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JUNE 2012



An Internship Report Submitted to the Department of Business

Administration of International Islamic University Chittagong, Dhaka
Campus in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and Banking.

Supervised By
Md. Zahangir Alam
Assistant Professor of Finance

Submitted By
Md. Tanvir Ahmed
ID# b082082

June, 2012

Md. Zahangir Alam
Assistant Professor of Finance
Internship Supervisor
Department of Business administration
International Islamic University Chittagong
Dhaka Campus
Subject: Letter of Transmittal
Dear Sir,
It is my great pleasure to submit my Internship Report as a part of my BBA program to you that I
am assigned to prepare under your direct supervision on the topic entitled Stock Market Index
and Exchange Rate: The Case of Bangladesh. I am fortunate enough that I get an experienced
and efficient professional team in the Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited, Konapara Branch. I obtain
the opportunity to work with them at different sections of the said Bank.
I try my level best to show my skill, which is achieved by three (03) months, practical experience
through this report. Finally, I would like to assure that I remain standby for any clarification,
explanation as and when required.
Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation in this regard.
Sincerely yours,
(Md. Tanvir ahmed)
ID: b082082
BBA (major in Finance and Banking) Program
Department of Business Administration
International Islamic University Chittagong
Dhaka Campus

The Head
Department of Business administration
International Islamic University Chittagong
Dhaka Campus
Subject: Letter of Transmittal
Dear Sir,
It is my great pleasure to submit my Internship Report as a part of my BBA program to you that I
am assigned to prepare this Report under the direct supervision of Md. Zahangir Alam, Assistant
Professor of Finance, on the topic entitled Stock Market Index and Exchange Rate: The
Case of Bangladesh. I am fortunate enough that I get an experienced and efficient professional
team in Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited, Konapara Branch. I obtain the opportunity to work with
them at different sections of the said Bank.
I try my best to show my skill, which is achieved by three (03) months, practical experience
through this report. Finally, I would like to assure that I remain standby for any clarification,
explanation as and when required.
Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation in this regard.
Sincerely yours,
(Md. Tanvir Ahmed)
ID: b082082
BBA (major in Finance and Banking) Program
Department of Business Administration
International Islamic University Chittagong
Dhaka Campus


The Internship Report entitled Exchange Stock Market Index and Exchange Rate: The Case of
Bangladesh is submitted to the Office of Department of Business Administration, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration, Major in
Finance and Banking, Faculty of Business Studies by Md. Tanvir ahmed, ID # b082082. The
report may be accepted and may be presented to the Internship Defense Board for evaluation.

(Any opinions, suggestions made in this report are entirely that of the author of the report. The
University does not condone nor reject any of these opinions or suggestions).

(Md. Zahangir Alam)

Assistant Professor of Finance
Internship Supervisor
Department of Business Administration
International Islamic University Chittagong
Dhaka Campus


I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in
accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these
rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to
this work.

(Md. Tanvir ahmed)

ID # b082082


I would like to express my gratitude to my distinguished supervisor; Mr. Md.










Administration, International Islamic University Chittagong, Dhaka Campus, whose

cordial supervision and guidelines enable me to complete my internship report

I am also grateful to the Executives of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited, Konapara

Branch; my family members; and well-wishers who give all sorts of support during
my study period.

Table of Contents
Executive summery.....................................................................................................................................i
Feasibility of the Study.....................................................................................................................1.2
Objectives of the study...............................................................................................................1.3
Outline of the report..........................................................................................................................1.4

Literature review.....................................................................................................................................2
Brief literature survey...........................................................................................................................2.1
Theoretical Framework.............................................................................................................................3
Methodology of the study..........................................................................................................................4
Research design....................................................................................................................................4.1
Data collection procedures.............................................................................................................4.3
Data analysis procedures ..................................................................................................................4.4
Findings and analysis................................................................................................................................6
Presentation and discussion of findings................................................................................................6.1
Summary of the study and key findings................................................................................................7.1
Recommendations in the light of findings...........................................................................................7.2
Limitation of study............................................................................................................................7.3


It is evidenced from the goods market theory and portfolio balance approach that the
stock index and the Exchange Rate determine each other. This study tries to analyze the dynamic
relationship between stock market index and exchange rate in the Bangladeshi economy. We use
Regression analysis to find the relationship between exchange rate and stock market index. DSE
general price index of Dhaka Stock Exchange is used as a dependant variable. No significant
relationship is found between the stock index and exchange rate. It is known that microeconomic
factor work as systematic risk factor for the asset pricing. Again most of the investors are
inclined to know whether exchange rate has an influence over stock price index or not. Different
concern authorities regarding stock price index and exchange rate will get an insight from this
paper for their respective work.


