Bihar Guidebook On Application & Inspection Procedure 1Mar16.Compressed

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Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services




Labour Resource Department

Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Table of Contents
Pre-Establishment Stage: Establishing a business/ industrial unit ............................................................... 3
A. Procedure for approval of plan and permission to construct, extend or take into use any building as
factory under the Factories Act, 1948 ............................................................................................................ 4
B. Procedure for site appraisal of Hazardous Factory covered under Section 2 (cb) under the Factories
Act, 1948 ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
C. Registration of Principal Employer's establishment for contractors under provision of the Contracts
Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and the .................................................................................... 8
D. License for contractors under provision of The Contracts Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
and 11
E. Registration of establishment employing inter-state migrant workmen under the Bihar Inter-State
Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1980 ............................... 13
F. Application by a Contractor for Grant of a License for Recruitment The Bihar Inter-State Migrant
Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1980 ............................................ 16
G. Registration of employer employing building and other construction workers under Bihar Building and
Other Construction Workers Rules 2005 ...................................................................................................... 18
Pre-Operation Stage: Starting operation of business/ industrial unit ......................................................... 20
H. Registration and grant of license under The Factories Act, 1948 .......................................................... 21
I. Registration of Shops & Establishments under the Bihar Shop & Establishment Act, 1953 & Bihar Shop
& Establishment Rules, 1955 ....................................................................................................................... 24
J. Registration and Certification of Boilers under the Boilers Act, 1923 ................................................... 26
K. Renewal of license under The Factories Act, 1948 {only for 2m(i) & 2m(ii)} ........................................ 30
L. Amendment of factory license under The Factories Act, 1948 ............................................................... 32
M. Renewal of Certificate of Boilers under The Indian Boilers Act, 1923................................................... 34
N. Renewal of License for contractors under provision of The Contracts Labour (Regulation and Abolition)
Act, 1970 and the Bihar Contract Labour (Regulation &Abolition) Rules, 1972 ......................................... 36
Compliance Inspection of business/ industrial unit .................................................................................... 38
O. Compliance Inspections under The Factories Act, 1948 ....................................................................... 39
P. Compliance Inspection under The Shops and Establishments Act ......................................................... 41
Q. Compliance Inspection under The Minimum Wages Act, 1948.............................................................. 43
R. Compliance Inspections under The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 ...................................................... 45
S. Compliance Inspection under The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965............................................................ 47
T. Compliance Inspection under The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 ........................................................... 49
U. Compliance Inspection under The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 ........................................................ 51
V. Compliance Inspection under The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 .................... 53
W. Compliance Inspection under The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961............................................................. 55
Annexure Forms & Formats ................................................................................................................... 57

Labour Resource Department

Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Pre-Establishment Stage: Establishing a business/

industrial unit

Labour Resource Department

Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


Procedure for approval of plan and permission to construct, extend or take

into use any building as factory under the Factories Act, 1948

A.1. Introduction
Name of Service
Regulatory Framework
Service Condition (i.e.
Who requires this
Application Method

List of prescribed
documents to be

Application Processing
Fee (if any) and Mode of
Application to be
submitted at: (Manual
Key Approving

Procedure for approval of plan and permission to construct, extend or take into
use any building as factory under the Factories Act, 1948
Chief Inspector of Factories, Labour Wing, Labour Resource Department
The Factories Act, 1948
The Bihar Factories Rules, 1950
Businesses, industries who wish to construct, extend or use any building as
site for making the online application)
1. Application in prescribed format (Form -1)
2. Plans in 3 copies, drawn to scale, showing the site of the factory and
immediate surroundings include adjacent building and other structure,
roads, drains etc. The plan, elevation, side view and necessary cross
section of the various building indicating all relevant details relating to
natural lighting, ventilation and means of escape in case of fire. The plan
shall also clearly indicate the position of the plant machinery, aisles and
passage way.
3. Brief description of manufacturing process and process flow chart of
manufacturing process
4. List of plant and machinery
5. List of raw materials
6. Consent to Establish/ Consent to Operate from Bihar State Pollution
Control Board
7. Land papers of the factory/ Proof of ownership of land (Copy of registered
sale deed, lease deed and rent agreement). In case of lease deed or rent
agreement, consent of the owner of the land.
8. Company related documents such as Memorandum and Article of
Association/ List of Directors/ Board of Directors resolution regarding
appointment of occupier/ Partnership Deed
9. In case of Government/ Government owned/undertaking factories, letter of
appointment of occupier from the concerned Ministry
10. NOC/License from concerned department/authority in case of saw mills,
peeling of wood logs factories, explosive factory, arms and ammunition
factory, drug and pharmaceuticals factory, brick kilns and stone crusher
11. For banned/ regulated items, permission from the respective Department is
12. ID Proof of the applicant/authorized representative (Aadhar Card/ PAN
13. Any other documents specifically requested by IF/Deputy IF/CIF
No fees applicable

Inspector of Factories
Chief Inspector of Factories

Labour Resource Department

Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Whether prior inspection
is required for this
Prescribed Timeline for
service delivery (from
date of application)

15 working days. (Notification No2072 dated 16/07/2015)
Please note that the application processing may take longer if there are queries
on the application.

A.2. Application and approval procedure






Process details
Keep the hard copy (for manual application)/ scanned copy (for online application) of all the necessary
documents as per the checklist/ list of prescribed documents mentioned above. Go to Step 2 if you are
applying online or Step 5 for manual application.
Online Application (Currently not available online but will be made available shortly)
Register yourself on the website If you are already registered on
the portal then login with the registered user id and password.
Open the application form for Permission to construct, extend or take into use any building as a
factory and fill in the details related to your establishment.
Upload all the relevant documents as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the form.
Manual Application
Fill in the prescribed application form (Form-1 as per the Factories Act.). Attach all the relevant
documents as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the form at the office of concerned
Inspector of Factories. Go to Step 6.
Filled application form will be scrutinized by the concerned Inspector of Factories followed by site
In case there is any query related to application (such as insufficient documents, incorrect
information etc.) the same would be communicated to the applicant. If the query is not answered,
the application would not be processed and may be summarily rejected.
In case there is no query or the query is resolved, concerned Inspector of Factories would conduct
site inspection.
Inspector of Factories forwards the application with recommendation to Deputy Chief Inspector of
Factories for necessary processing.
Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories will review and forward the application to Chief Inspector of
Factories (CIF) with necessary recommendations.
Chief Inspector of Factories will review the application and approve the map. Issue the approved map
along with necessary compliance conditions.
Once the application is approved, a copy of the approved map with approval conditions will be sent by
the office of the Chief Inspector of Factories to the applicants office and the office of the concerned
Inspector of Factories. In case of online applications, the approved map along with approval conditions
can be downloaded from the website after logging into the portal by the applicant.

Labour Resource Department

Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

B. Procedure for site appraisal of Hazardous Factory covered under Section 2

(cb) under the Factories Act, 1948
B.1. Introduction
Name of Service
Regulatory Framework
Service Condition (i.e.
Who requires this
Application Method

List of prescribed
documents to be

Application Processing
Fee (if any) and Mode of

Procedure for site appraisal of Hazardous Factory covered under Section 2 (cb)
under the Factories Act, 1948
Chief Inspector of Factories, Labour Wing, Labour Resource Department
The Factories Act, 1948
The Bihar Factories Rules, 1950
Businesses, industries (of hazardous nature) who wish to construct, extend or
use any building as factory should get site appraisal done before applying for
factory plan approval.
site for making the online application)
In case of Industries involving hazardous process (Section 2 (cb) of the
Factories Act, 1948) following document should be submitted as part of site
appraisal and should be subsequently submitted for the factory plan approval:
1. Application for site appraisal in format prescribed under rule 62 AH of
Bihar Factory Rule 1950. After site appraisal and approval application for
map approval has to be submitted.
2. Land paper with letter of possession
3. Vicinity map of proposed site
4. Details of soil condition and depth with soil test report
5. Contour map
6. Plan of the factory showing entry and exit point roads within water
drainage etc.
7. Summary of salient feature of the project
8. Block diagram of the buildings and installation in proposed unit along with
the Assembly Points clearly shown on the map of the factory
9. Organizational diagram
10. Proposed health and safety policy
11. Metrological data Temperature, humidity & wind velocity
12. Seasonal variation of wind direction
13. Seismic zone map
14. Process Flow diagram
15. Brief write-up of process and technology
16. Details of raw materials, intermediate products and their storage quantities
17. MSDS of hazardous substance
18. Documents related to State & central government approval along with
required NOC
19. Risk assessment study
20. Information on emergency preparedness i.e. onsite emergency plan
21. NOC for use of ground water
22. Environment impact assessment (if required)
23. Environment Management Plan
24. ID Proof of the applicant/ authorized representative (Aadhar Card/ PAN
25. Other document as per nature of hazardous process in the required format
No fees applicable

Labour Resource Department

Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Application to be
submitted at: (Manual
Key Approving
Whether prior inspection
is required for this
Prescribed Timeline for
service delivery (from
date of application)

Chairman of Site Appraisal Committee/ Chief Inspector of Factories

Chief Inspector of Factories

As prescribed in the Act.

B.2. Application and approval procedure

The application approval procedure for building plan may vary based on the nature of factory. In case of
hazardous factory covered under Section 2(cb), site appraisal should be conducted before approval of factory
plan and registration/ licensing. In case of hazardous factories covered under section 2 (cb), please complete
activity mentioned in this sector before proceeding to apply for factory plan approval


Process details
Applicant submits the application (in prescribed format) for site inspection in the office of Chairman
of Site Appraisal Committee/ CIF
Application is forwarded to Secretary, Site Appraisal Committee for scrutiny and recommendations
Primary scrutiny of the application is done by the office clerk. If the form and documents has any
anomalies, clarification is sought from the applicant. Office clerk forwards the application after initial
scrutiny to the Secretary, Site Appraisal Committee.
Secretary, Site Appraisal Committee will review the application and schedule site inspection.
Secretary, Site Appraisal Committee informs all the 12 committee members.
Chairman, Site Appraisal Committee conducts meeting on the stipulated date (if quorum is complete).
Next, Committee Members conduct site inspection for the selected application on the scheduled date.
Secretary prepares a detailed inspection report along with recommendations after adequate
consultation with Committee Members and Chairman, Site Appraisal Committee
Chairman, Site Appraisal Committee forwards the application along with inspection report and
recommendations to the Labour Commissioner for necessary permission.
Labour Commissioner grants necessary permission and send it to the Chairman, Site Appraisal
Committee/ CIF for issuance of necessary communication to the applicant.
Chairman, Site Appraisal Committee/ CIF issues letter to the applicant for starting the process for
registration and approval of factory plan.

