1-50 Key Skipper

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speaking in an honest way even if this upsets people blunt

behaving too confidently and speaking too loudly brash
cruel and heartless callous
bad-tempered and arguing with people for insignificant things
e. using very few words in a way that seems rude curt
f. not faithful or loyal to their friends fickle
g. asking too many questions and trying to find out too many details
about something or someone inquisitive
h. not caring or worrying about the possible bad or dangerous results
of your actions reckless
i. cruel and cold, having no mercy or feelings for others ruthless
j. easily shocked or upset by seeing unpleasant things (blood,
needles) squeamish
k. angry and silent sullen
l. behaving in an unfair or dishonest way to get what they want
m. losing temper very quickly and very easily volatile
n. very shy and quiet, and concerned only about your own thoughts
1. The hotel bar was full of brash, noisy journalists.
2. After her husband died Priscilla became very withdrawn and seldom
left her home.
3. These men are ruthless terrorists and will kill anyone who tries to
stop them.
4. I'd have asked more questions, but I didn't want to seem inquisitive.
5. The company showed callous disregard for the safety of their
6. Maria can be very blunt and sometimes shocks people who don't
know her well.
7. Morgan admitted that some of his actions may have been
unscrupulous, but he denied doing anything illegal.
8. This horror film is not for people who are squeamish.
9. Her story was sent back with a curt rejection note.
10. Teenagers are fickle and switch brands frequently.
11. The driver of the car was arrested for reckless driving.
12. Dick just sat there with a sullen expression on his face, refusing
to speak.

13. Youd better dont mention about that to James; hes too volatile
and who knows what his reaction might be.
14. I dont like being around Paula; shes too cantankerous.
2) (unit 2)

very enthusiastic (for people) avid

very obvious, done without shame or embarrassment blatant
very exciting and interesting (films, books) gripping
very frightening or shocking and making you feel very upset
not strict or careful enough about standards of behaviour, work,
safety lax
not strict in the way you punish someone or in the standard you
expect lenient
happening very suddenly and quickly meteoric
high, sharp, and unpleasant (of sounds) piercing
very loyal staunch
large and affecting everyone (for changes, reforms) sweeping
impossible to prove wrong or argue against watertight

1. The company's refusal to hire him was a blatant act of

2. The film tells the story of Lee's meteoric rise from North Dakota
radio singer to jazz legend.
3. He was totally absorbed in a gripping detective story.
4. As a keen writer and avid newspaper reader, Jenny had always
wanted to be a journalist.
5. Maggie let out a piercing scream as she saw the truck speeding
toward her.
6. The film contained harrowing scenes of starving children.
7. I think the school has been too lax about bad behaviour in the past.
8. Lucky for him, his alibi is watertight.
9. Some police officers have criticized judges for being too lenient with
car thieves and burglars.
10. The US has been a staunch ally of ours for many years now.
11. They want to make sweeping changes to education policies.
3) (unit 2)


boring and depressing dreary

boring, without life, excitement or colour dull
ordinary, giving little satisfaction mundane
boring and frustrating tedious


1. extremely bad atrocious

2. very bad dreadful
3. very bad (informal) lousy

1. perfect, with no faults flawless

2. perfect, faultless impeccable
3. smth that has not been spoilt or harmed unblemished


1. tiring and involving a lot of effort arduous

2. tiring and lasting for a long time gruelling
3. needing a lot of physical effort strenuous

1. untidy, dirty and wet (for people) bedraggled

2. untidy, about clothes, hair, appearance dishevelled
3. untidy (for people, places), old and worn out (for clothes) scruffy

1. clever at understanding people and situations astute

2. clever and good at using deception to achieve success crafty
3. clever and showing good judgement of other people and situations
4. clever, experienced at deceiving people and not easily deceived


ordinary, normal conventional

conventional, neither strange, nor extreme mainstream
ordinary, not extreme middle of the road
ordinary, nothing special run-of-the-mill

4) (unit 2) Match the nouns with the adjectives:

1. a breathtaking
2. a blatant
3. a prolific
4. a gripping
5. a misleading
6. a piercing
7. sporadic
8. a sweeping
9. a staunch
10. a watertight
11. harrowing
12. a lenient
13. a meteoric
14. an avid
15. lax
a. view
13 l

2e 3f
14 g 15 h

b. fighting
c. documentaries on animal
d. judge
e. lie
f. novelist
g. reader
h. security
i. republican
j. information
k. generalisation
l. rise
m. alibi
n. film
o. scream






10 m 11 c 12 d

5) (unit 3)
a. showing or saying that you are sorry that something has happened
b. debatable, may be questioned arguable
c. well-informed knowledgeable
d. clear enough to read legible
e. fully grown, ready to eat ripe
f. very careful to be completely honest and fair scrupulous

Her handwriting was so tiny it was barely legible.

Whether or not Webb is the best person for the job is arguable.
The manager was extremely apologetic for our inconveniences.
Don't pick the apples until they're really ripe.
The investigation was carried out with scrupulous fairness.
Gradually the band became more knowledgeable about the
business dealings in the music industry.

6) (unit 4)
1. to arrive/turn up/leave in
dribs and drabs
2. bright and early
3. by and large
4. to be few and far between
5. to grin and bear it
6. ins and outs
7. to make a song and dance
8. odds and ends
9. ones own flesh and blood
10. an out-and-out lie
11. to be part and parcel of
12. pride and joy
13. prim and proper
14. pushing and shoving
15. spick and span
16. up-and-coming
17. to have ups and downs


wear and tear

well and truly
to win fair and square

a. to arrive in small numbers

and at regular intervals
b. get up/leave early in the
c. generally
d. not to be very common
e. to accept an unpleasant
situation without complaining
f. the details of a complicated

g. to complain too much about

h. small unimportant objects
i. a relative
j. a complete lie
k. a basic part of sth
l. sb/sth that a person is very
proud of
m. very conservative; easily

n. pushing
o. very clean
p. sb who shows a lot of
q. to have both good and bad
r. damage caused by daily
s. completely
t. to win fairly


He was up bright and early, keen to get started.

