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^ul4 CQmplet^iie of these forms and send by regular surface mail to:

^jXsRtpn Sftrvipoe
Box 968
JoUetx Illinois





Name in full,




Complete address on field.


Complete home (or forwarding) address

Name and address of hometown newspaper,



O /- d

Names and addresses of other newspapers which might carry stories of

' atA/UA



. ZAjJ^.


T^S' irAS-A/ZAJ ^

Place of Birth

iX/LL. ^ F^aja/a^ ,
jXAX/^aj T'-^uJ . P^a/a/A .
p^y /2^

/- - ->J/.r/^^x^^A/whai- age?, //
On back of page please describe any special circumstances regarding conversion

Where baptisedT^^J^^

Marital status; Married




Married at what age.:^

List children by full name giving place, day, month, and year of birth:


Day Month Year


V /A A \ X7f"



./ ;

J j^.




xA ' /'



T-y/ '




/^' r- r>

f y "

Schooling (High school and on):

Name and Location of School

/':X/XX --

^ /'-r.y/V/W '
X/ /



Number of Years


Degrees with date






Personal File - Page 2 - Name-



What things influenced you to become a missionary? Your own story in some detail might be in*
flential in leading others into fulltime service (use a separate sheet if you need more space)?

E)e8cribe briefly in outline form the nature of your daily duties.

Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status;

Bible College teacher.

Doctor. Nurse

Social worker,

Public School teacherOffice worker OtheL

Father's name and home address (if

His occupation-. ^f



h^AxT .
^sr/Asp jg he a Christian?

What positions of leadership has he held in the local /"hnr.-h'?

, ElVS.^ . T/^ctfry^
i-Av' Pa<.h c ft

Mother's full maiden namx^ PsAKL

Is she a Christian?

f 2,A

OR.^I S a A)

Is she living?

. Her occupation if employed outside of home

What leadership positions has she held in the local church? 't

, LAr'/ET AjD ..

Name of forwarding


, Telephone

AVhat are his or her duties:

Should money be sent to forwarding agent only?,

In what form ?

If it can be mailed to

you, please indicate howin what form?

Does your forwarding agent serve without salary?

What problems do you need help widi, that Mission Services might provide?

Liat Churches spoDsoring your missionary work*

Ai& Z-^^ Paa/S ,

J//f CZ^ ^"a^aJ Z^aSA^^ 3cjr^ei><3^-5f

/^y^-rr er/j'^/sr-yA/iJ :/^y/fc/y (^j-/{/A>yAi^A])

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s Ayf^'-^'iA. AZ-AA AAc<y.<yA




A?.,e.AP<^ ^AyA- AA^o^-yA<^AUy,yA




complete one of these forms and send by regular surface mail to;
JoUetk Illinois





Name'in full,

Complete address on field.

Complete home (or forwarding) address

Name and address of hometown newspaper.

Names and addresses of other newspapers which might carry stories of your work. . .



Place of Birth.

' vrr.l.


> .:' . /'

Where baptised?^


What age?,

i Year,


On back or page ple^e describe any special circumstances regarding conversion

Marital status; MarriPH




Married at what age

List children by full name giving place, day, month, and year of birth:


y '

Day Month Year





/ /

Schooling (High school and on);

Name and Location of School


Number of Years


Degrees with date



Personal File - Page 2 - Name^

What things influenced you to become a missionary? Your own story in some detail mi^t be in-

flential in leading others into fulltime service (use a separate she^t if you need more space)?

form the nature of ypur dail3^duties.

Describe briefly in o

Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status:

Bible College teacher.


Public School teacher.^. Homemaker.

^ffice wo^gr.

Social worker.

Father's name and home address


y^^AAy^ 4^1^^

His occupation

Is he a Christian?

What positions of leadership has he held in the local church?

Mother's full maiden tqtyo

Is she a Christian?

'f .r'


Is she living?

. Her occupation if employed outside of home

What leadership positions has she held in the local church?

Name of forwarding agent.


Addre s s -

What are his or her duties:

Should money be sent to forwarding agent only?

In what form ?

If it can be mailed to

you, please indicate howin what form?

Does your forwarding agent serve without salary?

What problems do you need help with, that Mission Services might provide?

List ohurchM s^oasoring<^our missionary-worki


^ J A PA N

Jesus Said:
'Go ye into all the icorld and preach the
Gospel to every creature,"
MARK 16:15

*TxI5eVe ^oin^ to ^cipan . .