Labour Resource Department

Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

C. Registration of Principal Employer's establishment for contractors under

provision of the Contracts Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and
the The Bihar Contract Labour (Regulation &Abolition) Rules, 1972
C.1. Introduction
Name of Service
Regulatory Framework
Service Condition (i.e.
Who requires this
Application Method

List of prescribed
documents to be

Application Processing
Fee (if any) and Mode of

Registration of principal employer's establishment for contractors under

provision of the Contracts Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and the
Bihar Contract Labour (Regulation &Abolition) Rules, 1972
District Labour Office
The Contract Labour (Regulation &Abolition) Act, 1970
The Bihar Contract Labour (Regulation &Abolition) Rules, 1972
This registration is required only in case an establishment employs 20 or more
contract labour
Both Online and Manual; (Please visit the site for making the online application)
1. Application in prescribed format (Form No. 1 as per Act)
2. Photo ID card of Employer/Authorized person/ Contractor
3. Partnership deed (in case of partnership firm) / Memorandum of
Association/ Memorandum of Understanding(in case of company) / Joint
Venture/ Limited Liability Partnership (if required)
4. PAN card of the firm
5. Signature of employer/authorized person/ contractor
6. Copy of Challan
7. Particulars of contractor employed
8. Establishment Address Proof (Proof of ownership of building or land/ Rent
Agreement, in case of a shop rental/ Municipal Receipt)
9. Signature of Contractor (in case of online application only)
Schedule of fees
No. of Labourers
Fees (in Rs.)








401 or more
Mode of Payment: Treasury Challan/ Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net Banking
Account Head Information for Treasury Challan:
Major Head
Minor Head
Sub Head Bill Code
0230 Labour 00
106 Fee under
Contract Labour
(Regulation &
Abolition Rules)

Labour Resource Department

Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Application to be
submitted at: (Manual
Key Approving
Whether prior inspection
of site is required for this
Prescribed Timeline for
service delivery (from
date of application)

District Labour Office

Labour Superintendent
If required
15 working days. (Notification No2072 dated 16/07/2015)
Please note that the application processing may take longer if there are queries
on the application.

C.2. Application and approval procedure







Keep the hard copy (for manual application)/ scanned copy (for online application) of all the necessary
documents as per the checklist/ list of prescribed documents mentioned above. Go to Step 2 if you are
applying online or Step 6 for manual application.
Online Application
Register yourself on the website If you are already registered on
the portal then login with the registered user id and password.
Open the application form for Issue of registration/ license under Contract Labour Act, 1970 and fill
in the details related to your establishment.
Upload all the relevant documents as per the above mentioned checklist and submit the form.
Make payment of necessary application processing fees online using your debit card/ credit card/ net
banking facility. Currently, the application processing fee payment process is not accepted online and
will be enabled shortly.
As online payment is not accepted now, applicant will generate and print the online submitted form and
submit the application form along with Treasury Challan at the office of concerned District Labour
Office. It may be noted that this is a temporary arrangement and will not be required once online
payment is enabled. Go to Step 7.
Manual Application
Fill in the prescribed application Form (Form No. 1 as per the Act.). Attach all the relevant documents
as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the Form at the office of District Labour Office along
with requisite application processing fees in form of Treasury Challan. Go to Step 7.
Primary scrutiny of the application is done by the Clerk. If the form and documents has any
anomalies, clarification is sought from the applicant by Labour Superintendent
In case there is any query the same would be communicated to the applicant by the Labour
Superintendent and a suitable timeline would be given to answer the query. In case there is no
query or the query is resolved within the stipulated time the application would be approved by the
Labour Superintendent.
In case the query is not answered within the stipulated timeline by the applicant the application
would be summarily rejected and informed accordingly.
Next, filled application form will be scrutinized by the Labour Superintendent followed by a site
visit if required.
In case there is any query the same would be communicated to the applicant and a suitable timeline
would be given to answer the query. In case there is no query or the query is resolved within the
stipulated time the application would be approved and permission would be granted.
In case the query is not answered within the stipulated timeline by the applicant the application

Labour Resource Department

Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


would be summarily rejected.

Once the application is approved the registration certificate will be issued to the applicant. In case of
online applications, the certificate can be downloaded from the website after logging into the portal by
the applicant.

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


License for contractors under provision of The Contracts Labour

(Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and The Bihar Contract Labour
(Regulation &Abolition) Rules, 1972

D.1. Introduction
Name of Service

License for contractors under provision of The Contracts Labour (Regulation

and Abolition) Act, 1970 and The Bihar Contract Labour (Regulation
&Abolition) Rules, 1972

Labour Superintendent/ District Labour Office

The Contract Labour (Regulation &Abolition) Act, 1970
Regulatory Framework
The Bihar Contract Labour (Regulation &Abolition) Rules, 1972
Service Condition (i.e. Who This is required only in case an establishment employs 20 or more contract
labour and the concerned principal employer is registered under the Act.
requires this service?)
Both Online and Manual; (Please visit the site
Application Method for making the online application)
1. Application in prescribed format(Form No. IV) duly signed by contractor
2. Form V issued by the registered Principal Employer
3. Copy of Treasury Challan
4. Photo ID card of Contractor
List of prescribed
5. Partnership deed/MOA/MOU/JV Partnership deed (in case of partnership
firm) / Memorandum of Association/ Memorandum of Understanding (in
documents to be submitted
case of company) / Joint Venture/ Limited Liability Partnership (if
6. PAN card of the contractor
7. Signature of Contractor (in case of online application only)
Schedule of fees
No. of Labourers
Fees (in Rs.)

Application Processing Fee

(if any) and Mode of

Labour Resource Department







401 or more
Mode of Payment: Treasury Challan/ Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net Banking
Account Head Information for Treasury Challan:
Sub Head
Bill Code
106 Fee
Labour and
(Regulation &

Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Application to be
submitted at: (Manual
Key Approving Authority
Whether prior inspection is
required for this approval
Prescribed Timeline for
service delivery (from date
of application)

District Labour Office

Labour Superintendent
If Required
15 working days. (Notification No2072 dated 16/07/2015)
Please note that the application processing may take longer if there are
queries on the application.

D.2. Application and approval procedure








Keep the hard copy (for manual application)/ scanned copy (for online application) of all the necessary
documents as per the checklist/ list of prescribed documents mentioned above. Go to Step 2 if you are
applying online or Step 6 for manual application.
Online Application
Register yourself on the website If you are already registered on
the portal then login with the registered user id and password.
Open the application form for Issue of registration/ license under Contract Labour Act, 1970 and fill
in the details related to your establishment.
Upload all the relevant documents as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the form.
Make payment of necessary application processing fees online using your debit card/ credit card/ net
banking facility. Currently, the application processing fee payment process is not accepted online and
will be enabled shortly.
As online payment is not accepted now, applicant will generate and print the online submitted form
and submit the application form along with Treasury Challan at the office of concerned District
Labour Office. It may be noted that this is a temporary arrangement and will not be required once
online payment is enabled. Go to Step 7.
Manual Application
Fill in the prescribed application Form (Form No. IV). Attach all the relevant documents as per the
abovementioned checklist and submit the Form at the District Labour Office along with requisite
application processing fees in form of Treasury Challan. Go to Step 7.
Primary scrutiny of the application is done by the Clerk. If the form and documents has any
anomalies, clarification is sought from the applicant by Labour Superintendent
In case there is any query the same would be communicated to the applicant by the Labour
Superintendent and a suitable timeline would be given to answer the query. In case there is no
query or the query is resolved within the stipulated time the application would be approved by the
Labour Superintendent.
In case the query is not answered within the stipulated timeline by the applicant the application
would be summarily rejected and informed accordingly.
Next, filled application form will be scrutinized by the Labour Superintendent followed by a site
visit if required.
In case there is any query the same would be communicated to the applicant and a suitable
timeline would be given to answer the query. In case there is no query or the query is resolved
within the stipulated time the application would be approved and permission would be granted.
In case the query is not answered within the stipulated timeline by the applicant the application
would be summarily rejected.
Once the application is approved the license is issued to the applicant. In case of online applications,
the certificate can be downloaded from the website after logging into the portal by the applicant.

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


Registration of establishment employing inter-state migrant workmen under

the Bihar Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Service) Rules, 1980

E.1. Introduction
Name of Service

Registration of establishment employing inter-state migrant workmen


District Labour Office

The Inter State Migrant/Workmen (Regulation of employment and Conditions
of Service) Act, 1979;
The Bihar Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Service) Rules, 1980

Regulatory Framework
Service Condition (i.e.
Who requires this
Application Method

List of prescribed
documents to be

Application Processing
Fee (if any) and Mode of

Application to be
submitted at: (Manual

Employer employing 5 or more migrant workmen

Both Online and Manual; (Please visit the site for making the online application)
1. Application in prescribed format (Form No. I as per Rule) in triplicate.
2. Photo ID card of Employer/Authorized person/ Contractor
3. Partnership deed (in case of partnership firm) / Memorandum of
Association/ Memorandum of Understanding(in case of company) / Joint
Venture/ Limited Liability Partnership (if required)
4. PAN card of the firm
5. Signature of employer/authorized person/ contractor
6. Copy of Challan
7. Particulars of contractor employed
8. Establishment Address Proof (Proof of ownership of building or land/ Rent
Agreement, in case of a shop rental/ Municipal Receipt)
Schedule of fees
No. of Labourers
Fees (in Rs.)








More than 400

Mode of Payment: Treasury Challan/ Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net Banking
Account Head Information for Treasury Challan:
Sub Major Minor
Sub Head
Bill Code
0001 Receipts
Labour and
Receipts from labour
related laws
District Labour Office

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Key Approving
Whether prior inspection
is required for this
Prescribed Timeline for
service delivery (from
date of application)

Labour Superintendent
If required
As prescribed in the act.
Please note that the application processing may take longer if there are queries
on the application.

Inter-State migrant workman means any person who is recruited by or through a contractor in
one State under an agreement or other arrangement for employment in an establishment in
another State.

E.2. Application and approval procedure







Keep the hard copy (for manual application)/ scanned copy (for online application) of all the necessary
documents as per the checklist/ list of prescribed documents mentioned above. Go to Step 2 if you are
applying online or Step 6 for manual application.
Online Application
Register yourself on the website If you are already registered on
the portal then login with the registered user id and password.
Open the application form for Inter-state Migrant Act and fill in the details related to your
Upload all the relevant documents as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the form.
Make payment of necessary application processing fees online using your debit card/ credit card/ net
banking facility. Currently, the application processing fee payment process is not accepted online and
will be enabled shortly.
As online payment is not accepted now, applicant will generate and print the online submitted form
and submit the application form along with Treasury Challan at the office of concerned District
Labour Office. It may be noted that this is a temporary arrangement and will not be required once
online payment is enabled. Go to Step 7.
Manual Application
Fill in the prescribed application Form (Form No. 1 as per the Act.). Attach all the relevant documents
as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the Form at the office of District Labour Office along
with requisite application processing fees in form of Treasury Challan. Go to Step 7.
Primary scrutiny of the application is done by the Clerk. If the form and documents has any
anomalies, clarification is sought from the applicant by Labour Superintendent
In case there is any query the same would be communicated to the applicant by the Labour
Superintendent and a suitable timeline would be given to answer the query. In case there is no
query or the query is resolved within the stipulated time the application would be approved by the
Labour Superintendent.
In case the query is not answered within the stipulated timeline by the applicant the application
would be summarily rejected.
Next, filled application form will be scrutinized by the Labour Superintendent followed by a site
visit if required.

