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recruitment n selection project

“AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF Recruitment And Selection Proces At Pragathi consultancy
Services (PCS)Bangaluru.

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the course

Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management
Term VIth-2008-2010

Submitted to :
Submitted by :
Arjita Tripathi
Faculty IMS Ghaziabad




This is to certify that ARJITA TRIPATHI, student of PGDBM (Full Time) 2008-2010
batch, IMS Ghaziabad, have executed her summer training under my supervision and
guidance from on the topic of An Analytical Study Of Recruitment And Selection
Process At Pragathi consultancy Services (PCS) Bangalore. During the project exe
cution she was found to be very sincere and attentive to small details, which we
re discussed with her.
I wish her good luck and success in her future endeavors.



I Arjita Tripathi BM08033, Student of PGDBM-ІІ Year, Institute of Management Stu

dies, hereby declare that the project on An Analytical Study on Recruitment And
Selection Process At Pragathi consultancy Services (PCS) Bangalore .has been do
ne under the guidance of Mr.Santosh Avadhani Branch Manager Pragathi consultanc
y Bangalore, Miss Rashmi Mishra H.R.Consultant,and DR. K.S.DAS, PROFESSOR OF HUM

Arjita Tripathi
March 2010

The success of any venture cannot be regarded as the result of a single factor.
It requires a harmonious unification of perseverance, inspiration and motivation
along with the appropriate guidance from the peers and mentors. Working on this
project was a great challenge as well as an opportunity for me to prove my will
At this level of understanding it is often difficult to comprehend and assimila
te a wide spectrum of knowledge without proper guidance and advice. Hence, I wou
ld like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to respected
Dr. K.S.Das,Faculty IMS Ghaziabad, for his round the clock enthusiastic support,
noble guidance and encouragement which made this project successful. I am extre
mely thankful to her for making this project see the light of the day.
I am grateful to Mr.Santosh Avadhani Branch Manager Pragathi consultancy Banga
lore and Miss Rashmi Mishra H.R.Consultant, for giving me an opportunity to do m
y project.I would like to thank for his altruistic help and precious guidance th
roughout this project.
Last but not the least I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Dr. R.K Bh
aradwaj, Director, Institute of Management Studies, Ghaziabad for his kind suppo
rt and guidance.

Arjita Tripathi

Recruitment refers to the process of finding possible candidates for a job or fu
nction, usually undertaken by recruiters. It also may be undertaken by an employ
ment agency or a member of staff at the business or organization looking for rec
The recruitment process for most organisations is designed along the same path;
applications are received, either via an online application form, a postal form
or a CV. Candidates are short listed and invited for interview. The interview fo
rmat can vary considerably and can include assessment centers. The number of int
erviews also varies. Some companies are satisfied after just one interview where
as others will want to bring back a further shortlist of candidates for one or m
ore interviews.This information describes what person can expect at interviews a
nd assessment centers, and takes you through to making a decision about any offe
rs that may result. The purpose of an interview is to give the selector a chance
to assess you and for you to demonstrate your abilities and personality.
The recruitment industry has five main types of agencies: employment agencies, r
ecruitment websites and job search engines,headhunters for executive and profess
ional recruitment, niche agencies which specialize in a particular area of staff
ing and in-house recruitment. The stages in recruitment include sourcing candida
tes by advertising or other methods, and screening and selecting potential candi
dates using tests or interviews
The recruitment industry has five main types of agencies. Their recruiters aim t
o channel candidates into the hiring organizations application process.
The project work conducted for Pragathi Consultancy Services. Was a study to und
erstand the recruitment and selection system followed in the organization. For t
his my study started with the company profile, background. Further it lead to th
e system which it is following for recruitment and selection.The policy which th
ey follow for the recruitment,Flowchart and Recruitment cycle.
The research approach used was that of survey and observation at organization
over a period of time and the rese
arch instrument was that of a questionnaire. I conducted the survey in the compa
ny in different departments. The questionnaire was of such type, in which all th
e categories of employees were kept in mind and then made of with the questions,
as per the need of my research. This was the real exposure which made me learn
that how to conduct a live survey where different categories i.e. from top to bo
ttom is to be dealt with care and proper conduct.
During interviews, collection of maximum information from the respondents was t
he prime motto. Survey response from most of the respondents was in favor of the
organization. Accurate information about the present performance appraisal can
be used for future plans and strategies which the HR department has to make furt
All that I learnt in classroom, turned into practicality during this period of r
esearch. In view of the fact that practical orientation is necessary for every f
ield of study, especially, for a Management student to perform as a potential ma
nager, my this project also helped in aligning my theoretical knowledge into pra
ctical learning and hence implementation.
I find the overall functioning and various initiatives quite interesting, which
ultimately lead to the completion of my dissertation.

Serial No. Title Topic Page No.
1 Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction 8
1.2 History 9
1.3 Evolution of HRM 11
2 1.4 Objective of Study 14
3 1.5 Project Approach and Methodology 16
1.6 Limitations 17
Chapter 2 2. Literature Review 17
4 Chapter 3 3.1 Recruitment and selection process 18
3.2 Recruitment agencies 19
3.3 General recruitment policy 22
3.4 Steps of Recruitment 24
5 Chapter 4 4.1 Company profile 31
4.2Recruitment policy and process at pragathi 36
5.3 Delivery model of Recruitment and selection 42

6 Chapter 5 Analysis 43
5.1 Charts Interpretations 43-53
5.2 Factor Analysis- 53
5.3 KMO 53
5.4 Communalities 54
5.5 Rotated Matrix 57
5.6Component Metrix 60
5.7 Scree plot 61
5.8 Clubbing of Factors 62
7 Chapter 6 6.1Findings 65
6.2Conclusions 66
6.3Suggestions 68
Bibliography 68
Annexure Questionnaire of Clients 69
Questionnaire of employees of pragathi 70
Questionnaire of candidate 73
Application form of Pragathi Consultancy solutions 74
Feedback form of candidates 75

1 Table 1 Pre interview and Post interview process 29

2 Table 2 Difference between recruitment and selection 30
3 Table 3 Organization structure of PCS 34
4 Table 4 Metrix of approval of final selection 37
5 Figure1 Flowchart of systematic recruitment and selection process
6 Figure2 Organization Structure of PCS 36
7 Figure3 Presentation of preselection process of PCS 40
8 Figure4 Presentation of poostselection process at PCS 41


Recruitment refers to the process of finding possible candidates for a job or fu

nction, usually undertaken by recruiters. It also may be undertaken by an employ
ment agency or a member of staff at the business or organization looking for rec
ruits. Advertising is commonly part of the recruiting process, and can occur thr
ough several means: through online, newspapers, using newspaper dedicated to job
advertisement, through professional publication, using advertisements placed in
windows, through a job center, through campus graduate recruitment programs, et

Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualif
ied people for a job at an organization or firm. For some components of the recr
uitment process, mid- and large-size organizations often retain professional rec
ruiters or outsource some of the process to recruitment agencies.
While temporary, contingency and executive search firms have provided staffing s
ervices for many decades, the concept of an employer outsourcing the management
and ownership of part or all of their recruiting process wasn't first realized o
n a consistent basis until the 1970s in Silicon Valley's highly competitive high
tech labor market. Fast-growing high tech companies were hard-pressed to locate
and hire the technical specialists they required, and so had little choice but
to pay large fees to highly specialized external recruiters in order to staff th
eir projects. Over time, companies began to examine how they might reduce the gr
owing expenses of recruitment fees while still hiring hard-to-find technical spe
cialists. Toward this end, companies began to examine the various steps in the r
ecruiting process with an eye toward outsourcing only those portions that they h
ad the greatest difficulty with and that added the greatest value to them. Initi
al RPO programs typically consisted of companies purchasing lists of potential c
andidates from RPO vendors. This "search/research" function, as it was called, g
enerated names of competitors' employees for a company and served to augment the
pool of potential candidates from which that company could hire.
Over time, as business in general embraced the concept of outsourcing more and m
ore, RPO gained favor among Human Resource management: not only did RPO reduce o
verhead costs from their budgets but it also helped improve the company's compet
itive advantage in the labor market. As labor markets became more and more compe
titive, RPO became more of an acceptable option. Furthermore, through the advent
in the 1980's and 1990's of human resources outsourcing (HRO) companies that be
gan taking on the processes associated with benefits, taxes, and payroll, compan
ies began recognizing that recruiting--a significant cost of HR--should also be
considered for outsourcing. In the early 2000's more companies began considering
the outsourcing of recruitment for major portions of their recruiting.
1.3 Evolution of HRM
Earlier references: In western countries HRM had its primitive beginning in 193
0s. Not much thought was given on this subject in particular and no written reco
rds or documents interesting to note HRM concepts was available, in ancient phil
osophies of Greek, Indian and Chinese. This is not to suggest that industrial es
tablishment and factories system, as it is known today, existed in ancient Greec
e, India or china. The philosophy of managing human being, as a concept was foun
d developed in ancient literatures in general and in Indian philosophy in partic
Personnel functions: Till 1930s, it was not felt necessary to have a separate d
iscipline of management called “Personnel management”. In fact, this job was ass
igned as part of the factory manager. Adam Smith’s concept of factory was that i
t consists of three resources, land, labour and capital. This factory manager is
expected to “procure, Process and peddle” labour as one of the resources. The
first time when such a specialist “person” was used; it was to maintain a “buff
er” between employer and employee to meet the “legitimate need” of employees. Ho
wever, it is the employer who decided what is “legitimate need” of employees. In
fact, the specialist “person” was more needed to prevent “unionization” of empl
oyees. This was the case before 1930-s all over the world.
Environmental Influences on HRM: Since 1930s, certain developments took place, w
hich greatly contributed, to the evolution and growth of Human Resources Managem
ent (HRM). These developments are given below:
Scientific Management
Labour Movements
Government Regulations.
Scope of Human Resource Management
The Scope of HRM is in deed fast. All major activities in the working
life of worker from time of his entry in an organization until he / she leaves,
come under the preview of HRM. Specifically, the activities included are Human
Resource planning, Job analysis and design, Recruitment, Selection, Orientation
and placement, Training and development, Performance appraisal and Job evaluatio
n, employee and executive remuneration and communication, employee welfare, safe
ty and health, industrial relations and the like.
The goal of human resource management is to help an organization to meet strateg
ic goals by attracting, and maintaining employees and also to manage them effect
ively. The key word here perhaps is "fit", i.e. a HRM approach seeks to ensure a
fit between the management of an organization s employees, and the overall stra
tegic direction of the company.
Human resources management comprises several processes. Together they are suppos
ed to achieve the above mentioned goal. These processes can be performed in an H
R department, but some tasks can also be outsourced or performed by line-manager
s or other departments. When effectively integrated they provide significant eco
nomic benefit to the company.
a) Workforce planning
b) Recruitment (sometimes separated into attraction and selection)
c) Induction, Orientation and On boarding
d) Skills management
e) Training and development
f) Personnel administration
g) Compensation in wage or salary
h) Time management
i) Travel management (sometimes assigned to accounting rather than HRM)
j) Payroll (sometimes assigned to accounting rather than HRM)
k) Employee benefits administration
l) Personnel cost planning
m) Performance appraisal
n) Labor relation.

