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Published by Mr. & Mrs.

Paul Pratt
Missionaries to
February 1, 1958
Volume II, Ko.l
Forewarding address
23769 West Edison Rd.

South Bend,


Bear friends,

Grace be unto you and peace

from God our Father and from the

Lord Jesus Christ.' A thousand and

one thanks to all of you for your

heartfelt remembrances and lovely
gifts over the holidays.

First Christian Church (building)

3717 Grand Blvd.
East Chicago, Indiana

Believe it or not, we've put 16,000 miles under the wheels of our 1956
Ford since beginning ovoc itinerary, October 1st. This traveling was done in
Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, Ohio and Pennsylvania. We've enjoyed
it, too, thanks to the wonderful reception you kind folks have given to us.
In February we'll be in western Ohio and then move over to Pennsylvania and
West Virginia in March.

You've never seen anyone who could miss out on surprise parties like we
can. The Gosport (Ind.) ladies had a surprise all prepared for Kathleen and
we were slightly snowbound in Michigan. The gifts arrived on Christmas eve.
Sorry we were not able to be there. They couldn't be more appreciated, tho.
We salute our most recent Living-link churches. Since our last "Epistle"
we have received word that the Orchard Ave. Church, Shepherd, Michigan; the

ladies Missionary Society, Gosport, Indiana; the Old Union Church, Danville,
Illinois; the Christian Church, Wyatt, Indiana; and the Christian Church,
Attica, Indiana have joined the others in pledging toward our family's regu

lar support. Our sincere appreciation to each of you for your confidence in
us and for this manifest faith in our blessed Lord.

us"^'"*(P^ '"* '* '"' ^ilb^i Church of^Christ

Mishawaka, Indiana

Pablished "by Mr. & Mrs. Paiil Pratt

April 1, 1958


Kyushu, Japan
Volume II, Ko. 2

Kyushu Christian Mission

25769 West Edison Road
South Bend, Indiana
Dear friends,
G-reetin^s in the name of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A

thousand thanks to all of you for

food and lodging during our visit
Dean Ave. Christian Chiurch "building
with you, and for the generous
2545 Dean Ave.
gifts toward our planning. Yovcc
Terre ?Iaute, Indiana
gifts v;ere so nice, its hard to "be
lieve, 'Its more "blessed to give than it is to receive*

February and March have been spent with speaking dates in southwestern
Ohio, northeastern Kentucky and north western West Virginia. We also visit
ed a fev/ churches in Indiana besides our meeting at Bangor, Michigan.
April finds us moving eastward. V/e v/ill live at my ovrn home for the
balance of our time in the "U.S.A.

Our address will be P.O. Box 524, Van-

derbilt, Penna. Drop us a line. The children vidll finish this school year
at my alma mater, the East Liberty School. We will be visiting churches in
that tri-state area.

That time is drawing nearer.

We are all taking shots.

We have all

been imioculateT"for polio, small pox and the children have received the
triple booster for dyphtheria, whooping cough, etc. V/e need the typhoid,
para-tynhoid and tetinus as yet.

V/e have ordered our tickets on the Ameri

can Mail Lines (Seattle to Kobe) for late July. Our passport has been
applied for and when it comes thru we will make application to the Japanese
cons-olate for our visa. Many of our personal belongings have been packed
for freight shipment.

Mark has

registered the children' at the Can

adian Academy in Kobe, Japan for
next year's schooling. Mary will
be in school, too, this year. We
v/ill be living in the home of the
Harold Coles at Osaka while they
are at home on furlough.
We became better acquainted

v/ith I'.nss Vivian Lemon upon her

stopover at Indianapolis early in
February. She will be sailing
soon, back to Tanabe, Japan. We
learned more of Japan from her.
She, Kathleen and our children
attended a shower v/hich the Mars
Hill Ladies had for the kiddies.

They were truly thrilled to see

the nice clothing, sewing materials
and other tilings given to them. We

Christian Church building

on routes 41 & 28
Attica, Indiana

relay their thanhs to you, ladies.

