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The Education In Pakistan



Presented by:
Software engineering (1st semester)

The Education In Pakistan

1- Editorial
2- The importance of education in National Progress
3- The Role of a Teacher
4- The Importance of Experience and Education
5- Scholars of the Muslim World
6- Deteriorating Respect of the Teachers
7- Sentiments and Passions
8- Chinese Sayings
9- Poor children in Schools
10- Our School and Colleges System
11- Education in the Light of Islam
12- Terrorism affects Education
13- Pakistan’s Education Board system
14- Education in Universities
15- Problems associated with educational system
16- Steps to Improve Education System in Pakistan
17- Security system In School, Colleges and Universities
18- Role of Students against Terrorism
19- Educational Facilities for Students

The Education In Pakistan

The Education In Pakistan

Welcome to all readers to the wholesome world of “The Education in Pakistan”
our team magazine. We are thankful to Allah Almighty, the most beneficent the
most merciful that we have been able to launch the first edition Of “The Education
in Pakistan”. This magazine is the result of our teamwork. This magazine will
appear as a shining star in the vast sky of education.

According to William B. Yeats, a great poet, “Education is not filling a bucket but
lightening fire”. Education has an image impact on human society. It is our social
and religious obligation to seek knowledge and impact it to others. Islam, our
religion has stressed upon seeking knowledge from cradle to grave.

So, it is through education that knowledge is imparted and future leaders are
produced. An uneducated man is isolated from the outside world, whereas an
educated man lives in a room with all its windows open towards the outside world.

“The Education In Pakistan” has provided on opportunity to us to express our

hidden talents. It expresses our bright ideas, Broad visions and creative abilities. We
have contributed a lot through our articles on different issues and other informative
Pieces of work.
Thank you.

The Education In Pakistan

But by men and man are made by

The Importance
2- education. It was because of this
important role
of Education in Of education in national development
that the teachers and the educators
National Progress: were respected very much in ancient
times and are respected even today.
Today education has been recognized
as an investment which will bring
We cannot deny the importance of more benefits in future than any other
education. industry.
People have acknowledged the
importance of education for men and
women. National development also depends
Some two thousand years ago Plato upon co-operation with other nations
once said, “If you want to judge the which is impossible without
quality education. Moreover, without
Of a civilization, have a look at its education a solid society cannot
teachers”. By teachers he meant the Be established. For national
state of education in a country. development it is necessary that
society must enjoy
Education is a process which develops Peace and stability which comes
the potentialities of a man and helps through social education. Again the
him to importance
Concentrate his energies to whatever Of education in national development
aim he likes. Nations are made not by is a fact.

The Education In Pakistan
Technical education is very important education makes a country rich,
in the modern age. Technical prosperous and resourceful.

The Role OF a


“Those who educate children well are

more to be honored than parents, for
these only gave life, those the art of
living well”. (Aristotle)
On the other hand, this idea is gaining
ground among us that education is not
Every society has an established set of
mean to build up human beings, but
virtues and vices and it takes
only to get better jobs. All of us have
conscious and unconscious measures
to understand the exact role of a
at various levels to promote the virtues
and eliminate the Vices. Sometimes a
No other personality can have an
society may face a crises of values in
influence more profound than that of a
which the values are at
teacher. Students are deeply affected
Odds with one another or the values
by the teacher’s affection, his
suffer from double standards. In that
competence and his moral
eventually, the people reflect
commitment. A popular teacher
contradictions in their actions and in
becomes a model for his students. The
the morality they profess.
students try to follow their teacher in
his manners, costumes, etiquettes,
style of

The Education In Pakistan
Conversation and his get up. He is We grew up respecting our elders:
their ideal. He can lead them whether it was our grandparents or
anywhere. the librarian, We have always had
respect. The regard we have
A teacher needs to be a sociable
person with his roots in the society.
developed for teachers has come
from knowing that we will need
their help to make it through
The Importance
4- school and we can only get it by
being respectful & polite.
of Experience and
Education: To help students up the ladder,
school indirectly teaches its
People cannot students about respect. Although
depend on experience alone for not found on the pages of any text
education just as they cannot only book, learning lessons in respect
rely on information from school can be very helpful. We as a
books to prepare them for life. The student’s realize that we must
lessons, whether from book or not, respect our parents and specially
learned in school exceed the our teachers in school, colleges,
classroom to real situations. universities and anywhere. We are
called students just because of our
School, in real meaning, functions teachers. Without them we are
as a step to the future. The farther nothing. So our experience in
up the step, a person goes, the education is that we must respect
more prepared for real life he will our parents first and then our
find himself. Respect is one of the teachers because teachers play a
keys to getting up the ladder and
succeeding in many aspects of life.