The proper start to a recruitment effort is to perform a job analysis, to docume

nt the actual or intended requirement of the job to be performed. This informati
on is captured in a job description and provides the recruitment effort with the
boundaries and objectives of the search. [3] Oftentimes a company will have job
descriptions that represent a historical collection of tasks performed in the p
ast. These job descriptions need to be reviewed or updated prior to a recruitmen
t effort to reflect present day requirements. Starting a recruitment with an acc
urate job analysis and job description insures the recruitment effort starts off
on a proper track for success.
Sourcing involves
1) advertising, a common part of the recruiting process, often encompassing mul
tiple media, such as the Internet, general newspapers, job ad newspapers, profes
sional publications, window advertisements, job centers, and campus graduate rec
ruitment programs; and
2) recruiting research, which is the proactive identification of relevant talen
t who may not respond to job postings and other recruitment advertising methods
done in #1. This initial research for so-called passive prospects, also called n
ame-generation, results in a list of prospects who can then be contacted to soli
cit interest, obtain a resume/CV, and be screened.
Screening and selection
Suitability for a job is typically assessed by looking for skills, e.g. communic
ation, typing, and computer skills. Qualifications may be shown through résumés,
job applications, interviews, educational or professional experience, the testi
mony of references, or in-house testing, such as for software knowledge, typing
skills, numeracy, and literacy, through psychological tests or employment testin
g. Other resume screening criteria may include length of service, job titles and
length of time at a job. In some countries, employers are legally mandated to p
rovide equal opportunity in hiring. Business management software is used by many
recruitment agencies to automate the testing process. Many recruiters and agenc
ies are using an applicant tracking system to perform many of the filtering task
s, along with software tools for psychometric testing.
On boarding
On boarding is a term which describes the process of helping new employees becom
e productive members of an organization. A well-planned introduction helps new e
mployees become fully operational quickly and is often integrated with a new com
pany and environment. On boarding is included in the recruitment process for ret
ention purposes. Many companies have on boarding campaigns in hopes to retain to
p talent that is new to the company, campaigns may last anywhere from 1 week to
6 months
Suitability for a job is typically assessed by looking for skills, e.g. communic
ation skills, typing skills, computer skills. Evidence for skills required for a
job may be provided in the form of qualifications (educational or professional)
, experience in a job requiring the relevant skills or the testimony of referenc
es. Employment agencies may also give computerized tests to assess an individual
s "off-hand" knowledge of software packages or typing skills. At a more basic l
evel written tests may be given to assess numeric and literacy. A candidate may
also be assessed on the basis of an interview. Sometimes candidates will be requ
ested to provide a résumé (also known as a CV) or to complete an application for
m to provide this evidence.


1- To find out the recruitment and selection process at Pragathi Consultanc
y Services.
2- To find out the effectiveness of pragathi services in the mind of their
3- To find out the satisfaction level of pragathi as a recruitment agency i
n the mind of their clients.


Type of Research Exploratory Research
Research question Effectiveness of Recruitment and selection at Pragathi
Questionnaire General information
Rating questions
Sampling technique Convenient sampling
Sampling area Pragathi consultancy
Sampling size 50
Primary data • Through Questionnaire
• Through Telephonic interview
Secondary data • Websites
• Literature review
Research tool applied • Graphical method
• Frequency distribution

Limitations of the Study:
1. As the project is prepared for academic purpose only, it suffers from th
e limitations of time and money, due to which analytical study into all the stra
tegies adopted by the organization was not possible.
2. The study was completed with in short span of time which does not provid
e the exact result.
3. The report also suffers from the limitations of exhaustiveness as far as
the information is concerned.
4. All this study is limited to pragathi consultancy Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore o
5. Biasness in the information can be there.
6. Difficult to find out interviewer and clients.
7. Random sampling is itself not very accurate because whole population is
not considered even through it is primarily applied by virtue of central limit t
8. Employee’s refusal to fill the questionnaire.
Literature Review 1 Best Practice Selection.
The design and implementation of valid assessment methods starts with a thorough
job analysis which defines the selection criteria required for the post. The ex
istence of selection criteria has implications for issues of fairness and equal
opportunities legislation. In order for the selection process to be fair and obj
ective, candidates should be assessed against the same agreed standards or crite
ria. When choosing a selection
method, issues of reliability, validity, feasibility, fairness and equity must b
e taken into account. Selection methods should be developed carefully through pi
loting and candidates reactions should be taken into account. It is important t
o conduct validation studies in order to monitor the quality of the selection pr
ocess and update the process.
Implications for consultant recruitment
When a post arises a carefully prepared Person Specification will enable the rec
ruiter to define the desired candidate skills sets and attributes in an objectiv
e and fair manner. A job analysis is needed to define the skills and attributes.
This also ensures the selection process operates within the legal framework. At
tracting an eligible pool of candidates to select from may be a major challenge
in consultant recruitment for some areas.
By- (Cable & Turban, 2001; Slaughter, Zickar, Highhouse, & Mohr, 2004; Lievens &
Highhouse, 2003).
Litrature review 2 Organisational Attractiveness
Attracting an adequate number of suitable candidates is the first stage of recru
itment and selection. Potential employees do not select organisations on the bas
is of job and organisational characteristics alone (e.g. location, and organisat
ional structure). Studies show that the organisation s image/reputation/identity
plays a vital part in attracting suitable talented applicants Hence the importa
nce of monitoring and promoting the corporate brand to be more successful at att
racting suitable candidates.
Implications for consultant recruitment
The first step in any selection process is attracting an adequate number of appr
opriate candidates. Job and organisational characteristics such as pay, career p
rogression, location, and opportunities for advancement, are all related to orga
nisational attractiveness. Less tangible factors, such the image/ identity/reput
ation that candidates ascribe to an organisation, are just as important in makin
g an employer attractive.
BY-(Cable & Turban, 2001; Slaughter, Zickar, Highhouse, & Mohr, 2004; Lievens &
Highhouse, 2003).
Litrature review 3 Selection methods
The most popular selection procedures used at senior or executive level are: int
erviews, job-related exercises, and personality measures. These methods are not
all equally useful or appropriate in some selection processes:
• Interviews are used widely for selection purposes at senior or executive
level (Campion, Palmer, & Campion, 1997; Garman, 2005). Research shows that to
increase their reliability, validity and feasibility, interviews should be based
on a thorough job analysis and selection criteria, they should be semi-structur
ed and scored according to a behaviourally anchored rating scale. Multiple inter
views are often favoured over panel interviews, the modality of the interview sh
ould be standardised across all candidates, and assessors should be trained
• Job-related exercises can be valid predictors of job performance when de
signed and conducted according to best practice (Damitz, Manzey, Kleinmann, & Se
verin, 2003; Lievens, Van Keer, & De Witte, 2005). In order to obtain valid rati
ngs of performance the exercises should be based on competencies identified by j
ob analysis, and scored by trained assessors using pre-defined anchored rating s
cales. Presentations and written tests are two of the most frequently used exerc
ises for executive or senior level selection. Confidentiality issues often warra
nt the use of individual exercises.
• Personality measures can be used to enhance the decision making process
at senior/executive level; to comply with best practice they should always be us
ed in conjunction with other selection methods and never as the sole determinant
of a selection outcome.
Litrature review 4 Implications for consultant recruitment
Selection methods should follow a thorough job analysis and selection criteria t
o increase their reliability and validity. Interviews can be effective when desi
gned and implemented appropriately. Job related exercises are widely used in oth
er occupational groups and there is evidence of their use within specialty selec
tion. medicine. Other selection tools such as personality measures can be used t
o enhance the decision making process in selection but evidence for use at consu
ltants level is required. Use of personality measures within selection must be c
arried out by appropriately trained individuals.
By- (Blackman, 2002; Chapman, & Rowe 2001; McDaniel, Whetzel, Schmidt, & Maurer
1994; Schmidt, & Hunter, 1998).