Occasional unemployment is part and parcel of being an actor.
We have our ups and downs like all couples.
He went out and got well and truly drunk.
Id like someone to explain me all the ins and outs of this matter.
His first year as President was, by and large, regarded as a success.
I get bored while waiting for the guests arrived in dribs and drabs.
People were pushing and shoving at the barriers to get a better
9. Many up-and-coming young players have trials for the national
football team.
10. He constantly made rude comments, and I was expected to grin
and bear it.
11. We packed just about everything, but probably left some odds
and ends behind.
12. That is an out-and-out lie! Youve made it all up!
13. Good jobs are few and far between these days.
14. I was only ten minutes late. Why are you making such a song
and dancing about it?
15. What do you mean I cheated? I won fair and square, and you
know it.
16. Christina was an only child, her parents' pride and joy.
17. How can he treat his own flesh and blood that way?
18. Shes far too prim and proper to have written anything as
scandalous as that.
19. Mums coming home tonight; we should get the house spick and
20. Having a large family obviously increases the wear and tear on
your furniture.
7) (unit 5)

1. a blazing row
2. to blow your top
3. to be cross
4. to be crotchety
5. to drive sb up the wall
6. galling
7. a heated argument
8. to hit the roof
9. to be indignant
10. infuriate
11. irate
12. to be livid
13. to be in no mood to
14. an outburst
15. a quick temper
16. to be sick and tired of sth/sb
17. to throw a tantrum
18. to be touchy
19. to be up in arms about sth
a. an argument in which people
are angry


to lose your temper

to be a little angry
to annoy sb
sth that is annoying because it
seems unfair
g. a bad argument in which
people are angry
h. to lose your temper
i. to be angry because sth is
j. make angry
k. very angry
l. to be very angry
m. to be angry and not want to
n. a sudden explosion of anger
o. to lose your temper easily
p. to be fed up with sth/sb
q. to start kicking, crying and
r. bad tempered and easily made
s. to be ready to protest

1. Kramer's stubborn refusal to answer any questions infuriated the

2. Corbin apologized for his outburst at the meeting.
3. You know how it is: one minute you're talking, the next there's a
blazing row.
4. Weve been inundated with complaint phone calls and letters from
irate customers.
5. My father blew his top when I told him I was quitting medical school.
6. Mum will be cross when she finds out about the broken vase.
7. I know I shouldn't have spoken to Suzanne like that, but I was
absolutely livid.
8. Im always a bit crotchety when I wake up early in the morning.
9. If you have red hair some employers might associate that with a
quick temper before they even meet you.
10. Pine Valley residents are up in arms about plans to build a prison
in the area.
11. The president, rejuvenated by victory, is in no mood for
12. That noise is driving me up the wall. Where does it come from?
13. I'm sick and tired of your excuses.
14. She throws a tantrum when she can't have the toy she wants.

15. The most galling thing is that the guy who got promoted is less
qualified than me.
16. By the second year of the business, frayed nerves exploded into
heated arguments.
17. He hit the roof when he heard his son wanted to quit school.
18. Try not to look at his scars - he can be really touchy about it.
19. Eric was indignant at being told he would have to wait two weeks
for an appointment.
8) (unit 5)
1. the black sheep of the family
2. to be as blind as a bat
3. you can till the cows come
home, but it wont
4. a dark horse
5. to be dogged by sth
6. for donkeys years
7. to duck
8. it is like water off a ducks
back for sb
9. fishy
10. to hound sb
11. the lions share
12. to rabbit on
13. ratty
14. to have a whale of a time
15. a wild goose chase
16. to worm your way out of sth
a. sb considered a failure by
b. to have poor eyesight

c. you can do sth for a long time,

it wont change anything
d. sb who people know very little
e. sth bad keeps causing you
f. for a very long time
g. to avoid sth which is going to
hit you
h. sth does not affect you
i. suspicious
j. to persistently follow sb
k. the biggest part
l. to talk for a long time in a
boring way
m. easily made angry
n. to really enjoy yourself
o. a search for sth that one is
unlikely to find
p. to avoid doing sth

1. You can sit here and wait for him till the cows come home, but Im
sure he wont come.
2. I forgot to duck and hit my head on the branch.
3. I was always considered the black sheep of the family, the weirdo in
the group, right?
4. Ive been dogged by ill health ever sine I left university.
5. I feel guilty about
getting ratty with the children.
6. Somehow Ben wormed his way out of mowing the lawn.

7. Frank said there was nothing to worry about, but it all sounded very
fishy to me.
8. Didn't you see me coming? You must be as blind as a bat!
9. The firm has captured the lion's share of the UK market.
10. She's a dark horse. I didn't know she'd written a novel.
11. How come I havent seen you so far? Ive been part of this
organization for donkeys years.
12. The weather was wonderful and we all had a whale of a time on
the trip.
13. She never listens to my advice; its like water off a ducks back.
14. After the court case Lee was hounded relentlessly by the press.
15. He kept rabbiting on about agriculture and I started to worry that
he would never stop.
16. Theres no sign of Robert. It looks like they've sent us on a wild
goose chase.
9) (unit 6)

(by) far and away, given, granted, in accordance, in all, in

opposition, in the event of, in the light of, largely, much as,
notwithstanding, on top of

1. Granted, the music is not perfect, but the flaws are outweighed by
the sheer joy of the piece.
2. Notwithstanding differences, there are clear similarities in all of the
world's religions.
3. We analyzed that data in the light of history and published the
results for all to see.
4. We received 1550 in cash and promises of another 650, making
2200 in all.
5. Coolness is by far and away the most important feature of a car
these days.
6. It had been a tiring day, largely because of all the tedious waiting.
7. On top of everything else, I now have to go to work next Saturday!
8. Each group acted in accordance with its own set of objectives.
9. Workers found themselves in opposition to local interests.
10. Given the number of people we invited, I'm surprised so few
11. He left a letter for me to read in the event of his death.
12. Much as I like Bob, I wouldn't want to live with him.

(unit 7)

1. bloodcurdling (scream)
2. eye-catching
3. first-hand (experience)
4. hair-raising
5. head-on
6. light-hearted
7. mouth-watering
8. nail-biting
9. narrow-minded
10. well-thumbed

a. very frightening
b. so attractive that you cant help
noticing it
c. sth you have experienced
d. very frightening
e. a collision between 2 vehicles
f. funny and not very serious
g. food that lookks very good
h. exciting and dramatic
i. not accepting anything
j. a book that has been read so much
that the corners of the pages are in
poor condition

1. He used to wear yellow ties and trendily-cut suits in eye-catching

2. The waitress came round with a tray of mouth-watering cream
3. On a treacherous curve, both vehicles went out of control and
met in a head-on collision.
4. Clara knew from first-hand experience that living in a foreign
country would be difficult.
5. They heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from upstairs.
6. It was a tight game, full of nail-biting moments.
7. Shes always reading or browsing through some book; especially
Hemingways novels look pretty welltumbed.
8. Jenny had lots of adventures, travelling all over the world and
always coming home with hair-raising stories.
9. The film takes a light-hearted look at life in prison.
Bob was too narrow-minded and prejudiced; it was just
impossible to work with him.