1.1 Introduction:

The recent liberalization of foreign capital controls and adoption of floating exchange rate
regime in Bangladesh have widened the scope of studying the relationship between exchange
rates and stock prices. Liberalization of foreign capital controls has opened the possibility of
international investment and the adoption of floating exchange rate regime has increased the
volatility of foreign exchange market. Thus detecting the association between stock prices and
exchange rates has become crucial for the academicians, practitioners and policy makers. This
empirical paper narrows down its focus on the dynamic effects of exchange rate changes on the
overall stock market returns in Bangladesh.
Relationship between stock returns and foreign exchange rates has frequently been utilized in
predicting the future trends for each other by investors. Moreover, the continuing increases in the
world trade and capital movements have made the exchange rates as one of the main
determinants of business profitability and equity prices (Kim, 2003). Exchange rate changes
directly influence the international competitiveness of firms, given their impact on input and
output price (Joseph, 2002). Basically, foreign exchange rate volatility influences the value of the
firm since the future cash flows of the firm change with the fluctuations in the foreign exchange
rates. When the Exchange rate appreciates, since exporters will lose their competitiveness in
international market, the sales and profits of exporters will shrink and the stock prices will
decline. On the other hand, importers will increase their competitiveness in domestic markets.
Therefore, their profit and stock prices will increase. The depreciation of exchange rate will
make adverse effects on exporters and importers. Exporters will have advantage against other
countries exporters and increase their sales and their stock prices will be higher (Yau and Nieh,
2006). That is, currency appreciation has both a negative and a positive effect on the domestic
stock market for an export-dominant and an import-dominated country, respectively (Ma and
Kao, 1990). Exchange rates can affect stock prices not only for multinational and export-oriented
firms but also for domestic firms. For a multinational company, changes in exchange rates will
result in an immediate change in value of its foreign operations as well as a continuing change in
the profitability of its foreign operations reflected in successive income statements. Therefore,

the changes in economic value of firms foreign operations may influence stock prices. Domestic
firms can also be influenced by changes in exchange rates since they may import a part of their
inputs and export their outputs. For example, a devaluation of its currency makes imported inputs
more expensive and exported outputs cheaper for a firm. Thus, devaluation will make positive
effect for export firms (Aggarwal, 1981) and increase the income of these firms, consequently,
boosting the average level of stock prices (Wu, 2000). Thus, understanding this relationship will
help domestic as well as international investors for hedging and diversifying their portfolio. Also,
fundamentalist investors have taken into account these relationships to predict the future trends
for each other (Phylaktis and Ravazzolo, 2005; Mishra et al., 2007; Nieh and Lee, 2001;
Stavrek, 2005). Hence it can be concluded that, the intensity of the effect of changes in
exchange rate on stock prices is dependent upon the significance of foreign trade in the economy
and the balance of payment imbalances at macro level.
This study examines whether stock market returns are influenced by exchange rate changes in
Bangladesh. In a country like Bangladesh where the economy is growing importance in Asian
economy due to increasing market openness, continuing unfolding strong trade relationship with
the outside world, rising foreign investment, expanding GDP growth rate and enduring
expansion in export oriented industry and services that inspire us to do the study.
1.2 Feasibility of the Study:

Economic factors are basically influence the stock market index. Chen, Roll, and
Ross (1986) asserts, A rather embarrassing gap exists between the theoretically exclusive
importance of systematic state variables and our complete ignorance of their identity. The co
movements of asset prices suggest the presence of underlying exogenous influences, but we have
not yet determined which economic variable, if any, are responsible. In multifactor asset
pricing models, any variable that affects the future investment opportunity set or the level of
consumption could be a priced factor in equilibrium (Merton, 1973; Breeden, 1979). Securities
affected by such undiversifiable risk factors should then earn risk premia in a risk-averse
economy (Ross, 1976). Yasaswy (1994) states, to gain an insight into the complexities of the
stock, one need to develop a sound economic understanding and be able to interpret the impact
of important economic indicators on stock markets. This paper will narrowing down its

approach into one economic variable, the exchange rate, and going to study that weather the
exchange rate has the influence on stock price index.
The investor is always keen to know about the association between exchange rate and stock price
index and weather they predictable on the basis of the value of other variable. Again government
is inclined to know whether foreign exchange rate has significant affect on the stock market
index or not. The authorities regarding exchange rate market and stock market will get an insight
from this paper for their respective works.
1.3 Objectives of the Study:

Exchange rates have become crucial for the academicians, practitioners and policy makers and
the importance of stock market is known to all. The objectives of this paper are to find out:
1. The association between stock market index and exchange rate
2. Weather they predictable on the basis of the value of other variable.

1.4 Outline of the Report:

Chapter one is an introduction chapter where an introduction is made about our countrys
exchange rate and stock market index. In chapter two a brief literature survey has been made
where many of the researchers research work are describe in brief. Chapter three gives us a
model by which our mathematical analysis has conducted. In chapter four the methodology of
the study are describe about how the data is collected, about which years data is taken, research
design etc. chapter five is the result of the methodology. Chapter six is what we find in our work
and in chapter seven, the conclusion chapter, some recommendation and some limitation of this
studies is given.
2.1 Brief Literature Survey

The existence of a relationship between stock prices and exchange rate has received considerable
attention. Early studies (Aggarwal, 1981; Soenen and Hennigar, 1988) in this area considered
only the correlation between the two variables-exchange rates and stock returns. Theory

explained that a change in the exchange rates would affect a firms foreign operation and overall
profits which would, in turn, affect its stock prices, depending on the multinational
characteristics of the firm. Conversely, a general downward movement of the stock market will
motivate investors to seek for better returns elsewhere. This decreases the demand for money,
pushing interest rates down, causing further outflow of funds and hence depreciating the
currency. While the theoretical explanation was clear, empirical evidence was mixed. It was
Maysami-Koh(2000), who examined the impacts of the interest rate and exchange rate on the
stock returns and showed that the exchange rate and interest rate are the determinants in the stock
prices. It was in 1992 that Oskooe and Sohrabian used Cointegration test for the first time and
concluded bidirectional causality but no long term relationship between the two variables.
Najang and Seifert(1992), employing GARCH framework for daily data from the U.S, Canada,
the UK, Germany and Japan, showed that absolute differences in stock returns have positive
effects on exchange rate volatility. Ajayi and Mougou in 1996 picked daily data from 1985 to
1991 for eight advance economic countries; employed error correction model and causality test
and eventually discovered that increase in aggregate domestic stock price has a negative shortrun effect and a positive long-run effect on domestic currency value. On the other hand, currency
depreciation has both negative short-run and long-run effect on the stock market. Abdalla
andMurinde(1997) used data from 1985 to 1994, giving results for India, Korea and Pakistan that
suggested exchange rates Granger cause stock prices. But, for the Philippines the stock prices
lead the exchange rates. Furthering into Indian context, work in this area for the Indian Economy
has not progressed much. Abhay Pethe and Ajit Karnik (2000) has investigated the inter
relationships between stock prices and important macroeconomic variables, viz., exchange rate
of rupee vis - a -vis the dollar, prime lending rate, narrow money supply, and index of industrial
production. The analysis and discussion are situated in the context of macroeconomic changes,
especially in the financial sector, that have been taking place in India since the early 1990s.
There are some other related studies though not specifically focused to this aspect. Studies like
Agarwal, 1997; Chakrabarti, 2001; and Trivedi & Nair, 2003, though, have shown that equity
return has positive impact on FII. In 1998, Ajayi et al. investigated the causal relations for seven
advanced markets from 1985 to 1991 and eight Asian emerging markets from 1987 to 1991 and
supported unidirectional causality in all the advanced economies but no consistent causal