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


In case there is any query the same would be communicated to the applicant and a suitable
timeline would be given to answer the query. In case there is no query or the query is resolved
within the stipulated time the application would be approved and permission would be granted.
In case the query is not answered within the stipulated timeline by the applicant the application
would be summarily rejected.
Once the application is approved the registration certificate is issued to the applicant. In case of online
applications, the certificate can be downloaded from the website after logging into the portal by the

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


Application by a Contractor for Grant of a License for Recruitment The

Bihar Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Service) Rules, 1980

F.1. Introduction
Name of Service
Regulatory Framework
Service Condition (i.e. Who
requires this service?)
Application Method

List of prescribed
documents to be submitted

Application Processing Fee

(if any) and Mode of

Labour Resource Department

Application by a Contractor for Grant of a License for Recruitment The

Bihar Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Service) Rules, 1980
District Magistrate/ Labour Superintendent, District Labour Office
The Inter State Migrant/Workmen (Regulation of employment and
Conditions of Service) Act, 1979;
The Bihar Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Service) Rules, 1980
This registration is required only in case an establishment employs 5 or more
migrant labour
Both Online and Manual; (Please visit the site for making the online application)
1. Application in prescribed format (Form No. IV) with duly signed by
contractor in triplicate.
2. Form No. VI issued by principal employer
3. Name and Address Proof of the Contractor
4. Photo ID card of Contractor
5. Establishment Registration Certificate
6. Name and Address of the Principal Employer
7. Copy of Treasury Challan
8. Partnership deed (in case of partnership firm) / Memorandum of
Association/ Memorandum of Understanding (in case of company) /
Joint Venture/ Limited Liability Partnership (if required)
9. Signature of Contractor
Schedule of fees: Section 12(2) of the Rules
No. of Labourers
Fees (in Rs.)








Above 400
Mode of Payment: Treasury Challan/ Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net Banking
Account Head Information for Treasury Challan:
Sub Major Minor
Bill Code
Labour and
Receipts Receipts

Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Application to be
submitted at: (Manual
Key Approving Authority
Whether prior inspection is
required for this approval
Prescribed Timeline for
service delivery (from date
of application)

District Labour Office

Labour Superintendent
As prescribed in the act.
Please note that the application processing may take longer if there are
queries on the application.

F.2. Application and approval procedure








Keep the hard copy (for manual application)/ scanned copy (for online application) of all the necessary
documents as per the checklist/ list of prescribed documents mentioned above. Go to Step 2 if you are
applying online or Step 6 for manual application.
Online Application
Register yourself on the website If you are already registered on
the portal then login with the registered user id and password.
Open the application form for Inter-state Migrant Act and fill in the details related to your
Upload all the relevant documents as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the form.
Make payment of necessary application processing fees online using your debit card/ credit card/ net
banking facility. Currently, the application processing fee payment process is not accepted online and
will be enabled shortly.
As online payment is not accepted now, applicant will generate and print the online submitted form
and submit the application form along with Treasury Challan at the office of concerned District
Labour Office. It may be noted that this is a temporary arrangement and will not be required once
online payment is enabled. Go to Step 7.
Manual Application
Fill in the prescribed application Form (Form No. IV). Attach all the relevant documents as per the
abovementioned checklist and submit the Form at the District Labour Office along with requisite
application processing fees in form of Treasury Challan. Go to Step 7.
Primary scrutiny of the application is done by the Clerk. If the form and documents has any
anomalies, clarification is sought from the applicant by Labour Superintendent
In case there is any query the same would be communicated to the applicant by the Labour
Superintendent and a suitable timeline would be given to answer the query. In case there is no
query or the query is resolved within the stipulated time the application would be approved by the
Labour Superintendent.
In case the query is not answered within the stipulated timeline by the applicant the application
would be summarily rejected.
Next, filled application form will be scrutinized by the Labour Superintendent followed by a site
visit if required.
In case there is any query the same would be communicated to the applicant and a suitable
timeline would be given to answer the query. In case there is no query or the query is resolved
within the stipulated time the application would be approved and permission would be granted.
In case the query is not answered within the stipulated timeline by the applicant the application
would be summarily rejected.
Once the application is approved the license is issued to the applicant. In case of online applications,
the certificate can be downloaded from the website after logging into the portal by the applicant.

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

G. Registration of employer employing building and other construction workers

under Bihar Building and Other Construction Workers Rules 2005
G.1. Introduction
Name of Service
Regulatory Framework

Service Condition (i.e.

Who requires this
Application Method

List of prescribed
documents to be

Application Processing
Fee (if any) and Mode of

Registration of employer employing building and other construction workers

under Bihar Building and Other Construction Workers Rules 2005
Office of the Labour Superintendent, Labour Resource Department
The Buildings and other construction workers (Regulation of employment and
conditions of service) Act, 1996
The Bihar Building and other construction workers (Regulation of employment
and conditions of service) Rules 2005.
Application for registration by employer employing building or other
construction workers needs to be submitted within 60 days of commencement of
work, along with demand draft of prescribed fee to the Registering Officer
(Labour Superintendent).
Both Online and Manual; (Please visit the site for making the online application)
1. Application in prescribed format (Form No. 1) in triplicate (for manual
2. Demand Draft {as prescribed in Rule 23(2))
3. PAN card of the Firm / Company
4. Legal document regarding place of construction site
5. Address proof of employer/ establishment
6. Letter of Authorization
7. Partnership deed (in case of partnership firm) / Memorandum of
Association/ Memorandum of Understanding (in case of company) / Joint
Venture/ Limited Liability Partnership
Schedule of fees
No. of Labourers
Fees (in Rs.)
100 or less


More than 500


Mode of Payment: Demand Draft (Manual)/ Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net
Banking (Online)
Application to be
submitted at: (Manual
Key Approving
Whether prior inspection
is required for this
Prescribed Timeline for
service delivery (from
date of application)

Office of the Labour Superintendent

Labour Superintendent
If required
15 working days. (Notification No2072 dated 16/07/2015)
Please note that the application processing may take longer if there are queries
on the application.

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

G.2. Application and approval procedure








Keep the hard copy (for manual application)/ scanned copy (for online application) of all the necessary
documents as per the checklist/ list of prescribed documents mentioned above. Go to Step 2 if you are
applying online or Step 6 for manual application.
Online Application
Register yourself on the website If you are already registered on
the portal then login with the registered user id and password.
Open the application form for Application for Registration of Establishments Employing
Building Workers and fill in the details related to your establishment.
Upload all the relevant documents as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the form.
Make payment of necessary application processing fees online using your debit card/ credit card/ net
banking facility. Currently, the application processing fee payment process is not accepted online and
will be enabled shortly.
As online payment is not accepted now, applicant will generate and print the online submitted form
and submit the application form along with Demand Draft at the office of concerned District Labour
Office. It may be noted that this is a temporary arrangement and will not be required once online
payment is enabled. Go to Step 7.
Manual Application
Fill in the prescribed application Form (Form No. 1 as per the Act.). Attach all the relevant documents
as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the Form at the office of District Labour Office along
with requisite application processing fees in form of Demand Draft. Go to Step 7.
Primary scrutiny of the application is done by the Clerk. If the form and documents has any
anomalies, clarification is sought from the applicant by Labour Superintendent
In case there is any query the same would be communicated to the applicant by the Labour
Superintendent and a suitable timeline would be given to answer the query. In case there is no
query or the query is resolved within the stipulated time the application would be approved by the
Labour Superintendent.
In case the query is not answered within the stipulated timeline by the applicant the application
would be summarily rejected.
Next, filled application form will be scrutinized by the Labour Superintendent followed by a site
visit if required.
In case there is any query the same would be communicated to the applicant and a suitable
timeline would be given to answer the query. In case there is no query or the query is resolved
within the stipulated time the application would be approved and permission would be granted.
In case the query is not answered within the stipulated timeline by the applicant the application
would be summarily rejected.
Once the application is approved the registration certificate can be collected from the District Labour
Office or will be intimated to the applicant to collect the registration certificate.. In case of online
applications, the certificate can be downloaded from the website after logging into the portal by the

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Pre-Operation Stage: Starting operation of

business/ industrial unit

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


Registration and grant of license under The Factories Act, 1948

Name of Service

Registration and grant of license under The Factories Act, 1948


Chief Inspector of Factories, Labour Wing, Labour Resource Department

The Factories Act, 1948
The Bihar Factories Rules, 1950

Regulatory Framework
Service Condition (i.e.
Who requires this
Application Method

List of prescribed
documents to be

Application Processing
Fee (if any) and Mode of

Labour Resource Department

Businesses, industries who wish to register his factory under the Factories Act,
Both Online and Manual; (Please visit the site for making the online application)
1. Application in prescribed format (Form No. 2)
2. Treasury challan of requisite fee
3. Land papers of the factory/ Proof of ownership of land (Copy of registered
sale deed, lease deed and rent agreement). In case of lease deed or rent
agreement, consent of the owner of the land.
4. Company related documents in case of public limited company: (i) List of
Board of Directors, (ii) Memorandum and Article of Association, (iii)
Board of Directors resolution regarding appointment of occupier of the
factory under section 2(n) of the Factories Act, 1948 and occupier must be
a member of the board.
5. In case of proprietary firm: No extra document
6. In case of partnership firm: Partnership deed with list of partners
7. In case of Government/ Government owned/undertaking factories, letter
of appointment of occupier from the concerned Ministry
8. NOC/ Consent to Operate from Bihar State Pollution Control Board
9. List of plant and machinery
10. List of raw materials
11. Detailed Project Report (DPR)
12. NOC/License from concerned department/authority in case of saw mills,
peeling of wood logs factories, explosive factory, arms and ammunition
factory, drug and pharmaceuticals factory, brick kilns and stone crusher.
13. In case of Industries involving hazardous process (First Schedule of
Factories Act, 1948). Application for site appraisal in format prescribed
under rule 62 AH of Bihar Factory Rule 1950. After site appraisal and
approval application for map approval has to be submitted.
14. ID Proof (Aadhar Card/ PAN Card)
15. Any other documents specifically requested by IF/Deputy IF/CIF (based
on the nature of manufacturing process)
Refer to the schedule of fees provided
Mode of Payment: Treasury Challan/ Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net Banking
Account Head Information for Treasury Challan:
Minor Head Sub Head
Bill Code
104 Fees
0001 - Fees R0230001040001
Labour and

Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


Application to be
submitted at: (Manual
Key Approving Authority
Whether prior inspection
is required for this
Prescribed Timeline for
service delivery (from
date of application)



Chief Inspector of Factories
15 working days. (Notification No2072 dated 16/07/2015)
Please note that the application processing may take longer if there are queries
on the application.


The Registration/License once obtained is valid for 5 years.

H.2.Application and approval procedure



Keep the hard copy (for manual application)/ scanned copy (for online application) of all the
necessary documents as per the checklist/ list of prescribed documents mentioned above. Go to Step
2 if you are applying online or Step 6 for manual application.


