Current Events 2016

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COP (Conference of Party) The cooperation of over 190 countries in securing many positive outcomes owes much

to the patience and persistence of the COP PresidentManuel Pulgar-Vidaland the spirit of Lima as we look
forward to Paristhe city of lights and the city of love for our shared future and shared environment
Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

COP - Whats it all about?

The international political response to climate change began at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, where the Rio
Convention included the adoption of the UN Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This convention set out a
framework for action aimed at stabilising atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to avoid
dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. The UNFCCC which entered into force on 21
March 1994, now has a near-universal membership of 195 parties.

The main objective of the annual Conference of Parties (COP) is to review the Conventions implementation. The
first COP took place in Berlin in 1995 and significant meetings since then have included COP3 where the Kyoto
Protocol was adopted, COP11 where the Montreal Action Plan was produced, COP15 in Copenhagen where an
agreement to success Kyoto Protocol was unfortunately not realised and COP17 in Durban where the Green Climate
Fund was created.

In 2015 COP21, also known as the 2015 Paris Climate Conference, will, for the first time in over 20 years of
UN negotiations, aim to achieve a legally binding and universal agreement on climate, with the aim of keeping
global warming below 2C.

France will play a leading international role in hosting this seminal conference, and COP21 will be one of the largest
international conferences ever held in the country. The conference is expected to attract close to 50,000
participants including 25,000 official delegates from government, intergovernmental organisations, UN
agencies, NGOs and civil society.

COP21 November 30*December 13, 2015

2015 was a year for negotiations and decisions, so 2016 must be a year for
implementation and action, declared COP21 President Laurent Fabius, 195 countries
Four major events are scheduled for 2016:

The Agreement signing ceremony on 22 April at the UN headquarters in New

York. The countries will then have one year to ratify the Agreement, which stipulates that
it will enter into force 30 days after its ratification by at least 55 States, representing at
least 55% of the total volume of greenhouse gas emissions.

Publication by the UNFCCC of an updated synthesis report on the INDCs on

2 May. This report will include the187 contributions that have been published (plus

those submitted before 4 April); the previous report(30 October) was based on
146 contributions.

A negotiating session at the UNFCCC headquarters in Bonn (Germany), from

16 to 26 May, which will be the first since the adoption of the Agreement, with the first
meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA), whose role is to
prepare the decisions for implementing the Agreement.

Appointment by the Presidents of COP21 and COP22 of two champions (the

first will take office until COP22, the second until COP23), responsible for tracking the
initiatives of non-governmental actors.
The French Presidency also intends to accelerate pre-2020 action by continuing to
mobilize non-governmental actors, who are already heavily involved through
the LPAA and the Paris Pledge for Action.
Main events in 2016:

16-17 January: Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency

(IRENA), an intergovernmental organization with 139 Member States whose mission is
to promote renewable energies, in Abu Dhabi.

18 January: World Future Energy Summit and 2nd meeting of the International
Steering Committee of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) in Abu Dhabi.

20 January: address by Laurent Fabius at the European Parliament in

Strasbourg followed by a debate on COP21 follow-up in plenary.

20-23 January: World Economic Forum in Davos.

February: COP21s carbon footprint to be published. Footprint measured

by EcoAct in three phases: assembly, running the conference, and dismantling at the
Paris-Le Bourget site. And call for projects to offset the carbon emissions generated
during COP21.

25-26 February: dialogue between negotiators organized by Brazil and Japan in


4 April: deadline for countries which have not already done so to submit or review
their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

15-17 April: Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World
Bank Group.

22 April: high-level signing ceremony of the Paris Agreement in New York. The
countries have one year to sign the agreement.

2 May: publication by the UNFCCC of an updated synthesis report on the NDCs.

5-6 May: Climate Action Summit organized by the United Nations in Washington

16-26 May: negotiating session in Bonn (Germany), UNFCCC headquarters, with

the first meeting of the Ad hoc Paris Agreement (APA) committee responsible for
preparing the decisions for implementing the Paris Agreement.

26-27 May: G7 Summit in Shima (Japan).

1-2 June: Clean Energy Ministerial (San Francisco).

4-5 September: G20 Summit in Hangzhou (China).

26-28 : Climate chance Summit (Nantes).