(unit 8)
the bottom of at the foot of
be very expensive to cost an arm and a leg
cry a lot to cry your eyes out
fall madly in love to fall head over heels in love
pay the bill at a restaurant to foot the bill


6. to suddenly feel that you are not brave enough to do sth important to
get cold feet
7. to tell sb sth that has been worrying you to take sth off your chest
8. to annoy sb to get up sbs nose
9. to be happy when sb leaves or when sth is finished to be glad to see the
back of sb/sth
10.to be obssesed by sth to have sth on the brain
11.have/give sb a head start to have/give sb an advantage over a
competitor/other people
12.I couldnt stop laughing I couldnt keep a straight face
13.I cant answer until I have checked first I dont know off-hand
14.I would really like to Id give my right arm to
15.legally in the eyes of the law
16.to know a particular place very well to know somewhere like the back of
your hand
17.to learn not to depend on others to learn to stand on ones own feet
18.to rapidly make or lose large sums of money to make/lose money hand
over fist
19.information given immediately without full knowledge of the facts off the
top of ones head
20.sth is in very bad condition sth is on its last legs
21.to become strict and tell sb that they cant do sth to put your foot down
22.to really want sth to set your heart on sth
23.to interfere in situations which do not concern you to stick your nose into
other peoples business/affairs
24.to be able to give good answers to unexpected questions to think on
your feet
25.in order to with an eye to
26.to show by the expression of your face how you really feel its written all
over your face
27. you have to admire and respect sb (for sth they have done) you have
to hand it to sb



to be in with a chance of winning

to grab an opportunity/chance (with both hands)
to blow your chnaces
on the off-chance
theres every indication to suggest that sth will happen
the odds are against sth happening
to pass up a chance
the chances of sth happening are very remote
theres every likelihood of sth happening


1. I felt that my running was improving as the season progressed and

that I was in with a chance.
2. I was afraid Id blown my chance, but she agreed to go out again on
Saturday night.
3. It may be the last time he offers you the job, so grab the chance
while you can.
4. I called on the off-chance that Patty might be home.
5. I don't think you should pass up the opportunity to go to university.
6. After their performance in the first half of the match, their chances
of winning are now very remote.
7. The odds are against her passing the exam, as so few people get
through the first time.
8. There is every indication that this figure will more than double by
the end of the year.
9. There is every likelihood that the number of college places will go
up this year.


to be in a quandary
to be in two minds about
to be spoilt for choice
to single sb/sth out
to sit on the fence

1. His teacher was always singling him out, calling on him when his
hand wasnt even raised.
2. The weakness of the book is that it sits on the fence on important
3. I am in two minds about changing the engine or repairing it.
4. Consumers these days are spoilt for choice.
5. I was in a quandary I didnt know whether to tell the police or not.
6. The school is staffed with hand-picked educators and psychiatric


fetching, flared, garish, grubby, sturdy


1. Hes always wearing flared jeans and large T-shirts.

2. Mrs Harding herself was thin and frail but her son was a sturdy
sixteen-year- old.
3. Your sister looks very fetching in that dress.
4. Her coat was grubby and one of the sleeves was torn.
5. Many of the rugs are too garish for my taste.
flared = if a piece of clothing flares out, it becomes wider at one end
sturdy = someone who is sturdy is strong, short, and healthy looking/
determined and not easily persuaded to change your opinions
fetching = attractive, especially because the clothes you are wearing
suit you
grubby = fairly dirty
garish = very brightly coloured in a way that is unpleasant to look at



not to be a patch on
to be at odds with
to be by far (and away)
to be every bit as
to be in a league of ones own
not to be nearly as as
to be nothing like as as
to be nowhere near as as
to be on a different wavelength
to be streets ahead
to pale in comparison
there is a world of difference

1. She gave him a sweet smile, totally at odds with the look of dislike
in her eyes.
2. Shop-bought pasta sauces arent a patch on home-made.
3. Twenty years ago travel was nothing like as easy as it is now.
4. Unfortunately the resemblance ends there as his songs are nowhere
near as good as the master's.
5. Barbara was every bit as good as she sounded.


6. There is a world of difference between home-made bread and the

tasteless substance that many people buy today.
7. James is streets ahead of the rest of the class at reading.
8. Watching sport was by far the most popular activity on Saturday
9. When it comes to modern dance, The Chemicals are in a league of
their own.
10. He's not nearly as good-looking as his brother.
11. My dad doesnt understand me hes on a completely different
12. Today's economic problems pale in comparison with those of the


1. You grate cheese

2. You baste a turkey/meat
3. You stuff a turkey
4. You grind coffee beans
5. You beat eggs
6. You knead dough
7. You pluck a turkey
8. You whip cream
9. You sprinkle sugar
10. You thicken a sauce
11. You shell prawns
12. You defrost a frozen chicken
13. You roast a turkey/meat
14. You ice a cake
17) (13)
baste, butter up, dress, grill, grind, knead, peanuts, pluck, rinse,
rustle up, season, sizzle, soak, sprinkle

I'll rustle up a couple of steaks on the barbecue.

Dress the salad with lemon, olive oil, and a little black pepper.
Soak the beans overnight before cooking.
Baste the potatoes occasionally.
Sprinkle the fish with lemon juice and herbs.
Could you grind up some coffee for me?
She kneaded the dough and shaped it into loaves.
Grandma was plucking the chicken she was going to cook.


9. Rinse the vegetables under a cold tap.

10. Add the strawberry jelly and season to taste with salt and sugar.
11. Bacon was sizzling in the frying pan.
12. I stood in the hall and listened as the interviewers grilled the
next candidate.
13. Its no use trying to butter me up Im not going to change my
14. The hotel workers get paid peanuts.
rustle up = to make a meal quickly
dress = to put oil, vinegar, salt etc onto a salad
soak = if you soak something, or if you let it soak, you keep it covered
with a liquid for a period of time, especially in order to make it softer or
easier to clean
baste = to pour liquid or melted fat over food that is cooking
sprinkle = to scatter small drops of liquid or small pieces of something
grind = to break something such as corn or coffee beans into small
pieces or powder, either in a machine or between two hard surfaces
knead = to press a mixture of flour and water many times with your
pluck = to pull the feathers off a chicken or other bird before cooking it
rinse = to wash clothes, dishes, vegetables etc quickly with water,
especially running water, and without soap
season = to add salt, pepper etc to food you are cooking
sizzle = to make a sound like water falling on hot metal
grill sb = to ask someone a lot of questions about something
butte sb up = to say nice things to someone so that they will do what
you want
peanuts = a very small amount of money




1. go bananas
2. as different as chalk and
3. sth is not my cup of tea
4. to take sth with a pinch of
5. to simmer down (of

a. to become very angry

b. to be very pleasant to sb because
you want sth from them
c. very different
d. I dont particularly like sth
e. not to believe that sth is completely


Jazz just isn't my cup of tea - I prefer classical music.

Shell go bananas when she finds out that youve lost her watch.
We decided she needed some time to simmer down.
It's best to take what he says with a pinch of salt - he's always
5. Its hard to believe that theyre brothers they are as different as
chalk and cheese!
19) (14)
1. to act on a tip-off
2. to break out of jail
3. to cordon (an
area/building) off
4. to get away with sth
5. to held sb/sth up
6. to make off with sth
7. to be on the loose
8. to rule out (the possibility
of) sth
9. to tip sb off

a. (about the police) to use information

theyve been given to try to prevent
a crime
b. to escape from prison
c. to place a barrier around an area
d. to do sth wrong and not be punished
e. to rob a person/place using an arm
f. to steal and escape with sth
g. to have escaped from prison and not
been captured by the police
h. to say that sth isnt possible
i. to tell the police where and when a
crime will be commited

20) (15)
cache, criminal record, quash, spate
1. The High Court later quashed his
conviction for murder.
2. Judge Stevens noted that Osborn had no criminal record and no
history of violence.


