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For the love of Physics From the End of the Rainbow to the Edge of

Time A Journey through the Wonders of Physics

While studying one can struggle with more than one subject or course, from
Science to Mathematics, but one of the most common is Physics. Many factors
can play a role in the difficulty of getting the basic ideas of the topics at an
introductory course of Physics, but reaching the point at which you hate
Physics can have only one reason: You had a bad Physics teacher, at least this
is the explanation Professor Walter Lewin gives.
Walter Lewin was born in the Netherlands and moved to the U.S. in 1966 as a
postdoctoral fellow at MIT. He is a well-known Physics professor not only at MIT
but worldwide since his lectures are available for everyone on the Internet.
Back in 2011, Walter Lewin published his remarkable book titled: For the love
of Physics - From the End of the Rainbow to the Edge of Time A Journey
through the Wonders of Physics. Lewin has been recognized by personages
like Bill Gates as a person with an extraordinary intellect, passion for physics,
and brilliance as a teacher.
The book takes the reader into a real journey to meet the beauty of the
Universe through the eyes of Physics using understandable science jargon. The
journey starts from the nucleus of an atom and ends with an invitation to think
about Physics as a way of seeing the world that surrounds you. This is
accomplished by answering some common questions like why the rainbow is
the way that it is, how an airplane lifts, why you can drink with a straw and so
on. Each one of the 15 chapters presents the theory with an approach that lets
you relate it with the phenomena happening all the time not only in your daily
life but in distant places such as another galaxies and stars. The content can be
divided in two parts, the first one presents some of the common topics at an
introductory physics course with applications in different branches of science
and life. Finally, the book ends with an overview of the spectacular events
taking place out in space and then shows some of the most important
contributions of Lewins career as an astrophysicist who pioneer in X-Ray
Definitely, the book has the potential to change your perspective about physics
as a bunch of formulas that has nothing to do with your career into a way of
seeing the world as Lewin intends. This book can be listed with another means
which try to take away the misconception of science as incomprehensible set of
equations and theorems understandable only for geniuses. So, this creation can
be compared with the ones of Michio Kaku, Carl Sagan and Neil deGrasse

Lewin, W. & W. Goldstein. 2011. For the love of Physics From the End of the
Rainbow to the Edge of Time A Journey through the Wonders of
Physics. FreePress. New York, United States. 302 pages.

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