7-9 October: Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World
Bank Group.

7-18 November: COP22 in Marrakesh (Morocco).

12 December: first anniversary of the Paris Agreement.

US-ASEAN silent on China

Obama, Southeast Asian leaders call for peaceful settlement of
maritime disputes

Rancho Mirage, California United States (US) President Barack Obama and Southeast Asian leaders called for the
peaceful resolution of maritime disputes at the conclusion of a two-day special summit here.
However, Obama and leaders of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) avoided mentioning China in their
joint statement at the end of the summit, indicating ASEANs non-confrontational approach in dealing with disputes.
Instead, they echoed broad principles on maritime security, including freedom of navigation and oversight, in the
disputed territory.
Obama told a news conference that disputes must be resolved by legal means, including a case brought by the
Philippines challenging Chinas sweeping claims over most of the South China Sea


China has refused to take part in the proceedings, but Obama said parties to the United Nations law of the seas are
obligated to respect the ruling, expected later this year.
Obama, speaking at the end of the US-Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit, also called for a
cessation of fresh land reclamation and militarization in the South China Sea while asserting the US right to operate
freely in international seas.
We discussed the need for tangible steps in the South China Sea to lower tensions including a halt to further
reclamation, new construction and militarization of disputed areas, he added.
But there are reports that China has deployed surface-to-air missiles reportedly deployed by China on one of the
disputed islands in the South China Sea, prompting President Aquino to ask his Cabinet security cluster to check the
existence of the warheads.
China has reportedly sent two batteries of eight missile launchers and a radar system to Wood Island in the Paracel
Islands in the past week based on satellite images revealed by Fox News. The presence of the missiles was later
confirmed by Defense Ministry of Taiwan.
Obama unfazed
Unfazed by Chinas aggressive territorial claims in the disputed sea, Obama insisted that the United States would
continue to fly, sail, and operate wherever international law allows, adding they will support the right of allies to do
the same.
At the secluded Sunnylands resort, Obama and the ASEAN leaders spent two days discussing trade cooperation,
regional security issues such as counterterrorism and territorial dispute in the South China Sea. In recent months,
China has built artificial islands and established airfields, ports and other facilities to bolster its territorial claims,
causing alarm among Southeast Asian neighbors.
The United States and ASEAN are reaffirming our strong commitment to a regional order where international rules
and norms and the rights of all nations, large and small, are upheld, Obama said
Earlier in the day, President Aquino cautioned about possible chaos in the region if the rule of law is totally ignored
in dealing with maritime disputes in the South China Sea.
President Aquino made the pitch to countries, including China, to respect international law by abiding by the ruling of
the UN-backed arbitral tribunal on Manilas territorial case.
The US-ASEAN leaders also shared a commitment to peaceful resolution of disputes, including full respect for legal
and diplomatic processes, without resorting to the threat or use of force in accordance with the 1982 United Nations
Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
They also agreed to maintain peace, security and stability in the region, ensuring maritime security and safety,
including the rights of freedom of navigation and overflight and other lawful uses of the seas, and unimpeded lawful
maritime commerce as described in the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea as well as non-militarization and
self-restraint in the conduct of activities.
During the first day of the Sunnylands meeting, the leaders tackled effort on boosting entrepreneurship and
innovation to attract trade and investment.

Obama said they also agreed on the importance of sustainable, inclusive economic growth as well as the nurturing of
the youth to sustain peace, development, and stability for mutual benefit.
There was also an agreement to pursue policies that lead to dynamic, open, and competitive economies that foster
economic growth, job creation, innovation, entrepreneurship and connectivity, and that support SMEs and narrow the
development gap, the joint statement read.
Obama and all ASEAN leaders also agreed to ensure opportunities for all people through strengthening democracy,
enhancing good governance and adherence to the rule of law, promoting and protecting human rights and
fundamental freedoms, encouraging the promotion of tolerance and moderation, and protecting the environment.
On security, the leaders affirmed strong resolve to lead on global issues such as terrorism and violent extremism,
trafficking in persons, drug trafficking, and illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing, as well as illicit trafficking of
wildlife and timber.
They also agreed to address climate change and develop a climate-resilient, environmentally sustainable ASEAN, as
well as to implement individual countries nationally determined contributions made under the Paris Climate
A commitment to promote security and stability in cyberspace consistent with norms of responsible state behavior
was also reached by Obama and the ASEAN.
Other agreements reached were strengthening people-to-people connectivity, promoting a global partnership for
sustainable development, and enhancing collaboration at international and regional fora. (With reports from AP and
Madel S. Namit)