3. An alarming spate of bombings has caused widespread panic.

4. Police found a cache of weapons in a warehouse.
quash = to officially say that a legal judgment or decision is no longer
acceptable or correct
criminal record = an official record kept by the police of any crimes a
person has committed
spate = a large number of similar things that happen in a short period
of time, especially bad things
cache = a number of things that have been hidden, especially
weapons, or the place where they have been hidden



a brush with the law

to hand down a sentence
a law-abiding citizen
not a shred of evidence
to pass sentence
to press charges against
7. to stand trial
8. to trace the whereabouts
of sb

a. dealings with the police for a minor

b. to announce in a court of law what a
sentence a criminal will receive
c. a person who does not break the law
d. not a single piece of evidence
e. to tell a court what punishment a
convicted person will receive
f. to make an official accusation against
g. to go to a court of law and be judged
h. to look for sb (police language)

1. These men are all decent, tax-paying, law-abiding people.

2. The police have been trying to trace the whereabouts of the
3. He's in trouble this time. The police have said they're going to press
4. It was one of the longest prison sentences ever handed down in an
American court of law.
5. The men are due to stand trial on a drugs charge.
6. The judge will pass sentence tomorrow after looking at all the


7. There is not a shred of evidence to support the theory.

8. His first brush with the law came when he was 16.


bruised, chipped, dented, filthy, frayed, grimy, grubby, mouldy,

rickety, rip, stained, stale, threadbare

1. It was difficult to see through the grimy windows of the cafe.

2. She stood shivering in her threadbare dress.
3. Mom fell on the ice and bruised the side of her leg.
4. This pizza's so old it's gone mouldy!
5. I ripped my skirt on a broken chair.
6. Don't use that plate - it's chipped.
7. They sat around the card table on rickety old chairs.
8. He accidentally dented the garage door, trying to reverse in.
9. Her fingers were stained yellow from years of smoking.
10. You ought to wash that sweatshirt - it's absolutely filthy.
11. Put the biscuits back in the tin or they'll go stale.
12. The jacket was a little frayed at the cuffs.
13. Her coat was grubby and one of the sleeves was torn.
grimy = covered with dirt
threadbare = clothes, carpets
etc that are threadbare are very
thin and in bad condition because they have been used a lot
rip = to tear something or be torn quickly and violently
chip = if you chip something, or if it chips, a small piece of it breaks off
rickety = a rickety structure or piece of furniture is in very bad
condition, and likely to break easily
dent = if you dent something, or if it dents, you hit or press it so that
its surface is bent inwards
stain = to accidentally make a mark on something, especially one that
cannot be removed, or to be marked in this way
filthy = very dirty


stale = bread or cake that is stale is no longer fresh or good to eat

fray = if cloth or other material frays, or if something frays it, the
threads become loose because the material is old/ if someone's temper
or nerves fray, or if something frays them, they become annoyed
grubby = fairly dirty/ grubby behaviour or activity is morally


to go to any lengths to do sth
to be hell-bent on doing sth
to be besotted with sb
to go off sth/sb
to hate the sight of
to have a soft spot for sb
to have no time for sb
not to be overly keen on sth
to take an instant dislike to sb
to take a shine to sb
to think the world of sb

1. I used to think he was really funny, but now Ive gone off him.
2. He has no time for people who talk too much.
3. I didnt particularly want to go to Africa, but Tom seemed hell-bent
on going on with the idea.
4. I like all my classes, but Ive got a soft spot for my proficiency
5. The sergeant knew the men hated the sight of him for the way he
treated them.
6. Some firms will go to any lengths, including spying, to obtain
information about their competitors.
7. They took an instant dislike to each other.
8. Shes a remarkable teacher; the children think the world of her.
9. Its clear that the coach has taken a real shine to the new player.
10. She was too besotted with Jack to see how he really was.
11. Im not overly keen on horror movies, to tell you the truth. Lets
go and see a comedy instead.


24) (18)
1. a blind corner
2. crash barrier
3. dent a car
4. draw up
5. on full beam
6. a hairpin bend
7. heavy traffic
8. to slam on the brakes
9. the lights changed
10. to mount the
11. to pull away
12. to pull in
13. to pull out
14. to pull over
15. to pull up
16. to put a car into
a. a corner around which
you cannot see

b. strong low fence built along the side

of a road
c. to damage the metal of a car
d. to stop in a vehicle
e. car
headlights shining very
brightly and straight ahead
f. sharp bend in the road
g. lots of traffic
h. to break quickly
i. the traffic lights turned green or red
j. to go up on the pavement while
k. to start driving
l. to leave the road in order to stop
m. to join the traffic, having stopped
n. to stop at the side of a road
o. to stop in a vehicle
p. to change into reverse gear


I slammed on the brakes, skidding to a stop.

A taxi drew up at the gate.
He mounted the pavement and crashed into a fence.
He pulled up in front of the gates.
And suddenly there was action - the van roared into reverse,
rushing away from them, its headlights on full beam.
6. They blame his death on a faulty motorway crash barrier.
7. He waved as he pulled away.
8. Some idiot dented my car door last night.
9. We were stuck in heavy traffic for more than an hour.
10. A combination of blind corners, and high-speed frustrations has
created a string of accident black spots.
11. Don't pull out! There's something coming.
12. Hes always losing his patience when waiting for the lights to
13. When the road turns sharply left in a hairpin bend, take the
footpath ahead into the woodland.
14. He put the car into reverse and backed into the drive.
15. A policeman was standing by the side of the road, signalling to
me to pull over.
16. Finally the bus pulled in, forty minutes late.




skid, stall, swerve, tow, windscreen, write-off

1. An inexperienced pilot may easily stall a plane.

2. She glanced at the windscreen of the other car but she could see
nothing through the darkened glass.
3. The driver swerved to avoid a child, and crashed into a signpost.
4. He was fine, but the car was a write-off.
5. The police had towed his car away because it was blocking the road.
6. Nineteen people were injured today when a bus skidded off the road
into a ditch.
stall = if an engine or vehicle stalls, or if you stall it, it stops because
there is not enough power or speed to keep it going
swerve = to make a sudden sideways movement while moving
forwards, usually in order to avoid hitting something
write-off = a vehicle that has been so badly damaged that it can never
be used again
tow = to pull a vehicle or ship along behind another vehicle, using a
rope or chain
skid = if a vehicle or a wheel on a vehicle skids, it suddenly slides
sideways and you cannot control it



to bolt sth down

I could eat a horse
dig in
to eat sb out of house
and home
5. to be famished/starving
6. to grab a bite to eat
7. to be/feel peckish

8. to pick at your food

9. to wolf sth down
10. to work up an apetite
11. to be gasping for a drink
12. to be parched
13. to quench your thirst
a. to eat very quickly
b. Im very hungry


c. start eating
d. they eat all the food in
the house
e. to be very hungry
f. to quickly have sth to eat
g. to be a little hungry

h. to eat your food very slowly/without

i. to eat sth very quickly because
youre hungry
j. to do sth which makes you hungry
k. to be extremely thirsty
l. to be very thirsty
m. to satisfy your thirst