relations in the emerging economies. They explained the different results by the differences in
the structure and characteristics of financial markets between these groups. Morley and
Pentecost (2000) conducted a study on G-7 countries, finally stating that the reason for the lack
of 7 strong relationships between exchange rates and stock prices may be due to the exchange
controls that were in effect in the 1980s. Similarly, Nieh and Lee in 2001 examined the
relationship between stock prices and exchange rates for G-7 countries for the period from
October 1, 1993 to February 15, 1999.They claimed no long-run equilibrium relationship for
each G-7 countries. While one days short-run significant relationship has been found in certain
G-7 countries, there is no significant correlation in the United States. These results might be
explained by each countrys differences in economic stage, government policy, expectation
pattern, etc. In 2003, Kim showed that S&Ps common stock price is negatively related to the
exchange rate. Contemporarily, Smyth and Nandha studied the relationship for Pakistan, India,
Bangladesh and Sri Lanka over the period 1995-2001 and proved no long run relationship
between variables. Unidirectional causality was seen running from exchange rates to stock prices
for only India and Sri Lanka. Also, Ibrahim and Aziz analyzed dynamic linkages between the
variables for Malaysia, using monthly data over the period 1977-1998 and their results showed
that exchange rate is negatively associated with the stock prices. Results that came from Gordon
& Gupta in 2003 and Babu and Prabheesh in 2007 claimed bidirectional causality stating that
foreign investors have the ability of playing like market makers given their volume of
Again in 2004, Griffin stated foreign flows are significant predictor of returns in Thailand, India,
Korea, Taiwan and in 2005, Doong et al. showed that these financial variables are not
cointegrated. Bidirectional causality could be detected in Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia and
Thailand and significantly negative relation between the stock returns and the contemporaneous
change in the exchange rates for all countries except Thailand.Ozair(2006) and Vygodina(2006)
worked with US data. While Ozair proved no causal linkage and no Cointegration between these
two financial variables, the latter claimed causality from large-cap stocks to exchange rates.
Kurihara(2006) takes Japanese stock prices, U.S. stock prices, exchange rate, Japanese interest
rate etc.(period March 2001-September 2005). The results showed that exchange rate and U.S.

stock prices affected Japanese stock prices. Consequently, the quantitative easing policy
implemented in 2001 has influenced Japanese stock prices.
Pan et al. (2007) employed data of seven East Asian countries over the period 1988 to 1998,
proving bidirectional causal relation for Hong Kong before the 1997 Asian crises and
unidirectional causal relation from exchange rates and stock prices for Japan, Malaysia, and
Thailand and from stock prices to exchange rate for Korea and Singapore. During the Asian
crises, only a causal relation from exchange rates to stock prices is seen for all countries except
Malaysia. Contemporarily, Erbaykal and Okuyan studied 13 developing economies, using
different time periods and indicated causality relations for eight economies-unidirectional from
stock price to exchange rates in the five of them and bidirectional for the remaining three. No
causality was detected in Turkey; the reason of difference may be the time period used. However,
Sevuktekin and Nargelecekenler found bidirectional causality between the two financial
variables in Turkey, using monthly data from 1986 to 2006.Again, Takeshi(2008) showed
unidirectional causality from stock returns to FII flows, irrelevant of the sample period in India
where as the reverse causality works only post 2003.
To summarize, even though the theoretical explanation may seem obvious at times, empirical
results have always been mixed and existing literature is inconclusive on the issue of causality.
This paper attempts to investigate into the causal relationship between the two variables. The
period of the study has been taken from January 1993-December 2005.we will try to find and
analyze the causal relationship between these two variable within that time.


There is a significant relationship between the exchange rate and stock market return in context
of Bangladesh.
Theoretical Framework


4.1 Research design

In this research, relationship has been searched with dependent variable and independent
variables. Cooper, and Schindler (2003) stated, Research that studies the relationship between
two or more variables is also referred to as a correlation study. In this paper, the dependent
variable is stock market return. The independent variables are exchange rate.
4.2 Sampling

The sampling period for the paper begins from January 1993 to ends in
December 2005.
4.3 Data collection procedure

Exchange rates are collected from the monthly report named Economic trends which is
published by the Bangladesh Bank. The DSE all general share price index is collected from the
archive of the Dhaka Stock Exchange webpage.
4.4 Data analysis procedure sample