The C.B.S. i.iission Bmnhasis VJeek gave us a chance to becone better

acquainted \vi^ experienced missionaries. We saw Charles Troyer, Guy hayfield, Eugene Morgan, Ernest V/alden, June and Howard Growl and Barbara
HcElroy besides several zealous nev^ missionaries. Both were a soimse of
inspiration to us.

Have vou been aware that 93/^ of all the ordained preachers of the
world are serving English-speaking people. This means 7/^ are reaching
91'/^ of the world who speak other languages. V/hen we consider the pros
pect of studying Japanese, we realize this great, great need. It vdll be
worth what sacrifice is necessary since oirr Oommander has said "All the
world." Bray that we shall be courageous and ready to the task. Bray, too
that many may answer the call.
Still another


brother in Christ

has gone to his

LeRoy Bonnell v^ho served as an elder and as a

trustee during our ministry at Ivlishawaka, has been cal-


led home. He sioffered much but was faithful and patient thru it all. "And
us not be v/eary in well

tpoint he xperience our "

doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint notJ



Some have asked for a list of our needs that they

might possibly be able to supply to us.

V/e could use

slides or filmstrip of Bible stories, flannelgraph

board and flannelgraph stories. V/e shoi^d also have

carpenter tools and socket v/renches, + S1300 freight.

Brom a mother * s view-

children will soon see

'/ ''


nydia Bay - Bom

will be a very real-object

lesson of His pov/er in ans- Mary Joyce- B'Om

wer to prayer as well as


a lesson in obedience to

His will. So many have asked in amazement, "Are

you going to take your children?" Let me assure

you that they are four reasons why we are going.

If you could hear their prayers and their plans
you would Imow they are looking foreward to
The weeks are flying by and we have enjoyed
each step of the wayp Eachday brings us closer
to the time v/hen we will be at the field of ser

vice for which v;e have been preparing for 5"ears

een k Baul

of His promises

v/ork that has possessed ouj? every thouaction

for almost two years. With so
many dedicated Christians praying for us, we are

od v/ill direct and bless our ways.

"I trust in G-od v^herever I may be,
Upon the land or on the rolling sea,
Bor, come what may, Brom day to day,
My heavenly Bather v/atches over me.
I trust in God, I know He cares for me,
On mountain bleak or on the stormy sea;
Tho* billows roll. He keeps my soul,
Ivi'y heavenly Bather v/atches over me.
In His Love,

Published "by Itr, & Mrs. Pa-ul S- Pratt

Mew Missionaries
to Eyushu, Japan
July 1, 1958
Yol-ume II, Mo. 5
Kyushu Christian Mission

West Edison


South Bend, Indiana

Dear friends,
uy :28th

is our sailing date.

V/e leave from Seattle aboard the

CAMADA MML. 0\ir furniture and appliances should he ahead of us on the

round the vrorld Ishrandtsen Lines. We are hoping to meet in Kobe in midAugust where we vd.ll all go to school. We adults will attend Kobe Lan

guage School while the children attend the English-spealcing Canadian Acadamy and also study Japanese.
G-od has been good to ust Kis spirit has lead us, His grace has been
our provision, His love has protected us and v/hat vri.sdom we have has come

"from above" in response to our prayers (James 1:5).

HIM TO BLESS OtR LIVES AIJL OUR PLAMS. All of us are but tools in His

hands to be used for His purpose, "as instruments of righteousness unto

God" (Rom. 6:13) Lord, malce us each fitted, sharpened, usable and yielded
to thy divine hand.

Wonderful experiences have come our way-

The Missionary Rally at

Michigan City v/as a refreshment to us and a means of greater challenge.

The follovdng week afforded even more vath an inspirational program at the
Kiamichi Clinic.

A heart woTild be cold, indeed, not to be stirred in the

midst of 1500 men seeking Christian fellowship and a greater knowledge of

His will.

This is not to mention the many wonderful times we have had in

the 150 some programs we have had with your congregations.

you not forget us and particularly that you PRAY POR US.

