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The appeal of selfies comes from how easy they are to create
and share, and the control they give self-photographers over how they present
themselves. Many selfies are intended to present a flattering image of the person,
especially to friends whom the photographer expects to be supportive.
ADVANTAGE = 2. a 2013 study of Facebook users found that posting photos of
oneself correlates with lower levels of social support from and intimacy with
Facebook friends (except for those marked as Close Friends). The lead author of the
study suggests that "those who frequently post photographs on Facebook risk
damaging real-life relationships."] The photo messaging application Snapchat is also
largely used to send selfies. Some users of Snapchat choose to send intentionallyunattractive selfies to their friends for comedic purposes.
ADVANTAGE = 3. Posting intentionally unattractive selfies has also become
common in the early 2010sin part for their humor value, but in some cases also to
explore issues of body image or as a reaction against the perceived narcissism or
over-sexualization of typical selfies.
DISADVATAGE = 4. Selfies are popular among both genders. Sociologist Ben
Agger describes the trend of selfies as "the male gaze gone viral", and sociologist
and women's studies professor Gail Dines links it to the rise of "porn culture" and
the idea that sexual attractiveness is the only way in which a woman can make
herself visible.[28] Writer Andrew Keen has pointed out that while selfies are often
intended to give the photographer control over how their image is presented,
posting images publicly or sharing them with others who do so may have the
opposite effectdramatically so in the case of revenge porn, where ex-lovers post
sexually explicit photographs or nude selfies to exact revenge or humiliate their
former lovers. Nonetheless, some feminists view selfies as a subversive form of selfexpression that narrates one's own view of desirability. In this sense, selfies can be
empowering and offer a way of actively asserting agency. Copyright law may be
effective in forcing the removal of private selfies from public that were forwarded to
another person.

DISADVATAGE = 5. According to a study performed by Nicola Bruno and Marco Bertamini at

the University of Parma, selfies by non-professional photographers show a slight bias for
showing the left cheek of the selfie-taker. This is similar to what has been observed for portraits
by professional painters from many different historical periods and styles, indicating that the left
cheek bias may be rooted in asymmetries of brain lateralization that are well documented within
cognitive neuroscience. In a second study, the same group tested if selfie takers without training
in photography spontaneously adhere to widely prescribed rules of photographic composition,
such as the rule of thirds. It seems that they do not, suggesting that these rules may be
conventional rather than hardwired in the brain's perceptual preferences.
DISADVATAGE 6. In July 2014, a fourteen year-old girl in the Philippines fell to her
death after losing her balance while taking a selfie of herself and a friend near the
staircase landing of their school in suburban Pasig City. According to doctors, the

girl sustained a sharp blow to the head from the fall and a rib had broken, piercing
her kidney.
DISADAVATGE 7. In August 2014, a fifteen year-old boy was critically wounded
after accidentally shooting himself while taking a selfie in which his other hand was
holding a gun to his chin.

HOW 8. Location is key when people are taking a selfie as most of the time people will only
take a selfie if they are at a place they want to be seen at. When people are taking the selfies here
they are going to be showing off to people where they are at and what they are doing. However,
this is also going to show to other people what time they were at the location. By knowing this
information, it is going to be a major selfie danger for people because it could lead to a stalker
knowing exactly where they are located and what time. To make matters worse is it could be a
common location that people go by each and every day, which makes it easier for people to find

9. Typically people will take a selfie with either someone famous or a friend they are hanging
out with. This is a great thing to do, but when the information is posted on the Internet it is
giving out the friends information as well. So people need to be cautious because they may not
realize that they are giving out their friends information at the same time and this could lead to
the friend being harmed or even worse the person who is taking the selfie and posting it being
hurt because they are associated with the person who is trying to be tracked down. So people
need to be mindful about the selfies they are taking and who they are taking them with.

10. Often people will try to protect themselves and their identity when they are on the computer.
This is only possible if they are using the proper caution about giving out details about
themselves or others. However, when people are taking a selfie they are going to end up getting
their details out in front of people who they may not know very well. When these people get this
information it could easily lead to them using the information against the people who are taking
the selfie for use other than what the intended picture was meant for.
11. Something else that people need to realize is when a selfie is taken and posted it gives out
clothing descriptions of what they wear. When people are taking a lot of selfie they may not
realize this, but it often shows off what kind of clothing they are wearing. If people are taking a
lot of selfies they could end up giving out more information about their clothing brands and the
stores they tend to shop at and this can lead to a stalker or other person learning more about the
people and the patterns they have and the places they tend to frequent.

12. Typically people never think about this, but they often are taking the selfie pictures when
they are not home. By taking these pictures when they are not home, people are going to give
information to criminals about where they are and the fact they are not home. This information
can be stored by criminals to start to find out a pattern about people. When the criminals are
getting this information and patterns they can start to predict when people will be home and
when they are not going to be home. This in turn will make it easier for the criminal to break into
the house and not have to be concerned about someone being home to stop them from taking
anything or reporting the crime to the police for an extended period of time.