Missile system to raise tensions in disputed sea,

US warns

Washington The United States (US) warned Wednesday of rising tensions in the South China Sea after China
appeared to have placed a surface-to-air missile system on a disputed island.
Taiwans defense ministry said that China had positioned anti-aircraft missiles on Woody Island in the Paracel chain,
which is occupied by China but also claimed by Taiwan and Vietnam.

State Department spokesman Mark Toner said commercial satellite imagery appeared to indicate China has deployed
a surface-to-air missile system. Another US official gave a more direct confirmation of the deployment on Woody
Island. The official, who was not authorized to discuss the information publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity,
said it is unclear whether the deployment is intended for the long-term.
The deployment follows Chinas building of new islands by piling sand atop reefs and then adding airstrips and
military installations. The buildup is seen as part of Beijings efforts to claim virtually the entire disputed sea and its
resources, which has prompted some of its wary neighbors to draw closer to the US.
In Beijing, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi accused the media of hyping the issue and saying more attention
should be paid to the public goods and services provided by Chinas development of its maritime claims.
Chinas actions in the South China Sea have become a source of tension not just with other Asian governments that
claim territory there, but with Washington. Secretary of State John Kerry said the signs of increasing militarization
contradicted a public assurance from Chinese President Xi Jinping when he visited the White House last September.
When President Xi was here in Washington, he stood in the Rose Garden with President Obama and said China will
not militarize the South China Sea. But there is every evidence every day that there has been an increase in
militarization, Kerry said before meeting with Polands foreign minister in Washington.
Its a serious concern, he said, adding that he expected the US would have a very serious conversation with China
on the issue in the next few days.
US network Fox News reported that China had moved two batteries of the HQ-9 surface-to-air missile system, along
with radar targeting arrays on Woody island.
HIS Janes Intelligence Review agreed with that conclusion in its assessment of commercial satellite imagery of the
island. The reviews deputy editor Neil Ashdown said that depending on the version of the HQ-9 deployed, the system
has a range of between 125 kilometers and 230 kilometers, and would be the most advanced surface-to-air missile
system currently deployed on land in the South China Sea. He described that as a significant military escalation.
Reports of the deployment came shortly after President Barack Obama wrapped up a summit in California on
Tuesday with Southeast Asian leaders, who called for the peaceful resolution of the regions maritime disputes
through legal means.
Obama said the leaders had discussed, the need for tangible steps in the South China Sea to lower tensions,
including a halt to further reclamation, new construction and militarization of disputed areas.
Although not one of the six governments with territorial claims in the South China Sea, the US says it has a national
interest in the regions stability and freedom of navigation and overflight in and above what are some of the worlds
busiest sea lanes.

Chinas move is likely to rattle Vietnam the most because of its proximity to the Paracels and because of a history of
maritime tensions with China that spiked in 2014 with a standoff after China moved a massive oil rig there.
In the Philippines, an opposition congressman yesterday lashed at the Chinese government for its continued
militarization of the West Philippine Sea in spite of efforts by the Philippine government to pursue a peaceful
international arbitration to settle the claims of the two countries.
Bayan Muna Rep. Neri Colmenares, who is running for senator, said the international community should now move
into the scene to de-escalate tensions among claimants of West Philippine Sea areas.
Colmenares said the international arbitral tribunal at The Hague should seriously consider the on-going events at the
disputed territories and decide immediately on the case filed by the Philippine government against China.
He also chided the US governments bid to intervene in the dispute. (With reports from Ben Rosario, and Peoples


Jobs aplenty in PH Aquino

Jobseekers told to read Manila Bulletin classified ads

Los Angeles, California The Philippine economy is on a roll with many job opportunities up for grabs, President
Aquino proudly declared in his working visit here.
And to help jobseekers find their ideal employment back home, the President has candidly suggested reading the
Manila Bulletin classified ads section.
Perhaps the best answer is: Look at the classified ads every Sunday of the Manila Bulletin, the President said in a
speech before the Los Angeles World Affairs Council last Tuesday (Wednesday in Manila) when asked about the jobs
available for Filipinos including those who want to return back home.