We ask that

Two more Living-link churches

Old Union Church of

Yanderbilt, Pennsylvania
(Paul's home church)

R.R. # 2
Danville, Illinois

10 0


A special vote of thanks to Mr. Hz Mrs. Roger Quakenhush for the gift

of the"ir LaBelle 500~17att slide projector to the mission. Thanks, too, to

G-ene Goehel for the use of his car luggage carrier
usefixl service. Thanks, also to "brothers Cecil Farr'"and,Harr^'Bau^i? for.'

helping us get things ready for shipping and to the Elvis Dyers for the

cooking range. Of course, mom and dad Farr and mom and dad Pratt have
contrihuted much to our planning and preparation. \7e appreciated it so.

Thanks, John DeV/alt, for the tools and tp.-all who have given S.S. supplies.

A memorial gift was presented to the Mission

in honor of Mr. Frank Ritz by his vrnfe. . We are

happy to have a favorite picture of him 'inihis

study at the Vanderbilt Church of Christ.,, his last
ministry. He served faithfully till his" passing
there last August. He guided the congregation to
a literal revival to life to be the strong force
that it is, today. "..To live is Christ-,, but to
die is gain." (Phil. 1:21) The people have called
his son John to the ministry there. He*s' doing a
fine job.

pdQsed our visit v/ith mom and dad Pratt at

"VanderFilt on June 8th and started back we.fitward,

I worked at Round Lake with the Intermediates and

Kathleen taught 'Missions' at the Lawrenceburg,

Indiana church.

We moved into the east Tennessee

area and then back north to Junior week at Lalce


Frank Ritz
'Faithful Soldier'

\Ye v/ill visit a fev;- living-link churches



and then spend most of July moving tov/ard our appointment with the OAHAlifel

MAIL 'at Seattle, July 28th.

the way there.

We \7ill talce OTm? time and visit churches on

At this v/riting we still lack about $130 a month Living-liuk and

Service-link support. We have not begged or anything for it. However,

just to show that we will have a real need, please consider that besides

food, clothing and shelter for the family, we vdll need $140 a month tu
ition for schooling for all six of us. We do hope to carry on with a tract

ministry etc. while we are in school and this will take extra fLinds, too.
^en if it

j'^st a small gift, regular gifts are a tremendous help.

PRAY FOR US! Pray for our faithfulness. Pray for our needs to be
supplied. Pray that we ydll readily learp^ and retain the knowledge of

the Japanese language.

Pray that we will be given wisdom to make the prop

er decisions.

If you are interested in particular needs, here are a few items. Wa

have purchased a scene-o-felt set that is not completely paid for. Bible

Filmstrips v/ill^come in handy and flannelgraph, too.

graph would be of help, also.

these as a project.

An Elliott addresso-

Perhaps a class would want to tackle one of

Probably many of you have seen a breakdovn of the v/ay an American

dollar is spent. Read it and have an answer to the man who says "The
church calls for too much money.

24 1^ cents for the cost of living

22 cents for luxuries

14 cents for v/aste

9 cents for crime

3/4 cent of the dollar goes for churches

We appreciate knowing each of you. Continue serving our Lord,

He is faithful who has promised" (Heb. 10:23)


>J L-

Published by Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Pratt & family

Missionaries of Kyushu Christian Mission, Japan
October 1, 1958

Volume II, No. 4

Forewarding Address

Japan Address

Mrs. Polly Wilkinson

79 Kamizono cho,

23769 W. Edison Road

Nishinomiya shi,
Hyogo ken, Japan.

South Bend, Indiana.

Orchard Avenue
Church of Christ

Shepherd, Michigan

(Another Living - Link)

Dear Friends,

A lot has happened since our last letter. We have traveled about 6,400 miles over land and sea and are

now in process of learning the Japanese language. Strange as it may seem, we are truly enjoying it. This may
be true mainly because of the holy end we have in view. But, we find it presents a real challenge to us. Please
do not interpret this to mean that '* we have it made" or that we do not need your prayers. By all means, keep
praying for us.