1. Dinners ready everyone! Dig in!

2. What do we have for dinner? Im so hungry I could eat a horse.
3. I was famished, having had no food for thirty hours.
4. I'm feeling a bit peckish. What's in the fridge?
5. I bolted down my breakfast and was out the door by 8:00.
6. We stopped at McDonalds to grab a bite to eat.
7. You can work up your appetite by exercising.
8. Paige could only pick at her meal, forcing down a mouthful or two.
9. It was hot and I was gasping for a drink.
10. He raised the water bottle to his parched lips.
11. My nephews came to stay with me for a week and they ate me
out of house and home.
12. After exercising, fruit juices are excellent because they quench
your thirst.
13. I wolfed down my breakfast, but still felt hungry.

borderline candidate, edutainment, lenient, mock exam, play truant
1. Students who do well in the mock exams are more confident about
passing the real tests.
2. Shes a borderline candidate; she might fail the exam.
3. A good film or computer game can be seen as edutainment.
4. Billy was caught playing truant and has been given extra homework
for a month.
5. The younger teachers generally had a more lenient attitude towards
their students.


edutainment = films, television programmes, or computer software

that educate and entertain at the same time
lenient = not strict in the way you punish someone or in the standard
you expect



1. delicious
2. dreadful
3. drenched/soaked
4. distraught
5. famished
6. filthy
7. flabbergasted
8. hilarious
9. livid
10. packed
11. parched
12. riveting
very tasty
very bad
very wet

very upset
very hungry
very dirty
very surprised
very funny
very angry
very crowded
very thirsty
very interesting

1. to sit/stand bolt upright
2. bone idle
3. crystal clear
4. dirt cheap
5. pitch-black/dark
6. razor-sharp
7. sound/fast asleep
8. stone cold
9. stone deaf
10. stuck fast
to sit/stand with a straight back
very lazy

very transparent/clean/clear
very cheap
completely dark
very sharp
completely asleep
completely cold
totally deaf


stuck very firmly

1. I want to make one thing crystal clear - I do not agree with these
2. He moved slowly and cautiously across the pitch-dark room until his
knees touched the edge of the bed.
3. Such cheap goods obviously rely on dirt cheap labor.
4. Over millions of years, some of the reptiles developed razor-sharp
5. That husband of her is bone idle; no wonder the house is in such a
6. Dinner was stone-cold by the time I got home.
7. The boat was stuck fast in the mud.
8. I would have wakened you earlier but you were sound asleep.
9. We found her sitting bolt upright in bed with all the lights on.
10. He wont hear you; hes stone deaf.


1. in culise = backstage
2. un film de succes = a blockbuster
3. casa de bilete = the box office
4. distributia = the cast
5. genericul = the credits
6. a fi dublat (despre un film) = to be dubbed
7. un esec total (film) = a flop
8. intriga, subiectul = the plot
9. recenzie = a review
10. scenariul = the script
11. coloana sonora = the soundtrack
12. cascadorie = a stunt
13. titrarea = subtitles
14. reclama pt un film = trailer
15. rasturnare de situatie = twist
31) (22)
1. appaling
2. contemptible
3. dreary
4. electrifying
5. flawless

6. gratuitous
7. gripping
8. lacklustre
9. lousy
10. mediocre



unconvincing acting

bad (informal)
average in quality
stupid, senseless
very good
deserving to be admired and

sth you have no respect for


boring, without life

attractive, cleverly made, well


very exciting

full of life and energy

perfect, without mistakes

boring, frustrating


without life, energy or passion


acting you do not believe in

without life or energy



clipi = blink
rosi = blush
te incrunta = frown
ranji = grin
scrasni din dinti = grit your teeth
te stramba de durere = wince
face cu ochiul = wink
casca = yawn

1. to keep/have an ear to the
2. to lie through your teeth
3. to lose face



play it by ear
do sth by the skin of your teeth
see eye to eye on sth
turn a blind eye to sth
turn your nose up at sth


9. not to be able to get ones

tongue round
10. sth catches your eye
11. Im all ears
12. my lips are sealed

to only just manage to do sth

to agree about sth
to deliberately ignore sth
to think sth isnt good enough for you

to be attentive to what is

to find a phrase difficult to pronounce

to tell an outright lie

you notice sth because it is attractive

or unusual

to lose the respect of the


I cant wait to hear

to decide what to do
according to how a situation

I will not tell anyone

1. The leaders need to find a way of compromising without losing face

among their supporters.
2. My children turn their noses up at home cooking.
3. My wife and I could never see eye to eye on the business of living.
4. I looked at her face and just knew she was lying through her teeth.
5. We've booked the flight, but not the accommodation - we'll play it
by ear when we get there.
6. Your secret is safe with me; my lips are sealed.
7. I was walking through the market when a beautiful dress caught my
8. I couldn't get my tongue round the names of the villages we'd
9. The car broke down on the way to the airport and they just caught
the plane by the skin of their teeth.
10. I haven't heard any more news, but I'll keep my ear to the
11. Teachers were turning a blind eye to smoking in school.
12. Tell me exactly what happened. I'm all ears.


Give the English equivalent:


1. un ciorchine de strugure = a bunch of grapes

2. un strop de lapte = a dash of milk
3. un triunghi de branza = a wedge of cheese
4. o radacina de telina = a stick of celery
5. un catel de usturoi = a clove of garlic
6. un cub de zahar = a lump of sugar
7. un pic de sare = a pinch of salt
8. un picior de miel = a leg of lamb
9. o paine (o franzela) = a loaf of bread
10. un cubulet/ o felie de unt = a pat of butter
11. un platou de sandwiches = a round of sandwiches
12. o lingura de gem = a dollop of jam
1. butter rancid
2. chicken drumstick
3. apples peel
4. strong cheese mature
5. meat that is easy to cut tender
6. grapes seedless
7. oranges pips
8. lemonade sour
9. chocolate or yoghurt plain
10. meat that is difficult to cut tough
11. meat that is not fatty lean
12. fruit that is not ready to eat unripe
bed, chewy, chop, course, crusty, garnish, grind, lashings, mouthwatering, piping hot, season, in season, smothered, stodgy, stringy,
succulent, topped
1. This part of the country is famous for its fine wines and succulent
2. Grind some black pepper over the salad.
3. The waitress came round with a tray of mouth-watering cream
4. She brought lashings of food in a picnic basket.
5. For the main course we had roast turkey with vegetables.