The Education In Pakistan
very important role in students
Thank You.
Chemistry. The son of an
acclaimed pharmacist, he began
5- his career as a physician in Haroon
THE MUSLIM Rashid’s court.
2- Al-Kindi(800-873)
WORLD: Yaqub Ibn Ishaq-AL-Kindi
In a time known (Philosopher of the Arabs) though
as the Golden Age of Islam, when he started as a calligrapher, al-
learning was intrinsic to society, Kindi’s thirst for knowledge led
scholars gathered in Baghdad to him to make original
debate, research and study at the contributions, from mathematics
House of Wisdom. to astronomy and medical to
Some of the Scholars of the music. Before long he became a
Muslim world are given below: known Philosopher of Arabs. He
made his contribution in the field
1- Jabir Ibn Haiyan(721-
of mathematics, chemistry,
Medical, Sound and Music.
(The Father of
Chemistry) His full name was
Abu Musa Jabir Ibn Haiyan
renowned throughout Europe as
the alchemist. Jabir Ibn Haiyan is
widely regarded as the Father of

The Education In Pakistan

The Education In Pakistan
a punitive term. The religions of
the world emphasize on the due
6. DTERIORATING respect to be given to the teachers.
TEACHERS Teachers’ disrespectful attitude
towards student’s individual needs
and interests, use of abusive and
In every culture, teaching is improper language are the factors
referred to as a noble and dignified that have caused irreparable
profession. A society cannot damage and the responsibility lies
prosper without good teachers as on the shoulders of the teachers
the future of every society lies in themselves.
their hands. They are said to be the
builders of a nation. During past few decades it has
been observed that the respect for
God tells us in the Quran: “We teachers is moribund among the
have indeed honored the children masses. Today most children
of Adam, and provided for them would mock at the statement of
means of transportation on land treating teachers as God & they
and sea, and given them don’t even give teachers the
wholesome food and exalted them respect they deserve.
high above the greater part of our

This shows that man by his very

creation deserves regard and
respect. Respect for teachers is not

The Education In Pakistan
Every day the sun rises up in
7- the sky with the same shine and
AND PASSIONS: every night shows its beauty with
the same diamond like stars
around it.

Nature runs on its cycle in both of them. From the creation of

everything and human beings are Adam, the father of all to this day
also a part of that cycle. Human every human being is ruled by
beings are born to live and then feelings. Few feelings are good
they die which completes their which lead us to God’s ordered
physical cycle but not of their path and few are bad which lead
soul. With every new day we wake us to destruction.
up from our bed with the same
body and soul, but with different These are only our feelings which
passions and sentiments. Our make us realize and differentiate
sentiments and passions never between good and bad. When one
obey any cycle of nature. stands against a tyrant only the
strength of his feelings leads him
When every-body is giggling there to do so. Our joys, sorrows and
may be someone among them grief’s are our feelings.
standing in desperation because
his feelings fail to taste the joy. In
our lives, we do different acts and
consider that all our acts are
controlled by our heart and brain,
but truly our sentiments control

The Education In Pakistan

If you are planning for 1 years
If you are planning for 10 years
If you are planning for 100 years

The Education In Pakistan

The Education In Pakistan

9- POOR are living in their dreams. After

knowing their wishes and desires
CHILDREN IN every person becomes sad because
SCHOOLS: poor children are so innocent and
they have no idea for their future
In Pakistan, there are lot of and they are living in their desires
poor children which are studying and dreams. Poor children faced
in government schools. They are many problems about education.
so innocent to look, they have no Due to these problems they
idea for their future. They just play remained no more
together in their own life.

to get further higher education.

Our 70% population belongs to
In schools, most of poor children villages. Government should think
have spirit to become great about poor children and the
personality for their future. They

The Education In Pakistan
problems which they are facing it Second is for the children of
should given free education to all middle class people. And 3rd kind
poor students of village areas. of schools and colleges is for the
Proper scholarships must be given children of the poor people.
to the poor students. Similarly According to our one educational
teachers should be appointed on system divided into three systems
the merit basis not on the political off different kinds.
basis. Their character should also
be checked. Government should
take steps to make education easy
for poor children.