Online Application
Register yourself on the website If you are already registered
on the portal then login with the registered user id and password.


Open the application form for Application for Factory Registration and Renewal and fill in the
details related to your factory.


Upload all the relevant documents as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the form.


Make payment of necessary application processing fees online using your debit card/ credit card/ net
banking facility. Currently, the application processing fee payment process is not accepted online and
will be enabled shortly.
As online payment is not accepted now, applicant will generate and print the online submitted form
and submit the application form along with Treasury Challan at the office of concerned Inspector of
Factories. It may be noted that this is a temporary arrangement and will not be required once online
payment is enabled. Go to Step 7.


Manual Application

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Fill in the prescribed application Form (Form No. 2 as per the Act.). Attach all the relevant
documents as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the Form at the office of concerned
Inspector of Factories along with requisite application processing fees in form of Treasury Challan.
Go to Step 7.

Primary scrutiny of the application is done by the office clerk and is forwarded to the concerned
Inspector of Factories.


Filled Application Form will be scrutinized by the Inspector of Factories followed by site visit.

In case there is any query the same would be communicated to the applicant and a suitable
timeline would be given to answer the query. In case there is no query or the query is resolved
within the stipulated time the application would be approved by the Inspector of Factories and
forwarded to the Chief Inspector of Factories along with his recommendations.

In case the query is not answered within the stipulated timeline by the applicant the application
would be summarily rejected.


Next, filled in application form will be scrutinized by the Chief Inspector of Factories and a
registration number is allotted and sent to the concerned Inspector of Factories.


Inspector of Factories will issue a license (as prescribed in Form 4) based on the allotted registration


The license would be sent to the office of the applicant by the concerned Inspector of Factories. In
case of online applications, the certificate can be downloaded from the website after logging into the
portal by the applicant.

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

I. Registration of Shops & Establishments under the Bihar Shop &

Establishment Act, 1953 & Bihar Shop & Establishment Rules, 1955
I.1. Introduction
Name of Service
Regulatory Framework
Service Condition (i.e. Who
requires this service?)
Application Method

List of prescribed
documents to be submitted

Application Processing Fee

(if any) and Mode of

Application to be submitted
at: (Manual application)
Key Approving Authority
Whether prior inspection is
required for this approval
Labour Resource Department

Registration of Shops & Establishments under the Bihar Shop &

Establishment Act, 1953 & Bihar Shop & Establishment Rules, 1955.
Labour Superintendent / District Labour Office
Bihar Shop & Establishment Act, 1953 & Bihar Shop & Establishment
Rules, 1955.
Any shops and establishment as defined in the said Act.
Both Online and Manual; (Please visit the site for making the online application)
1. Application in prescribed format (Form 1)
2. Photo ID card of Employer
3. Signature with Designation of the Employer
4. Land/ Holding Details where shop is established/running ( Proof of
ownership of building or land/ Rent Agreement, in case of a shop rental/
Municipal Receipt)
5. Proof of opening of establishment
6. Service card of employees (Optional)
7. Declaration regards non-registration of establishment
8. Partnership deed (in case of partnership firm) / Memorandum and
Article of Association (in case of company) / MOU / Joint Venture
9. Letter of Authorization
10. Affidavit in prescribed format regarding authenticity and correctness of
information/ documents
11. Postal Order/ Treasury Challan
12. Relevant documents issued from concerned authority (if required) for
example drug license in case of medicine shop, RBI license in case of
NBFC/FI etc.
Schedule of fees: Rule 3(2) of the 1953 Rules
Mode of Payment: Treasury Challan/ Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net Banking
Account Head Information for Treasury Challan:
Sub Major Minor
Bill Code
Labour and
Receipts Receipts
District Labour Office
Labour Superintendent
If required (not mandatory)


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Prescribed Timeline for

service delivery (from date
of application)

15 working days. (Notification No2072 dated 16/07/2015)

Please note that the application processing may take longer if there are
queries on the application.

The Registration/License once obtained is valid for life and doesnt require any periodic






Keep the hard copy (for manual application)/ scanned copy (for online application) of all the necessary
documents as per the checklist/ list of prescribed documents mentioned above. Go to Step 2 if you are
applying online or Step 6 for manual application.
Online Application
Register yourself on the website If you are already registered on
the portal then login with the registered user id and password.
Open the application form for Registration of Shops under Bihar Shops and Establishment Act and fill
in the details related to your establishment.
Upload all the relevant documents as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the form.
Make payment of necessary application processing fees online using your debit card/ credit card/ net
banking facility. Currently, the application processing fee payment process is not accepted online and
will be enabled shortly.
As online payment is not accepted now, applicant will generate and print the online submitted form and
submit the application form along with Postal Order/ Treasury Challan at the office of concerned
District Labour Office. It may be noted that this is a temporary arrangement and will not be required
once online payment is enabled. Go to Step 7.
Manual Application
Fill in the prescribed application Form (Form No. 1 as per the Act.). Attach all the relevant documents as
per the abovementioned checklist and submit the Form at the office of concerned District Labour Office
along with requisite application processing fees in form of Postal Order/ Treasury Challan. Go to Step
Primary scrutiny of the application is done by the Clerk. If the form has any anomalies, clarification is
sought from the applicant by Labour Superintendent.
Next, filled application form will be scrutinized by the Labour Superintendent followed by a site
visit if required.
In case there is any query the same would be communicated to the applicant and a suitable timeline
would be given to answer the query. In case there is no query or the query is resolved within the
stipulated time the application would be approved and permission would be granted.
In case the query is not answered within the stipulated timeline by the applicant the application
would be summarily rejected.
Once the application is approved the registration certificate can be collected or would be sent to the
applicant by registered post (if requested by applicant). In case of online applications, the certificate can
be downloaded from the website after logging into the portal by the applicant.

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


Registration and Certification of Boilers under the Boilers Act, 1923

J.1. Introduction
Name of Service

Registration and Certification of Boilers under the Boilers Act, 1923


Chief Inspector of Boilers, Bihar

The Boilers Act, 1923
The Indian Boiler Regulation, 1950
Businesses, industries who wish to obtain the boilers certificate and install
them for their factory.
Both Online and Manual; (Please visit the site for making the online application)
1. Application in prescribed form under Regulation/ Rules
2. Certificate and Drawings as per standard requirements
3. *Form B No. 1
4. *Form II (1): Inspection Authorities Certificate of inspection During
5. *Form III: Works Address
6. *Form IIIA: Certificate of Manufacture and test for Pipes
7. *Form IIIB: Certificate of Manufacture and test for Tubes
8. *Form IIIC: Certificate of Manufacture and test of boiler mountings
and fitting
9. *Form IV: Steel Maker's Certificate of Manufacture and test
10. Layout of drawings in isometric view of steam pipeline and feed
pipeline (in Triplicate)
11. Copy of Treasury Challan
12. Notice C
13. Design Data Book
14. Boiler Pressure Parts drawing
15. Design Calculations
16. Owners declaration as per the Act

Regulatory Framework
Service Condition (i.e. Who
requires this service?)
Application Method

List of prescribed documents

to be submitted

Application Processing Fee (if

any) and Mode of Payment

Application to be submitted
Labour Resource Department

In case of boiler ownership transfer:

1. Form I Memorandum of Inspection Book
2. Transportation advice
3. Transfer letter issued by Chief Inspector of Boilers of that State
*As prescribed under the Boilers Act 1923
Refer to the schedule of fees provided
Mode of Payment: Treasury Challan/ Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net
Account Head Information for Treasury Challan:
Bill Code
103 Fees 0001 R0230001030001
Labour and
Fees for
inspection inspection
of steam
of steam

Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

at: (Manual application)

Key Approving Authority
Whether prior inspection is
required for this approval
Prescribed Timeline for
service delivery (from date of

Chief Inspector of Boilers

15 working days. (Notification No2072 dated 16/07/2015)
Please note that the application processing may take longer if there are
queries on the application. It may be noted that Section 7 of the Boilers
Act, 1923, provides timeline of 30 days for registration of boiler but as per
abovementioned notification, the said timeline has been reduced to 15
working days.

J.2. Application and approval procedure



Keep the hard copy (for manual application)/ scanned copy (for online application) of all the necessary
documents as per the checklist/ list of prescribed documents mentioned above. Go to Step 2 if you are
applying online or Step 6 for manual application.


Online Application
Register yourself on the website If you are already registered on
the portal then login with the registered user id and password.


Open the application form for Application for The Inspection of Boilers and Steam Pipes Under The
Indian Boilers Act V of 1923 and fill in the details related to your boiler.


Upload all the relevant documents as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the form online.


Make payment of necessary application processing fees online using your debit card/ credit card/ net
banking facility. Currently, the application processing fee payment process is not accepted online and
will be enabled shortly.
As online payment is not accepted now, applicant will generate and print the online submitted form and
submit the application form along with treasury challan at the concerned office of Inspector. It may be
noted that this is a temporary arrangement and will not be required once online payment is enabled. Go
to Step 7.


Manual Application
Owner to apply to Inspector in application form (B - No. 1 Div. 1) of Bihar Boilers Rule, 1936 along
with documents containing certificates and drawings or specifications required under Regulation 4 (c )
and registration fee prescribed under Regulation 385. In the application, owner is to state the date on
which the boiler will be ready for inspection. Owner will have pay extra fee, if any chargeable under
sub-rule (6) and/ or sub rule (7) of rule of Bihar Boilers Rules, 1936.
Attach all the relevant documents as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the form at the
concerned office of Inspector for inspection and hydraulic testing, steam testing to permit for use
thereof along with requisite application processing fees in form of treasury challan. Go to Step 7.


Application processing will be allotted to an inspector who will be responsible for processing and
Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

approval of the application.


Drawings of steam pipes as well as feed pipes to be connected with the boiler in three sets and the test
certificates of pipes & fittings are to be submitted to the Chief Inspector of Boilers along with scrutiny
and approval fee (vide Regulation 395 and 395 B) for inspection and hydraulic testing to permit for use


On receipt of piping drawings, Chief Inspector of Boilers is to scrutinize and approve drawings within
five days and return two sets of approved drawings to owner. Any change in arrangements of piping are
remarked in the drawings.


Filled Application Form will be scrutinized by the concerned Inspector and an inspection date will
be intimated to the applicant. The inspection date has to be within thirty days or such shorter period
for inspection of boilers and steam pipes. The inspector has to give to owner at least 10 days notice
(in Form C of Bihar Boilers Rules, 1936) of the date so fixed. The notice contains guidelines to
owners for preparation of boiler for thorough inspection and hydraulic testing.

On the date fixed, inspector will conduct inspection of boilers thoroughly and witness hydraulic test
as per Regulation and forward a report of the inspection along with documents to the Chief
Inspector of Boilers within seven days. Hydraulic test is to be carried out on some other date if not
possible on the date of thorough inspection.

After satisfactory hydraulic test, a provisional order (in Form V) is granted to owner for use of the

Steam pipes as well as feed pipes are to be inspected for their layout as per the approved drawings
and check radiography films of welding joints and stress relieving charts if any or witness hydraulic
test if found satisfactory, permission is granted for use of such pipes.