6. The cake can be topped with fresh fruit.

7. Garnish the salad with tropical fruits and sauted wild mushrooms.
8. There was a crusty ring around the rim of the ketchup bottle.
9. Steak becomes tough and chewy when it is cooked too long.
10. Can you chop up some carrots for me?
11. The food in Suzie's Cafe tends to be stodgy rather than fresh and
12. My steak arrived, smothered in onions and gravy.
13. Season the chicken with pepper.
14. The chicken was dry and stringy.
15. Our pasta salad is served on a bed of lettuce.
16. Heat the fish under a grill and serve piping hot.
17. Vine tomatoes are in season from April to October.

cling, clingy (x2), fumble, grab, pat, smack, stroke, tickle, twiddle


She dressed, her cold fingers fumbling with the buttons.

"Don't worry," he said, patting her hand gently.
If you dont stop that, Ill smack you!
Jimmy is a very shy, clingy child.
Her mother sat beside her and stroked her forehead until she fell
asleep again.
6. When I was little my older brother would tickle me till tears ran
down my face.
7. He kept twiddling the knobs on the radio trying to get a signal.
8. Passengers clung desperately onto the lifeboats.
9. She wore a clingy red dress.
10. Why don't you go and grab some sleep?

clutch, grab, grasp, manhandle, seize, shove, snatch, tug, tow,
wrench, yank

1. A young boy pushed her over and snatched her purse as she fell.
2. I'm going to run downstairs and grab some books and stuff - I'll be
right back.
3. I grasped his arm firmly and led him away.


4. Rivera claimed he was kicked and manhandled by police.

5. Police seized 53 weapons and made 42 arrests.
6. The little girl was tugging her mother's sleeve, trying to get her
7. Ah! he cried, clutching his stomach.
8. The other girls surrounded her, calling her names and yanking her
9. Everyone was pushing and shoving to see the prince.
10. The police had towed his car away because it was blocking the
11. His hands were tied, but he managed to wrench himself free.


1. Arizona is in the grip of one of its most severe dry spells of the past
2. Someone has tampered with the lock on my door.
3. Cordell had an excellent grasp of military issues.
4. If you don't start pulling your weight around here, you're fired.



1. You can't cure a common cold, but you can alleviate the symptoms.
2. Dr Chalmers is trying to find out how many people may have
contracted the disease in her area.
3. Anyone can start giving blood as long as they are between 18 and
60 years old and in good health.
4. Thomas is making a good recovery, although he is still weak.
5. They found an injured cat and carefully nursed it back to health.
6. A hospital spokesman said the surgeons who performed the
operation were extremely distressed.
7. Put your foot into clod water to reduce the swelling.
8. She could faintly hear voices as she began to regain consciousness.
9. For patients who do not respond to treatment, surgery is a possible
10. It will be a few minutes before the drugs start to take effect.
11. Before undergoing surgery, patients should discuss the various
options with their doctor.


12. Patients were discharged from hospital because the beds were
needed by other people.
13. She was in critical condition and was being treated in intensive
14. Kathy's been quite ill with flu, but I think she's on the mend now.
15. An ambulance was called and the boy was rushed to hospital.
16. Single mothers are always under a lot of stress.
17. Older people are more susceptible to infections.
18. He is still in hospital, his life hanging by a thread.
19. Years of smoking have taken their toll on his health.


1. We were planning to go out last night, but Marcia had a splitting

2. The vaccine protects against Hepatitis B which is a highly infectious
3. My father is quite old and now hes increasingly hard of hearing.
4. Robin has a sore throat and a runny nose.
5. A number of these patients are seriously ill.
6. I get shooting pains up my spine whenever I try to move.
7. The singer complained of a sore throat after Wednesday's show.
8. Dont come near me Ive got a stinking cold.
9. The cold symptoms, the stomach upset, the fevers all pointed to flu.
1. You wont be able to go swimming tomorrow if your cold doesnt
clear up.
2. If I eat eggs, I come out in a rash all over my body.
3. When she came around her mother was sitting by her bed.
4. Half of Marthas class has gone down with flu. (contracted)
5. I was hit on the head and passed out.
6. His injuries are severe but he's expected to pull through.
7. Can you put me onto a good dentist?
8. I can't seem to shake off this cold.
9. Most patients find that the numbness from the injection wears off
after about an hour.



airy-fairy, bug, bung, chuck, daft, dodgy, flog, hammer, nip,



Just sign the card, bung it in an envelope and send it off.

Don't let him flog you his car -- he's had endless trouble with it.
It really bugs me when I can't remember someone's name.
I managed to scrounge some money off my dad.
Do we have time to nip down the pub for a quick drink?
Shes talking about selling her house and buying an old castle in
Ireland. It all sounds a bit airy-fairy to me.
7. Don't be daft! Of course you're not too old to go clubbing.
8. Chicago hammered Boston in an away game on Saturday.
9. She took off her shoes and chucked them on the floor.
10. Don't buy a car from him, he's a real dodgy character.

chock-a-block, gross, hush-hush, knock, lousy, mucky, nippy,

posh, pop, scoff, tacky, tatty


Critics knocked his latest film for its portrayal of women.

Pop it in the microwave for a couple of minutes.
I'm going indoors. It's a little nippy out here.
The room was decorated to look like a cartoon Swiss village, but
managed to be cheerfully tacky.
5. I left three pies in the fridge and someone's scoffed the lot!
6. His death was really hush-hush. It was so covered up that you
wondered if it wasn't a suicide.
7. Don't come in here with those mucky boots on.
8. Best of all were the three libraries, which were chock-a-block with
rare and ancient books.
9. Ooh, gross! I hate spinach!
10. At the window of the cottage hang tatty, faded curtains.
11. I'm such a lousy cook that I usually eat out.
12. When I'm famous I'm going to stay in a posh hotel and drink
champagne all day.


1. Our car conked out on the way home.

2. Knowing both of them, I knew they would hit it off when they got to
know one another better.


3. Of course the carpet's a mess - all we've got is a clapped-out old

vacuum cleaner.
4. I was supposed to make the introductory speech but I chickened out
at the last minute.
5. Go on, you kids! Beat it! Now!
6. Ive chucked out all my old clothes.
7. It really winds me up when he goes on about teachers having an
easy life.
8. He's always slagging her off behind her back.
9. You owe me twenty pounds. Come on, cough up!
10. The trip was far too expensive. The agency really ripped us off.
11. This jacket set me back over 1000.


1. Rest assured, Mrs. Copper said the police officer. We will find
your son for you.
2. She's his niece, from what I can gather.
3. By the sound of it, things are worse than we thought.
4. I gather you've had some problems with our sales department.
5. I think we might have a job parking in town.
6. After five years with the company she hadnt been promoted small
wonder then that she decided to quit her job.
7. Its all very well to want to want to get rich quickly, but dont expect
any sympathy from me if things go wrong.
8. With all due respect, Minister, I cannot agree with your last
9. They're going to regret firing me, you mark my words.
10. Whatever possessed you to leave home like that?


1. At the end of the day, this is what youll have to remember.

2. I'm all for giving people more freedom.
3. Meredith counted herself lucky to catch a space in the car park
behind the supermarket as some other shopper pulled out.
4. You can apologise without making a big thing out of it.
5. Look, we're all tired - let's call it a day.
6. The girl put me in mind of my own daughter.
7. Jennifer knew what a difficult time I was having, and went out of her
way to be friendly.
8. When are the library books due back?