13. Sometimes a selfie will be done at work with co-workers. This type of selfie is a great idea,
but with most workplaces now requiring people wear name tags, people can easily be giving out
their name and the names of other people rather easily. This in turn could lead to them being a
victim of a wide range of problems from identity theft to people just wanting to blackmail them
for something because of where they are working. Either way if a selfie is being taken name tags
and name plates should be avoided, but this is really important when working because sometimes
people will want to protect their workplace because of the sensitive nature of their job.
14. Normally when a selfie is taken with family members it is going to show off what they look
like and how old they appear. Most of the time people do not think about this or mind this
information being shared, but sometimes the family is sensitive about this information being
revealed. So they will want to make sure the information that is being given out is what they
want to have given out and is not going to reveal anything too bad about themselves. Taking
pictures in the modern world has become very common place. The problem is a lot of people are
taking a selfie and not realizing the risk they are putting themselves and others at. However, by
knowing about the different type of selfie danger people will be able to get the right results of the
pictures they are taking, but also know they are not going to be harmed at any time of period.
Without this, people will have trouble in recognizing the dangers they are putting themselves in
each time they decide to take a selfie and post it on the Internet or share with friends.
Either way, it's important for you to realize that it's so, so much easier for someone to hack your
life by cracking your email password than it is for them to beat Apple's security measures. It's
time to take a look at whether your password is really keeping you safe (boring, I know). Your
email password should be difficult for people to guess, by including lower case, caps, numbers
and letters. It should be different to all of your other passwords. I.e. Do not use the same
password for iTunes and Gmail!!! If one of the websites youre signed up to is compromised, and
someone gets hold of your email password, they now have access to your whole life. You dont
want that.
Two-factor authentication is essentially where entering your password is not enough to give you
access to an account; you must also enter a unique code thats sent via SMS to your phone, for
example. What this means is that if someone gets a hold of your email or Dropbox (or whatever
else you log intos) password, they cannot access your stuff without the unique code thats sent to
your phone or another device whenever you try to log in. It's like wearing two condoms!
Your phone/laptop/iPad enables you to access many of your accounts. If someone gets hold of
your phone/laptop/iPad, they have access to your life. Put pass codes on your devices. Better to

be safe than sorry. Also, make sure you use the option to approve access to your device whenever
a USB is connected to it.
WHY 18. According to a survey conducted by Common Sense Media of more than 1000 teens
aged 13 to 17-years-old, one in five teens felt more confident, popular, and better about
themselves when using social media while only 4 percent of teens felt worse about themselves.
While Pen Psychology AP teacher Vararat Chaiyont believes that selfies should not be used as a
way to boost self-esteem, she does acknowledge that they have considerable influence over
If someone posts a selfie of him/herself, then depending on the publics response, it will either
encourage him/her to continuing posting selfies or discourage him/her, Chaiyont said. Its the
reactions that will shape a persons behavior. Insecure people probably are not going to take
selfies and post them [but if they do and receive positive feedback] it would encourage them to
do it more. I might not necessarily make them more self-confident, but it will make them less shy
exhibiting themselves.
19. Selfies can be valuable when they can allow you to be playful or when they trigger honest
reflection. Here are some tips to keep selfies fun and keep you real:
1. Keep selfies in perspective by making them less posed; embrace playfulness.
2. Use selfies to explore different looks, interests, and outfits, but not different
duck faces. I dont know why the pouty moue seems coolbut its been
going on since the 1960s (only obviously not on Facebook or Instagram).
Maybe it was a by-product of the chiseled cheekbones of Twiggy or maybe its
been going on since the Middle Ages, but either way, keep in mind that it
may feel like it makes you look provocative, aloof and cool, but it mostly
makes you look silly. If you dont believe me, watch Ben Stillers Zoolander or
Amanda Bynes' selfies.
3. Only share selfies with real friends. Broadcasting selfies feels like TMI if
someone doesn't know you well. When you do that it creates interpersonal
distance, just like when youre too familiar with someone at school, work or
the grocery store. Remember how people started to complain about the
banal posts on Twitter? Once selfies are not the new thing to do, an
avalanche of selfies will be boring or, worse, annoying. If they are just for
you, dont share them.
4. Selfies can be a cool visual journal but that doesnt mean you have to post it
all online. There are lots of cool apps like Day One, Visual Diary, Photology,
or Days where you can create a visual timeline with notes (or not) to
document and reflect on your life and the passage of time. Context is

5. If youre taking selfies for personal or professional branding, unless its

supposed to be funny or edgy, it just looks cheap and unprofessional. Hire a
professional photographer.
WHY 20. Why do we take them?

But, what the scientists in this study havent answered is why were taking selfies. We jump on
board these trends, and we generally do it without thinking, but when we stop and ask ourselves
why were actually doing it what will we find?
If I ask myself why I occasionally take selfies, Id say its because its a fun way to capture a
moment with a friends, or to show my friends what Im doing. But thats not really true. If I ask
myself really honestly, Id say its part of showing everyone Brand Radhika. This is what I look
like (after a bit of Instagramming) and this is how I spend my time (obviously Ill have chosen
the coolest thing Ive done all week).
Im not alone in this. Dr Terri Apter, psychology lecturer at Cambridge University, says taking
selfies is all about people trying to figure out who they are and project this to other people. Its a
kind of self-definition, says Dr Apter. We all like the idea of being sort of in control of our
image and getting attention, being noticed, being part of the culture.
Her words are painfully close to the truth for me, but Im surprised to hear that it isnt actually
anything new. From the fifteenth century, at least, people who had access to self representations
were keen to make use of them, she says. In this way people could control the image projected,
and of course the fact that the image was on display, marked the importance and status of the
person represented.

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