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The conclusion that can be drawn from the findings is this: there are
many reasons why college freshmen students get stressed, but four variables
have stood out and more frequent than the others.
From the findings that the majority of the freshmen college students
get stressed what have been factually learned over the course of this
research are the main reasons for their stress.
Based on the data the researchers have gathered, it can be said that
the respondents have agreed that the main causes of stress among
freshmen college students are as follows:

Academic pressure
Social Relationship b
Accountability/Being Independent

The same can also be said to the informants the researchers have
questioned. In the transcript of their interview, they have reiterated the
variables above as the main causes of their stress.
The informants mentioned they get stressed when; they feel pressured
by their professors and classmates, when they get overwhelmed by the
amount of their projects and workloads, when they get caught up with their
family issues and fights of their parents, when they are forced to face adultlike responsibilities brought by financial problems and woes, and the sudden
lack of confidant of problems and parental like figure.
They informants said that sometimes they felt swamped by all the
responsibilities they face and the decisions they have to make. Sometimes
they felt like everybody expects too much from them, thus triggering and
causing them distress.

It can be suggested that stress can be lessen by, according to the findings of
the study and testimonies of several informants, the following:
Never handling too many things at once, knowing your limits and
knowing when to stop. It can beneficial not only to you, but also
for the others.
Seeking help from others. If you know its already too much for
you, dont hesitate to seek help from others.
Should we be stressed, dont think about everything at once. Itll
be much easier if we think about it one by one.
Dont think too much of your problems. The problems you so fully
terrorize yourselves about, the problems you so fully think are
very big and important, will become insignificant in a few years.
Not taking it too seriously. And if you cant help being stressed,

Problems, when dealt alone, become heavier and harder to face.
Managing your time. Handling too many things with too little
time will indeed result to stress. By managing your time based on
their importance, it will significantly reduce the amount your

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