Our Schools &


Colleges system:
Our school
and college system is pretty good.
It is developing day by day. It They have three different scenes
needs lot of improvements. In our according to which anything
country our schools & colleges related to system become changed
system is not of one kind this is for example building facility,
the main cause of problem in our holidays, working hours etc.
schools & colleges system. These Our government has no constant
are three categories; one is for policy for education about the
children of VIPs means schools syllabus and method of
and colleges for children of VIP.

The Education In Pakistan
examination. This was the first step of
education. Our Prophet Hazrat
Muhammad saleh-allah-o-eleh-e-wasalam said;
“Seek knowledge from Cradle to
Grave”. He (P.B.U.H) also said; “Seek
Knowledge even you have to
travel China”.

minister made speech for educational progress in

Education in the

Light of Islam:
of Islam about education are much Our Prophet made Education
cleared. Our religion Islam is a compulsory for every man and
religion of education. First verses women equally. In battle of Badar,
reveal to Prophet (peace be upon him) the Prophet P.B.U.H put a condition
about education. Allah asked to teach the non-Muslim children
Prophet to “Read”. and with this condition they would

The Education In Pakistan
get freedom. This is the very clear
love of our Prophet P.B.U.H for
education. Islam made education
our religious obligation.

(Poor children in Schools)

The Education In Pakistan

12- Terrorism Affects Education: The lawless region is the heartland of the Pakistani Taliban
leadership and contains safe havens for Al Qaeda fighters,
who fled the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001.
Schools, universities closed in Pakistan after Taliban
attacks Intelligence officials said Wednesday that troops were
engaged in fierce fighting at Kotkai, the birth place of Taliban
Islamabad, Oct 21 : All educational institutions across chief Hakimullah Mehsud and also the home town of Taliban
Pakistan remained closed Wednesday, a day after twin commander Qari Hussain, known as the "mentor of suicide
suicide bombings rocked Islamic University in the capital, bombers".
killing eight people.
"There are reports of fresh casualties but we don't have the
numbers," said the official, who spoke on condition of

Major General Athar Abbas, the military's chief spokesman,

said the security forces positioned on high land were engaged
in "an envelopment manoeuvre" around Kotkai, which is on
The explosions were apparently part of a string of the route to another rebel stronghold - Sararogha.
militant attacks on civilian and official targets as
government forces continue with their push into the Taliban The army says it has killed up to 90 militants and suffered 13
stronghold near the Afghan border. The suicide bombers casualties since the start of the offensive, but the Taliban
simultaneously struck a cafeteria for women and a sharia law rejects the claims. Independent verification is unavailable as
school in an academic block for men at the sprawling journalists are not allowed into the battle zone.
university, which also hosts foreign faculty and students. No
group has claimed responsibility for the attack but Pakistani More than 30,000 soldiers, backed by jet aircraft, helicopter
Interior Minister Rehman Malik Tuesday said "all roads were gunships and artillery, are taking on around 10,000
leading towards South Waziristan". Initially, only the Islamic insurgents, with an Al Qaeda contingent of up to 1,500 men,
university suspended classes Tuesday but as the scare spread, mostly Uzbeks and Arabs.
regional governments ordered the closure of all educational
institutions throughout the country. The institutions are likely The operation, codenamed Path to Deliverance, was launched
to reopen next week, but authorities in Pakistan's eastern following a string of brazen assaults on Pakistani security
Punjab province, which witnessed coordinated terrorist forces and other targets, including UN offices, which have
attacks on police buildings last week, said the institutions
"will remain closed till further orders”. Schools and colleges
run by the military and nationwide chains popular among the
elite were closed for a week soon after ground troops
launched a much-awaited offensive against the Taliban in
South Waziristan Saturday.

The Education In Pakistan
killed more than 160 people since Oct 5.

The Education In Pakistan

13- Pakistan’s Education Boards System:

Pakistan’s Education Boards System is very good

because Pakistani Government take part in Education and
students of Pakistan are so good in study. In Pakistan there
are three kinds of education board system.
1- Federal Board
2- Punjab Board
3- AJK Board
These three boards are little different in system. All these
boards have different method of teaching and examination
system, these boards have also different standard.

A highly centralized system does not respond as effectively to

local needs. The bureaucracy interferes with the flow of
resources and information. It also means higher level
administrators have less time to devote to important issues
like program design, implementation, and monitoring. This
decentralization means governments must develop Students are taking admissions in universities on the basis of
partnerships with communities, NGOs, and the private sector entry test merit. Students of Pakistan are very intelligent and
to delegate responsibility effectively in order to achieve genius. They are getting their degrees easily.
universal primary education. Universal primary education in
Pakistan is contingent on several factors, such as the In Pakistan the most popular university in Punjab is
existence of cost-effective schools, better curricula, and University of Engineering and Technology Lahore. In UET
awareness among parents, especially in rural areas, of the Lahore the standard of teaching and environment is very high
importance of education. However, the single most important and also very gorgeous.
factor in getting children to complete primary school is
improving the structure of Pakistan's school system.