1) Defining the Requirement - Decide what vacancy you have. If you need to fill
a new role quickly you might find it helpful to adapt one of the models provided
• Task analysis - Draw up a detailed list of tasks that the person will ha
ve to do.
This helps in determining the qualities and qualifications genuinely required
for the job.
• Job description - Produce an outline of the broad responsibilities (rath
er than
detailed tasks) involved in the job.
• Person specification - Decide what skills, experience, qualifications an
d attributes
someone will need to do the job as defined in the task analysis and job descript
2) Selection - Select your candidate being objective and unbiased. Choose the pe
rson who best fits your person specification.
• Short listing: Review applications on the basis of the person specificat
ion. Ensure
that you select for interview those who match the specifications, reg
ardless of age, sex, race etc, and that the specification
s are not themselves discriminatory.
• Interviews: Interview your short-listed candidates remembering that your
job is
not only to assess the best candidate for the job, but also to create a great im
pression of your organization.
3) Candidate assessments - The interview will provide you with some information
but check it out before offering a job.
• Ask the candidate to show you examples of previous work, do a presentati
on, a case study, some tests or full assessment. Tests can be done before the in
terview or after the interview. It depends on the number of candidates being int
erviewed and the type of job.
• You must have the specific permission of the applicant to do so, particu
larly if you wish to contact their current employer. If you need them quickly, t
ry phoning.
4) Making a Job Offer - If you think you have found the right candidate, it’s ti
me to make the job-offer.
5) Induction - Help your new recruit to settle in quickly and become productive
as soon as possible.


The recruitment industry has five main types of agencies: employment agencies, r
ecruitment websites and job search engines,headhunters for executive and profess
ional recruitment, niche agencies which specialize in a particular area of staff
ing and in-house recruitment. The stages in recruitment include sourcing candida
tes by advertising or other methods, and screening and selecting potential candi
dates using tests or interviews
The recruitment industry has five main types of agencies. Their recruiters aim t
o channel candidates into the hiring organizations application process. As a gen
eral rule, the agencies are paid by the companies, not the candidates. David Lor
d of Executive Search Information Services suggests that "...retained search is
a management consulting service. Contingency recruiting is one of many forms of
candidate identification, no more, no less
1- Traditional Agencies
Also known as employment agencies, recruitment agencies have historically had a
physical location. A candidate visits a local branch for a short interview and a
n assessment before being taken onto the agency’s books. Recruitment consultants
then work to match their pool of candidates to their clients open positions. S
uitable candidates are short-listed and put forward for an interview with potent
ial employers on a temporary ("temp") or permanent ("perm") basis
Compensation to agencies take several forms, the most popular:
• A contingency fee paid by the company when a recommended candidate accep
ts a job with the client company (typically 20%-30% based and calculated on the
candidates first-year base salary – though fees as low as 12.5% can be found onl
ine, which usually has some form of guarantee (30–90 days standard), should the
candidate fail to perform and is terminated within a set period of time (refunda
ble fully or prorated)
• An advance payment that serves as a retainer, also paid by the company,
non-refundable paid in full depending on outcome and success (eg. 30% up front,
30% in 90 days and the remainder once a search is completed). This form of compe
nsation is generally reserved for high level executive search/headhunters
• Hourly Compensation for temporary workers and projects. A pre-negotiated
hourly fee, in which the agency is paid and pays the applicant as a consultant
for services as a third party. Many contracts allow a consultant to transition t
o a full-time status upon completion of a certain number of hours with or withou
t a conversion fee.
A "headhunter" is industry term for a third-party recruiter who seeks out candid
ates, often when normal recruitment efforts have failed. Headhunters are general
ly considered more aggressive than in-house recruiters or may have preexisting i
ndustry experience and contacts. They may use advanced sales techniques, such as
initially posing as clients to gather employee contacts, as well as visiting ca
ndidate offices. They may also purchase expensive lists of names and job titles,
but more often will generate their own lists. They may prepare a candidate for
the interview, help negotiate the salary, and conduct closure to the search. The
y are frequently members in good standing of industry trade groups and associati
ons. Headhunters will often attend trade shows and other meetings nationally or
even internationally that may be attended by potential candidates and hiring man
Headhunters are typically small operations that make high margins on candidate p
lacements (sometimes more than 30% of the candidate’s annual compensation). Due
to their higher costs, headhunters are usually employed to fill senior managemen
t and executive level roles. Headhunters are also used to recruit very specializ
ed individuals; for example, in some fields, such as emerging scientific researc
h areas, there may only be a handful of top-level professionals who are active i
n the field. In this case, since there are so few qualified candidates, it makes
more sense to directly recruit them one-by-one, rather than advertise internati
onally for candidates. While in-house recruiters tend to attract candidates for
specific jobs, headhunters will both attract candidates and actively seek them o
ut as well. To do so, they may network, cultivate relationships with various com
panies, maintain large databases, purchase company directories or candidate list
s, and cold call prospective recruits.
Niche recruiters
More and more we are seeing the emergence of specialized firms which only staff
for a very narrow specialty. Because of their focus, these firms can very often
produce superior results due to their ability to channel all of their resources
into networking for a very specific skill set. This specialization in staffing a
llows them to offer more jobs for their specific demographic which in turn attra
cts more specialized candidates from that specific demographic over time buildin
g large proprietary databases. These Niche firms tend to be more focused on buil
ding ongoing relationships with their candidates as is very common the same cand
idates are placed many times throughout their careers.
In-house recruitment
Larger employers tend to undertake their own in-house recruitment, using their h
uman resources department, front-line hiring managers and recruitment personnel
who handle targeted functions and populations. In addition to coordinating with
the agencies mentioned above, in-house recruiters may advertise job vacancies on
their own websites, coordinate internal employee referrals, work with external
associations, trade groups and/or focus on campus graduate recruitment. While jo
b postings are common, networking is by far the most significant approach when r
eaching out to fill positions. Alternatively a large employer may choose to outs
ource all or some of their recruitment process (recruitment process outsourcing)
Passive candidate research firms and sourcing firms
These firms are the new hybrid firms in the recruitment world able to combine th
e research aspects (discovering passive candidates) of recruiting and combine th
em with the ability to make hires for their clients. These firms provide competi
tive passive candidate intelligence to support company s recruiting efforts. Nor
mally they will generate varying degrees of candidate information from those peo
ple currently engaged in the position a company is looking to fill. These firms
usually charge a per hour fee or by candidate lead. Many times this uncovers nam
es that cannot be found with other methods and will allow internal recruiters th
e ability to focus their efforts solely on
Internet recruitment and websites
Such sites have two main features: job boards and a résumé/curriculum vitae (CV)
database. Job boards allow member companies to post job vacancies. Alternativel
y, candidates can upload a résumé to be included in searches by member companies
. Fees are charged for job postings and access to search resumes. Since the late
1990s, the recruitment website has evolved to encompass end-to-end recruitment.
Websites capture candidate details and then pool them in client accessed candid
ate management interfaces (also online). Key players in this sector provide e-re
cruitment software and services to organizations of all sizes and within numerou
s industry sectors, who want to e-enable entirely or partly their recruitment pr
ocess in order to improve business performance.
The online software provided by those who specialize in online recruitment helps
organizations attract, test, recruit, employ and retain quality staff with a mi
nimal amount of administration. Online recruitment websites can be very helpful
to find candidates that are very actively looking for work and post their resume
s online, but they will not attract the "passive" candidates who might respond f
avorably to an opportunity that is presented to them through other means. Also,
some candidates who are actively looking to change jobs are hesitant to put thei
r resumes on the job boards, for fear that their current companies, co-workers,
customers or others might see their resumes.
Job search engines
The emergence of meta-search engines, allow job-seekers to search across multipl
e websites. Some of these new search engines index and list the advertisements o
f traditional job boards. These sites tend to aim for providing a "one-stop shop
" for job-seekers. However, there are many other job search engines which index
pages solely from employers websites, choosing to bypass traditional job boards
entirely. These vertical search engines allow job-seekers to find new positions
that may not be advertised on traditional job boards, and online recruitment we
HR best practice has always been that organisations should not discriminate in t
heir recruitment procedures, and should always strive to recruit and retain the
most qualified staff. Most qualified was never to be interpreted as indicating a
preferred race, age or gender for the job. A diverse workforce has always been
a key feature of the best practice organisation.
As such, those who shudder when they hear reference made to legal recruitment pr
ocedures, should actually see this as an opportunity to get their recruitment fu
nction in line with HR best practice.
(i) A company should recognize its staff as being fundamental to its success
. A strategic and professional approach to recruitment processes help enable the
organisation to attract and appoint staff with the necessary skills and attribu
tes to fulfill its strategic aims, and support the organisational values.
(ii) The organisation must be committed to ensuring that the recruitment and
selection of staff is conducted in a manner that is systematic, efficient, and e
ffective and promotes equality of opportunity.
(iii) Recruitment should be treated as a key public relations exercise as the
way it is managed affects the organisation’s image, and consequently its ability
to attract and appoint high caliber staff.
(iv) This policy has been designed to provide a flexible framework which prom
otes good practice, adopts a proactive approach to equality and diversity issues
and supports fully the organisation’s core business.
(v) Guidelines which form the basis for the implementation of this policy ar
e also provided. They have been designed to maximise flexibility to meet the nee
ds of all areas. For these reasons, while still ensuring that the organisation c
omplies with relevant legislation any significant variations in practice must be
discussed with the Senior HR Advisers to minimise risk to the organisation
(vi) Professional advice and support is available at all stages of the recrui
tment process from the Senior HR Advisers.
Fig No.1 Systematic recruitment process flow chart