The steam test may be taken at any convenient time within the period of provisioned order after
which if test is satisfactory, the certificate under Section 7 shall be issued.

In case there is any query the same would be communicated to the applicant and a suitable timeline
would be given to answer the query. In case there is no query or the query is resolved within the
stipulated time, Inspector to submit declaration in application form (B No. 1) to the Chief Inspector
of Boilers and make entry of inspection note in the Memorandum of Inspection Book.

In case the query is not answered within the stipulated timeline by the applicant the application
would be summarily rejected.

Next, filled application form along with inspection report will be scrutinized by the Chief Inspector
of Boilers.

In case of satisfactory report of Inspector, Chief Inspector of Boilers registers the boilers and
assigns a Registration Number forthwith or after satisfying with the compliance of any rectification
deemed necessary by him. The Chief Inspector of Boilers on registering the boilers, will issue an
order to the owner a certificate in Form VI authorizing the use of the boiler for a maximum period
of twelve months.

After assigning the registration number (to be marked upon the boiler) by Chief Inspector of
Boilers, the inspector will be informed to verify the same within prescribed timeline from the date
of assignment of registration number.


Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


Inspector to submit declaration in Application Form B. No. 1 to the Chief Inspector and make entry of
inspector note in the Memorandum of Inspection book.


The Chief Inspector of Boilers after checking the declaration of Inspector, may return to Inspector for
preparation of certificates for use of boiler in prescribed form.


On receipt of declaration duly checked by the Chief Inspector of Boilers, Inspector is to prepare
certificates in prescribed Form VI and put his signature in it. The certificate with declaration should be
sent to the CIB office.


The certificate is issued to the owner from the head office of the Chief Inspector after being
countersigned by him for use of boiler.

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


Renewal of license under The Factories Act, 1948 {only for 2m(i) & 2m(ii)}

K.1. Introduction
Name of Service
Regulatory Framework
Service Condition (i.e. Who
requires this service?)
Application Method

List of prescribed documents

to be submitted

Application Processing Fee (if

any) and Mode of Payment

Application to be submitted at:

(Manual application)
Key Approving Authority
Whether prior inspection is
required for this approval
Prescribed Timeline for
service delivery (from date of

Labour Resource Department

Renewal of license under The Factories Act, 1948 {only for 2m(i) &
Chief Inspector of Factories, Labour Wing, Labour Resource
The Factories Act, 1948
The Bihar Factories Rules, 1950
Businesses, industries who wish to renew the license before expiry of
the factory license
Both Online and Manual; (Please visit the site for making the online
1. Application in prescribed format (Form No. 2)
2. Treasury challan of requisite fee or through online payment
3. List of directors with residential address
4. List of partners with residential address
5. ID Proof of the authorized representative (Aadhar Card/ PAN Card)
Refer to the schedule of fees provided
Mode of Payment: Treasury Challan/ Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net
Account Head Information for Treasury Challan:
Bill Code
0001 R0230001040001
Labour and
recovered collected
Inspector of Factories
Chief Inspector of Factories
15 working days. (Notification No2072 dated 16/07/2015)
Please note that the application processing may take longer if there are
queries on the application.


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

K.2. Application and approval procedure



Keep the hard copy (for manual application)/ scanned copy (for online application) of all the
necessary documents as per the checklist/ list of prescribed documents mentioned above. Go to Step 2
if you are applying online or Step 6 for manual application.


Online Application
Register yourself on the website If you are already registered on
the portal then login with the registered user id and password.


Open the application form for Application for Factory Registration and Renewal and fill in the
details related to your factory.


Upload all the relevant documents as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the form.


Make payment of necessary application processing fees online using your debit card/ credit card/ net
banking facility. Currently, the application processing fee payment process is not accepted online and
will be enabled shortly.
As online payment is not accepted now, applicant will generate and print the online submitted form
and submit the application form along with Treasury Challan at the office of concerned Inspector of
Factories. It may be noted that this is a temporary arrangement and will not be required once online
payment is enabled. Go to Step 7.


Manual Application
Fill in the prescribed application Form (Form No. 2 as per the Act.). Attach all the relevant documents
as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the Form at the office of concerned Inspector of
Factories along with requisite application processing fees in form of Treasury Challan. Go to Step 7.


Primary scrutiny of the application is done by the office clerk and forwarded to the Inspector of


Filled application form will be scrutinized by the Inspector of Factories. If there are anomalies/
compliance issues, Inspector of Factories will communicate to the Applicant for making necessary
If there are no compliance issues or compliance is achieved after necessary correction, renewal license
will be issued in Form 4. Inspector of Factories will inform CIF about the renewal license issued to the

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


Amendment of factory license under The Factories Act, 1948

L.1. Introduction
Name of Service

Amendment of factory license under The Factories Act, 1948


Chief Inspector of Factories, Labour Wing, Labour Resource Department

The Factories Act, 1948
The Bihar Factories Rules, 1950
Businesses, industries who wish to amend the factory licenses if there are
changes in factory operation, processes etc.
Both Online and Manual; (Please visit the site for making the online application)
1. Application in prescribed format (Form No. 2)
2. Treasury challan of requisite fee or through an online payment
3. Other documents as per the nature of amendment
Refer to the schedule of fees provided
Mode of Payment: Treasury Challan/ Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net
Account Head Information for Treasury Challan:
Bill Code
0001 R0230001040001
Labour and
recovered collected

Regulatory Framework
Service Condition (i.e. Who
requires this service?)
Application Method
List of prescribed documents
to be submitted

Application Processing Fee (if

any) and Mode of Payment

Application to be submitted
at: (Manual application)
Key Approving Authority
Whether prior inspection is
required for this approval
Prescribed Timeline for
service delivery (from date of

Inspector of Factories
Chief Inspector of Factories
15 working days. (Notification No2072 dated 16/07/2015)
Please note that the application processing may take longer if there are
queries on the application.

L.2. Application and approval procedure



Keep the hard copy (for manual application)/ scanned copy (for online application) of all the
necessary documents as per the checklist/ list of prescribed documents mentioned above. Go to Step 2
if you are applying online or Step 6 for manual application.


Online Application

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Register yourself on the website If you are already registered on

the portal then login with the registered user id and password.

Open the application form for Application for Factory Registration and Renewal and fill in the
details related to your factory.


Upload all the relevant documents as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the form.


Make payment of necessary application processing fees online using your debit card/ credit card/ net
banking facility. Currently, the application processing fee payment process is not accepted online and
will be enabled shortly.
As online payment is not accepted now, applicant will generate and print the online submitted form
and submit the application form along with Treasury Challan at the office of concerned Inspector of
Factories. It may be noted that this is a temporary arrangement and will not be required once online
payment is enabled. Go to Step 7.


Manual Application
Fill in the prescribed application Form (Form No. 2 as per the Act.). Attach all the relevant documents
as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the Form at the office of concerned Inspector of
Factories along with requisite application processing fees in form of Treasury Challan. Go to Step 7.


Primary scrutiny of the application is done by the office clerk. If the form has anomalies, clarification
is sought from the applicant by the concerned Inspector of Factories.
If the application is in order, the application will be allotted to an inspector who will be responsible for
processing of the application.


Filled Application Form will be scrutinized by the Inspector of Factories followed by site visit.
Site visit is optional and will be based on nature of amendment to the factory license.

In case there is any query the same would be communicated to the applicant and a suitable
timeline would be given to answer the query. In case there is no query or the query is resolved
within the stipulated time the application would be approved by the Inspector of Factories and
forwarded to the Chief Inspector of Factories along with his recommendations.

In case the query is not answered within the stipulated timeline by the applicant the application
would be summarily rejected.


Next, filled in application form will be scrutinized by the Chief Inspector of Factories and a
permission letter to Inspector of Factories will be issued for necessary amendment.


Inspector of Factories will issue a license (in Form IV) based on the approved application and
permission letter from CIF.


The license would be sent to the office of the applicant by the concerned Inspector of Factories. In
case of online applications, the certificate can be downloaded from the website after logging into the
portal by the applicant.

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


Renewal of Certificate of Boilers under The Boilers Act, 1923


Name of Service

Renewal of Certificate of Boilers under the Boilers Act, 1923


Chief Inspector of Boilers, Bihar

The Boilers Act, 1923
The Indian Boiler Regulation, 1950

Regulatory Framework
Service Condition (i.e. Who
requires this service?)
Application Method

List of prescribed documents

to be submitted

Application Processing Fee (if

any) and Mode of Payment

Application to be submitted
at: (Manual application)
Key Approving Authority
Whether prior inspection is
required for this approval
Prescribed Timeline for
service delivery (from date of


Businesses, industries who wish to renew the boilers certificate.

Both Online and Manual; (Please visit the site for making the online application)
1. Application in prescribed form under Regulation/ Rules (Form B No.
2. Form B No. 2
3. Copy of Treasury Challan
4. Form C
5. Form V
6. Form VI
Refer to the schedule of fees provided
Mode of Payment: Treasury Challan/ Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net
Account Head Information for Treasury Challan:
Bill Code
0001 R0230001030001
Labour and
Fees for
Fees for
inspection inspection
of steam
of steam
Chief Inspector of Boilers, Bihar
15 working days. (Notification No2072 dated 16/07/2015)
Please note that the application processing may take longer if there are
queries on the application.

Application and approval procedure



Keep the hard copy (for manual application)/ scanned copy (for online application) of all the necessary
documents as per the checklist/ list of prescribed documents mentioned above. Go to Step 2 if you are
Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

applying online or Step 6 for manual application.


Online Application
Register yourself on the website If you are already registered on
the portal then login with the registered user id and password.
Open the application form for Application for The Inspection of Boilers and Steam Pipes Under The


Indian Boilers Act V of 1923 and fill in the details related to your boiler.

Upload all the relevant documents as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the form.


Make payment of necessary application processing fees online using your debit card/ credit card/ net
banking facility. Currently, the application processing fee payment process is not accepted online and
will be enabled shortly.
As online payment is not accepted now, applicant will generate and print the online submitted form and
submit the application form along with treasury challan at the concerned office of Inspector, Boilers. It
may be noted that this is a temporary arrangement and will not be required once online payment is
enabled. Go to Step 7.


Manual Application
Owner applies to Inspector in application form (B No. 1, Div - 1) of Bihar Boilers Rule, 1936 along
with application fees (prescribed under Rule 4(1)(b) of the same rules) and checklist of documents
prescribed under Rule and Regulation of 385A of Indian Boiler Regulation. In the application, owner is
to state the date on which the boiled will be ready for inspection. Owner is to pay extra fees (if any)
chargeable under sub-rule (6) and/or sub-rule (7) of Rule 4 of the said rules.