14- Education in Universities:

In Pakistan there are lots of universities in which

students can get degrees of different fields such as Electrical
engineering, Mechanical engineering, Civil engineering and
also most popular degree is Software engineering.

The Education In Pakistan

*The opening ceremony picture of UET Lahore)

The environment of Private universities is very good in
There are also lots of facilities for students. In UET Lahore
Pakistan. Students can easily study without any problem. The
only an extra intelligent student can take seat in it. Boys and
only problem in the universities is security problem because
Girls can easily take interests in education and other activities
now a days Pakistan is suffering from terrorism. Terrorist are
such as sports. In big cities of Pakistan such as Islamabad,
trying to damage the educational field in Pakistan, so
Lahore, Peshawar etc the standard of universities and
government should try to focus this bib problem to secure the
teaching is very high.
future of Pakistan.
Students in universities are very intelligent and also there is
Most of private universities in Pakistan are very popular for
competition in boys and girls.
Education. But in private universities Admission fees are so
In Pakistan, there are many private universities in which
high that poor students can’t get admission easily. They have
students are studying properly.
to face many problems for studying in private universities.

The Education In Pakistan
The stakes could not be higher, in the view of Brookings
Institution Pakistan expert Stephen Cohen, who writes that
Pakistan’s education system must be “of high enough caliber
to help bridge the cultural and civilizational divides that
already exist without producing new divisions, and in
addition produce a trained cadre of future leaders able to
navigate a nuclear armed Pakistan through a rapidly-changing
global and regional environment.” Nearly all experts agree
that the Pakistani education system is not up to this task.

It is well-known that Pakistan’s education system has been

neglected historically. From partition to present day, the
priorities of the struggling state have been primarily in the
military-intelligence sector.

Pakistan’s demographics contain enormous implications for

the future of the nation. Whether the country’s large youth
bulge can be harnessed to modernize Pakistan, or whether
these youth will become increasingly radicalized, discontent,
and dangerous, largely depends on the quality of the
education they receive – at the primary, secondary, and
tertiary levels.

The Education In Pakistan

15- Problems associated with Education: a doctor!" (“Jab mein bari hon gi main doctor banoon gee!") I
was really moved and still see her face.

Pakistan has been experiencing many serious problems.

It cannot be expected for everything to be fixed overnight. It
is very important though to establish goals and set up
priorities. What is needed most is a stable democratic
government, basic essentials for all, access to proper
education and healthcare and justice for ALL.

Pakistan provides a very large number of highly skilled

professionals including doctors, engineers, scientists and
many others all over the world .That is something surely to be
proud of. But wait a minute and look more carefully. Why do
we let so many beautiful minds go to waste? There is so much
difference between the rich and the poor there. That is so sad.
Only if everyone truly had opportunities what a beautiful
world it would be. I know that once given a chance people
have a lot of potential.

There is one poor family I personally know in Pakistan

with a remarkable story. The husband earned a living selling
somosas, a fried snack made with potatoes and flour, on a cart
for less than an American penny a piece. The wife washed Why should she not be able to fulfill her dreams? There are
dishes and clothes for a living. In spite of their hardships and many children like this who are eager to learn. This is the
very meager resources, they sent their eldest son, Saleem, to kind of excitement and energy that Pakistan needs to invest
school. By the time he finished high school, some of his in. Once ignited, this fire will never be extinguished. It must
family members told him that he had studied enough. This be the biggest priority and a goal to provide education to all
boy never gave up. He was very brilliant and determined so in Pakistan.
he went to college, which he paid for by tutoring wealthy
students. He eventually became a Charted Accountant. He Poverty and ignorance is a very dangerous combination. It
persuaded his sister to study, and helped her to get her B.A. can trap people in inescapable circles and could lead to
and M.A. They were able to earn enough money to leave the frustration and despair. It not only makes one vulnerable to
servant quarters of the house where the mother washed dishes disease and suffering but to all kinds of exploitations. This is
and moved to a house of their own. All of this happened especially true in remote areas.
because of education. Education opened doors for them to
possibilities which they could not have dreamed of otherwise. The world needs to help Pakistan provide its people with
education and provide them with possibilities.
Three years ago, I went to a Human Development
foundation event in Boston where I saw a video of a little girl It may sound simplistic but it is well proven to be the
in a Pakistani village, living in extreme poverty. She strongest weapon and a solution to many complex problems.
excitedly said that "When I grow up, I will study and become For when there are possibilities there is hope. And when there
is hope, life is worth living,