Step 1: Vacancy
This stage decides what resources are required. Details of requirements will eme
rge from the compilation and regular revision of HR plan. In practice job vacanc
y may occur when:
1. An organisation or work unit is set up.
2. An employee resigns from the post.
3. An employee reaches retirement.
4. An organisation takes place through changes in policy.
5. Technology
6. Mergers
7. Acquisitions.
Because of the subtle changes that take place within an organisation the existen
ce and nature of job vacancies should be accepted.
The first step in any recruitment process is to define the job requirements. A j
ob and person specification should be prepared, bearing in mind the actual requi
rements of the job, for example required qualifications, skills and experience.
It is allowable to include desired qualifications, but be careful to avoid menti
oning “requirements” which are not actually necessary for the job, or which may
indirectly exclude a portion of society
Step 2: Sources
This stage concerns with the general questions about supply and availability of
resources and particular avenues through which these are likely to be obtained.
The human resource plan is to provide general information about the types of fac
tor that influence the supply of labour at macro and micro levels. Even when it
is feasible to fill job vacancies from within the organisation, transfers and pr
omotions which this usually involves will more often not produce a vacancy at th
e end of the chain. Nevertheless filling of vacancies internally should always b
e given careful considerations.
Care should always be exercised when using images or photographs as a tool in re
cruitment advertising. It is important that these do not reflect negative stereo
types, which may indicate an intention to discriminate. On the other hand, corre
ct use of imagery can enhance an organisations perception as an equal opportunit
ies employer. Many employers now include an “equal opportunities employer” state
ment in their advertisements, which indicates an acknowledgement of, and complia
nce with, equality legislation.
There are 2 types of recruitment noted while sourcing the resources:
1. Internal recruitment:
Existing employees are known to the organisation are generally familiar
with the customs and practices.
The costs and time that external recruitment, selection and induction pr
ocedures consume can be reduced.
Internal recruitment to fill vacancies may be used as a means of career
development, widening the opportunities and stimulating motivation among existin
g employees.
2. External employees:
When organisation has to use external sources, 2 means of conducting the search
is done:
Through employment and consultancies and agencies
By contacting the public directly through advertisements in newspaper, j
ournals, posters, radio, and television and on the internet.
Step 3: Application form/Resume/CV
Many organisations use application forms in an effort to ensure an equal footing
for all applicants, while at the same time also ensuring that all required info
rmation is captured in relation to the position. Again it is essential that the
form is prepared in a style which complies with the legislation. Questions which
could be seen as discriminatory against potential candidates include those requ
esting information regarding marital status, family status and nationality. Ques
tions should be carefully worded to avoid any hint of discriminatory practices,
and it is often worth including a statement indicating that the organisation is
an equal opportunities employer.
Design of an appropriate application form will clearly depend on particular situ
ation and needs. Different forms may be necessary for different kinds of work. T
he items that are normally needed in application forms are:
Job title
Applicant’s full name
Date of birth
Contact address and phone number
Academic qualifications
Professional qualifications
Present employment – details
Previous employment – details in chronological order from latest
Main interests
Awards and achievements
Step 4: Processing and assessing application (Pre-selection)
Once completed applications have been received, the next step in the process is
to screen them in order to identify those most suitable for interview for the po
st. This process is usually conducted by the hiring manager in conjunction with
HR. The screening involves cross-checking the applications against the job descr
iption and choosing the most suitable candidates for interview.
Another intervention which HR may take in order to ensure equity, would be to re
format CV’s, in order that they remove information which could result in discrim
inatory selection by those screening them. Some organisations have a practice of
removing surnames, addresses, marital status, date of birth, and any other deta
ils which may lead to discriminatory selection prior to passing them on to the m
anagers selecting interviewees.
Step5: Short listing
Short listing must be undertaken by at least two individuals who are involved in
the interviewing process. Interviews should normally be conducted by at least t
wo people, and all interviews for one post must be conducted by the same people.
In order to promote equality of opportunity selection committees should, wherev
er possible, be of mixed race and gender composition.
A further important point has to be made concerns the need of flexibility in mak
ing final decisions about acceptance or rejections. Best is not be stubbornly in
flexible about length of experience, age etc. when job requirements are establis
hed then room must always be left to decide the individual cases on their merits
Finally a word needs to be said about the use of testimonials and referee report
s. Referee reports are usually required as supplementary evidence for use in the
assessment of candidates during selection procedure. Employees are often more f
rank on telephone conversations so over-emphasis must note on written reference.
Step6: Tests
Any skills tests (e.g. presentations, in-tray exercises) must be directly relate
d to the role and measured against objective criteria, and presentations for one
post must be assessed by the same persons. Candidates must be notified of the d
etails of any skills test when they are invited for interview and the selection
process for lectureships and senior lectureships must include a presentation or
short lecture.
Step 7: Interviewing/Group selections
The interview should always be viewed as a two way process. Not only is it an op
portunity for the candidate to present themselves in pursuit of the position, bu
t it is also an opportunity to ensure that the candidate has a positive experien
ce of the organisation. Part of this experience should be that the organisation
presents itself as an equal opportunities employer. Studies have shown that an u
nsuccessful applicant, who feels that they were treated fairly by a company, is
more likely to reapply should another position arise in the future.
The first step in ensuring that interviews are conducted within the law is in th
e selection of the interviewer, or interview panel. Where an interview panel is
used it is worth trying to form the panel in order that it reflects the diverse
make up of the applicant pool, i.e. there should be gender balance. As a minimum
, organisations should attempt to have one woman and one man on a panel to ensur
e that gender discrimination is avoided.
The next step is to ensure that the interviewers are trained in interview techni
ques. This helps avoid them asking questions which could be deemed unnecessary,
and potentially discriminatory. A member of HR should always attend interviews,
and where an interviewer has not been trained in interviewing techniques, this b
ecomes even more important. Agreeing questions in advance of the meeting avoids
any discriminatory questions being asked out of the blue. The whole interview pr
ocess should be transparent and interview notes should reflect this. Interview q
uestions must relate to the job requirements as exemplified in the person specif
ication and the candidate’s suitability for the position. The person specificati
on should be used as the basis for determining the interview questions.
Step8: References/Medical
The next step in the recruiting process is investigation of those applicants who
appear to be potential employees. This may involve contacting the former organi
sations to confirm the candidate’s work record and obtain their appraisal of his
/her performance, contacting other job related and personal references and verif
ying the educational accomplishments shown on application. Background investigat
ion has major implications.
Last step prior to appointment decision may be the medical examination of the pe
rson. For most jobs, this is a screening device in selection process. It is assu
med that the applicant can pass the physical examination however it is intended
to screen out those individuals who are unable to comply physically with the req
uirements of the job and the organisation.
Step 9: Appointment
The individuals who perform successfully on the employment tests, interview and
reference/medical examination are chosen to be appointed into the organisation f
ormally through a legally drafted Appointment order. For administrative purposed
the draft should be made by the personnel department, but their roles should on
ly be administrative.
At the end of the recruitment process all records must be handed to the Human Re
sources Department who will retain them for six months in case of requests for f
eedback or the threat of litigation.
Offers of employment are conditional upon receipt of satisfactory references, me
dical assessment and any other appropriate checks. This normally excludes visiti
ng and other casual appointments of less than three months duration. In accordan
ce with employment legislation, appointments will only be offered on a fixed ter
m basis where objective grounds exist for not making the appointment permanent.
Step 10: Induction
This step involves formal introduction of the employee to the organisation. The
employee is given an overview of all the departments within the organisation, hi
s role and designation, Training requirements and other elements which the new c
omer has to absorb. This also paves way for the employee to understand the rules
and regulation of the organisation which he is required to follow.
Step 11: Follow up
The last step in the recruitment process is the follow up on the employee, who h
as moved into the organisation successfully after all the above processes. This
gives information about the performance of the employee in the organisation, his
likes and dislikes, requirements (if any). This completes the process of recrui
tment, with successfully absorbing an employee with the laid regulations and ben
efits and perks, etc.

Table 1- Preinterview and post interview

1 Preparation of recruitment /selection document for the position
2 Advertising
• Preparing advertisement
• Media selection
• Positioning
3 Response Handeling
• Initial interview online or telephone
• Short-listing for interviews
• Interview arrangement
• Sending emails or calling short listed candidates
• Interview details to the short listed candidates
4 During Interview
• HR interview
• Technical interview
• Conducting tests [Aptitude / Mathematical / Analytical etc.]
• Initial final list of candidates.
• Reference check (if required)
1 Email or Telephone call to unsuccessful candidates
2 Technical Manager approval for a start up date.
3 Email or Telephone call to successful candidates
4 HRM prepares a letter of appointment
Table 2- Difference between recruitment and selection
Both recruitment and selection are the two phases of the employment process. The
differences between the two are
Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimul
ating them to apply for jobs in the organisation Selection involves the s
eries of steps by which the candidates are screened for choosing the most suitab
le persons for vacant posts.
The basic purpose of recruitments is to create a talent pool of candidates to en
able the selection of best candidates for the organisation, by attracting more a
nd more employees to apply in the organisation The basic purpose of selection p
rocess is to choose the right candidate to fill the various positions in the org

Recruitment is a positive process i.e. encouraging more and more employees to ap

ply Selection is a negative process as it involves rejection of the unsuitab
le candidates.
Recruitment Concerned with tapping the sources of human resources Selectio
n is concerned with selecting the most suitable candidate through various interv
There is no contract of recruitment established in recruitment. Selection result
s in a contract of service between the employer and the selected employee.