Paul David (8^)

Mark (7)

Mary (3^)

Lydia (5%)

Paul was born in Vanderbilt, Pennsylvania on September 12, 1924

to John and Pearl Pratt. He received his early training at East
Liberty School and the Dunbar Township High School. He ac
cepted Christ as his Saviour at the Vanderbilt Church of Christ

at the age of 17. He served with the Navy for 3 years during World
War II, and received his ministerial training at the Cincinnati Bible
Seminary, graduating with the class of 1949.
Kathleen was born September 29, 1924 at Stinesville, Indiana
to Robert and Aletha Parr. She graduated from the Gospert (Indi
ana) High School and became a Christian through the efforts of

the Gospert Christian Church. She too, received an A.B. degree

at the Cincinnati Bible Seminary in the class of 1947.
The two were united in marriage on May 16, 1947. Their student
ministry was at the Branch Hill Church, Loveland, Ohio. This
was followed by a seven year ministry with the Milburn Blvd.
Church of Christ at Mishawaka, Indiana. Since September of 1956
they have served the church at Vandalia, Michigan.

^cur ^i&lp and '^rayer^ . .


Your Constant Prayers

Living-Link Support for Each Member of the
Repatriation Funds
Travel and Freight Funds
A 300 Watt Slide Filmstrip Projector
Teaching Aids

ur tentative ^^lana . .
1957 -1958

The Vandalia church will need our help through September

and we will begin traveling in October.
October and November Northern Indiana and Michigan.
December Indiana and Illinois.

January and February Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia.

March, April and May Kentucky, Missouri and Tennessee.
June and July Going West.

o4 ^Recommendation . .
Mishawaka, Indiana
March 13, 1957

To Whom It May Concern:

Paul S. Pratt came to the Milburn Boulevard Church of Christ

to serve as its minister in July 1949.

We have found him to be a faithful teacher and preacher of the
Word, and a tireless worker for the advancement of the Lord's

Kingdom. During his ministry the church has shown a steady

growth over the past seven years.
We know of no couple more consecrated to the cause of our
Lord, than Paul and Kathleen Pratt, and believe them well fitted

for the task in Japan.

Therefore, we the elders of the Milburn Boulevard Church

are glad for this opportunity to commend them to the Churches

of Christ for their support in this great service.
(Signed) Gilbert R. Alderfer, Chairman
H. H. Akers

Wm. W. Reed

0ur ^ail to <S



Japan is a tiny nation occupying

l/227th o the earth's surface, but having
l/27th of the earth's people.
Of these 88,000,000 people only about
400,000 are Christians in any sense of that

Japan is a great and vital nation. She

has a surfeit of religions. She has indus
try, technology, civilization, culture, his
tory and medicine, but she does not have

a moral and spiritual foundation.

Japan needs Christ. She needs consecrated workers who will

come and teach the Word quietly, thoroughly, lovingly and ever

That is why we are asking Paul and Kathleen Pratt to come

to Japan and especially to the island of Kyushu. We believe they

are fitted for this work and can render vital service in this, Japan's
greatest need.
In His Service,

(Signed) Mark G. Maxey

Kyushu Christian Mission

BOX 43


Non Profit Organization

Published bi-monthly by Mr, & Mrs, Paul Pratt

Missionaries to the island of Kyushu, Japan
October 1, 1957
Yolume I, No. 1
23769 West Edison Road

South Bend, Indiana

Bear friends,
We will close our ministry

with the Yan-

dalia Church October 1st, We have a place to

stay from January until our sailing date in
July. We also have a place to rent in Osaka,
Japan, But we are uncertain as to a house
until January, We want a place to rent in
Indianapolis. Our relatives are on the look
out, It is our plan to visit the churches on
weekends as a family. Through the week, I will
go alone. The kiddies must be in school.
Since we announced our plans

Looking over supplies from

the Riles B.Y.B.S. Pupils

we have had

the happy privilege of visiting and telling

of our aspirations and the great need of Jap
an in about fifteen different places.

invited us

to teach

sions at Illiana Camp

day in chapel,


a class in Mis

and also to

speak each

that week (July 7-13)

the First Church, Washington and the churches

at Odon, Shoals, Wheatland and the Yincent
Church heard the Call of Japan. We do hope
they received a challenge, too.

