Reading Comprehension Exercise # 228

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I.S.P. "Dr. Joaqun V.

Departamento de Ingls
Curso de Consolidacin
Docente a cargo: Lic. Daniela Fiorina
Name: .

Reading Comprehension Exercise # 228

Below the passage, you will find a number of questions or unfinished statements about the
passage, each with four suggested answers or ways of finishing. You must choose the
one which you think fits best. Give one answer only to each question. Show your choice
by circling a letter. Read the passage right through before choosing your answers.

She is an old woman; poor old dear; Shes past it who has not used such
phrases? Most of us do without thinking twice about it. If younger people are
senile, it means they are beyond hope and can be dismissed as too feeble to
contribute anything.
This language of derision or ridicule is only one of the facets of the most pervasive
prejudice in our society and one which seems to be growing: ageism. Ageism means
assessing a persons worth solely by their age. Some people will not suffer directly
from the best known isms of today: sexism and racism. But everyone is a potential
victim of ageism and all of us are guilty of perpetrating it.
We are guilty because, just as racism and sexism operate against people with a
particular skin colour or gender, so society has developed a systematic process of
stereotyping and discriminating against people because they are old.
The stereotype imposed upon older people is a cruel one. When you are old you are
not allowed the same feelings and needs as you had in your youth; love and jealousy
are regarded as ludicrous; sexuality repulsive; violence ridiculous.
Society expects you to be an example of the virtues, especially serenity and
wisdom, but at the same time you are dismissed, patronized and treated as a fool.
You hear that retirement is a time of freedom and leisure, but the majority have
such a poor standard of living that it is difficult or impossible to enjoy that freedom.
Older women face extra problems men may not have, since ageing for women in our
society is viewed as a loss of sexual attractiveness and a magnification of all
prejudices that women always come across. No wonder that loss of self-esteem
often follows.
If a visitor from outer space were to sit in front of the TV screen and watch
commercials for a day, he/she would conclude that the human race was made up of
men and an attractive sub-species of creatures under the age of thirty. That is
because older women are virtually invisible in advertisements. Understandably, young
and pretty models add appeal, but dont older women buy products too?
Unfortunately at the end of the day advertising only plays back images already in the
publics mind and reflect our prejudices.

1. Why does the writer consider ageism harmful?


It judges all old people by the same criteria.

We will all eventually suffer from it.
It has a bad effect on language.
It prevents old people contributing to society.

2. The author suggests that we deny that old people can


have emotional experiences.

feel youthful.
enjoy sexual equality.
experience individual freedom.

3. Which of these characteristics do we expect in old people?



4. Why does the author think that ageism is more of a problem for women?

They are too poor to enjoy their retirement.

A womans appearance deteriorates more quickly than a mans.
People find old women less pleasant to look at.
Women are less confident than men.

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