4.1 Pragathi Consultancy Services

PCS, energetically strive to deliver the best employment options for great comp
anies and the associates we place within them. PCSserve best and respected compa
nies by sending them the highest-quality individuals for temporary, temp-to-hire
and full-time positions.
Companies make Pragathi their first choice for full-time, direct hire, temp-to-h
ire and temporary employment agencies because we re at the forefront of the ever
-changing staffing industry. We meet our clients needs - precisely, quickly and
cost-effectively - with the finest talent.
Young and very experienced - that s probably the best way to describe us !
Pragathi helps companies in searching, selecting and managing the ever-valuable
human assets. Formed in 2000, PCS enjoys an enviable reputation for delivering
efficient, effective and professional solutions to meet IT and ITES clients’ div
erse recruitment needs.PCS guide the candidates too about the best opportunities
in the marketplace, and constantly advise them in their career progression.
Pragathi Consulting brings valuable experience to benchmark, revise, implement a
nd preach the best practices of recruiting to our clients. PCS will conduct busi
ness and HR process reviews to assess what works and what doesn t within the cli
ent s unique corporate environment.
Pragathi Consulting will implement methods to decrease the joining time, reduce
the cost-per-hire, and propose tailored solutions to streamline your recruitment
process. Services by PCS give the opportunity to focus your expertise where it
counts - on your unique business endeavors. The goal is to ensure that our clie
nts succeed in meeting their hiring goals with cost-effectiveness in mind.
PCS recruitment performance consulting services are designed to help take your c
ompany to the next level of recruitment capability. PCS recruitment consultants
are all senior level recruiters with years of IT and software,management,pharma
and biotechnical field experience in recruiting, screening, and hiring technique
s that produce lasting results in Versatile sector.
Adopt a "Do what it takes to get the job done”
Skilled, experienced, high-quality professionals are always at a premium and the
competition to acquire such individuals will always be fierce, especially in th
ese booming times. At Pragathi, we believe that by fostering a positive, profess
ional and attractive culture, we are able to attract these candidates on behalf
of our clients.
Relationships are at the core of our business. To successfully match candidates
to clients, we believe we have to look at more than a resume.
We prefer for our consultants to meet with clients at their offices. This allows
us to gain an insight into a client s working culture, as well as taking a deta
iled brief about their company and the position they wish to fill.
Our candidates are our product and we want our product to be the best. We attrac
t prospective applicants through advertising, and intensive searching and select
ion through job portals, and our in-house databases, and will invite only those
we judge to be of suitable quality to interact with one of our consultants for p
rivate interviews. At this point, our consultants will add a comprehensive repor
t to the candidate s application.
We use self developed enterprise recruitment software, enabling us to conduct a
comprehensive search of our candidate database for the criteria specified by our
clients. We also have the latest skills testing software to validate the candid
ate s proficiency and experience on all the major software technologies. We can
assist in managerial aptitude and psychometric tests too.
Only candidates who complete our rigorous selection process will be entered into
our records and considered for a specific role or other appropriate appointment
s. We don t add everyone we meet to our books.
For additional information, prior to interviews, clients are provided with our c
onsultant s initial interview reports. Interviews usually take place at the clie
nt s offices, but if required, we are happy for our clients to make use of our o
Some of the clients of PCS are
ABS India Pvt. Ltd., A.R. Scientific & Surgical Enterprises , Advanta Corporatio
n , AIKON Systems, Atlanta Systems , Aurotronics Pvt. Ltd., D Link India Limited
, Dax Networks Ltd., Microcoms .
HR Team:
PCS also had on Excellent HR and Development team of 50+ man power Strength acro
ss the world.
About HR Team:
Well Trained Staff of Four Professionals, and 2 of Business unit HR Professiona
l, and anather Two for Training and HR operations.
Organization Chart of PCS

Fig 1 Hierchy of pragathi Consultancy Services.

Source: HRD of Pragathi Consultancy Services.
Grade Structure
The grade structure is subject to change depending on the changes in the policy

Table 3 Organization structure of pragathi consultancy.

Grade Technical Group Support Group *
A Trainee Trainee/Management Trainee
B Engineer/Developer/Designer/Analyst/Writers/Editors.. Executive/System
C Sr. Engineer/Developer/Designer/Analyst/Writers/Editors Sr. Executive/ A
dministrator /Associate
D Team Leader -
E Asst. Manager Asst. Manager
F Technical Manager/Technical Architect Manager/Branch Manager/Regional
G Sr. Technical Manager/Chief Architect Sr. Manager/National Sales Manag
H Vice President Operations
I Managing Director

*Support: Accounts, HR, System Admin, Quality, Tech Support, Marketing

Source: HRD of Pragathi Consultancy Services.
Experience Level :
A 0-1
B >1- 3
C >3-5
D >5-7
E >7-10
F > 10 yrs, based on the expertise and managerial capabilities, technical
Source: HRD of Pragathi Consultancy Services

Registered Corporate office

Pragathi Consultancy Services,
#331,1st floor, 8th Cross
Aavalahalli Extn, BDA Layout
Bangalore - 560085.

4.2 Recruitment Policy & Process at Pragathi Consultancy

I. Objective:
To streamline the Recruitment process,
To ensure that we always hire the RIGHT people at RIGHT role at RIGHT time, and
Also to thrive a strong Employer Branding to attract the best talents available
in the Industry
II. Scope:
Covers all the vacant positions across the functions, levels & hierarchy.
To enable HR to initiate the hiring process at any point of time during the year
, the respective HOD / functional / Regional heads need to follow the below-ment
ioned steps –
Fill-up a ‘ Manpower Requisition Form (MRF) ’
Get the MRFapproved by the concerned approving authorities (as per the Recruitme
nt Approval
matrix shown below), and Forward the approved MRF to HR
III. Recruitment Quality Norm:
In today’s knowledge driven business scenario, People are perceived as the most
valuable assets of an organization and the optimum utilization of the skill, kno
wledge, attitude, they posses, are directly instrumental to the growth of any or
ganization.Therefore, while recruiting a candidate for any role, position, level
, function, it should always be ensured that there is no compromise in the quali
ty of people, we hire.Besides checking the presence of role -specific key compet
encies & the behavioral attributes required toperform a job, few basic eligibili
ty criteria should be considered, even before a candidate is called for theIniti
al rounds of Interviews –
Academic Qualification: Minimum Graduate (Recognized university) for all positio
ns in CS–1 to CS–7, and there should not be any unjustified gaps in education.
Psychometric / General Intelligence test: All the short-listed candidates should
be run through a
Psychometric / General Intelligence test and candidates qualifying this test, wo
uld be eligible for
the next rounds of tests / interviews.
Reference check:Reference check is MUST for all recruitments across the country
and HR should always ensure that Reference check is done before extending the of
fer to a selected candidate.
a. Candidates selected after rounds of tests/Interviews would be asked to provid
e the names &contact details of at least 3 persons as his/her Professional Refer
ences, and
b. HR would contact these references and the comments & remarks of the referees
would be documented and preserved for future records.
c. HR in some of the critical cases may also carry out an Independent Reference
Check through the respective Placement consultants (who had sourced the CV of th
e concerned candidate),who would check with atleast 2 referees (one each from 2
different organizations) whom the concerned candidate had worked with in the pas
IV. Recruitment Approval Matrix: Any Recruitment across the organization, at any
level / function has to be approved by the concerned authorities as specified
in the matrix below –

Grade Roles / Designations Interviewing Authority Final Preliminary

CS – 1
CS - 2 Head, Sr. VP & VP ED & Head - HR MD &
CS - 3 AVP HOD & Head - HR ED &
Functional Head & Head - HR
CS - 4,
CS- 5 &
Asst. Mgr - Chief Mgr
& MT (*) HOD & Head - HR ED / Dir
/ Head-
Functional Head & Head – HR
Regional Head & Head - HR
CS - 6
CS - 7
Executive, Executive
Secretary, Secretary,
Officer, Field Officer, ET
(*), CT (*) HOD & HR
Functional Head & HR
Regional Head & HR