The Education In Pakistan

16- Steps to Improve Education her potential or in deciding on a

system in Pakistan: suitable academic career.
C. Multiplicity of educational
Recommendations for systems
Improving Education There are many systems
in Pakistan working here, resulting in not
synergy but social division and
Given below are some conflict. For example we have
recommendations to the English medium schools, Urdu
government for medium schools, and religious
improving education in madrasas. Students coming out
Pakistan. The of English medium schools,
recommendations especially good private sector
follow a brief mention schools, have little or no
of the problems they awareness of their religion and
might be helpful in culture whereas those passing
tackling: out from Urdu medium schools
are usually destined to work in
clerical and lower level
positions. Religious madrasas
I. PROBLEMS churn out yet another class that
are usually unaware of the
A. Low literacy level and low world outside their own and,
standard of education with their strong sectarian bias
These are general problems and little or no training in
and need no elaborate comment modern disciplines, are usually
here. ill-equipped to interact
meaningfully with the larger
B. Inappropriateness of society and are also
curricula and pedagogy monumental at times in
The curricula and related spreading sectarianism.
pedagogy are usually
inappropriate or at least II. RECOMMENDATIONS
inadequate for the set goals in
many disciplines. Furthermore, A. Declare educational
there is no integrated system in emergency
which one step leads to the next The present government
to enable a student to develop a should declare a national
truly sound base for the educational emergency and
discipline he or she is interested involve the whole nation,
in. Moreover, even at the higher including the army, in waging a
levels of education, there is no war against illiteracy. Some
mechanism worth its name to steps that the government might
help a student in gauging his or consider taking in this regard

The Education In Pakistan
are: commercial schools of good
level. The government can
1. Declare education as the consider offering many of these
highest priority of the schools to private sector
government. Explain that unless organisations in the field of
the impediments of illiteracy education on the condition that
and lack of education are a specified percentage of bright
removed, the road to students from the lower and
democracy will remain fraught middle classes will be granted
with the danger of exploitation admission and scholarships.
of the masses by the select few, Tax benefits/exemptions may
and that in the absence of also be made part of the deal to
political will in the ruling encourage entrepreneurship in
classes to do something this area.
tangible in this arena, it seems 7. Offer tax
that it is up to the army to benefits/exemptions and other
defend the country against such incentives to private sector
illiteracy and lack of education, groups to invest in education in
for there is no factor more rural and less developed areas.
important to the well-being of a 8. Make it mandatory for
nation than human resource and each industrial unit/agricultural
no negligence worse than estate of an area above a
ignoring its development. specified limit to provide for a
2. Make it mandatory for school within the premises/area.
government and army officers Alternatively, the owner can be
at all levels to do stints at asked to share costs with the
various educational institutions government for setting up such
in relation to their skills and school. Another option is
national requirements. giving various financial/tax
3. Make it a mandatory incentives.
requirement for various degree 9. Introduce standardisation
programmes that the of curricula and licensing and
candidates, after taking their certification of teachers to
exams, shall spend a specified improve standards (as is done
period of time [for specified in the USA).
hour(s)] in teaching at assigned 10. Introduce high quality
institutions. (These assignments selection procedure for higher
should be given in a judicious level teachers and offer the
and practical manner). candidates better incentives.
5. Ask the public to 11. Use electronic media
contribute financially for this more extensively for
purpose. Modern marketing and educational purposes. A
fund raising techniques can be channel could be devoted to
adopted for this task. just education. In this regard,
6. Many government school a. teachers of high calibre
buildings can be converted into can take classes for different

