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Satyameba Jayate.

Most Immediate
Dated,Burdwan,West Bengal.
His Excellency,
Mr.Pranab Mukherjee,
Honble President of India,
Rashtrapati Bhawan,New Delhi-110004.

Mr.Narendra Modi,
Honble Prime Minister of India,
Prime Ministers Office,South Block,
New Delhi-110011.

Mr.Rajnath Singh,
Honble Minister-in-Charge,
Ministry of Home Affairs,
Central Secretariat,North Block,
New Delhi-110001.

Ref.: - Memo.No.V/11034/4/2015-CSR.I,dt.10.01.2015 of the Ministry of

Home Affairs, Govt. of India,
NDCC-II Building, Jai Singh Marg, New Delhi.

Subject:Request to most immediately deal with the above-said matter much more
carefully and seriously in national interest against the backdrop of casual,
negligent and half-hearted approach so far adopted to avoid responsibility
(in 04 pages).

With due respect and humble submission, but with utmost grief, I want to draw your
kind attention to the ongoing needy situation related to the subject-matter of the
above-said reference portion (Ref.).
In this concern, I am attaching with this letter to you a copy each of the above-said
letter of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India with its Memo. No. and date and
the copy of my representation, dated 12.11.2015,with which some substantial
questions and aspects of the Constitution of India have been associated and out of
which the Ministry officials have prepared and issued a letter(stated above) in some
casual, half-hearted and negligent approach to avoid responsibility.
The inherent contradictions, rather the self-contradictory and casual nature of the
above-said letter of the Ministry can easily be understood, if properly perused in
the light of the following aspects:1. VIP Security office of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India has long been
shifted to the NDCC-II Building, Jai Singh Marg, New Delhi. Still, the Ministry officials
themselves have sent the copy of the letter for action to the old office of the VIP
Security Section,Police Modernization Division, Jaisalmer House, New Delhi.
2. Whether the matter and the letter comes under the jurisdiction of the Police
Modernization Division or Public Policy Division too is a question, as per earlier
instances/records of my VIP Security subject.
3. The name of my domicile district is so wrongly written as Bhardwan, though in
my representation(s),it is clearly and repeatedly written as Burdwan. Thus, the
casual approach of dealing with my matter can be strikingly understood
4. The Ministry officials have well-invoked the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution
of India to fix and divert responsibility of my matter upon the state government

(West Bengal) only. But, they have forgotten that other constitutional questions and
issues raised in my representation relating to several other articles and provisions,
like the or Otherwise provision vide the Art.s 356(1) and 365,issues of CentreState Relationships vide Art.s 256, 257(1),261 and other constitutional provisions
vide Art.s 131,143(2),39(b),14,19,21,1,16 etc. too also comes from the Constitution
of India only and never out of the Vedas,the Gita, the Quran or the Bibles. So,the
approach of the Ministry officials here is
manipulative, arbitrary, whimsical, selective or choosy and never overall and
general. They can never avoid thus their own responsibilities regarding the
Constitution of Indias Federal with Unitary arrangements and approaches for
Centre-State Relationships and Co-Operative Federalism.
5. It is a matter of extreme mystery as to why not the Ministry officials have not
taken advices and suggestions from the Ministry of Law and Justice, Govt. of India,
when some substantial questions and issues of the Constitution of India have been
associated with my representation and my special constitutional (executive)
position. In this concern, I most humbly request you to kindly peruse my
representation (copy attached) and to take a fast, fair and comprehensive decision
with the help of the Ministry of Law and Justice, Govt. of India in national interest
6. The most funny and self-contradictory aspect in the letter issued by the Ministry
officials can be seen from the letter itself (copy attached).The Director,CentreStates(I),Ministry of Home Affairs,Govt. of India has fixed the whole responsibility of
my matter solely upon the Govt. of West Bengal by invoking the State List subjects
of the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India. But, still he wants a factual
report on the grievances of Shri Dutta from the state government. The
contradiction lies in the fact that if the Central Govt. does not at all really have the
responsibility regarding the matter, then why has it requested for a factual
report on the same and why has it shown its interest too. This clearly and
ultimately proves that the Central Govt. too has the constitutional responsibilities in
proper executions of the Centre-State Relationships and Co-operative Federalism
too. If an officer or few officials adopt and show half-hearted and casual approach in
some Central Govt.mechanisms, functionings and decision-making processes, that
can never be taken for granted as the stand of the whole Central Govt. itself. The
question of public servants responsibility, public accountability and ability do
automatically come here.

7.My representation(copy attached) was referred to the CSR Division of the Ministry
of Home Affairs, Govt. of India never by myself, but by top-most Union of India
dignitaries and functionaries themselves. So, if the above-said CSR Division of the
MHA, Govt. of India wants to shed off their responsibilities in the ongoing matter,
they must officially communicate that to those top-most Union of India dignitaries
and functionaries first and myself must not be at the receiving end always. As a
citizen of India, I too can not be deprieved from the Central Govt.s services for me
by any such baseless intra-govt. excuse(s).

Sir, it is thus proved against the above-described background that the entire matter
has been utterly malhandled, where casual, negligent, half-hearted and avoidance
mentality of the officials concerned were operational.
Sir, in this concern, I most humbly and sincerely pray before you to most
immediately take up the above-referred matter for your own kind consideration in
national interest and to take most
appropriate and comprehensive action(s) regarding the same with the help of legal
and constitutional experts and authorities, including that of the Ministry of Law and
Justice, Govt. of India.

So sir, by kindly dealing with the above-said constitutional matters in much more
careful and serious manners in national interests, please uphold the dignity and
overall security of a very special constitutional (executive) position and function at
my instance and make me eternally obliged.
Thanking you.
Yours Sincerely and Faithfully,

(Subhajit Dutta),
[WBCS(Gr.A) & (Gr.B)- qualified person and Indian citizen applying the or
Otherwise provision of Art.356(1) of the Constitution of India to a great extent].
Address:- Vill. + P.O.Kendur, P.S.Khandaghosh, Distt. Burdwan.PIN- 713427.

Enclo.: As above, i.e., copy of

1. Memo.No.V/11034/4/2015-CSR.I,dt.10.01.2015 of the Ministry of Home Affairs,
Govt. of India,
NDCC-II Building, Jai Singh Marg, New Delhi.
2.My representation, dated 12.11.2015.

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