9. I never vote - I feel my vote doesn't count for anything.

10. No woman in her right mind would go out with a man like him.
11. All told, 28 people died and 100 were wounded.
12. Further details will be announced in due course.
13. Politicians and the media have had a field day with the incident.
14. Guests were treated to wine and caviar at the reception.
15. You've got your T-shirt on the wrong way around.
16. Jane has got a real thing about her hair. Shes always changing
her style.
17. It's just as well I took the train today - I heard the traffic was
really bad.
18. I don't know why he stays with her - she treats him like dirt.
48) (39)
browse, gape, gaze, glance, glare, peek, peer, peruse, stare, view,

She leant forward to peruse the document more closely.

Shut your eyes and don't peek!
She adjusted her glasses and peered at the man.
Glancing into Neil's room, she noticed that his suitcase was packed.
A small boy pressed his face against the window and gaped in awe.
Police are appealing for information from anyone who witnessed the
7. "You can go if you want, but I'm staying," Denise said glaring at him.
8. I lay back on the sand and gazed at the stars above.
9. A few journalists were allowed to view the art exhibition the day
before it opened.
10. Browsing the net one afternoon, I came across Tom's homepage.
11. She stared at the page for several minutes, trying to understand.


1. Mellor cast an eye over the draft for inaccuracies.

2. It's a bit like being colour-blind, only it's not colours I get mixed up,
it's objects.
3. Fans waited for hours at the airport to catch a glimpse of their idol.
4. I gave him such a black look, however, that the smile froze on his
5. The lady behind the counter looked daggers at me.
6. Stop squinting at the screen - put your glasses on.
7. He could just make out a dark shape moving towards him.


8. I loved that house from the moment I set eyes on it.

9. He was stitting at his desk poring over old maps of the area.



Cliff's family worked in the cotton fields to eke out a living.

Police have warned stores to look out for counterfeit money.
Many people are living in abject poverty because of the poll tax.
After losing his job, he fell behind with his mortgage payments.
We lived from hand to mouth, never knowing where the next meal
was coming from.
6. She wasn't used to living in the lap of luxury.
7. With the car repairs, I just don't see how we're going to make ends
meet this month.
8. Shareholders want to see a better
return on their investment.
9. After all, this man was a tycoon as well as a doctor; he must be
rolling in it.
10. My parents scrimped and saved to pay for my education.
11. Most people have to tighten their belts a little when they retire.
12. He was known to have made a fortune on the stock market, but
was nonetheless notoriously tight-fisted.
13. Educational facilities are best in the more well-to-do residential
14. Every member of the family can now tuck away either 9 or 18
a month in one of these savings plans.
15. John, of course, had long since lost his northern accent and took
delight in his appearance as the well-heeled businessman.
51) (40)
economic, economical, exclusive, extravagant, finance, invoice,
overdrawn, pittance, royalties, turnover
1. The bank wrote us to tell we were 500 $ overdrawn.
2. They expect their staff to work hard, but the wages they pay are a
3. $400 on a dress! That's a bit extravagant, isn't it?
4. I'm trying to be more economical when I go shopping, and only
buying what I really need.
5. Simon's royalties for the book will go to charity.
6. We have received an invoice for $250.
7. They live in Bel Air, an exclusive suburb of Los Angeles.


8. In this kind of economic climate, employees prefer a lower salary in

a job that is secure.
9. The next step was to obtain finance to develop the project.
10. Recently the company has been trying to increase its turnover by
diversifying into other fields.


1. This property has appreciated in value during the last ten years.
2. Travellers on a tight budget might prefer to camp.
3. This is a flexible, well-designed machine which produces quality
prints and doesn't cost the earth to print them.
4. Do you want to go halves on a pizza?
5. You can pay me in instalments if you can't afford to give me all the
money back in one go.
6. The cost of the plan would be in the region of $40 to $60 billion.
7. Since its a bit damaged, I'll knock off 10.
8. Cheques should be made payable to the National Trust.
9. He made out a cheque for $100.
10. I joined the company in 1985, on a salary of 22,000$ a year.
11. She had already put down a deposit on a ship ticket for the two
of us.
12. Universities have suffered a dramatic reduction in student
13. The books retail for $ 22. 95 each and are available at major Bay
Area bookstores and discount outlets.
14. He spent 3 months there, running up bills of 30,000, as yet
15. I'm a bit strapped for cash myself at the moment, but I'll see
what I can do.
16. After my surgery, we were up to our ears in debt with doctor


1. I meant to be open with him but when it came to it I beat about the
2. Coca Cola's prize-winning advertising campaign has put all others in
the shade.
3. The decisions were taken by the party leadership without consulting
the grass roots.


4. The cost of the project was enormous, but it was not the root cause
of its failure.
5. There had been signs that their marriage was on the rocks for years.
6. Many of my patients anxieties stem from childhood experiences.
7. Could you lend me 10 to tide me over till next week?
8. We do have procedures in place to weed out individuals who are
9. It may seem logical, but his argument doesn't hold water.
10. You're barking up the wrong tree if you think Sam can help you.
54) (42)
bleep, clatter, creak, hiss, howl, patter, rustle, screech, shriek,
sizzle, thud, tick
1. It sounded as though gas was hissing out of a pipe.
2. The tray slipped and clattered to the floor.
3. I find it impossible to sleep if there's a clock ticking in the room.
4. The children began shrieking with hysterical laughter.
5. Raindrops were pattering on the car roof.
6. The floorboards creaked as she walked across the room.
7. It was so hot that the water just sizzled and evaporated.
8. Strong winds howled across the region.
9. The timer on the cooker started to bleep.
10. The stone thudded to the ground.
11. The plane's tires screeched as it touched down on the runway.
12. Leaves rustled in the summer breeze.
55) (43)
chatter, chew, gargle, gasp, groan, gulp down, hum, moan, mumble,
puff, sigh, sip, snore, yawn,
1. She hummed softly to herself as she worked.
2. He mumbled a few words and lost consciousness.
3. "That's life, I suppose,'' she sighed.
4. If you snore, it's better not to sleep on your back.
5. I'm fed up with hearing you moaning the whole time!
6. Gargling with salt water may help your sore throat.
7. She gulped down her breakfast and ran for the bus.
8. This meat's so tough I can hardly chew it!
9. Fred stood up, yawned and stretched.
10. Everyone groaned as Scott began to tell another one of his
stupid jokes.


11. His mother was coughing and gasping for breath.

12. She chattered away happily until she noticed I wasn't listening.
13. You could see her puffing as she carried the heavy washing
14. She was sitting at the table sipping her coffee.

56) (45)
in the aftermath of, brainwave, catch, clout, craze, fiasco, flair,
gibberish, hitch, hunch, might, scoop, scruples, slur, snag, squalor,

The first lecture I ever gave was a complete fiasco.