(*) MT = Management Trainee, ET = Executive Trainee & CT = Commercial Trainee

As a conscious focus of the organization to nurture high potential talents by pr
oviding them suitable career growth opportunities within the organization, effor
ts would always be made to fill in specific vacancies from it’s existing human r
esource pool.
The entire process would be done through Internal Job Posting (IJP) and communic
ation including the job profile, candidate profile, eligibility (who can apply),
application deadline etc. would be made available by HR
Employees possessing necessary skills, knowledge, experience matching with those
required for the job may apply through the appropriate communication channels.
VI. Recruitment Sources:
To ensure a steady in-flow of quality candidates for all the existing vacant pos
itions, with an aim to select the best within a stringent recruitment deadline,
HR would always focus to develop a robust database of CVs searched from the foll
owing sources –
IX. Compensation Proposals, Negotiation & issuing the offer letters:
HR prepares the compensation proposals based on the below-mentioned critical att
ributes and gets those approved in writing by the concerned authorities before e
xtending to the candidates -
i. Academic & Professional qualification of the respective candidates
ii. Experience Profile
iii. Existing Compensation & benefits
iv. Market synergy
v. Internal Role-wise compensation study to maintain the equity
HR extends the proposals to the candidates who get selected after final round of
Interviews and negotiates to close those.Once the candidates agree to the propo
sals &n intimate their acceptance, HR sends out the formaloffer l etter, duly ap
proved & signed by the concerned authority.
Offer letter check list -
Recruitment Policy
Corporate HR
HR should make sure that all the below -listed documents are received & checked
thoroughly before issuing the formal offer letters –
i. Approved Manpower Requisition form (MRF)
ii. Resume (hardcopy) of the candidate
iii. Interview Assessment sheet (Filled up with specific recommendations by the
concerned Interviewers)
iv. Reference checks details (documented in the specified format)
v. Compensation Proposal (Existing package & the proposed plan, duly approved by
the concerned Authority)
X. Recruitment Cycle Time:
To bring in more effectiveness in the recruitment process, HR would follow a spe
cific project deadline of 38 days (from the day it had received the approved Man
power Requisition) to hire a new employee.
Phase Activities Time frame
I Role Identification, Job Description, CV Sourcing & Initial HR short-lis
ting 15 days
II Organizing the Written Tests 5 days
Organizing the First Technical Interviews 5 days
Organizing the Final Interviews 4 days
Sessions to take the final decisions 3 days
III Preparing the Salary Proposal, Negotiate with the selected candidates &
offer closure 6 days
The process specific schedule break-up is mentioned below



Phase – I: Selection

Phase – II: Selection


Source: HRD Pragathi Consultancy Services


According to this model Pragathi firstly define the recruitment process of their
clients by finding out new requirement of client which is due to new projects o
r diversification of business or some other reasons. Then next step is to design
the recruitment process,its timing etc.Then finding the proper applicant accord
ing to the requirnment through job portals,advertisements and their own softwere
s.Afterthat they do the scrfeening test. Those who got selected in the screening
test are sed to managerial interview.Then those who got select final test get t
he joining letter.


Types of streams Average no of recruits
Frontline line employees 88
Techniqal employees 592
Managerial employees 228
Life sciences 112
Total average number of recruits 1812
Thus on an average in a month pragathi consultancy recruits 1812 employees in wh
ich Techniqal employees are highest in number.

Better pay packages 10

Moving to B and Cgrade cities 15
Looking beyond graduates 10
Tie up with institutes 5
Give openings for versatile areas 10
Total no. of respondats 50

Thus the above graph predicts that Moving to Band C grade cities are the best st
rategy to adopted by pragati to increase the number of recruits.
Sl.No Source Candidates with experience of
0-1 yr 1-3 yrs 3-5 yrs 5-10 yrs 10 yrs & above
1 Campus 1 4 - - -
2 Employee Referrals 6 3 2 1 1
3 Walk-ins 3 2 3 4 -
4 Advertisements 4 6 4 3 -
5 Job Fairs 2 5 - - -
5 Portals 5 1 1 2 2


Job portals No. of respondents 30 10 6
others 4
Total respondents
Thus it can be interpret that The job portal which is highly used by pragathi fo
r recruitment is
5- At pragathi referral policy is there, and these references are through employ
ees, employees friends and other mediums.
6- Certain incentives are there for employees at pragathi for reffering somebody
.like One day holiday,or certain gifts.
7- Pragathi has its own recruitment pool database,where all the record of candi
dates who had applied are saved and used.
8- Pragathi has candidate tracking softwere.
9- Number of rounds at interview depends totally on clients requirnment,stream
of job and its complexicity.
10- Pragathi has its feed back form for the candidates who get placed through pr
agathi and use it for forther improvement.

Response medium
% of candidates communicated
Mail 25%
Phone 20%
On hold 20%
Not informed 5%
Both A and B 30%
Total 100%
Thus it can be interpret that Both mail and phone is the which is maximum used b
y pragathi to communicate the candidates.

Days % of candidate responded

Next Day 50
Same Day 15
2 to 3 Days 30
More then 3 days 5
Total 100
Thus most of the candidates get information next day about their selection or re


60% Clients responded that candidates recruited by Pragathi are very good kind o

70% Clients responded that Pragathi fulfil all the requirenments in a excellent

Thus most of the clients get updated information time to time.


5- Out of total 50 clients responded 96% clients responded that pragathi consu
ltancy documents each and every information about clients and requirement of cli

98% of clients responded that pragathi consultancy documents each and every inf
ormation about clients and requirement of clients
98% clients told that pragathi take a feed back from their clients also and alwa
ys try to improve accordingly next time.

Out 96% clients responded that advices provided by pragathi to their clients and
candidates are most of the time useful and totally free.

100% responded that pragathi works hard for finding new clients and sustain rela
tionship by time to time calling them.
98% clients told that Pragathi use to take up the meetings with new clients tim
e to time , to understand their work pattern and strategies.

99% clients responded that candidate recruited by Pragathi always joins at commi
tted date after selection.


1. KMO and Bartlett s Test
Table 6 KMO TEST
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .671
Bartlett s Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 824.857
df 276
Sig. .000
The KMO and Bartlett’s Test indicates the suitability of the data for factor ana
lysis. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy’s value is 0..671 which i
s greater than 0.5. This indicates that a factor analysis will be useful with ou
r data. The value of significance level is 0.000 that is less than 0.05. So ther
e is a significant relationship among the variables.
2.COMMUNALITIES Initial Vs External
Communalities: This is the proportion of each variable s variance that can be ex
plained by the principal components (e.g., the underlying latent continua). It
is also noted as h2 and can be defined as the sum of squared factor loadings. Co
mmunalities indicate the amount of variance in each variable that is accounted f
Initial Communalities: Initial communalities are estimates of the variance in ea
ch variable accounted for by all components or factors.
Extraction communalities: Extraction communalities are estimates of the variance
in each variable accounted for by the components. The communalities in this tab
le are all high, which indicates that the extracted components represent the var
iables well. If any communalities are very low in a principal components extract
ion, we may need to extract another component
TABLE No.7 Communalities
Initial Extraction
Satisfactoryprocessand policyforrecruitmentandselection 1.000 .521
interviewpanelatpragati isknowlagable 1.000 .452
SalaryofferdbytheCompanyissatisfactory 1.000 .502
refermyfriendsalso 1.000 .531
Pragathimeetmy expectations 1.000 .454
Happywiththedesignationofferd 1.000 .442
aptitudetesttakenwasuptothemark 1.000 .594
placementagencyisthe bestwayofrecruitment andselection 1.000 .553
questionaskedbypragathicheksbothknowlwgwandpersonality 1.000 .381
clientsofpragathiconsultancyarerenownedcompanies 1.000 .684
H.P.ofpragathiconsultancywashumbleandcourteous 1.000 .664
Quickaccurateandcorrectinformationfrompragathi 1.000 .485
onlinesiteprovidesusefulandupdatedinformationtimetotime 1.000 .502
Timemanagementisaccurate 1.000 .453
verynicelymeetstheclientsrequirenmentandcandidatesrequirement 1.000 .534
SelectthepeoplebasedonPersonalQualitiesandProfessionalcapabilities 1.000
Stream 1.000 .422
Pragathimakescandidatesunderstand verynicely. 1.000 .530
notseenanybiasseness inrecruitmentat pragathi 1.000 .503
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysi

Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings

Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings
Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulati
ve % Total % of Varia Cumulative %
1 3.732 42.744 42.744 3.732 42.744 42.744 2.797 11.655
2 2.153 5.366 48.110 2.153 5.366 48.110 2.082 11.655 20.330
3 1.590 4.790 52.900 1.590 4.790 52.900 1.856 7.734 28.064
4 1.409 4.040 56.940 1.409 4.040 56.940 1.768 7.366 35.431
5 1.375 4.003 60.942 1.375 4.003 60.942 1.443 6.012 41.443
6 1.288 3.904 64.846 1.288 3.904 64.846 1.396 5.816 47.258
7 1.150 3.560 68.406 1.150 3.560 68.406 1.354 5.642 52.900
8 .970 3.360 71.765
9 .961 3.310 75.075
10 .937 3.221 78.296
11 .854 2.997 81.294
12 .806 2.708 84.001
13 .794 2.597 86.598
14 .773 2.365 88.963
15 .719 2.232 91.195
16 .650 2.170 93.366
17 .623 1.987 95.353
18 .568 1.834 97.187
19 .536 1.698 98.885
20 .521 1.115 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Component Analysis.
About 68.406% of the total variance in the 20 variables is attributable to the f
irst seven components. Also we can judge how well the seven-component model des
cribes the original variables, by examine the above table and concluded that Com
ponent 1 explains a variance of 3.732, which is42.744 % of total variance of 20;
Component 2 explains a variance of 2.153, which is 5.3% of total variance. Simi
larly, same kind of conclusion can be drawn for other components.
TABLE No.8 showing rotated component
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Satisfactoryprocessand policyforrecruitmentandselection .747 .003 .131
-.019 .177 .112 -.098
interviewpanelatpragati isknowlagable .714 .014 -.037 -.036 .123
.045 .048
SalaryofferdbytheCompanyissatisfactory .692 .133 -.043 .078 -.052
.059 .138
refermyfriendsalso .688 .145 .056 .146 -.056 -.050 -.095
Pragathimeetmy expectations .420 .022 -.134 .412 -.051 -.139
Happywiththedesignationofferd .057 .803 -.033 .060 .059 .028
aptitudetesttakenwasuptothemark .228 .776 .077 .031 .032 -.136
placementagencyisthe bestwayofrecruitment andselection .006 .577 .193
.018 .022 .013 -.098
questionaskedbypragathicheksbothknowlwgwandpersonality .193 .397 .043
.260 -.054 .334 -.326
clientsofpragathiconsultancyarerenownedcompanies -.096 .323 .668
.150 .090 .031 -.051
H.P.ofpragathiconsultancywashumbleandcourteous .030 -.036 .640 .151
.026 -.035 .076
Quickaccurateandcorrectinformationfrompragathi .199 .100 .581 .194
-.021 .160 -.061
onlinesiteprovidesusefulandupdatedinformationtimetotime .122 -.137 -.431
.383 .198 .310 .024
Timemanagementisaccurate -.024 .010 .309 .612 .164 .066
verynicelymeetstheclientsrequirenmentandcandidatesrequirement .003 .178
.227 .610 .038 -.250 -.113
SelectthepeoplebasedonPersonalQualitiesandProfessionalcapabilities .365
.069 .199 .507 -.100 .058 -.063
Stream .042 .042 -.150 .148 .670 .126 -.091
Pragathimakescandidatesunderstand verynicely. .026 .268 .094 -.273
.595 -.150 -.143
notseenanybiasseness inrecruitmentat pragathi .116 -.143 .208 .140
.507 .000 .261
Therewasaproperinfrastructureatpragathi. .247 -.033 .066 .030
-.069 .721 -.049
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a Rotation converged in 10 iterations.

