Lesson Plan 2

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Jenny Lo 1

Lesson Plan-4th Grade

Manitoba School

Alverno Lesson Plan Format

A.4.1 Use effective reading strategies to achieve their

Learning Goal purposes in reading.
(DPI Content A.4.2 Read, interpret, and critically analyze literature.

o Students makes observations based on the picture that

Instructional was given
Objective(s) o Students makes inferences based on the observations
that was observed by them
o Students will accurately make observation based on
the scenario given
Assessment o Student will accurately make positive or negative
(Criteria/Look Fors) inferences based on the observations

o Scenarios

Time o Approximately 35 min.

(Total and Specific)

Procedures Introduction:
“Good Afternoon. I hope your all feeling better after getting
Introduction some lunch and going to recess because we are going to do
some work now. What I have for you today is some
scenarios. I will have you look at the scenario that you were
given. You will write down some observations about that
Developing the Lesson scenario and make inferences out of them. Do you all know
Demonstration, what an inference is?”
Practice Developed Lesson:
o Take out a scenario and do a demonstration for the
kids on how to make good observations and how to
write good observation.
o Pass out the scenarios to the students.

Jenny Lo 2
Lesson Plan-4th Grade
Manitoba School

“I want you to take out a piece of paper and a pen or pencil

and write down any observations you have of the scenario in
front of you. You will record those observations down on the
piece of paper. You will have 5 minutes to write down as
much observation as you can.”

“Ok, Put your pen or pencil down. You will now write down a
few inferences based on the observations you have made
about the scenarios. It can be positive or negative inferences
that you make. A situation can go either way.”

o Students should have approx. 3-5 min. to write down

o Students should have at least two or more inference
written down.

“Can anyone tell me what an inference is? Is there negative

and positive inferences? Yes.”

“Can I have some volunteers to give me an inference that they

have made?”

“Inferring can happen anytime when you read, when you see
something, or when you hear something. Is there positive and
negative inferences. Yes. So when you are reading, try to
make some inferences before you go to the next page and
see if you are right or wrong, or making positive or negative

Provide an alternative for the students that cannot read like a

Student picture or something.
Accommodations If student struggle with this lesson, I will make
accommodations according to the student needs.

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