Both of the schools are in Kobe. Our home is about nine miles to-ward Osaka from the schools. Canadian

Acadamy where the children go is about a mile up the hill from Kobe Language School. We ride part of the way
together as a family, by electric train. The kiddies enjoy the school, too. They know many of the other missionary
children. There are children of all nationalities enrolled.

Many thanks to our living link churches and individuals for helping so willingly with your letters of pledge.
Thanks to the Mishawaka elders for their extra letters. Something unforeseen caused difficulty in our application for
visa. A final rush letter from the East Chicago elders got us the six months visa. We'll have to apply again here.
We owe a debt of gratitude to the men at East Chicago for the extra inconvenience we caused them.
Never let it be said that our American Christians are not hospitable. In a fifteen day trip across country, with

just five speaking dates, we only spent three nights in motels. Our hats off to Vaughn Elliott, Mr. & Mrs. Don
Augenstine and Mr. & Mrs. Tony Toledo. While Vaughn was caring for our furniture shipment on the east coast, the
Augenstines and Toledos were caring for us and helping with our things in preparation for sailing on the west coast.
These were trying days and you folks helped take the strain off.
Stop reading just now and pick up the Bible. Read Mark
4:30-32 and Matthew 17:20. The mustard seed which you will

find attached is part of the cargo which our ship brought to

to Japan. As I scooped up a few handfuls of that which had
been scattered on the deck, these illustrations of our Lord became

The true value is in the application which our Lord made in the
scriptures. (1) The Church of Christ was very small in its
beginning and seemingly limited by what men called "unlearned

and ignorant men". But it grew to be a mighty force which has

withstood "the gates of hell" to this day. It occurred to us
Women's Group
To whom Kathleen spoke et Kanoya

that as we were bringing mustard seed to Japan, so the church has been as the mustard seed in Japan. It seems
minute and insignificient, yet, by the grace of God it may someday be a strong evangelistic force returning many to

His side. (2) This calls for the mustard seed kind of faith. Great and difficult things have been accomplished by
just plain folk who had just a little faith. Let's learn of the true power of God and be encouraged to trust Him

more. Let us prove to ourselves what kind of mountains He can move thru us, wherever we serve. Let us say with
the disciples ot of old,"Increase our faith." (Luke 17:6)

The sea journey proved quite a vacation for us. Though we were traveling on a cargo vessel, we had excellent
service, delicious food and plenty of room to ourselves. There were no meals to cook, no rooms to clean or beds to

make up. We held services in the dining hall on the 3rd and 10th of August. The largest attendance was nineteen
including the five other passengers.

After eleven days, without a Monday, we anchoied at Yokohama. At 9:45 Monday morning, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
Buttray and A1 Hammond met us at the boat dock. We spent the day visiting with their families and those of
Harold Sims and Claude Likens. It was truly refreshing to us. Before we left for the ship that night the Alex Bills
family dropped by. It was good to visit with them, too. We saw more of them at Osaka.

One more day's journey by ship brought us to Kobe, our destination. We were happy again to have Martin
Clark meet us at the dock and happier yet, after seeing the great metropolitan area, to receive a few days of orientation
from him and Mrs. Clark. They just turned their home over to us and directed us to markets, bank and means oi
transportation. Oh, yes! We also learned some key Japanese words, too.
We were lined up for the house of the Osaka Christian Mission which was vacated by the Harold Coles who
are in the states on furlough. However, our furniture was not due to arrive till late September. Mrs, Isabell Dittamore

helped by offering her small furnished apartment in Kobe till she returned from the summer's work at Kagoshima. We
appreciated this. We are grateful to the Harold Coles, too, for the use of some furniture.

With school beginning September 2nd, we took the opportunity of a trip to Kagoshima whore we plan to labor.

We visited a few days and attended the dedication of the new building for study classes at Kanoya. Then we got
our look at the real Japan. We saw the great need for the gospel, too.

The Maxeys, Mrs. Dittamore and the

Hammonds have done a fine work with the aid of their Japanese workers. The Kanoya Christian Center will be a
place for a Christian library, training school, book store, chapel and an audio visual materials library.
Well, I must let you go.