TABLE No.9 Component metrix
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Satisfactoryprocessand policyforrecruitmentandselection .627 -.261 -.043
-.044 -.197 -.062 -.163
interviewpanelatpragati isknowlagable .597 -.338 -.005 .000 .083
-.060 -.384
SalaryofferdbytheCompanyissatisfactory .560 -.397 -.096 .020 -.123
.145 -.115
refermyfriendsalso .556 -.036 .277 -.190 -.111 -.007 .129
Pragathimeetmy expectations .535 .295 -.501 .114 -.134 .140
Happywiththedesignationofferd .521 -.067 .052 .429 -.021 -.314
aptitudetesttakenwasuptothemark .508 -.438 -.084 .091 .009 .006
placementagencyisthe bestwayofrecruitment andselection .436 .283 .294
-.153 .042 .157 -.219
questionaskedbypragathicheksbothknowlwgwandpersonality .432 -.333 .132
.162 -.186 .089 .297
clientsofpragathiconsultancyarerenownedcompanies .419 .312 .274
.014 -.132 -.207 .351
H.P.ofpragathiconsultancywashumbleandcourteous .344 .634 .168 -.020
.090 .145 -.126
Quickaccurateandcorrectinformationfrompragathi .110 -.434 .049 -.179
.321 -.103 .391
onlinesiteprovidesusefulandupdatedinformationtimetotime .323 .406 -.317
-.071 -.011 .077 .016
Timemanagementisaccurate .412 .307 -.554 .012 .009 .196
verynicelymeetstheclientsrequirenmentandcandidatesrequirement .373 .228
.434 -.063 .172 -.036 .296
SelectthepeoplebasedonPersonalQualitiesandProfessionalcapabilities .256
.358 .421 .082 .005 .160 -.197
Stream .192 -.230 .046 -.528 .328 .296 -.168
Pragathimakescandidatesunderstand verynicely. .442 .118 -.178 -.478
.088 -.043 .074
notseenanybiasseness inrecruitmentat pragathi .189 -.066 -.083 .151
.590 -.292 .134
Therewasaproperinfrastructureatpragathi. .165 -.048 .071 .087
-.574 -.285 .026
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
a 7 components extracted.
This matrix contains the same information as the component matrix in given above
except that it is calculated after rotation. To comparing this matrix with the
unrotated solution, before rotation, most variables are highly loaded onto the f
irst factor and the remaining factors didn’t really get a look in.

Fig 4 Scree plot

The scree plot is a plot of the Eigenvalues against the number of factors in or
der of factors in order of extraction. The shape of plot is used to determine th
e no of factors. The plot has a distinct break between the steep slope factors ,
with large eigenvalues and gradual trailing off associated with the rest of the
factors. The gradual trailing off is referred to as a scree. The point at which
the scree begins denote the true number of factors.

From above we can draw following loading of the variable onto factor.
TABLE No. 10 Result of factor analysis
VARIENCE %age variance ITEMS Item loading Cumulative frequency
1. Services of pragathi. 3.732 42.744 process and policy adopted
.761 42.744%
quick accurate and correct information .864
online site provides useful and updated informat
ion time to time .692
Time management .782
Pragathi meet my expectations .656
2. Recruitment and selection process. 2.153 5.366 interview panel
at pragati .670 48.110%
aptitude test taken .834
question asked checks level of competency
Select the people based on Personal Qualities an
d Professional capabilities .678
3. Environment at pragathi 1.590 4.79 H.R. was humble and courteous
.705 52.900%
Not seen any biasness in recruitment .467
Good infrastructure
system .676
4. Penetration of pragathi 1.409 4.040 Clients are renowned com
panies .809 56.940%
refer my friends also .767
provides excellent opportunities of job to ever
y stream .674
5. Requirements fulfillment 1.375 4.003 meets the clients requir
ements with candidates requirement .834 60.942%
Makes candidates understand very nicely the requ
irements of clients. .845
Satisfaction from role and compensation 1.150 3.904 happy with the d
esignation offered .808 64.846%
happy with the salary offered .731
7. Placement agency 1.288 3.560 placement agency is the best way
of recruitment and selections .792 68.406%

Factor Discussion:
1: Services of pragathi- This factor has emerged as a most important determinant
of research with a total variance of42.744%. During my research I found that Se
rvices provided by pragathi consultancy to their candidate affects most, while m
easuring satisfaction level. Process and policy adopted by pragathi for recruitm
ent and selection, the information which a candidate wants are most of the time
accurate and quick, online site always provide useful and updated information ti
me to time, time management of pragathi all these things create a positive image
of pragathi in the mind of candidates.
2.Recruitment and selection process : This factor has emerged as the second most
important determinant of research with a total variance of. Candidate felt that
interview panel at pragati were quite competent in their respective field. Apti
tute test taken by pragathi checks all the information which are important for t
he job success and checking the level of competency and finally pragathi selects
people on the basis of personal qualities and professional capabilities.
3. Environment at Pragathi
This factor emerged as the important determinants of research with a variance of
Good infrastructure of pragathi at first site creates a good impression in the e
yes of candidates, Humble and courteous nature of HR and no biasness in recruitm
ent process creates trust inside the applied candidates.
4. Penetration of pragathi
This factor has emerged as the effective determinants of research with a varianc
e of 5.872
The important point which effects a lot to candidates are who are the clients o
f Pragathi.
Clients of pragathi are renowned companies Pragathi provides good opportunities
to each and every stream like technical, Managerial, Life science, Pharma, Engi
neering , Administration etc. this shows that pragathi has a good penetration in
corporate. And thus positive word of mouth is there ,so candidate use to refer
there friends also.
5 Requirements fulfillment: This factor has emerged as a relevant factor of rese
arch with a total variance of 5.729. Pragathi very well meets the clients requir
ement with the candidates requirements and also makes candidate understand very
comprehensly the requirements of clients. Thus candidates fell comfortable.
6 Satisfaction from role and compensation This factor has also emerged as the ef
fective factor of research with a total variance 5.366.Candidates who got finall
selection are satisfied with the role offerd and salary offerd.
7 Placement agency. This factor has also emerged as the effective factor of res
earch with a total variance of 4.790.Most of the candidates feel that placement
agencies are the best source for getting a good opportunity of job.

1- On an average in a month pragathi consultancy recruits 1812 employees in
which Techniqal employees are highest in number.
2- Moving to Band C grade cities are the best strategy to adopted by pragat
i to increase the number of recruits.
3- The job portal which is highly used by pragathi for recruitment is nauka
4- At pragathi referral policy is there, and these references are through e
mployees, employees friends and other mediums.
5- Certain incentives are there for employees at pragathi for reffering som One day holiday,or certain gifts.
6- Pragathi has its own recruitment pool database,where all the record of c
andidates who had applied are saved and used.
7- Pragathi has candidate tracking softwere.
8- Number of rounds at interview depends totally on clients requirnment,str
eam of job and its complexicity.
9- Pragathi has its feed back form for the candidates who get placed throug
h pragathi and also a feedback form for their clients use it for forther improv
10- Thus most of the candidates get information next day about their selecti
on or rejection.
11- Most of the clients of pragathi appreciate the job done by pragathi.Acco
rding to them Candidate refferd by pragathi are competent enough.
12- Clients get all the updated documents and information time to time from
13- Pragathi works hard in searching new clients and also in maintaining the
14- Pragathi frequently do meetings with their clients in order to understan
d their work culture and quality of candidate which company prefer to select.
15- Candidates of Pragathi are quite satisfied and following seven things ef
fect to them-
1- Services of pragathi- Process and policy adopted by pragathi for recruit
ment and selection, the information which a candidate wants are accurate and qui
ck, online site always provide useful and updated information time to time, time
management of pragathi.
2- Recruitment and selection process- Candidate felt that interview panel a
t pragati were quite competent in their respective field. Aptitute test and psyc
hometric test taken by pragathi checks all the information which are important f
or the job success and checking the level of competency and finally pragathi sel
ects people on the basis of personal qualities and professional capabilities.
3- Environment at Pragathi- Good infrastructure,Humble and courteous nature
of HR and no biasness in recruitment process creates trust inside the applied c
4- Penetration of pragathi- Clients of pragathi are renowned companies Prag
athi provides good opportunities to each and every stream like technical, Manage
rial, Life science, Pharma, Engineering , Administration etc. this shows that p
ragathi has a good penetration in corporate.
5- Requirements fulfillment- Pragathi very well meets the clients requireme
nt with the candidates requirements and also makes candidate understand very com
prehensly the requirements of clients.
6- Satisfaction from role and compensation.Candidates who got finall select
ion are satisfied with the role offerd and salary offerd.
7- Placement agency.Most of the candidates feel that placement agencies are
the best source for getting a good opportunity of job and thus they are satisfi
ed with the pragathi.