With the job opportunities increasing back home, Aquino said companies have posted newspaper advertisements
urgently needing skilled Filipino workers.

I dont want to praise myself but that is a serious suggestion. Look at it and see how many people are needed for not
very menial jobs or very heavy jobs and the demand is again, normally, as very urgent, urgent. immediate, etc. as
an indicator of opportunities for you, Aquino added.
The President shared the countrys success story, from registering strong economic growth to the return of
transparency and accountability in government, under his watch.
Aquino said the countrys unemployment has fallen to its lowest rate since he assumed office in 2010. More overseas
Filipino workers have also returned to the country due to the improving economic condition.
From 10 million Filipinos working abroad, Aquino said the number has dropped to around 9.4 million. They didnt
disappear, they went back home or a lot of them did come back home, Aquino said.
To the Filipino-American who posed the question about job opportunities in the country, Aquino said: So, can I say
that I can guarantee you work personally? I can guarantee you a recommendation letter probably.
But the economy definitely is growing, there are so many opportunities, but, of course, its a market place, the needs
and the skills the supply and the demand really have to interact whether or not youll get the job, he added.


AGHAM pushes for increased production of saline tilapia


Dagupan City,Pangasinan AGHAM Party-list Rep. Angelo Palmones is encouraging fish farmers to produce more
saline tilapia for a healthy diet.
Palmones said saline tilapia developed by Filipino aquaculture scientists have more healthy Omega-3 fatty acids.
Dr. Westly Rosario of BFAR said the brackish tilapia is good for health-conscious people.
Saline tilapia was developed by scientists to address the impact of Global warming that causes increased salinity of
our seas.
This new variety of tilapia has been developed in Dagupan City following 15 years of collaborative research among
Filipino and French scientists.
The research was undertaken at the 24-hectare National Integrated Fisheries Technology and Development Center
(NIFTDC) led by Dr. Pierre Morriosens, an aquaculture scientist of the French government.
Comparing the native tilapia which grows in brackish water, saline tilapia thrives on saline environment, is easier to
grow and has a bigger size.
Rosario, the chief who collaborated with Morrisens in the research noted that the hybrid saline tilapia can be
distributed to fish farmers in the coastal areas who want to raise the fish in cages.


COP 2015, November 30 to December 12 - PARIS

2015 was a year for negotiations and decisions, so 2016 must be a year for
implementation and action, declared COP21 President Laurent Fabius in an interview
with French newspaper Le Monde on 11 January. One month after the adoption of the
Paris Agreement by 195 countries (further information) on 12 December, the French
Presidency is working with the entire international community to convert the principles
set out in Paris into concrete action.
One month after the adoption of the Paris Agreement (find out more) on 12 December
by 195 countries, the French Presidency is working, with the whole international
community and in liaison with Morocco (holder of the COP22 Presidency), to turn the
principles set out in Paris into concrete action. For the presidency of a COP does not
end once the gavel has been brought down; it lasts for a year, until the opening of the
next COP.
Four major events are scheduled for 2016:

The Agreement signing ceremony on 22 April at the UN headquarters in New York.

The countries will then have one year to ratify the Agreement, which stipulates that it will enter
into force 30 days after its ratification by at least 55 States, representing at least 55% of the total
volume of greenhouse gas emissions.

Publication by the UNFCCC of an updated synthesis report on the INDCs on 2 May.

This report will include the187 contributions that have been published (plus those submitted
before 4 April); the previous report(30 October) was based on 146 contributions.

A negotiating session at the UNFCCC headquarters in Bonn (Germany), from 16 to

26 May, which will be the first since the adoption of the Agreement, with the first meeting of the
Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA), whose role is to prepare the decisions
for implementing the Agreement.

Appointment by the Presidents of COP21 and COP22 of two champions (the first will
take office until COP22, the second until COP23), responsible for tracking the initiatives of nongovernmental actors.