Please do write to us.


' Uncle" has not increased the price of the 100 aerogramme.
That seems to be the fastest and best way to send mail. If you
change your address in any way, or would like to give us the
address of a friend who would like the "Epistle", please drop
a card to our forewarding address.
May God bless you each one.

Paul and interpreter Motoyoshl

at dedication oF the Christian Center



by Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Pratt ^

Missionaries to Kyushu, Japan

December 1, 1958


Volume II, No.

Forewarding Address

Mrs. Polly Wilkinson

23769 W. Edison Road
South Bend,



Dear Friends,

Japan Address

Y9 Kamizono Cho,
Nishinomiya Shi,

Hyogo Ken,



' S llll" A l' H ^ M'*4

,[ Jll} 1
i m\Wf A



Koyoen Church-Begun by the Coles

We thought it beat to make good use of the back side of our greeting
to you. Everyone is well and happy at our house. We are settled in some
what of a 'schooldays' routine. We attend classes, study, teach a few
English Bible Classes, carry out family chores, eat and sleep. At times
we have cut down on that latter item because of extra work with the Japan
ese language. The kiddies school at Canadian Acadamy is very similar to

yours in the States with the addition of Nippongo (Japanese language).

Our language school is quite different. A chapel service opens the
school each morning at 9:00. We sing in Japanese ??? and each day one of
the upperclassmen brings a five minute message in Japanese. Then he trans
lates it into English. Classes are purposely small and all our teachers are
Japanese. We have three teachers for as many classes. All the conversation
is in Japanese. We feel that we are making some headway. However, the
Japanese still laugh at us when we speak. We just join in the laugh and try
again. 'Experience is a good teacher, too,' they say.
Our time is precious. It is difficult to know how to use it. We are
forever faced with Japanese lads vho want to leam English. For example,
our laundry boy comes by every day without fail. He wants to learn. We do
spend some time with him so we can leam Japanese and he gets English in
return. Others want classes. In every instance we have offered to study
the Bible in English. This is the only way we can feel justified in using
the time. Pray that we shall show a Christian example along with the giving
of the precious seed which can fill their greatest need. Paul said, ".every

way....Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice..." (Phil, 1:18)

If you woxild drop in for a visit on Saturday night you would find me
cleaning house. Paul's Sunday English Bible class meets in our living room
at 9:00 in the morning. At that time all our children go downstairs to sing
with the boys and girls. Then for their class period they come upstairs to
the bedroom where I teach them "The Life of Christ" from filmstrips we have. .
Following the classes we all gather in the basement room for worship. The in Japanese and we do not understand too much of it. However,

tweboth know the meaning of the Lord's Sup er and there

fore worship "in Spirit and in truth". The entire congre

gation here is made up of youth of college and high school
age. They visit after service till 1:00 or later. We do

feel close to them in the Lord.

Vaughn Elliott

We must learn the ways of the Japanese people. We

are learning to read and write again. We are as children.
We are reminded of Jesus' words, "Except ye...become as
little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of
heaven." Every person who would become a child of God
miast humble himself and leam His ways.
Yours for Japan,

^aithxul mission-

iry in New York sent

>ur furniture.



y gooX.

""Go-d ^o-UnHLcl tiu. uw-lcl,iJicCt

/The servic^^^.^^^

k qov-e kib on-U beqctte-rt Soiu .

^ qokn. 5:16

fbhe lord. He has.

^^Jfulfilled His pro\

^mfSes as He always doei
I We are all ahoirt--./

5 remejaher agaija


-fc (,



\ urahle \

^ ^ ^alue. Of^



^scce are stire4

I /ly/_^^^8tirpassed oiiIot
& /by^me hope He gxv^s
' /after.

Truly those/

(^who have foimd the Sony

^^^)can say with Simeon,''Mg
/^jes^^h2rvS''^een''^y salvation". You who^
/have not as yet received Him, have^-vvet/
rourself^ to

/Him inS

* >ospel.


ibor-^^ \/

mce t<

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