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Prepared for
David Kampmann

Prepared by
Leslie Arredondo
CIS 101


In health information services, there are a lot opportunities. In this career I would have to

work with a lot of people, doing paper work, dealing with records, history, coding and billing.

It’s a good place to be if you like to work with a lot of paper work. Working with this will help

you learn a lot about dealing with people’s privacy and how to keep confidentiality with family,

friends, with everyone. In this career you would be working with nurses, doctors in a hospital,

nursing homes even insurance companies. This job can get you good health insurance for

yourself and good benefits

Medical Records

In this medical field a lot of companies, like hospitals were not in need of this work.

After the entire medical records where being transfer electronically, hospitals where in a lot of

need of them. Many companies where hiring anybody who had experience with any computer

skills. But they found out that they still had to train them to do the work, and that would take up

time and money. So they decided they wanted people who have a college degree and would get

hired knowing what to do. There are lots of advantages in this career. The more experience you

have the better it would give you as a worker. For an example it can get you to supervisory

position, home-base work which would be convenient for people who have kids or any disability

people may have.

Advancement. With experience, medical transcriptionists can advance to

supervisory positions, home-based work, editing, consulting, or teaching. Some
become owners of medical transcription businesses. With additional education or
training, some become medical records and health information technicians, medical
coders, or medical records and health information administrators.


Leslie Arredondo
pg. 2
Having good experience in this position can help you get a better easier job. It can lead

you to getting a higher raise or doing something like teaching the program or becoming a owner

of you own company. Or even becoming a supervisor. Another advancement is good benefits.

Since you would be working in a hospital, there would be good insurance for you and your


For this mater a lot of people are now going to school for this. Here at Southeast

Technical Institute, where a lot of students enrolled in this program. Hospitals wanted collage

experience students to get right into the job. Which is a good thing for anyone who is interested

in this career, we get a job guaranteed in the future. Now there are lots of jobs available to

anyone who has a degree in this career. In all health related jobs also.

Wages and Salary

Wages and salary are one of the things everyone in this field wants to know about. In

Health Information Services in Sioux Falls, start out at fifteen dollars an hour. After working for

many years and have experience with the program you can get a raise. The lowest you can get

paid in Sioux Falls, is about ten dollars an hour. The more you know the more you would get

paid. The highest that any transcriptionist can get is eighteen dollars an hour.

Leslie Arredondo
pg. 3

Barrows RC Jr, Clayton PD. Privacy, confidentiality, and electronic medical records.
J Am Med Inform Assoc. 1996;3:139–148.

Leslie Arredondo
pg. 4
Leslie Arredondo

Percentile annual and Hourly wages in May 2008

Percentile 10% 25% 50% 75% 90%

Hourly Wages $ 9.83 $ 11.68 $ 14.71 $ 18.98 $ 24.07
Annual Wage $ 20,440 $ 24,290 $ 30,610 $ 39,490 $ 50,060

South Dakota state

Employment 1,050
Hourly wage $ 14.42
Annual wage $ 30,000
Percent of State emloyment 0.265%

total difference amount from 10% to 25% $ (1.85)

total differece from overall to state annual wages $ (610)

Hourly wages and their percentage



1000% Hourly Wages


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Leslie Arredondo

Percentile annual and Hourly wages in May 2008

Percentile 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.9

Hourly Wages 9.83 11.68 14.71 18.98 24.07
Annual Wage 20440 24290 30610 39490 50060

South Dakota state

Employment 1050
Hourly wage 14.42
Annual wage 30000
Percent of State emloyment 0.00265

total difference amount from 10% to 25% =SUM(B4-C4)

total differece from overall to state annual wages =SUM(B10-D5)

Hourly wages and their percentage

1500% Percentile

1000% Hourly Wages

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