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Danica May B.

Midterm Examinations (Curriculum)
1. A curriculum is a structure or organizational framework that is used to make decisions about
everything from policies and priorities to teaching methods and assessment procedures
(Crosser, 2005). Existing curriculums that we have now are base from the philosophy that we
get from the theories. Theories are the basis of the ideas that as a teacher needs to know in
order to become an effective teacher. Curriculum cannot stand without the support of the
theories because there is no proof that it will be effective to the students. I as a teacher believe
that shaping the cognitive of the students are one important aspect so that it will not hinder the
teaching-learning process. As what Jerome Bruner said, True learning involves figuring out
how to use what you already know in order to go beyond what you already think. In line with
this learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based on
their current/past knowledge. These experiences can aid the child to do better because of the
past experiences that he/she have had or the basic learning that the child can use in the
future. With this, his theory is used to the development of the Spiral Curriculum, one of the
basis on the K to 12 program. Spiral Curriculum is a curriculum from the simple lesson and
when they reach the mastery of that simple lesson, they can proceed to a complex one.
Instead of focusing for relatively long periods of time on specific narrow topics, a spiral
curriculum tries to expose children to a wide ideas over and over. Teachers must revisit the
curriculum by teaching the same content but in a different ways depending on the levels of
2. Theorist in the past are really relevant to teachers today, especially in pre-school wherein
students are taught about life skills. Theorist are people that greatly influence the curriculum
that we have right now. One of the famous theorist today is Dr. Maria Montessori, the person
behind the Montessori program. According to her, children learn best in a child-sized
environment that is stimulating and inviting to an absorbent mind. Their curriculum is giving

hands-on activity and believed that parents should be partners in their childrens education.
One of its attitude is cooperation not competition. Students work independently and teachers
are just facilitators of learning and a careful observers of childrens development. Lastly, the
famous Howard Earl Garder said, Anything that is worth teaching can be presented in many
different ways. These multiple ways can make use of our multiple intelligences. Students are
unique being, their talents and how they deal with learning are different. That is why we, as
teacher should not just enhance one intelligences but rather explore and be open-minded that
every child that we have inside the classroom has several intelligences that we can make or
break. This theorist tells us that we should provide activities and strategies that will align with
this theory. Being a teacher is not about giving a simple time and knowledge but giving
yourself. We are not just here to teach but also search our mission, that whatever theorist that
we believe in, they will still help and guide us in nurturing the minds of the children.

3. Change is the only constant in life. Even in our curriculum, we cannot deny the fact that
changes is really visible. The process of curriculum development is ongoing. It is both planned
and impromptu, written or unwritten. The curriculum that we have right now is a development
of the previous curriculum that we had, but because of the theories that guides us on what we
should do to the children and the different researches that guide us on what we should do as a
teacher. As we begin in the process of curriculum development should be planned well so that
it can set goals for learning based on the philosophy of the theorist and also for the further
improvement. If there are still students curriculum will always change from time to time to meet
the needs, to enhance the learning of the students and for them to be prepared in the life; the
skills that they need in a changing world. Curriculum will always the bases of this opportunity
that the children need.

4. One of the greatest gift that a teacher can give to the learner is the formation of the children is
to improve whole being of the children. We need to provide greater opportunities to the
students because in the future they will be the next generation that will handle our country.
It is up to us how we mold them to become a good citizen of the country. What we teach them
will not just stay in the four walls of the classroom, but it will be evident in the future on how we
teach them the things that they need. As an educator, we are not just giving them information
but we are here to guide them on their journey towards success. We should bear in mind that
the children that we have now will be shaped on their experiences that they learned from us. It
is really a great challenge for a teacher to always do the best in shaping the minds of this
children. The responsibility is in me, in you and in us. The country lies with what we teach to
these young people. A responsibility that we need to handle very serious because what they
will be lies in our hands.
Sources: Mc Leud, S. (2007) Skinner-Operant Conditioning
Jackman, H. (2012). Early Education Curriculum.

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