On receipt of application, if the date of inspection stated in the application by the owner is unsuitable,
the inspector is to fix a date within 15 days for inspection of boilers and is to give the owner at least 10
days notice in Form C of the date so fixed. The notice contains guidelines to owner for preparation of
boilers for thorough inspection and hydraulic test.
On the date fixed, inspector is to the inspect the boiler thoroughly and witness hydraulic test as per
regulation. After satisfactory hydraulic test, a provision order in Form V is granted to owner for use of
the boiler.
Inspector is to submit declaration in application form (B No.1 ) to the chief inspector and make entry of
inspection note in the Memorandum of Inspection Book.


Chief Inspector is to check the declaration and may order for issue of certificate.
The Chief Inspector checking the declaration of inspector may return to inspector for preparation of
certificates for use of boilers in prescribed form.


On receipt of declaration duly checked by the Chief Inspector of Boilers, Inspector is to prepare
certificates in prescribed Form VI and put his signature in it. The certificate with declaration should be
sent to the CIB office.


The certificate is to be issued to the owner from the head office of the Chief Inspector after being
countersigned by him for use of boiler.

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Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

N. Renewal of License for contractors under provision of The Contracts Labour

(Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and the Bihar Contract Labour
(Regulation &Abolition) Rules, 1972
N.1. Introduction
Name of Service
Regulatory Framework
Service Condition (i.e.
Who requires this
Application Method
List of prescribed
documents to be

Application Processing
Fee (if any) and Mode of

Application to be
submitted at: (Manual
Key Approving

Renewal of License for contractors under provision of The Contracts Labour

(Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 the Bihar Contract Labour (Regulation
&Abolition) Rules, 1972
District Labour Office
The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970
The Bihar Contract Labour (Regulation &Abolition) Rules, 1972
Renewal is required only when period of operation exceeds more than 1 year.
Both Online and Manual; (Please visit the site for making the online application)
1. Application in prescribed format (Form No. VII) duly signed by contractor
2. Copy of Treasury Challan
3. Signature of Contractor
4. Proof of extension of Work Order (if it is in progress)
Schedule of fees
No. of Labourers
Fees (in Rs.)






401 or more
Mode of Payment: Treasury Challan/ Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net Banking
Account Head Information for Treasury Challan:
Sub Major Minor
Sub Head
Bill Code
106 Fee
Labour and
(Regulation &
District Labour Office
Labour Superintendent

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Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Whether prior
inspection is required
for this approval
Prescribed Timeline for
service delivery (from
date of application)

Not Mandatory
15 working days. (Notification No2072 dated 16/07/2015)
Please note that the application processing may take longer if there are queries
on the application.

N.2. Application and approval procedure








Keep the hard copy (for manual application)/ scanned copy (for online application) of all the necessary
documents as per the checklist/ list of prescribed documents mentioned above. Go to Step 2 if you are
applying online or Step 6 for manual application.
Online Application
Register yourself on the website If you are already registered on
the portal then login with the registered user id and password.
Open the application form for Issue of registration/ license under Contract Labour Act, 1970 and fill
in the details related to your establishment.
Upload all the relevant documents as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the form.
Make payment of necessary application processing fees online using your debit card/ credit card/ net
banking facility. Currently, the application processing fee payment process is not accepted online and
will be enabled shortly.
As online payment is not accepted now, applicant will generate and print the online submitted form and
submit the application form along with Treasury Challan at the office of concerned District Labour
Office. It may be noted that this is a temporary arrangement and will not be required once online
payment is enabled. Go to Step 7.
Manual Application
Fill in the prescribed application Form (Form No. VII as per the Act.). Attach all the relevant
documents as per the abovementioned checklist and submit the Form at the office of Labour
Superintendent along with requisite application processing fees in form of Treasury Challan etc. Go to
Step 7.
Primary scrutiny of the application is done by the Clerk. If the form and documents has any
anomalies, clarification is sought from the applicant by Labour Superintendent
In case there is any query the same would be communicated to the applicant by the Labour
Superintendent and a suitable timeline would be given to answer the query. In case there is no query
or the query is resolved within the stipulated time the application would be approved by the Labour
In case the query is not answered within the stipulated timeline by the applicant the application
would be summarily rejected.
Next, filled application form will be scrutinized by the Labour Superintendent followed by a site
visit if required.
In case there is any query the same would be communicated to the applicant and a suitable timeline
would be given to answer the query. In case there is no query or the query is resolved within the
stipulated time the application would be approved and permission would be granted.
In case the query is not answered within the stipulated timeline by the applicant the application
would be summarily rejected.
Once the application is approved the license will be issued to the applicant. In case of online
applications, the certificate can be downloaded from the website after logging into the portal by the

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Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Compliance Inspection of business/ industrial unit

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Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


Compliance Inspections under The Factories Act, 1948

O.1. Introduction
Name of Service
Regulatory Framework
Service Condition
Competent Authority for
conducting the site inspection

Compliance inspection under the Factories Act, 1948

Chief Inspector of Factories, Labour Wing, Labour Resource Department
The Factories Act, 1948
The Bihar Factories Rules, 1950
Regular inspection
Based on the complaints received from citizen/ workers etc. regarding
non-compliance to terms and conditions etc.

O.2. Inspection Procedure



Inspectorate of Factories communicates identified list of factories, date of inspection including
allocation of inspectors. Date of inspection is also informed to the factory owner/ employer.
Inspector prepares a brief status of the concerned company before due date of inspection
Inspector conducts visit to the factory and hold preliminary discussion with the factory owner/ employer
and workers.
Inspector validates the following documents/ records and collects copy of the same if required.
a. Display of Factory License Number on the main entrance and factory name
b. Factory Plan Approval
c. Factory Registration/ Licensing/ Renewal/ Amendment
d. Review of health, safety and other facilities as applicable
e. Compulsory disclosure of information by the occupier
f. Health record of workers
g. Material safety data sheet
h. Record on appointment of qualified welfare officers, safety officer and working of safety committee
i. Holiday registers
j. Overtime Register
k. Display of notice of period of work
l. Register of adult workers
m. Identity card in prescribed format
n. Annual leave with wages register
o. Health register
p. OT Slips/ Register
q. Leave Book
r. Muster Roll
s. Register of accidents
t. Abstract of Factories Act and rules on display
u. Any other queries regarding compliances of the Act
Inspector after completing the review and discussion, briefs the factory owner/ employer about his
Manual submission of inspection report
Inspector submits the report to Chief Inspector of Factories with his recommendation for initiating
necessary actions (if applicable)
Online submission of inspection report (To be operationalized soon)
Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Inspector submits the report online through the portal to Chief Inspector of Factories with his
recommendation for initiating necessary actions (if applicable)
7. For any non-compliance, Chief Inspector of Factories/ Inspector issues a show-cause notice to the
factory owner/ employer to provide necessary clarification/ documentations for compliance within the
prescribed timeline.
8. Factory owner/ employer submits necessary clarification/ documentation for compliance within
prescribed timeline.
If necessary clarification/ documentation for compliance is not submitted within the prescribed timeline,
another reminder letter is issued. If the factory owner/ employer do not submit necessary document then
please go to Step 10.
9. Chief Inspector of Factories/ Inspector reviews the clarification/ documentations submitted for
compliance and assess its adequacy. If the clarifications/ documentations are adequate, then the closure
report is filed.
10. If the clarifications/ documentations are not adequate, Prosecution proposal is prepared by the Inspector
and submitted to Chief Inspector of Factories for sanction. Chief Inspector of Factories reviews the
application and accord necessary sanction. After sanction, Inspector of Factories initiates the prosecution
in the court of Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM).

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


Compliance Inspection under The Shops and Establishments Act

P.1. Introduction

Name of Service
Regulatory Framework

Service Condition

Competent Authority for

conducting the site inspection

Compliance of service conditions of employee and registration of the

shops & establishment under the Bihar Shop & Establishment Act, 1953
& Bihar Shop & Establishment Rules, 1955
Labour Superintendent/ District Labour Office
The Bihar Shop & Establishment Act, 1953
The Bihar Shop & Establishment Rules, 1955
Regular inspection of shops and establishment as defined in the said
Based on the complaints received from citizen/ workers/Trade Union
and any complaint by authority regarding non-compliance to terms
and conditions etc.
If the shops/ establishment is not registered with the Department
Labour Superintendent

P.2. Inspection Procedure




District Labour office identifies/ prepares a list of shop and establishment for compliance inspection
including allocation of inspectors (if required). Date of inspection may not be informed to the
shop/establishment owner.
Concerned inspector prepares a brief status of the concerned shop and establishment before due date of
Inspector conducts visit to the shop and establishment and hold preliminary discussion with the shop and
establishment owner/ employer and workers.
Inspector validates the following documents/ records and collects copy of the same if required.
a. Public display of Registration Certificate
b. Form 7 & 8
c. Public display of holiday list
d. Notice of period of work display
e. Payment Record/ Register
f. Holiday registers/ Leave Book
g. Overtime Register
h. Service card in prescribed format
i. Annual leave with wages register
j. OT Register
k. Muster Roll
l. Previous Inspector Report/ Records
m. Any other queries regarding compliances of the Act
Inspector after completing the review and discussion briefs the shop & establishment owner/ employer
about his findings.
Manual submission of inspection report
Inspector prepare and submits the inspection may report (in prescribed proforma) to the higher authority
with his recommendation for initiating necessary actions (if applicable)
Online submission of inspection report (To be operationalized soon)
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Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Inspector shall upload the inspection report online through the portal with his recommendation for
initiating necessary actions (if applicable)
7. For any non-compliance, Labour Superintendent / Inspector issues a show-cause notice to the shop &
establishment owner/ employer to provide necessary clarification/ documentations for compliance within
the prescribed timeline.
8. Owner/ employer/Management submit necessary clarification/ documentation for compliance within
prescribed timeline.
If necessary clarification/ documentation for compliance are not submitted within the prescribed
timeline, please go to Step 10.
9. Labour Superintendent / Inspector review the clarification/ documentations submitted for compliance
and assess its adequacy. If the clarifications/ documentations are adequate, then the closure report is
10. If the clarifications/ documentations are not adequate, Labour Superintendent / Inspector will initiate the
prosecution in court of Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM).
For the recovery of any amount due, Inspector/employee may file claim in appropriate court.