The French Presidency also intends to accelerate pre-2020 action by continuing to

mobilize non-governmental actors, who are already heavily involved through
the LPAA and the Paris Pledge for Action.
Main events in 2016:

16-17 January: Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), an

intergovernmental organization with 139 Member States whose mission is to promote
renewable energies, in Abu Dhabi.

18 January: World Future Energy Summit and 2nd meeting of the International Steering
Committee of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) in Abu Dhabi.

20 January: address by Laurent Fabius at the European Parliament in Strasbourg

followed by a debate on COP21 follow-up in plenary.

20-23 January: World Economic Forum in Davos.

February: COP21s carbon footprint to be published. Footprint measured by EcoAct in

three phases: assembly, running the conference, and dismantling at the Paris-Le Bourget site.
And call for projects to offset the carbon emissions generated during COP21.

25-26 February: dialogue between negotiators organized by Brazil and Japan in Tokyo.

4 April: deadline for countries which have not already done so to submit or review
their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

15-17 April: Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank

22 April: high-level signing ceremony of the Paris Agreement in New York. The countries
have one year to sign the agreement.

2 May: publication by the UNFCCC of an updated synthesis report on the NDCs.

5-6 May: Climate Action Summit organized by the United Nations in Washington D.C.

16-26 May: negotiating session in Bonn (Germany), UNFCCC headquarters, with the
first meeting of the Ad hoc Paris Agreement (APA) committee responsible for preparing the
decisions for implementing the Paris Agreement.

26-27 May: G7 Summit in Shima (Japan).

1-2 June: Clean Energy Ministerial (San Francisco).

4-5 September: G20 Summit in Hangzhou (China).

26-28 : Climate chance Summit (Nantes).

7-9 October: Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank

7-18 November: COP22 in Marrakesh (Morocco).

12 December: first anniversary of the Paris Agreement.

Obama seeks closer cooperation with ASEAN

The economic growth that is inclusive, creating opportunities for all, mutual security and the peaceful resolution of
disputes, human dignity including respect for human rights and development that is sustainable that is our vision
and thats what brings us here together today, Obama said in his remarks.
Given the extraordinary progress that we have achieved together in these past seven years, I am confident that we
can continue our momentum at this summit, added Obama.


The summit, hosted by Obama at the sprawling Sunnylands estate in California, aims to strengthen the newly
elevated strategic partnership between the US and the 10-member ASEAN. Obama and the Southeast Asian leaders
including President Aquino skipped wearing ties for the informal and relaxed summit that centered on security, trade
and environmental issues.
In his speech, Obama proposed an increase in the trade and economic partnerships between the US and the
ASEAN in order to create jobs and opportunities for their peoples.
With the improvement of trade between the US and ASEAN by 55 percent, Obama said the regional bloc is currently
the fourth largest trading partner of the United States. More than 500,000 American jobs are supported by trade with
ASEAN. US companies have been the largest source of foreign investment in ASEAN.
On keeping peace and stability in the region, Obama said the US and ASEAN could increase security cooperation to
meet shared challenges. He said in recent years, the United States has raised maritime assistance to allies and
partners in the region improving our mutual capabilities to protect lawful commerce, to respond to humanitarian
Although he did not identify China in his speech, the US President emphasized the importance of freedom of
navigation and rule of law in the wake of the territorial disputes in the South China Sea.
Here at this summit, we can advance our shared vision of a regional order where international rules and norms
including freedom of navigation are upheld and where disputes are resolved through peaceful legal means, he said.

China has been widely criticized for its aggressive land reclamation activities and militarization in the South China
Sea that threatens peace and stability in the region. ASEAN members, namely the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, and
Vietnam, have overlapping claims of South China Sea, with China claiming almost the whole of disputed waters.
In fighting terrorism, Obama said US and ASEAN could do more to meet transnational challenges that no one nation
can meet alone.
In the wake of the deadly attacks in Jakarta last month, Obama said the scourge of terrorism demands the
international community to stay vigilant.


China sending a clear signal on West PH Sea dispute analyst

With its deployment of surface-to-air missiles on an island in the Paracel chain of the West Philippine Sea, China is
sending a clear signal that it will not tolerate American military presence in its backyard, according to one of the
Philippines foremost foreign affairs analyst.
Prof. Richard Heydarian of the De La Salle University (DLSU) Manila - Political Science department noted that the
deployment of advanced military hardware to Paracels came not long after the United States Navys last freedom of
navigation operation in the area.