The Education In Pakistan
subjects at various levels, improvement, updating and
b. these lecturers can be new work needs to be done in
telecast as well as recorded, these areas. Again, some steps
c. the lectures can be that the government might
delivered by telecasting them or consider taking are:
by playing recorded cassettes
even in schools in far flung 1. Give more importance to
areas where quality education is language education and
usually not available, mathematics at the primary and
d. later on computers can secondary levels. The
also be used with sufficient data unfortunate fact is that usually
banks and with internet and e- even our postgraduates lack
mail facilities for more basic skills in these areas.
interactive education, and Language and mathematics are
12. In rural areas, provide the foundation on which
each school with at least one acquisition of other skills
army man to ensure that people depends. Though much of the
face no resistance from the problem is due to poor
feudals in educating their teaching, yet curricula, texts,
children. pedagogy and examination
13. Provide people with techniques also have a lot to do
incentives to educate their with the current situation.
children. This can be done in 2. Various teams of experts
various ways. For instance should be involved in
a. even lower level performing the above
government jobs as for clerks, mentioned task of improvement
peons, constables can be linked and formation.
to a minimal level of education 3. Instruction in science,
and entrance tests. history and social studies
b. various loans (e.g. should be incorporated in
agricultural loans) can be linked language teaching at the
to whether an applicant has primary and secondary levels
educated or is educating his through activities and projects.
children. 4. Computer education
14. Link agricultural should also be introduced
loans/tax benefits to feudal gradually right from the
landlords with a specified elementary stage in education.
number of people they have 5. At the proper stage,
helped in obtaining a required instruction in foreign languages
level of education. (especially Arabic for closer
cultural and economic ties with
B. Improve, update and form the Arab world, for curbing
curricula, texts, pedagogy, sectarianism and fanaticism, for
and examination and greater unity in the Ummah,
evaluation techniques and for better understanding of
There is no need to say that Islam in the educated classes)

The Education In Pakistan
and social skills (for enhancing formed to monitor, standardise
Emotional Intelligence) should and develop all the above
also be encouraged (Goleman,* mentioned programmes (1-8).
1996). Both these areas have
gained immense importance in C. Eliminate multiplicity in education gradually
the wake of globalisation. A uniform system of education should be introduced gradually t
6. More emphasis should be eradicate the problems multiplicity of systems creates as pointe
given to the development of out earlier. Two important things that the government shoul
educational institutions for attempt in this regard are:
some unconventional 1. Introduce one medium of instruction. In the internationa
disciplines as fashion environment of competition today, English has assume
designing, art, music and unprecedented importance. Although Urdu will perhaps remain
literature. There is a lot of language of our people for a long time to come, English has to b
talent in the country in this field given preference if a choice is to be made (as too many language
and a great, high return undermine instruction in any one).
international market for the 2. Religious education should be incorporated in the mainstream
products and services of skillful education. For this purpose, the most important thing
people in this area. introduction of Arabic as a second language at the appropria
7. Similarly, a system of stage. This may not be as difficult as it seems. Some work may b
continual vocational training required in forming the curricula and pedagogy, but the rest can b
should also be introduced for done just by including good level Arabic in Civil Services an
workers in different fields. Army entrance examinations. Similarly, good Arabic can be mad
8. Interesting and informative a prerequisite for entrance into a number of other professions an
documentaries and activities for promotion. (For example in the judiciary it makes sense to hav
should also be designed for the a judge who has a sound base in Arabic deciding about Islami
education of students. law). Demand will create its own supply, and it is expected th
Similarly, institutions as schools, institutions and parents will also be important contributin
museums, internet clubs, factors.
libraries, etc. should also be
developed. Contributions from The Pakistani students will join more than 850,000 students
the public can also be sought 4,400 institutions in 91 countries who benefit from the
for this purpose. participation in the Oracle Academy in Karachi. This system
9. Various bodies of organized by Karachi students affairs only for improving securit
academic experts should also be level in the field of education.
17-Security System in Schools, Colleges and universities of their IT curricula. As a result, over 2,400 students from the
Pakistan: participating universities will gain access to world-class
technical curriculum and develop hands-on experience with
In Pakistan, security system in schools, colleges and Oracle’s industry-leading database, middleware, and
universities is not very good that,s why terrorists get applications software. Students who participate in the Oracle
advantage from this negligence of our government and try to Academy develop vital business and technology skills,
destroy education system of Pakistan. gaining a competitive advantage as they prepare to enter the
Students are very afraid for their future because of terrorism global workforce of the 21st century.
in Pakistan so that’s why KARACHI, NOVEMBER 24]:
Seven leading universities in Pakistan have joined the Oracle Participating universities include Institute of Cost and
Academy and have integrated its Advanced Computer Management Accountants of Pakistan, Sukkur Institute of
Science and Enterprise Business Applications programs into Business Administration, Riphah International University,