He had no
scruples about selling faulty goods to people.
He swung the axe again with all his might.
The case hit a snag in October when the judge handling it had to be
5. The parade went off without a hitch, despite concern about
6. The catch is that you can't enter the competition unless you've
spent $100 in the store.
7. If you have a flair for languages, there are some good career
opportunities in Europe.
8. The danger of disease is greater in the aftermath of an earthquake.
9. Your accusation of bribe-taking is a slur which I shall never forgive.
10. Unless someone comes up with a brainwave soon, I can't see
how we can possible get out of this mess.
11. It looks like the long-running dispute could end in stalemate.
12. I am by nature a messy person, unimpressed with orderliness
and free of guilt over squalor.
13. A new fitness craze from Australia is rapidly catching on.
14. "How did you know the answer?" "I just had a hunch about it."
15. While we walked there, the kid just followed, talking gibberish.
16. CNN quickly recognised the opportunity for a scoop.
17. The banks do not carry quite as much clout as they used to.


brawl, brim, clash, crust, forgery, hoax, rim, scuffle, skirmish,



1. The administration's emphasis on the drop in inflation is just a

smokescreen to divert attention from rising unemployment.
2. Jimmy only eats sandwiches with the crusts cut off.
3. The painting, believed to be by Renoir, turned out to be a very
clever forgery.
4. To everybody's great relief, the bomb scare turned out to be a hoax.
5. Sandison bought a very fine pale grey hat with a wide, flat brim and
a white hatband.
6. John's glasses had small lenses and steel rims.
7. He got his face cut in a brawl outside a nightclub.
8. In the last two months, there have been numerous border clashes.
9. Government soldiers ran into a group of rebels, and a skirmish
10. Scuffles broke outbetween rival supporters during the match.


appendix, aroma, blunder, cockpit, cuffs, foreword, index, misprint,

oversight, reek, scent, stench


A last-minute blunder cost them the match.

A full list of titles is given in the appendix.
It can't really cost 20 - it must be a misprint.
Due to an administrative oversight, several members of staff did not
receive pay checks this month.
5. According to the foreword, the cookbook was intended to celebrate
the rich variety of Chinese food.
6. The aroma of coffee brought Christine into the small cafe.
7. Look under B in the index to see if biology is covered in the book.
8. He came running into the house, reeking of sweat.
9. The sweet scent of incense filled the air.
10. He couldnt bear the stench of cleaning fluid.
11. The two pilots sat side-by-side in an enclosed cockpit, with a
gangway between the seats and full dual control provided.
12. He is wearing shoes, and his shirt cuffs are buttoned.


1. People flocked in their thousands to greet their new princess.

2. The Never in a million years did I think we'd lose.


3. He is a pianist of extraordinary capability, with a musical technique

that is second to none.
4. The police are now back at square one in their investigation.
5. Couples contemplating divorce often have second thoughts when
they realize how it will affect their children.
1. Canada and U.S. have hammered out a final form for their trade
2. Her job involves chairing meetings, and producing and circulating
the minutes of those meetings.
3. The name rings a bell, but I can't place it at the moment.
4. We need to iron out a few problems before we move on with the
5. Well, in my book, if you steal, you deserve to get caught.
6. I need objective advice from someone with no axe to grind.
7. He went off to work in a pleasant frame of mind.
8. Don't bother your mother she has got a lot on her plate at the
9. His political future hinges on the outcome of this election.
10. She enjoys public speaking but being on TV is a different kettle of
11. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop in the auditorium during
Norvell's speech.
12. He pulled strings to get the two of them into a university.


1. an article of clothing
2. a blade of grass
3. a board of directors
4. a bunch of keys
5. a coat of paint
6. the dead of night
7. a fit of jealousy
8. a flash of brilliance
9. a flight of stairs
10. a grain of sand
11. a leg of a journey
12. a load of rubbish

13. a means/mode of
14. a pack of lies
15. a piece of furniture
16. a plank of wood
17. a spate of robberies
18. a speck of dust
19. a spell of good/bad
20. stacks of time
21. a storm of protest
22. a stretch of (the)



a stroke of luck




a wealth of information

1. The news gave a glimmer of hope that Michael might be released

from prison earlier.
2. My Dad used to get up at the crack of dawn every Sunday to go
3. Maddox was given a clean bill of health by his doctor.
4. He said they fired him without cause, and sued them for breach of
5. Last week Katie Wood was living in the lap of luxury up in Wick.
6. He only knows a smattering of English, so it can be difficult trying to
communicate with them. (a very small amount)
7. Athens is often regarded as the cradle of democracy. (the place
where it started)
8. He never pays a blind bit of notice to what his staff tell him.
9. If he mentioned moving out of her parents' house, she dissolved
into a flood of tears.
10. Sceptics will tell you that theres no such thing as reincarnation
and that living a previous life is a figment of the subjects
11. The finger of suspicion was pointed at Broderick.
12. Whenever a miscarriage of justice is discovered people lose
respect for the law.
13. In the heat of the moment Nick threatened to resign. (when
feelings were very strong)
14. Do you have any means of identification?
15. She escaped from her smoke-filled home just in the nick of time.
16. Our furniture is guaranteed to add a touch of class to your
bedroom. (a hint of)
17. Many cross the border seeking work and a better standard of
18. The typhoon left behind it a trail of devastation.


blunt, conceited, crafty, easy-going, gullible, outgoing, petty, ruthless, sensible,
sensitive, spiteful, tactful, vain, vindictive

1. I don't want to sound conceited, but we are the experts here.


2. You should be careful of Ian - he can be pretty ruthless if anyone

gets in his way.
3. You were always so relaxed and easy-going. It was one of the things
I liked about you.
4. She's a vain girl who is always thinking about her figure.
5. Mandy thought her mother's outfit was a little too fancy, but was
too tactful to say so.
6. My brother pretends he's tough, but he's actually pretty sensitive.
7. "I'll pay her back for this.'' "Don't be so vindictive. It doesn't help
8. Sometimes he can be so petty about money.
9. Laura's a pretty sensible girl. I don't think she'd talk to strangers.
10. Jerry was crafty -- he got into the match free by crawling under
the fence.
11. She's become more outgoing since she went to college.
12. Maria can be very blunt and sometimes shocks people who don't
know her well.
13. Plastic replicas of the Greek pottery are sold to gullible tourists.
14. You shouldn't be so spiteful to your sister.


32. sb who gets the thrill out

of taking unnecessary risks
33. sb standing near sth
when it happens
34. sb who is good at
35. a young girl who enjoys
playing the same games as
36. sb who takes advantage
of any situation
37. a young professional
person who earns a lot of

38. sb who goes

to a party where
he hasnt been
39. sb who likes
mentioning the
names of
famous people
they know
40. sb who is no
longer famous
41. weak and
pathetic person
42. sb who lives
in an empty
building without

43. sb who always knows

the right answer

51. an

44. sb who ruins the fun of



a smart alec


a spoilsport


a squatter


a tomboy


a wimp


a yuppy


an all-rounder


a bystander


a daredevil


a gatecrasher


a has-been


a name-dropper



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