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


Compliance Inspection under The Minimum Wages Act, 1948

Q.1. Introduction
Name of Service

Compliance inspection under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948

Regulatory Framework

District Labour Office

The Minimum Wages Act
Regular inspection of the establishment as defined in the said Act
Based on the complaints received from citizen/ workers/Trade
Unions/ random inspection / any complaint by authority regarding
non-compliance to terms and conditions and non-payment of
minimum wages
If the employer is not paying minimum wages as prescribed

Service Condition

Competent Authority for

conducting the site inspection

Inspectors (as defined under the Act)

Q.2. Inspection Procedure






District Labour office identifies/ prepares a list of shops and establishment/factories etc. for compliance
inspection including allocation of inspectors (if required). Date of inspection may not be informed to the
Concerned inspector prepares a brief status of the shops and establishment/factories etc. before due date
of inspection
Inspector conducts visit to the shops and establishment/factories etc. and hold preliminary discussion
with the employer and workers.
Inspector validates the following documents/ records and collects copy of the same if required.
a. Muster Roll
b. Payment Record/ Register
c. Holiday registers/ Leave Register
d. Overtime Register
e. Wage slip in prescribed format
f. OT Register
g. Public display of Name of Inspector
h. Public display of abstract of rules
i. Any other queries regarding compliances of the Act
Inspector obtains statement from workers on the working hours, wages paid etc.
Inspector after completing the review and discussion briefs the employer about his findings.
Manual submission of inspection report
Inspector prepare and submits the inspection report (in prescribed proforma) to the higher authority (if
required) with his recommendation for initiating necessary actions (if applicable)
Online submission of inspection report (To be operationalized soon)
Inspector shall upload the inspection report online through the portal with his recommendation for
initiating necessary actions (if applicable)
For any non-compliance, Labour Superintendent / Inspector issues a show-cause notice to the shop &
establishment owner/ employer to provide necessary clarification/ documentations for compliance within
the prescribed timeline.
Owner/ employer/Management submits necessary clarification/ documentation for compliance within
prescribed timeline.
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Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

If necessary clarification/ documentation for compliance are not submitted within the prescribed
timeline, please go to Step 11.
10. Labour Superintendent / Inspector reviews the clarification/ documentations submitted for compliance
and assess its adequacy. In case of difference of wages/ payment to the workers, the employer has to
make necessary differential payment and submit the payment receipt as documentary evidence.
If the clarifications/ documentations are adequate, then the closure report is filed.
11. If the clarifications/ documentations are not adequate, Labour Superintendent / Inspector will initiate the
following actions in parallel:
Recovery through claims: If the differential payment has not been made, a case is filed in the
appropriate court (e.g. Labour Court/ DCLR/SDO/ALC (Agriculture) / ALC/ Labour Superintendent
(Agriculture) etc.). Case is filed by the inspector in the court and appropriate court will issue order
to the concerned employer for making the differential wage payment. If the employer fails to
comply to the order, then the matter is referred to the Certificate Officer under the Bihar and Orissa
Public Demand Recovery Act.
Prosecution in court of Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM): Labour Superintendent / Inspector
initiates the prosecution of employer in the court of CJM.

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Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


Compliance Inspections under The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976

R.1. Introduction
Name of Service

Compliance inspection under the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976

Regulatory Framework

District Labour Office

The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
Regular inspection of establishmentas defined in the said Act
Based on the complaints received from citizen/ workers/Trade
Unions/ random inspection / any complaint by authority regarding
non-compliance to terms and conditions
If the employer is not paying equal wages to the male and female

Service Condition

Competent Authority for

conducting the site inspection

Inspectors (as defined under the Act)

R.2. Inspection Procedure


District Labour office identifies/ prepares a list of shops and establishment/factories etc. for compliance
inspection including allocation of inspectors. Date of inspection may not be informed to the employer.
2. Concerned inspector prepares a brief status of the shops and establishment/factories etc. before due date
of inspection
3. Inspector conducts visit to the shops and establishment/factories etc. and hold preliminary discussion
with the employer and workers.
4. Inspector validates the following documents/ records and collects copy of the same if required.
a. Muster Roll
b. Payment Record/ Register
c. List of employees
d. Any other queries regarding compliances of the Act
5. Inspector obtains statement from workers on the working hours, wages paid etc.
6. Inspector after completing the review and discussion briefs the employer about his findings.
7. Manual submission of inspection report
Inspector prepare and submits the inspection report (in prescribed proforma) to the higher authority (if
required) with his recommendation for initiating necessary actions (if applicable)
Online submission of inspection report (To be operationalized soon)
Inspector shall upload the inspection report online through the portal with his recommendation for
initiating necessary actions (if applicable)
8. For any non-compliance, Labour Superintendent / Inspector issues a show-cause notice to the shop &
establishment owner/ employer to provide necessary clarification/ documentations for compliance within
the prescribed timeline.
9. Owner/ employer/Management submit necessary clarification/ documentation for compliance within
prescribed timeline.
If necessary clarification/ documentation for compliance are not submitted within the prescribed
timeline, please go to Step 11.
10. Labour Superintendent / Inspector review the clarification/ documentations submitted for compliance
and assess its adequacy. In case of wages/ payment discrimination based on sex, the employer has to
make necessary differential payment and submit the payment receipt as documentary evidence.
If the clarifications/ documentations are adequate, then the closure report is filed.
Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

11. If the clarifications/ documentations are not adequate, Labour Superintendent / Inspector will initiate the
following actions in parallel:
Recovery through claim: If the differential payment has not been made, a case is filed in the
appropriate court. Case is filed by the inspector in the court and appropriate court will issue order to
the concerned employer for making the differential wage payment. If the employer fails to comply
to the order, then the matter is referred to the Certificate Officer under the Bihar and Orissa Public
Demand Recovery Act.
Prosecution in court of Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM): Inspector initiates the process of
prosecution in the court of CJM

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Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


Compliance Inspection under The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965

S.1. Introduction
Name of Service

Compliance inspection under the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965

Regulatory Framework

District Labour Office

The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
More than 10 employees
30 days of minimum work offered by the employees Payment of
bonus @8.33% (min) to 20% (max)
Regular inspection of establishment as defined in the said Act
Based on the complaints received from citizen/ workers/Trade
Unions/ random inspection / any complaint by authority regarding
non-compliance to terms and conditions and non-payment of bonus
If the employee is not being paid bonus as prescribed

Service Condition

Competent Authority for

conducting the site inspection

Inspectors (as defined under the Act)

S.2. Inspection Procedure






District Labour office identifies/ prepares a list of shops and establishment/factories etc. for compliance
inspection including allocation of inspectors (if required). Date of inspection may/ may not be informed
to the employer.
Concerned inspector prepares a brief status of the shops and establishment/factories etc. before due date
of inspection
Inspector conducts visit to the shops and establishment/factories etc. and hold preliminary discussion
with the employer and workers.
Inspector validates the following documents/ records and collects copy of the same if required.
a. Form A: Summary of allocable surplus
b. Form B: Set on/set off related calculations
c. Form C Payment register for bonus
d. Form D Return filed by the employer (Rule 75)
e. Muster Roll
f. List of employees
g. Any other queries regarding compliances of the Act
Inspector obtains statement from workers on the bonus paid.
Inspector after completing the review and discussion briefs the employer about his findings.
Manual submission of inspection report
Inspector prepare and submits the inspection report (in prescribed proforma) to the higher authority (if
required) with his recommendation for initiating necessary actions (if applicable)
Online submission of inspection report (To be operationalized soon)
Inspector shall upload the inspection report online through the portal with his recommendation for
initiating necessary actions (if applicable)
For any non-compliance, Labour Superintendent / Inspector issues a show-cause notice to the shop &
establishment owner/ employer to provide necessary clarification/ documentations for compliance within
the prescribed timeline.
Owner/ employer/Management submit necessary clarification/ documentation for compliance within
prescribed timeline.
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Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

If necessary clarification/ documentation for compliance are not submitted within the prescribed
timeline, please go to Step 11.
10. Inspector reviews the clarification/ documentations submitted for compliance and assess its adequacy. In
case of non-payment of bonus/ differential bonus payment to workers, the employer has to make
necessary payment and submit the payment receipt as documentary evidence.
If the clarifications/ documentations are adequate, then the closure report is filed.
11. If the clarifications/ documentations are not adequate, Inspector will initiate the initiates the prosecution
of employer in the court of CJM.

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


Compliance Inspection under The Payment of Wages Act, 1936

T.1. Introduction
Name of Service

Compliance inspection under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936

Regulatory Framework

District Labour Office/ Inspectorate of Factories

The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
Regular inspection of the employer as defined in the said Act
Based on the complaints received from citizen/ workers/Trade
Unions/ random inspection / any complaint by authority regarding
non-compliance to terms and conditions and non-payment of wages
If the employer is not paying wages timely as prescribed

Service Condition

Competent Authority for

conducting the site inspection

Inspectors (as defined under the Act) of concerned establishment

T.2. Inspection Procedure


District Labour office/ Factory Inspector identifies/ prepares a list of shops and establishment/factories
etc. for compliance inspection including allocation of inspectors. Date of inspection may/ may not be
informed to the employer.
2. Concerned inspector prepares a brief status of the shops and establishment/factories etc. before due date
of inspection
3. Inspector conducts visit to the shops and establishment/factories etc. and hold preliminary discussion
with the employer and workers.
4. Inspector validates the following documents/ records and collects copy of the same if required.
a. Muster Roll
b. Payment Record/ Register
c. Fine/ Deduction Register
d. Display of abstract of Act
e. Public display of Name of Inspector
f. Any other queries regarding compliances of the Act
5. Inspector obtains statement from workers on the working hours, wages paid etc.
6. Inspector after completing the review and discussion briefs the employer about his findings.
7. Manual submission of inspection report
Inspector prepare and submits the inspection report (in prescribed proforma) to the higher authority with
his recommendation for initiating necessary actions (if applicable)
Online submission of inspection report (To be operationalized soon)
Inspector shall upload the inspection report online through the portal with his recommendation for
initiating necessary actions (if applicable)
8. For any non-compliance, Inspector issues a show-cause notice to the shop & establishment owner/
employer to provide necessary clarification/ documentations for compliance within the prescribed
9. Owner/ employer/Management submit necessary clarification/ documentation for compliance within
prescribed timeline.
If necessary clarification/ documentation for compliance are not submitted within the prescribed
timeline, please go to Step 11.
10. Inspector reviews the clarification/ documentations submitted for compliance and assess its adequacy. In
case of difference of wages/ payment to the workers, the employer has to make necessary differential
Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

payment and submit the payment receipt as documentary evidence.
If the clarifications/ documentations are adequate, then the closure report is filed.
11. If the clarifications/ documentations are not adequate, Labour Superintendent / Inspector will initiate the
following actions in parallel:
Recovery of Claims: If the differential payment has not been made, a case is filed in the appropriate
court. Case is filed by the inspector in the court and appropriate court will issue order to the
concerned employer for making the wages with compensation payment. If the employer fails to
comply to the order, then the matter is referred to the Certificate Officer under the Bihar and Orissa
Public Demand Recovery Act.
Prosecution in court of Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM): Inspector initiates the prosecution of
employer in the court of CJM.

