one answer.
a. the quality versus value model
b. the expectancy disconfirmation model

c. the product rejection model

d. the cognitive recognition model
Question 4
Marks: 1
In a ________, consumers participate in the production of the products or services they
Choose one answer.
a. pop-up store
b. mindscape
c. minipreneur shop
d. activity store
Question 5
Marks: 1
Which of the following is an unpleasant psychological state?
Choose one answer.
a. arousal
b. expectancy
c. crowding
d. density
Question 6
Marks: 1
During ________, one consumer exchanges something she owns with someone else for
something she owns.
Choose one answer.
a. renewing
b. profit cycling
c. disposal casting
d. lateral cycling
Question 7
Marks: 1
The aim of total quality management is to ________ and increase quality.
Choose one answer.
a. reduce errors
b. reduce dissatisfaction
c. promote recycling
d. simplify disposal
Question 8
Marks: 1
Steven has an urge to buy a Dove ice cream bar when he enters the neighborhood
convenience store. What would be the best term to describe Steven's buying situation?
Choose one answer.

a. unplanned buying
b. impulse buying
c. demand-enhanced buying
d. planned buying
Question 9
Marks: 1
Simtec believes in supplying the highest quality in engineering equipment and controls. To
make sure that its products fit the needs of its consumers, the company sends researchers into
the field to examine consumer needs and to see exactly how consumers use equipment to
solve problems. The company then follows up with phone calls and emails to provide clients
with information about what has been seen on the job site. With respect to practice in TQM,
Simtec is following a practice called ________.
Choose one answer.
a. "saving face"
b. "going to the mat"
c. "going to the gemba"
d. "going to the garden"
Question 10
Marks: 1
Most Americans will state that they are always rushed for time even though many people
have opportunities for leisure. This perception is referred to as ________.
Choose one answer.
a. down time
b. the leisure paradox
c. time poverty
d. psychological time
Question 11
Marks: 1
Two dimensions of emotional states determine if a shopper will react positively or negatively
to a consumption environment. These two dimensions are best described as being ________.
Choose one answer.
a. pleasure and pain
b. avoidance and satisfaction
c. deal making and arousal
d. pleasure and arousal
Question 12
Marks: 1
According to the expectancy disconfirmation model, a product that is promoted as being
better than it really is will create problems with customers even if its innate quality is already
high. The customer will be dissatisfied if the expectation falls outside of the zone of
Choose one answer.

a. accommodation
b. abandonment
c. alteration
d. the gemba
Question 13
Marks: 1
Julie Morgan loves to go into Springer's Old Country Gifts. It always smells like a field of
spring flowers. The lighting gives all the products a warm glow, and the mood music is just
perfect for casual browsing. After her visit to the store, Julie is always in a better mood.
Springer's Old Country Gifts has attracted Julie with its ________.
Choose one answer.
a. subliminal cues
b. atmospherics
c. store position
d. in-store displays
Question 14
Marks: 1
A ________ orientation dimension distinguishes between people who prefer to do one thing
at a time and those who have multitasking timestyles.
Choose one answer.
a. polychronic
b. planning
c. temporal
d. social
Question 15
Marks: 1
A store environment that has been made to resemble a living room where customers can
relax, hang out with friends, or even learn is referred to as a ________.
Choose one answer.
a. marketscape
b. activity space
c. being space
d. mindscape
Question 16
Marks: 1
Which of the following cultures is likely to see time as cyclic?
Choose one answer.
a. American
b. Hispanic
c. German
d. Swiss

Question 17
Marks: 1
Which of the following is the best example of a hedonic shopping motive?
Choose one answer.
a. A consumer shops to "hang-out" with friends at a local mall.
b. A consumer shops because he is angry.
c. A consumer shops because she is discouraged and depressed.
d. A consumer shops to provide food for survival.
Question 18
Marks: 1
A ________ includes a buyer, a seller, a product or service and other factors, such as how the
physical environment makes one feel.
Choose one answer.
a. postpurchase process
b. psychological situation
c. purchase process
d. consumption situation
Question 19
Marks: 1
When Maria began work again after having a child, she was surprised at how much more she
had to do. Before she had her child, she only had to take care of her husband and herself?now
she has a baby! She just never seems to have enough time to please everyone and get her
work done. Which of the following terms is most closely associated with Maria?s dilemma?
Choose one answer.
a. time poverty
b. monochronic dimension difficulties
c. mismanagement of personal space
d. social pressure
Question 20
Marks: 1
Which of the following do consumers primarily look for in products?
Choose one answer.
a. quality and warranty
b. quality and value
c. color and style
d. price and warranty
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