To analyze the data, various statistical tools are used. Mean, standard deviation, maximum,
minimum, graphs are used to have and idea of the general profile of the variables. To know the
extent of association among different variables, Spearman rank coefficient of correlation is used.
For testing the significance of correlation coefficient, the students t-test is used.
To find out the linear relationship, Multiple Regression analysis is conducted. Chawla, and
Srinivasan (1980) studied the relationship between the security prices and two major monetary
variables, viz, money supply and interest rate by using multiple linear regression technique.
It is grudging admittance from the researchers that autocorrelation is found in time series data.
Dougherty (2002) stated, Autocorrelation normally occurs only in regression analysis using
time series data. Again Gujrati (1992) confesses that time series data can also suffer from the
heteroscedasticity problem. Atindehou, and Gueyle (2001) made research on Canadian stock

return to find out the influence of exchange rate on Canadian bank stock return. They tested
autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity and remove these problem. In this paper results are
presented after removing the problem of autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity. The significance
of the coefficient of explanatory variables are tested by computing the student t-statistics. To
determine the proportion of explained variation in the dependent variable, coefficient of multiple
determination (

is worked out.

The statistical package StataSE 8 is used to analyze the above techniques



6.1 Presentation and Discussion of Findings

The hypothesis that Exchange rate have significant relationship with stock market return has
strong intuitive appeal but almost no empirical support in our economy. Though Pearce, and
Roley (1985) found the relationship between the change in money supply, change in index of
production and inflation rate with the market return in the U. S Economy. But in case of
Bangladesh, it does not match with Exchange rate and Market index.

In Bangladesh no

significant relationship is found. Again Atindehou, and Gueyle (2001) found that stock returns
were related with interest rate and exchange rate in Canadian Economy. In our economy this
does not happen. But after removing the problem of heteroscedasticity, the interest rate is related
with the market return at the 10% significant level which was also found in the Canadian
economy after removing the problem of heteroscedasticity in the research of Atindehou, and
Gueyle (2001).

7.1 Summery of the study and key findings

This research paper reveals that there is almost no significant relationship between the macro
economic factors and stock market return in our economy. Future research can be done to find
out the relationship among the expectational data and stock market price. Again other models
like GARCH model, EGARCH model, logarithomic multiple regression model can be used for
more logical findings than the present one. This paper is limited to find out the relationship of
macroeconomic factors with Dhaka Stock Exchange index. Relationship can be searched with
the Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) index.
7.2 Recommendations in the light of the findings

Understanding the relative influence of the macroeconomic factors on market return is helpful
for government, investment analysis, academicians and investors.
1) It is pivotal duty of the government to nurture the stock market to accelerate the
industrialization process. They have to take the fiscal and monetary policy so that the stock
market is not being affected abruptly. So knowledge of macro factors, relationship with the
market return, will aid them to adopt good economic policy.
2) The investment analysts can easily understand in which direction the stock market is going
take a move by observing the macro factors which have relationship with the market index. So
their decision will be more calculative.
3) The academicians will gain the real fact about the stock market index. In this way they
can find out the mismatch of the real fact with the theory which will eventually lead them to
make a future research to unearth the truth.
4) Individual investors have very much little knowledge about the stock market. If they
know the relationship with the Exchange rate and market index, they can easily make an
educated guess of the future investment by observing the Exchange rate which eventually
reduces their risk.
7.3 Limitations of the Study

This study does not transcend the boundary of limitations. The limitations which might reduce
the reliability of this paper is written below:
1) Researchers use in their research a simple basket of 10 major currencies equally weighted, in
terms of one foreign currency to the US dollar. In this study, it is not possible to use the foreign

currency basket. Such kind of currency basket or all the necessary currency is not available from
the time needed for this paper.
2) In this research, only relationship of one macro factor with market index is searched. There
are lots of other factors which cannot incorporate in this model which might have good
relationship with the market index.
3) It is found that previous researchers have conducted their research based on weekly data. In
our country, weekly data is not available. The weekly data of the market index is available. But
independent variables weekly basis data is not available. That is why; Quarterly data is used in
this research.


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Web References
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APPENDICES: List of abbreviation, some table produced by using software

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