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LB03 Salem 1692

Written by Lillian Cohen-Moore and Logan Bonner
Edited by Steve Segedy
Salem 1692 was Playset of the Month, May 2012.

This playset is an accessory for the Fiasco role-playing game by Bully
Pulpit Games.
This playset is copyright 2012 by Logan Bonner and Lillian CohenMoore. Fiasco is copyright 2009 by Jason Morningstar. All rights are
For more information about Fiasco or to download other playsets and
materials, visit
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wed like to help. Write us at

When you play, play hard. - Theodore Roosevelt

Being an Account of the Tryals of
Several Witches, Lately Executed
in New-England
After the New Year dawned on 1692, strange afflictions have beset many
of the young girls in Salem. Thought to be the precocious nonsense of
children, they now suffer episodes of violence and terrifying abuse at
the hands of unseen forces. Their forbidden games have brought this onslaught, and they have learned them at the hands of their very neighbors
and servants.
Inevitable accusations have now followed. As young as five to as old as
eighty, no resident of Salem Village or the surrounding townships, good
Christians or no, old or young, are safe from the witch hunt.
1692 will be a year of misery and death for all of Salem Village.
Truly, spells and stories are not simple childrens games.

The Crucible, The Village, Luther, Day of Wrath

1 Family
1 Siblings
2 Aunt/uncle and niece/nephew
3 Married into same family
4 Cousins
5 Colonist and relative from England
6 Parent and child

2 In the Court
1 Grand jurors
2 Defender and accused
3 Sheriff and delinquent
4 Accuser and accused
5 Cellmates
6 Chief Justice and prosecutor

3 Faith
1 Minister and parishioner
2 Fake witch and real witch
3 Believer and skeptic
4 Witch hunters
5 Deacons
6 Secret catholic and close friend

4 Wedlock and Sin

1 Goodman and goodwife
2 Repressed lust
3 Unrequited affection
4 Adulterers
5 Parents of illegitimate child
6 Widows/widowers

5 Society
1 Landowners
2 Teacher and student
3 Master and slave
4 Doctor and patient
5 Fallen women
6 Members of the feuding Putnam and Porter families

6 History
1 Former minister of Salem and his last tie to the town
2 Current and former owners of an estate
3XKiller and witness
4 Experimented with witchcraft as children
5 Converts to the Puritan faith
6 Grew up together in England colonial salem

1 To clear your name
1 by proving youre not a witch
2 and tarnish someone elses
3 using blackmail
4 matter the price
5 betraying your own blood
6 front of the grand jury

2 To be a Good Christian
1 rooting out witchcraft
2 punishing displays of pride
3 making an example
4 beating the Devil out of someone
5 steadfastly resisting this temptation
6 converting the heathens

3 To be a Good Steward
1 passing on your earthly possessions to your children
2 arranging a proper marriage
3 upholding tradition
4 preserving Salem Village
5 protecting the weak
6 serving authority

4 To get the Truth

1 matter how much pain you cause
2 ...from a loved one
3 ...even if it kills them
4 exposing your own secrets
5 preserve anothers honor
6 ...about a rival

5 To Raise your Station

1 stealing anothers property
2 ...above a friends
3 bearing false witness
4 benefit your family
5 destroying anothers reputation
6 marrying for money

6 To Succumb to the Devil

1 corrupting the youth
2 practicing witchcraft
3 giving in to lust
4 perverting Church doctrine
5 aiding heretics
6 betraying loved ones

...IN Colonial Salem

1 In Salem Town
1 Meeting house
2 Court house
3 Charter Street cemetery
4 Town common
5 Prison
6 Town Bridge

2 Elsewhere in Salem Town

1 Gedneys Ship Tavern
2 Ingersolls ordinary, a place for food and lodging
3 Training field
4 Gallows Hill
5 Reverends parsonage
6 Old meeting house

3 Outskirts
1 Witch Hill
2 The Seven Mens Bounds tree
3 The ferry
4 Jeggles Island
5 Orchard Farm
6 The docks

4 Forbidden Places
1 Slaves quarters
2 The woods
3 Sealed well
4 Barn loft where that boy died
5 A locked shed
6 Deserted Indian camp

5 Places of Toil
1 Stables
2 Farm with dead crops
3 Fishing boat
4 Iron works in Andover
5 Dodges Grist Mill
6 Sailing vessel, leaving soon

6 The World Beyond

1 Boston
2 Ipswich
3 On the ship from England
4 London
5 Plymouth Colony
6 New Amsterdam

...IN Colonial Salem

1 Blasphemous Articles
1 Voodoo poppet
2 Witchs ointment
3 Tattered grimoire
4 Divining rod
5 Gilded Catholic crucifix
6 Rosary

2 Court
1 Chief Justices seal
2 Witch cake
3 A board and 2 tons of heavy stones
4 Testimony of the afflicted
5 Court clerks tools
6 Heavy manacles

3 Bawdy Articles
1 Steamy letters
2 Canteen of rum
3 Womens underclothes
4 Samuel Pepys copy of the idle roguish book, Lescholle de filles
5 Silk imitation of a ladys marigold
6 Wooden dildo

4 Shitte with Secrets

1 Lectern with a hidden compartment
2 Marionette fashioned to appear as an apparition
3 Powdered wig with bloodstains inside
4 Hidden love poem
5 Buried box
6 Diary page admitting a childs father was an Indian

5 Symbols of Status
1 Deed to a large estate
2 Fine wool cloak
3 Personal library
4 Cloak clasp from the village beauty
5 Calfskin gloves with strange markings
6 Clay pipe with a peculiar odor

6 Weapons
1 Scythe
2 Musket
3 Hangmans noose
4 Fire iron
5 Axe
6 Sergeants halberd

...IN Colonial Salem

A unhallowed

Relationships in colonial Salem
For three players

**Family: Parent and child

**In the Court: Accuser and accused
**Society: Members of the feuding Putnam and Porter families
For four players, add

**Faith: Minister and parishioner

For five players, add

**Wedlock and Sin: Repressed lust

Needs in colonial Salem
For three players

**To get the truth: even if it kills them

For four or five players, add

**To succumb to the devil: by corrupting the youth

LOCATIONS in colonial Salem
For three or four players

**Elsewhere in Salem Town: Reverends parsonage

For five players, add

**Forbidden Places: The woods

OBJECTS in colonial Salem
For three, four or five players

**A board with 2 tons of heavy stones

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