The Education In Pakistan
Air University, University of Arid Agriculture, Institute of Speakers blamed poverty, unemployment, lack of trust in
Management Sciences, Peshawar, and Sarhad University, political culture, especially in student politics, as well as drug
Peshawar. addiction, availability of illegal arms and explosives, and
police-criminal nexus for students to become a terrorist in
South Asia, including Bangladesh.
18-Role of students against Terrorism:
Terrorists also misguide the madrasah students exploiting
Students Against Terrorism is a student-run organization their emotions and religious values, they said, adding that
whose goal is to demonstrate solidarity with Israel during lack of proper Islamic knowledge creates "Islamist militants."
these difficult times and to support victims of terrorism in
Israel. The organization is committed to raising awareness in BEI president Farooq Sobhan said they have already made
the community about the devastating effects of terrorism on some recommendations to the immediate past caretaker
Israeli civilians. Together, we send the important message to government on counter- terrorism measures. These
the Last year, Students Against Terrorism decided to donate recommendations could be considered by the new
the proceeds from Points for Peace to the Koby Mandell government, he suggested.
Foundation's summer camp for teenage terrorist victims. The
camp runs for about a month every summer, with small 19-Educational facilities for students:
reunions over the year, and helps around six to seven hundred
teenagers. The camp provides therapy for the injured and ISLAMABAD (APP) - Students coming from villages and
psychological assistance, and gives the teens a once-in-a- small towns are facing problems while searching for the
lifetime chance to recuperate and bond with each other. The suitable and inexpensive accommodation facility in hostels.
organization was named after Koby Mandell, a thirteen-year After getting admissions in educational institutions, students
old boy abducted by Palestinian terrorists in 2001 and stoned from far flung areas have the task to search for a suitable
to death in a cave. The camp is always in need of funding. accommodation.
Speakers at a dialogue in the city yesterday said the new For students who choose the twin cities of Rawalpindi and
government in its fight against terrorism should put Islamabad for their studies, this search takes them to
emphasize on the role of student community. unfamiliar places.
Their top most priority after getting admissions is to find a
"Students have a big role to play - to understand and combat place which is clean, spacious, lit with natural light and is
terrorism. Terrorists use students in their nefarious activities, located in a broad street which has no litter and has
often luring them with cash incentives and exploiting their immaculate sewage and water supply system.
religious beliefs and even some international incidents," they But this is asking too much. Students face problems and the
said. place that they manage to find are costly to live. Finding a
rented place is not the end of problem. Many housing
The dialogue, titled 'Understanding Terrorism in Bangladesh facilities are unclean, badly lit and lack basic facilities.
and Its Impacts on Youth', was organized by BEI Student Students who come from far off places spend two to four
Forum at Bangladesh Enterprise Institute (BEI) conference years to study in cities and at present they are facing shortage
room in the city's Gulshan. of accommodation as well as high charges. Talking to this
agency, a student of Islamabad College for Girls ICG F-6/2
BEI president Farooq Sobhan chaired the inaugural session of said that during summer vacation she was asked to take her
the dialogue while Vice Chancellor of Dhaka University Prof belongings to her home.
Dr SMA Faiz was the chief guest. and hand over the room keys to the warden otherwise she had
to pay charges of the room during vacation too.

Facilities for Students is a University: HOSTEL

The Education In Pakistan
There are six separate hostels services, separate well equipped
for male and female cadets near computer labs are available
the college campus. A single both for Post Graduates
cubical (11 ft X 11 ft) is students and for undergraduate
usually allotted to a cadet. The students. Local area network is
Medical Cadets/ Medical installed and all computers
Dental Cadets are provided the installed in the college areas,
free furnished accommodation high performance servers are
and messing facilities: there handling the e-services over
stay in the college hostel is college LAN. High-speed
compulsory. In the hostel, Internet services are available
cadets have to observe the rules both in computer Labs and all
and regulation laid for purpose in the offices computer.
by the college authorities. Moreover centrally printing,
Rooms once allotted to the scanning and CD writing
cadets in the company hostels facilities are also available for
will not be changed without students. Presently the Internet
specific sanction. Visiting hours services are available in college
are strictly observed. In case of teaching areas but in near future
female cadets, only those it will be extended in the living
visitors are allowed whose area of students.
names have been notified to the 2. Computer Repair Facility
college authorities by the (CRF) is available in the
parents/guardians. The paying College. Its trained staff
cadets PC, if provided with the ensures that all PCs, printers,
accommodation, are required to scanners, UPSs, and LAN
for it and food. equipment remains in proper
THE COMPUTER CENTRE working conditions so that
1. Commensurate to the
efficient and effective
present era of computer
computing facilities are
technology and the Internet
provided to the students and