1. Thus by this project report it can be concluded that Pragathi Consultanc
y which was started in 2000 is one of the very fast growing consultancy.Employee
s of pragathi work hard,properly accurately and timely.Recruitment process done
by pragathi depends both on the policy of pragathi and policy of their clients.P
ragathi use many softwere of keeping the data of their clients.If recruitment pr
ocess is outsourced by some company then pragathi is wholely responsible for the
pre recruitment process and post recruitment process.
2. Clients of pragathi are continuesly increasing as pragathi work harder i
n searching new clients through cold calling and also maintain the relation stro
ngly with existing clients by frequent meeting with them and providing valuable
free advices to them.Time to time feedback from the clients makes pragathi much
more improved as by this pragathi came to know about its loopholes.
3. Candidates are satisfied by pragathi consultancy.this satisfaction is b
ecause of pragathi’s good pecruitment selection policies and procedures.The tec
hnique used by pragathi for the recruitment and selection depends on clients req
The interview panel of every stream are competent enough.The internal environmen
t,infrastructure and facilities all create positive image in the mind of the can
didates.Candidates get all the updated information online and also all the notif
ications are reached to candidate within the timespan of 3 days through mail or
telephone.Candidates are also happy with the Slary and designation offerd by pra
Thus lastly it can be concluded that pragathi consultancy is a fast growing Recr
uitment Firm.recruitment process are very effective keeping into consideration t
he economic condition of country.Both clients and candidates are satisfied by th
e work performed by pragathi.


1- A hiring management system, which is a software used in the recruitment

process to assist in hiring is a very important tool which can increase the effi
ciency in the process manifold, considering the data-intensive nature of the pro
cedures. designing such a system involved mapping the workflow, identifying user
requirements and testing the usability and validity of performance
2- Professional standards should not be compromised but instead utilized to
their best intentions.
3- Develop a valid, reliable, and objective evaluation process.
4- Use one or two exercises that are more candidate friendly and faster to
score.Increase hurdles with a pass point at each juncture.
5- Account for the changing economy.Agencies have to adopt precise and accu
rate recruitment and selection processes
6- Allow for oral examinations to occur via conference call.
7- Allow flexibility in exam scheduling.
8- Schedule hiring interviews directly after oral exam
9- Enhance pool of oral examination questions.

1- Billsberry, J. (2000) Finding and keeping the Right People, 2nd edn, Lon
don, Prentice-Hall
2- Brown, Judith (2002). HR Professionals Shift Priorities in a Changing Ec
onomy. International Personnel Management Association (IPMA) website
3- Brian O’Leary et al.,”Selecting the Best and Brightest”Human Resource Ma
nagement41,no.3,Fall 2005,pp.41-43
4- Cowling, A.G. and Mailer, C.J.B (1981) Managing Human Resources, London,
Edward Arnold.
5- Elaine Pulakos,Selection Assesment Methods,SHRM Foundation,2005,p.14.
6- George Bradt and Mary Vonnegut, Onboarding: How To Get Your New Employee
s Up To Speed In Half The Time, (John Wiley & Sons, 2009) - ISBN 0470407034 pag
e 63
7- Gilbert Nicholoson,” Automated Assessment for better heirs,” Workforce,D
ecember 2000,pp102-107
8- Ludlow, R. and Panton, F. (1991) The Essence of Successful Staff Selecti
on, London, Prentice-Hall.
Gary Dessler and Biju Varrakky,”HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT”pp.129 169

I Arjita Tripathi is 2nd year student of MBA from IMS GHAZIABAD.For completion
of my degree i have to do one dissertation .This questionnaire belongs to my dis
sertation project.I kindly request you to please fill this questionnaire. I will
highly obliged.
1- Candidates forworded by pragathi consultancy are.
2- Pragati fulfil all requirenment in a………. way
3- Pragati follows your recruitment policies also.
a) Always follows
b) Some time do not follows
c) Do not follow
4-Pragati provides you time to time information and updates.
a) Always provides new updates
b) Some time do not provides
c) Do not provide

5-Pragathi Documets clients details and vacancy requirements properly

a) Always a good and comprehensive document
b) Some time some informations are not updated
c) Not always properly documented.
6- Pragathi take a feed back from their clients also and improve accordingly n
ext time
a. Pragathi take feed back and always improve next time.
b. Sometime feedbacks are not taken
c. There is no system of clients feedback
7-Pragathi provide advices to both clients and candidates regarding salary l
evels, training requirements and career opportunities.
a) Always give useful advices in need
b) Advices are not always useful
c) Do not provide any free advices
8- Pragathi works hard for finding new clients through Cold Calling in ord
er to establish new contacts and their requirements.
a) Always make new contacts and stay in touch
b) Unable to sustain the new contacts.
9- Pragathi use to take up the meetings with new clients , to understand t
heir individual work pattern and strategies.
a) Time to time
b) Some time
c) Very rare
d) Only once
10- Pragathi ensures that the candidate joins the client as per the committe
d time schedule.
a) Always joins at committed time schedule
b) Sometime late by 1 or 2 days
c) Never joined at committed time schedule


I Arjita Tripathi is 2nd year student of MBA from IMS GHAZIABAD. For completion
of my degree i have to do one dissertation .This questionnaire belongs to my dis
sertation project. I kindly request you to please fill this questionnaire. I wil
l highly oblige.
Name :
Designation :
Location :
Q.1 On an Average no. Of recruits does pragathi consultancy recruit
Out of total employees what is the percentage of
Front line employees
Technical employees
Senior Managers and above
Q.2 What are some of the strategies adopted by your firm to increase the number
of recruits in this sector
Offering Better pay packets than industry average
Moving to B and C Grade Cities
Looking Beyond Graduates(Diploma Holders)
Tie-Up with Institutes
Give openings for versatile areas
Others (Please Specify)________________________
Q.3 Rank the following according to its relevance to the company:
(1- High priority, 2-next priority and so on)
A) Employees are mainly recruited through:

Sl.No Source Candidates with experience of

0-1 yr 1-3 yrs 3-5 yrs 5-10 yrs 10 yrs & above
1 Campus
2 Employee Referrals
3 Walk-ins
4 Advertisements
5 Job Fairs
5 Portals
Q.4 What are the jobsites from which you source resumes?

Q.5 Do you have a referral policy in your Organization?

a) Yes
b) No

Q.6 Is there a reward for referring employees?

a) Yes
b) No

Q.7 Do you have a recruitment pool database in your organization?

1. Yes
2. No
Q.8 Do you have a candidate tracking software?
1. Yes
2. No
Q.9 How many rounds of interviews, tests are conducted before a candidate is off
a) 2 round
b) 3 to 4 round
c) It depends on strem and clients requirment

Q.10 Do you take candidate feedback on recruitment process?

Q.11 What is the average time of response to each candidate ?

Same day
Next Day
Takes 2 to 3 days
More then 3 days
Q.12 Rejected candidates informed by
a) Mail
b) Phone
c) On hold
d) both a & b


I Arjita Tripathi is 2nd year student of MBA from IMS GHAZIABAD.For completion
of my degree i have to do one dissertation .This questionnaire belongs to my dis
sertation project.I kindly request you to please fill this questionnaire. I will
highly obliged.

2-Company Name
3- Stream
4- Designation
5-Work experience
6-I came to know about pragathi consultancy through
i. News paper
ii. Internet
iii. Magazine
iv. Television
v. Friends
vi. Other………………

7-Please tick in any one according to your choice.

1-Totally agree, 2- Agree to a greater extent, 3- Neither agree nor disagree, 4-
Disagree to greater extent, 5- Totally disagree.
s Questions 1 2 3 4 5
1 The process and policy adopted by pragati consultancy for recruitment a
nd selection is satisfactory.
2 According to me the interview panel at pragati is knowlagable
3 I am happy with the salary offerd by the company through pragathi
4 I will refer my friends also to take help from pragathi
5 Pragathi meet my expectations
6 I am happy with the designation offerd by company through pragathi
7 The aptitude test taken by pragathi is up to the mark.
8 According to me placement agency is the best way of recruitment and sele
9 The question asked by pragathi really checks both knowledge and personal
10 According to me clients of pragathi consultancy are renowned companies.
11 The H.P. of pragathi consultancy was humble and courteous with me.
12 I get quick accurate and correct information from pragathi.
13 The online site of pragathi provides useful and updated information time
to time.
14 Time management of pragathi consultancy is accurate.
15 Pragathi very nicely meets the clients requirement and candidates requir
16 Select the people based on Personal Qualities and Professional capabilit
ies keeping in mind “Job-fit” and Culture fit
17 Pragathi provides excellent opportunities of job to every stream wheath
er management, techniqal life scince or administrative and to all the level mid
dele upper and lower
18 Pragathi understands very nicely about the requiernment of their clients
and makes candidates understand very nicely.
19 I had not seen any biasseness in recruitment at pragathi.

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