Our Mailing Secretaries

Bob & Marg Wittenmyer
Steve, Jewel & Robert

It was good to ^ on the program at the

School of Missions, Lake James and the Word
For the World Conference at Cedar Lake.


thanks to the committees and to you who sup

port such fine programs. The
missionaries gave us a wonderftil bit of inspi

Miss Yivian Lemmon who has been serv

ing at Tanabe on the island of Honshu, Japan

gave us an insight into actual Japanese life.
In August, Hank McAdams called us over to

show Mark's pictures to the Junior campers at

Michiana Christian Service Camp and Willard
Leavens called for a repeat performance
Intermediate Camp, Guess who assigned us to
instruct the Senior High class in World Evan

gelism, You guessed it, I was the dean,

thoroughly enjoyed this attentive audience. It
may be because I simply lined up



and Wendell Parman took over the headaches for

me while we conducted our meeting

at Yandalia

Mr. & Mrs, Ernest Wilkinson

Financial Secretaries

-Thajiks! Wendell*

Of cotirse

we have a warm spot in onr hearts for the

Mlchiana Camp and the wonderful fellowship with such fine men as
Michiana Area preachers. They're a good group*


While Vandalia was considering trial ministers* I was privileged

to speak at East Chicago, Wanatah and Plymouth in Indiana and at
the Eewtown Church near Battle Creek, Michigan* The two latter church

es are new and deserve a hand for their faith and coxirage in the stand
they have taken for Christ* Do pray for them!

We hope Carl Bhersole

and the Wyatt Congregation

will for^ve us

for changing oiar date twice* We'll he there September 18th. (The act
ual writing of this letter is Sept. 16th) We hope to visit the Dean
Avenue Church, Terre Haute and then on to the national Missionary Con
vention at Minneapolis* We'll see some of you there.

Tfr^^nV Grod for Christian friends* We love you each one*

Our Van-

dalia ladies gave Kathleen a personal shower* She now knows how it
feels to have a good supply of 'things'.
Our camp friends (preachers
and camp help) presented us with a surprise


party and a

cash gift at

Sorry we couldn't be present for the party, kids*

Mic^ Sax-

ton baked us a lovely Bible-shaped cake for the occasion* It said "God
Bless You - Katie & Paul"*

As if

this were not enough,



Secretaries, Bob and Marg Wittenmyer cooked up a surprise

party with our own Christian Compaxiions Class from the Milbum Blvd*
Church* They presented us with a cash gift, too* Oxir thanks to all of
you and especially to Mr. & Mrs* Stanley Thier, who opendd their home
to us* The presence of new faces speaks well for the ministry of the
Willard Leavenes.

Words cannot express oy thanks to these who have given to our

work thus far (as of Sept. l5W):
Robert Brien, Bronson, Mich*; Bangor S*S*j Bangor
Rosanne Russell, L*B*I*;
Eunice Bates, Ban
gor (twice); Dixie Bradford, Vandalia;
Van B* Hanna,
Heoga, 111*; Mr. & Mrs* Jay Ferguson, River Park; Mr*
& Mrs* H*E. Dyer, Mishawaka; Mishawaka Youth;
Pete leszinski, Dowagiac;
First Christian
Washington, Ind*; Camp Illiana;
Vincent Church, Ot-

well, Ind*;


Church (twice);


Church ;

Shoals Busy Bees;

Mary Mulac, Vanderbilt, Pa*; River
Park Church, South Bend; Vanderbilt D*V*B*S*; Hewtown
Chtirch, Battle Creek;
H8u?ris Prairie Ladies Circle;
Michiana Camp (three times); Weston, Ohio Joint Ser
vices with Delta, Custar and Neapolis; Mr* Sims, Wana
tah, Ind.;
Wanatah Church;
li&. & Mrs*
John Graham
Riles; Mr* & Mrs* R.B* Vorse, Cincinnati; Mishawaka
Christian Companions.

Total Receipts. . $1159*89

Expenditures. . *
Balance on hand * $ 55417

"And God is able

to make

all grace

abound toward you; that ye

always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to

good work*" (II Corinthians 9:8)


Kyushu has 11*000*000 people and 5. New Testament missionaries*

Pray for us.

DEC 13 1^7
Putlished 'bi-monthly hy Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pratt


the island

Decem"ber 1, 1957
Porewarding Address


Kyushu, Japan

Volume I, No. 2
25769 West Edison Road.
South Bend, Indiana

Pear friends,

It has "been just about a month and a half

since we began a full time itinerary. We are very
fortunate to have such wonderful friends among the
churches we've visited.

We've visited some sixteen

different churches, held one evangelistic meeting,

and attended three missionary conventions in that
time. We have met up with a lot of this Asian Flu.
By the lord's protection, we have had the fortune
to dodge it on eveiyhand, so far. Mark Maxey told
us in his last letter that of 75 campers only 14

were taJcen down with the flu. This is a smaller

percentage than we have found here, about 7000 miles
from Asia.