It is a very alarming situation, because it could very well be a prelude to a similar maneuver in the Spratly chain of
islands, with the Chinese airstrips in the area either completed or soon to be, Heydarian told Manila Bulletin.
Im afraid US and the Philippines are running out of time, and there should be a concerted effort to at least convince
China not to fully militarize its installations in the Spratlys where we and other ASEAN countries could face the threat
of expulsion if not skirmishes.
Although, US President Barack Obama was able to get the ASEAN on board to recognize the gravity of the situation
and also with the passage of US-Philippines Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement, the US can now ramp up its
military presence in the area, Heydarian said.
There is still no guarantee that ongoing efforts will be enough to alter Chinas behavior. At the very minimum, the
Obama administration should mobilize maximum possible internationall support to dissuade Beijing against imposing
a de facto air defense identification zone in the Spratlys and not cut off the supply lines of claimant states like the
Philippines in the West Philippine Sea, he said.


Speaker hopes for favorable Hague ruling, talks with China

peaker Feliciano Sonny Belmonte Jr. is hoping for a favorable ruling from the international arbitral tribunal based in
The Hague on the Philippines initiative against Chinas nine-dash-line claim over the South China or West Philippine
He said after winning its arbitration case, the Philippine government may start resolving the territorial dispute with
China through bilateral talks.
At the end of the day, we need to talk with China. But, we have no cards. If we win the arbitration, our hand will be
strengthened with the international community behind us, Belmonte said.
Our arguments and the facts of history favor us. I am confident the tribunal will favor us. Otherwise, smaller countries
will be at the mercy of bigger countries, Belmonte said.


Speaker hopes for favorable Hague ruling, talks

with China
by Charissa Luci
February 22, 2016
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Speaker Feliciano Sonny Belmonte Jr. is hoping for a favorable ruling from the international arbitral
tribunal based in The Hague on the Philippines initiative against Chinas nine-dash-line claim over the
South China or West Philippine Sea.
He said after winning its arbitration case, the Philippine government may start resolving the territorial
dispute with China through bilateral talks.
At the end of the day, we need to talk with China. But, we have no cards. If we win the arbitration, our
hand will be strengthened with the international community behind us, Belmonte said.
Our arguments and the facts of history favor us. I am confident the tribunal will favor us. Otherwise,
smaller countries will be at the mercy of bigger countries, Belmonte said.
Belmonte was part of the high-level delegation of executive and legislative officials to the Hague in
October last year.

Outgoing Foreign Affairs Secretary del Rosario had earlier said if The Hagues ruling is in our favor, the
Philippine government may initiate bilateral talks with China because we already have a platform by
which we can solidly approach the negotiating table.
He said the UN court may rule on Manilas case against Beijing before May.
China claims sovereignty over most of the South China Seas 3.5 million square kilometers, part of
which includes Philippine territory. China also has overlapping claims with Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan,
and Brunei.
China had declared that it would not accept a judicial arbitration and insisted that the territorial spat
be settled bilaterally.
Belmonte earlier said the West Philippine Sea issue cannot be resolved bilaterally, explaining that
sovereignty is a non-negotiable matter.
People have been telling us why dont you negotiate. For the record, we have been negotiating,
exchanging views with China for years. But their stance has always been that they can talk about
anything but they cannot talk about sovereignty, meaning to say, sovereignty is a non-negotiable
matter. Amin ito, ika nila. How can you agree to that, he said.
Belmonte, campaign manager of the Liberal Partys Koalisyon ng Daang Matuwid, urged all national
candidates vying for positions in the May, 2016, general polls to take a stand on the South China Sea
Id like to see all candidates in that election say where they stand on that issue. Where do you stand
on the issue of the South China Sea, he said.
We are all great admirers of China. It has affected the economies of many nations, but at the same
time, we dont want that some people can run roughshod over us because they are big and mighty,
he said.
The Philippine government has argued Chinas territorial claims in the South China Sea violate the
countrys maritime rights under 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).


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