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


Compliance Inspection under The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972

U.1. Introduction
Name of Service

Compliance inspection under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972

Regulatory Framework

District Labour Office

The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
More than 10 employees in any shops & establishment
Minimum 5 years of continuous service. 15 days of payment for each
completed years of service (Section 4)
Regular inspection of employer as defined in the said Act
Based on the complaints received from citizen/ workers/Trade
Unions/ random inspection / any complaint by authority regarding
non-compliance to terms and conditions and non-payment of gratuity

Service Condition

Competent Authority for

conducting the site inspection

Inspectors (as defined under the Act)

U.2. Inspection Procedure




District Labour office identifies/ prepares a list of shops and establishment/factories etc. for compliance
inspection including allocation of inspectors. Date of inspection may/ may not be informed to the
2. Concerned inspector prepares a brief status of the shops and establishment/factories etc. before due date
of inspection
3. Inspector conducts visit to the shops and establishment/factories etc. and hold preliminary discussion
with the employer and workers.
4. Inspector validates the following documents/ records and collects copy of the same if required.
a. Payment Record/ Register
b. List of employees those who have superannuated/ resigned/dismissed from service after completing
five years of service and accordingly verify the payment of gratuity as per Section 4 of the Act
c. Any other queries regarding compliances of the Act
5. Inspector obtains statement from workers on the payment of gratuity etc.
6. Inspector after completing the review and discussion briefs the employer about his findings.
7. Manual submission of inspection report
Inspector prepare and submits the inspection report (in prescribed proforma) to the higher authority with
his recommendation for initiating necessary actions (if applicable)
Online submission of inspection report (To be operationalized soon)
Inspector shall upload the inspection report online through the portal with his recommendation for
initiating necessary actions (if applicable)
8. For any non-compliance, Inspector issues a show-cause notice to the Owner/ employer/Management to
provide necessary clarification/ documentations for compliance within the prescribed timeline.
9. Owner/ employer/Management submit necessary clarification/ documentation for compliance within
prescribed timeline.
If necessary clarification/ documentation for compliance are not submitted within the prescribed
timeline, please go to Step 11.
10. If the payment of has not been made, inspector encourages the employee to give a notice to the employer
(Form I) to make the payment within a month.
If the payment is not received by the employee within a month, he can file a claim (Form N) in the
Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

appropriate court (e.g. DLC ) for deciding the claims.
If the employee/employer is not satisfied with the decision of the court (DLC court), he may appeal
before the appellate authority (e.g. Labour Commissioner). Appellate authority can pass an order to
make the payment through registration/ auction of properties.
11. Inspector reviews the clarification/ documentations submitted for compliance and assess its adequacy. In
case of payment of gratuity to the workers, the employer has to make necessary payment and submit the
payment receipt as documentary evidence.
If the clarifications/ documentations are adequate, then the closure report is filed.
12. If the clarifications/ documentations are not adequate, Inspector will initiate the prosecution of employer
in the court of CJM.

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services


Compliance Inspection under The Contract Labour (Regulation and

Abolition) Act, 1970

V.1. Introduction
Name of Service
Regulatory Framework

Service Condition

Competent Authority for

conducting the site inspection

Compliance inspection under the Contract Labour (Regulation and

Abolition) Act, 1970
District Labour Office
The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
There can be two types of non-compliance under this act: (i) Principal
Employer is not registered, (ii) Contractor employed is not licensed.
Apart from this, an inspector can look for other compliance under the
Regular inspection of establishment as defined in the said Act
Based on the complaints received from citizen/ workers/Trade
Unions/ random inspection / any complaint by authority regarding
non-compliance to terms and conditions and non-payment of wages
Inspectors (as defined under the Act)

V.2. Inspection Procedure




District Labour office identifies/ prepares a list of shops and establishment/factories etc. for compliance
inspection including allocation of inspectors (if required). Date of inspection may/ may not be informed
to the employer.
Concerned inspector prepares a brief status of the shops and establishment/factories etc. before due date
of inspection
Inspector conducts visit to the shops and establishment/factories etc. and hold preliminary discussion
with the employer and workers.
Inspector validates the following documents/ records and collects copy of the same if required.
a. Overtime Register
b. Notice of period of work display
c. Employment card
d. Service certificate in prescribed format (in case of termination of contract labour)
e. Annual leave with wages
f. OT Register
g. Muster Roll/ Wage Register
h. Review of health, safety and other facilities as applicable
i. Compulsory disclosure of information by the occupier
j. Register of workmen employed by contractor
k. Any other queries regarding compliances of the Act
Inspector obtains statement from workers on the working hours, wages paid etc.
Inspector after completing the review and discussion briefs the employer about his findings.
Manual submission of inspection report
Inspector prepare and submits the inspection report (in prescribed proforma) to the higher authority (if
required) with his recommendation for initiating necessary actions (if applicable)
Online submission of inspection report (To be operationalized soon)
Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Inspector shall upload the inspection report online through the portal with his recommendation for
initiating necessary actions (if applicable)
8. For any non-compliance, Inspector issues a show-cause notice to the shop & establishment owner/
employer to provide necessary clarification/ documentations for compliance within the prescribed
9. Owner/ employer/Management submit necessary clarification/ documentation for compliance within
prescribed timeline.
If necessary clarification/ documentation for compliance are not submitted within the prescribed
timeline, please go to Step 11.
10. Inspector reviews the clarification/ documentations submitted for compliance and assess its adequacy.
If the clarifications/ documentations are adequate, then the closure report is filed.
11. If the clarifications/ documentations are not adequate, Labour Superintendent / Inspector will initiate the
following actions in parallel:
Recovery through claims in case of less payment: If the differential payment has not been made, a
case is filed in appropriate court (e.g. Labour Court/ DCLR/SDO/ALCetc.) filed by the inspector in
the court and appropriate court will issue order to the concerned employer for making the
differential wage payment. If the employer fails to comply to the order, then the matter is referred to
the Certificate Officer under the Bihar and Orissa Public Demand Recovery Act.
Prosecution in court of Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM): Inspector initiates the prosecution of
employer in the court of CJM.

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

W. Compliance Inspection under The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961

W.1. Introduction
Name of Service
Regulatory Framework

Service Condition

Competent Authority for

conducting the site inspection

Compliance inspection under the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961

Chief Inspector of Factories/ Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories/ District
Labour Office
The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
10 or more persons are employed
Regular inspection of establishment as defined in the said Act
Based on the complaints received from citizen/ workers/Trade
Unions/ random inspection / any complaint by authority regarding
non-compliance to terms and conditions and non-payment of
maternity benefits as prescribed under acts and rules
Inspectors (as defined under the Act)

W.2. Inspection Procedure




Chief Inspector of Factories/ Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories/District Labour office identifies/
prepares a list of factories for compliance inspection including allocation of inspectors. Date of
inspection may not be informed to the employer.
2. Concerned inspector prepares a brief status of the factories before due date of inspection
3. Inspector conducts visit to the factories and hold preliminary discussion with the employer and workers.
4. Inspector validates the following documents/ records and collects copy of the same if required.
a. Muster Roll
b. Record of payment of maternity benefits as prescribed in the act
c. Record of payment of medical bonus
d. Leave record as per maternity act
e. Returns as prescribed in the rules
f. Any other queries regarding compliances of the Act
5. Inspector obtains statement from workers on the working hours, wages paid, maternity and other related
6. Inspector after completing the review and discussion briefs the employer about his findings.
7. Manual submission of inspection report
Inspector prepare and submits the inspection report (in prescribed proforma) to the higher authority with
his recommendation for initiating necessary actions (if applicable)
Online submission of inspection report (To be operationalized soon)
Inspector shall upload the inspection report online through the portal with his recommendation for
initiating necessary actions (if applicable)
8. For any non-compliance, Inspector issues a show-cause notice to the owner/ employer/Management to
provide necessary clarification/ documentations for compliance within the prescribed timeline.
9. Owner/ employer/Management submit necessary clarification/ documentation for compliance within
prescribed timeline.
If necessary clarification/ documentation for compliance are not submitted within the prescribed
timeline, please go to Step 11.
10. Inspector review the clarification/ documentations submitted for compliance and assess its adequacy.
If the clarifications/ documentations are adequate, then the closure report is filed.
Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

11. If the clarifications/ documentations are not adequate, Inspector will initiate the prosecution of employer
in the court of CJM.

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Annexure Forms & Formats

Labour Resource Department


Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Annexure I m Boiler related forms, fee schedule etc.

Fees for inspection of a boiler at site of construction, registration fee will be five times of prescribed fee as specified
above. In case of a boiler erected/ constructed at site, the fee for inspection during construction is chargeable at the
rate of four times the fee for renewal of certificate (as per regulation 385 A). After completion of construction of a
boiler at site, the registration fee is chargeable as per regulation 385 of IBR, 1950. Thus, in the case of boiler
constructed at site, the total fee chargeable is equal to sum of four time renewal of fee and one time of registration

Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Annexure II m Factory related forms, fee schedule etc.



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&2%3 425 61
!Prescribed under rule 100"#$%
Annual Return for the year ending..
1. Registration number of factory :2. Name of the factory :3. Name of the occupier :4. Name of the Manager :5. District :6. Full postal address of the factory :-

7. Nature of industry :Number of workers and particulars of employment

8. No of days worked in the year :9. No of Mondays worked during the year :a) Men :b) Women :c) Children :10. Average number of workers employed daily :a) Adults
i) Men
ii) Women
b) Adultment
i) Male
ii) Female
C) Children
i) Male
ii) Female
11. Total number of man hours worked including overtime :a) Men
b) Women
c) Children
12. Average number of hours worked per week :a) Men
b) Women
c) Children

13. a) Does the factory carry out any process or

operation declared as dangerous under
Section 87?
b) If so, give following information
Name of dangerous process or
Operation carried on
14. Total number of workers employed during the year
a) Men
b) Women
c) Children
15. No. of workers who were entitled to annual
Leave with wages during the year
a) Men
b) Women
c) Children
16. No. of workers who were granted leave
during the year
a) Men
b) Women
c) Children
17 a) No. of workers who were discharged or
dismissed from the service or quit employment
or were superannuated or died
while in service during the year.
b) Number of such workers in respect of
whom wages in lieu of leave were paid.
Safety Officer
18 a) Number of Safety Officer required to be
Appointed as per rule notified u/s 45B.
b) Number of Safety Officer already appointed
Ambulance Room
19 Is there an ambulance room provided in the
Factory as required u/s 45?
20. a) Is there a canteen in the factory as
Required u/s 46?
b) Is the Canteen provided managed
i) Departmentally or
ii) Through a contractor ?
Shelter or rest room and Lunch room
21.a) Are there adequate and suitable shelter
Or rest rooms provided in the factory as
Required under section 47?


b) Are there adequate and suitable Lunch

rooms provided in the Factory as required u/s 47?
22. Is there crche provided in the factory
as required u/s 48?
23. a) Number of Welfare Officer to be appointed
as required by rule notifies u/s 49
b) Number of Welfare Officers appointed
24. a) Total number of accident
i) Fatal
ii) Non-Fatal
b) Accidents in which workers returned to
work during the year to which the return
i) Accidents (workers injured) occurring during
the year in which injured worker returned to
work during the same year.
aa) Number of Accident
bb) Mondays lost due to accident
ii) Accidents (workers injured) occurring in the previous
year in which injured worker returned to
work during the year in which return relates.
aa) Number of Accident
bb) Mondays lost due to accident
iii) Accidents (workers injured) occurring during the
year in which injured worker did not return to
work during the year to which the return relates.
aa) Number of Accident
bb) Mondays lost due to accident
Certified that the information furnished above is to the best of my knowledge and belief, correct.

Date :-

Signature of Manager

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#$%& $'( Q1R'$-7)& +, -.& $//012$'-"

Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

Annexure III m Other labour related forms, fee schedule etc.

Guidebook on application & inspection procedure for various business related services

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