Thanks to the Lord's provision, Mary Lou Bauer

(Kathleen's sister), and Mrs. Collins (our land
lady), we have a temporary home in Indianapolis.

^ j6iaiC

Our special thanks to Richard Richmond ( a worthy

servant from good old Vandalia) who helped us load
our things and moved us to Indianapolis, November

However, we are just usixig the one address

to save confusion.

While we're traveling and speaking of the in

digenous church in Japan, the Vandalia church is
practicing it. In the absence of a located minister,
Don Olson and at least four other fine men have

taken over preaching duties.

It has proved a bless

ing in disguise to them. We are happy to hear that

Eugene Thorpe will be on the field soon.

I'm sure

he will take advantage of this good assistance.

Some of you have wondered about the children.

They are doing very well with the moving and the
traveling, too. They've gotten so they look foreward to meeting new friends at each place. They do
take pride in the purpose of our travels, too.
Paul volxmteered to take some of the slide pictures

along to school v^en their geography study centers

on Japan.

were at home (Vanderbilt, Pa.) for



r ' 1 - "

r- r

~ 9153 r

cur evangelistic meetiiag, we went to see "The Ten

Commandments". I'm sure many of the viewers went

home puzzled at Moses' "Strange Decision" as Roy

1^', Blackmore called it. It occurred to us that we

It :" have likewise made a strange decision. And our

motives were similar to those of Moses.

With the

^ 'good news' of salvation and eternal life on our

pIb i

^ powerful Christ above us and a nation in

bondage before us, we cannot decide otherwise.

Among other things, we appreciate greatly

' iR-

9F-K| the pledges of Living-link Support and Service-link

these churches and individuals:

First Christian Church, East Chicago, Ind.

Milbum Blvd. Church, Young Adtilts Class,
Church of Christ, Vanderbilt, Penna.
First Church of Christ, Kiles, Mich.

Mr, & Mrs. Earnest Y/ilianson, West Side Church

South Bend, Indiana

Dean Ave. Church, Terre Haute, Ind.

Many thanks, too, to these our K?_acious cpntribut^^

(Sept. 18 thru
Nov. 18) Wyatt Christian Church; Dean Ave. Church, Terre Haute; Van-

dalia Church (twice); Vanderbilt, Pa. Jr. Endeavorers; James Leighty;

Milbum Blvd. Church, Mishawaka, Ind.; Milbum Blvd. Miss. Study Group;

oMilbum Blvd. Young Adults; Milbum Blvd. Youth Group; Suburban Gardens
Church, Indiana; Parkview Christian, Ft. Wayne; Angola, Indiana; Michi
gan City, First Christian; St. Joseph, Mich.; South Side Christian, Ham
mond; North Liberty, Indiana; North Liberty Ladies Circle; First Christ
ian Church, Jellico, Tenn.; Linden Ave. Church, South Bend,; Bangor

Christian Church, Michigan;

Michiana Ladies Festival (Buchanan, Mich.);

First Christian, Aurora, 111.;

Warren, Indiana;

Floyd Saxton;

First Church of Christ, Kokomo, Indiana;

Sauktown Church, Mill Creek, Ind.; oPirst

Church of Christ, Niles, Mich.; Vanderbilt, Pa.; John Pratt; Mrs.

Frank Ritz; Harlan, Indiana; ^East Chigago, Ind.; Northway Primary Class
(South Bend, Ind.; Old Union Church of Christ, Danville, 111.; FountainWarren Youth Rally, Ihd.; Christian Church Attica, Ind.; Buchanan, Mich.;
V/allace Gardner;


Living Link

Service Link

Chuck Wildenauer for the new Bible, Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Lewis

for the clothes dryer. Rex Y/eller for two Stromburg-Carlson Speakers, Mar-

pie Lawson for the offer of a long carriage typewriter and mimeograph (V/e'll
pick them up when we get to Chicago, Marple.) and to all who have so gra
ciously entertained us in their homes.

By the time this letter reaches you, the world will be deeply en

grossed in the celebration of Christmas. Don't allow the recollection of

the birth of God's blessed Son to be smothered by excessive spending and


A good way to shock someone might be to stop them on the

street and ask "V/hat is all the 'celebration' about?"

stop and think about it for awhile. Make them think.

They might have to

Then tell them of

the God-given way of paying homage to His only begotten Son.

"He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set judgment in
the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law." (Isaiah 42:4)
"Lord, send me"

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