The Education In Pakistan
faculty members during and male and female cadets are
after working hours. CRF staff available. Separate cafeteria is
not only repairs all networking also provided in the cadet
equipment, computers and hostels as well.
allied accessories but also helps COLLEGE MOSQUE
The College mosque is situated
faculty members/ students in
in the vicinity of the college
resolving minor problems of
campus near hostels and has got
their personal computers.
the services of a full time
4. Our Internet Usage Policyis
Khateeb for offering prayers.
simple. The Internet facilities
(For the Christian students a
provided by the college to its
number of different churches
students and staff is solely
exist in the vicinity of the
intended for academic
College as well as at
purposes. Internet facilities are
planned and installed to
enhance the academic quality of
the educational, research and • THE COLLEGE
administrative work in the
college. Any other use will be • THE COLLEGE
treated as "personal use" and
the traffic/storage/processing
capacity used for personal
needs should be limited to
"reasonable" quantities.

Cafeteria situated within the
premises of college provides
snacks/refreshments on
payment to cadets.Separate
serving arrangements for

Medical care is provided to medical/dental cadets free of charge throughout all
The Education years. The college Medical Inspection Room (Ml Room) is looked
In Pakistan
after by a male and a female medical4/21/2010
officer and trained paramedical staff.
The facilities for th
Cases requiring admission and consultation of specialists are referred to postgraduate trainin
Military Hospitals. Sick leave up to 30 daysmay be granted on the in medica
administration ar
recommendation of Medical Boards of Military hospitals. The NUST cadets also available. Th
get their treatment through medical insurance scheme offered by the NUST. Army Medical Corp
provides the servin
STIPEND medical officers wit
Medical Cadets receive a stipend of Rs. 6210.00 per month. opportunities not onl
to excel in medic
OUTFIT AND UNIFORM ALLOWANCE profession and serve th
Medical Cadets are paid an outfit allowance of Rs.6500.00/- once for their nation but also t
cherish a wel
entire period of training at the college. They areprovideduniforms and established servic
equipment the cost of which is charged against this allowance. The balance structure. An office
commissioned as
if any is given to the cadets on grant of commission in the Army Medical captain may rise to th
Corps. rank of Lieutenan
General and Surgeo
VACATIONS General of the Pakista
Annual vacations in the college are restricted to 60 days as under:-• Armed Forces.

Summer vacations (July/August) 30 days Facilties For

Winter vacations (December /January) 10 days
Eid Holidays 20 days (10 days for each Eid )
Casual leave to cadets is not encouraged but is restricted to extreme
emergencies only after prior sanction from the college authorities.
The months of winter are much awaited at the college campus because the sports as well
as colorful stage activities are arranged during this period. These activities provide
welcome relief from the tiring and cumbersome routine of the academic life.
Inter company competitions are held for prizes and trophies.
ege sports committee plans, organizes and conducts competitions for Athletics,Cricket,Hockey,
basketball, Table tennis, Squash and body building. Sufficient indoor facilities exist
he college campus to carry out these sports activities on regular basis. Recently Swimming
l has been constructed to add charm to the college life.
To inculcate leadership qualities among the cadets, ample opportunities exist to exhibit
their talents in Qir'at, Debates, Quiz, Drama, Photography and Paintings. The
respective societies organize colorful events
Page#31in the college annual functions.
The cadet speakers actively participate in all Pakistan speech competitions held at
other institutions like Government College Lahore, PMA, Kakul and PAF Academy
The Education In Pakistan

Education in Pakistan is divided into five levels: primary 45–54 had a literacy rate of nearly 40%, whilst those between
(grades one through five); middle (grades six through eight); 25–34 had a literacy rate of 50%, where as, amongst those
high (grades nine and ten, leading to the Secondary School between 15–24, more than 60% were literates.[5] As you can
Certificate); intermediate (grades eleven and twelve, leading see, with every passing generation, the literacy rate in
to a Higher Secondary School Certificate); and university Pakistan is rising by around 10%.
programs leading to graduate and advanced degrees.
A significant contribution to education is made by the
All academic education institutions are the responsibility of hundreds of schools operated by the Catholic Board of
the provincial governments. The federal government mostly Education, the education arm of the Roman Catholic Church
assists in curriculum development, accreditation and some in Pakistan, which is disproportionate to the size of the
financing of research. Christian community.

Islamabad has the highest literacy rate in the country at Students can then proceed to a College or University for
72.38%, where as Musa Khel has the lowest at a meager Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Science (BSc) or
10.37%.[4] Between 2000—2004, Pakistanis in the age group Commerce/Business Administration (BCom/BBA) degree
55–64, had a literacy rate of almost 30%, those aged between


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