The Fall of Dictator: Mexican Revolution 1914 The Agrarian Movement

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The fall of Dictator

Porfirio Diaz had said the inauguration of a democratic government in 1910 and that
would leave power. However, contradicting this promise, his supporters proposed
him as a candidate for president. That was when Francisco I. Madero decided to
come forward, to contain the ambitions of the dictator. Madero was a landowner
from Coahuila, progressive spirit. Previously he did much in favor of the workers and
the people of San Pedro de las Colonias, establishing schools, colleges, hospitals,
canteens and free. Francisco Madero began touring the country, encouraging the
people to fight against tyranny. Antireelecionista organized the party and, at the
convention of Elisha, Mexico City, his candidacy for the presidency of the republic
was approved to compete with General Diaz. And candidate start a triumphant
political tour; He was arrested in Monterrey, charged with "attempted rebellion and
insulting the authorities." Thus, in the elections of June 26, 1910 he was elect
Porfirio Diaz, for the seventh time. Shortly after Madero gained his freedom and sent
the Plan de San Luis Potosi which declared null and void the election, know the
government of General Diaz, flying the principle of non-reelection of the President of
the Republic and called the people to a national rebellion, to shed power to the
governing authorities. The people supporting this call, got up in various parts of the
country, on 20 November 1910. He supported Francisco "Pancho" Villa (pseudonym
of Doroteo Arango, the "Centaur of the North") on behalf of the villagers; Emilio
Zapata, representing farmers and other popular leaders. Diaz, meanwhile, was
preparing to defend his post. However, convinced that their power will inevitably
crumble and watching all the people were up in arms, I was resigned to resign
office, the May 25, 1911, signing a pact with Madero in the city of Juarez. Then I
slipped out and boarded a train to Veracruz and later traveled to Europe and died in
Paris in 1915.

Mexican Revolution 1914

The Agrarian Movement.
Triumphant, Madero tried to change the course of the Mexican nation: I restore the
constitution of 1857, established the popular vote, banned reelection, etc. These
reforms were not enough, purely political. The village was hungry and wanted a
regime change of structure. In these circumstances Emiliano Zapata, South guerrilla
leader, proposed the Ayala plan, giving the idea of distributing the land among the
peasants and himself appropriated some estates and distributed among workers.
His motto was: "The land is to the tiller". One of his supporter, Francisco "Pancho"
Villa, organized a popular army of miners, laborers, cowboys and bandits and
distributed money among farmers, earning the support of this vast sector. Against
Madero joined: conservative landowners, clergy and his Minister of War, the traitor
Victoriano Huerta, who was sent to suppress a rebellion conservative and did not
hesitate to have him assassinated in 1913.

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